mettaloverxx · 26 days
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Hihiiiii yall it's been a while! Had to stop writing for a bit due to life problems, but I'm back for now
Please send some requests in! Don't be scared! I'll make sure to place a glamor burger under your pillow tonight if you do ❤️
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mettaloverxx · 26 days
You came to the right place. I love fell metta very much as well! The lack of content for him is sad. But that's what I'm here for! [When I'm not lazy ofc- jghhgnf] now let's see here, how about some fluff?? It might be a little short due to writers block but i hope you enjoy anyway!
Warnings: none
Did not Proof read
Note: readers nickname for fellmetta is bug/ lovebug I do this for all fanfics I write for him ❤️
Mettafell x reader
🍓Strawberry kisses 💋
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You sat on the couch listening to music. It's been a very slow and boring day. ever since metta left this morning for work, it feels like time is going 10× slower. You yawn softly and pick up your phone, and look at your previous text messages from earlier today with mettafell. Even though he was always busy with all the shows, concerts, plays, etc. He always somehow made time to text you little updates or to check up on you. But today, he wasn't texting you as much, feeling a little worried you decided to send him a text asking him how's everything was going. But before you could press, send you hear the front door opening you look over at the door and you see mettafell walk in. You smile and get up and make your way over to him. "Bug! I was just thinking about you! how did work go?" You wrap your arms around him into a loving hug, then look up at him
You immediately knew something was off by the way his face looked. Bug was good at hiding things due to being an actor, but sense you are so close to him, you've gotten good at reading him. You frowned softly. "I guess it was a bad day, huh?.." mettafell gently wraps his lower set of arms around you, returning the affection. "A bad day would be an understatement, darling. Ugh, it was...HORRENDOUS.." He let go of the hug and starts walking to the living room," the monster that I was supposed to be interviewing for my show canceled out at the last minute, someone put stains on my favorite outfit that absolutely won't come out!, There's an advid theft in the resort that keeps stealing expensive merchandise..and I'm not going to even talk about what type of magazine I caught burger pants reading on shift..." He does a robotic sigh and continues talking about his day while grabbing his spare charger by the couch he sits down and plugged himself in. You stayed quiet as you were listening to him and followed him to the living room. He looks over at you and says, "But never mind that darling, I need to charge. I'm very low on power. Give me an hour or two rest, yes?"
You gently sat down by him, watching his still body as he charged. It saddened you that he had a bad day. Maybe there was something you can do to make it a little better? You ponder for a moment before getting up and going into the kitchen with a smile on your face. you knew exactly what to do.
Mettafell powers back on. his body makes a soft, humming noise as he looks around, he doesn't see you. He was thinking you were upstairs, but then he hears running water in the kitchen, so he unplug himself and walks over to the kitchen he sees you washing a pan. "Hello darling, what are you getting ready to cook?" He says as he stepped closer to you. You stop washing the pan and turn around to look at him. How did you not hear him walk in? "Oh! Hi bug, I didn't know you were up already, I got you a gift," you said as you walked over to the fridge and took out a tray of chocolate covered strawberries and walked over to him. "I wanted to make you something special since you didn't have a good day. I know strawberries are your favorite, so I hope you like these"
Mettafell looks down at you, then the strawberries. It took him a minute to process this. You made his favorite desert for him. just because he had a bad day??? What?? His internal fans turn on "oh..sweetheart it looks wonderful." His eyes soften as he looks down at you and puts his hand under your chin to make you look up at him. He leans down and kisses your lips softly. You kissed him back, and it all felt like time went still, shortly after mettafell pulls away from the kiss and smiled his toothy fang grin. "Let's share them together, sweetie, we should continue watching those old human horror you were showing me to"
Your face was slightly warm, and you smile "ok love bug, I'll find a movie for us to watch tonight." You walk into the living room, and mettafell follows
You and bug spend the rest of the night sharing the sweet strawberries and watching movies together ❤️
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mettaloverxx · 6 months
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mettaloverxx · 7 months
The cake looks so gooddd happy birthday
Thank you anonie the cake was good ❤️
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mettaloverxx · 8 months
Hii ik I haven't post nothing but today's my birthday and I wanted to show you all my cake!
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I'm going to be posting a oneshot fic someone requested ether to night or tomorrow so keep your eye out for that!
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He's been consumed
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mettaloverxx · 8 months
Can you do A MTT with an artist darling Whose An Introvert and Loves to Give Words of affirmation and Acts of service ???
