mammonsrockstargf · 2 hours
Tbh my favorite part of pride month is saying “AND DURING PRIDE MONTH TOO?” at every slight inconvenience.
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mammonsrockstargf · 4 hours
Sometimes, everything just becomes too much, and you don’t feel like talking. Most of the brothers don’t really mind; they’ll just keep the conversation going while you listen and nod. Sometimes you don’t even have to nod, you can just give their hand a squeeze in agreement.
Leviathan, in particular, talks for three people anyway. You’ll sit beside him in his room, watching him play a new game while he explains how it works or makes commentaries on every single task or thing the characters say.
It’s like having your own little personal streamer.
Sometimes, if you’re feeling sad, you’ll reject the gamer chair he bought for you and opt for sitting in his lap instead. He’ll stutter profusely, and blush will creep all the way from his neck to his ear. You’ll press a tiny kiss to his jaw before whispering in his ear.
“Is this okay?”
Leviathan will nod eagerly and wrap his arms around you, making sure that you’re comfortable before resuming the game. You’ll rest your back against his chest and occasionally whisper small comments about the video game that make a smile tug on Leviathan’s lips as he savours this small moment of intimacy.
When you get like this, all quiet, Leviathan is good at just continuing to treat you like normal. Lucifer dotes on you, Mammon gets more possessive, Satan tries to fix things, Asmodeus turns up the volume on self-care nights, Beelzebub buries you in treats and candy, and Belphegor sneakily (not very sneaky, you always know he’s there) visits your dreams.
Leviathan just continues on with his day.
You suppose that’s why you go to him the most. At night, he’ll let you rest your head on his chest and listen to you while you murmur all your grievances. How you miss home, how Lucifer’s been bothering you with homework, how you had to save Mammon from yet another pyramid scheme.
He doesn’t interrupt, he just lies there and listens. He’s not big on all the advice giving, he knows you’d go to someone else if you wanted advice. You just want someone willing to listen for a bit.
So he lets you whisper all your worries out in the air, helping them float away. Eventually, it gets easier to be you again, and you gain more energy as you plan heists with Mammon, spend all of class whispering gossip at the back of the room with Asmodeus, or confidently argue with Satan about how Shrek is a work of art and he should acknowledge it as a masterpiece.
But you always come back to him, lying in his tub at night, with your head buried in the crook of his neck, while you let him talk out whatever anime theory he’s currently working on.
That knowledge makes the angry orange monster in the pit of Leviathan’s stomach just a bit easier to deal with. Almost.
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mammonsrockstargf · 6 hours
hello, you are one of my favorite blogs, I love you ❤️
hi, anon, glad you like my blog, hope you have a lovely day <3333
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mammonsrockstargf · 6 hours
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shy otaku 💙
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mammonsrockstargf · 12 hours
satan as an itty bitty teensy tiny little goober♥︎
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my art<3
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mammonsrockstargf · 13 hours
Mammon has eaten grim before. Prove me wrong. You're going to sit there and look me in the eyes and disagree that that boy has gobbled down some gold?
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mammonsrockstargf · 13 hours
HFHDHDGH okay hear me out, Fem!MC but instead of the ambiguosly young girl that ive seen that most MC's are(which is fine, i have no problem with those), we have a woman in her 40's divorced with two young kids, struggling to pay rent and works a shit office job. Incidentally gets transported to the devildom.
Hear me out
Instead of dating any of the brothers, she basically acquires 7 more children
the boys get to experience what it's like having an actual parental/mother figure and Lucifer actually catches a break for once.
Barbatos takes care of all her stuff in the human realm (like her apt, job, and other money stuff that needed to be paid off)
Barbatos falls in love with her the moment he watched her corral all of the brothers using her "mom voice"(no command word needed)
Babysitting shenanigans with her two young children that ended up coming with her
Her and Barb having tea time on the weekends to complain about day-to-day things
She's actually so hyped to go back to school and learn things and also she doesn't have to pay rent to a shifty landlord
I want single divorced mother of 2 MC who Barbatos falls head over heels for, is this anything?
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mammonsrockstargf · 13 hours
It's All About Intention
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Solomon x GN! reader
Summary: You ask Solomon's opinion on what color you should paint your nails, and learn something new along the way.
AN: This is dedicated to @nnnneeev for being such sweet friend to me. Love you!! 💜 Anyways, hope everyone enjoys! Mwah!
