meadowphillips · 2 months
Dear Wendy by Ann Zhao
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Dear Wendy's Sophie and Jo, two aromantic and asexual students at Wellesley College, engage in an online feud while unknowingly becoming friends in real life, in this dual POV Young Adult contemporary debut from Ann Zhao
Sophie Chi is in her first year at Wellesley College (despite her parents' pleas that she attend a "real" university, rather than a liberal arts school) and has long accepted her aromantic and asexual (aroace) identities. She knows she'll never fall in love herself, but she enjoys running an Instagram account that offers relationship advice to students at Wellesley. No one except her roommate can know that she's behind the incredibly popular "Dear Wendy" account.
When Joanna "Jo" Ephron (also a first-year aroace student at Wellesley) created their "Sincerely Wanda" account, it wasn't at all meant to take off or be taken seriously-not like Wendy's. But now they might have a rivalry of sorts with Wendy's account? Oops. As if Jo's not busy enough having existential crises over gender, if she'll ever truly be loved, and whether her few friends will find The One and forget her!
While tensions are rising online, Sophie and Jo grow closer in real life, especially once they realize their shared aroace identity and start a campus organization for other a-spec students. Will their friendship survive if they learn just who's behind the Wendy and Wanda accounts?
Exploring a-spec identities, college life, and more, this platonic comedy, perfect for fans of Alice Osman's Loveless, is ultimately a love story about two people who are not-and will not-be in love!
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meadowphillips · 2 months
I need to remember to look up content warnings before borrowing something on Libby. 😬
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meadowphillips · 2 months
Fresh Kill is Available Today!
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Is that a stake in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?
I’m not saying that the first of the seasons strawberries make the perfect reading snack to go with my adult urban fantasy vampire series…. But I’m not not saying that either. 👀
Fresh Kill (Hunters of Ironport book 2) is available today wherever books are sold online. So if you’re looking to take a bite out of something dark, gritty, sexy and a little bit bloody now would be the time to grab a copy!
Staked through the heart and you’re to blame.
Still overworked—a little less underappreciated—Eric Marcelino stumbles through an Ironport he doesn’t recognize. The city has gone eerily quiet. There hasn’t been a vampire attack in weeks and Eric is starting to wonder what the vampires are planning.
Tony McMahon’s boyfriend is perfect. Kind. Caring. Hot. Except his sister hates him, and well . . . he might be a vampire. But that’s okay, because Tony has a plan. Sort of.
Change is good, or that’s what Hunter Delacroix has always heard anyway. So then why does moving into the dorms on Moondale University campus feel like a surrender? And why does every glance from Eric feel like a betrayal?
Ironport is quiet, but maybe it’s just the calm before the storm. With broken hearts, grief, and a little existential dread hanging over all of their heads Eric’s team might find themselves six feet under instead of the vampires. This is gonna suck.
GoodReads | Purchase
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meadowphillips · 2 months
i talk so much about the books i have coming out, i forget to promote the books i already have out! so, a quick reminder that i have two books out right now:
the red king's mystical suitors is about a king who whined so hard about being single his sister set him up with a bunch of suitors. a lighthearted fantasy novel featuring magic, undying devotion, and werewolf curses.
the lover with five names is about a soldier, a spy, and a gang leader who are all working to find a new emperor for their empire-except the old emperor's death is not what it seems, and old secrets have to come out in order for progress to be made. this huge political fantasy is queer as can be, baby!!
all of my books feature queer main characters and relationships which are normalized in a fantasy world!
if you'd like to support a queer indie author and get yourself some cool queer fantasy books, please check out mine!
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meadowphillips · 2 months
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As promised, we've got the final INFAUST cover! Give it up for @ambisun for hammering this thing out after moving to a completely different continent. Her drive and talent are immeasurable and I think this cover speaks for itself!
