mansimmorpg · 11 years
Just Posted Building a Ship in Archeage (A How-To Guide)
Building a Ship in Archeage (A How-To Guide)
Since ArcheAge launched in Korea a little over a month ago, guides and tips have been running rampant across the Internet, making the game easier for users. The guide you’re about to read, in particular, is on building a ship. As you know if you’re a current user of the game, you can sail the high seas to experience a whole new kind of gameplay in an MMO. To make things go a little faster, here is a step by step manual on building a ship in ArcheAge. To be more specific, this is a galleon ship, the third biggest ship that ArcheAge currently has to offer!
Core Materials
1,000 wood
1,000 cloth
500 iron
3 rare drops from level 25+ monsters/ specific field bosses
Building a ship is very frustrating at times – remember that before going in! This ship takes a tedious amount of work, but it’s well worth it. Accordingly, you’ll need to take your time to get everything just right! Since the materials can only be turned in in a specific order, you’ll need to follow this guide to a tee.
Buying the Galleon Recipe
Before you can put the materials you’ve tested to use, you have to buy a ship recipe. The tutorial we followed to building a ship like this bought their recipe from a shipwright NPC. The recipe should cost 100g.
After purchasing the recipe, find an open space of ocean, away from anyone that could potentially drown you while you’re swimming from the shore to your ship and from trolls that just want to ruin your day. The recipe, fortunately, enables you to right click it and make a place marker so that you can know where your future ship will be constructed even when you’re away (that way you don’t lose it by accident!).
Bundling Your Materials
First, create ten bundles of wood, then turn them in. Create ten bundles of cloth, and turn them in. After that, reate and turn in five bundles of iron. Finally, turn in the three rare items and you’re set to go.
By “create a bundle,” we mean to head to a construction site (usually located in the towns), select one hundred pieces of either wood, cloth, or iron (whichever you’re bundling), and there you go! If it works correctly, as it should, your character will be carrying the bundle with a giant red X atop his/her back.
Note: If you die while you have the bundle on your back, your bundle will drop and anyone can pick it up. It’s crucial to stay alive while building this ship!
Another note: Make sure to unequip your backpacks before trying to bundle your materials!
The Final Result
After all of your materials are bundled and turned in, your ship is then constructed and ready to set sail! Building a ship is a tedious task and can take a lot of hard work. But if done right, building a ship can turn into a lot of fun, and you can have something to be proud of once you’ve completed it! Don’t forget to name your beautiful masterpiece, and good luck on the seas!
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mansimmorpg · 11 years
Just Posted SWTOR: How to Choose an Advanced Class (Part Three)
SWTOR: How to Choose an Advanced Class (Part Three)
There are eight primary classes that you choose from when you’re picking out your character at level one in Star Wars: The Old Republic. For each of these primary classes, you get to choose between two advanced classes at level ten. At that level, you become more powerful and start to branch off into the specification of your choice. You grow to fit the skills you’ve selected, honing each ability into an unstoppable force. Here are more advanced classes for you to choose from.
  If You’re a Smuggler
Smugglers, as the name implies, rely on the element of surprise, stealth, and inconspicuity to skate by their enemies. They use a combination of trickery and illusion to make sure that their opponents don’t know that they’re there until they’re right on top of them. In a fair fight, they’re able to manage to hold up their own as well. Additionally, smugglers are quick shots and can shoot with an excellent percentage of accuracy.
Primarily, Smugglers are designed to incapacitate their enemies in order to flee rather than to stand and fight. In a group, they can buy valuable minutes of time in a fierce battle. They don’t use heavy armor, rather relying on the environment and their nimble footwork to lead them away from harm. This statement brings forward the fact that Smugglers don’t have a very high defense, so if they’re caught in crossfire or unable to flee in a certain amount of time, it can be difficult for them to survive.
The Smugglers advanced class are Gunslinger and Scoundrel:
Gunglinger: The Gunslingers wield dual blaster pistols, and have enhanced range and coverage. They’re known best as “masters of the trick shot,” if that gives you any idea as to what kind of advanced class they are.