Warnings: None
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The soft pads of socked feet march through Cocytus Hall in search of something – or someone. The ever perceptive sorcerer who lounges in the common room grins to himself, lazily licking the tip of his finger to help turn the page of the tome he’s reading. He knows you too well, and by the sound of your footsteps, you’ve got something on your mind.
“Hey, Solomon,” you say as you pass through the threshold, “I need your opinion on something.”
Just as he thought.
He marks his page before closing the book, focusing his attention on you as approach with a little box in your hands. He recognizes it as he’s seen that box in your room, yet the contents within are eluding him.
“I’d be happy to assist you in any way I can,” he says with a genuine smile. “What’s on your mind, my dear?”
You sit next to him on the couch with the box in your lap. With a soft sigh, you begin to explain your dilemma. “I can’t decide on what color to paint my nails...”
You peel the flap of the box back, opening it, as Solomon leans over and peeks inside to see many different bottles of nail polish in the ultimate ROYGBIV categorization. A soft whistle blows past his lips; he’s impressed by how pleasing it is to look at. He knew you painted your nails often, but it dawns on him just how many bottles you own. You’re like him with books, except for you, it’s nail polish.
“I’ve never realized you had quite the collection. I think you might give Asmo a run for his money.” he says with a chuckle.
Your eyebrows raise, obviously not believing that statement. With a quick shake of your head and a chuckle, you reply. “Oh, no. I don’t think anyone could beat him with his many shelves of high-end nail polish.”
Solomon hums. “You’re right,” he strokes his chin in thought, “you’re about two hundred bottles off.”
That earns him a light smack on the arm as you both laugh.
“Shut up.”
“If I shut up then I can’t give you my opinion, sweet apprentice of mine.” He’s got that shit-eating grin again, never missing an opportunity to tease you. It’s his favorite past-time.
You huff out in faux annoyance, even going so far as to roll your eyes. You’re lucky he finds you so cute when you do that, he thinks. Otherwise, he might’ve been offended.
“Fine, fine. Just tell me what you think.” You scoot the box further down, now resting it on your knee so he’s drawn to its focus once more.
Solomon’s eyes flick over each color with intensity. He’s really giving this some thought. “Well, is there anything you want to come out of this?”
Silence settles between you, and for a second he thinks you didn’t hear him. That is, until he glances up to see you with the most dumbfounded expression as you stare right back at him.
“Uh, yeah? My nails to be painted?”
It seems he wasn’t clear with his wording. Though he does get a hearty laugh out of your response. “No, no. That’s not what I meant. I mean...do you have something you want to manifest?”
Your expression stays the same, the only change is a few hard and confused blinks. “What does this have to do with painting my nails?”
“Well, everything really. Painting your nails using a certain color can attract that which you seek. I’ve taught you that using different colored candles in spells can aid in what you bring in, right? So, the same thing applies here.”
Solomon can see the wheels turning in your head now. He thinks this is a good lesson to be taught – that magic requires innovation and that magic is in everything.
“Really?” you ask.
“Really. So, if you wanted to strengthen your intuition, you might use a shade of blue. If you wanted to boost your creativity, you could use yellow,” he pauses before a grin curls on his lips again, “and you could use pink to attract love.” His eyebrows wiggle in a suggestive way, making you laugh a little.
“Okay, okay. I think I get it. Though I didn’t realize that I could incorporate magic into painting my nails.” He watches you look over your precious box with a certain glint in your eyes. He loves that look, that giddy sparkle when you learn something new. You’re too precious for your own good.
“My adorable apprentice, magic is in everything. All you have to do is show up with intention.”
“Intention,” you nod as you remember him saying that during one of your first lessons. “It’s all about intention, yes, I remember.”
Solomon chuckles. “Good.” He digs into the box, pulling out a little bottle filled with a deep indigo. “How about painting them indigo...to remind yourself you are capable of anything you put your mind to, especially within the realm of magic. You are more than capable of becoming a wonderful sorcerer someday.”
To your surprise, he leans over and places a soft kiss on your cheek before adding, “I am so proud of you.”
His eyes soften as he watches your cheeks heat up with one word coming to mind; precious.
“So, is there any chance I could get you to paint my nails while you’re at it?”
You clear your throat as you try to choke the fluster down. “Sure, but it’ll cost you.” you grin as you tease him back.
“You’ve been spending way too much time with Mammon, he’s rubbing off on you in the worst way.” Solomon rolls his eyes, chuckling again.
“I’m kidding!” you snicker. “Anyways, what color were you thinking for yourself?”
