maleficentra · 18 days
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This. This. This entire conversation with Morrigan actually makes me want to sob. She and my Tabris always becomes close friends over the course of DAO; that, paired with the fact that my Tabris always romances Alistair, makes everything about this hurt so much more when you take DAO's ending into account.
Her confusion over why my Tabris didn't send her away. Why she didn't abandon her after they learned of Flemeth's plans. Why Tabris went out of her way to slay Flemeth and bring her the true grimoire. She asks Tabris why, and is baffled when the answer is, "I did it because I'm your friend," as if it's that simple.
The way Morrigan looks at the warden, the way her voice cracks when she says, "I want you to know that while I may not always prove... worthy... of your friendship, I will always value it."
She knows how this will end; Flemeth sent her with the wardens with the end goal of stopping the blight and obtaining the old god soul through the dark ritual. Morrigan knows that Alistair and Tabris are the only Grey Wardens here, and assuming they don't find more, one of them will have to die defeating the archdemon unless they agree to do the dark ritual.
With that context, her asking Alistair, "And what if a Grey Warden has forced to choose between the Warden he loved and ending the Blight? What should his choice be?" suddenly has so much subtext weaved through the words that I'm gonna start foaming at the mouth. She's practically telling Alistair that a warden has to die. She's scrutinizing his reaction to find any hint that suggests he would agree to the dark ritual in order to save himself and the woman he loves. And when he doesn't choose, she has her answer.
Morrigan made comments to Tabris about him, almost hopeful that their relationship was just a physical thing between them and not actually riddled with feelings... and then gives disapproval when Tabris says she loves him.
She doesn't want the warden to die; hell, she doesn't want Alistair to die, either; whether because she does actually care about him or because she knows it'll break her friend's heart if she loses him, or both!
Things would be so much easier if the only two Grey Wardens left to defeat the blight didn't fall in love, wouldn't they, Morrigan?
She knows that in the end, no matter the outcome, she will lose the woman she called sister and it's devastating.
Morrigan, who has never known true friendship. Who grew up isolated in the woods with an abusive mother and terrible implications for her future. Who discovered said mother planned to take over her body just as she did with her other daughters. Who doesn't understand kindness as it was rarely given to her without a catch. Who isolates herself from the others in camp. Who finally has a companion she cares about... and in the end, if her plan works and the dark ritual is completed, she'll end up pregnant and alone and wearing Tabris' resentment like a tender wound on her heart.
Or Tabris will reject the ritual, and will die to the archdemon.
Or her lover will.
I just- the dynamic between the warden, romanced Alistair, and Morrigan is so good and painful and rich that I'm gnawing on furniture as we speak.
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maleficentra · 18 days
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"Can I kiss you?" [ 1 ] [ 2 ] [ 3 ]
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maleficentra · 18 days
In my view, Tav/Dark Urge is far from unintelligent; rather, they embody a nuanced blend of shrewdness and idealism. Their belief in the inherent goodness of people may come across as naivety, but it is not a reflection of a lack of intellect. Instead, it highlights a commendable faith in humanity. It's unfortunate that we won't see a DLC, as it would be fascinating to delve deeper into their character and story.
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Help Cap and Dora find something other than angst and victim-romance with the Ascended Astarion
One line leads to the “freedom?”-"narrative".
Player: Is that what we're doing? 'Flourishing'? Is more neutral, since it leads to two neutral ok-lines.
So. The Great Narrative of AA's Abuse over Tav, that was given two line: Player: Freedom? Player: Nothing. Forget I said anything.
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OK. Shows the dark side of a dark romance novel.
Two neutral lines:
Player: Do you want to see the others? Say 'hello'? Player: I'll get back to the party. Do you want anything?
The Great Narrative Hedonistic, Debauchery Decadence Together though.
Three positives: Player: True. We are spectacular, after all. Player: It is wonderful. I'm glad I get to share this with you. Player: None would dare, my love.
There are two answers to this: 1 - My Tav is dumb, doesn't realize she's been abused for 6 months. Says what: it's true we are flourishing, it's wonderful, I'm glad to share it all with you and no one will dare touch us. My Love. 2 - Larian knows that a player can be evil enough and able to have fun with vampires, to be on the same page, willing and glad to have this romance. A character have no reason to be dissatisfied. Since the character is intelligent enough to know what they don't like, as we can see from the player's answers nothing bad for Tav Ascended Astarion has ever done. The only bad thing Astarion did was say “no” to Freedom-Tav from a parallel version of the line of play. Not all Tavs are obligated to demand freedom 24\7. When Lord Astarion > freedom. And\or Lord Astarion = freedom.
