maysrinn · 5 days
I’m a ✨DAD✨
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Daddy duck and his MINI BORBS ✨
wanna know which one is who? fear not, I’m here to help!
From left to right:
Audree & Aubrey ??
Janus Crimson
Rosie Aurelian
Clementine Auburn (On top)
Cedar Fern
Xanthos Olive
They hatched the following spring after his little summer romance with Goosey Gray, she had to stay the winter after breaking her wing and not being able to follow the covey south. Coriolanus made her the prettiest and warmest of nests, with the best hay and his most beautiful plumage! Food in bed, the best view and well needed rest, How can she say no to that??
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maysrinn · 7 days
Goosey Gray & Coriolanus Duck 🪿✨
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The marvelous summer romance of a pampered little running duck who falls head over first for a wild spicy water cobra~
Goosey Gray trademark name by @spoomed \òwó_
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maysrinn · 9 days
Pain of the day 🥀
A little detail in my last post is that everyone wears feathers except for lucy gray~
coughs The reason she doesn't have a feather yet is that the Furball Covey has a tradition of finding their own in the right color—in this case, blue for her family. However, Lucy Gray never got lucky. Each feather was either snatched away by her siblings or wasn't the right color. She chased after bluejays, hoping they would drop one, but became more frustrated as time went on. Her mom always said, "Don't be sad. One day you'll holler, 'I FOUND ONE!' and I promise I'll braid it into yer hair."
After the chaos of that day, it took Lucy Gray a while to emerge from her hideout to search for her parents and siblings. Like the little girl she was, she called out into the emptiness, her voice echoing with no response. As she wandered, she stumbled upon a blue feather lying on the ground. She muttered a quiet, "Found one," but there was no one there to answer her.
yes it is one from her mother and Lucy Gray never takes it off
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maysrinn · 12 days
The furBaird Family 🦊
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Lucy Grays late fuzzy family!
Her momma, Adelynn Blue, and her daddy, Vincent Yale, both her older siblings Olivia Pine and Brody Green. Although not much older, Olivia Pine and Brody Green were from the same litter as Lucy Gray, with Brody Green being the eldest and Lucy Gray the youngest and weakest, often referred to as the runt. She is the runt of the litter. Due to that Lucy Gray was smaller than her siblings and often babied by her mother because of it, receiving more rations and always put under an watchful eye as her mother who worried about her more than her reckless siblings. They got watched by Vincent Yale don’t worry Ever so often both Brody Green and Olivia Pine teased Lucy Gray about her height, though Olivia did so gently with lighthearted jokes, while Brody often went too far. Her mother often telling her that she will grow up to be tall and strong if she eats and sleeps enough which Lucy Gray always replied with a „Otay momma“
It gets dark———
Despite the teasing, Lucy Grays petite stature ultimately saved her life. When peacekeepers hunted down the Covey, her mother hid her in a tight space, instructing her not to come out no matter what. She didn’t witness the tragedy , but she heard it all—the shouting and rifle shots, the screaming and pleading... noises that never left her memory, she fought the urge to call out for her mother until everything went quite. Adelynn Blue Baird lost her life being shot by peacekeepers trying to defend and protect her babies.
Lucy Gray was later found by her Aunt Lorelei Maroon waddling only a few feet away from her mother and siblings, praying to god that she didn’t found or noticed them
She did
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maysrinn · 16 days
In the Capitol AU, whenever there is a new munchkin being born the president doesnt take giving their newborn their second name seriously while in the District AU he does. He knows colors, a lot to be exact thanks to tigress and her passion in being a designer, who sometimes even asking him for advice or a second opinion, but instead of going for the normal sounding ones Coriolanus has a different kind of approach…
Coriolanus: hmm what about Salmon?
Lucy Gray: thats a fish-
Coriolanus: yes and? I’ts one of my favorite dishes and to my surprise also a color
Lucy Gray: Coryo I know u want to …lighten up the mood but I’m exhausted and this aint it, pick again please…
Coriolanus: …fine….oh! Bubbblegum, don’t look at me like that is a color-
Lucy Gray: Coriolanus…
Coriolanus: banana?
