moss-study · 3 years
introduction :0
hi! my name is moss (xe/they) and this is my second attempt at a studyblr! so i’m new, but not really.
my first studyblr, which i made freshman year, was super disorganized and it stressed me out too even try to fix it. so we’re starting fresh and new, with the addition of a name change because jasper doesn’t fit as much as it used to. 
click on the keep reading to get to know me!
my name is moss, like i said! i use xe/they pronouns and i’m a nonbinary lesbian.
i’m seventeen and a junior in a united states high school.
i want to be a librarian one day, and if i can afford college, i’d like to major in english, minor in gender studies, before going to grad school for library sciences.
i love moss (enough to name myself after it apparently!), musical theatre, writing poetry, and reading (i’m growing a penchant for academic papers, as of late).
the focus of this blog, as of rn, will be english/writing, history, and math.
i hope to improve my focus, studying habits, and rebuild my passion for learning with this studyblr. feel free to send tips my way and i can’t wait to study with everyone. 
a handful of my favs:
@katliners (katliners was actually the first studyblr i ever followed)
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moss-study · 3 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media
theme eleven: rosemary — responsive and minimal sidebar or header theme with a slide-out navigation menu and a bunch of customization options.
previews: sidebar and header / code (on pastebin or github)
features and options:
slide-out navigation menu with up to six custom links, an unlimited number of pages on your blog, and a search bar
 option to add a header/sidebar image, option to show blog icon, or option to show both
space for two optional statistics/updates in your header or sidebar
post sizes: 400px, 450px, 500px, 540px, 600px
lots of post styling options: centered or left-aligned text, two styles of post info (minimal with icons only or with icons and text), show or hide date, show/hide/hover tags, show or hide captions, customizable post margins
font sizes from 12px to 18px, eleven body font options, and four title font options. all colours are customizable.
responsive for all screen sizes and mobile devices.
the icons in your blog stats are from Feathericons.com; to change them, go to the site, find the name of the new icon you want, and add the new icon name into the slot in the customization panel.
tumblr’s customize page is very buggy and when you first install the theme, you have to toggle the options on and off to get them to work properly.
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moss-study · 3 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
matching frog icons 4 u and ur frog friends!  ✨🐸🌸
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