mikichko · 50 minutes
Palestinian human rights organizations have shown that one in five Palestinians has been arrested and charged in Israeli military courts since the occupation of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip in 1967. Each year, this figure adds approximately 500–700 Palestinian children, some as young as 12, who are detained and prosecuted in Israeli military courts. During the ongoing genocidal war across historic Palestine, Israeli carceral violence and arrest campaigns have only intensified. In the months prior to October 7, an approximate 5,200 Palestinians were detained in Israeli prisons. As of mid-March, that number exceeds 9,000. Over the past five months alone, Israeli occupying forces have arrested over 7,600 Palestinians in the West Bank, in addition to an unknown number of detained Gazans. Conditions are worsening for the imprisoned. Immediately following the war’s outbreak, the Israel Prison Service (IPS) placed prisoners in total isolation, prevented them from leaving their cells, and restricted access to water and electricity. The agency ceased providing what had already been poor-quality medical care and has dispensed inadequate food, enacting a starvation campaign against prisoners. Guards inflict violence, torture, and degrading treatment such as reportedly forcing captives to “bark.” IPS also banned visits for family members and delegates from the International Committee of the Red Cross, and severely restricted lawyer visits—cutting prisoners off from the outside world. My research inside Israeli military courts and prison visitation rooms—both as an anthropological researcher and a family member of prisoners—highlights the systematic nature of this violence and its justification through legal codes. Through an intricate web of military laws and orders, Palestinians become racialized—a sociopolitical process through which groups are seen as distinct “races” ordered in a social hierarchy. The Israeli carceral system racializes Palestinians as inherently “criminal” and thus deserving of punishment. Following the occupation of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip in 1967, the Israeli military was vested with the ultimate authority of government, legislation, and punishment over the Palestinian population. This includes prosecuting Palestinians in military courts and charging them under the nearly 1,800 military orders that govern every aspect of daily life: conduct, property, movement, evacuation, land seizures, detention, interrogation, and trial. The orders include provisions for indefinitely detaining Palestinians without charge or trial through a policy inherited from British colonial practices. Over 3,500 Palestinians are being held in this state as of early March. Other provisions regulate the arrest and interrogation of Palestinians and how long they can be denied lawyer visits. With a near 100 percent conviction rate, Israeli military courts hand down absurdly high sentences, sometimes amounting to dozens of life sentences. Torture inside Israeli prisons and detention facilities is sanctioned by Israeli High Court of Justice (HCJ) rulings that permit the exercise of violence under pretexts of “security” and protecting “public order.” Enmeshed within this carceral reality is Israel’s labeling of most Palestinian prisoners as “security prisoners.” This designation masks the political nature of their imprisonment and sanctions violations against them. As opposed to Palestinian “security prisoners,” incarcerated Jewish settler-citizens receive rights such as making telephone calls, going on home visits under guard, the possibility of furlough, and conjugal visits. These rights are denied to the mostly Palestinian security prisoners, who are viewed and racialized from the start as criminals.
26 March 2024
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mikichko · 10 hours
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One-Frog-One 🐾
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mikichko · 11 hours
how i think your camera roll would look like if you were in a relationship with simon riley
he's so babygirl :3
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mikichko · 11 hours
diet culture people make me feel like i’m going crazy. you want me to take an experimental pill that destroys my appetite?? you want me to remove part of my stomach??? you want me to stop eating bread and rice, two of the staple foods most inherent to humanity????? why exactly? because my stomach is big? because you don’t like the way i look, and you think it’s reasonable to tell me to carve pieces off of myself and try random drugs and ruin my own life so i can look more visually pleasing to you? and you somehow don’t see how absurdly cruel and selfish that is to ask of somebody???? while pretending you care about their HEALTH????????????????? FUCK YOU!!!!
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mikichko · 12 hours
"Hi, handsome, I couldn't help but notice you out here all by yourself." You purred in a soft southern accent when you came up behind your husband threading your fingers in his hair.
Toji chuckled and spun his seat around to sling one thick arm around your waist. "You ain't going to let that go, huh?" He husked softly.
Your eyes crinkled as you tossed your head back and laughed, gathering attention from nearby tables, but they didn't matter at all.
Not when Toji was looking up at you, his chin tucked into your cleavage from your dress. "That stewardess really wanted a ride."