Lucy Gray: … I’m sure that’s food…
Coriolanus: a fruit, well alright, strawberry?
Lucy Gray: definitely a fruit, sweet and delicious but No
Coriolanus: alright alright… OH! I got it! What about ✨Eggplant✨
Lucy Gray: ….I dont even know… what the heck even is that!?
Coriolanus: the little fucked up sister of the banana~
Lucy Gray: what the fu… CORIOLANUS SNOW!!
Coriolanus: FINE! FINE FINE YOU WIN …what about Crimson? Hmm? Happy??
Lucy Gray: …Yes…Thank You… Sejanus Crimson Snow, I really like the sound of that *smiles*
Few months later
Coriolanus: Sejanus Eggplant would have been a banger, just saying
Lucy Gray: … *kicks him*
The only time they don’t banter about the second name is when Rosie was born, immediately Coriolanus suggests ✨Aureolin✨ T^T
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maysrinn · 19 days
Happy Mothersday! 💕✨
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Each Mother's Day brings its own unique blend of traditions and experiences for Lucy Gray and her family. In the Capitol AU, it might entail a luxurious breakfast in bed amidst the opulence of the Capitol, with Coriolanus doting on Lucy Gray with lavish gifts and cherished moments of solitude. Other times in the District AU, it's a simpler affair, embracing the rustic charm of District 12 and relishing the day for what it truly means with her kids.
That doesn't imply she doesn't enjoy spending the day with the children in the Capitol, she does. However, Coriolanus makes a point of encouraging them to give Lucy Gray the space and time she deserves to focus on herself.
This particular year, the young fledglings, eagerly anticipated a delightful outing to the lake with their mother. However, Cedar Fern, had to remain behind with his father due to the scorching heat. Lucy Gray, mindful of her baby's comfort, opted out of the hike, knowing that Cedar Fern would be better off staying cool indoors. Meanwhile Coriolanus would really love to spend the day with his wife…
Coriolanus: they left without me…they do this every year …why …doesn’t anyone love Coriolanus Snow the lonely commander of district 12?! LUCY GRAY! come back…please…
Cedar Fern: BA!
Coriolanus: you shall be my hostage-
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maysrinn · 21 days
Clemmie is any universe:
Coriolanus: Where does she get this from?
Lucy Gray, Tigris, Sejanus and literally everyone side-eying him hard.
To be fair, yes, that mischievous Clementine seems to be a constant across all universes. However, as she matures and with each new sibling that arrives, she gradually discovers that she can push the boundaries further, taking advantage of her parents' preoccupation with her growing flock of siblings. XD
I’m always contemplating the potential path Clementine could have tread as the heiress of the esteemed snow legacy in the Capitol AU, one can't help but wonder: if Rosie is considered spoiled, what level of indulgence would Clementine, as the premier little devil princess, have experienced? The thought of her being pampered to the extent of being spoiled beyond compare, with luxury stretching all over the districts and back, is not far-fetched. There's a chance Clementine could have surpassed previous levels of indulgence and or entitlement, but let's not forget, she's still just a child 💕
Also yes she definitely got that from her father while her little temper tantrums may seem to come more from momma XD
Little fun fact
Whenever Clementine was denied attention, she would instinctively climb her father like a tree, grasping at his nonexistent hair until she successfully demanded his undivided attention. Lucy Gray, on the other hand, tended to observe rather than assist in these scenarios. Even when Clementine's actions were unreasonable, Lucy gray found her inventive problem-solving methods amusing and would watch a bit before intervening or breaking them off.
Lucy Gray: what are you doing little bug?
Clementine: daddy inst paying attention, he just readin’ and witting!!
Lucy gray: it’s “writing” baby
Clementine: …I want to show him the pwetty fweathers!
Lucy Gray: he has to work darlin’…surely he will… come by… Clementine Auburn where are you waddlin’ off to now?
Clementine: I need to put them in his hair!!!
Lucy Gray: …I wouldn’t call what he has hair
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maysrinn · 1 month
In the Capitol AU, is Ma Plinth the honorary grandmother of the Snow children? The one that Lucy Gray likes to visit and leave the kids with?
