mostlybuddingthoughts · 15 hours
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He puts so much effort into all of his little schemes but he’s incapable of doing even a little busywork.
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mostlybuddingthoughts · 15 hours
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Attention everyone, it's fluff alert!! One nice soft young!Royai piece coming right away for @fullmetalscullyy as my @fmasecretsanta gift for you, friend!:)
Happy holidays to you and everyone who is reading this, and I'll see y'all in the next year with more artsy (and other) stuff to come!
PS: separate pictures are under the cut <33
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mostlybuddingthoughts · 15 hours
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Happy RoyAi week everyone!
I’ve been really busy with work and personal stuff and I’m tired af x__x I’ve missed most of the things everyone has been working hard and im so sorry ;__;
Hope you have a good weekend, take care!!
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how foolish can one man be?
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𓂃 𓈒𓏸
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believing that good can happen to you after a life of tragedy is the most painful thing you can choose. but it is necessary. because otherwise there is nothing else. you miss it all hiding
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everything he touches turns to black
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Riza has been scared many times in her life, she's not a stranger to fear, but she has never felt the same kind of bone-chilling panic as when she heard shots being fired in what was supposed to be a patrolling routinary mission and the sound of a body hitting the ground.
On a lighter note, Roy, straight out of surgery and high on sedatives is the type of man to flirt with Riza (already his girlfriend ) and ask her to date him.
I am a sucker for hospital hurt/comfort, I do not have any excuse.
My fan content besides, it's the first time I've ever gotten his much attention on tumblr so this next part is for the people who might want to stay over here.
Also, feel free to ask anything or request anything, be it fan art, fanfic or whatever you want !!
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this is so mean but sometimes i see published writing and suddenly no longer feel insecure about my own writing ability. like well okay that got published so im guessing i dont have much to worry about
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redraw from my old art that too embarrassed to show it lol
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Continuing my series of painting studies but make it royai 💕
detail of Ferdinand Hodler's Night
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My friend told me this was homoerotic… it was legit very flattering
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Hehehe hi hello I drew girls in Pinterest outfitsss!!!
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Usually it's almost always the FEMALE characters who are given the role of covertly gather intel under the guise of being promiscuous so I love to see manslut roy mustang over here and his super intricate network of hostess besties, and his phone call w "Elizabeth" that basically served as a way for him to communicate w his team.
Like he convinced all the higher ups that he was just a dumb whore so they didn't view him as a threat and then BAM. Proceeds to launch a coup de tat.
Honestly arakawa cooked w him like ok ma'am.
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In writing, epithets ("the taller man"/"the blonde"/etc) are inherently dehumanizing, in that they remove a character's name and identity, and instead focus on this other quality.
Which can be an extremely effective device within narration!
They can work very well for characters whose names the narrator doesn't know yet (especially to differentiate between two or more). How specific the epithet is can signal to the reader how important the character is going to be later on, and whether they should dedicate bandwidth to remembering them for later ("the bearded man" is much less likely to show up again than "the man with the angel tattoo")
They can indicate when characters stop being as an individual and instead embody their Role, like a detective choosing to think of their lover simply as The Thief when arresting them, or a royal character being referred to as The Queen when she's acting on behalf of the state
They can reveal the narrator's biases by repeatedly drawing attention to a particular quality that singles them out in the narrator's mind
But these only work if the epithet used is how the narrator primarily identifies that character. Which is why it's so jarring to see a lot of common epithets in intimate moments-- because it conveys that the main character is primarily thinking of their lover/best friend/etc in terms of their height or age or hair color.
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Tears of the something or other idfk
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