mrs-gucci · 2 months
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Hogwarts Professor Jacques Le Gris x Reader
Word Count: 8.4k
Warnings: NSFW. Smut. Aggressive and Dominant Jacques. Chasing. Implied Age Gap. Student/Professor Dynamics. Professor/Professor Dynamics. Everyone is over 18, as All Readers Must Be.
AO3 Link
Author’s Note: Based on a special request for a sexy Christmas party with Professor Le Gris from my beautiful friend @kyloremus ! She does the absolute best edits around and keeps me absolutely rabid! Edits by her, of course!
More Hogwarts Professor Jacques fics for anyone hooked:
Where There’s Smoke, There’s Fire
Dashing Through The Snow
I Put A Spell On You
A Duel to Remember
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Fog hung heavily in the winter air, snaking through the cobblestone streets and the serpentine twists of Diagon Alley. Fat snowflakes danced lazily down from swirling carbon clouds and the cobblestones were icy and slick beneath the fresh powder snow. Shop windows glowed with a kaleidoscope of lights and buttered rum and spiced wine could be scented on the frosted air. Christmas Eve was a glittering evening, the kind filled with beauty and wonder and promise. A gust of wind blew down the alley toward you, twirling a flurry of snow up from the ground. You pulled your coat tighter around your body and trotted toward your destination a few businesses ahead.
Ducking inside the welcoming doors of the Leaky Cauldron, you were instantly enveloped by warmth and the smell of drinks and fried food. The bar was more crowded than you had ever seen it, packed to standing room only with patrons out for Christmas Eve. Festive music, a mix of cherry and clubby, almost made you want to dance as you weaved your way through the crowd. The edges of the bar were obscured in that murky shadow that liked to linger on the sidelines, like wallflower shades watching from the wings. You could see figures of people sitting in the shadows, but couldn’t make out any discerning features. You could almost feel a pair of eyes on you, watching you from the shadows.
A wave from the crowded bar caught your eye. A group of four people pressed together at the bar, two couples, waiting for you. Your friends. It wasn’t uncommon for you to be the third wheel in your group, still single after your closest friends had paired up with men during their school years and shortly thereafter. Zelda was now married and Dina, more protective of her freedom, was with a man she had been dating for years. It was easy to see that the man who was supposed to meet you tonight was absent. You expected to hear whatever excuse he had for that from your friends. It was no bother, really. Blind dates were always something of a disaster.
Zelda waved at you more animatedly, fitting for your bubbly blonde friend. Beside her Dina, a stately brunette, must have told their men to clear some space for you because both men moved to the edge of the bar under the guise of having some conversation amongst themselves.
“I can’t believe Gaston stood you up!” Zelda huffed indignantly when you joined them, referring to your absentee blind date. “What an asshole! I wouldn’t have thought it of him.”
“It’s best for the assholes to weed themselves out early,” you said nonchalantly. It was hardly an upset. You were beginning a new job soon anyway, one that would have you sequestered away from the world for most of the year. Starting a relationship now was impractical.
“I agree,” Dina added. “At least you hadn’t invested any energy in him or wasted any time. Besides, now if we see him out and about, we have every reason to be as nasty as possible to him, which is always fun.”
“To hell with him,” you said and took the beer the bartender slid in front of you. The three of you raised your glasses and clinked them together to a round of, “Merry Christmas!”
“There’s more to celebrate on top of the holidays,” Dina said with a coy smile.
“Yes!” Zelda added excitedly. She clinked your glass again with too much vigor, spilling beer over both your hands. “Cheers to the newest professor at Hogwarts!”
Elation and slight embarrassment rushed through you at her toast. You were proud and excited, and still a bit in disbelief that you had secured such a coveted position. After all, it hadn’t been too long ago that you had graduated from Hogwarts yourself.
“To the new History of Magic Professor!” Dina added and took a drink. “Leave it to you to make that class interesting at last. I must admit I’m shocked the Headmaster liked your pitch.”
“Not nearly as shocked as I am.” A wide grin spread across your lips. “I figured that since I had no real chance of getting the job anyway, I might as well shoot my shot and lay all my aspirations out on the table. In my wildest dreams, I never suspected the Headmaster would actually want a course that teaches both the history of magic and the added practice of the arcane spells we lost to history.”
“Another toast! To no lost limbs or dismembered students in your first term!” Zelda teased.
“At least, to no one I like,” you laughed.
“Just think,” Dina mused with a rosy blush on her cheeks. “Now you’ll be on equal standing with our old professors.”
“Ooo, yes!” Zelda said conspiratorially. “Maybe it’s best you’re going into this job single.”
Nearly every teenage girl at Hogwarts had a crush on one professor or other. You and your friends were no exception. It didn’t help matters that several professors were men in their prime, in their thirties and forties, at the peak of their attractiveness. Zelda had charmed her journal to explode with pink hearts whenever she wrote a certain name in its pages. The hearts smelled like roses and would flutter around her like butterflies. Of course, the name belonged to their charms professor, a dashing man with chic mahogany hair, masculine chest hair that peeked through the buttons in his shirt, and eyes as richly green as the forest after a rain. Dina had been so enamored of their quidditch coach, a tall athlete with golden hair, sky blue eyes and a movie-star smile, that she engineered a few nasty falls from her broom just so he would rush to rescue her and carry her to the hospital wing in his burly arms.
It was undeniable that both professors were attractive, but your interest had never been piqued by nerds or jocks. Bad boys appealed to you, or rather, tall, dark and handsome men. Byronic men with a hint of darkness who would be right at home in a gothic Victorian novel. The sort of man who exuded danger and vigor, the kind who had a predatory presence and a devil-may-care glint in his eye. The kind of man who, when he looked at you, he looked ravenously, leaving you wondering if he was going to steal you away to a dark tower or ravage you against the wall at the ball where you could be discovered at any moment.
As schoolgirls, the three of you spent countless hours in the library and common room discussing your favorite literary men, debating which men were the best. Fortunately, there was never any competition between you for your favorites. Zelda could have gallant Mr. Darcy and Gatsby and Atticus Finch. Dina could claim lively Cpt. Wentworth and Beowulf and Jean Valjean. So long as they left roguish Mr. Rochester and Heathcliff and Edmund Dantes for you. The dark antiheroes and villains who you weren’t really supposed to love. The forbidden kind of man. Prince Charming was so boring compared to the Beast, and what prissy prince could eat you better than the Big Bad Wolf? Naturally, the literary epitome of this was Count Dracula, but until he crossed oceans of time to find you, you were left with a sadly more mortal selection of men.
And if there was ever a man who epitomized tall, dark, handsome, and Byronic, it was Jacques Le Gris. When he stalked down the halls, he looked as if he were roaming his family’s century’s old gothic mansion. When he strolled across the grounds in the evening, it was easy to picture him roaming a Scottish moor. Adding to this imagery was the fact that he often undid the top two buttons of his shirt when taking his evening stroll, revealing the thick cleft of his chest. You thought you were suffering a heart attack one morning when you saw him running shirtless near the lake through the mist before dawn.
In coffee and in men, your tastes ran dark, robust, and strong. It was the Head of Slytherin House and Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor who had captivated you from the moment you first saw him. The year he came to Hogwarts as the new defense against the dark arts professor was your last year in school, and despite the number of candles on your birthday cake, there was nothing childish about you at seventeen. The memory of that first day was still as vivid in your mind as the present moment you were living. Professor Le Gris all but storming down the hall in his long purposeful stride, unruly ebony hair dusting his impossibly broad shoulders, his cape swirling in his wake as though it were a living thing. Heat flooded you at the mere memory. Some girls had their sexual awakening in some bumbling experiment with a pimpled teenage boy under the quidditch stands. For you, it was imagining Professor Le Gris’s huge hands running over your body, gripping you so hard in his passion that the bruises he left lingered for days; his long hair falling around his face in sweaty tendrils as he looked down at you, caged beneath his enormous body, running your hands over his broad back and feeling his muscles flex with every thrust into you.
Memories of your darkest fantasies flooded your mind with an almost dizzying intensity. It was unsettling, you had never experienced such vivid, intrusive visions. The feeling of Professor Le Gris’s hands on your body felt as real as the wooden bar you leaned against. The sound of him growling your name in your ear rang deeper than the cheery music in the bar. The rich masculine scent of him overrode the smells around you, and the taste of beer on your tongue was overshadowed by the taste of his skin and arousal.
“Hello?” Zelda snapped her fingers in front of your nose playfully. “Were you listening at all? I asked if you still have a crush on our old defense against the dark arts professor?”
“Oh, Professor Le Gris?” you feigned ignorance, hoping your friends didn’t see the way your pupils had dilated at the thought of him. “I haven’t thought of him in years.”
“Perhaps you can seduce Professor Le Gris and put in a good word for me with Professor Wren and we can have an awkward double date together,” Zelda laughed. “Best we not tell my husband.”
You rolled your eyes and took a drink in an attempt to open your throat back up, since it had closed at the thought of him.
“You’re not a student anymore,” Dina said suggestively. “And rumor has it Professor Le Gris is newly single again after some tawdry fling with one of those jezebels teaching at Beauxbatons. You’re rather lucky, you know? I was devastated to hear that Coach Baldr had married.” She nodded toward her boyfriend at the end of the bar and snickered. “Poor Albert has no clue how precarious a position he has. I would leave him in a moment if that Norse god wanted to take me to Valhalla.”
“Speaking of rumors,” Zelda said, lowering her voice to the quiet tone they once used to gossip in the library. “I still wonder if Le Gris is a werewolf. He has the look, doesn’t he? Those amber eyes, all that bushy hair, and those teeth. The way he looks at you a little too intensely. Can’t you just picture him howling at the moon?”
