magentasdoodles · 2 days
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Hello Pikmin fanbase! It is I, and I come bearing an OC! This is the Chaos Wraith, my concept for a sort of post-Plasm Wraith…wraith. Unlike its less malevolent and more curious cousin, this creature is not exactly something you wanna find in the back of your yard, its ability to produce gloom at-will notwithstanding. It patrols its territory and acts on a ravenous appetite towards anything that gets close, smothering it in gloom and consuming the remains. It does, however, seem to hold a significant amount of intelligence, having been observed to make complex decisions regarding other creatures and holds very strong opinions on things, especially regarding those little captain guys that its progenitor seems insistent on crashing to the surface, and those walking vegetables they use. It also seems to produce a passive aura around its territory that drives any creatures within to madness, causing them to lose all behavior and act with incredible aggression, even to normally passive creatures like spectralids, it has been observed that they do behave similarly to when night falls and it has been posited that these might be related. In any case, the creature and its territory are extremely dangerous and should only be approached in certain circumstances.
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magentasdoodles · 24 days
From the journal of dr Henry P. Dright
Across my many travels in this universe, I have encountered many strange and wonderful creatures throughout the many worlds that litter the stars. Tonight I recall my journey to a small cold world named Phantasmagoria in the lower quarter of the PH-3 galaxy, and my encounter with a truly remarkable group of creatures.
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Genus: Somnivora
Outer membrane
Central nervous system
4.1 Primary digestive chamber 4.2 Secondary digestive chamber 4.3 Tertiary digestive chamber
Chemical receptor nodes
Spinal grips
Esophageal passageways
Interchamber passageways
The unique biology of this genus separates it from many other similarly parasitic organisms I have encountered. Their outer membrane is thin and somewhat gelatinous, which allows even the smaller specimens to slip into orifices otherwise too small for them. This, combined with the curious compressive abilities of their musculature, makes them easily adapted for invasion of various different hosts.
Despite their endoparasitic lifestyle, they have a rather developed nervous system, which allows them a wide range of emotional responses and the ability to communicate with other beings. They also possess what appears to be a flexible notochord as well, which is another odd adaptation for such an organism.
Their digestive system is a fascinatingly complex bit of biological machinery with the function of breaking down and processing the neurological chemicals they absorb from their hosts. Separated into three distinct chambers connected by small tubes, each with a different function. The first dedicated to breaking down the chemicals and the latter two dedicated to converting the broken down molecules into energy and other compounds required to continue living.
These nodes, located in a small cavity on the front of the head, are coated in chemical receptors for the various compounds the parasite feeds on, once bound, the chemicals are drawn into the esophageal passageways and eventually into the digestive chambers to be processed.
These structures are primarily dedicated to gripping onto the base of the spine while feeding, as well as providing limited movement outside a host. The muscles in this part of the body are rather weak, so they are not particularly quick outside a host, and seem to prefer a more slithering motion as opposed to walking on these limbs
The Somnivora genus lives an exclusively parasitic lifestyle, only capable of living outside another organism when moving from host to host. Once a host has been found, the parasite will enter through a suitable orifice and make its way to the base of the central nervous system, usually at the top of the spine in humanoid creatures, and insert their chemical nodes through weak points in the skull and absorb the correct chemicals for sustenance, only leaving when the specific host becomes dangerous or expires. Typical symptoms of infection are a lack of benefits from sleep, varying in severity depending on how much the parasite consumes, a feeling of general exhaustion, a sensation of pain at the back of the skull, and a new voice in the host’s head, whether obvious or ambiguous.
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An artistic portrayal of an incision displaying a somnivore attached to a person’s skull during a removal procedure.
The most curious thing about this group of parasites is their rather developed nervous system and large range of emotional responses. As opposed to many other parasitic organisms, which mostly have rudimentary nervous systems, if any, the somnivores posses a large brain and nerve web that travels throughout the body, giving this genus an incredible amount of behavioral diversity. This, combined with their direct connection to an organism’s central nervous system, gives them the ability to communicate directly with the host and even to control the host’s body while they are sleeping, allowing them to throw off suspicion towards their infection and to communicate with others while in control, although their diet also makes them susceptible to rapid changes in the neural environment, which is often used during removal to neutralize the parasite. Most of the specimens I interacted with were selfish and rather ruthless, displaying little care towards other creatures and seemed predominantly interested in maintaining their survival and concealment within a host, although some were more abrasive than others, and some were more willing to commit violence toward others while some preferred to simply be left alone. In some quite remarkable circumstances however, the host and the parasite were both aware of each other and actively benefitting one another through the host protecting the somnivore and the somnivore taking only the chemicals it requires and helping the host with certain tasks while asleep. When interacting with other somnivores, individuals tend to become aggressive and territorial, and remain as such until the other individual is gone, probably due to competition over hosts and their parasitic nature.