Scoundrel: The Scoundrels wield only a single blaster pistol, but have increased stealth along with nifty gadgets. Rather than getting two blaster pistols, the Scoundrel comes equipped with one pistol, a stealth belt, a med pack, and a scattergun. No matter who their opponent may be, the Scoundrel advanced class always shoots first.
If You’re a Bounty Hunter
The Bounty Hunters are a frightening force to be reckoned with if taught how to be used correctly. They have fierce determination along with horribly accurate precision that makes them absolutely deadly in battles. Their abilities make them capable of going against even the strongest Force-users, and their versatility in a fight has pegged them charmingly as “Jedi Killers.”
Bounty Hunters buy from the black market, purchasing only the best and most advanced weaponry known to their world. Their arsenal includes a jetpack, wrist-mounted missile launchers, and any other gadgets they can get their nimble hands on.
The advanced class for the Bounty Hunters are Powertech or Mercenary, both unstoppable in their own way:
Powertech: The Powertech advanced class under Bounty Hunters wield a single blaster pistol, a flamethrower (or energy shields), and are capable of coming up with moves fatal to their enemy within seconds.
Mercenary: The Mercenary wields two blaster pistols and high tech gadgets of all sorts. To the Mercenary, the more firepower the better, and the best defense is a good offense.
While these advanced classes pose frightening opponents of potential amazing new characters for yourself, there are still more advanced classes to be discussed. Find out about the last two advanced classes in detail with the next and final article for Star Wars: The Old Republic: How to Choose an Advanced Class.
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mansimmorpg · 11 years
Just Posted Star Wars: The Old Republic: How to Choose an Advanced Class (Part Two)
Star Wars: The Old Republic: How to Choose an Advanced Class (Part Two)
Now that you’ve made it to level ten in Star Wars: The Old Republic, it’s time for you to choose you’re advanced class. No matter what primary class you’ve selected, there are now two options for you to choose from, as there are two advanced classes per every one primary class. Weigh the pros and cons of each in this quick explanation of more of the advanced classes – and may the Force be with you.
If You’re a Jedi Consular
The two classes for the Jedi Consular in Star Wars: The Old Republic are Sage and Shadow (with their full titles being Jedi Sage and Jedi Shadow, respectively). Though both of these advanced classes possess new abilities that would allow you to reach greater feats on the game, their are pros and cons for each that will either make or break the advanced class in your opinion.
Jedi Sage: The Sage is defensive and possesses healing capabilities that make him/her a great ally on a team. They carry a single-bladed lightsaber and wear light armor, though they deliver terrifying ranged damage each second. Match that with their healing abilities and they become unstoppable when used correctly. With the Sage, you gain the ability to unlock one of the three skills with the Sage’s skill tree: Telekinetics, Seer, or Balance.
Jedi Shadow: Become a deadly tank with the Jedi Shadow, wielding a double-bladed lightsaber and charging into the battle with only light armor protecting you. With strong melee damage, the Shadow can become a frightening opponent. Their attribution to the team is willpower and endurance. When you choose the Shadow, your options under their skill tree becomes either Infiltration, Kinetic Combat, or Balance.
*Note: The Balance skill, as you notice, is shared by the Sage and the Shadow, so no matter which advanced class you choose you will have the option to choose Balance under their respective skill trees.
If You’re a Sith Inquisitor
Wielding the Force to its greatest lengths in Star Wars: The Old Republic as a Sith Inquisitor, you possess a well-rounded personality that carries you to victory in battle virtually all the time. Knowing that, you have two advanced classes to choose from that could help you live up to all of the potential that you’ve mustered through the game already: Sith Assassin, or Sith Sorcerer.
Sith Assassin: The Assassin carries a wide array of fearsome abilities in his/her arsenal. They deliver burst melee damage with their double-bladed lightsabers, using stealth to get in close before their opponent could even see them coming. Their skills that you get to choose from are Deception, Darkness, or Madness (which is a shared skill with Sorcerer).
