missjackil · 2 days
Supernatural Battle of the Episodes!
Looks like P&L took home another win! 2 more wins to make it to the Hall of Fame!
Let's bring out the next challenger Chuck!
Chuck: Next up we have The Gambler - Sam and Dean head to Alaska to look for a mystery pool hall that grants good luck in hopes to find their Mojo!
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missjackil · 4 days
Supernatural Battle of the Episodes!
Howdy sports fans! Looks like The Trap was no match for Prophet and Loss! I'm feeling an entry to the Hall of Fame coming?!
Let's see if a lighter, funnier episode stands a chance! Bring it on Chuck!
Chuck: Alrighty then, we have The Heroes' Journey - Looks like I took away Sam and Dean's hero mojo and left them to be normal people. Now Sam has a bad cold and he's clumsy, while Dean has a tooth ache and a raging case of lactose intolerance! Queue a dream sequence of Dean dancing and a monster cage match and we have a pretty fun episode!
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missjackil · 6 days
Supernatural Battle of the Episodes!!
Hey peoples! Sorry for slacking again 😝 but as expected, Prophet and Loss does it again! Let's see how it does against the mid season finale!
Bring it on Chuck!
Chuck: Next up is The Trap - I lure Sam and Eileen to a casino where I tie up Sam and have Eileen torture him and I take him into a view of the future if he locks me up which doesn't end well! Meanwhile Dean and Cas go off to Purgatory for a really stupid hunt for a Leviathan blossom 😒
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missjackil · 9 days
Supernatural Battle of the Episodes!
Looks like Prophet and Loss didn't even have to get out if bed against Last Call! It probably won't have a problem against this next one either!
Bring it on Chuck !
Chuck: Okay, today we have Our Father Who Aren't in Heaven - Sam and Dean find Adam!Michael and let him know his father sucks *ehem* 😒
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missjackil · 9 days
Do you have a favorite Big Bad?
Hey there! Yes I do! I hated most of s7 but I really enjoyed Dick Roman! Sure Leviathans sucked but there was something about Dick that was great ( yes I'm giggling at that too lol)
Also, I guess he can be considered a Big Bad but I love the Alpha Vamp! He has an awesome voice, very naturaly sophisticated, and that hint of dry humor....great casting!
Do you have a favorite?
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missjackil · 10 days
Supernatural Battle of the Episodes!
Prophet and Loss pulls off another easy win! Can it keep going? I think so!.Let's bring out the next s15 casualty!
Who is it Chuck?!
Chuck: Okay gang! Next we have Last Call: While Sam and Eileen work off their hangovers and Sam cleverly evades sex with her by being unconscious, Dean goes off on his own for a case that lands him in an old friends bar who he eventually has to kill for killing people to feed his god monster.🤨
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missjackil · 11 days
We now return to our regularly scheduled program...
Supernatural Battle of the Episodes!!
I'm back at it folks! I see Prophet and Loss takes down another opponent easily! Let's see how it does against an episode I definitely didn't ask for!
Who is it Chuck?!
Chuck: Happy Memorial Day folks! Today we have Golden Time - Eileen comes back as a ghost and Sam finds one of Rowena 's spells to bring her back to life and basically ruins the rest of S15 with a completely unwanted and unnecessary romantic arc. 😖
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missjackil · 13 days
Sorry I'm not here this weekend. Lots of drama. Ill be back soon
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missjackil · 15 days
Supernatural Battle of the Episodes!
Prophet and Loss gave Atomic Monsters a slap down! I have a hunch that P&L will be our final Hall of Fame entry! Let's see how it goes!
Who's up next Chuck?
Chuck: Next up we have Proverbs 17: 3 - Sam and Dean go out as Fish and Wildlife guys to investigate the violent deaths of 2 women camping in the woods! The surviving woman leads them to Warewolf brothers who killed the others and then the surviving woman turns out to be Lilith!
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missjackil · 16 days
Supernatural Battle of the Episodes!
The battle was touch and go for a bit, but Prophet & Loss pulled ahead and took home tje victory! Let's see how the next battle goes!