She is 💫
Grandma’am despised Lucy Gray to the core and besides Janus, none of the other children got to meet Grandma'am, as she passed away just a year after he was born, coinciding with Coriolanus being 25 years old in the timeline. She possibly only accepted her great grandson for primarily resembling Coriolanus. Not surprisingly, Grandma'am never referred to Janus as Sejanus, a fact that didn't bother Coriolanus at all but was quite unlike Lucy Gray's reaction.
On the other hand, Mrs. Plinth always sprung into action whenever a new baby was born, eagerly offering her assistance to Lucy Gray. Lucy Gray gladly accepted her help because it felt genuine, unlike the maids and Avoxes of the household who were either paid or coerced into their duties. Additionally, Ma treated Lucy Gray with genuine love, viewing her as a beloved daughter-in-law. This warmth and affection from Ma made Lucy Gray feel comfortable leaving her kids with the Plinths, whom she genuinely enjoyed visiting.
However, Lucy Gray isn't quite sure about Strabo. This uncertainty stems mainly from his distant demeanor and his overly strict nature, which makes him a bit difficult to connect with.
I adore the image of Ma doting on each grandchild, eagerly showering them with every treat imaginable. Rosie, in particular, is a little sugar-addicted gremlin, constantly in need of an energy boost, and Ma is more than happy to oblige. Rosie points excitedly at pictures of decadent cakes, pastries, or cookies, exclaiming, "THIS, THIS, THIS!!" and eagerly awaits her Grandmama to work her magic in the kitchen.
Although Lucy Gray does try to intervene and caution Ma about giving the children too much sugar, her efforts often fall short against Ma's loving indulgence. After all, who can resist the allure of those sweet, delightful treats made with Grandmama’s tender care?
No Xanthos is not forgotten! He’s actually just like Rosie just not as vocal and hyperactive about treats and snacks XD he craves them, oh yes, and Ma always notices even if he doesn’t right out say it.
Mrs. Plinth is among the rare few who refer to Janus by his full name, Sejanus, which doesn't sit well with Coriolanus.
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maysrinn · 1 month
Hello how are you? Lucy Gray cooks cabbage and bean soup, when she is angry with Coriolanus, and she forces him to eat it?
Hey there!! ✨0✨
I'm feeling quite drained from my two final college projects, which are consuming most of my time… It's tempting to procrastinate, but I know I need to push through q_q
During each of her pregnancies, she would coerce him into preparing cabbage soup for her, much to Coriolanus’s chagrin. He would lament to her about his childhood experiences, where he was forced to consume the soup so frequently that he could no longer tolerate its aroma. Despite his aversion, Lucy Gray surprisingly found the idea of cabbage soup delicious and requested it from him. To his amusement, Lucy Gray managed to keep her food down, earning the approval of their unborn babies. As a result, he found himself repeatedly preparing the dish until the entire kitchen was permeated with the scent of cabbage soup, much to his displeasure.
She absolutely feral tho for the lima bean soup, telling him that her family used to eat them roasted with katniss and rabbit if they had some.
He was happy to move into the presidential mansion and away from the smell T^T
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maysrinn · 1 month
I was WHEEZING so hard first time seeing it, mouth wide open o0o
You‘re ✨the master✨ of drawing the little bean I bow before you.
Funny thing I wanted to do a similar scene or even exactly this scene of Janus kicking Clementine but I can’t top this Lmao The Betrayal XD also the pterodactyl screech is so in character! TvT
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The FACE It‘s my favorite thing in the world OMG THIS FACE, LOOK AT HER! My sweet angel.
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By the way, I love the hairstyles you gave her in this panel👀 maybe I should give her some hairstyles but I agree she had possibly a lot, nothing was consistent, trying to figure out her style over the years as her hair got longer ^^;
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Everything is just Eye candy and I never know if I‘ll be able to show how thankful I am for your fanart its truly a blessing, so full of life and dynamic! Also…not the eye meme…you are killing me XD every math known to mankind, no Coriolanus that wont help ya TvT
The Fun ended tho with cedar fern, I love that piece, the emotion you displayed on her, and the color that supports and captures the atmosphere of this gloomy moment (´°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥ω°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥`)
I‘m glad to hear you love drawing Clementine, you portray her so perfectly the way she just makes that infamous childish swearing/grimaces into nothingness_| ̄|○ WHEEZE
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Portraying her so PERFECTLY. This is Clementine, petty, goofy, childish free spirited Clementine.
