moonslittlestar · 6 hours
Hii friends. I hope you are all doing well, sorry I've been afk, once again I'm battling my health. Hopefully I'll be back soon, I've lots to edit as perusual LOL.
Ps. Happy Pride Month ❤
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moonslittlestar · 4 days
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Inexperienced blade follows the vampire into the forest~
Wyll needs to get pampered and kissed and teased the hell out of and i will forever stand by that
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moonslittlestar · 6 days
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been awhile since my last shadzel piece, had to fix that
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moonslittlestar · 6 days
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elves don't sleep. (they trance).
based on this post
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moonslittlestar · 6 days
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Prayers to Three
Ketheric Thorm piece for a zine.
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moonslittlestar · 6 days
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moonslittlestar · 6 days
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moonslittlestar · 6 days
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kairon • the dark urge • undead warlock / college of spirits bard
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moonslittlestar · 6 days
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moonslittlestar · 6 days
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Asphodel Atbay || Cleric of Beshaba
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moonslittlestar · 7 days
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moonslittlestar · 7 days
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Art by Taejy_
Outside the world around them stirred, heavy rain crashed against the stained glass window. Every so often the loud claps of thunder shook the room, and bolts of lightning lit it up brightly. It wasn't night yet, though the clouds shrouded the city in darkness, the streets oddly quiet for early evening; normally around this time they'd be bursting with life, young child selling Baldur's Mouth newsletters, calling out to the city folks that walked past them as if they were invisible, all making their respective ways home or to local bars. 
This one was a hot spot for the working class to retreat after a long day's work, yet under the room on the second floor everything seemed rather silent, something Moon was not used to in his stay at Sharee’s Caress. The brothel was normally packed, full of songs and live music and so much chatter he found it difficult to hear his own thoughts the majority of the time. The peace the storm brought was a welcomed guest.
In his room a fireplace on the far wall warmed up the cold air around them, granted there wasn't much of a room to warm up, but it was something. The crackling logs under flame were just loud enough to come through the sound of rain tapping against glass, and the golden glow flickered faintly against the wooden bedframe, silk sheets and soft skin. 
Moon had become quite fond of his little room at Sharee's Caress, although the patrons did leave something to be desired about the place (most of them overly horny drunks with no manners and bad tempers) but the staff were nice and after Moon paid off his debt for a few smashed glasses and a broken chair during the first week of his stay, they seemed quite fond of him too. 
He'd not been planning to stay this long, but something about the white haired elf kept him around, or rather, something about him kept the white haired elf around, neither were sure who was keeping who around but neither had any complaints. Their personalities entwined like the finest elven chainmail; a bond that seemed completely unbreakable, almost as if they were destined to meet… if you believed in such things, which neither of them did. Mortals were off limits, but this one, this one… 
Moon placed his lips gently upon Astarion's forehead and smiled to himself. This one was worth breaking the rules for. 
When he started seeing Astarion more, Moon found himself wondering if this is how his mother fell for his father, if they broke the rules of man and God(dess)  because feelings had become involved? Were they fated? They say that nothing good ever comes from bonding with mortals, but maybe it was different for him? He wasn't a true God anyways, so maybe it didn't count? 
They lay over the covers, bodies entwined, on a king size bed on the opposite side of the fireplace. The bed was entirely too big for the room, but that had been Moon's magic at work, as the original bed was far too small for him.
Moon’s back rested up against the mound of cushions with Astarion pressed against him, his leg wrapped around Moon's, and Moon's tail wrapped around Astarion's leg. His left wing cocooned Astarion in a delicate embrace as Astarion nuzzled his head into the crook of Moon's neck. 
The scent of arcane Jasmine permeated the air around them as Moon projected a canopy of stars above them with his free hand. A soft blue hue washed over them in pulses as Moon's magic left his fingertips, his horns glowed, following suit.
“It's beautiful!” Astarion smiled, watching in awe as the night sky danced over them. He raised a hand, his fingers joining the dancing of the stars that faded around his fingertips, though it was cold in there, a strange electric current prickled at the back of his hand and his fingers as they swayed back and forth, “I don't get to see the stars much here, not like this.” He mumbled, his focus drawn to the starry sky above him. “They look so real… like I could just reach out and touch one!” He continued, waving his hand around loosely in them some more before placing it back around Moon's waist. “I wish I could see the stars like this every night” he sighed lightly. A shooting star shot past, almost too quick to see it, another followed shortly after. 
Moon hummed slightly, twisting his hand and turning the sky a little, “it is real… well, sort of I suppose?” His voice was smooth and calm. 
“Sort of?” Astarion raised his head from Moon’s chest and cocked an eyebrow, “sort of, I suppose?” He asked in a silly mocking tone.
Moon nodded slightly and hummed again, “They were once, it's a memory projection. My first night down here...” His voice trailed off. “They look much different when you are amongst them, down here they look so… small.” He continued after a long pause. 
Astarion rested his head back onto Moon's chest, a small huff escaped him as he contemplated how difficult it must have been for Moon to lose so much, to be thrown out, cast aside and have nothing, not even a name. “Luán,” a sense of sincerity attached to his words, “Thank you, for showing me this.” 
Moon nodded in acknowledgement and placed another kiss softly upon Astarion's forehead.
This was the most intimate they had been since they began seeing each other more regularly.
Astarion had been told of Moon's descent, how he'd been disowned and denounced as son and heir; how he'd fallen from grace. But not through Moon, he'd heard the stories and the songs; “The son of a Goddess and a mortal blacksmith, a great warrior born to fight for honor whenever summoned. The son that fell to Faerun and had his name stripped from him. The Demigod that was unwelcome and unworthy of that title.” They did not speak much about Moon's past, for Moon didn't like to bring it up.
Astarion understood that Moon had gone through a lot and had roamed Faerun for an unfathomable amount of time, fighting in wars man had started. He may have been cast down, but he could be summoned at any time and he was tied to his duty by a golden string. So was the life of the son of a great Goddess, even if she didn't recognise him anymore. Astarion hadn't dared ask which stories were true and which were rumors, he didn't care much to find out either. 
Mostly, they fucked; had their fun and parted ways. Emotional intimacy hadn't been a part of the equation. But this, this felt… nice?
After a few moments of silently watching the projection, Astarion kissed Moon's neck, just under his jaw. “I like this,” he smiled against Moon's skin, “I don't know what this is, but I like it.” 
Moon's tail wrapped around Astarion's thigh tightly and the glow in his horns brightened as if to say “me too”.
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moonslittlestar · 7 days
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moonslittlestar · 7 days
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moonslittlestar · 7 days
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Forever living in a state of 🥺
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moonslittlestar · 7 days
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moonslittlestar · 7 days
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