The wedding was only two days ago, and now you two were away from everyone and everything, enjoying each other and the soft ocean breeze that brought forth the salty air.
He looked more than handsome in a loose white button-up shirt with the first few undone and tan pants to match with sandals with you in a sundress to beat the evening heat.
People milled about the open floor restaurant as waves rolled onto the sand, mixing in with the soft music that played. "Dance with me."
You wiggled free from his grasp and led him to the dance floor, where a few couples slowly danced. "I love you, darlin'." Toji's words were tender as was the look he gave you.
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mikichko · 12 hours
had concurrent thoughts about ghost and gaz having a bonding moment as well as ghost's autism, and came up with this little thing
something's going on with ghost. kyle can see it clearly, irritability making the big man's shoulders rigid as he squeezes his eyes shut behind his mask in the far corner of the rec room, rocking forward and back and flapping his hands a bit as the recruits loudly joke around and tease each other, unaware of the lieutenant's predicament. odds are they haven't noticed that he's here at all, considering he's positioned himself in the far corner, practically behind the fridge. between the noise, the bright overhead lights, and the thick buttery smell of popcorn hanging in the air, it doesn't take a gaz too long to figure out what's going on.
kyle bites at his lip nervously. normally soap or price are the ones to help ghost out when he's overstimulated. gaz has never had to do it before, and he's honestly worried about fucking it up and potentially making it worse. he runs through everything he'd seen soap and the captain do, takes a deep breath, and marches on over.
"lets get you out of here, lieutenant." gaz says softly, nearly jumping when ghost's eyes snap open to stare at him. gaz silently jerks his head to the door, an unspoken 'come on, this way'.
he doesn't reach for ghost, doesn't try to touch him in at all, just silently digs through his own pockets as he leads the hulking lieutenant out the door and down the hallway to an empty maintenance closet whose only occupants are a mop and rolling bucket, pulling them out into the hallway as quietly as he can while ghost silently flaps his hands as he continues to rock forward and back.
kyle finally finds what he was searching for- an unopened little pack of foam earplugs from the firing range in his front pocket, and wordlessly hands them to ghost, who slowly nods once before slipping into the dark closet. gaz can't just leave him in there, can't abandon his lieutenant to a dusty closet even though he's certain it's what ghost might prefer, and hurries off to find somewhere to fill his rolling bucket so he can mop that hallway, keeping others at bay with their loud voices and laughter using wet floors and a dirty look.
by the time ghost emerges, that hallway's the cleanest it's ever been since gaz first arrived on base. to kyle's eye, he seems more himself as he steps out of that closet, shoulders relaxed, posture straight, hands still and by his sides.
"very well done, sergeant." ghost says gruffly before stalking back towards the barracks, probably seeking further refuge in his own quarters now that he's come down enough to make the trek. gaz just smiles to himself was he puts away the mop and bucket with the full understanding that ghost wasn't complimenting his janitorial skills.
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mikichko · 12 hours
your love language being physical touch and forgetting that not everyone else’s is as well.
resting your feet across johnny’s lap as you watch tv. laying your head on his shoulder while sitting on guard duty. small touches here and there.
giving a small squeeze and rubbing your hand across the back of kyle’s neck when walking past him, only to sit right next to him. giving his arm a soft squeeze before you leave the room. gently tracing small shapes onto his hand while in a debrief.
nudging john slightly when talking to him. fixing a stray hair in his mustache. gently kissing any small injuries you bandage up for him.
training with simon and holding a wet paper towel to the back of his neck despite him saying he can do it himself. fixing his mask when it rolls up a bit at his neck or is folded around his eyes.
being so used to small touches that it doesn’t even cross your mind until someone brings it up. some random soldier saying you’re touchy and it probably makes people uncomfortable. so you stop. you stop all contact with the boys.
only a day goes by before johnny realizes. he notices when you curl up on one side of the couch instead of throwing your legs over his lap.
john is next to notice. when he comes to you to help him bandaged up a small cut her got. (a small cut that he could have dealt with on his own.) he sits there confused when you walk off without the small kiss you usually do when finished.
kyle thinking he didn’t realize you gently squeeze the back of his neck but then realized you sat across the table from him instead of next to him.
simon realizing the second he took his mask off at the end of the day and saw a small indent on his cheek from where his mask was rolled over all day.
all four of them, despite their love language’s not being physical touch, finding ways to be near you after a week of you distancing yourself.
john calling you into his office so you could help him with files. making sure the two of you sit next to each other.
johnny, not being shy, grabbing your legs and plopping them down onto his lap when you guys watch tv.
kyle gently squeezing your shoulder as he passes by and sits next to you whenever he can. during debriefs, meetings, meals. you name it and he’s sitting next to you.
simon who hesitates at first but fixes your hair for you while training. untangles your tank top strap from your bra strap while your standing in front of him.