He pretends to think as he eyes a certain color in the box. “Hm, how about pink? I have something I want more of…” he wiggles his brows again, smirking widely, “your love.”
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mammonsrockstargf · 14 hours
Happy pride month to the tiny cowboy and tiny Trojan man from Night at the Museum
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mammonsrockstargf · 15 hours
do not forget the patron saint of these weeks that we celebrate ourselves proudly and openly in the streets
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her name was Marsha P Johnson, and we have her to thank for so much.
remember, the first Pride was a riot, and she was one of the brave souls who endured it to help carve the path which so many of us walk today. she helped found several activist groups regarding LGBT safety and wellbeing. and she was absolutely radiant, too.
thank you, Marsha. we remember you.
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mammonsrockstargf · 15 hours
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mammonsrockstargf · 15 hours
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Mc chan....
So cute.. 🥺
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confusing Odysseus and Orpheus is like confusing a liar and a lyre. send post
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hii i ADORE your ‘treasure huntin’ fic soooo much! it’s so amazing! ❤️
hiiii AAAAA i’m glad you liked it, i had so much fun writing it as well!! my fave movie used to be pirates of the caribbean so it was fun to revisit that. <33
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mammonsrockstargf · 2 days
“Wait, you’re talking about killing a demon?”
“Yes…and not just any demon. The Avatar of Pride himself…Lucifer.”
— MC and Solomon (Chapter 38-12)
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mammonsrockstargf · 2 days
Mammon wants to find a treasure. First step? Find a siren.
𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: Mammon x gn!siren!reader 𝐀𝐍: Back with the Pirate Mammon agenda. >:D Also this ended up being 2.6k words, I don’t know what happened I was just in the zone, I guess.
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Mammon wanted to be a pirate. He had a pirate crew. He had a ship. Yet it didn't feel like he was entirely there yet. He even bought a cool outfit: a loose beige shirt and a pair of brown pants. He'd gotten a belt with a little pouch and a handy knife hanging from it. As a final touch, he'd gotten a gold chain with a little coin attached to it around his neck. He even considered getting a bootleg, but he figured that would be going too far.
Mammon didn't know it yet, but he would later come to find that the 17th century was his favourite human era. Pirates were quite literally everywhere, and the sweet, sweet smell of greed was constantly in the air. It was a peak that he would go on to chase for a long time. The California gold rush in the eighteen fifties and the capitalism of the 2000s would come near it, but nothing will ever quite compare to the true pirate experience.
One day, Mammon came to the obvious conclusion. If you want to be a pirate, you have to go find a treasure. No one's a real pirate until they've been on a hunt.
Now, going about finding a treasure wasn't something you just did. You had to have a map. Or a poorly written piece of paper with a prophecy from some witch high on mushrooms. Even better yet would be a magic compass that points to where your heart most desires.
Unfortunately for Mammon, he didn't have any of those things. He just had a wonky-looking crew and a poorly made ship. Apparently, all the good pirates weren't particularly interested in following a lanky, inexperienced, white-haired boy who’d barely finished adolescence. (He tried explaining to them that he was actually thousands of years old several times, but that just made them seem to think that he was drunk, so he eventually gave up.)
So now he was left with the guys that no one else really wanted. A tall, lanky guy with a glass eye, a shorter, fat guy who claimed that he could boil excellent potatoes. A guy with a breath so stinky that it could rival a sea monster, and a short, very strong woman who was actually quite reasonable and definitely Mammon's favourite, but no one wanted her in their crew, because apparently, women aboard meant bad luck.
He appointed a fellow named Crab as his right hand because he was apparently the one with the most experience. There were whispers that he used to sail with a captain known as The Wise, but he was eventually kicked off the crew because he kept stealing the rum. Mammon had asked why they called the man Crab, but that had just made the majority of the crew laugh loudly, so he decided not to press the issue any further.
Crab was a funny-looking guy. He was tall and burly, and half of his face was covered by a red beard, but apparently, he'd gotten too close to a canon once, which lit his beard on fire, and now it wouldn't grow back on the other half of his face.
Crab told Mammon that if he wanted to find a treasure, they had to go to the sea of the sirens. It was also known as The Waste because no one dared to sail there. It was told that the song of the sirens was so beautiful that it would turn any man mad, causing him to jump in the water and meet a horrible fate. However, if one tied himself to the mast, he would live to hear the sirens' secrets. Amongst these, was a promise of a great treasure.
Mammon was brave. He was also quite stupid. So he slapped Crab on the back, laughed loudly, and told him it was a great idea.