Sith Sorcerer: Though they only wield a single lightsaber, their Force Lightning and Force Drain along with their Ranged DPS AND their ability to heal or heal others give the Sith Sorcerer a huge advantage against any foes they come across. Their skills under the skill tree are Lightning, Corruption, or the shared Madness.
Though these advanced classes pack a punch on Star Wars: The Old Republic, there are still many more to come. For more choices of advanced classes, what they do, and how you can reach them, check out the rest of mansimmorpg.com.
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mansimmorpg · 11 years
Just Posted ArcheAge Newbie Abilities Guide
ArcheAge Newbie Abilities Guide
To those joining the ArcheAge bandwagon for the first time, their can be an overwhelming amount of information that needs to be absorbed all at once just by joining and creating your first character. Given that fact, it can be confusing just starting out if you don’t know where to go from or what the best path for your real life personality is. There’s a character out there for everyone, specifically designed to make you the happiest when playing. Here is a guide to read over in order to discover how to make that character come to life on your computer.
Level One
When you first create your character in, you get to choose one ability out of the following: Combat, Wild, Magic, Devotion, and Death.
Combat: Enhances destructive attacks that crush multiple foes at a time.
Wild: Target your enemies from a further distance with your fatal ranged attacks.
Magic: Build your versatile magic spells that pack a punch and leave your enemies quivering in your presence.
Devotion: Carry your team through the battlefields by healing their wounds and reviving those that have fallen.
Death: Make the dead rise at your whim, summoning their powers to deal fatal magic damage. It also allows you to walk the veil between death and life whenever you want.
Level Five
Once you hit level five, you can choose your second ability from a wider variety this time. Other than just the five you got to choose at level one, you now have five more to also choose from, including: Conjury, Will, Calling, Fortification, and Artistry.
Conjury: Weaken your foes immensely to help your allies kill them faster. While it doesn’t deal direct damage, it will debilitate your enemies to the point of near slaughter.
Will: Prevent or inflict – the choice is all yours! With Will, you have the ability to strike down your enemies with vicious magic damage, or save your allies by preventing damage to them.
Calling: Sneak up on your foes with Calling, delivering fatal blows before they get a chance to see who killed them. This works best in a one-versus-one battle.
Fortification: Boost your defenses, armor, and health with Fortification. This allows you to become more indestructible.
Artistry: Increase your movement/recovery speed and be faster than your foes. This increases your combat performance overall, too.
Level 10
Once your reach level 10, you can choose your third (and final) ability. But don’t feel pressured by the decisions that you make on your abilities! If you happen to rethink your build at a later time, you can always go to the NPC Ability Manager and request a change in your abilities.
Each ability you choose has sub-skills that you can learn by consuming Skill Points. If you want to reset your skill points and start over, however, you’ll have to pay a certain amount of money.
Though it can be a little challenging to get started as a newbie, it’s easy to get the hang of and well worth it. By focusing on your strengths and taking care of your weaknesses with well-trained allies, you can become a fearsome opponent for anyone in ArcheAge.
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mansimmorpg · 11 years
Just Posted Star Wars: the Old Republic Guide: How to Choose an Advanced Class (Part One)
Star Wars: the Old Republic Guide: How to Choose an Advanced Class (Part One)
Congratulations! You’ve made it to the tenth level in Star Wars: The Old Republic, and now you have a variety of options that you couldn’t obtain before. Upon reaching level ten, you have the opportunity to choose an advanced class, rather than the normal classes you pick at the start of your game. In essence, the advanced class in Star Wars: The Old Republic is more of a subclass that makes you character become more distinct, unique, and fun to play with. There are many different advanced classes that you can choose from, so to make sure that you’re selecting the right class for yourself, here’s a quick walk through of how to choose the right advanced class for your tastes.
If You’re a Sith Warrior
For the melee tank characters on the dark side of Star Wars: The Old Republic, you have a choice of two advanced classes: Juggernaut and Marauder.
Juggernaut: The Juggernauts have very powerful, heavy armor, making them capable of simply shrugging off powerful attacks. By building a Juggernaut, you can become a frightening tank with ease.