A witch with a dead familiar is an outlier and an ill-omen to every village they pass through. Rehan Nadir is one such witch. The only jobs available to him are terrible ones, and vagrancy is his only recourse… At least, it was until he heard tell of the town of Hamelin’s plight. Stories of a malicious entity, a chaos god, have tormented the village for hundreds of years, and like clockwork tragedy has struck once more: while the adults gathered elsewhere, the children were spirited away. No trace of them has been seen since. The town is desperate to bring them back. Very desperate.
Finding and returning the lost children would be just the thing to give Rehan a new chance at the life he lost after the death of his familiar, and if all it takes is killing a god of chaos, then he’s more than ready to take the plunge and open that door. Unfortunately, he just didn’t anticipate opening a few more in the midst of dealing the finishing blow.
More Info below!
Infaust is a dark romance recounting the tale of the witch Rehan Nadir and the elusive chaos god known only as the Piper. Trapped in a world where even the very dirt wants them dead, the two must depend on one another to escape—and along the way realize that perhaps the definition of a happily ever after really is a subjective one.
This is a story for those of us who know things can always get worse, that there's always still something left to lose. It's toxic yaoi, the novel, so if you love your doves dead, seasoned, and served on a magic-tinged platter, look no further. You've found your meal, and it's ripe for the plucking.
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If you'd like to pre-order Infaust, you have a few options!
For Signed Paperback copies alongside a really cool, limited-run merch box bundle, please check out my Itchio: https://tdcloud.itch.io/infaust
For unsigned pre-orders, the Amazon sales page is the place to go for ebooks, with paperbacks coming closer to the launch date: https://amazon.com/dp/B0CRX5M7TX
Thank you so much for your support thus far and your excitement for Rehan's terrible, no-good dance with the Devil. It means the world, and I'm so excited to unleash this beast May 1st!
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meadowphillips · 2 months
Fuck the Monarchy (Part 2) is up!
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Summary: Everyone thinks Crown Prince Tristan is an alpha. What happens when Tristan is kidnapped on the eve of his coronation... and his heat?
Become a Devotee on Patreon to read Part 2 - Part 1 is available to all (over 18) for free.
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meadowphillips · 2 months
Become a Cosmonaut!
Hey everyone! Just wanted to pop in to remind you all that I have a very active Patreon that has over ONE THOUSAND pages of fiction available! I'm an indie author with a handful of novels and novellas on the horizon for 2024 and early 2025, but my web novels are my pride and joy, so I'm hoping to get some new Cosmonauts on board to join in on the fun!
I write cozy, queer slow burn romances - both horror and slice-of-sci-fi stories - as well as heartwarming and horrifying horror stories! I have several tiers available with a variety of perks, and two of them have 7 Day Free Trials! If you're a fan of slice-of-life webtoons, BL comics/manga, Stardew Valley/farming sims, cute horror, monsters, and sci-fi aesthetics, you'll love my Patreon!
Joining my crew of Cosmonauts helps support my stories and you get:
FOUR ONGOING WEB NOVELS - two slice-of-sci-fi, the slightly popular cozy horror series The Night Farm, and an 18+ supernatural crime drama - all queer, all slow burn, all highly addicting! (With 18+ bonus content)
MONSTERLOVER MONDAYS - a selection of 18+ monsterlover stories!
SCARY SHORT STORIES - a selection of horror-adjacent flash fiction and short stories!
QUARTERLY NOVELETTES - my 18+ tiers get free digital copies of my quarterly horror novelettes for 2024!
BONUS STORIES FOR MY NOVELLA - I have a collection of bonus stories for my debut novella!
EARLY PRE-ORDERS, DISCOUNTS, AND BONUSES - lots of goodies and perks in my online author store!
I would LOVE to get some more Cosmonauts, I'm getting close to hitting 20 and it would absolutely make my day if you'd hop on over and sign up for a trial, give my books a read, and come join in the fun!
