magictiger12 · 1 year
The daily life of a postman
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magictiger12 · 2 years
one of my favorite pastimes is telling mario "fans" that a canon mario game exists where luigi died, went to hell, met and became god
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magictiger12 · 2 years
i learned of “Box beds” – cabinets with beds in them and, sometimes, lockable doors – were used for privacy and safety in parts of rural medieval Europe before individual bedrooms were common. They became fashionable even in homes with bedrooms and remained in use in Scotland into the 1900s (x)
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magictiger12 · 2 years
So this is pretty much a shit post.
But you know how in old myths hades was the God of wealth.
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Like he could just command jewels to grow from the ground and stuff.
Well what if after Danny becomes the new King of the underworld he gets the same ability?
Like what if he just shows up to the White House with a 70 pound diamond, drops it on the presidents desk and is like
"Here this should cover 1/4 of your countries Debt. I would like to use this to buy one peace treaty please."
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magictiger12 · 2 years
my writing ability currently feels on par with that of like…. a seven year old. i’m just writing one sentence. then another sentence. subject verb object, dependent clause period. do any of them relate? unclear. that is for god to decide. i certainly can’t.
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magictiger12 · 2 years
I think it would be really cool if there was an AU where the whole of Amity Park was convinced that Danny Fenton died in the lab accident. After all, who gets shocked with an entire dimension’s worth of electricity and lives? Nobody. Nobody could survive that.
So they pity the Fenton family, particularly the parents who, for some reason, refuse to believe their son is dead. They send him off to school and make him meals just like a regular living boy, but somehow remain confused when their perfectly functional ghost-hunting equipment locks in on him. They somehow never suspect that their own son is the very thing they spend their lives trying to dissect and destroy.
But Danny… the ghost of Danny… he’s clearly not malevolent. And it’s obvious he doesn’t know he’s dead.
The second month of freshman year, when Danny Fenton came trudging through the halls like a typical teenager too tired to be at school on a Monday morning, the whole school froze. The boy (ghost?) didn’t seem to notice as he grabbed his schoolbooks from his locker, and headed towards first period like it was normal.
The news of the Fenton Works lab accident had been on every Amity Park news station the week before. A tragedy, someone so young and hopeful meeting such a miserable end.
And yet, the Fentons did not appear to grieve.
The ghost of Danny Fenton acted as he did before his untimely demise, and if one didn’t know better, they’d be convinced he was still alive.
However, little things gave it away.
Every room Danny entered was immediately the temperature of a meat cooler. Students took to having jackets on hand if they shared a class with him. He didn’t have a pulse either, which Coach Tetslaff found out one day when Dash Baxter hurled a ball just a bit too hard at the smaller teen, apparently knocking the boy out.
The most damning evidence of all, however, was the fact that Danny Fenton didn’t age.
One could consider him a late bloomer, but it was obvious something was up by junior year as his best friends, Tucker Foley and Samantha Manson had gained inches on him, starting to look more like young adults and less like the awkward duo of adolescents they were at the beginning of freshman year. Yet Danny looked the same as always, face as young and bright as it was at the beginning of high school, never aging past the edge of fourteen.
But Danny was no beast or monster as the Doctors Fenton claimed. He was quiet, and peaceful, and although a bit of a slacker from Mr.Lancer’s perspective, a good kid who just wanted a second chance at life.
So no one acknowledged his miraculous return from the dead.
They treated him like any other student or teenager. Dash Baxter shoved him into lockers like normal, students ignored him in the halls, and teachers called him in for detention if he had late work or missing assignments.
It was the least they could do. The longer they delayed the Fenton’s finding out about their son, the longer they could keep him safe, allow him to live his second chance at a normal adolescence.
After all, there were other benevolent ghosts too, like Phantom. Surely it was the right thing to do to protect this one innocent spirit?
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magictiger12 · 2 years
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magictiger12 · 2 years
I’m so much more productive after the sun goes down. While the sun is up I feel the weight of having to do things and it just overwhelms me.
But when the sun has gone to bed suddenly my time is my own. I can do with it what I will and oftentimes that means the cleaning I’ve been meaning to do, the projects I’ve been putting off. They suddenly don’t seem overwhelming to me.
I like it when the sun goes down.
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magictiger12 · 3 years
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magictiger12 · 3 years
i’ve finally found my drawing style
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magictiger12 · 3 years
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magictiger12 · 3 years
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magictiger12 · 3 years
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(via meanboysclub)
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magictiger12 · 3 years
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magictiger12 · 3 years
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magictiger12 · 3 years
Last year… on this day…
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magictiger12 · 3 years
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