Marauder: Wielding two lightsabers, the Marauder is slightly more powerful than the Juggernaut, but with weaker armor. Really, it comes down to the preference as to how you would like your character to look and what you would want them to wield.
If You’re a Jedi Knight
There are two advanced classes for the Jedi Knight in Star Wars: The Old Republic: the Guardian and the Sentinel. Each has its own specialties that could either make you love it or hate it.
Guardian: The Guardian is basically the big-time tank of the Republic. In a PvP match, Guardians tend to do little damage but have massive amounts of defense in order to balance their stats out. Though a Guardian isn’t the best attacker, it is the best defender and can save you in a team fight.
Sentinel: Analogous to the Marauder, the Sentinel carries a lot of damage – the most for the Republic – but not nearly as much armor as the Guardian does. Just like the Marauder, the Sentinel is going to be weaker than its tankier counterpart, but deal a massive amount more of damage. If you’re willing to give up some of your armor to increase your damage output, the Sentinel is the right choice for you.
With all of the many advanced classes for Star Wars: The Old Republic, there is simply too much to talk about for one article. For more advanced classes, check out the rest of mansimmorpg.com.
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mansimmorpg · 11 years
Just Posted Blade and Soul to the Uninformed
Blade and Soul to the Uninformed
To those unsure of what the MMORPG Blade and Soul is, here’s a quick preview of how to play, what it’s about, and it in comparison with other games similar to it.
The Lore
Blade and Soul is a massively multiplayer online (MMO) universe where intense martial arts techniques are brought to life in swift, vivid motions. The story begins with a millennium-long peace coming to an abrupt end, and good and evil beginning to wage wars against each other. The Wind Empire won’t give up trying to strike down the Stratus Empire in order to unite the four continents of the world together to bring about a new world of military force and enforced might.
In the midst of this chaos come a species of ancient creatures – the Darksiders. With the people of the world fighting against each other, very few oppose the Darksiders from making their rise to power, which would result in complete control of the earth.
Where You Come In
It’s up to you to decide which force to join in Blade and Soul, and to protect that force with all of your might. Whether you attempt to continue the thousand-year peace, join the rebels, or unleash the power of pure evil  among the world with the Darksiders, the choice is yours.
There are six classes in Blade and Soul that you can choose from: Assassin, Blademaster, Destroyer, Force Master, Kung Fu Master, and Summoner. Which class you choose will determine your position in battles and different necessities in order for you to survive.
There are four races in this world: the Gon, Jin, Kun, and Lyn. Each of the races carry a special difference about them to make them unique.
Gon: The Gon can choose between two classes; Kung Fu Master or their ancestral Destroyer class. Feared by the other races, the Gon are powerful allies when they need to be, though not the friendliest of people.
Jin: The Jin get to choose from three classes; Assassin, Blademaster, or Kung Fu Master. Curious and wise, the Jin are very versatile in combat and quick to react when trouble arises.
Kun: An all-female race, the Kun are masters of beauty, tranquility, and grace. They owe their skills to the Phoenix, and stick to the natural world in order to honor the creature. Though they can be Blademasters, the Kun specialize almost always as fearsome Force Masters, wielding the elements around them as they please.
Lyn: The Lyn are the only race to be able to choose the class of Summoner, though they can also command elements as Force Masters just as the Kun can. Cute, seemingly sweet and unarmed, the Lyn make for great survivors and easy escapists when danger comes. Though they appear small and adorable, their senses allow for them to be a fierce race, just as much as the next people.
Extra Details
Blade and Soul, a Korean-centered MMO right now, will be hitting the US and other Western countries soon
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mansimmorpg · 11 years
Just Posted ArcheAge Published by Trion Worlds in US and Other English Countries
ArcheAge Published by Trion Worlds in US and Other English Countries
Trion Worlds, the publisher of Rift, has released an official press article stating that they’re going to bring ArcheAge to the United States, along with various other countries, including New Zealand, Canada, and many countries across Europe, including Turkey. It will start by publishing ArcheAge on its Red Door online commerce platform in Western markets, meaning all across Europe and North America.
