magicbound · 1 year
Brother Needs Help To Not Get Evicted
Hello. This post isn’t about me and instead the information shared here and all donations go directly to my brother, who was not able to make enough to meet rent in full and has received an eviction notice if he cannot pay. 
My brother only recently has been able to get a vehicle to actually be able to go to work with, but hasn’t had enough time to make what he needed to before the due date. I really don’t want him to have to deal with moving again. 
He’s already been homeless before and he is positive for Huntington’s Disease, meaning the time he has left to be able to live independently isn’t for very much longer. I had to pay rent and bills this week or else I’d have been able to help him more.
Any amount helps
His Cashapp is:  $touch411
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magicbound · 1 year
Starts following DARP blogs I'm discovering like this blog isn't in shambles
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magicbound · 1 year
Good morning pals! 
I have not previously had a DNI, but I will now have one. I will not interact with anyone who regularly interacts with Valentine, currently active on exorkizein.
I have a Google doc with my reasons. You can see it here. 
I hate being involved in on-dash drama, but this thing has simply risen to a level that’s not ignorable anymore. I do this to take back my space and stop being afraid of the fallout of shit that happened YEARS ago. As I make clear in my Doc, my evidence isn’t the most inspiring, so if you choose to ignore or discount my takes, I don’t hold that against you. 
CWs for the Google Doc include rape, csa, and a Holocaust mention. Please be safe if/when you are viewing it. 
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magicbound · 1 year
My post about Valentine is still a work in progress. There's something very important I want to point out in Valtiel's doc concerning problems I've been having with Valentine.
In regards to Valentine's inappropriate dump in the public RP server, she mentions she believes her "abuser" possibly fed Valtiel lies. Whenever Valentine mentions this specific person they consistently label as their abuser, they mean me. Valentine for the past three years has done worse than villainize me, she's demonized me. I might as well be a piece of shit monster according to how Valentine talks about this.
Why am I emphasizing this?
I was not friends with Valentine until 2018, similar to Valtiel. I ain't got shit to do with whatever happened in 2017.
It gets worse: Valtiel's unfollowing and incident with Valentine happened a MONTH BEFORE Valentine ended our friendship. In our last parting messages to each other, Valentine cryptically and vaguely warned me to watch out who I'm hanging with. I believe this to be related to Valtiel and others unfollowing.
Valentine for three years has hounded and villainzed Valtiel as the cause for their falling out with DARP.
Now, Valtiel is a person with good morals and I potentially fed them lies to turn them against Valentine? Again, that unfollowing incident happened a month BEFORE Valentine and I's friendship ended. Again, Valentine grudged hard against Valtiel for years. But now it's my fault?
It doesn't add up and it never has.
regarding valentine/laurel/rom aka exorkizein
Those who were in darp a few years back may have known them as hemorrhaged, apocryphorum, throatkissed, and countless other urls.
Consider this a DNI and my reasons as to why.
I never wanted things to get to this point. All I’ve ever desired is to be able to stay in my own lane, and Valentine stay in theirs. But unfortunately things couldn’t be that simple, and it’s been three years of bs. The tl;dr version is that I unfollowed Valentine back in 2019, and ever since then they have held a wildly disproportionate grudge that involves confronting my friends, spreading lies about me and claiming I did various things to them, attempting to force others to unfollow me, and those are only the things that I know about. Despite my own distaste for petty drama or airing dirty laundry publicly, at this point I feel I have no recourse other than to drag everything out into the cold light of day and tell my side to those who are willing to hear it. 
Here it is. 
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magicbound · 1 year
I would love to work with you but your zealous support of the templar order bothers me so can you change it?
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magicbound · 1 year
#[ if u dont know what im talking about then. i wish i was u tbh ] #[ this is a ''if you know you know'' situation unfortunately ] #[ 3. fucking. years. i let this shit go on. its happening to other people. enough is enough. this shit aint okay ] #[ it was never fucking okay. it isnt okay the same things from 4+ years ago are still happening. ]
day rb just in case
For anyone floating by that actually would like to hear the other side of the story, Feel free to message me. Might find a few things interesting at least even if you’re already leaned to one side in this.
EDIT: u can also go to @/valorcorrupt !! someone who had similar experiences to mine and we stand by what each other are saying
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magicbound · 1 year
For anyone floating by that actually would like to hear the other side of the story, Feel free to message me. Might find a few things interesting at least even if you're already leaned to one side in this.
EDIT: u can also go to @/valorcorrupt !! someone who had similar experiences to mine and we stand by what each other are saying
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magicbound · 1 year
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OOC. I’m so glad to be friends with @valorcorrupt​ and that we don’t hate each other, even though I was told Merc hated me and Merc was told I hated her! I’m so glad we don’t actually hate each other after all! 
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magicbound · 1 year
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ooc. when orsino comes back, expect misery for he will fight  with everyone that has bad opinions.
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magicbound · 1 year
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pops in just to post an icon of orsino looking The Softest™
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magicbound · 1 year
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ooc. the urge to come back vs. the many efforts and concerns that comes with
anyways uhhhh idk if/when this blog will see any legitimate updates and revamps but??? if ur (still) following and wanna help deviously enable me into having forrealsies orsino muse. 
add me on discord and talk 2 me about ur chars and orsino (esp if u got DA character very understandably but im also big soft on witcher characters. ALSO DONT NEED TO HAVE TALKED OR BEEN FRIENDS PRIOR JUST-- JUST ADD ME. IF U WANT...) Mal Has Been Warned#1747
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magicbound · 1 year
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magicbound · 2 years
Ooc. I really do wanna come back
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magicbound · 2 years
OOC. for anyone who follows me who still happens to be active, my current discord is
Mal Has Been Warned#1747
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magicbound · 2 years
OOC. i have been really into DnD lately, which has turned into me missing and getting back into dragon age......... and now im contemplating a DA rp blog...
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magicbound · 2 years
In need of Financial Help - Family Medical Emergency
Hey. I hate to have to do this but things in my house are not going well.
My dad just had a heart attack while working out of state and is in the ER. My step-mom has been threatened to be fired due to calling off a week due to Covid, had to call off today so I could use the car to see my dad, so she might lose her job very soon. I've been struggling with Bipolar Depression and am still unemployed and job searching. Been having problems with house finances before this.
We could really use the help as we have little money already and no safety net. Even small donations will help as it'd cover low cost necessities (gas, food) and add up.
Link to My Paypal
Cashapp link
I have Venmo too but it's my full legal name. IM me if you can only use Venmo and want to help.
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magicbound · 2 years
OOC. 'ok Boomer' meme but instead 'ok templar'
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