monsterfactoryfanfic · 42 minutes
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i dont think they should let anyone whos dumber than me make youtube video essays
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Loving day
Today is Loving day. It marks the 57th anniversary of Loving v. Virginia, the Supreme Court case that struck down Anti-miscegenation laws in the United States.
my parents were married in 1976. 10 years prior, their marriage would have been a crime.
Forgive me, i'm tired. i didn't sleep well.
I could wax poetically about how important to my, and my children's existence, this ruling is.
I could tell you how it enforced many of our rights through the use of the Due Process Clause of the 14th amendment.
I could tell you how obergfell and roe v wade were based on the reasoning of the due process clause of the 14th...
I could tell you how justice thomas, who is himself in an interracial marriage, questioned the validity of that right and reasoning.
It is all interconnected. Race, LBGT+ issues, our rights in general.
If you are LGBT, or poc, or whatever, you should know that your rights are being targeted. and it isn't in hiding. It isn't a secret.
You can see it on project2025. You can see it in Thomas's concurrence in Dobbs v Jackson women's health. It is out in the open. easy to find. spelled out.
Today is Loving day. and if you want to celebrate this day with me in the future, be sure you fight and support Obergfell, for our trans friends, for women's rights, and all the other interconnected issues out there.
Also: side note. Mildred Loving never wanted to be in the spotlight. She wanted to live a normal life after her and her husband's name became a rallying cry for civil rights. Her husband, Richard Loving, passed away in 1975 from a car accident. She passed away in 2008. Prior to that, on the 40th anniversary of Loving V. Virginia, Mildred Loving came out of her quiet life and said, "I am still not a political person, but I am proud that Richard's and my name is on a court case that can help reinforce the love, the commitment, the fairness, and the family that so many people, black or white, young or old, gay or straight seek in life. I support the freedom to marry for all. That's what Loving, and loving, are all about."
She knew it was all connected. Let's honor her memory.
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Washington, D.C., June 10, 2024 – Today, an eight-member jury in West Palm Beach, Florida, found Chiquita Brands International liable for funding a violent Colombian paramilitary organization, the United Self-defense Forces of Colombia (AUC), that was responsible for major human rights atrocities during the 1990s and 2000s. The weeks-long trial featured testimony from the families of the nine victims in the case, the recollections of Colombian military officials and Chiquita executives, expert reports, and a summary of key documentary evidence produced by Michael Evans, director of the National Security Archive’s Colombia documentation project.
“This historic ruling marks the first time that an American jury has held a major U.S. corporation liable for complicity in serious human rights abuses in another country,” according to a press release from EarthRights International, which represents victims in the case.
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Idk why this is so funny to me. The bonds between president xi and the state of Iowa are eternal
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fuck Reedpop, fuck Ziff Davis, and fuck Consolidation
I wrote this back in November of 2023 for Richard Williams' "What's Hot in Indie TTRPGs" roundup. And though things have moderately improved with the launch of Rascal News, I'm still so heartbroken about the state of games journalism.
Anyone paying attention to games journalism over the last five years could tell you the earth is salted. But it’s been especially hard to see two mainstream outlets for TTRPG news suffer from corporate greed here at the end of 2023. First is the layoff of Lin Codega from Gizmodo, part of a 23-person restructuring that also shuttered the iconic feminist site Jezebel. Codega had received an Ennie Award only a few months prior for their work covering the fiasco Wizards of the Coast invited upon itself when it tried to revise its Dungeons and Dragons “Open Gaming License” in an attempt to squeeze competitors out of the economy. My favorite of their recurring features was “The Gaming Shelf,” which regularly highlighted indie RPGs. It is so rare to see someone with relatively mainstream media access discuss what’s happening on itchio, and to lose this chance to get more eyes on small projects is an absolute travesty. Codega themself puts it best: "I deserved better than this and G/O Media will be poorer for letting me go." The second, which is at this time a travesty-in-progress, is the auctioning of ReedPop’s “Gamer Network” portfolio of websites, which includes Dicebreaker. This news arrived the morning I sat down to write about media consolidation, the week of Dicebreaker’s second Tabletop Awards. Few other sites command the audience and prestige of Dicebreaker, whose journalists regularly feature games by indie creators who otherwise are forced to market their games through increasingly-fractured social media sites. I truly hope the “Gamer Network” portfolio is purchased, and all staff affected keep their jobs, but I’m not optimistic.   My mom was a journalist. She retired over a decade ago, when GateHouse Media swallowed a dozen local newspapers right before filing for bankruptcy. I’m genuinely sorry to see that ten years on, media companies are callous as ever, happy to ruin the lives of hundreds of brilliant people for the sake of a few points on a spreadsheet. Indie games deserve mainstream coverage. And the people who cover them deserve so much better than what they’re getting. 
