moe-broey · 3 hours
it’s always “why did you sacrifice yourself and leave me behind” and never How was the sacrifice Was sacrificing yourself fun it looked fun
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moe-broey · 4 hours
Here's something fun we should do!
Pick your favorite characters, and then pick a bunch of summer activities.
Have a poll on what activity your blorbo should do this summer!
Now that DOES sound like fun!!! Let's give it a try
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moe-broey · 9 hours
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🫵 Alfonse Fire Emblem
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moe-broey · 9 hours
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moe-broey · 9 hours
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Espurr Mini Painting
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moe-broey · 11 hours
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moe-broey · 11 hours
I want..... to do a last ditch effort so bad.......
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I def talk waaaayy too much in my notes and get so lost in the details so I made myself do a bare minimum progress report and. I??????? Kind of got a lot done???? Way more than I thought, anyway???
I guess the main reason it felt like So Much is cause the first prompt has taken a lot of emotional energy that's difficult to confront, and also just. Logistics LMFAOO (backgrounds.... my beloathed......) It's rough/bad luck that this one happens to be first up LMFAO 🧍
Depending on how it goes, I may just start w Resplendent and go from there 😓 (also acknowledging it's okay to not make every day, or even just post the sketches of what I have for that one that's still concept stage)
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moe-broey · 15 hours
I am at war with Sonic the Hedgehog
No, the title is not clickbait. I got a really nice hammock around two months ago and was having a great time using over the summer. It's one of those fancy ones with pillows and drink holders, so you can imagine that I was making great use of it.
Last week, I went to use it in the morning and found that it was covered in blue quills. Before you flame me in the comments, hear me out: I KNOW the city has an unofficial rule stating that you have to let Sonic use your lawn furniture whenever he wants. I KNOW he's saved the world a bunch of times over. Honestly, when I saw all the quills, I wasn't even mad. I pulled them out and carried on with my day.
But then it happened again. And again. And again. Guys, he sleeps on my hammock at least four times a week. I know he doesn't have a house or whatever (does anyone know why he chooses to be homeless???), but why does it have to be MY hammock all the time? It's really pissing me off.
Anyways, I've started to Sonic-proof my hammock, but nothing I've tried is working. I tried taking it down and putting it in my shed overnight, but I found quills in it again the next time I took it out. I think he literally set up the hammock and then put it back in the shed when he was done with it.
That wasn't the only thing I've done. I've left it covered in water (I guess he's only scared of actually drowning because that didn't work), mud and leaves (it came back clean?), and one time even covered it in crumbs so it would get infested with bugs (I think he just ate them). I'm out of ideas and I don't think he plans on stopping anytime soon.
Does anyone have any ideas? I'm going insane. Everything about Dr. Eggman is starting to make sense to me and it's terrifying.
edit: can the mods please tell people to be civil in the comments? edit 2: how is joking about eggman inappropriate? i didnt realize this sub was full of small animals. edit 3: what do you mean his fox friend is a mod here? does he even live here?
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moe-broey · 23 hours
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AU where Gustav is a supportive father and is encouraging about Alfonse joining the Order of Heroes 😊💖
+ inspo/progress under cut for funsies 👍
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Aaaaaa Lulu jumpscare AAAAAAAAA
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moe-broey · 1 day
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Coolest pronoun shirt I’ve ever seen tbh
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moe-broey · 1 day
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moe-broey · 2 days
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moe-broey · 2 days
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moe-broey · 2 days
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Reminder we're only 5 days away from the start of Sharena Week!
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moe-broey · 2 days
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moe-broey · 2 days
I think this is why Moe has become such an effective and fascinating proxy for me, though. I feel like I bring up the separation/easy removal of the self when needed, a lot. Easy to do, when there are the key differences there.
But I feel like, functionally, within each of our worlds, Moe and I are treated the same. People don't quite know what to make of me, by my appearance alone. They quickly identify me as an Other. More often than not, in a way that feels undesirable. If I'm lucky, I may get they/them'd by a stranger, which feels polite. But those aren't my actual pronouns. I think, something similar happens with Moe in-universe. Moe is an it/its user. Its identity is maybe harder to understand, than mine. Though with mine, I am met with "Why don't you just [Compromise, and be something Like A Girl?]" Cause that's what they mean, when I'm asked that question. They don't actually accept or respect nonbinary people, much less understand that there are More nonbinary people than what they picture, an almost-acceptable androgynous afab. They just want me Easier. Closer to what they Know. What the Expect, from someone like me.
I think, there's another key similarity to highlight, though. That, for both of us, we're really only seen in our entirety by people who are closest to us. I haven't really explored it yet, but I think it took some time getting to know Moe before it actually is referred to correctly. For me, it takes no time at all to tell someone my pronouns, but there's still a feeling of controversy to it. Sometimes as small as a "Huh!", but like. Still somehow unexpected. Which always does trip me up, going from being with my sisters and our friends, who see me as I am, and then One Step Outside that little bubble. I'm at the mercy of everyone around me and their perceptions of me, feels like. I think Moe experiences something similar, too.
I feel like. I was soooooooo onto something. But now I feel like I'm saying a whole lot of nothing LMFAOO.... but something something failure to perform gender correctly WILL result in An Experience. Be careful out thwre 🫡
It is kinda funny I feel like I'm functionally nonbinary. In the way that people tend to perceive me/interact with me, if they don't know me on a super personal level. Despite 100% being Just Some Guy. Which can be a part of anyone's gender tbh, but for me it literally means I'm a man. Average he/him, no notes. Just like REALLY fucking bad at it I guess LMFAOO
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moe-broey · 2 days
It is kinda funny I feel like I'm functionally nonbinary. In the way that people tend to perceive me/interact with me, if they don't know me on a super personal level. Despite 100% being Just Some Guy. Which can be a part of anyone's gender tbh, but for me it literally means I'm a man. Average he/him, no notes. Just like REALLY fucking bad at it I guess LMFAOO
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