ArcheAge, which spent six years in development prior to its beta testing phase in Korea, is a big deal for Trion Worlds. It’s said to have an incredible amount of polish and proposed to have as much popularity in the Western countries as it does in Korea.
Prior to the statement that ArcheAge would be published in Western markets, it was published in Russia by Russia’s very own Mail.ru.
The original publishers of ArcheAge, XL Games, was excited to work with Mail.ru with the Russian publishing of it, and is now equally ready to team up with Trion Worlds to help it hit the Western markets. Jake Song is the CEO, founder, and developer of games for XL Games.
“We’re thrilled to be working with Trion Worlds, a company who is embracing high-quality, original games on a dynamic connected platform,” Song said. “We’re impressed with XL Game’s track record, as they have consistently delivered against an unwavering vision; we’re confident partnering with Trion will help bring ArcheAge the success it deserves.”
As far as Trion World’s track record is concerned, they’re hitting a huge amount of success with every game they release. Being the publisher of a game similar to ArcheAge, Rift, they earned over $100 million in revenue on that one game alone in just its first nine months. With records like that, ArcheAge is sure to get the popularity it deserves.
Red Door, the platform that ArcheAge will be offered from in Western countries, has also had much success in the past with games. They’re a true web-based platform, with the monetization and back-end infrastructure necessary for a huge online game like ArcheAge. Its server architecture allow for changes to happen in the game immediately without any interruption or lag time.
Though ArcheAge is hitting a major popularity boom in Korea and other countries that it’s been published, the news of who will be publishing it to Western countries and what it will be using as its platform allows you to think that it’ll have the same success, if not more, in the US and other countries that it’s soon to be hitting. Hopefully, English users will enjoy the beloved fantasy game ArcheAge just as much as those who’ve already gotten the chance to enjoy it.
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mansimmorpg · 11 years
Just Posted Newest Champion to Hit the Battle Grounds
Newest Champion to Hit the Battle Grounds
The newest champion for League of Legends, Thresh, will be patched in any day now, to the speculating super fans who’ve known about him for weeks now and to fans about to see him for the first time alike. There are a few reasons you should be excited for Thresh, the Chain Warden.
A Nightmare Champion
Reigning from the same place in which Hecarim used to reside, Thresh comes from the Shadow Isles. He joined the League of Legends for one purpose alone – to reap the souls of his opposing champions, torturing and tormenting them before he does so. Baring a heart as cold as ice, Thresh is a champion for any summoner willing to take on his gruesome job.
Thresh is a support champion, though not your usual one. He is able to get fed not by kills, but by collecting the souls that line the fields once an enemy has been killed. He doesn’t require the last hit, but is capable of roaming around the map in order to get stronger – and more unstoppable.
His Abilities
Just like any other champion, Thresh has five abilities, including his passive.
Damnation (Passive): By picking up the essence of the enemy’s souls, Thresh is able to gain more Armor and Ability Power. However, Thresh doesn’t gain Armor and AP by leveling up. Collecting souls is the only way for him to get stronger.
Death Sentence (Passive): Thresh winds up his chain in order to create a stronger attack.
Death Sentence (Active): Thresh tosses his scythe forward, which are connected to his chains. He then reels in his victim, dragging him for a short distance towards him. By activating Death Sentence again, Thresh leaps toward his now bound victim.
Dark Passage: By tossing his lantern, allies nearest to it gain a shield. Whoever clicks on the lantern first will be pulled towards Thresh. This allows Thresh’s allies an easier means of escape.
Flay: Thresh uses his chain to sweep enemies off their feet and towards the direction of the blow.
The Box: Thresh creates a prison-like box, allowing any enemy to be slowed and damaged if they cross through it.
Without proper communication skills, Thresh is a useless support champion. Without the right amount of enemy kills, also, Thresh is a useless support champion. Though Thresh does have a high difficulty level, those who really believe that they have what it takes to use him will play him non-stop.
The update for Thresh should happen between now and the end of January.