So the journey began.
They sailed for seven days, living off jerky and excellent boiled potatoes, because that’s all Mammon could afford to buy. (At least that's what he told the crew. Truth be told, he just saw an easy way to save some money.) As they sailed closer to The Waste, the weather grew gloomier and the men became greyer, yet Mammon was as happy as ever. He was finally getting his treasure. He would return home with riches his brothers could only dream of.
Soon enough, they were near where the sirens resided. The men all put wax in their ears to prevent themselves from hearing their song. Mammon was tied to the mast. Initially, Crab wanted to tie him with rope, but Mammon insisted he go with a chain instead. It was the thickest chain they’d been able to find. Crab had stared at it in disbelief before glancing at Mammon.
“Quite a paranoid fella, aren’t ya, boy?”
“Not paranoid. Just very strong.”
Crab had laughed at that, and then they’d bought the chain.
The ship slowly entered The Waste. Large cliffs were peeking out of the water, marking the entrance to the treacherous sea. Stuck among the cliffs was an old shipwreck. Most of the wood was rotten, caused by the harsh waves constantly throwing themselves against the cliffs. This all seemed terribly ominous to Mammon, but what made a deep shiver run down his back was the big red letters written on the wood.
Stay away
Turn back
Don’t sail near them
Mammon swallowed. He found it weird that the writings had managed to stay on the boat and hadn’t been washed away by the waves yet. He looked up at where Crab was standing. Wax was completely covering his ears, and he sent Mammon a crooked smile. Mammon catched a flash of gold teeth beside a cracked one.
It was quiet for a long time. Then he heard it. Beautiful voices. He wasn't able to make out any words, but the melodies seemed to caress his ears. He looked down at the water and saw a flash of a golden tail. The scales were glinting in the sun. He gasped in delight, and then it was gone again.
The voices were louder now, and they were harmonising. He began to feel giddy and let out a delighted laugh. The golden tail appeared again, and this time it was there for longer.
Suddenly, your head peaked up from the water. Your hair was wet, but somehow it was still flowing around you, as though you were still underneath the water. You stared at him with big, glassy eyes. Mammon was completely unable to tear his gaze away from you.
You watched the ship pass by you before disappearing underneath the water again. Mammon felt a tug in his chest, desperately wishing to see you again, and sure enough, you turned up closer to the ship this time. You opened your mouth to sing again, and Mammon still couldn't hear your words, but he knew that they were beautiful. He knew that you held all of the secrets to the world, that if he could pull apart the symphonies and pick apart the words, he'd discover a great treasure. If only he could get just a bit closer.
He began to pull at his restraints. The metal dug into his skin, creating red marks as he pulled harder. The corners of your lips turned slightly upward as you tilted your head to the side. He could hear you calling for him. It was so loud that he didn’t hear Crab yelling at him, telling him to get a grip, nor did he hear the loud creaking of the wood behind him.
At last, the chains broke and fell to his feet. Mammon didn't waste a second, immediately running across the deck and jumping headfirst into the water.
The water was cold, but he hardly felt it when he saw you in all of your otherworldly glory. Your tail was long and orange at the top. It slowly faded to a more golden colour at the bottom. Towards the end, it connected to two long fins, along with one on each of your sides, that helped you navigate through the water. You had gills along your ribs and on your neck that blew small bubbles whenever you breathed.
You were watching him curiously before you swam a bit closer to him. Mammon went to open his mouth to address you and ask you who you were, but when he did, his mouth filled with water. He coughed, causing it to travel down his lungs.
He winced at the uncomfortable feeling. Demons didn't need air to live, but it was preferable not to have water in your lungs. You were very close to him now, and you grabbed his wrists, your long, cold, elegant fingers with sharp nails wrapping around him, in order to keep him steady in the water and stop him from squirming around. Four of your fingers, apart from your thumb, were connected by thin skin. You could feel the warmth radiating from him, and the blood flowing underneath his skin.
You smiled at him, and Mammon saw your teeth for the first time. There were several rows, like a shark, and they were sharp and pointy.
Mammon thought you had the most beautiful smile he had ever seen.
You pursed your lips as if to kiss him, but instead, you blew a bubble, and Mammon felt the pain in his chest dissipate as air surrounded him again. You blew until you were connected by the bubble as well, and for the first time, you were fully face-to-face.
“Hi,” you said.
“Hey,” he replied.
“You’re not a man,” you stated, while your eyes travelled down his form. You were still holding onto his wrists, and you slid a sharp nail along his arm, causing a tiny cut to appear, golden blood trickling out of it. It immediately closed itself again, leaving no trace behind.