Also noticed how how each Panel is made in the babies significant color and the matching expression with Coriolanus 👀 Eyup thats his girl and I noticed before it was pointed out! \( 'ω')/
Thank you so much 💕✨ I have to show my none tumblr friends òwó 💃
Now that I know what Clementine’s first interaction with Janus went, I’m kinda curious how the other ones went with her future sibling 😅😂
Oh yeah 😂
The interactions changed as she got older and more mature. However, she never again placed her hand or ear against her mother's belly. Never again.
With 8 years old she didn’t even want to meet Xanthos, the betrayal of being kicked five years ago by janus was still sitting deep and clementine wasnt ready to take any chances. Also a new brother? No thank you.
Lucy Gray: don’t you wanna meet your new baby brother
Clementine: NUH-UH!!
Coriolanus: what do you mean Nuh-Uh?
With 11 she was forced by coriolanus to meet Rosalyn for the first time with a firm and heartfelt “don’t be like that-“ Rosalyn grabbed Clementines finger and was from that moment on a goner. Thats her sister. Janus and Xanthos who?
Clementine: I’ll protect you with my life, I am no longer an only child.
Janus: what the heck!??
Clementine: you know what you did-
Clementines first interaction with the twins at 14 was arguing with her father of who is who, is it Aubrey or Audree??
Coriolanus: …I give up they look the same
Clementine: Aubrey is the one with blue eyes and Audree with brown… I guess
Coriolanus: Guess? I thought Audree had the blue ones??
Clementine: why you ask me!? Ask MOM!
Coriolanus: NO, I value my life-
Of all the initial encounters, Cedar Ferns was the one she truly dreaded. Lucy Gray nearly lost her life while giving birth to her brother, and Clementine couldn't fathom the idea of meeting or cradling the baby who had nearly deprived her of her mother. Neither Coriolanus nor Lucy Gray pushed her to meet him, though Coriolanus did engage in a heart-to-heart conversation about his childhood experiences. Their steps were little, Clementine lost her friend Iris to the games that year and the thought of loosing almost her mother as well took a toll on her.
Their first genuine interaction occurred when Cedar began crying after waking up from his nap and Clementine was the only one around. After a few moments of calling out for her mother and receiving no response, she took it upon herself to check on her brother. This led to her cradling him for the first time until he fell back asleep, grabbing onto her with his tiny hands making it impossible for her to leave.
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maysrinn · 1 month
What is the origin of how Janus got his cat? (Did they have to go through a bonding arc like Hiccup and Toothless from how to train your dragon?)
it was time for the ✨Cat distribution system✨
Tiramisu was discovered by Coriolanus as a kitten at the end of a date night with Lucy Gray. Despite his attempts to shoo away the lively creature Like a true gentleman, Lucy Gray intervened and picked it up. Holding it with the pure bliss of excitement and awe.
Upon finding the stray kitten, she made the decision to bring it home despite her husband's objections. She believed the kitten would make a wonderful companion for six-year-old Janus. However, Coriolanus remained unconvinced and prohibited Lucy Gray from allowing the stray near their son until it had been examined by a veterinarian, fearing the risk of illness or disease transmission.
On the 4th of July, a few weeks after Janus received Tiramisu as the best birthday gift in his opinion thanking his parents excitedly.
There was a bonding arc but it wasn't Janus and Tiramisu XD Lucy Gray had to make sure that Tiramisu and Coriolanus went along.
Little fact, Tiramisu slept for a while in Coriolanus and Lucy Gray's bedroom with Janus in between them. Wherever little Sejanus went the cat followed. Coriolanus wasn't having it-
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maysrinn · 1 month
Ok we know the interaction of Clementine meeting her siblings but let's go to the Capitol Au, how was the interaction of Janus meeting his siblings?
You’re right we are missing a puzzle piece and that is Janus whole deal with his capitol AU siblings XD
Xanthos joined the family when Janus was 5. Accustomed to being the sole focus of his parents' attention, Janus initially resisted the idea of sharing it. However, Lucy Gray assured him that Xanthos would make an excellent playmate, and Janus eagerly embraced that promise.