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mansimmorpg · 11 years
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mansimmorpg · 11 years
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I just posted a new article/guide. Check it out! http://mansimmorpg.com/elder-scrolls-online-beta-registration
Elder Scrolls Online Beta Registration
Yup that’s right, if you have been waiting for this game, Bethesada Softwork just open their beta registration.  Bethesada has not given any time frame for their beta period, so it may be a while before you may have a chance to beta test.  Successful applicants will be informed via email, so sign up now!
With the new beta registration open, Elders Scrolls Online has also released CGI Trailer.  Video was epic to watch, and I may be watching it over and over.
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mansimmorpg · 11 years
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I just posted a new article/guide. Check it out! http://mansimmorpg.com/league-of-legends-jungle-guide
League of Legends Jungle Guide
League of Legends Jungle Guide
Jungling is a League of Legends strategy that involves killing neutral monsters in no man’s land to gain XP, increased abilities, and Gold.  The reason the strategy is called Jungling is because players venture away from the lanes to the jungles of the map to kill monsters for XP and gold.  Jungling is an advanced strategy that should only be used after you’re gained a decent amount of experience playing the game.
The Advantages of Jungling
Jungling is a very valid strategy if you know how to jungle properly.   Jungling allows your team’s other champions to gain the full XP from battling the minions on the lanes while you gain XP by fighting monsters.  If you have competent teammates who take advantage of the extra XP and gold from battling enemy minions, jungling can result in a team that is much more powerful than a usual team.  However, if you have incompetent teammates they will be overwhelmed by the enemy’s champions while you are busy jungling.  Additionally jungling can allow you to take the enemy by surprise as you can swoop in and aid your team from unusual angles (which known as ganking).  A good jungler will confuse the enemy team and demoralize their champions as you move through the shadows, attacking and disappearing with no actual decipherable pattern.  A veteran jungler is a huge asset who can help you win the game.
The Disadvantages of Jungling
There are some disadvantages to jungling, which is expected as the game must be kept balanced.  First of all, if you aren’t efficient at time management jungling is a bad way to gain XP and gold.  I remember the first I tried jungling as a fresh newbie.  I chose a champion that was entirely unsuited for jungling.  I ended up spending a massive amount of time trying to kill monsters because my champion (Brand) was unsuited to fighting them.  Because of this my champion lagged far behind my enemies more powerful champions who were gaining XP quickly.  Jungling can also backfire if your team is inexperienced and can’t hold the battle without you constantly being there.  As you can see, jungling requires an experienced player and a solid team.
The Best Champions to Start With Jungling
There are some champions that are far more suited to jungling than others.  Choosing the proper champion for jungling can win or lose the game for you.   The three champions I’d recommend to newbie junglers are Udyr, Warwick, and Nunu.  These are excellent Junglers because they are able to destroy monsters easily.  Other champions like Brand are bad fits for Jungling as they struggle to defeat monsters.  Monsters use melee attacks thus it’s important to have a champion that is excellent at close quarters combat.   The one monster that uses magic is Baron Nashor.
What Items Should a Jungler Start With?
The usual build for a jungler is usually to start with cloth armor and 5 potions.  The armor helps protect your champion from monsters’ melee attacks.  The 5 potions are useful for obvious reasons.   Another good option is to go with Hunter’s machete instead of armor.  Hunter’s machete increases your attack damage and can help you clear up monster camps quickly.  I suggest that you only use Hunter’s machete if you have solid runes with you.
Buffs and How They Affect Jungling
If you aren’t aware of it, Buffs are essentially extra “upgrades” that you gain after defeating certain monster camps.  One of the two buffs you should go for as soon as possible is the “Crest of the Ancient Golem” (also known as blue buff) which grants increased mana regeneration and faster cooldown reduction.  The second buff you should go for is the “Blessing of the Lizard Elder” (known as red buff), which increases your attack strength and slows the enemy down.   The third buff is the “Exalted with Baron Nashor” buff.  This buff grants increased health, increased mana regeneration, increased attack damage, and higher ability power.  It is suggested that you start with the red or blue buff.