There is an option, leaving the “victim”-romance for those who need it and playing to the will of the ally and lover.
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maleficentra · 18 days
Astarion’s Duality: Love and Redemption in Baldur’s Gate
Ultimately, whether it’s the ascended Astarion 🌟 or his spawn form 🧛, to me, he remains the same person. The distinction lies in their demeanor and sense of security. Spawn Astarion exudes a certain assurance in our relationship, feeling sufficient as he is, while ascended Astarion, beneath his bravado, grapples with deep-seated insecurities and fears of inadequacy. The spawn might choose his words with more caution, whereas the ascended form is brutally honest, though sometimes too blunt 🔥.
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I could never condone sacrificing countless lives for power—it's inherently wrong 🚫. Yet, I find both versions of Astarion compelling, despite their flawed tendencies towards manipulation and control. These behaviors stem from years of abuse, and while that doesn’t excuse them, it underscores his need to learn that in our relationship, there’s nothing to fear 🛡️. Tav or the Dark Urge will stand by him 💖.
Astarion’s fear of losing the one person who truly cares for him—the one beacon of goodness in his life —is palpable. Each individual must decide if this relationship is right for them. It only becomes toxic if it’s unwanted or if the manipulation and abuse go unnoticed . However, both versions of Astarion love Tav or the Dark Urge profoundly, and the mere thought of being abandoned, deemed too dull or inadequate over time, is terrifying to him.
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Healing from abuse is a journey, and Baldur's Gate captures this complexity with remarkable realism 🎭.
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maleficentra · 18 days
Perfect 🤍
Disclamer: I do not like the idea of the Spawn Astarion path and I prefer the Ascension. My thoughts. This is a criticism.
I like Ascended Astarion in that he literally waves red flags like during a socialist revolution. He's explicitly offering: to be his forever or not. If my Tav agrees - then Lord Astarion > Freedom and\or Lord Astarion = Freedom. The choice is made, if not then no. Spawn Astarion is an underground red flag activity. Waiting for dinoflagellate to bloom.
Spawn Astarion adjusts, his manipulations are subtler. He also convinces himself because of his co-dependency and complete disorientation in the world, that it's what he does right. He sincerely believes in a new picture of the world - "Good one". Not an Evil one - “Power is the main thing. There is a strong and a weak, the strong lives, the weak dies”, he sincerely tries, to understand the different and new. For whom and why? Astarion: I would understand if you wanted to go your own way. Player: Actually, I will go and do my own thing. Astarion: You - what? I didn't think you'd actually agree. Astarion: How dare you! After all I've done for you - after everything I've sacrificed!
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This phrase by the Spawn Astarion during the break up.
How many times would Tav even have to hear that phrase? During quarrels and clashes of temper. Astarion has a huge temperament. (A!A shows how mutch) “After all I've done for you--” the manipulative phrase.
The mechanism is simple: you feel guilty and make concessions. It is time to pay back the debt, as if the manipulator is hinting to you. He plays the role of a victim, so resentful and helpless in front of you. It is also a hidden method of emotional control. When someone says, “After all I've done for you,” they are showing that what they did for you was not for you at all, but their own need to control you. To press on, creating feelings of guilt. That's how you can live with chronic guilt for years.
(a picture of "true freedom" - I don't think so. The "beginning of true freedom" - I don't think so either)
7k spawn souls - Spawn Astarion isn't shy at all about using this as “something I could trade for everything (I dreamed of)”, as a sacrifice. Not even for himself, be better, do right thing. For Tav. When he said “I'll understand if you go your own way” - he turns around 180 degrees and says he didn't really think so (but said the right thing, for Tav).
Astarion: Good, because selfless as I am, I really did not want to let you go.
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Line for Dark Urge He also confirms that he really doesn't want to let go.
