mitchmino · 1 day
what happens to Elles body while shes in drone form? Does it just stand there lifelessly or can she still move it around independently?
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Made Elle a detachable drone head that can fly off her body. Once off, propellers will come out the bottom, a mouth guard will appear and the tentacles retract so the won’t constantly hit the propellers while moving. How will Deep Cut, the Agents, Acht, Callie, Marie and Captain react to this?
Deep Cut is surprised at first. Seeing people’s heads fly off isn’t an every day occurrence, so they’re thoroughly freaked out. After they calm down, Frye is the first one to ask if Elle can give her a ride. The two fly around together for at least thirty minutes. Eventually, Elle gets roped into giving Shiver a ride as well. She would fly Big Man around too, but he doesn’t exactly have hands, which means he couldn’t hold on to the handle.
The agents think it’s super cool. They’re especially impressed by Frye riding around with Elle for so long, since the only way to stay on is a handle, it has to take a ton of grip strength. Captain shares in their awe, while also being a little bit jealous. She wants a drone of her own, it looks like fun.
Acht is a little startled at first, but then thinks it’s cool that Elle can even do that. In their past experiences with Pearl being a drone, she’d just transform into one. So seeing Elle take off her own head it a little startling. After they realize it’s because her head is a drone, things start to make sense.
Callie and Marie are surprised as well, and it takes them a second to adjust to seeing Elle’s head separate from their body, but they eventually find it interesting. They’re impressed at Elle being able to do that and they are curious to see everything she can do in drone form.
Thank you for the ask!!! This edit is amazing, I love your attention to detail, like how the tentacles retract so that they don’t get in the way!
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mitchmino · 1 day
there is no better feeling than breathing with both nostrils cleared
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mitchmino · 2 days
ok, but what if they found splatoon and start questioning every aspect of their existence?
concept: human media is found, what songs or games from the last decade would 4 & Ahato like?
something tells me Ded would like Skrillex/hj
Oooh this is a cool concept!
You’re definitely right about Acht liking Shrillex/hj kind of stuff. Anything along those lines really. There’s also this one EP that I really enjoy that I think they would like. I can see Acht also getting super into lofi stuff, using it for when they’re trying to relax or just ant something in the background. Overall, Acht would definitely be more into the music stuff. They’d also want to share all of it with Paul, since he loves human music. They will definitely find a way to remix all of it.
Four on the other hand is more interested in the video games. They think the music is cool, but they want to explore the wonders of human gaming. The first game they discover is Miitopia, in which they make Miis for both them and Acht and get them up to the highest relationship level in the game. They also try a variety of shooters, though none can compare to an actual turf war. They enjoy platformers quite a bit, especially things like Kirby and the Forgotten Land and Super Mario: Odyssey. I feel like they would also like something along the lines of Cult of the Lamb, enjoying being able to have a farming sim and a roguelite meshed into one.
Thank you for the ask!!! Is it clear that my taste in video games is limited to only Nintendo stuff lol.
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mitchmino · 3 days
that makes absolutely 0 fucking sense
I can’t believe Trump’s guilty verdict is how I find out that convicted felons can’t vote
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mitchmino · 4 days
i can just imagine PC begging and pleading with Marina to not delete her, her image on a monitor as it starts to glitch and distort. Her voice cracking and breaking as she starts to scream in pain. Even going as far as calling Marina mom in a desperate attempt to stop her creator from killing her. Once its done Marina sheds a tear and just walks away.
evil Parallel Canon idea
when 4 does her climb of the spire Parallel Canon either swaps places with 4 or kills her. Regardless Parallel Canon escapes the memverse and is now occupying 4s body
Ooooh that is so evil and I love it!!!
I don’t think I have to heart to kill Four, but what I could see happening is Parallel Canon swaps places with them, leaving Four trapped as the boss fight while they go live in the real world in Four’s body.
So then would it be better to have Parallel Canon have malicious intent, and try to cause problems for the NSS in attempts to create a world of order, or does Parallel Canon gradually grow to enjoy being a real person, and then not want to give Four’s body back because they want to be able to exist in the real world? Or maybe both? There’s some real character arc potential here!
This is a really interesting idea and I love it!!! 
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mitchmino · 4 days
would the jellotons also start becoming friendly and colorful like Marina originally designed them to be?
How would Four, Acht, Marina, Pearl and Eight react to the memverse becoming colorful?