“My money is still on him being an animagi,” Dina argued. “I agree that he would be a wolf though, like his patronus is. A big black wolf with yellow eyes.”
Unbidden, the image came to you of a big black wolf chasing after you as you ran through a misty forest. Your heart pounded in your ears, almost as loud as the wolf thundering behind you. You inhaled sharply as the wolf lunged at you, sinking his teeth into your neck, pleasurably painful. Your wide eyes shot up as if the bite was real. And met a pair of amber eyes across the room, watching you from a shadowy corner of the bar.
Shock froze you in place, made your muscles seize as though it was Medusa’s eyes you had looked into and been instantly turned to stone. It was lucky actually. Otherwise, you would surely have dropped your beer and made a much more outward spectacle. As it was, you managed to keep a modicum of decorum and show no obvious displays of surprise. Or arousal, even as old fantasies again played in your mind like a song on repeat. You met those eyes steadily, eyes you hadn’t seen in person since your last day as a student at Hogwarts.
Professor Jacques Le Gris watched you intently. The way a wolf watches a fox frolicking unaware. Even the way he leaned casually back in his chair, one long leg crossed over the other, was lupine. A predator at ease, waiting for the opportune moment to seize his prey. Though he reclined in his chair, he still dwarfed the small round table for two. He was dressed all in black, the way you had most often seen him. Only tonight, his jacket was off and his sleeves rolled up to expose muscular forearms. His cravat was undone, the tails hanging down on either side of his shirt, framing the vee of chest that was exposed by the top two open buttons. He looked every bit the swarthy rake, a bodice-ripping libertine straight out of a Victorian penny dreadful. A half-smoked cigar was pinched between his index and middle fingers, a tendril of smoke spiraling from its glowing end toward the ceiling as he casually circled the rim of his glass with his forefinger. His eyes had a fiery glint to match the cigar.
Instantly, you wondered how long he had been there. How long he had been watching you. If he had heard you. Judging by the level of his drink and the length of his cigar, he had been there some time before you arrived. His plush lips twitched in a lopsided smirk as he raised his glass to them, watching you over the rim as he took a drink. Another image intruded into your thoughts. Professor Le Gris striding down one of the many long, dark hallways of Hogwarts. He was behind you, stalking you. And of course he caught you. Grabbing your shoulder, he roughly turned you around and pushed you back against the nearest wall. He crowded against you, towered over you. His hips pinned you to the wall and his arms caged you in, his huge hands planted on either side of your head. He leaned in, his lips hot on your neck, his teeth grazing your skin. Every part of him was huge and hard; his thick chest under your hands, his iron fingers gripping you, his massive cock digging into you through his pants. The thought was too real, utterly taking command of your mind, and your body responded. A deep throb rocked through your core along with a melting heat, dripping through you slowly and deliberately like candle wax.
“I need some air,” you told your friends. They looked at you concerned, so you added convincingly. “It’s nothing. Really. It’s just stuffy in here with the Christmas party crowd. You know how I hate being packed in with the unwashed masses.”
You pushed through the crowded bar and all but bolted outside, hoping the cool winter air would have a chilling effect on your rampant imagination. Outside, you walked briskly, feeling the icy snowflakes land on your cheeks. And the way they steamed on your hotly flushed skin. Thankfully, there were few people outside on Christmas Eve. They were all either home with family or inside at a party like the Leaky Cauldron. Diagon Alley itself was nearly vacant, the shops darkened. Darker still and more vacant was Knockturn Alley. You were counting on it as you rounded the corner into the literal darker alley and trotted past a few darkened storefronts.
In the privacy of a shadowy doorway you leaned against the locked door and let out a heavy breath. You sounded lewd even to your own ears. The overhand of the doorway blocked the snow from falling on you and your skin felt instantly hot again. Another image flooded your mind, and you began to wonder if this was what madness felt like. This vision was different than any you had ever had before, but just as vivid. In your mind’s eye you saw Professor Le Gris standing shirtless in a gothic bedchamber with tall arched windows and a grand king bed, perhaps his chambers at Hogwarts or his home, wherever that was. In that omniscient way you know the thoughts of every character in dreams, you knew the thoughts that plagued him. How he had been consumed by the desire for a particular woman for years. A forbidden woman. Jacques would never seduce a student, fuck a student. No matter how beautiful and enticing, and blatantly responsible for his wolfish hunger you were. In nearly forty years, he had never been so captivated. So enchanted. So cursed.
Clear as a florid memory, you saw Jacques lean against the wall, pressing his head to the cool stone. Here, in private, he could imagine all the things he could never do in reality. Like fuck his favorite student. He knew how wrong it was even to think such disturbing things. The thought made him grin to himself, an indulgent, devilishly handsome grin. He pictured your luscious body. He wondered how sweet you smell. He imagined how delicious you taste. When he focused hard enough, he could feel the tight hot squeeze of you around his cock when he fucked his fist. Stroking his cock, he imagined thrusting into you, over and over and over, feeling you strain and flutter when he stretched you around him. The way he groaned was absolutely filthy when he came, imagining he was filling you until it was leaking out of you. He all but banged his forehead on the stone wall when he finally rested his head there, his hair falling around his face in a disheveled ebony curtain, his bare chest heaving and glistening with sweat.
There in the snowy alley, you watched it all happen in your mind’s eye as though it were your own memory. No, less like a memory and more like watching it happen through a window, like a voyeur. Your friend’s statement flashed in your mind. An exciting, enticing thought.
I am no longer a student.
As you felt a slick heat ruining your panties, you sobered for a moment. Just long enough for one lucid thought that was both thrilling and frightening. You remembered another rumor about Professor Le Gris. He was rumored to be a master of occlumency and legilimency. A legilimens could access another’s mind, see their thoughts and feel their feelings. No one could keep any secrets from a legilimens. Not only could a man with such a skill read your thoughts, he could influence them. He could plant any thought, any feeling, any image into your head as though it was your own. He could make you fantasize about him and remember your most forbidden desires. He could make you see what he felt for you, what he always had. He could make all those thoughts and feelings boil to the surface of your mind, make your desires simmer. He could even make you drip for him, almost on command.
“I’ve known your secrets for some time,” his voice sounded from the alley corner. Real this time, deep and hoarse with desire of his own. Jacques Le Gris leaned against the brick wall of the shop whose doorway you had hidden in. “The way you wanted me to corner you in the halls, pin you there against the wall where you couldn’t escape. Take whatever I want.” His pose was casual, his shoulder leaning against the wall, his legs crossed at the ankle. But his eyes were the opposite, watching you with a burning intensity that all but crackled through the air. “Now, you know my secret, too.” His voice was a growl when he added, “I’ve always wanted you. To ruin you for any other man. To make you mine and keep you all to myself.” He pushed away from the wall and stalked toward you in that predatory way of his. “And now, there’s not a damn thing stopping me.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” you lied, a feeble attempt to cling to some dignity. A thought flitted through your mind – he was prostrating himself before you. In his own way, he was making himself just as exposed as you were. He was pursuing you, taking the greater risk.
“Don’t you, now?” he teased in a gravelly voice. “I’ll never believe you didn’t know how you tormented me. Seeing you in those little skirts, thinking about those fumble-fucking schoolboys laying their clumsy hands on you. Knowing how much more a man could give you. What I could give you.”
“And what exactly is it that you could give me?” You tilted your chin up defiantly to add, “Professor?”
“Knowledge.” He walked to you until he stood so close that you could feel the heat radiating off him, grinning wickedly at the way his proximity affected you. “Regardless of what else I may be, I’m a very good professor. There is a loophole in the Hogwarts Code of Conduct that you might find interesting. Relevant.” He placed his hand on the door next to your head and leaned in close, his body only inches from yours. “Would you like to learn it?”
“If it saves me the time reading through the Code myself,” you tried to sound nonchalant, certain you failed. In fact, you did need to read those exact Codes before assuming your role as a new professor, but you had until the start of term to do it.
“Still a procrastinator through and through,” Jacques tisked you and leaned closer, his entire forearm now resting on the door next to your head, his face very close to yours. “You should know that relations between fellow Hogwarts professors are forbidden. A fireable offense.” He dropped his head and brought his prominent nose near your neck, and you thought he was going to kiss you there. Instead, he inhaled deeply through his nose, savoring the scent of you like some exotic perfume he had long been denied. “But forbidden only when the relationship postdates the beginning of a professor’s tenure.”
His words seemed to echo in your thoughts, needing a moment to take root. Looking up, you met his eyes. Eyes that glimmered like gold in the snowy night. “Relationships that predate the beginning of a professor’s term are allowed?”
“Clever girl,” Jacques said, his lips still near your neck, his breath steaming hot on your skin. “You always were a quick study. The very best and brightest. Did you think I only wanted you for that luscious ass?”
You tried to detect a note of sarcasm, but found none. You took a steadying breath and put a tentative hand on his chest. It was hard as granite beneath your hand. Jacques placed his free hand over yours, trapping your hand over his heart. You fixed your eyes on his, watching for a flicker of doubt when you asked, “What is it you want with me, Professor? Exactly?”
“Everything,” he growled the single word. It was more than an affirmation. His eyes told you it was a promise.
“We shouldn’t waste a moment, then,” you told him confidently. Fortune favors the bold, as they say.
“You read my mind.” He smiled genuinely, one of the very few you had ever seen on his lips. His toothy smile could have looked gawky, but right now, he was the most handsome man you had ever seen. His chest rose and fell under your hand as he leaned in to kiss you. Before his lips consummated your first kiss, he whispered, “My name is Jacques, not ‘professor.’”
“I’ll save professor for when I want you to teach me something, then,” you made your voice as seductive as possible now that you had decided on your course of action. It was easy now that you were confident he felt the same, that he desired you as fiercely as you did him. You eased your hips toward him, arching your back away from the door. Your lips were already parted when they met his, eager to finally taste the man you had dreamed of for so long.
