mikequeeler · 7 days
Posting this just to have a reference for the future after byler is Endgame
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mikequeeler · 7 days
always been so weird to me as a gay man how so many ppl in the byler ship fandom are so aggressively against sexual exploration for the pairing. like some of y’all girlies are a little too comfortable with shaming gay sex and desire I think
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mikequeeler · 7 days
Stop why did I just find this in my recently deleted notes 😭
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mikequeeler · 17 days
If you listen to me yap about my special interest then I just HAVE to suck you off. Those are the rules
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mikequeeler · 17 days
Throwback to when I took painkillers and woke up with Photoshop open on my computer to this image I had made
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mikequeeler · 17 days
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you’re the heart, Mike
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mikequeeler · 23 days
Gotta tell you, this series might be getting framed as a bit of a soft reboot for new viewers, but despite all that: holy shit, the callbacks. Callbacks, callbacks everywhere. They're definitely still truckin' along with all the existing lore.
And they are having an absolute ball with the music in The Devil's Chord and I love it to bits.
("I thought that was non-diegetic." Pfft. Fourth wall? What fourth wall?)
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mikequeeler · 23 days
ruby: I was born in 2004!
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mikequeeler · 23 days
the doctor and the tardis have kissed again love wins
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mikequeeler · 25 days
The most queer-coded sequence in all of Stranger Things
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Mike staring at Eddie like he is hanging on to his every word, Fever by The Cramps playing with the line “when you put your arms around me I get a fever that’s so hard to bear” just before Eddie puts his arms around Mike and Dustin. Mike leaning in to Eddie while Dustin leans away, Mike's lip glance.
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Mike bursting into the room to speak to Nancy, the camera focussing on a guy with a rainbow on the book next to him, camera flicks back to Mike, then the camera focusses on a guy with a picture of a shirtless man in front of him before flicking back to Mike again and then he finally notices Nancy almost like he was distracted:
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Mike looking happy with men working out behind him. And in addition to this the men are paired off with each other to really drive the point home:
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Mike looking disgusted and talking about "bullshit media propaganda" with the word woman behind him. The 2 men behind him positioned in the sunlight and the 2 women in the shade. Then immediately after he says this a flame flares right in front of his face as if in explanation:
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The reference to 60 minutes which was a weekly show with that weeks episode being about the AIDs epidemic (this post by @aemiron-main talks about this):
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This one sequence of scenes alone is enough to show Mike is gay. It didn't even need to have anything to do with Will and yet they couldn't have made it more obvious.
Literally everything about these scenes is queer-coding Mike, especially when you compare it to Dustin during this montage. Dustin is doing the exact same thing trying to find someone for Hellfire and yet there isn't a single thing that could be misread as queer in his scenes. It is undeniable they are purposefully presenting Mike in this way.
(Credit for a lot of these points to LesbianMindFlayer on Youtube from her hour long Mike Wheeler gay hints and moments video. If anyone hasn't watched it yet you should)
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mikequeeler · 25 days
One scene that never fails to break my heart is the scene where Joyce is reporting Will missing. Specifically Hopper's behavior in this scene. Before Hopper walks into his office, he knows that Joyce can't find Will. And he's treating it like it's no big deal. Obviously this is off-putting considering we, as the audience, already know that this situation is very serious. But also, this was a different time. This was a time when parents could let their kids run around unsupervised and not worry that they wouldn't come home. The Duffers cite this as one of the things about this time that was integral to telling this story. This story would play out completely differently if it took place in a modern setting. Hopper views this small town as a sort of safe haven. It's quiet and nothing ever happens. Kids don't go missing here. It just doesn't happen. So his immediate assumption is that Will is just being a kid. Which honestly, you can't really hold against him. But then Joyce says "Lonnie used to say he was queer, called him a [f slur]". And Hopper's demeanor completely shifts. He says "is he?" and at first that seems like a rude question. Like he's being homophobic. And Joyce interprets it as such, which is why she says "he's missing! is what he is!". Hopper leans back in his chair with a look that I really don't know how to describe, but he's obviously reevaluating what he initially thought of this situation. And then he asks when was the last time Joyce heard from Lonnie. It becomes clear that Lonnie is already a suspect in Hopper's mind. A suspect in what he is assuming to be a hate crime.
Hopper takes Will's disappearance extremely seriously from this moment forward. The possibility of Will being queer didn't cause him to take it less seriously like some other cop might've done (or like a lot of townsfolk did). No, instead the possibility of Will being queer lit a fire under Hopper. In his mind, a gay kid was missing in this small conservative town, and he wanted more than anything to find him alive.
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mikequeeler · 25 days
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it's like…wounded love🌱🏔️
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mikequeeler · 1 month
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What is it about the air in Europe what makes Misha Collins act like that edition. Yes those are quotes of his.
[Image ID: The Destiel confession meme edited so that Cas asks 'I fucked you hard and raised you from perdition.' and Dean answers 'If the CW had not been so homophobic we would have been balls deep for sure'. /End ID]
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mikequeeler · 1 month
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so i’m really into it right now?
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mikequeeler · 1 month
ok after listening to this over and over to me this sounds like either will or jonathan im calling it now get back to me after s5 lol
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mikequeeler · 1 month
Omg this makes sense we are getting another byler and j*ncy parallel 😭
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mikequeeler · 1 month
I need the leak about Mike and Will sitting around a bonfire to be real and I need them to look at the stars together while they talk and maybe even try to sleep there and before they fall asleep Mike reassures Will that everything is going to be okay because they are together
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