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mikichko · 12 hours
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fanfiction de Johnny en español!?!?!?!? đŸ™‚â€â†•ïžđŸ™‚â€â†•ïžđŸ™‚â€â†•ïž estoy tan bendecida
Fearless | Johnny MacTavish x Reader
I continue to invoke the muse of inspiration with these short fics about my favorite characters of Call of Duty.
Johnny MacTavish x Reader / AU University
⚠ Facts: Spanish | RelaciĂłn prohibida maybe (?
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Ella apartó el flequillo de su cara, el mechón detrås de la oreja y suspiró, capturando todo el oxígeno que pudiera retener como si eso equivalía a la valentía que requería para dar ese salto de fe. Agarró con firmeza el libro de historia contemporånea a la par de un envase lleno de galletas caseras, elementos que estaban ahí con un propósito, todo sea para huir de un silencio incómodo que los hiciera estancarse en un ambiente vergonzoso. 
Pero algo en su mente le decĂ­a que no lo necesitarĂ­a, puesto que Johnny siempre se habĂ­a mostrado interesado en conversar con ella, por mĂĄs que se tartamudeaba y se pusiera nerviosa cuando Ă©l le daba esa sonrisa lobuna, mirarle de reojo en la facultad a pesar de que fuera disimulado y el sencillo gesto de sonreĂ­rle en medio de una exposiciĂłn, cuando parecĂ­a que su blancura fantasmal anunciara un ataque de pĂĄnico, enfundando su ser en un vigor y franqueza natural que ignoraba.
Inspirada por esas particularidades tocĂł la puerta con suavidad, temiendo sonar demasiado desesperada por verle de nuevo. Se dio la charla a sĂ­ misma, pidiendo encarecidamente que controlara su taquicardia y el sonrojo que le producĂ­a dicha cercanĂ­a.
Johnny le observĂł, sonriendo, con los iris deslumbrantes de un bonito celeste como el cerĂșleo, como profundos manantiales de agua dulce que refrescaban la desĂ©rtica alma suya y al mismo tiempo, haciĂ©ndole disociar en que realmente era el conflicto en ese sitio, un nudo sin principio o final, una bombilla quemada que se negaba a encender de nuevo por voluntad propia o una serie de metĂĄforas que ni concordancias tenĂ­an. Porque fluctuaba en un espacio hueco, cual escritor frustrado en estado de ebriedad sin poemas que disparar, a pesar de que en su cabeza imperaba la creencia de que se trataba de lo que yacĂ­a mal en ella, no en la persona promedio.
Y su pureza era tan inmensa que le cegaba, como quien vislumbra la luz brillante de un faro en medio de la engorrosa penumbra, similar a un sujeto carente de visiĂłn que milagrosamente era sanado por una entidad divina y podĂ­a observar mecido por la euforia, genuina e hilarante, todo lo nuevo que se postraba delante de ellos. Desconocido e inefable. Por eso temĂ­a, le aterraba el ritmo cardĂ­aco que se agitaba cuando sus miradas se fusionaban, las mejillas se le empolvaban de un tierno sonrojo que inevitablemente, combinaban con el petricor que se prolongaba por minutos u horas.
—PensĂ© que rechazarĂ­as mi invitaciĂłn como las veces anteriores —soltĂł, su sinceridad era algo que le descolocaba en su totalidad—. Me alegra que hayas decidido aceptar y consentirme el lujo de descubrir los secretos que hay en ti.
—¿No bastaba con ver el desequilibrio en mis ojos? —cuestionó ella, intrigada y haciendo gala de su turbio sentido del humor.
—No creo que exista tal cosa en ti... Lo consideraría más como un tempestuoso mar que va y viene, de manera vehemente. Siendo misterioso, fascinante y cautivador, muchacha. 