The taste of him when he kissed you, the feel of him when his powerful body pressed against you, the strength of his hands on you was so much better than anything your imagination had ever conjured. It must have been the same for Jacques because he groaned into your mouth, his free hand dropped to your waist and he pulled you against him almost brutally. You wanted to feel every inch of your body pressed to his. Lifting a leg, you hooked it over his hip and wrapped your arms around his neck, using your entire body to pull him closer. His hand caressed your thigh from your knee up to your ass then squeezed you there. It would be so easy for him to hoist you up off the ground, for you to wrap your legs around him, for him to fuck you right now against the lonely door in Knockturn Alley, while snowflakes gathered in your hair.
“I know what you want. I’ve seen your fantasies,” Jacques purred, pulling back from your lips just enough to speak. “I know them so well they might as well be my own. Tell me which is your favorite and it will no longer be just a fantasy. I’ll enact it for you right now, down to every last detail.”
“Isn’t that what we’re doing already?” you teased. You were on fire from his touch and you ached with desire. Thinking of him as you had been was its own kind of foreplay, and now it was torment to prolong it. He was hard and his cock rubbed against you through both your clothing, teasing you erotically in the perfect place. But then, he knew right where your perfect places were. And dear god, he was huge.
“This is too tame for your fantasies,” he laughed darkly. “Tell me your favorite. Although, I think I know it.” He kissed your neck, teasing your skin with his teeth and a light nip. “You want to run from me, pretend you have a chance of escaping. You want me to chase you down, catch you, rip your clothes off and fuck you like an animal. Or is that what the girls call being ravaged these days?” He pressed more weight against you, almost crushing you against the door, but the feel of his body and his weight was wonderful. “You’d pound your fists on my chest and tell me to stop, but you wouldn’t mean a word of it. You want me to take from you what has always been forbidden to give me.” Pulling back just enough to let you breathe, he brought his hand to your throat. His hand easily circled your neck, making you feel small and vulnerable, trapped in his grip. He squeezed. Gently, just enough for you to feel how easy it would be for him to truly take whatever he wanted. His voice sounded dangerous when he told you, “I can do that.”
“Yes,” you said at once without even taking a moment to think. This is what you had wanted for as long as you could remember wanting anything from a man. And Jacques Le Gris was offering to give it to. “I want our first night together to be like a fantasy. But I have a counteroffer.” He kissed you before you could make it, leaving you breathless when he pulled away. You took a breath and finished, “I say we play out my favorite fantasy first and your favorite second.” You cocked an eyebrow at him in a challenge. “If you’re game.”
“Darling, I was born game and I intend to go out that way.” When Jacques grinned at you now, sideways and wicked, the wolf practically jumped out of him. You knew he was telling the truth, that he shared your desires in full. That he wanted you just as desperately as you did him, and that he possibly had for just as long.
“Wait, I can’t just run off.” You stalled him with your hand on his chest. “What will my friends think?”
“What do you want them to think?” He slyly tapped a finger to his temple, his message clear.
“It’s enough for them to think I went home with a handsome man and not to worry about me,” you said coyly. “And it had better be true.”
“So long as you think me handsome, it’s true.” His grin widened and he pushed your arms back up around his neck. “Hold on tight.”
You knew what he was about to do before he did it and asked, “Where are you taking me?”
“The perfect place to give you what you want,” he laughed, a throaty rumbling laugh, and held you so tight you couldn’t have escaped his arms if you wanted.
Suddenly, the world blurred around you and spun as if you stood at the center of a cyclone. Your stomach swooped with the unnerving feeling of falling and a boom like thunder rang in your ears. When the world stopped spinning, your head took another moment to catch up. You swayed against Jacques in what could rightly be described as a swoon. For a few seconds, his hard body against you felt like the only solid thing in the world. He held you as you regained your balance and composure, his arms comforting and secure.
You were no longer in Knockturn Alley, or the city at all. You were surrounded by thick pine trees with snow drifting lazily down around you and leaving a light blanket on the ground. The light was diffused softly from the light of the bright full moon filtered through a thin layer of cloud. It looked like a dream and you wondered if Jacques could possibly be such a powerful legilimens that he could be crafting this world all inside your head. But you knew this was real, and you knew precisely where he had apparated with you. Although it had been years, you had been here many times before.
You shook your head at him fondly, appreciating his humor in the moment. He had taken you to the Forbidden Forest.
Jacques was game indeed. He fully intended to give you exactly what you had always wanted– a man of action instead of those of lesser fortitude who hid behind pretty words. Now that the onus was on you to accept his offer, you found it difficult to keep from trembling with nerves. He was so big, so powerful, so predatory. It was more than a little intimidating to think of him chasing you, catching you, manhandling you. It was almost frightening. But then, that was the point, wasn’t it? It was always a fine line between fear and excitement, between a fright and a thrill.
“What shall it be, beautiful?” Jacques asked. The devious bastard had probably read your mind again. Or your trepidation was that plainly written on your face. “Do you want me to play naughty or nice with you?”
“You brought me here,” you said with as much conviction as you could, making up your mind. “Carpe nocturne.”
“I’ll seize something alright.” Jacques sucked his teeth and bared his canines in a wolfish grin. Moonlight glinted off his teeth and glazed his black hair with silver, giving him a wild look. A beast, at home in these woods. He lowered his chin and fixed his lupine eyes on you, looking ravenous and dangerous. His voice rumbled through you when you told you, “I’ll give you ten seconds to run before I hunt you down and sink my teeth into that delicious ass of yours.”
“Ten seconds, huh?” you teased as you took a few tentative steps away from him deeper into the woods, exaggerating the sway of your hips seductively.
“One.” He cut off your flouncing, deadly serious, and took an ominous step toward you. He rolled one sleeve back up to his elbow where it had slipped down, somehow making that gesture look aggressive.
Smiling, you began lightly trotting through the dense trees. The forest glittered all around you in white snow, silver moonlight, and deep pine trees. The air was crisply-scented and cool, but your skin was so flushed the chill was welcome.
“Two,” he huffed behind you. “Better run a lot faster than that.”
Deciding on a path through the trees, you quickly picked up speed as adrenaline flooded your bloodstream. The idea of the chase, of running from a looming hunter, was exhilarating. You found a small game trail snaking through the forest, a pristine white laceration between the snowy trees, narrower than a footpath. The trees themselves reached their twisted branches out to you, as if to offer their help to hide you from the beast at your heels. A light mist lingered in the forest, dancing around your knees and swirling in your wake as you ran ahead.
You felt it when Jacques gave chase. You couldn’t see him now through the trees and brush that separated you, you certainly couldn’t hear him, but you felt him somehow like an electric shudder through your body, raising the hairs on the back of your neck. It was as if the forest itself felt him too, the atmosphere changing around you now that you were actively being hunted. 
A thick pine tree was close ahead of you, its lush low-hanging branches inviting you near, offering you a place to hide from your pursuer. Ducking under its branches, you pressed your back to the trunk on the opposite side of the trail. Snow dusted down on you from the branches you rustled, pleasantly cool on your skin. The fragrant smell of pine and sap surrounded you as you breathed heavily through your nose, trying to slow the hammering in your chest.
The sound of a breaking branch reverberated through the trees, making your entire body jolt. You strained your ears to divulge more sounds, but there were none to be heard. The silence around you was so complete it was oppressive after the sounds of your running. It seemed as though the forest itself had gone quiet, and the snow offered more insulation on top of it. The trees surrounding you had become an audience waiting with bated breath to see if you would make your escape. Or if you would fall victim to the hunter at your heels. 
Surely, Jacques could have caught up to you by now. You expected him to charge past your hiding spot behind the pine tree only seconds after you and run ahead down the game trail. 
Slowly and as quietly as you could, you turned to look around the trunk of the tree that shielded you, daring to breach the side of the tree with only one eye as you checked your backtrail. Nothing. No big bad man in sight. Even the fog had settled again.
You returned your back to the tree and rested your head back against it, still scanning the trail. As you returned to face front, you caught movement from the corner of your eye. You snapped your head around to meet Jacques’s unnerving eyes and hulking body looming right at your shoulder. You almost jumped out of your skin as a pathetic yelp left your throat. Jacques growled as his arm shot around your waist, pulling you roughly against him. He wasted no time in sinking his teeth into your neck in a biting kiss, ensuring he left a bruise to mark the presence of his lips. 
“Jacques!” You jumped away from him, fueled by reflexes alone. Jacques let you. You took a moment to steady yourself, filling your lungs with air too slowly for your spinning head and rubbing the fresh mark on your neck. It stung, but sensually so.
“I’ll only count to five this time.” Jacques told you as he stepped toward you with a hint of menace and a devilish grin curling his lips.
Hungry lust radiated off Jacques in waves, so thick you could feel it on the air like a spectral presence. And it was all for you. He indeed thrilled you and also frightened you just a little, just enough for that rush of adrenaline to make you giddy. He certainly knew what he was doing, playing this little game of yours, or he had read your desires as clearly as a script and played his role to perfection. Sweat shone on his chest through the open vee in his shirt, a blush tinting his chest and neck. He looked voracious, driven mad by his desire. Jacques awakened the animal part of your brain that civilized society had tried for millennia to tame away, the part of you that wanted to be captured, taken, and utterly ravaged. Jacques was enjoying this even more, his huge chest heaving from the thrill of the hunt. You could see how it sparked a primal urge deep inside of him, probably even more poignant that it did in you. You could also see the evidence of his aching arousal tenting his pants. You were no better off. You had been melting inside all night, it seemed.
