matt-tidster · 2 days
Reblog to open a rail line from your blog to the person you reblogged this from
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matt-tidster · 3 days
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Inflatable couch I painted yesterday
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matt-tidster · 4 days
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matt-tidster · 5 days
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matt-tidster · 5 days
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Due to budgetary constraints we do not have the resources for any Ship of Theseus bullshit and we have chosen death over continuity.
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matt-tidster · 5 days
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The Outbursts of Everett True was a comic strip that ran in papers from 1905 to 1927, wherein the aforementioned Everett True regularly beat the everliving shit out of rude people as a warning to anyone else who might consider being rude. Men have not only been taking up too much room on public transport for about as long as public transport has existed, but the people around them have been irritated about it for at least a hundred years. The next time someone tries to claim that manspreading is a false phenomenon, please direct them to this strip so that Everett True can correct their misconceptions with an umbrella upside the head.
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matt-tidster · 5 days
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anyone else dealing with this?
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matt-tidster · 6 days
That one mutual who likes all your personal posts
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matt-tidster · 7 days
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made some adjustments to my "How many people could’ve died based on the in-game actions they've taken" list, now including some explanations from least to most possible kills. All based on my memory and sometimes looking in the dialogue files.
Starting with the "0 people could've died" tier we have Beffica, Cromdo, Triffany, Shelda, and Wiggle. Their in-game actions realistically wouldn't have lead to the death of anybody
With "1 person could've died" we have Filbo, Floofty, and Clumby. Filbo because he made The Journalist eat a strabby, something they're allergic to and they easily could've died from that. Floofty because they tried cutting their own head off. Clumby because she allowed The Journalist go to Snaktooth, fully expecting them to die there.
"2 people could've died" has Chandlo. You shouldn't try lifting an entire cabin with someone in it above your head.
"3 people could've died" with Wambus. 1. Filbo could've died of a concussion because he made that Bunger ram him into a tree across the map. 2. Threw Cromdo 31 feet as of last Tuesday. 3. Probably would've straight up killed Gramble after Liz n Egg went missing.
"5 people could've died" has Snorpy. While putting a hidden flash bang on someone's body that could be activated by a code word the person doesn't know isn't automatically lethal, as that person was on a raft with 4 other people and could've easily said that code word at any point during that ride on accident, that could disorient everyone and make everyone fall out of that raft and drown n die.
"9 people could've died" with Gramble. Hoarding the singular food source on a island from everyone because you don't want them to them is bad I Think.
"11 people could've died" has Eggabell and The Journalist. Eggabell cause she was the only doctor on the island and when she went missing everyone in town could've caught the worst disease on earth and died, and also the avalanche with Liz (which she didn't cause, but she was the reason why Liz went to try n save her n fell). The Journalist because the Bad Ending exists and they fell head first into a boulder.
And last, but not at all least, we have Elizabert Megafig with 14 to 15 possible deaths! As the Queen of Bugsnax, she could've lost her grip on the island for a moment and cause Everything Bad To Happen At Once. This one is ranged because it depends on whether or not Alegander's on the island at the time (he was shown to go back onto the island in that post credit dialogue scene)
if i got anything wrong here ramble about it in the notes cause again, memory. also this isn't about how "bad" a grump is either btw im just thinking about possibilities lmao
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matt-tidster · 7 days
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by BeeWinter55
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matt-tidster · 8 days
when something major goes down in a fandom you're not a part of
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matt-tidster · 8 days
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Happy Moon Landing Day 🌕🐇
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matt-tidster · 8 days
(grunts) (sniffs u)
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matt-tidster · 8 days
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What is FilesFound!...? New Article: Desktop Partner Dear Dog An early virtual pet game with really charming 3D graphics! Another game I couldn't find any footage of online… Until now! 🐶 New Article: Random Floppies - Volume 1 A look at some of the files I've found on random, second hand floppy disks. I'll keep you safe, Snoopy.bmp! 🖼️💾
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New Article: Building - Fun with Architecture Build with blocks, on the computer! A simple game where you make pictures out of shapes, but with an interesting aesthetic 🧱🔨
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matt-tidster · 9 days
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matt-tidster · 9 days
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I have no excuses and no regrets
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matt-tidster · 9 days
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