Of course anon!! Here ya go I'm so sorry I'm so late!!
Mettaton with an artist and introverted S/O
I feel that mettaton would love your art and definitely buy commissions from you, if you're willing to do so. Of course, the art is all pictures of himself (well not all of them he had you draw some family portrait with all of his cousins in it, and some of you and him. These are very precious to him 💗) oh and if you were up for it, he definitely have you design a poster for his upcoming tour.
mettaton is wonderful when it comes to interacting with introverted people (he has a lot of experience dealing with them from being around napstablook and Alphys.) he mainly always starts all the conversations, so you never really have a worry about what to talk about when he's around. and almost all of his conversations are interesting and amusing. Even the serious ones. You never really have to painc or be frustrated when it comes to talking with him because he listens to what you have to say and respond back. He absolutely despises it when people talk over you. Sometimes, he'll stop the person mid speeking that's talking over his darling and point out that you're trying to say something. "I'm going to have to stop you there dear, this is the 3rd time you ignored my darling speeking." He then turns his head over to you."You can continue speeking now gorgeous~"
On quite days where you don't feel like speaking much and you just feel like doodling, he'd join you. His little drawings aren't the best, but they are somewhat cute and silly. He'd draw on the same paper as you if you let him.
Your acts of service and words of affirmation don't go unnoticed by him. Helping him pack up all his makeup a head of time for a tour, they way you make sure he's fully charged before going anywhere and when you tell him he looks good in an outfit, he's wearing. ( of course, he knows he looks amazing, but it always feels good when your partner thinks you look good!) Or when you say I love you before going to bed or before he starts a show it always makes him smile. He loves his darling so much! 💓 you know he has to return the favor!! He would cook breakfast for you and try to make sure you're getting enough sleep. He even texts you little love notes all out through the day while he's busy. "Hello gorgeous, I hope your evening is more eventful than this meeting I'm attending. It's going painfully slow. Oh! thank you for packing up all my makeup, darling! I've been in such a rush these past weeks. everythings been so hectic, but you've been nothing but a sweetheart! 💕 🥰 I just want to let you know you mean the world to me, darling! When I get back, we should go back to that lovely little restaurant you liked xoxo~"
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mettaloverxx · 9 months
HI I know I haven't posted in a while Orr haven't answered any of the requests yet I just got my first job and I've been super busy!! I have stuff cooking up in drafts imma try to post them sometime this month!
In the mean time enjoy this vid of mettaton being parishes by bread 🍞
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mettaloverxx · 11 months
you’re so real i just wanted to let you know
Thank you anonie!! I try!
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mettaloverxx · 11 months
date a robot who will watch scary movies with you
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mettaloverxx · 1 year
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This is what happens when you and your mutuals talk about mettaton together.
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mettaloverxx · 1 year
Hii! I hope your not Busy, can i request Mettaton with a Darling that Doesnt talk to people much and is cold around other people? But is Very Affectionate Around him and Smiles only to him? :)) take ur time♡
Hi!! You sure can! I'm so sorry I'm so late. Finals are kicking my ass currently
Mettaton with a cold
Ok, so you know mettaton takes his s/o to lots of events and parties. I definitely see S/o being a little rude to one of the people who want to talk to them, the person would be upset but would brush it off because they already know how mettaton is when it comes to his s/o! He's 100% siding with them. "Oh,what darling? You're upset because my sweetheart walked away, mid conversation while talking to you?? Well, maybe it's because you're wearing those tacky ugly shoes. I'd walk away two dear~" Metta loves to be dramatic and sassy in front of people, and the crowd and his s/o cold and rude behavior definitely influence it.
But ohhhh, once him and his s/o are alone, and they start being so caring and sweet to him, like reminding him to charge or helping him wax and shine his body. Or the way they smile so brightly at him when cuddling, kissing, or doing something mundane together...makes his soul feel so light and warm, you're are such a treasure to have around and he's always going to remind you that. And he's going to take care and be doting to you just like you are to him 💖
I hope this was ok! Have a great day/night ♡
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mettaloverxx · 1 year
Love Letter From Your Boyfriend Mettaton
✎Self Indulgent
✎Reader is Gender-Neutral
-Mod Daisy
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reblogs with comments > reblogs > likes
Keep reading
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mettaloverxx · 1 year
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mettaloverxx · 1 year
people be saying they're normal about mettaton and then only care about him in any of the AUs
it's me. i'm people.