Backing away from him, you took a few deep breaths as you prepared to run again, unable to rein your pulse back down from a gallop. He registered your excitement and winked at you, enjoying your game. Laughing, you bounded away then skipped into a run that carried you further along the trail and deeper into the welcoming mystery of the woods.
The trail narrowed and became overgrown as the forest closed in around you. Deeper inside the forest, the woods grew wilder, much as the man chasing you was growing wilder with every pursuing step. You knew he was closing in on you swiftly. You slowed enough to look behind you. You were just in time to see Jacques lowering his massive body as he lunged at you with a growl. His shoulder connected with your waist as his strong arms gripped you, tackling you to the ground beneath him. He was careful with you. He’d never actually tackle you with his full force or risk hurting you. His arm hit the ground hard beneath you, cushioning your body when you met the cold wet snow. His heavy body covered you with enough weight to pin you but not quite enough to crush you. 
Laying on your back beneath his sweaty body, your arms flew around him. One hand fisted harshly into his damp hair and one hand dug sharp nails into his muscular shoulder, earning a groan in response. Jacques crashed his lips down against yours in a hard, desperate kiss, his hot tongue twining with yours, stealing the breath from your lungs. He kissed you hungrily, licking into your mouth and catching your lips between his teeth. He brought an enormous hand to your neck, again wrapping around your throat easily, squeezing just enough to make your pulse quicken and pound against his palm, adding to the effect of being captured.
“Do you like making me chase after you?” he asked into your mouth. “You must, since you’ve teased me for years. The torment was almost more than I could stand. Do you know how hard it was for me to resist taking what I know you wanted to give me?”
“I like being chased,” you whispered back. Feeling his weight press down upon you as you kissed, your legs fell open to invite him to settle between them. “But I like being caught by you even more.”
A low moan rumbled in his chest and he grinned against your mouth. The hand at your neck smoothed down to your breast, kneading you and making you gasp. 
Moving his hand lower, Jacques’s fingers dipped inside your pants, inside your panties, discovering how hot and wet you were already. You were powerless to resist succumbing to him, your body not allowing you to maintain any coy pretenses. Jacques’s mouth moved down to your neck as he plunged two thick fingers into you, curling them firmly against that spot he knew could make you scream. His fingers worked you into a frenzy as his teeth and lips attended to your neck and throat. He began rutting against you, his cock digging into the back of his own hand, which was still making you writhe on his fingers. Even that light movement caused your body to shift on the ground. The snow beneath you had melted, the ground now soupy under your back.
“This is about to get messy if you want me to take you here, fuck you on the ground like an animal,” he said huskily, pulling back from your lips. “Do you want that? The beast from your fantasy? Or I can show you what I’ve always fantasized about doing to you instead. It’s much simpler, I’m afraid.” He kissed you again. “But you’ll like it.”
“You’ve already proven better than my fantasies,” you said, running your hands over the breadth of his back. “I trust your judgment.”
“Hold on,” he told you as he pulled his fingers from you. He collapsed on you and gripped you in a strong bear hug, but you barely had time to feel the heavy weight of him.
The ground fell away beneath you and you squeezed your eyes shut as your stomach swooped in that familiar way. Thunder boomed around you and the whole world seemed to shake from it. The cool air whisked away from you, replaced by a welcoming warmth. The snow and ice of the forest was replaced by the golden glow of a fire dancing inside a marble fireplace. The sky above you was replaced by an arched cathedral ceiling, and the ground beneath you exchanged for crisp sheets on a king bed. The only things that remained from the forest were the silver moonlight peeking in through the tall, arched windows, and Jacques above you, grinning down at you, the feeling of his powerful body covering you. He traced hot kisses down your throat and chest as he rose back off the bed to roughly shrug off his shirt and work his belt free.
The sight of him shirtless was breathtaking, you felt yourself growing wetter just from that sight alone. His chest was glorious. You had never seen a chest so thick and expansive. His shoulders were absurdly broad and made even more impressive by his fit abdomen. The taper of his waist, the lines of muscle along his hips, even the trail of hair descending from his navel, all worked in conjunction to practically drag your eyes down toward his cock. After pulling your shirt off, you centered yourself on the bed and arched your back seductively. Jacques reached for your pants and yanked them the rest of the way off, tossing them aside as he stood over you at the side of the bed. His eyes glistened like whiskey on ice as his gaze caressed your body.
“As many times as I’ve imagined you like this, you’re better,” he said reverently in a voice that was all smoke and gravel.
You watched the muscles in his arms flex as he undid his belt and pants. Without taking his eyes from you, he unceremoniously shoved his pants down, stepping out of them quickly. Towering above you, standing totally naked, he palmed his enormous erection and let you admire the sight of him, the cocky bastard, watching you with his molten gaze. You expected Jacques to have a nice cock, as big as he was everywhere else. You had imagined it embarrassingly often, but the sight of him still made your breath hitch. It was practically monstrous, and deliciously thick. He would have injured you as a schoolgirl, and you couldn’t be entirely certain he wouldn’t now. Another bit of danger he offered. There would be a limit to how rough he could be with you, and you were thankful that he was seasoned enough to know it.
“If you can’t handle me, tell me now.” Of course, he couldn’t resist teasing you.
In response, you held his eyes firmly as you reached to undo your bra, slinging it across the room to be lost with your other discarded clothing. You raised one eyebrow at him, meeting his challenge. Jacques walked to the edge of the bed, pausing briefly to absorb the sight of you as you lay spread before him, the best Christmas gift he had ever received, before he lowered himself to the mattress and crawled over your body.
Eagerly, your legs spread for him again and he settled between them. Jacques caged you in with his impressive arms on either side of your body as he bent over you, a predator over his prey, and kissed at your navel. His kisses were open mouthed and he lavished you with his tongue. He trailed his mouth down until he placed a wet kiss at the top of your pussy, still covered by the lace of your thong. Bringing a hand down to the thin line of fabric at your hip, he yanked it roughly, ripping your thong away from you and tearing it apart with one motion. His aggressive lust had you aching with the need to be filled. Jacques paused and just admired you, the way you glistened with desire. He lowered himself, wanting to kiss you there, taste you, make you cum on his tongue. But you stopped him.
“The first time you make me cum, I want it to be with your cock,” you told him huskily. “I want to feel you inside of me when I cum.”
Jacques grinned up at you before trailing his nose and lips slowly back up the center of your body as he crawled up into position above you. He paused to inhale deeply at your throat, taking in the scent of you and exhaling in a low heady groan. He kissed you passionately and deep. His taste was smokey and lush, making you shiver. His weight was resting on you now, pushing you down into the mattress. You could feel the muscles in his back and shoulders tense and flex under your hands as he moved, and his heavy chest pressed against yours, a sharp contrast to his soft lips. The unduly thick head of his cock nudged into you, teasing at your entrance. When you bucked your hips against him, he plunged into you in one fluid stroke. He rolled his hips against you gently, giving you time to adjust to his size. Your nails raked his back as a pornographic moan escaped your lips at the pleasure of being so completely full of him. Jacques’s mouth returned to diligently kiss you as the rolling of his hips became shallow thrusts. When your hips started moving to meet his own in time with his thrusts, he began thrusting into you more passionately.
Jacques propped himself up with his hands on either side of your head. Groaning again at an unabashed volume, he pulled back and slammed his entire length into you. It skirted the line of painful pleasure, but he felt so good. He saw your features rendered beautifully distraught by pleasure and kept that angle and rhythm that he knew was driving you in exactly the direction you wanted. You fluttered and tightened around him, your orgasm imminent. Jacques could feel it. Losing control himself, he fucked you harder, pistoning into you roughly. His whole body tensed when he felt the pulsing orgasm surge through you, shooting through him like a current of pleasure connected the two of you. Jacques’s thrusts grew erratic, his shoulders and arms quivered, and he came moments after you on a deep thrust. You reached to his thick, damp hair, tangling your fingers in it and pulling him down to settle over you. He looked down at you adoringly then kissed you lovingly. Though it was unspoken, the emotion was unmistakable.
After lavishing you slowly and indulgently, he rolled onto his back and pulled you down against his enormous chest. Wrapping the arm beneath you around your waist tightly, he held you in something between a cuddle and a bear hug and caressed you with his free hand. His huge body was hot beneath you, his arms radiating warmth around you, and his lips searing as they gently kissed along your hairline. The man was an absolute fever dream. He could keep you in an erotic stupor for hours if he wanted.
“Where are we?” you asked lazily, drunk on the rush he had given you.
“Normandy,” he purred, his hands gentle and warm on your skin. “My home, precisely speaking.”
“This looks like the inside of a castle,” you said of the bedroom with its stone walls and arched windows.
“You could call it that.” He smirked. “Regardless of the descriptor, it will accommodate us well until the start of term.” He brought his fingers under your chin, tipping your face up to look at him. “Provided you’ll accept my invitation to stay with me until then.”
“I’ll need a change of clothes,” you laughed.
“Not for what I have planned,” he laughed too, and rolled back over you again.
Briefly you wondered at the stir you would cause when the pair of you returned to Hogwarts in January. Together. Gossip spread through those enchanted halls like wildfire and you knew a professorial couple would be a source of it for a long time to come. You had no time to dwell on the thought now. Jacques demanded all of your attention elsewhere.