Their reproductive behavior is rather simple. All of the species I observed reproduce asexually through budding when conditions are right. This process starts when what seems to be a new segment in the parent individual before growing into a fully developed organism and separating off of the parent. The new parasite is then forced out of the host by the parent, presumably to avoid competition, and eventually finds a host of its own.
During my stay on that world I discovered at least three unique species within the Somnivora genus, there might have been more, but due to recent circumstances, returning to the planet for further research is impossible, and I doubt it will ever be possible again.
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This species is easily distinguishable by its rather unique mouthparts, which rather then being in the form of receptor covered nodes, are a long, proboscis-like growth which allows it to absorb chemicals in a more concentrated form, but also risks damaging the host’s skull if it gets too greedy. This species is the smallest of the genus, usually reaching about 10 cm in length and 15 at maximum. They also seem to be a bit more lenient when it comes to other individuals in their hosts, with groups up to 10 individuals being a common occurrence.
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All species of somnivore possess rudimentary eye spots to help them navigate outside a host, but this species seems to nearly lack them entirely. This, along with their much larger and stronger grips, suggests that they developed to stay inside a host form as long as possible. They are most easily distinguishable by the shape of their mouth, which forms a nearly perfect circle, and the lack of growths from their head.
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The best way to distinguish these creatures from their relatives is by their more pointed mouth shape and two, fleshy, horn like growths which protrude from their head, the function of which is unknown. They are the largest species, capable of growing up to 50 cm in length, which can make them a bit of a pain, literally.
I was rather glad to have had the chance to encounter such creatures on a world like this, but upon my return trip, I found that the planet had been overtaken by that awful red smoke and those dreadful acolytes of the Prototype. Given their reliance on the functions of the nervous system and their sensitivity to its changes, that every somnivore on that world has died. Which is an incredible tragedy, given their remarkable biology, and while I have encountered several individuals of S. noxiarictus and S. dicornutus on other hosts during my travels, I have never found any individuals of S. defossolingua, which leads me to the conclusion that the species is entirely extinct.
(Au belongs to @onyxonline)
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magentasdoodles · 2 months
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Name: Dream Eater
Age: Unknown (at least above 50, speculated to be higher)
Species: Unknown specimen of the Somnivora genus
Ability: Invasive habitation of other organisms and physical control when unconscious
Affiliation: The Prototype cult
Rank: Knight
Threat level: 9/10
Additional information: Dream Eater is a cowardly being whose most prominent role is as a covert manipulator of opposition and taskmaster to lower ranks. As such, they are most likely not to be first apparent in a situation. Keep an eye out for unusual behavior of those around you and if you suspect that a person is being infested, stay calm and do not alert the creature of your position. Trust your judgement and make a reasonable decision on how to handle the situation. Your skills will be valued and your life be cherished. This will be no problem at all for someone as great and strong and smart as you. You don’t need to hide, because we are here and willing to listen. Our guidance will lead you to the best outcomes for you and your loved ones, and there is nothing for you to worry about when dealing with them, as our leadership will allow you to achieve the greatest of things and become the best version of you.
give yourself to us
au by @onyxonline
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magentasdoodles · 2 months
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So I decided to make some outfits for my space riders oc! Dream Eater. As you can see they are an aficionado for fashion with quite the tasteful and expansive wardrobe! Please tell me if you can spot the influences from classical sources on these beautiful pictures!
(Also for anyone who wants to know, the stuff coming off of their head isn’t hair. Nobody’s exactly sure what it is, but it is squishy, gross, covered in mucus and DEFINITELY NOT HAIR)
Au belongs to @onyxonline
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magentasdoodles · 2 months
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This is a thing I made for the space riders au by @onyxonline with my oc Dream Eater and another oc named Lizzy belonging to @novalizinpeace. I liked the idea of them interacting with a former member and trying to sway them back to the Prototype’s side. Lizzy’s crew should probably show up soon, wouldn’t want anything bad to happen to her.
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magentasdoodles · 2 months
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More doodle of Dream Eater! My space riders oc! Who is surprisingly fun to draw!
I’m gonna take this opportunity to turn this fun couple of shitposts into a lore dump about them and their relationships with other characters, okay? Okay.