What would it be like if Spawn Astarion could keep Tav from letting go? After all, he “sacrifice” for them. The answer's right there. An Ascended Astarion is an Astarion who does what the hell he wants. His freedom is a permissiveness that has no limits on morality, law, anything. Spawn Astarion - looks like a nascent version of “nice guy” - I did the right thing and I sacrificed that for you, why are you leaving, how dare you. And you condemn me to this, an eternity in the night, alone? Spawn Aastarion lets Tav go, doing Tav a lot of moral damage, that will haunt their minds forever. Man, that's a red flag for me, btw.
Objectively something good, with sincere feelings, in the moment used as a tool, devalues it, hidden co-dependent guilt-inducing manipulations, to make you do what you were expected to do, “I've done so much for you!” He can covertly manipulate Tav's autonomy with sad puppy eyes. (which is creepy) A fight and he'll bite, causing guilt. And I don't think he won't. Given his dark side, what are the chances he doesn't lock Tav in his Underdark Palace around a horde of spawn. If I'm in the shadows, so are you - it's an angst plot. Tav: “I thought you'd changed” kind of thing.
What A!Astarion is doing is a contract with the devil. If it's yes, it's forever, if it's no, than say it straight away - that's the way he really want it, what and how he needs. Spawn Astarion expects this “forever” attitude, tacit agreement, for “doing the right thing”. Ascended Astarion is manipulative and toxic exactly as a Spawn Astarion. Both obviously co-dependent. Ascended Astarion is openly spouting all his evil stuff while in euphoria. Feeling alive again to the undead is a thing. Spawn on the contrary is disoriented, trying to be better, using that fact as a hidden manipulation. My Tav is not a “nice girl” and will not blame anyone for her decisions with phrases like “I sacrificed, I trusted you, how dare”. It was entirely her decision.
The real tragedy of Ascended Astarion is angst-"freedom?"-Tav judgmental stare from around the corner during a decadence party. Lucky for Astarion My Tav gets into Hades' chariot by herself and eats an apple and stuff. The tragedy of my Tav making someone learns be better, for an indeterminate number of years, among the hidden manipulations becoming their victim, trying to deal with Spawn Astarion's hidden red flags.
The tragedy of the Spawn Astarion, Tav who learns him to be a better person with their ideals, and he adjusts, expecting in return not to be alone at night, Tav will not see this wound and doesn't notice his hidden red flags, manipulation that he learns to use even more sophisticated.
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maleficentra · 18 days
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maleficentra · 1 month
haha excatly
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Despite having super vampire powers, Astarion hiding in a bush while he stalks his ex is funny to me ok
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maleficentra · 1 month
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The Devil's Garden 🌹 🩸 will he paint them red?
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maleficentra · 2 months
Acts of Love
Summary: The various ways in which you and Astarion show how much you love one another
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“Could I kiss you?”
Oh his favourite question that falls from your lips every night before you head to bed and every morning when you first wake up. Each time you speak those words a shiver runs up his spine, the good kind that spurns him onwards, that opens his lips to let his dam of feelings spill forth.
“How could I say no?” He smiles each and every time, genuinely. Your lips taste divine and with each kiss he yearns for more. He yearns to show you how much he loves you, how much he cherishes you, how much he needs you and yet all he knows how to do is offer his body unto you. He doesn’t know how else to show you how much he cares, but he’s tries anyways.
He mends your clothes for you in the dead of night, and when morning comes he pretends like nothing has happened but you notice the stitches anyways. A silent thank you is exchanged, a small grateful smile sent his way when the others aren’t looking and he looks away, hiding his quickly blushing face.
The way the tips of his ears turn red doesn’t escape your notice.
When small gifts suddenly appear just outside your tent, he always feigns ignorance about their origins, but it’s always something you mentioned in passing the previous day to him. One day you decide to return the favour, and now its a daily occurrence, a way to show your love without needing to say anything. He refuses to tell you how he keeps every single trinket you gift to him, no matter how useless he says they are.
They’re pieces of your deep and genuine love for him, how could he not keep them?
As he kisses you over and over again, his fingers start to linger on your face longer and longer. If he could, he would never want to let go of you but alas he cannot have you to all to himself just yet, there are other travelling companions who need you, so every time you take those steps leading up to him, he closes the distance just to have a few more seconds with you. He pulls away from your lips with reluctance each and every time, resisting the urge to press his forehead against yours and simply relishes in the fact that you don’t mind his lingering touch. He would never let you go if he could, and he knows you feel the same way too when you slowly drag yourself away from his touch, the soft smile reserved only for him sent his way.