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mettaloverxx · 1 year
Mettaton Spending New years with his S/O
I hoped everyone has a great new year! Proud of you getting this far ☺️
Ok so new year eve mettaton is taking you shopping with him, He is trying on all types of clothes so he can look amazing for the new year party. So he’s definitely going to need your help deciding on what to pick. Metta does get tooo into shopping when it comes to clothes so eventually you got to be like “let’s go now we have other places to be” ;^^
After shopping Metta takes you to his studio. He wants to do a little new year segment on his show to wish his fans (and yours believe it or not you have some!) a happy new year. Mettaton would love it if you join in on the broadcast sense his feels his Beauty is lovely in the spotlight just like him 🥰
Once that is done you and him go back home and have a little cool off time sitting down and just relax together before getting ready for the party. Small conversations about various things like upcoming events, a little gossip ofc, just about anything that pops up. The little times when you are alone together are absolutely the best. Mettaton is such a caring and loving person and even a little goofy at times. He absolutely loves having these little moments together with his darling 💗
The party has started!! and you know Mettaton has it all decked out, plenty of foods and snacks, MTT brand adult drinks and MTT non adult drinks…glitter..everywhere.
I see Mettaton taking so many pictures with his s/o for memories and to post online. Some pictures of you and him are super special to him, so he decided to keep them to himself or hang them up on a wall, or even sometimes put them on his makeup stand so he can admire the sweet memories he’s shared with you tonight.
A couple minutes before the new years countdown he would pull you aside and say something like
“ I love you so much gorgeous, let us shine bright together as we take on a new year~”
Once the clock strikes 12 he would cup your face and bring you in for a gentle kiss.
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mettaloverxx · 2 years
Hii! Im not sure if your requests are open but if they are i thought i could ask for Halloween with Mettaton for the holiday? take your time and it's okay if you dont want to write this! i hope you have a good day!
Yes request are open anon! Here ya go
Mettaton spending Halloween with his S/O
I feel mettaton finds Halloween very intriguing— well most monsters do. They find it endearing when humans dress like them, it’s so cute! Mettaton just has to join in on these human festive activities! He's definitely going to need your help finding the perfect costume because Halloween parties are a must. If you want to, metta would love doing a matching costume with you. Whatever you two pick he’s going to make sure both of your costumes look dazzling.
Taking Mettaton to a haunted house is very amusing; he goes from being brave to being scared within seconds and of course a couple of witty comments here and there. A scared actor walked up to him and asked him if they looked pretty while uncovering their horrific face. “You look like a hotmess hun..not to mention that rats nest you have on your head” he ends up hiding behind you after saying that due to the actor lunging at him yelling scary insults. The whole night is extremely wild but enjoyable.
Also metta is definitely faking being scared the whole time, he’s just playing the part. Watching humans trying to be scary and intimidating is like having a small toddler try and scare you.
Metta would loveee binge watching scary movies with you. He hasn't seen many human horror movies yet so he’d be ecstatic watching them with you. You and him are definitely going to be giggling at the stupid things the victim do while running away from the slasher.
The whole month you and metta have a amazing time celebrating Halloween.
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mettaloverxx · 2 years
How about MTT with a reader who likes physical touch and its their main love language?
Mettaton with an S/O who likes Physical touch
So srry it took a bit to make I’ve been very busy lately but I hope you enjoy anon!
It’s so good that you like physical touch because Mettaton absolutely loveeees physical contact with his S/O.
He will also hug you a lot, expect being
picked up constantly when he hugs you
especially if he's excited about something. He will wrap his noodle arms around you so tight- you might have to tell him to loosen up his arms before he squeezes the life out of you. Metta also just randomly likes picking you up and carrying you around for example if your out shopping with him and he's done shopping in this store he just picks you up and starts walking out “Ok darling~ let's go to the next store I'm done here~” Ooo metta will also sit you down on his lap while watching TV with you or just cuddling in general. He'll also lay his head on the crock of your neck at times too. I feel when it comes to kisses Mettaton's kisses are sweet and soft. He would cup your face gently and look at you lovingly and kiss you. Mettaton will also plant kisses all around Your face, he wears lipstick so kiss marks will be all over your face. One time he brought a whole lipstick collection and he insisted he try all of them one by one and kiss you each time. In his words apparently “to see how gorgeous~ you look covered in my lipstick marks darling~”.
I hope you don’t get flustered easily! you're definitely going to have to get used to it if so.
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