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monsterfactoryfanfic · 11 hours
dude imagine if people talked about other ttrpgs the way people talk about wanderhome like,
"i tried to play blades in the dark and it was a total slap in the face to anyone who likes peaceful games"
"anyone who reads pathfinder can tell the authors have never had sex in their life"
"dungeons & dragons completely fails to comment on the situation in ukraine"
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monsterfactoryfanfic · 23 hours
i think 98% of my problems would be solved if i could just sleep like a normal person. alas, like a [hang on a second i gotta look up animals that dont sleep often or at all] juvenile tilapia, i am awake way too much
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person in your group chat whos two years younger than you: yeah guys sorry i cant make it to jackbox night i gotta go pick up my oscar. Yeah like the movie oscar. Yeah its kind of a pain because i have my lunch with guillermo del toro that afternoon--yeah i met him through a mutual friend. Yeah its pretty cool but honestly ive just been feeling so unproductive lately like idk what im doing with my life. At least ive got that job lined up with pixar to hold me over
That one person who listens to friends at the table: hey have you listened to friends at the table
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hey yall!!! new bundle :D
this is my 14 for 14 ttrpg bundle to pay off some of the debt from my top surgery!! you get 14 games and homebrew for 14 bucks, which is gonna run until june 14th (my birthday!!)
my top surgery was absolutely life changing and has made me so much more comfortable, confident, and happy. i dont regret it in the least. i also got hit with some surprise bills afterward that have me pretty heftily in debt because of it
some very kind souls have donated their games to help me pay some of this off, which was just so incredibly generous. which means its not just my games in here!! lots and lots of cool stuff, please check it out!!
in the bundle:
[BXLLET> : a game about systems of violence and power in the weird west apocalypse
disparateum: a dream-like reality-bending game where you hop worlds and tell strange stories
little celestial fieldwork guide: a city exploration photography game where you divine hidden spirits and take photos of them
beach day!: a system agnostic party bonding minigame where characters swap gifts and secrets
what they once feared: a solo journaling game where you play a folkloric monster forced to choose your path
the narrator paradox: a one page solo game where you play a storybook narrator whos protagonist has gained agency and is trying to change the story
the fool who got married (extended): a duet epistolary game of female hardship and connection in 1848
explorers of the forever city: a rules-light, fantasy role-playing game about ordinary people making extraordinary discoveries
riders: a pact for moth-light by justin ford, a fitd game. tame, bond with, and ride the terrifying predator moths
witch: a class for d&d 5e. be a con-based half-caster with curses, familiars, and a whole new way of doing spell slots
harmony with the wind: a ghibli-inspired d&d 5e pack with 5 feats, 4 backgrounds, 4 races, 6 monsters, and 3 subclasses
fairytale/feywild: a pack for d&d 5e with 1 background, 2 races, 1 subclass, and unique timekeeping mechanics for the feywild
burger wizard: a d&d 5e compatible narrative rpg about working as magical kitchen staff in a fantasy restaurant
argyth's arcane companion: 4 wizard subclasses, 3 feats, and 17 new spells for d&d 5e
you can get all of this for 14 bucks until june 14th!! it would really mean a lot to me for yall to check it out and also spread the word :D
check it out on itch!!
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made my edit of pope kissinger just now and it looks way better than it has any right to
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‼️🇵🇸🇮🇱🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 Palestine Action Scotland cuts Leonardo’s Edinburgh factory’s internet cables, disrupting the production of laser targeting systems for Israeli Jets
[Plain text: Palestine Action Scotland cuts Leonardo’s Edinburgh factory’s internet cables, disrupting the production of laser targeting systems for Israeli Jets ]
🔸 source: pal_action_scot and pal_action
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can't believe i missed the opportunity to put a male nun in my book
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So I heard about this convent that had a bunch of applications to join, but their ancient systems couldnt really keep up.
They were really inundated.
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One of the defining aspects of social media mediated existence is that every opinion seems dominant - there are simultaneously too many stans and too many haters. Or rather, if you're one, you feel like there are too many of the other. I think we might just have an information overload problem.
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Literally cannot emphasize enough that my #1 writing advice is to stop being afraid. Stop being afraid of sounding too cringe, or too stupid, or too horrifying, or too horny, or too weird, or too much, or too little, or too you. You need to put your entire pussy into your art. Sure, it won't be to everyone's tastes, but if you keep yourself to the blandest tamest safest roads possible you will be of no one's tastes, not even yours.
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