© safarigirlsp 2024
Tagging some bewitching beauties 🖤
@babbushka @in-silks-and-flesh-and-leather @mrs-gucci @mrs-zimmerman @gabesprincess @maybe-your-left @rynwritesstuff @candycanes19 @caillea @cas-backwards-tie @queeniebee @mythrielofsolitude @ghoulian13 @icarusinthesea @reyloaddict55 @fizzywoohoo @heartlight-starlight @richbrittstein @clydesfavoritegirl @thepalaceofmelanie @celiholland @reveluving @reylokisses @queen-of-elves @kyloremus @looking4mymagicshop @lumberjack00fantasies
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115 notes · View notes
mrs-gucci · 6 months
Study Session (blurb)
{ tutor!Coriolanus Snow x female reader }
just testing the Coryo waters with this little blurb :)
warnings. SMUT (minors dni), literally just a sex scene, sex to aid academic studying, probably incorrect Panem history (I tried), unprotected p-in-v sex, creampie, little/no aftercare.
word count: 402
** I got the concept of tutor!coryo from @murdrdocs **
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Your study sessions with Coriolanus usually go like this: you’re studying flashcards, doing a review sheet and then next thing you know, your uniform pants are on the floor, you’re on the desk and he’s on top of you.
Today is no different.
"In which Districts were the jabberjays used for espionage during the First R-Rebellion?"
You whimper as his hips snap against yours. "D-Districts nine, t-twelve, and...ten?"
He comes to an abrupt halt and you groan softly at the loss.
"What was that?"
"Districts n-nine, twelve, a-and ten -- no, e-eleven. Eleven."
Coriolanus hums, then begins rolling his hips again, grunting with each forward move. Your eyes flutter shut, the table beneath you beginning to creak.
"Now, what sorts of things d-did the Treaty of Treason impose?"
It's getting harder and harder to think as your orgasm quickly approaches, but you try your best.
"Q-Quar...quarantining the d-districts..."
Coriolanus laughs breathily at your struggle. "Mhm. And what else?"
"Fuck, I-I can't think when y-you're fucking me, Coryo."
"You better give me an answer or I'll leave you here like this," he says, reaching up to hold your jaw and shake your head lightly. "Go on. You're doing so well for me."
"Surveillance w-was expanded t-too," you breathe, shuddering with arousal. "A-And the Hunger G-Games were s-started to remind the d-dis...districts of the r-rebellion."
He smirks, fucking you harder. "What a good girl. All I have to do is fuck the answers out of you and you get 'em all right."
All you can do at this point is just gasp and whimper and moan. This seems to spur him on more and his hand digs further into your jaw, keeping your head in place so you're looking up at him.
"Eyes on me," he growls, his thrusts becoming erratic. "Watch as I fill your little pussy with my cum."
As goosebumps of lust spread down your skin, Coryo reaches his peak and fucks his warm release deep inside you with a series of soft grunts.
You let out a shaky breath as his lips come up and press a few kisses to your jaw and throat. He pulls away soon after, tucking himself away before grabbing your panties and uniform pants.
When you sit up, he's looking at you with that signature smirk of his.
"What?" You ask.
He hums, still smirking as he grabs his bag.
"Good luck on your exam.”
82 notes · View notes
mrs-gucci · 6 months
Study Session (blurb)
{ tutor!Coriolanus Snow x female reader }
just testing the Coryo waters with this little blurb :)
warnings. SMUT (minors dni), literally just a sex scene, sex to aid academic studying, probably incorrect Panem history (I tried), unprotected p-in-v sex, creampie, little/no aftercare.
word count: 402
** I got the concept of tutor!coryo from @murdrdocs **
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Your study sessions with Coriolanus usually go like this: you’re studying flashcards, doing a review sheet and then next thing you know, your uniform pants are on the floor, you’re on the desk and he’s on top of you.
Today is no different.
"In which Districts were the jabberjays used for espionage during the First R-Rebellion?"
You whimper as his hips snap against yours. "D-Districts nine, t-twelve, and...ten?"
He comes to an abrupt halt and you groan softly at the loss.
"What was that?"
"Districts n-nine, twelve, a-and ten -- no, e-eleven. Eleven."
Coriolanus hums, then begins rolling his hips again, grunting with each forward move. Your eyes flutter shut, the table beneath you beginning to creak.
"Now, what sorts of things d-did the Treaty of Treason impose?"
It's getting harder and harder to think as your orgasm quickly approaches, but you try your best.
"Q-Quar...quarantining the d-districts..."
Coriolanus laughs breathily at your struggle. "Mhm. And what else?"
"Fuck, I-I can't think when y-you're fucking me, Coryo."
"You better give me an answer or I'll leave you here like this," he says, reaching up to hold your jaw and shake your head lightly. "Go on. You're doing so well for me."
"Surveillance w-was expanded t-too," you breathe, shuddering with arousal. "A-And the Hunger G-Games were s-started to remind the d-dis...districts of the r-rebellion."
He smirks, fucking you harder. "What a good girl. All I have to do is fuck the answers out of you and you get 'em all right."
All you can do at this point is just gasp and whimper and moan. This seems to spur him on more and his hand digs further into your jaw, keeping your head in place so you're looking up at him.
"Eyes on me," he growls, his thrusts becoming erratic. "Watch as I fill your little pussy with my cum."
As goosebumps of lust spread down your skin, Coryo reaches his peak and fucks his warm release deep inside you with a series of soft grunts.
You let out a shaky breath as his lips come up and press a few kisses to your jaw and throat. He pulls away soon after, tucking himself away before grabbing your panties and uniform pants.
When you sit up, he's looking at you with that signature smirk of his.
"What?" You ask.
He hums, still smirking as he grabs his bag.
"Good luck on your exam.”
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mrs-gucci · 6 months
announcement regarding my blog!
hello everyone!
it's been a couple months since I've been active on here. my writing battery for the ADCU has depleted quite a bit, so I've decided to take a break from him for the foreseeable future. I'm sorry to all that have followed me over the past couple years for my adam content, I love and appreciate y'all so much. I hope y'all will still come back to revisit old works or maybe read some of my new ones if they interest you, and of course I understand if you want to click that unfollow button. no hard feelings at all :)
for now, I think I'm gonna focus on writing some tom blyth characters (specifically, coryo and maybe some billy the kid as well).
all of this is not to say I won't ever return to adam characters at some point, but I just wanted to be up front and honest about the near future of my content. I'll be changing up my blog a bit but will be keeping the same username and it'll still be the same mrs. g behind the account!
I will be providing the important links to my page so you can stil access everything easily. thanks again for all your support up to this point, I am truly so grateful for y'all <3
with lots of love, mrs. g
- important links -
page happenings
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mrs-gucci · 8 months
Hello Mrs G :D
How are you I hope you are doing well <3
I saw that you are open to chatting or thirsting and I am new on tumblr AND WHAT THE ACTUAL HELL
Also uhm I love your work!!!! Just wanted to get that off my chest too heheh Like please never stop writing!!! That would be a huge loss for humanity.
And I have a question…. Do you know if there is a gc for writers that just start off? I have an Adam Story I am currently starting buuuut Idk if it would be any good…..
Love, Y
hey, Y! sorry for the belated response, it's been a bit crazy in my real life lately lol. you're so sweet for sending this in and for your kind words, I appreciate you. life's been kinda shitty lately so I haven't been able to be on the app or write much :/ so reading this message was a mood booster for sure!
first order of business, welcome to the adam driver tumblr dumpster fire!!
and secondly, yeah, none of us know how adam got his sexiness permit, it should be illegal to be so attractive...but I think we're all glad it isn't ;)
to answer your question, I don't know of any chats or anything like that, but I'm sure plenty of writers around here (including me!) would be happy to help you with your writing and giving advice. my inbox is always open for any questions you may have
sending love <3
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mrs-gucci · 8 months
Happy to see you again Mrs.G <3
hello! sorry for the belated response, it's been a bit crazy here in my world, but thank you!! it's so wonderful to see you again too <3
0 notes
mrs-gucci · 8 months
fic-or-treat update!
hey all, so this week ended up being much busier for me than originally anticipated. so there will be no door fic coming out this weekend :/
I’m gonna try my very best to get it to y’all next week!!
thanks for sticking with me 🧡
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mrs-gucci · 8 months
requests are CLOSED!
door fic requests are now OPEN
it’s that time, y’all <3
** make sure to check out the REQUESTING GUIDELINES before submitting anything!! **
just a quick rundown of what these are, for those who may not have seen my barrage of posts:
TRICK 👻 fics are darker, thriller/horror-based pieces that must include a spooky AU from the list (on the requesting guide).
TREAT 🍬 fics are more of what I do here on the reg, meaning that it's something more smutty/fluffy, and it must include some sort of halloween/spooky theme (use of a spooky AU not required).
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mrs-gucci · 8 months
requests close TOMORROW, so get your last-minute stuff in before they do!!
door fic requests are now OPEN
it’s that time, y’all <3
** make sure to check out the REQUESTING GUIDELINES before submitting anything!! **
just a quick rundown of what these are, for those who may not have seen my barrage of posts:
TRICK 👻 fics are darker, thriller/horror-based pieces that must include a spooky AU from the list (on the requesting guide).
TREAT 🍬 fics are more of what I do here on the reg, meaning that it's something more smutty/fluffy, and it must include some sort of halloween/spooky theme (use of a spooky AU not required).
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mrs-gucci · 8 months
door fic requests are now OPEN
it’s that time, y’all <3
** make sure to check out the REQUESTING GUIDELINES before submitting anything!! **
just a quick rundown of what these are, for those who may not have seen my barrage of posts:
TRICK 👻 fics are darker, thriller/horror-based pieces that must include a spooky AU from the list (on the requesting guide).
TREAT 🍬 fics are more of what I do here on the reg, meaning that it's something more smutty/fluffy, and it must include some sort of halloween/spooky theme (use of a spooky AU not required).
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mrs-gucci · 8 months
door fic requests are now OPEN
it’s that time, y’all <3
** make sure to check out the REQUESTING GUIDELINES before submitting anything!! **
just a quick rundown of what these are, for those who may not have seen my barrage of posts:
TRICK 👻 fics are darker, thriller/horror-based pieces that must include a spooky AU from the list (on the requesting guide).
