moonlightdancer26 · 8 hours
I'd love to hear your thoughts about Percy! What is your opinion on him in general? Do you like how his character arc was handled by JKR? What are your thoughts on popular fandom takes about Percy (him being a terrible disgrace to the Weasley family for siding with the Ministry/Voldemort; him being a secret hero of the rebellion who deserved better; etc)? And your thoughts on Percy ships? Who, if anyone, do you ship him with?
I think he’s wicked awesome and way too hated, I will genuinely defend him with my life. If my family treated me that badly I’d tell them to fuck off too, he was literally so excluded from his family because he wasn’t some Quidditch-loving jock and actually preferred to study and stay indoors. And he got mocked consistently just because he wanted a bright future. Sure he may appear a bit stuck-up to those who don’t know him well, but his family?? Plus after he legitimately got the job of his dreams, his father’s immediate reaction was to tell him he didn’t actually earn it and that it was all just a ploy. I would actually be so hurt. Like sure Arthur did end up being right, BUT YOU COULD’VE SAID IT A BIT DIFFERENTLY?? A simple “you earned it anyway, son” or “I’m proud of you” would’ve sufficed, alongside an explanation of why Percy MIGHT have gotten the job. He went about it way too harshly, if I got shut down like that after getting the job I’ve been working for my whole life, I’d have done a lot worse.
And I totally get Percy’s resentment, he felt as though his father wasn’t reaching his full potential due to his proud showcase of Muggle-fangirling. And since he (Arthur) was basically the sole provider in a large family that lived in poverty, I can see why Percy would feel frustration towards his father. Plus why do people act as if Percy was always “so horrible” even before he “abandoned” his family? He literally went RUSHING to Ronald when he got out of the lake in GoF and refused to let go of him, and he loved Ginny to death. He was protective of his younger siblings and was pretty funny imo, it’s hard not to sympathise with him when he has siblings like Fred and George.
He genuinely deserved so much better, he was constantly shut down for his accomplishments and cared so much for his siblings despite their mocking, plus he still came back to apologise to them and then proceeded to see his baby brother die in front of him????? How could you hate him after DH?? I don’t think he’s a disgrace to his family at all, sure he was shitty to Molly but, with what he must’ve been going through at the time, I get it. And any resentment he felt towards his family was completely and utterly justified. Plus he literally apologised, so even if you disagree with what I’m saying and think he’s scum or whatever, he legit still apologised to them? He still redeemed himself? Whatever he’s supposedly done that you hate him for, he redeemed himself for it. And I feel like people forget how young Percy was when all this happened? He’s only like 4 years older than Harry and was still 18/19 when all the family drama occurred, and he held a huge responsibility in the ministry. And having grown up as the lone middle child with the burden of knowing his family isn’t respected much must’ve had a tremendous influence on someone as ambitious as Perce. People should really see things from his perspective sometimes. Imo the only genuinely shitty things he’s done is 1. his treatment of Molly 2. his letter to Ron about Harry (but even then, I completely understand why Percy said what he said), anything other than that is usually just exaggerated by his haters.
One character he’s always reminded me of is Alex Dunphy from Modern Family (*tries to summon Modern Family fans*), she was also the odd one out in her family because she was super studious and introverted. And she had a desperate need to prove herself and was very ambitious, much like Perce. Her meltdowns and extreme studying was treated as a joke to the viewers and her sister Haley constantly made fun of her for it. She reminds me a lot of him tbh, which is why I love both characters so much.
lol this was supposed to be a quick short ask explaining why I love him and who I ship him with, and it resulted in a whole rant 😭 that’s usually how I get whenever his name gets brought up. Also Nonnie, I ship Percy with Oliver :D and I think he and Penelope Clearwater really deserved more screentime, they were such a delightful couple imo.
And thanks for the ask btw, I missed talking about him!!
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moonlightdancer26 · 2 days
Potter's wealth is more massive than Malfoy's.
Malfoy’s ass is more massive than Potter’s, what’s your point?
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moonlightdancer26 · 2 days
reblog this if you want a LONG (or short) anonymous message saying what they think of you.