With each kiss, the kisses grows deeper as he pours more and more of his longing into them, wanting nothing more than you, loving the way your eyes half close when your lips connect, loving the way you melt into him. Your hands always find their way to the small of his back, pressing him flush against your body as his hands roam around, finding their way to your back and entangling in your hair. He loves the way you convey the love you have for him in each moment of the kiss, a warmth blooming in his undead chest each time your hands linger on his face after the kiss. He doesn’t mind how you nuzzle him afterwards, unable to get enough of him and he can never wipe the smirk off his face whenever he catches one of your companions sending him a scowl for taking you away from them.
You are his and he is yours.
He loves the way you cup his face after every night kiss, gazing into his eyes with such love and care that he gets lost in your eyes, drowning in the sea of your love. Only the touch of your thumb brushing over his cold skin pulls him back and he rests his own hands on yours, taking in the sight before him.
He imprints into his mind the way the moonlight shines upon you, basking you in its silvery light whenever you kiss him under the stars that dot the night sky. He doesn’t believe in the gods of Faerun but if someone told him that you were sent by Selune herself, he would believe them from the way the moonlight frames you perfectly each and every time. He can’t bring himself to let this moment go, wishing this moment would last forever but time always marches on, so he lets it go and eagerly awaits the next one, knowing you will come back to him once more when dawn breaks.
And you always do.
His face can’t help but light up whenever you approach him, his tongue full of honeyed words that dissapate into the air when he opens his mouth to greet you.
“Gods, you’re beautiful” is all he can manage, moved by the way you always find him first thing in the morning and last thing in the night. You’re always the last thing on his mind before he trances and the first thing on his mind when he wakes, for you to feel the same way brings him a joy he cannot find the words to describe. His flowery vocabulary always fails him when he opens his mouth to speak to you, only ever able to hold himself together just enough to form some words of greeting and the smile you give him in return only steals his heart over and over again.
“Can we talk about the two of us?”
Your voice is the sweetest melody he’s ever heard, he could listen to you talk all day about anything and everything, never growing tired of hearing words fall from your lips. When you speak up for him, defending him from those who do not understand his boundaries, his undead heart skips a beat. You use more than just your weapons and magic to protect him, your voice weaving power into words that create a shield around him and he wishes he could do the same for you.
“They said ‘no’. You should learn the meaning of the word.”
He can’t help but jump to your defense, snapping at the drow who keeps pushing you despite your protests. The grateful look in your eyes is well worth the outburst and pride swells within him. He can defend you just like how you defend him, he can return the favour and you appreciate it when he does so.
“I love you.”
He loves you so deeply that he fears losing you more than anything in this world, and he’s always afraid that one day you will leave him for someone else, someone better. He knows he will be powerless to do anything to stop you should that day come, he believes deep down that you deserve such a person but you show up at the flap of his tent every morning, a smile on your face that shines brighter than the morning sun. So he tells himself over and over again that you will never leave him, until one day, hopefully, it sinks in and he will be free of that worry forevermore.
“I love you. I love this. And I want it all.”
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maleficentra · 2 months
This is what I am talking about. Ascended Astarion does love Tav but that's what his insecurities are coming from. Unlike Not Ascended Astarion, there is a lot of fear. Ironic, as Astarion should have everything but he still has these insecurities.
Don't you fret - bg3 comic A.Astarion/dark urge
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I hope you enjoyed!
I love that there are so many lines in the game, showing that karlach absolutely hates ascended astarion's ass (and prob tav's) it's so funny xD I'd like to draw more with them
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maleficentra · 2 months
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no comment
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maleficentra · 2 months
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Knowledge begets a hunger for more
Drink from the Well of Sorrows, Inquisitor.
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maleficentra · 2 months
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Based on a scene from The Princess and the Frog
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maleficentra · 3 months
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But oh, Lord, you've never been so in love.
i didnt mean to get her vitiligo lol i forgot to turn it off when editing minthara in this save file oopsie
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im gonna try to do a few of these "last kisses".. i dont have a save with astarion that is working at the end :( he just says "we can do this" LOL, and this one i edited has him DEAD (i downloaded it off nexus then used AEE sooo i can only do minthara's, shart's and gale's for now)
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maleficentra · 4 months
I could not agree more in this
Im not updating my game Thank you @darkurgediaries for recording all the kisses. Reasons below the cut for my decision: Don't open if you don't want to hear my opinions its fine, you guys can scroll past it no problem.