Patreon - Alycia Davidson Author
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meadowphillips · 2 months
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meadowphillips · 2 months
I've been on writeblr four years, I figured it's time for a reintro! a lot of the folks who were here when I first came to this wonderful community aren't here anymore, and it's time to meet some new lovely people!
I'm Lila, she/her, and I am a queer fantasy romance author! I'm an indie author with two books currently out and another in preorder! they are:
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All of those are available here! This is my author website, and my author instagram!
I have a general taglist that i use semi-often, so please let me know if you'd like to be added to that! you can find more details about my finished/unfinished works here!
I'm also a frequent fanfic writer, so dm me if you want my ao3 or my fandom blog!
I am always looking for new writeblrs to follow and wips to track! please especially reblog if you're a writer who fits any of these:
is an indie author (ALWAYS looking to support more indie authors)
writes mostly fantasy
writes queer romance
is active and posts about their wips often
but of course, all writers are welcome, even if you dont fit those points! boosts are encouraged!
GENERAL TAGLIST: @worldbuildng @muddshadow @nikkywrites @47crayons @directionoftime @chayscribbles @magic-is-something-we-create @rodentwrites
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meadowphillips · 2 months
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This is NOT universal. Oh my god I'm so sorry, that sounds awful.
Like sure, there are days when my headmates and I feel like we have to tear each word from our head, but... that's a sign that we shouldn't be writing that day! On good mental health days, the words just flow.
if you've never engaged with a creative art on a regular basis you need to understand that it requires concerted effort to get into "the groove" to make something and every second that it takes to get into that groove causes physical pain, but the only thing worse than doing it is not doing it.
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meadowphillips · 2 months
I just posted a review of "Heart of Outcasts" by Nico Silver: https://meadowphillips.wordpress.com/2024/04/16/review-heart-of-outcasts-by-nico-silver/
Overall, I loved it! A sweet romance, albeit very heavy at times, between a traumatized gay man and a werewolf who starts out as a bit of an asshole. Lots of found family, steamy sex, and learning to stand up for oneself. 5/5 stars.
- Cedar
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meadowphillips · 2 months
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meadowphillips · 2 months
I keep seeing book promotions and going "oh my gosh, a fantasy romance book?! 👀" and then clicking on it and going "ah. I forgot straight people exist."
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meadowphillips · 2 months
taking a break from my mental health to focus on social media
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meadowphillips · 2 months
me reading straight up pornography: hmm… this one just doesn’t have enough accurate character psychoanalysis to get me off
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meadowphillips · 2 months
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Half a dozen signed copies of Phantom and Rook are ready to go if anyonewants one!
Arlo Rook has decided it’s time to move out of Garren Castle, home for orphans of all races, magical or not, at 100 years old.
It’s not the first time he’s left home, but a setback landed the Hedge Witch in the hospital a year ago, and subsequently back to square one. Now he's ready to strike out on his own, despite his friend’s worries he's not ready.
Thatch Phantom is an immortal, the last of his kind and perpetually bored. When he’s not closing interdimensional rifts and corralling trouble in the universe, he’s visiting his favorite city of all, Levena. No one remembers him, but he's made an everlasting impact on the city nonetheless.
Long ago, he set up an anonymous scavenger hunt for the starving village, providing them with a year’s worth of supplies. He upped the ante each year, providing less practical things, as the village had become a city and was wealthy beyond belief. Festivals are thrown in his honor to this day, or a version of him, that is.
Thatch has decided to throw a wild card into this year’s Game. Whoever discovers his true identity will win one wish of their choice, no restrictions. Aside from the obvious, such as no falling in love, murder or resurrection.
Arlo crashes into the mess of copper curls and bright eyes, who throws apothecary goods and his life into a chaotic mess. It certainly wasn’t the first they met, but Arlo doesn’t remember him. Thatch, however, never forgot the Witch with a familiar soulmark on his face.
What follows is a hilarious and wholesome series of events that teases the immortal with the one thing he wants most.
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meadowphillips · 2 months
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