TREAT 🍬 fics are more of what I do here on the reg, meaning that it's something more smutty/fluffy, and it must include some sort of halloween/spooky theme (use of a spooky AU not required).
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mrs-gucci · 8 months
door fic requests are now OPEN
it’s that time, y’all <3
** make sure to check out the REQUESTING GUIDELINES before submitting anything!! **
just a quick rundown of what these are, for those who may not have seen my barrage of posts:
TRICK 👻 fics are darker, thriller/horror-based pieces that must include a spooky AU from the list (on the requesting guide).
TREAT 🍬 fics are more of what I do here on the reg, meaning that it's something more smutty/fluffy, and it must include some sort of halloween/spooky theme (use of a spooky AU not required).
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mrs-gucci · 8 months
Wargrave Hall
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Victorian Jacques Le Gris x OC Eleanor
Word Count: 43.9k (incomplete)
Warnings: NSFW. Smut. Hauntings. Seances. Occultism. Demonology. Witches. Horror Themes. Dark Themes. Graphic Violence. Gruesome Horror. Old Timey Sexism. Hot Toxic Masculinity. Conniving Bitches. Violence Against Women and Everyone Else. Victorian Setting.
AO3 Link
For Halloween, here’s a little Victorian ghost story. Notes of Crimson Peak, The Haunting of Bly Manor, What Lies Beneath, and Rosemary’s Baby. 🍂🌙🍁🎃🍁🌙🍂
This is only the first third to half of the full story. It will be completed soon.
Evil lurks in Wargrave Hall. Enter if you dare...
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All Hallow’s Eve,1875. England.
Little boys think themselves brave when they play soldiers, firing at each other with finger guns and giving chase or clashing wooden swords. Little girls know the idle roughhousing of boys cannot hold a candle to their own courage. While boys horseplay, girls find much more nefarious ways to entertain themselves. At least this was the case for the two precocious girls who sneakily nudged open the door to the Purple Room in Roxbury Manor. While other young ladies played with dolls and hosted tea parties, the two friends delighted in causing mischief in all its forms. Some days this was a rambunctious outing such as climbing bareback onto horses and riding out at night under the full moon across the sprawling grounds of one of their family’s estates, driving their parents mad with worry. Some days, it was little more than sneaking into one of their family’s libraries to study and intently discuss the forbidden books with all the naughty pictures of naked men and women engaged in strange acts of contortion.
Tonight, however, was All Hallow’s Eve. This called for something special for best friends Eleanor and Katrina. They had planned it for weeks, gathering all the information and supplies they needed. Unknowingly playing right into their little hands, Katrina’s parents hosted a party for the occasion in their home, Roxbury Manor. Quite early in the evening, the girls had connived their behavior to be so recalcitrant as to be banished from the party and sent to think about their actions in Katrina’s room. This had of course suited their plans perfectly. From there, it was only a simple matter of sneaking past the inattentive maid and making their way silently to the East wing of the manor to the neglected study painted a rich purple that overlooked the garden. An old butler had died in the Purple Room earlier that year. The doctor said his heart had simply failed. But the two girls knew better. And even if his untimely demise was perfectly ordinary, it made the Purple Room the best possible setting for their nocturnal plans.
Every child far and wide knew the legend of the Crooked Lady. It was one of Eleanor and Katrina’s favorite tales. Centuries before, in the barbarous days of witch hunting, the Crooked Lady was born of suffering. An old crone who never married, who had a special affinity for animals and curatives was suspicious in itself, but her fiery red hair never ran to grey and her joints never stiffened even as her age advanced into her seventh decade. The wise men of the town knew these were signs of witchcraft. And they had wives and daughters to protect from such evil. When they stormed her house, they found more damning evidence. Herbs and potions lined her shelves, cats prowled her halls, and worst of all, was a carved wooden spirit board. It was commonly known these devilish boards were used to commune with the dead and even the devil.
The old woman, the witch, refused to confess to her nature and her crimes. She endured longer on the rack than many of the strong men who had been torn apart on it before her. The pains she suffered were said to be so gruesome as to break the resolve of two of her tormentors. Two strong men in their prime had died while turning the wheel of the rack, a simple task that had proved too much for their hearts to endure. The witch could be heard cursing her tormentors and laughing with every turn of the rack, her macabre cackles echoing through the walls and to the ears of every man, woman, and child in town. She laughed with every turn of the rack. Every turn that pulled her body apart, tearing her ligaments and sinews and muscles like a goose at a holiday feast. With each wet sickening crunch and slippery tear of her body, she laughed more hysterically. Slowly, over days of untold pain, she was transformed into the Crooked Lady. When she finally found the sweet release of death, her body was stretched and deformed as a ragdoll played with too roughly.
When her corpse was heaped into the cart to be hauled away to her grave, her limbs were frozen in canted rictuses, stiffened by rigor mortis in the impossible angels into which the rack had pulled them. Her rigid corpse was as crooked as that of a squashed spider with its broken legs array.
Witches could not be buried in hallowed church ground. The body of the Crooked Lady was carted away and buried in an unmarked grave, so that none of her disciples could find her and perform their unholy sabbath at her eternal resting place. Though her grave was unmarked, it was rumored that a flat witch’s stone was laid over her, to keep her black spirit trapped beneath.
Any rational man would have thought that once the witch was purged from their township that all malaise and ill fortune would be purged along with her. However, after the witch’s death was when it seemed her curse came upon the town’s people in force. Some said the retelling of the tale over more than two hundred years embellished the aftermath, the deaths that followed. But whatever the truth, since that black day and unto the present, much misfortune was blamed on the Crooked Lady. Her legend grew with every year. It came to be said that her spirit was restless, that it wandered the township, searching for those pious men responsible for her pain and suffering.
All the children knew that if they were not good children, the Crooked Lady would come for them. Their parents had told them so, of course. The girls had been reared on her legend, just as they had heard of Bloody Mary and the Headless Horseman. It was said she would appear for especially naughty children, those who had been sent to their rooms to be punished. Katrina and Eleanor were counting on it. Not only that, there just happened to be a mysteriously flat stone in the rough shape of a coffin in the garden behind Roxbury Manor. The girls knew it was the witch’s stone marking the grave of the Crooked Lady. They decided it was brilliant planning on their part to arrange their punishment on All Hallow’s Eve when their parents were occupied with a party and they could sneak into the Purple Room that overlooked the witch’s garden grave.
It was a perfect night for two girls to summon the Crooked Lady.
The halls were dark as Eleanor and Katrina crept through them, their lacy dresses fluttering around their ankles. The merry sounds of the party wafted through the halls to them, ill-suited to their own dark preoccupation. The door to the Purple Room was thick walnut, looking black in the feeble light. Slowly, Katrina opened it with the key she had pilfered earlier that day. The girls nudged it open and crept silently inside. A thin veil of dust covered the floor and furnishings, and silver moonlight from a full harvest moon filtered through a narrow gap in the damask drapes. Strange shadows were cast across the purple walls and an open fireplace grinned like a monstrous mouth. The girls exchanged a look and nervous giggle.
“It’s perfect!” Eleanor whisper-yelled. She had been fascinated with seances of late, absorbing every bit of information she could find on the subject.
“It’s the best possible place for a séance,” Katrina agreed knowingly. Since her recent tenth birthday, she had developed an interest in the occult after hearing her mother speak of it in hushed tones. She had quickly thereafter become an occult authority. Although she was two years younger than her friend, they both recognized that she possessed the greater knowledge.
A slice of moonlight in front of the window overlooking the garden seemed an opportune spot for their activity. Dust swirled lightly around their feet like disturbed spirits as they scurried through the neglected room. Eleanor froze halfway across the hardwood floor. A white face stared at her from a black corner, stern and terrifying. She yelped with fright and clung to her friend; though older, she was the shorter of the two.
“Don’t be silly.” Katrina rolled her bright brown eyes. “That’s just a bust of granduncle Comstock.”
“He’s mortifying,” Eleanor said, eyeing the marble bust.
“No, he’s just ugly,” Katrina replied reasonably.
The far corners of the room were completely dark and shadows seemed to flit about as the girls crossed the room. Oil paintings hung on the walls, looking like framed black voids in the darkness, save for a few pearlescent white eyes that watched the aspiring mediums as they set out their artifacts. Katrina retrieved a piece of chalk and a neatly folded piece of paper. Eleanor lifted a chain from around her neck, a spear of amethyst as long as her finger dangled from it. The patch of moonlight by the window was just large enough to cast the two girls in its silver glow when they sat down crossed legged across from one another and began their work. The window overlooked the garden, the oblong presumed witch’s stone gleamed in the moonlight. Each girl carried a candle in a chamberstick that had been unlit to enable their stealth. They lit them now, so that soft flickering firelight encircled them and made the shadows in the further reaches of the room dance like eldritch beings.
“It doesn’t have to be perfect,” Katrina said knowingly as she wrote out the alphabet in precise block letters, keeping the rows as straight as she could. “It’s just a way for the spirits to talk to us.”
“I’ve heard that all manner of spirits can talk to you through this,” Eleanor agreed excitedly. “I wonder if we’ll find someone other than the Crooked Lady.”
“I hope it’s nothing too evil,” Katrina said as she finished the Z with a flourish.
“Too evil? You’re not scared, are you?” Eleanor taunted with a smile.
“I’m not scared!” Katrina was offended. “But if a stupid ghost breaks something in here, it’s us that will get the spanking for it.”
“I’ve been spanked before.” Eleanor shrugged. Neither girl was a stranger to being punished for their misdeeds. She studied the completed board. “I think you need to put Yes and No at the corners.”
“You’re right.” Katrina wrote the words in, then added another at the bottom. “I almost forgot! You have to put Goodbye, too. That’s the most important part of the séance, after talking to the spirits, of course. You have to close it properly.”
