meloncho · 2 years
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meloncho · 2 years
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meloncho · 2 years
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Can’t wait for next week’s episode ;) 
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meloncho · 3 years
Aside from Jean, Connie and Gabi turning into a pure titan, what really hit me was Pieck’s father turning into a titan. 
Looking back a few chapters before, Pieck wanted to give her dad (THE ONLY FAMILY SHE HAD) an access to a better health care but most of all a bright future, so she became a warrior.
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They were able to reunite again, even if it’s just for a short time and you can see how both were worried and relieved to see each other again.
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But what really saddened me, was how Pieck saw everyone else but most of all her father, who turned into a titan right before her eyes. The only family she had whom she worked hard for and is the sole reason for her warrior candidacy, in order to give him a bright and long future, was gone in an instant.
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meloncho · 3 years
Don’t mind me, I’m just here thinking about how the Ackermans want to see their brunettes again while Hanji and Eren want to live with their Ackermans. 
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meloncho · 3 years
i miss your smile, hange.
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meloncho · 3 years
a bit of a rant in relation to levi's reaction to hanji's death post-132 or lack thereof
maybe this is a bit of a stretch but I'm going to say it anyway. nothing has stopped me from reaching before so why stop now? so..
I am partially convinced that the lack of hanji mention from levi is due to him being in denial of hanji's death. it doesn't make sense to me that levi would suddenly not care about hanji after 126 and his reaction to hanji asking him to let go in 132. isayama drew levi losing the light in his eye and standing frozen as hanji left.
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he didn't look at the window of the plane either when hanji's body was seen falling.
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levi also couldn't say goodbye but rather "see you hanji"
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another thing is that in 133 levi seems so out of it and it is understandable since this man is trying to process so many things at once. only a few days have passed since the thunder spear explosion and a only few hours after hanji's death. he is going through physical pain, mental and emotional turmoil.
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something in levi's flashback also caught my attention. right after the big panel where hanji and erwin are the focus of levi's reminisce, he was seen clenching the handle to his blade. he then thinks about how his decision back in shigansina involving erwin and that he did not regret it but notice how he did not mention anything about hanji directly? was he trying to stop himself from thinking of hanji? also is it possible that there is something involving hanji that he regrets not being able to do and he is trying not to think of it? is that why he gripped the hilt of his blade when an image of hanji flashed in his mind?
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the way I see it, levi is trying to not think of hanji's death so he can keep moving forward. hanji is one of the very last few people left in levi's life and the one who stood by him the longest. it's not a reach to say that hanji had become his constant and anchor.
a part of me thinks that levi is trying to stop himself from completely processing hanji's death to keep himself anchored because the moment he does he might lose himself and he cannot have that in the middle of an important battle.
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meloncho · 3 years
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Some stuff....
Yep it's a KNYxSNK crossover!
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meloncho · 3 years
3 more days!
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New illustration of Levi and Hange by the animator Mushiyo!
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meloncho · 3 years
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Hange Zoë + favorite scene
Dedicate your heart.
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meloncho · 4 years
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So basically Mikasa won the cooking competition because she made the food for Eren with Love.
Nan then got some cookies made especially for Hange from Levi and thought they couldn't possibly be better than Mikasa's food.
But it was even better.
Which implies Levi's love for Hange surpasses even Mikasa's love for Eren. 🥰
Lmao also love the little Hange sparkling in the distance.
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meloncho · 4 years
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Isayama just uploaded on his blog. It's from the "See you later, Hanji" moment 😔 He looks so soft and vulnerable 😭
Edit: Also the fact we're getting Hanji related sketches is suspicious 👀 Are you planning on bringing her back Yams? 🤔 Thanks to @warm-starlight for mentioning this to me, I'm gonna quote you here: "There are actually very very tiny white specks in his eye" 😳
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meloncho · 4 years
The panels are so powerful. So cruel. Sickening. Isayama really knows how to fuck us up, huh? At this point, every moment scares me.
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meloncho · 4 years
Hange // Levi
Adopting one's body language
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😔 bless you both, poor souls
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meloncho · 4 years
Hey there!!
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Reblog if you're absolute levihan trash
I wanna see how many of us are out there.
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meloncho · 4 years
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Respectation & affection
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meloncho · 4 years
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I’ve been reading a lot of levihan fancomics lately and I wanted to try making one 🙈 
Anyways, this was based on the song “Saw you in a Dream” by The Japanese House. 
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