Ganking is an important part of the jungling strategy.  Ganking is attacking the enemy lane from neutral lands like the forest.  It can be an essential force in demoralizing and confusing the enemy as you attack from unknown angles and keep making the enemy guess.  There are some important rules to remember while ganking, the first is that you should never take on more than you can handle.  Don’t gank an enemy turret at full health, or don’t gank an enemy champion who is healthy and has minions right behind him.  You should also gank when the enemy attacks your ally, thus making the enemy think twice before attacking your ally again.
Counter-Jungling is the antidote to the enemy’s jungling efforts.  The main focus in this strategy is to attack the monsters in the enemy’s jungle.  Another aspect of this strategy is to gank the same lane as the enemy’s jungler and thus putting their jungler on the defensive.  The main advantage to this strategy is that you thwarting the enemy’s jungler from gaining experience and Gold.  It’s important that you inform your team when you are counter-jungling, as it’s easy to get trapped if the enemy finds out that are you counter-jungling.  You should also use certain champions with a combination of speed, high damage and ability to escape.  I’d recommend champions such as Shyvana, Dr. Mundo, Nunu, Udyr, and Zed.
It’s very important that you know the enemy position before counter-jungling.  Counter-jungling is all about knowing the enemy’s position as well as the respawn times of the monsters in his jungle.  You should not spend too much time in the enemy jungle or they will absolutely catch on to what you are doing.
If the enemy is counter-jungling you, you should use vision wards to know exactly where the enemy’s counter-jungler is.  Wards are items that you can place near your jungle’s entrance to know when the enemy is entering your jungle.  This can allow your team to decimate the enemy’s counter –jungler before he has any chance of success.
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mansimmorpg · 11 years
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I just posted a new article/guide. Check it out! http://mansimmorpg.com/league-of-legends
League of Legends
An Introduction to League of Legends
League of Legends is an online multiplayer fantasy video game in which two teams are pitted against each other. The video game is based on the DOTA (Defense of the Ancients) Warcraft mod and it is one of the most popular free online games out there. Around 12 million players log on each day to play League of Legends. The game is the creation of Riot Games, a well-known game development company. The game is completely free to play. The game is played from an overhead perspective and you only control one character which is a champion.
What is Gameplay Like?
In the game’s main mode, two teams of 3 or 5 teams of “Champions “are pitted against each other. Each character controls a champion that has the ability to cast spells and special abilities. The goal of the game is to destroy the other team’s nexus (basically the enemy’s home structure), which is found at the other’s team spawn point. Each team is spawned at entirely opposite parts of the map. To get to the other team’s nexus the team has to go through “lanes” which are patrolled by the enemy team’s NPCs (non-player character) that are called minions. Each team’s minions are spawned from their own Nexus. Additionally there are turrets on each path which attack the enemy players. The goal of the game is to fight through the enemies defenses and finally reach their nexus. If you are able to destroy their nexus you have won the game. Gameplay is fast and exciting, and the game is addicting enough to hold the attention of 12 million daily players. Your champion is instrumental in winning a game as champions are powerful creatures that are able to turn the tide of battle. Your ability to control your champion hugely influences the game as an expert player can decimate the other team’s minions and champions. Learning how to use your champion’s specialized abilities efficiently and quickly is the most important skill you can learn in this game. Additionally you must be able to strategize efficiently.
The game has many RPG (role-playing game) elements included. For example, you will gain XP for each match you play. As you rank up you gain the choice to unlock even more champions. Additionally, each individual game has certain RPG elements as your champion gains XP and Gold throughout the game. The XP can be used to unlock abilities or spells or to level them up. Gold can be used to buy equipment that increases your character’s powers. For example, you can buy armor that makes your champion harder to kill. These elements ensure that gameplay is fast, exciting, and addicting.
Another cool element of the game is the existence of monsters in the game. These are neutral NPCs that will not attack you unless you attack them. Defeating those results in increased XP and extra gold. Additionally some of these monsters defend “buffs” which provide extra abilities to champions. By killing these monsters you gain access to buffs. Seeking these monsters out to gain XP, buffs, and gold is called “jungling” and is a well-known strategy in League of Legends. There are downsides of a “jungling” strategy sometimes too, as the enemy can break through your defenses while your team is too busy defeating monsters.