“Or what?” Eleanor asked, wiping away an errant mark of chalk with her fingertip.
“Or you let the spirits in for good,” Katrina warned with certainty. She had heard this spoken of many times. Although much of the girls’ knowledge on the subject of seances and the occult came from conversations they spied upon through the cracks in door jams, this seemed consistent. “If you don’t close the séance properly, the spirits get to stay here with us. You let the evil in.”
“Not all spirits must be evil?” Eleanor mused, more to herself. “Good people die just like the bad ones.”
“Maybe the good ones have better things to do than talk to people through spirit boards.” Katrina shrugged. She smoothed out the paper on the floor in front of her and looked at the writing upon it with furrowed brows.
“How do we start?” Eleanor asked eagerly, eyeing the paper. “With the incantation?”
“I’m not sure.” Katrina pursed her lips. “It seems a bit rude, doesn’t it? Just asking things outright?”
“You’re right. Father says it’s the height of rudeness to jump right into the direct business of things,” Eleanor agreed. She pulled her thick auburn braid over her shoulder and tightened the bow that tied it off. She dangled the amethyst pendant over the chalk letters, allowing the purple crystal to hover over the board as it pleased. She raised her voice and asked confidently, “We’d like to introduce ourselves to any spirits here. Miss Eleanor Winchester and Miss Katrina Burton. Is there anyone listening who would like to introduce themselves to us?”
They waited a long minute. Nothing answered them, save for the forlorn hoot of an owl outside.
“Maybe it needs to be more formal,” Katrina adopted a serious tone. “We’d like to commune with the dead, please.”
“Please,” Eleanor mocked with a snort of laughter. Neither girl noticed the way one candle flickered out of time, as though a hand had passed over it. Eleanor rubbed her arm with her free hand against a slight chill. “I’d say we have some rude ghosts on our hands.”
“Ssshhh!” Katrina reprimanded hotly. The feeling of being watched crept up her spine, as though all the eyes from the paintings had turned upon them. The amethyst turned, making lazy circles over the board, but it was probably from the way Eleanor had rubbed her arm. “Let’s try the incantation.”
Both girls leaned over the piece of paper laid out on the floor. They joined one hand each together and read it in unison.
“By this chant, I summon thee. Spirits of old, come forth and see. From realms beyond the mortal sight, answer my call on this sacred night. Guides and guardians of the astral plane, I beckon to you, break your chains. Cross the boundary between worlds unseen, on this night of All Hallow’s Eve. In this circle of magic, let us convene.”
They repeated the incantation a second and then a third time for good measure. By the third recitation, their words seemed to echo off the walls, lingering in the air and filling the room that had grown unnaturally still and cool while they spoke. The girls locked eyes across the scrawled letters, both aware of the eeriness that had descended upon them. Eleanor thought she saw movement outside from down in the garden below. But Katrina inhaled sharply and pointed at the amethyst. The purple spear hovered over the word Yes, the chain strained at an unnatural angle from Eleanor’s hand. The crystal danced over Yes the way a compass needle does so as it seeks North.
“Yes, we may convene?” Katrina whispered the question uncertainly to Eleanor. A creak sounded from a shadowy corner, making both girls jump.
“Who’s there?” Eleanor asked with a start. The amethyst stilled as though it now hung from a rigid wire instead of a fine chain. It moved no more.
The hairs on Eleanor’s neck stood on end as rigidly as the frozen necklace chain, a disturbing prickliness crawled over her skin like flies on carrion. With it came a rush of cold, less like a draft through a window and more like the girls now sat in an ice box. She felt an ominous gaze upon her, coming through the window from outside. She had never felt frozen by fear before, but now the simple act of turning her head required more effort than she possessed. Katrina’s eyes were blown wide as she looked around the dark, cold room, equally wrought with panic. Though Eleanor’s senses screamed for her to look out the window, Katrina raised a slender shaking hand to point at the center of the room.
Both girls watched in horror as the dust on the floor swirled lightly, disturbed by an unseen presence. A presence that moved from the gaping maw of the fireplace toward them with the deliberate patience of a stalking predator. Katrina let out a shuddered breath, it fogged from her lips in the chilled air. The amethyst jumped suddenly, dancing as wildly on the chain as a hangman on the noose. The dust whirled with new agitation, and one of the candles instantly snuffed out with a hiss. The chain pulled in Eleanor’s hand, but she didn’t look down. Despite the terror in her heart, a voice sounded inside her mind, like her own inner thoughts but far more commanding, as though a hand had reached into her thoughts and forced her attention back to the window.
A figure stood outside in the garden. It was dark, cast in strange shadows by the moonlight, but Eleanor was certain it had not been there when she had first looked outside. The figure, a black silhouette, was twisted and macabre, looking like a dead and ancient hanging tree with broken limbs jutting outwards at all the wrong angles. A sinister red glow surrounded its apex. Red hair! The right broken limb twitched spasmodically.
“She’s here!” Eleanor shrieked and sprang to her feet. She dropped the amethyst. It spun across the chalk letters of its own accord to Yes, where it drifted insistently like a leaf caught in the eddy of a stream.
Outside, the Crooked Lady was gone. Nothing looked amiss in the garden. A bang sounded on the door to the Purple Room, as loud as a gunshot to girls’ frazzled nerves. The door jumped on its hinges, but Katrina had locked it behind them when they entered.
The girls clung together, as if holding each other could save them from the infernal presence they had summoned. They both stared outside now, for the horror that approached from the garden was far more terrifying than whatever was inside the room with them. Closer now, the Crooked Lady leered at them from the garden below. Much closer. She had reappeared so near the window that they could see the sheen of moonlight glinting on her teeth – too sharp, too small, and too many – when she smiled grimly. Her broken limbs stood out at corrupted angles, giving her the silhouette of a crab. Her gait too was crablike as she shuffled forward. The girls screamed in unison.
The door to the Purple Room burst open as though kicked in from the outside, blowing a gust of cold air over the girls, sobering them. No one stood on the other side, only the darkened hallway and the pleasant sounds of the party carried on in another wing of the mansion.
“Run!” Eleanor shouted, her voice hoarse with dread, but Katrina held firm.
The amethyst slithered across the spirit board, the sound drawing both the girls’ attention for a brief second. It tapped on Goodbye insistently. The Crooked Lady had reached the window. She stood just outside, her head cocked to one side, a glittering string of saliva dripped from the low side of her joker’s smile. She raised a broken finger, pointing it as straight as her misshapen joints would allow at the two girls. Her long ragged fingernail scraped the window pane.
Goodbye goodbye goodbye, the amethyst tapped.
“We have to close the séance, or we’ll let her in!” Katrina dropped back to the floor, pulling Eleanor down with her.
Though their hearts raged in their chests and their palms were slick with sweat, they quickly completed the ritual as they had learned it through self-study. The Crooked Lady was no longer visible. Whether she was closer still or banished into the nether, they didn’t know, but black thoughts plagued their minds. The air inside was still as frigid as winter and their breaths were expelled as steam. They felt an ethereal presence around them, but somehow they knew it was different from that of the Crooked Lady. Although unnatural and otherworldly, the cold presence inside the room did not feel malicious.
With the séance closed, the girls ran from the room, fighting hysteria and feeling utterly mad. Without sharing a word of their thoughts, they knew they must never speak of the happenings of that All Hallow’s Eve amongst anyone other than themselves, not even to their parents. Lest they risk a stay in the madhouse.
England, 1888
Currents of excitement thrummed through Eleanor Winchester, alighting every sense and nerve ending, as titillating as the electric fixtures that were newly installed in her family’s estate in Devonshire. Tales of the fancy dress balls thrown by the Duke and Duchess of Devonshire had been the subject of great discussion among her and her girlhood friends, but she had never before had the opportunity to attend since she came of age. Tonight was to be the first night since her return from India that she could see firsthand what a true fancy dress ball entailed, and not merely the poor substitutes hosted by the English diplomats abroad. Count Winchester, her father, had been conscripted to oversee some matters of political delicacy in Bombay, and had taken his wife and only child with him. The expedition took years, long enough for Eleanor’s mother to succumb to fever and for her to grow from a girl into a woman.
Upon her return to England, she found a country that was far drearier and more stilted than she remembered from childhood. Then again, children should be less aware of these social constraints than fully grown and eligible women. Since being formally presented for courtship by her family the previous Christmas, she had been pursued like a tiger by sportsmen, and found herself growling just as prickly from the hunt as her feline counterpart. Young bumbling Lords and old lecherous widowers hounded after the beautiful young noblewoman. Her allure was not only her shapely hourglass figure, porcelain skin, bright blue eyes, and long auburn hair the color of a flaming sunset; her father was one of the richest men in England with no heirs other than his single daughter. Suitors vied for her attention at the events she attended. Each as scintillating as Melville describing architecture.
Although she knew it would be prudent for her to accept an offer and marry while still aided by her youthful beauty, she had never found herself prevailed upon to consider any offer for longer than it took for her to gorge to rise at the thought. She had been a little girl when women were given the right to own property in England and her father had made her understand well what that meant for her own personal freedom. A victim of a miserable marriage of obligation himself, he instilled a more independent view of romance in his only child, the future Countess and owner of all his holdings.
Being the game of choice for so many hunters had leached much of the joy out of attending balls and events. The mid-summer fancy dress ball at Devonshire House, however, was an exception. She had fussed over her costume until she was thoroughly pleased with the lavish scarlet gown that accentuated her nipped waist and full bosom. Many women would push the limits of extravagance with their costumes tonight. Eleanor’s dearest friend had commissioned a taxidermy fox to lay curled atop her hat and complete her orange and cream vixen costume that complimented her compelling beauty. That suited Eleanor less as a matter of preference. She had no doubts of her own beauty – it was a simple fact, as plain as stating that her eyes were blue – and it had been reinforced throughout her lifetime. She opted for a subtler finishing touch for her costume. A glossy pair of devil horns, carved from actual horn, secured by a lace tie hidden beneath her hair, and the train of her gown was trimmed with ribbons that mimicked flickering hellfire when she moved. She thought she made quite the handsome devil indeed.