Four is probably the most excited out of all of them. They spent the most time trapped in there. They were able to heal, so they’re excited to see that the Memverse is healing too. It was sort of their home for a while, so they’re happy that it’s starting to feel more like one they’d choose, rather than be forced to stay in.
Acht is amazed. They didn’t think it was possible for there to ever be color in the Memverse. They start to spend more time in there, enjoying how new and beautiful it all looks. Especially since Four enjoys it so much, and they like to see Four happy.
Marina is almost as excited as Four. The Memverse is finally becoming the welcoming, happy place that she had envisioned it to be. She’s hoping that in becoming more colorful, the Memverse will also seem more welcoming to sanitized octolings new to the place.
Pearl thinks its super cool. She thought the Memverse was a little bland and boring before with all the monochrome. She loves seeing all the new color now, and hopes it will become even more exciting.
Eight is surprised by it at first, shaing Acht’s thinking that it will never become colorful. After the shock wares off, he loves it. He’s happy to see how much his work to defeat Smollusk and help free Four could help this place.
Thank you for the ask!!! I love the idea of the Memverse getting more colorful!
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mitchmino · 5 days
she gets too overwhelmed from everyone hating on her and being afraid of her for being a clone and robot. A "you treated me like a monster so I became one" type of scenario. So she begins making those fears come to life by imprisoning peoples souls in emotionless robots they can't control
evil Parallel Canon idea
when 4 does her climb of the spire Parallel Canon either swaps places with 4 or kills her. Regardless Parallel Canon escapes the memverse and is now occupying 4s body
Ooooh that is so evil and I love it!!!
I don’t think I have to heart to kill Four, but what I could see happening is Parallel Canon swaps places with them, leaving Four trapped as the boss fight while they go live in the real world in Four’s body.
So then would it be better to have Parallel Canon have malicious intent, and try to cause problems for the NSS in attempts to create a world of order, or does Parallel Canon gradually grow to enjoy being a real person, and then not want to give Four’s body back because they want to be able to exist in the real world? Or maybe both? There’s some real character arc potential here!
This is a really interesting idea and I love it!!! 
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mitchmino · 16 days
does the box have a lid and does it need to be closed? Is the head of lettuce flush with the top of the box or does it go over? If its the former you could get an additional head of lettuce for each corner then another head of lettuce atop those 4 for a grand total of 6 heads of lettuce if the box can stay open.
ok so math problem , let's say you have a box that is exactly big enough to hold one head of lettuce no more no less it is exactly big enough to hold exactly one head of lettuce and nothing more
okay so how many lettuce head can fit in the box show your work and no calculatorsI'll know if you use a calculator
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mitchmino · 1 month
take it one step further, it doesnt work on clothes period
Teleportation doesn’t work on shoes.
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mitchmino · 1 month
finally someone that gets it
Everyone on tumbr is like gay this lgbtq that, and I'm over here just eating so much sour cream ormf ormf ormf ormf ormf ormf ormf ormf romf ormf ormf ormf
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mitchmino · 1 month
Everyone on tumbr is like gay this lgbtq that, and I'm over here just eating so much sour cream ormf ormf ormf ormf ormf ormf ormf ormf romf ormf ormf ormf
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mitchmino · 2 months
we're just slowly turning 4 into a raised by wolves kid
im imaging 4 growls and snarls when she goes feral just for extra intimidation
Oh my gosh yes.
We’re slowly making Four more and more animalistic and I am here for it. Growling, purring, what’s else can we add?
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mitchmino · 2 months
strange man in black hooded robes with a skull mask hovering around town, hes got a stack of papers in his arms, stapling them to various poles and handing them out to bypassers. you look at the poster hes putting up everywhere. "LOST: SKELETON ARMY" is written in large text, underneath is a picture of roughly 5000 skeletons with various weapons, taken like an elementary school class photo. underneath the picture is "CALL NECRUS THE VILE" followed by an evil rune
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mitchmino · 2 months
i wish i had an evil class
taking a class on sex this semester which has resulted in many fun things like "sex activity" and "sex final" being added to my planner. being very mature and serious about this .
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mitchmino · 2 months
thank you for existing splatoon
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mitchmino · 2 months
if you main luna blaster fuck you
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mitchmino · 2 months
Im going kitty cat mode :3 mrrow
circles your leg circles your leg
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