mrenkelherlig · 29 days
Made the worst brownies ever created just now
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mrenkelherlig · 29 days
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mrenkelherlig · 29 days
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mrenkelherlig · 29 days
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mrenkelherlig · 29 days
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Atsuko Nishida is one of the most underrated artists ever. She created the mascot, some of the most iconic Pokemon ever but she doesn’t get much recognition and a lot of people don’t know about her. This is just a little appreciation post for her. #ThankYouNishida
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mrenkelherlig · 29 days
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I know it’s not hard to point out reactionaries hypocrisy when it comes to like safe spaces or hug boxes or whatever but genuinely how much of an echo chamber do you have to exist in for you to think this is a reasonable thing to say
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mrenkelherlig · 29 days
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mrenkelherlig · 30 days
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Kent State University
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mrenkelherlig · 30 days
Windows 7
Windows 7 is the next release of Microsoft Windows, an operating system produced by Microsoft.
Windows 7 is intended to be an incremental upgrade with the goal of being fully compatible with existing device drivers, applications, and hardware
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mrenkelherlig · 1 month
Happy They Rolls up into a Ball Thursday
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They Rolls up into a Ball…
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mrenkelherlig · 1 month
coming for you
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mrenkelherlig · 1 month
love dungeon meshi senshi's character design bc when he has the helmet on he looks like a fucking pokemon
and then he takes the helmet off and hes just a guy with a face and forehead and everything
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to me he looks like this
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mrenkelherlig · 1 month
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@salticid​ you’re amazing and I love ur cryptic spambot convo I hope u like this!!
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mrenkelherlig · 1 month
Now that Israel had destroyed practically all housing units in Gaza, it is now striking literal tents where displaced Palestinians had sought refuge.
At least 15 people were killed and dozens injured today in an Israeli attack on refugee tents in Al Mawasi, an area designated as a safe zone by Israel.
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mrenkelherlig · 1 month
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This is something I love SO much about Kuro, and about Dunmeshi's portrayal of Bilingualism.
Like ... When we first meet Kuro it's so easy to assume he's a dummy. He's a big doofy-looking dog man that only talks about food, and his sentences are disjointed and broken, so you think oh, haha, token dumb character.
But then we swap to speaking Kobold and it hits you like a truck - Kuro is a person, and he has a full and complete train of thought that he can articulate. This is a grown ass man, and in his native language he speaks just as well as anybody - not only that, but here we see that Kabru, who is usually so good with words, speaks Kobold just as poorly as Kuro does common.
It's such an easy, obvious, and common trope to depict broken speech in a characters non-native language as a funny gag at the expense of their intelligence - not even just in fiction! Making fun of non-native English-speakers for their broken English is so fucking common and normalized - and here you have such a clear and simple portrayal that, no, in fact, Kuro isn't stupid.
And the thing is, common is common for a reason, right. In general high fantasy, "Common" means "Language that is effortless for everyone to speak". But in Dunmeshi, it's explicit that Kobolds can't fully learn Common - Common is designed for Humans, but Kobolds are demi-humans with different mouths and throats that don't allow them to enunciate in the same way.
And yet Kuro is doing his best to study it. He's going out of his way to master a skill most others don't even have to think about. Speaking of which ...
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We get this exchange between him and Kabru, which I also wanted to focus on.
Because when we first see Kuro, then portrayed as a simple-minded dummy, it's easy to think that Mickbell is taking advantage of him and Kuro is unaware. Here, Kabru even assumes they can't truly be friends unless they speak the same language perfectly.
But that's not really the case - Mickbell isn't taking advantage of Kuro, not in the way we (and the rest of the party) assume - because Kuro isn't as stupid as we assume. He's thankful to Mickbell, he wants to repay him, and the food is a nice perk - but ultimately he cares about Mickbell enough to put this much effort into learning a whole language for him (while Mickbell cares about him in his own way, though since Mickbell grew up without a family or friends, it usually just manifest in over protectiveness and a fear of losing him. His goal in life is to buy a house for them to live in together. Cmon.)
I think generalising Kuro and Mickbell's relationship as unhealthy (whether you perceive it as romantic or not) is doing a massive disservice to Kuro's intelligence due to his speech - something Kui goes out of the way to disprove.
I love these idiots.
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mrenkelherlig · 1 month
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They should let chilchuck swear like motherfucker asspisser godshittingdamnit all to hell
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mrenkelherlig · 1 month
it's important to have a time loop code phrase, something that if someone says "I'm in a time loop, you have to believe me!" you tell them the code so on their next loop they say the code and you believe them.
Thing is your codes are weak and easily guessed or circumvented by tricksters and pranksters alike.
It needs to be a multi-factor authentication cipher that you never explain or you'll only get to share each code once or someone comes up to you and says a thing and you wonder if you posted online about it at some point.
I recommend a word and date based equation combo. Like mine for today could be "Snake 3443" because today is 10/24/2023 so 10+24 20+23 = 3443.
Of course, now I've told you that I have to change my equation cipher.
It's wise to add in a third factor by day of the week and add some "you'd only know this if I told you in a time loop scenario" kind of thing.
You may think that is a lot of plates to keep spinning but I want you to keep your eye on the prize and think of the unhinged look on your friends face as they approach you for in their perspective is the twelve billionth time as they say "Snake 3443, Mittens on the 4th floor, Tuesday is Jazz Day and if the current minute of the day is an odd number it's Pineapple and if it's even it's anchovy. I hate you and I wish we weren't friends, no that's not part of the password but do you have any idea how frustrating it is to do this every single fucking day and I promise there is no question you can possibly ask me that will make you believe me any further so can we just get on with this?"
It's worth it. Trust me.
I know.
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