Ill be honest I hate ascended Astarions kisses besides the 3rd one. the 3rd is the ONLY one I like out of them. I do like the lip bite in the one kiss but I have issues with the kisses overall.
Im not going to get too into it bc I just went on a huge discord rant in dms to some friends about it and sent feedback to larian about it. If you like it, thats great for everyone else but I'm going to stay here on patch 5 until either modders change it or larian themselves do because im tired of feeling shoehorned into good paths if I dont want to feel punished as a player.
And thats how I feel. I feel like with the bhaalist durge ending and now with ascended Astarions kisses that the players are being punished. Thats my personal feelings on the matter and it leave a bitter taste in my mouth and just makes me so goddamned disappointed and let down. On the knees: My issue with this one is his cold facial expressions + tav / durges scared ones + the fact this is not appropriate in many settings especially in public. The expressions make this look ABUSIVE not consensual. It appears cold hearted and distant.
Lip bite kiss: I like the lip bite, its nice. However the way he shoves her face away lowkey looks like hes slapping her. Again it makes it appear abusive and cold hearted.
Karlach's old kiss turned a A!A kiss: This one I actually like but I would like if it was tied to if you chose him to be rough or gentle when being turned and this be an option for if you chose rough.
The reason all of this bothers me: To me it feels out of character The game always emphasized choices. Even on ascended path you could choose what you both would do. hes never been portrayed as abusive. Manipulative and toxic yes. But not abusive. He does love you but these animations do not show it.
In the ending if you manage to get to the end without long resting he LETS YOU GO. he doesn't force you to stay if you break up with him he respects your decision. Likewise he wont force you to become his spawn and is willing to wait until YOU are ready. This shows he respects choice and autonomy
During the scene when he turns you, you can CHOOSE for him to be gentle or rough and he'll comply. AGAIN respects choice and autonomy. These kisses do NOT feel like its respecting your autonomy in any way shape or form with the expressions and rough actions. It doesn't feel consensual because of the expressions and how forceful it is. And im someone whos kinky af and I DO like dominant men but this does not feel like a dom / sub, this does not feel like we're his consort. It doesn't even feel like we're a pet like some people like to justify it as.
These kisses feel like our choices didn't matter. Like it didn't matter what our character wanted or what we as players wanted. Because if we chose for him to be gentle, now hes being rough and our characters DO NOT look like they are consenting.
How do I suggest Larian fixes it?
I get theres people who WILL like these kisses, and im not shaming you or saying its wrong if you do. My suggestions are as follow
Fix the expressions so tav / durge looks more into it and give Astarion a more passionate / loving expression thats less cold
Make the face push less forceful or change the expressions
Make it so your choices on what im dubbing "bite night" matters, if you choose for him to be gentle have kisses different to these ones that are still dominant still possessive but more romantic, passionate and a bit gentler. Think the butt grab kiss something on that line of forcefulness. no grabbing the neck, no pushing the face, no forcing you on your knees if you chose gentle.
likewise if you chose rough have THESE animations, the ones im talking about in this post as the animations for that choice.
Everyone would be kept happy without sacrificing their "Vision" for the game or without screwing another group of fans over.
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maleficentra · 4 months
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Larian I see everything
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maleficentra · 4 months
1: Tav's expressions tend to be intense and frightening, even though they aren't compelled to kiss. She/he was the one who initiated it, but I hope for a more playful approach from Tav as we can see it the first night they spend together. The current expressions don't evoke a positive feeling in my opinion.
2: While Ascended Astarion is generally dominant, I'd appreciate occasional gentleness in at least one kissing animation. While I believe Ascended Astarion loves Tav in a dominant and passionate way, I sometimes miss the genuine, gentle smile for him/her. Not everyone is constantly 100% dominant or obedient. It would be nice to see a softer side, perhaps with Tav initiating hugs and kisses unexpectedly."
Overall, I appreciate the animation and effort put into it.❤
All three new Ascended Astarion kisses from Patch 6 [x] 😭
He's so damn mean.
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