Janus: momma…
Lucy Gray: yes hun?
Janus: aint he gonna… he’s so boring, he’s not doing anything. I thought babies did something? Is he broken? Can we return him?? Get a better one, How is he supposed to play like that?
Lucy Gray: Janus yes well, they do just give him a bit more time and let’s now just enjoy the silence.
Janus: silence isn’t fun… I wanna poke him…
Coriolanus: Sejanus Crimson Snow-
Janus: …sorry… father…
At the age of 8, Rosalyn joined their family. While Xanthos was declaring Rosie his arch nemesis before she was even born sounds familiar now doesn’t it Janus was thrilled at the prospect of being a big brother to his younger sister, envisioning additional responsibilities to prove himself. Rosie was petite but healthy, and Janus eagerly longed to cradle her upon their initial encounter.
Janus: so tiny, can I hold her?
Coriolanus: absolutely not- I see how you hold that cat of yours, you’ll not hold your fragile newborn sister like that-
Janus: b-but tiramisu is chunky and wiggly! Rosie looks sleepy and light…please…
Coriolanus: No-
He held her while sitting next to Lucy Gray who ensured that he was indeed not holding his newborn sister like his cat ^^’
Bonus: Even if she is not considered canon yet idk, Janus would be 22 at the time Lucia joins the family. Not being present during her birth like Rosalyn, he is married to his wife and busy with his job as an apprentice for Tigress. He would meet his now even littler sister a few weeks after. He remembers the first time holding Rosalyn, which filled him with pride, but it would be holding baby Lucia that would trigger the ‘I want one of those’ feeling.”
Janus: holding you makes all the previous stress and anxiety melt away, you don’t know me yet and I don’t think we will spend a lot of time together but I’ll treasure every moment I have.
Clelia: She looks like shes made out of gold, such a bright beautiful little lady~
Janus: The cutest little munchkin…
Lucia: Bah!
Janus: I know why they named you honey because you’re just as sweet!
Meanwhile Lucy Gray: yes… feast my child, pull them under your spell. Momma is proud of her little performer~
Unfortunately for both Janus and Clelia they wouldn’t have munchkin on their own for a while.
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maysrinn · 2 months
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It is time to party and celebrating ma birthday!! Grab me some posca I want and I need it. Lucy gray is better then me at least she stopped with 12…🥀
Deepest apologies for being inactive on the last week or two I promise this will shortly be resolved! Got some new things coming soon with the capitol AU and a another one shot is in the works 🥳
Thank you for being a part of this blog I never thought I would get this big and I’m grateful for everyone being on this journey! Let’s keep it that way! I’m not near being done with these two any time soon òwó 🌹
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maysrinn · 2 months
Heyya loving all the district au and capitol lore. I’m curious about Cedar Fern’s birth. Knowing that Lucy gray almost died giving birth to him. I could imagine the trauma Coriolanus went through. What happened there and how did Coryo react to it and in case I’ve missed it, who does the smallest bean take after more?
Oh dont worry!
I haven’t talked about it yet, you didn’t missed anything ^^
With little background information about the births of his other children, Coriolanus wasn’t present for one of them due to the severe trauma from his childhood. He tried so many times, and Lucy Gray quickly realized, after Xanthos, that something wasn’t right.
He always seemed regretful after missing holding their newest baby, but she never pestered him to tell her what was going on. He would tell her when he felt ready, and so he was the one leading up to missing the birth of Aubrey and Audree only a few minutes after deciding to be there for his wife. He promised he would be there if there was a next time, and he was.
Cedar Fern was born well past midnight after complications and severe blood loss from Lucy Gray. He was a healthy, loud little boy, but his mother was in and out of consciousness. Coriolanus refused to leave her side, pleading with her not to leave him, yelling at Sejanus to do his job, and ordering his oldest daughter out of the room who witnessed the unfolding horror. It was utter chaos, and Coriolanus tried so hard to maintain control of the situation while Sejanus did his best to stop the bleeding. He was alarming, pushing members of the covey out and threatening Sejanus with the hanging tree if his wife died, for which he later sincerely apologized.