Dominion Mode
Dominion is a game mode that is played on a 5v5 map called Crystal Scars. In this mode you must indirectly destroy the nexus by holding certain capture points, as well as killing the other team’s champions. The more capture points you hold, the faster the enemy’s Nexus loses hit points. Additionally every time you kill an enemy their Nexus loses 2 hit points (out of 250). At 100 hit points, the only way to further reduce hit points is by holding the capture points. Dominion is a slightly faster game mode with the average game lasting only 20 minutes. What kind of computer do I need to run League of Legends? League of Legends does not require a powerful computer to run. Most computers can use it with ease as it uses fairly old technology. The minimum requirements are a 2Ghz processor, 1 GB of ram(2 GB if you use Windows Vista or 7), 8 GB of hard disk space, Support for DirectX 9.0c or higher, and Windows XP, Vista, or Windows 7. The recommended requirements are somewhat higher but meeting them ensures the best gaming experience. The recommended requirements are a 3 Ghz processor, 2 Gb of RAM(4 GB for Windows Vista and 7 users), 12 GB of available hard space, a Nvidia GeForce 8800 or better video card and Windows XP, Vista, or Windows 7. Notice that League of Legends has no support for MacOS or for Linux, so it is essential that you have a Windows machine to run the game. League of Legends isn’t a game that requires a very powerful PC, as even an older PC can run it efficiently. As long as you pass the minimum requirements the game will run very smoothly for you. It also goes without saying that you need a reliable and relatively quick internet connection, as this is a multiplayer game and too much lag can hurt the gameplay experience.
Why Should You Play League of Legends?
League of Legends has the “it” factor that makes certain games draw players in within the first hour of gameplay. The combination of fast paced gameplay and strategy make the game very appealing to anyone who likes strategy or fantasy games. It only took me around 20 minutes of gameplay to become a huge fan of this game. Even if you’re not a fan of those genres, it’s very likely that you will love League of Legends. The game is a lot of fun to play with good friends, as you are able to communicate and strategize to win the game. I thoroughly recommend that you at least give this game a try, and its available as a free download.
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mansimmorpg · 11 years
Love this game as well
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cant stop playing this game :O if u have acc, add me: whiteymcswag for pure pwnage
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mansimmorpg · 11 years
Epic game
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mansimmorpg · 11 years
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Archeage ingame ships.....
read more about it on my blog!
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mansimmorpg · 11 years
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I just posted a new article/guide. Check it out! http://mansimmorpg.com/blade-soul-launch-gem-item-expansion
Blade & Soul Launch Gem Item Expansion
Source: http://bns.gameguyz.com/news/news/original-blade-soul-update-will-launch-gem-slot-expansion-item.html
What’s thе highest purpose оf martial arts? Currеntlу mаnу players trу tо farm аnd upgrade. Thеіr оnlу aim іѕ tо equip bеttеr items аnd finally dominate thе Wulin world.
Recently, Blade & Soul (KR) launches nеw gem expansion item named Refine Item. Nоw wе wіll introduce іt tо you.
Thе newly – launched Refine Item саn expand 4 gem slots аt most. In thіѕ way, players wіll bе аblе tо add 4 gems іn items thеу crafted.
Wау tо gеt Refine Item Players nееd tо gather thе item – Black Evil’s Character fіrѕt tо gеt Refine Item. Aссоrdіng tо thе number уоu gathered, уоu саn exchange Black Evil’s Character аt thе NPC.
Firstly, players саn gain Black Evil’s Character аt thе cybercafé action held bу NCsoft. Thеу wіll gеt thе item іn accordance wіth players’ experience time іn cybercafé.
Secondly, уоu саn аlѕо gеt іt thrоugh daily quests аnd dungeon combat іn Soo – wol Plain ѕіnсе January 23rd.
Lastly, уоu саn exchange wіth N scores оn January 23rd.
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mansimmorpg · 11 years
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