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moonlightdancer26 · 2 days
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um anyway Lucius>>> (say what you want about him but at least he didn’t need to blackmail or harass Narcissa into being with him 💀🙏🏼)
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PARDON?? i hope you realise he’s not the only person you’re slandering with this line 🤨
Imagine having a rich boyfriend like James Potter. Lily is lucky 🥰
I mean if that’s your type, who am I to say otherwise.
I wouldn’t want a boyfriend that threatened me and blackmailed me into dating him just so he could leave my friend alone…maybe that’s just me tho
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moonlightdancer26 · 3 days
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LMAO it’s fine I totally get it, I do that with about half of my favourite characters. it’s not personal I just really enjoy bullying them
I’d love blog recommendations!!
good to know :) (also i saw your previous ask, all i can say is 😭😭😭)
1. for starters, me lol
2. @halfblood-princes-crown (wifey)
3. @half-blood-slytherpuff (reblogs a lot of great Snape content)
4. @smilingformoney (funny, huge Alan Rickman fan + ff writer)
5. @snapecentric (i think the url speaks for itself lol)
6. @sideprince (reblogs a lot of Snape meta posts)
these are some of my current favourite Snape blogs off the top of my head, I haven’t been spending as much time on tumblr as I have before so it’s been tough seeking out active Snape blogs lately. I hope to find some more! and enjoy your time in the Snapedom, anon, I’m always here if you have any questions or thoughts <33
(Also if you’re a Snape blog and reblog/post a lot of Snape content, you can comment on/reblog this post so anon can see! @ anon, check out the reblogs and replies in case someone comments!!)
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moonlightdancer26 · 3 days
I’d love blog recommendations!!
good to know :) (also i saw your previous ask, all i can say is 😭😭😭)
1. for starters, me lol
2. @halfblood-princes-crown (wifey)
3. @half-blood-slytherpuff (reblogs a lot of great Snape content)
4. @smilingformoney (funny, huge Alan Rickman fan + ff writer)
5. @snapecentric (i think the url speaks for itself lol)
6. @sideprince (reblogs a lot of Snape meta posts)
these are some of my current favourite Snape blogs off the top of my head, I haven’t been spending as much time on tumblr as I have before so it’s been tough seeking out active Snape blogs lately. I hope to find some more! and enjoy your time in the Snapedom, anon, I’m always here if you have any questions or thoughts <33
(Also if you’re a Snape blog and reblog/post a lot of Snape content, you can comment on/reblog this post so anon can see! @ anon, check out the reblogs and replies in case someone comments!!)
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moonlightdancer26 · 4 days
Hi, this is so random but I’m doing it anyway. Im new to tumblr and I found you and was stalking your blog all the way down to last year or so, and I came across this other Snape blog you used to interact with. I got curious and checked them out. Their bio looked so promising, but then I got to their content, and it’s safe to say I’m shocked. I was told the Snape fans on tumblr were welcoming? 😀 But on a more positive note, you’re really cool
Love that you were stalking my blog 😭 I’m really flattered <33
Also, while the tumblr Snapedom is super welcoming and positive, there’s always going to be a few exceptions. Idk which blog you’re talking about (could you tell me their url in another ask? 👀) but I’m sorry that person disappointed you, I promise you there are so many Snape blogs that are extremely hilarious and entertaining. I could give you a few recommendations if you want! There’s always going to be toxic people in any fandom, but compared to other fandoms I’d say the Snapedom (on tumblr) is pretty darn awesome :)
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moonlightdancer26 · 6 days
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hello this entire interaction confuses me so I’m not even going to hop in, but this tag caught my attention
Hello I’m Sorry if this offends you, I’d like you to be my sugar baby just letting you know my intentions Dm if you’re interested...🥰🥰😍
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moonlightdancer26 · 6 days
My manager and supervisor are so toxic. They are very disrespectful to me. Should I resign and grow a business?
I mean, if you’ve already considered the risks and your current financial situation, and you still want to go through with it, then who am I to stop you? But if the only reason you want to resign and grow a business is because of your shit manager and supervisor, then simply look for another job instead of immediately resorting to starting a business, especially if you don’t think you have enough money to be able to take that risk.