So as said in my last few posts about this guy, Dream Eater is a being whose sole motivation is its own survival. Anything else, including the lives and well being of their fellow members, is secondary. Despite this, Dream Eater is still one of the highest ranking members of the cult, being able to communicate directly to the prototype, probably because it lets him keep a close eye on Dream Eater’s behavior, and because their powers not only let them go on covert manipulation missions to make conquering planets easier, but also because it lets them inhabit the bodies of fellow cultists and report directly back to the prototype. It also has the wonderful advantage of making cultists more careful with what they say or do, because who knows if one of your fellow members has a brain sucking monster watching you. Dream eater itself couldn’t care less about the grunts of the cult, viewing them as disposable meat shields or cheap hosts, (they still need to eat after all) but with more powerful members, Dream Eater turns into the biggest ass kisser imaginable, both to lower the risk of being murdered by them, but also because it gives them a powerful ally. After all, the tougher the partner, the longer they can distract the threat.
Their relationship with the space riders is pretty bad on principle, but Catnap holds a special place of loathing in his heart for Dream Eater, as their first encounter being when they were sent on a mission to “gently persuade” (read: gaslight and manipulate) into joining the cult of his own free will. It didn’t work of course, but Catnap has reviled them ever since and Dream Eater themselves isn’t to fond of the either for making him lose some favor with the Prototype for their failure.
(also despite being a MASSIVE coward, Dream Eater isn’t much of a slouch when physically fighting. Those claws aren’t just for show and being able to shove yourself down an enemy’s throat gives you pretty good access to their vital organs)
This au belongs to @onyxonline, check out their stuff!
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magentasdoodles · 2 months
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Another dumb doodle I did for @novalizinpeace and their smiling critters au. This time it’s a drawing of Theodore acting like a cat! Because I thought it would be fun. I decided to put this in the hypothetical good ending where everyone makes it out safe and sound and is happy, so that’s why Theo isn’t evil here. I really hope we can reach it and I will do anything for it, up to and including nuclear warfare./j Once again a super thanks to @novalizinpeace for their awesome au and just generally being a cool person!
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magentasdoodles · 2 months
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Decided to make a separate post for my space riders au Oc Dream Eater. The original post with all the info about their backstory and personality is here, if you wanna read that. (Once again, pronouns are they/it)
I actually have way more thoughts about this guy than I posted about before, either hadn’t thought about it yet or just straight up forgot to put it in the other post, so I’m putting it here. It’s mostly just worldbuilding that I thought of though, just thought I’d share them.
So Dream Eater’s species is, as stated before, a type of parasite called a somnivore that latches into the nervous system of a host and sucks the chemicals that are produced by the body during sleep. They require hosts to survive and usually can’t last long without one, around a month, and reproduce asexually through budding. Somnivores actually have the intelligence leves of humans and other space faring creatures, but haven’t formed any sort of society due to their lifestyles. This can lead to situations where the parasite can communicate with hosts and others and maybe even a more mutualistic relationship where the somnivore only takes the chemicals require to survive and helps the host with tasks while they sleep, but not always, because like other beings, their personalities can vary a lot, not necessarily all malicious, but can be difficult depending on the individual. They were actually fairly localized on their planet with the exception of a few accidental interplanetary hitchhikers (like Dream Eater) until the planet was invaded by the Prototype and his cult. Now because somnivores are so dependent on chemicals from their hosts, it also makes them insanely vulnerable to the red smoke, which can kill them quite easily, so now with the entire planet overtaken by the cult, the only surviving somnivores are the ones that left on interstellar hosts.
“Wait,” you might be asking, “but if they die when exposed to the smoke, how is Dream Eater still alive?” Well, Dream eater isn’t exactly a normal somnivore. In order to fit in with the cult, they needed some…”enhancements”. This included a higher capacity for the red smoke and a much, much larger size (the typical somnivore is only around a couple centimeters in length and maxes out at about 50), so they could not just survive, but also be a much deadlier weapon for the Prototype.
The space riders au was made by @onyxonline, go check out their stuff as well as all the other stuff made by other talented people!
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magentasdoodles · 2 months
Sure. Why not?
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Meet Dream Eater. The poppy playtime space rider au cultist OC that I came up with in three hours. (Pronouns they/it)
They’re a somnivorous parasite that feeds on the specific brainwave patterns and chemicals that are produced when an organism falls asleep. They do this by compressing themselves and entering the host’s body while they’re asleep and attaching to the host’s nervous system, which also gives them control over the host’s body while they sleep, and when the host wakes up, they’ll be tired and irritable due having their sleep benefits drained by Dream Eater. This also has the side effect of giving it control over the host’s body while they sleep and more subtle influencing on the host while they’re awake.