Hey Chuck! Who's nex!?
Chuck: In the next round we have Atomic Monsters - Sam and Dean invested the mysterious murder of a high school girl. They suspect this one dude but then figure out it was his vampire son who willingly gives himself over to a Winchester beheading. Queue Sounds of Someday by Jensen Ackles!
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missjackil · 18 days
Supernatural Battle of the Episodes!!
Looks like Lebanon has earned its rightful spot in The Hall of Fame!! Taking it's place will be Prophet & Loss! Another great episode that more than deserves a chance to take it all the way! My 2nd all time favorite Episode btw!
Who is the next up Chuck?!
Chuck: Next up we have The Rupture - Sam, Dean and Co, go to Rowena for help to get the souls back in Hell and close the rupture. Sadly, the spell requires Rowena to sacrifice her life and Sam has to kill her. 😔
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missjackil · 19 days
Supernatural Battle of the Episodes!
Looks like Lebanon victorious again and will move on to its final battle! If it wins, we will retire it to The Hall of Fame and Prophet & Loss will carry on in it place, having given Lebanon its closest fight!
Let see who the next contender is!
Chuck: For its final battle, Lebanon takes on Raising Hell - Sam and Dean have evacuated a small town to shelter in a high school while trying to keep the souls from hell at bay, by using a spell.
We get an additional return of Kevin Tran for no good reason and a really stupid retcon.
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missjackil · 20 days
Supernatural Battle of the Episodes!!
Looks like Lebanon is still going strong! As we enter the 15th and final season, let's see how it goes! However, I won't run the finale, Carry On in the battle because it won't have any challenges following it.
So let's get this started Chuck!
Chuck: Here we go! Today we have Back and to the Future - All the dead monsters of Sam and Dean's past, along with some new ones, have risen from the dead and are wreaking havoc on a small town. Sam has a brief vision of himself as demon!Sam. Also there's a super cute broment at the end when Dean tends to Sam's bullet wound ♥️
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missjackil · 22 days
Supernatural Battle of the Episodes!
Looks like Lebanon is taking no prisoners! How well will it do against the Season 14 finale?? Let's not waste time!
Bring it on Chuck!
Chuck: Here we go folks!! Next up we have Moriah - Jack goes out on his own and when he makes everyone stop laying, things get pretty hairy!
I show up and stop the nonsense and create an "Equalizer " gun to take out Jack. After Dean can't bring himself to shoot him, Sam shoots me 😐 and consequently himself as well!
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missjackil · 23 days
Supernatural Battle of the Episodes!!
Well it was no fight at all! Lebanon won a unanimous battle (don't count the 3% because I know there's a troll who always votes for the weaker episode) and I inching it's way the end of S14! Let's see who's next in this bloodbath?
Let 'er rip Chuck!
Chuck: Okay now, next we have Jack in the Box - Jack is wreaking havoc in the world with Dumah while Dean convinces Sam they have to lock him in the Drama Coffin!
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missjackil · 24 days
Supernatural Battle of the Episodes!!
Lebanon comes out on top yet again! I think it's on the fast track to the Hall of Fame! Do you agree?
Let's find out who its next victim is! Who will it be Chuck?!
Chuck: Today we have Absence - Sam and Dean find out their Mother is dead again, and while looking for Jack, Jack frantically tries to find a way to bring Mary back, but fails!
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missjackil · 25 days
Supernatural Battle of the Episodes!!
Looks like Lebanon had no trouble at all in its last battle! Does it have enough strength to take on some Sam whump??
Let's bring it on Chuck!
Chuck: Okay! Today we have Game Night - Nick abducts Donatello while Dean and Mary go look for him. They bring Nick back to the Bunker and Sam want to tear him a new one but they let Jack talk to him instead, but while Sam and Dean take Nick with them to save Donatello, Nick attacks Sam and when Sam stops choking him to death, he hits Sam with a rock and cracks his head. Dean basically looses his shit when he sees Sam apparently has brain damage!
What's one more knock on the head right? 🤨
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