Lucy Gray managed to summon the strength to make some eerie remarks in an attempt to lighten the mood and put her partner back in his place before she eventually passed out after giving birth to their son. Sejanus was able to stop the bleeding, but he was very uncertain if she would survive the night. Both men remained by her side, and Coriolanus refused to sleep or hold their newborn baby.
Coriolanus only witnessed the birth of his and Lucy Gray's last child. Despite reliving the traumatic experiences he faced when he was only five years old, he was relieved to be present at the birth. He knew that he would never have forgiven himself if Lucy Gray died while he was away. After she gained consciousness again, he told her exactly that.
After Sejanus told her that Coriolanus refused to hold their son, she found the strength to hit him. Oh, she was livid, and he was just on the edge of breaking down, grateful that she was alive 🪶.
Cedar Fern takes after his mother in personality, with her warm olive skin, but he has Coriolanus’s blonde golden locks. He’s a bubbly little lad who spends most of his time strapped onto his mother’s back/chest or in his crib sleeping away the day before mostly bothering Coriolanus throughout the night. Also, he’s very hungry; this kid constantly wants to be fed. If he’s not sleeping, he’s suckling, and Lucy Gray knows he’s the reason she was competitive with food throughout the pregnancy 🌹
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maysrinn · 2 months
the height difference with your fox drawing of lucy and coryo is killing meee. SHE SO TINY
Oh yes, she is quite small indeed! It amuses Coriolanus to see how tiny she is, and he often teases her about it. For example, he has to pick her up so that she can reach things or give her a kiss. It's almost like he has to squat down instead of just leaning down. Lucy Gray doesn't like it very much, but if she needs to see or reach something, she climbs him like a pole, which saves her more than just her dignity.
✨Fun fact✨ she aint even the tiniest of the group! Besides the pups who don’t count Maude ivory is actually the smallest member of the covey with only half the size of Lucy Gray. A well known ankle biter with a big dream of growing maybe a few more inches.
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maysrinn · 2 months
Let the hunt BEGIN 🦊
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momma Lucy Gray
World-building and lore time!
I aimed to include a more primal element into the Furball AU. Hunting for food has become uncommon in this society. Many canines have either forgotten how to hunt or never learned, particularly those from the capital who regard it as something wild and uncivilized. They view the act of walking and stalking on all fours, only to suffocate or break the neck of their prey, as primitive. Such behavior is deemed a district-specific practice, serving as yet another rationale in their eyes for the pinboard to justify the games. The frequency of this hunting technique varies by district and is less prevalent among dogs compared to wolves, coyotes, or foxes.
Adjusting clothes are required or no clothes at all (its fur don’t worry) for the amount of physical activity. A skirt or dress would be in the way and higher the risk of stumbling and falling.
Coriolanus views this situation akin to any pampered poodle from the Capitol: "Why should I do this if we have guns?" He regards it as a primitive, beast-like activity. Meanwhile, Lucy Gray finds herself needing to remind him daily that they lack guns or the resources to alleviate hunger through other means. She may not appreciate the situation, but as a new mother, she's determined to provide for her family because, in her eyes, Coriolanus is utterly useless in this regard.
Does this assist her in the Hunger Games? Yes and no. While she can’t manipulate herself into hunting down tributes like rabbits, pheasants or other rodents, as her mind cannot be deceived in such a manner, her astounding stealth ability enables her to evade danger and hide in small places especially from coral. Despite her small size, this skill proves invaluable in the arena. So smol 🥀🦊
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maysrinn · 2 months
Meet the PUPS! ✨💫
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You thought Fox Lucy Gray is smol??
Let me introduce furball AU Clementine and (Se)Janus, who fit each into one of Coriolanus hands
Both Clementine and Janus are from the same litter. I was considering giving them some more same-age siblings, but in that scenario... RIP Lucy Gray. They are tiny compared to Coriolanus but above average for Red Fox standards. Girly was STRUGGLING T^T.
Both of them will show some of their Borzoi traits later in age but as of right now they look like normal fox pups 🦊 Rosie will be the one who has most of her fathers physical traitmarks!
Not in size tho
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