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This will eventually kill the host from lack of sleep if the parasite gets too greedy, but in certain cases the parasite can live for quite a while before needing to switch, (Dream Eater themselves once lasted for three decades inside one guy) but they also can’t quite control exactly what the host does when they’re awake. This led to Dream Eater taking an interplanetary voyage and ending up in the hands of the Prototype, and in order to save itself, Dream Eater struck a deal to become a servant in exchange for its life. After giving the location of its old home planet to the Prototype, it was given a special mask to administer the red smoke and allow it to continue its infestation of hosts for the prototype.
Dream Eater is also really good at manipulating people into doing what it wants, kinda easy when you eat brain chemicals, and delights in tormenting both its prey and the people around them, but if any actual threat appears, Dream Eater goes from a master manipulator to a sniveling wreck who’ll do or say just about anything to save its own hide. Because Dream Eater’s only real priority is keeping themselves alive, regardless of anything else. The only thing it probably wouldn’t do is sell out the Prototype, because regardless of whatever danger is right in the moment, the Prototype would be far more dangerous, and they always know how to make a quick getaway.
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Attention. All Cultist OCs. Bring me your Cultist OC and I'll see what I can do.
Au by @onyxonline
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Gilded is WAITING.
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magentasdoodles · 2 months
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This is a little angsty comic for @novalizinpeace’s smiling critters au, again. Will I ever get tired of making stuff for this au? Probably not for a while.
Anyway I always wondered how Theo and post-dogdayification Nell would interact. I know that it doesn’t work with the timeline but c’mon, it’s fun to mess with these characters a little, even if I have to break the time-space continuum a bit.
I imagine Theodore wouldn’t feel too great about Dogday Nell. He would probably be pretty resentful of him, because his brother, his protecter and the only real friend he’s ever had, just vanished due to being “sick”, he’s being picked on worse than ever and there’s no one to help him, his caretaker couldn’t care less about him, and now all of a sudden there’s this dog puppet walking around who talks kinda like Nell and looks kinda like Nell, but isn’t him. He’s been abandoned and now there’s this walking mockery of the person he’s lost going about putting on shows and nonsense like that.
Nell on the other hand can hardly remember his human life, and the playtime co. branded indoctrination prevents him from talking about what he does remember to anyone, but he does remember Theo, and still loves him dearly. So anytime he sees this kid all these feelings of sorrow and love that he can’t explain well up inside him, but because he can’t remember why he feels this way, they leave him upset and confused about this kid.
Again, I know this can’t be part of the au due to timeline stuff, it was just something I thought about a while ago and decided to put on paper, so I hope you enjoy it, and that I have made you suffer.
This au and original characters belong to @novalizinpeace. Go check out her stuff!
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magentasdoodles · 2 months
So in @novalizinpeace’s poppy playtime au, specifically in the cartoon portion, the critters have these magic pendants that give them certain abilities. This isn’t limited to the gang, and all sorts of different pendants exist for different characters, but there’s a catch.
In this post, they talk about how if the magic in the pendant overwhelms a critter, it can transform them into a myth, a magical, monstrous being with incredible power, but can sometimes be incredibly dangerous to the people around them.
So I decided to take the 8 main critters and turn them into horrible little beasties for my amusement, and now I wish to show you guys the fruits of my labor.
tw for mild body horror and psychological horror under the cut
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Dogday - Sol
This is the only ‘canon’ myth critter that exists in the au. Every time Dogday is pushed past his limit and gets too angry with something he transforms into sol, who is a mindless flaming warrior with no logic or regard for their surroundings. This leads to them being pretty dangerous to be around, but Sol isn’t evil, they just want to protect their user from any harm, and if left to their own devices, would probably self-isolate to protect themselves (and others) from harm.
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2. Hoppy Hopscotch - Notus
The first of my original designs. Notus is the transformed version of Hoppy, and has the same weather manipulation powers, just to a much larger degree. Although she mostly uses it to make her storms larger. Notus’s mental state is much more stable than Sol (relatively), specifically in that she can remember her past life, but not specific people, so friends and even family are hardly whispers in her mind, if even that. She is quite competitive, viewing her storms as a contest to see how big she can make them, and will never back down from a challenge, doing everything in her power to win, but she is also a graceful loser, and hates cheaters. Her name comes from the Greek god of south winds, who is associated with wetness and the coming of rains.
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3. Bubba bubbaphant - Ganesha
This guy’s name comes from the Hindu deity of new beginnings and the patron of the sciences and arts, who is also represented by a man with an elephant’s head and four arms. His mental state is similar to that of Notus, in that he can remember specific events from his past, but not people. He has become incredibly intelligent, being able to solve complex equations and understand lots of different subjects, but his already prevalent neuroticism has been turned up to eleven, with even the slightest infraction driving him to a rage, which can make him incredibly dangerous to deal with, but also rewarding, as his intellect allows him to answer many questions. He can also spin webs, because spider.