“No, I’m not,” Mammon said, and he felt a need to apologise to you for not being what you were expecting. You frowned and clicked your tongue, confusion etched into your features by the way your brows furrowed.
“What are you, then?” You asked, and you swam the tiniest bit closer to him while you slightly sniffed the air.
“I’m the great Mammon,” he replied, and he flashed you his signature grin. You pulled back a little and frowned, while you wondered why the strange creature was baring his teeth at you.
“I’ve never heard of a mammon,” you cautiously said. Mammon was completely oblivious to your obvious confusion, as he felt the pride swell up in his chest. This magnificent being in front of him found him interesting. He could hardly believe it. His brothers were never going to hear the end of this from him.
“Well, there’s only one, and you’re lookin’ at him,” he replied. You stared at him. You opened your mouth, then closed it again, not knowing what to say. There was a long silence as you considered what to do. You were going to eat him, but he smelled powerful. Powerful usually meant poisonous as well. Your uncle Grouch learned that the hard way.
“You can go,” you finally said, and the smile was immediately wiped off Mammon’s face, replaced with a pout.
“What?” he asked, and you thought that he looked like a kicked sea puppy. You tilted your head to the side, wondering why he was disappointed. He should be happy that you were not attempting to eat him, but the pout on his face stayed on.
“You’re free of my spell. I’m not interested in a mammon,” you said, waving your hand. You had let go of his wrists a while ago, but when you turned to swim away, he was the one who held on to you.
His touch felt warm. It was practically searing into your skin, unlike anything you had ever felt before.
It was the first time you ever felt that kind of warmth. It wasn’t the low humming of life from your usual prey. This was strong. Born from sea foam and used to harsh waves and low sea temperatures, you'd never felt anything like it. Sirens weren’t kind or affectionate and even the ones you called family, born from the same foam as you, showed no love for you. It made you gasp in surprise, and Mammon quickly retreated his hand, apologizing profusely.
You glared at him, wondering why you were feeling this way all of a sudden.
"I would like you to go back to your ship now, sailor," you said and Mammon grinned at you. Your cheeks were flushing, something you didn't know was possible. You were able to catch two pretty fangs in the row of teeth he was flashing, and it made something inside you flutter slightly.
Those were some very pretty teeth.
"Let's make a deal, yeah?" he said and your attention was caught in his net. If there's one thing a siren loved, it was a trade.
"Yes?" you asked, wanting him to continue. Mammon's smile widened as he realized he had your focus. Yet, he could not help wanting more, more, more. More of your interest, more of your pretty eyes examining him.
"You tell me where ya pretty little treasure is, and I'll come back with it for ya," he said and the corner of your lips turned upward. You had no need for material possessions. You found gold and jewellery boring. It all paled in comparison to your tail.
But this Mammon. You wanted more of him. So if a silly deal would mean that he came back to you, then you'd take it. You leaned in, and you whispered the secret of the treasure in his ear. Mammon flushed at your closeness, as he felt your cold breath on his earlobe, but he kept his composure.
You moved back to look him in the eyes and he caught a glint of yellow in your irises as you smiled so prettily, sharp teeth peeking out slightly. Your eyes trailed down to his necklace and you grabbed the coin attached to it with two fingers. Then you looked back up and leaned forward to press a short kiss to his lips and whispered against him.
"Come back to me,"
Mammon woke up on a beach, the waves slightly pulling at him. He groaned into the sand, feeling an incoming headache. He pushed himself up and looked around, seeing that he had made it to a small island. For a second he considered if it had all been a dream, but then he reached for his necklace, only to find it missing. He smiled to himself, imagining you swimming around wearing his necklace. Then he heard Crab's bouldering voice and loud splashes of water. He looked behind him, to find his right-hand man running toward him.
"There ya are, idiot! What were ya thinkin'!" the man roared, and Mammon winced at the volume. Behind Crab, his ship was anchored and he could see the rest of his crew, curiously looking.
The memories came flowing back to Mammon, and he smiled, immediately grabbing Crab as he reached him, and pulling him into a bone-crushing hug.
"I know where our treasure is!"
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AN: I’ve been proofreading for an hour or so and I don’t feel like it anymore, so if there are any mistakes then I apologize. 😫
Pretty divider by @/cafekitsune
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mammonsrockstargf · 2 days
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Levi expressions 1/?
I love his face sm,,, mua mua loml💕💕
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