In light of OFMD's cancellation, a new petition has been created in order to try to get BBC to pick it up.
Please PLEASE sign!!!!
Our crew deserves the season 3 that they always envisioned.
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what even is the message here
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The actors (specially Richard Armitage) really said fucked it and made one of the best ships
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“Thorin is coming over a little queer”- Martin Freeman
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“It’s a way of seducing Bilbo to come on the quest with us”- Richard Armitage about the Misty Mountain song. 
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“And that’s how I see it. And they sit in harmony with each other, I think, and are changed by each other.”- Richard Armitage 
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And there was an interview where Ken Stotts (Balin’s actor) was asked about the face Balin makes when Bilbo can’t say what Thorin is for him 
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Ken said “Well, Balin knew how Thorin felt about Bilbo, so he wanted Bilbo to know how special he was for him… I think that’s what he wanted”
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Breaking into someone’s house, stealing a bunch of his food and drinks, and then singing a prepared diss track about how much he hates that you’re being assholes is absolutely wild and if I were Bilbo Baggins I would not help these people get their home back
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Larian studios really said "We are going to create a Baldur's Gate that is SO queer"
Everyone is romanceable, regardless of gender. You can have he/him, she/her, or they/them pronouns and none of those are tied to what body type or genitals you have (both of which you can pick, independently of each other). The daughter of a literal god who teams up with you is like "me and my girlfriend need to go kiss for 100 years now brb". Every other npc in Baldur's Gate will casually mention their same sex partners. The ringleader of the planes hopping circus is heavily implied to be a trans woman. One person who can join you gets captured multiple times and travels the world, all to save a man he loves.
It's everywhere and it just...is. There's no stopping the plot for the game devs to pat themselves on the back for including a "diverse" character. There's no dialogue option to have a character spoon feed you the idea that they could be interested in the same gender. There's no casual homophobia. No constant casual sexual harassment towards your character just because you chose the "female" option.
And it's so varied. One queer romance is about doing everything to save the other and the reunion is a beautiful kiss. Another is being completely shot down by someone they risked so much for. A man in the streets will say "Get a load of my husband. Such a piece of work. And I'm the one who fell for the blockhead". It doesn't feel cheap if a queer character dies or is a terrible person or if their romance story falls apart completely, because there are just so many. Honestly, that goes for a lot of things in the game, diversity-wise. It's just really nice.
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Having the hiccups is how it feels to be poisoned in a video game
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happy anniversary to the greatest thing that ever came out of this fucking website
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Wish i was drunk at a party explaining mgs to someone
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"don't post that, what if an employer sees?" personally i think employers need to stay the fuck off their employees' social media lmao
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Much as I adore hippos, this is undeniably just. (via @persian-slipper)
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cute underwear is the best cure all for low self esteem
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my scrub daddy just bit me
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