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4. Bobby Bearhug - Callisto
Callisto is a little different from the other myths. She can remember her name, and her past, and the people around her, but only sometimes. You see, her pendant’s natural power is to absorb the excess emotion around her, and it still does that, but if she absorbs to much, then it leads to her transformation into a massive bear like monster with one goal, to make the excess stop by any means necessary. This has led to her voluntary exile in order to stop herself from hurting the people around her, which causes Bobby a great deal of pain, but it’s better than letting herself hurt the people she cares about the most. Her name comes from a nymph who was transformed into (what else) a bear by a furious Hera.
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5. Pickypiggy - Limos
Unlike most of the others, Limos can hardly remember who she once was, much less the people in her life or what they mean to her. Instead she is driven by her one deepest instinct: to care and provide for the people around her. She works tirelessly to cook and prepare extravagant meals for anyone who might need it, leading to her neglecting her own health and her living environment. She also has to deal with a ravenous hunger that pains her every moment, and often leads her to devouring her dishes as soon as she finished, causing even further distress. Her name comes from the Greek goddess of starvation, which i don’t think is a very good comparison, but I can’t think of anything better, so eh.
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6. KickinChicken - The Roc
Kickin’s transformed state is probably the least actively dangerous to be around. He’s a large, powerful bird capable of flying incredibly fast, as well as being incredibly loud and aggressive, but never actively harmful. His mental state is kind of the opposite of Notus and Ganesha, in that he can remember specific people and places, but not his past nor his name, and goes out of his way to try and help others. The key word being ‘try’, as his loud and aggressive demeanor often end up causing more damage than assistance. His name comes from an Arabian creature that is described as a bird of prey large enough to carry an elephant, which I thought was a good choice, and I couldn’t find any mythological chickens that really fit him.
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7. Craftycorn - Apophis
Her name comes from an Egyptian monster that is said to be the embodiment of chaos and disorder, although Crafty is significantly less malevolent than her mythological counterpart. The main effect of her presence is the chaotic shifting of her environment, colors swapping and shapes changing into maelstrom of chaos around her, with the effect getting stronger the closer you get towards her, and any critter who does so has the very real risk of being torn apart. Apophis herself isn’t doing much better, with her entire body constantly melting into multicolored goop that has a consistency similar to that of candle wax. Not much is known about her mental state, as no one is brave enough to get close to her for risk of being killed, but there has to be something left of her as her maelstrom very much has the capacity to expand over the entire world and destroy it, the only reason it hasn’t is because Crafty appears to be holding it back through sheer force of willpower.
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8. Catnap - Ouranos
Ouranos is probably the one who’s the most ‘in there’, besides Callisto in her non murder mode. He can remember his past life quite clearly and the people in them. In fact the only difference between him and normal Catnap is that Ouranos is slightly more apathetic towards outside events. He’s floated off into space and now observes to world from the heavens, watching as everything drifts by, because he can’t exactly leave. He can, however, see his friends suffering, and wishes he had the capability to help them in any way he could.
Once again thanks to @novalizinpeace for the au and all concepts belong to her.
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magentasdoodles · 2 months
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These are some pieces of fanart I did for @novalizinpeace’s smiling critters au, which has drilled into my brain like an alien parasite where it proceeded to lay eggs and consume my every waking thought. Featuring beautiful works such as: Charlie regretting making an account for his fanfics, aroace queen samina, Amara and Bebe having a grand ole time building a sandcastle, Callem remembering old times, and Theo learning what gay people are.
These characters and au all belong to @novalizinpeace. Thanks to her for making such a wonderful story and characters!
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magentasdoodles · 2 months
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I’ve been posting a lot of happy and funny stuff lately, haven’t I? Let’s change that a little, okay?
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magentasdoodles · 2 months
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She’s playing mine sweeper
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magentasdoodles · 3 months
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Catnap is definitely my favorite villain from Poppy Playtime so far. He just has so much character to him. His design is amazing, with an excellent mix of the toy he’s based on and lanky, horror monster. The way he’s used is also just so effective, showing how intelligent, cunning and ruthless he is. His character is equally great, being an equal mix of deranged, terrifying, and tragic. So here’s a big doodle I made of him, he deserves it <)
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magentasdoodles · 3 months
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I’ve had kind of a rough day yesterday so take the worst, most evil meme I have ever created. Also I cannot draw humans HALP
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magentasdoodles · 3 months
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he slep
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