—Usas los versos contra mí, muy inteligente, MacTavish. 
Johnny se levantó, acercåndose a ella, extiendo su mano hasta acariciar el hombro ajeno, respirando profundamente para contener el deseo de rodearla con sus brazos y enterrar la nariz en su cuello, emborrachåndose con el dulce olor de la mujer. Estaba pudriéndose en anhelo, rebosando por las costuras cada vez que la veía y se imaginaba cómo sería tenerla finalmente, amar cada tramo de su carne y empaparse con la calidez de sus sentimientos derramados en las cartas que habían compartido. 
—Sabes que no podemos, Johnny —susurrĂł ella, la respiraciĂłn entrecortada cuando el hombre de desordenados cabellos castaños se acercaba ĂĄgil y seductor como una pantera, hasta sujetar por la cintura, apretĂĄndose contra su cuerpo. 
—Pero no me importa y sĂ© que a ti tampoco —contestĂł el de ojos azules, agarrando su mejilla para estrellar sus provocativos labios rosados contra la boca de la joven, que lo esperaba ansiosa y se entregĂł a los sueños que tanto habĂ­a imaginado. 
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mikichko · 13 hours
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mikichko · 13 hours
finished up that look into the future with ghoap and the breeding kink i will edit it tomorrow because i am simply too eepy and lowkey i want to watch interview with the vampire some more
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mikichko · 13 hours
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JOHN ’SOAP’ MACTAVISH call of duty: modern warfare ii — ghost team
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mikichko · 13 hours
simon was the only one who could understand you. of course, he understood your interests and your distastes, but he was the only one who could understand you.
on days where you couldn’t get out of bed, couldn’t shower, couldn’t live, simon was the one who understood. he’d lay in bed with you, bathe with you, even when he barely fit in the tub and would have to maneuver his legs in an uncomfortable position to fit the both of you.
when the world was against you, simon stood tall by your side.
when you didn’t have it in you anymore to keep on going, simon gave you a second chance.
he knew how you felt. how when things got bad again, nobody was there to pick you back up, to tell you things will be okay, to hug you. simon never had that for himself, so when he met you, a shattered reflection of himself, he provided you with what he didn’t have.
unconditional love. undying affection. admiration on days where you felt you didn’t deserve it. everything he didn’t get before you, he gave you twice as much.
simon glued back your broke pieces with the utmost care. and when you broke again, he’d do it all over.
simon loved you for you. he loved every fragment that cracked along the way. loved you on days where you didn’t love yourself, and loved you on days where you felt like you were on top of the world.
where most people saw an ugly flower, shriveling up into rotted petals, he saw the garden of eden blossoming right before his eyes. he watered every intricate flowers, providing you with warm rays of sunshine in order to assure you would grow.
he took his time with you. he remained patient, because love always is. after all, you can’t bloom a garden without the occasional parasite or weed, and simon would get on hands and knees, fingers in the dirt if it meant tending to you.
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mikichko · 13 hours
“You are responsible for the minors in your fandom!!!”
No, I’m fucking not. I’m not your parent. My past-times do not automatically sign me up to act in loco parentis. If you need someone else to monitor your own content consumption online, go get mommy and/or daddy to set up a content blocker on your computer.
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mikichko · 13 hours
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mikichko · 13 hours
Hey it’s Ghoap anon. Have a lil thing I wrote in a discord server:
Imaging grinding against the bulge in soap’s stomach from Ghost’s giant dick. The tease of the hair on Johnny’s happy trail, feeling each thrust and grind of Simon’s dick as you grind your wet pussy against the skin, Johnny brain dead from the feeling of Simon fucking the life out of him and the feeling of your fat cunt drenching him. Simon getting a lil fuck drunk too with the sight he has and being able to feel the weight of you making Soap even tighter. The boys cumming buckets and ripping at the sheets when you end of squirting when you cum, drenching the both of them with it, and Johnny whimpers out about Simon fucking your cum into him.
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little thing i’d like to add is that Johnny probably started ravenously eating you out and Simon just dogged him so bad he loses himself
i am still cooking up the answer to your request love >:) its well over 2k words
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mikichko · 14 hours
watching interview with the vampire :)
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mikichko · 14 hours
i hope frederik andersen is having a good night
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