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moonlightdancer26 · 7 days
Reblog and put in the tags something random that you have very strong feelings about
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moonlightdancer26 · 7 days
The way I fully believed this wasn’t satire when reading the first line 😭 also love how even in the movies alone you can so clearly see Snape absolutely loathing himself and anyone and everyone around him, even the non-book-readers have no excuse for this 💀🙏🏼
Seeing people who hate Snape say things like “Snape cared about no one but himself” as if Severus Snape wasn’t his own biggest hater is so amusing to me.
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moonlightdancer26 · 9 days
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Did this fanart due to the pro-palestine play, 'My name is Rachel Corrie', that Alan Rickman, Snape's actor, directed
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for any donation above 25$ I'll draw your favorite character like in the fanart above (holding the Palestine flag too if you want) 💕
read more about Rachel and Rickman's play | donate to families in gaza
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moonlightdancer26 · 9 days
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this is actually why he was crying in the first place!! if you think otherwise you’re wrong
Snape kneeling in Sirius’s room having a mental breakdown while surrounded with half-naked posters of Muggle women:
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moonlightdancer26 · 9 days
Snape kneeling in Sirius’s room having a mental breakdown while surrounded with half-naked posters of Muggle women:
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moonlightdancer26 · 11 days
reblog & put in the tags what kept you sane throughout quarantine
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moonlightdancer26 · 11 days
The click of claws on a roof, dust falls down. The alpha wolf is coming, he’s here and he’s near.
Dust swirls, shining gold under the dim candle light. Something else shines, it shines amber in the window, standing out starkly against the inky sky.
Amber eyes. He’s watching you.
is he standing in front of a mirror? because, as far as I can tell, the only alpha around here is me
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moonlightdancer26 · 12 days
Agreed. Like Remus knew Snape for 22/23 years at that point, there’s no way he genuinely believes Snape outed him for a reason as silly as that. Sadly, people don’t have enough reading comprehension to realise that.
Hello, why do people who say Snape outed Remus out of spite still exist? I thought we all knew that it was because Remus quite literally endangered the lives of all the students, of Harry (who Snape literally swore to protect), of the staff, and of Severus himself.
If he truly wanted to out Remus out of spite, why couldn’t he have done it when he was a Death Eater and Remus was an Order Member, when Dumbledore no longer had any control over Snape’s actions and when he and Remus were on opposite sides of the war? Why couldn’t he have done it at any point throughout the year in PoA? Why did he only expose Remus after he found out that Remus endangered students’ lives by not only forgetting the complicated potion Snape took the time to brew for him, but by also purposefully holding back info that could’ve prevented Sirius Black (who everyone, including Remus, believed was a mass-murderer) from entering the castle and hurting/killing students? Do you believe that’s merely some coincidence?
Say whatever you want about Snape, but one thing about him is that he will NOT stand for anyone endangering the lives of his students, especially not Lily’s son. He priorities safety above all else. He may be an asshole to his students, but he’ll protect them with his life. The fact that he only outed Remus once he knew what Remus did should tell you enough, I don’t know why people choose to live in denial over this debate even though it’s practically spelled out to us in the text. It makes sense for a kid reading PoA to think “wow! Snape is so mean for that! How could he do that to Professor Lupin?!!” but for grown adults to still think this? It’s ridiculous.
And to the people who think “Oh yeah Snape totally outed Remus because he lost the chance of receiving an Order of Merlin,” did this part of The Prince’s Tale chapter completely fly over your heads:
There was a long pause, and slowly Snape regained control of himself, mastered his own breathing. At last he said, “Very well. Very well. But never — never tell, Dumbledore! This must be between us! Swear it! I cannot bear . . . especially Potter’s son . . . I want your word!”
“My word, Severus, that I shall never reveal the best of you?” Dumbledore sighed, looking down into Snape’s ferocious, anguished face. “If you insist . . .”
This simply goes to show how little Snape antis actually understand Snape’s character. He wanted no one to know of the good things he’s done. He never did anything for positive attention or praise, and he certainly would not expose Remus out of pure spite of having lost his opportunity to win a stupid award.
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