Eleanor rocked gently in the velvet-lined interior of her carriage and looked out the window at the setting sun, growing hazy as it neared the western horizon. Although she would be met there by her father, he had not returned home from the business he had in the House of Lords. Seated next to her was her dearest friend, resplendent in her vixen costume that suited her perfectly. Katrina Burton was a stately and statuesque woman, beautiful in the mysterious way that kept men off balance. Her hair was the color of rich chocolate and her eyes were of deep mahogany, a combination that looked particularly striking against her fair complexion. The daughter of a fellow Count, they had bonded as children through their father’s friendship, but they had grown close as sisters from their mutually sharp wits and merciless tongues. Eleanor supplied the boldness in their pairing, while Katrina provided the calculation. They were equally wealthy, equally beautiful and suited to different tastes, equally unattached, and equally sought after by much of the eligible male population.
“About our wager,” Eleanor said, still looking out the window as the three stories of Devonshire House came into view. “I think that we should not limit it to words. It would be much more fun to include overtures as well.”
“A shilling goes to whichever of us receives the most odious approach from a man this evening. Thank heavens I should be rewarded in some small manner the next time a hapless idiot tells me that my eyes shimmer like a pint of stout,” Katrina scoffed. “What more would you have us expand it to?”
“Physical overtures from the men too meek to summon their voices in our presence,” Eleanor laughed. “Although you were greatly shamed by that terrible compliment, I daresay I had it worse when that skinny little Duke’s boy spilled his wine over my bodice after tripping over his own feet. Or the fat Baron who nearly broke your foot dancing with you with all the grace of a mule!”
“Reminiscing this way is making me far less enthused about the ball.” Katrina smirked. She was prone to sly grins and sultry moues in contrast to Eleanor’s wide smiles and easy laughter. Katrina narrowed her eyes at the numerous carriages that littered the grounds and the people who walked outside in formal dress and ornate costumes.
“But think of all the other ladies there whose night it will ruin to see us walk through those doors and put them to shame. We shouldn’t disappoint them.” Eleanor met Katrina’s eyes and they both smiled.
The carriage halted and a sharply dressed footman approached to open the carriage door. The doormen on either side of the entrance wore loud, white pompadour wigs, almost garish in their long blue tailcoats. The doors steadily opened for the women, admitting them as if they were royalty. Inside, the elegant sounds of a classical orchestra filtered to their ears and their noses were met with luscious aromas of spice and excitement. This ball was the event of the season, attended by most of the men and women in the House of Lords. Any and all eligible young Lords and Ladies would give their eyeteeth for an invitation. Most of the unmarried ladies present, and a fair share of the unmarried men, had high hopes for securing a prospect by the night’s end. No doubt this awkward mating ritual and all the flamboyant grandstanding that accompanied it was a great source of amusement for the more seasoned guests, a splendid form of entertainment.
A finely dressed butler escorted the ladies through a sprawling marble and gilded foyer, past a wide staircase twisting upward. Finally, he led them into a cavernous ballroom. People in costumes passed them, laughing and tipping glasses of champagne to their lips. Entering the ballroom, they were engulfed in an explosion of color and sound. The huge hanging chandeliers gleamed like kaleidoscopes, refracting the colors of the pomp and jewelry worn by the bustling attendees. Masked couples spun around the floor to the sound of the orchestra, a roiling ocean of ladies in gowns and gentlemen in tailcoats. Each wore a costume. Some elegant, some macabre, some gauchely overdone, but each unique and eye-catching.
Eleanor linked her arm with Katrina’s as they strode along the edge of the ballroom floor, watching couples dance in its center. Katrina was tall and lithe with a swanlike elegance, Eleanor was shapely and nubile with a feline allure. Between them, they commanded much of the male attention in the ballroom, and they shared a knowing glance. Numerous hungry eyes watched the pair of ladies walk the way vultures watch lions feed, lurking and waiting for any scraps that may be tossed their way. Each lady met the eyes that lingered upon her with a boldness that made the men look away first. Each was aware this was not the way to procure a husband, but no man had yet appeared to pique that particular interest in either of them.
A servant approached them with glasses of champagne perched on a silver tray. Lowering the tray, he offered the ladies each a flute they happily accepted. Although she maintained her aloof air, there was one man rumored to be in attendance of whom Katrina was especially hopeful. Herzog Von Zimmer held the equivalent rank of an English Duke and hailed from Berlin, meeting several of her criteria of being wealthy and of a superior rank to her own. He was rumored to be of great height, meeting another paramount criteria, that a man must be far taller than she.
Eleanor felt Katrina stiffen beside her, heard her inhale a sharp breath. Across the ballroom, the women spotted a huge man dressed in ornate golden robes. His height was accentuated by a red and gold crown, completing his costume that must be Charlemagne. He had a black beard and his strikingly blue eyes singled out the pair of women at once.
“Go!” Eleanor whispered teasingly to her friend. “I know how much it costs you, but try to look lost and innocent, and in need of a big strong man to come to your rescue.”
Katrina shook her head, but smirked as they separated, and made her way toward Herzog Von Zimmer, careful to make it none too obvious. Eleanor continued skirting the edge of the festivities alone. She came to a large marble pillar and leaned her back against it, content to sip her champagne and watch the petty drama unfold about her. She spied her father Count Montgomery Winchester, talking to a group of noteworthy men on the floor above, looking down over the ballroom, no doubt mocking the happenings below. He was a tall man, easy to spot with his shining bald head and bushy red beard, although he likely did not spot his daughter among the dancing sea of guests. Eleanor recognized two men who spoke to her father. One was the Duke of Devonshire himself, the owner of Devonshire House and the host of the ball; another was a tall blonde man with a jolly demeanor whom she recognized as Count Pierre D’Alencon. She recognized his choice of costume as well; dressed in an eighteenth-century frock with bloodstained bandages taped around each of his fingers and waving a large plumed quill for effect, he could only be the Marquis De Sade. There was a third man in their company whose back was to Eleanor. He stood much taller than the others, broad-shouldered with thick black hair hanging down over the collar of a dark green robe in medieval style. She did not recognize him, but she thought that fact might be prudent to rectify.
Watching the men on the balcony above, Eleanor paid little attention to the man who approached her from across the ballroom, tall and dressed in black. The man moved to the edge of the crowded room as she had done minutes before, as though he were stalking her trail, closing in on her from behind. The men around her father disbanded, Count D’Alencon clapping a hand on the broad back of the unknown man and leading him away, leaving the Duke of Devonshire and her father talking amongst themselves.
The man who stalked Eleanor finally stepped into her line of sight, deliberately making himself known. He was young, perhaps her age or even younger, and wore a smirk of conceit born of having too easy a time seducing women of his choice. He was undeniably handsome, in a dark sort of way. His hair was raven black, drawn back in a ponytail from a sharp widow’s peak beneath a wide-brimmed, magnificently plumed hat that was the height of fashion in the seventeenth century. Even his eyes were almost black, unnervingly, abyssal dark. He waited, seemingly for her to speak, no doubt used to flustering women. Eleanor was not so easily flustered and merely appraised him coolly.
“Madam, you look lost and innocent, and in need of a big strong man to come to your rescue.” His smirk deepened as he echoed Eleanor’s advice to Katrina back to her in a pleasing voice. “Might I rescue you from this doldrum and take you for a dance?”
“You cannot concoct your own witticisms so you must steal mine?” Eleanor retorted, smirking herself.
“I shall aim higher then, and steal the lady herself,” he stated confidently. Without waiting for her to extend it, he grabbed her hand and pulled her closer to him, set on taking her out for dance.
Eleanor was quick to react, twisting her wrist out of the man’s grip in a simple way her father had taught her – pulling against the thumb, which is always the weakest point of any hold. The young man looked offended by her denial and surprised by her anger. Her voice was a little too loud for propriety when she told him, “While I can imagine circumstances in which a lady would want to be commandeered by a man, it is surely not with a man whose name she does not even know, and let alone by a boy who is not yet a full man!”
“I compliment you, madam,” the dark young man hissed, all pleasantry gone from his voice. “And you dare to spit at me? Perhaps, I should respond in kind. Shall I show you what a man can do to a high-tempered woman?”
“I am too much for you, boy,” Eleanor laughed icily. “As I am for many men. I will advise you the same as I advise them all – to find a woman who is less. There are many such feminine creatures here tonight.” She waved her arm to encompass the ballroom. “I can readily spy several women nearly as pretty as I, younger also, and almost certainly of lesser difficulty.”
“Do you not know me?” The man adopted an empirical haughty tone, looking down his nose at her. “I neglected to introduce myself properly. William Le Gris.” He bowed deeply. “Heir to one of the largest estates in the country. I am as eligible as any man at this ball, and what are you but a spinster in the making? You presume to deny me?”
“Impressive. Yet, my family is far wealthier. Do not presume to think my affection can be purchased. If you are so stricken for female company, your reputation will surely carry you far at any brothel.” She smiled beautifully wicked. “Just as a novice should not attempt to ride a boisterous horse, may I advise you to contend yourself with simpler quarry? I’m not possessed of the patience required to train a boy up from a novice into a master in the ways of relating to the fairer sex.”
Laughter, deep and rich, drew Eleanor’s attention. It was good-natured laughter, not in mockery but purely in mirth. Before she could look for the source, she saw a poisonous look flash across William’s features as quick as a heartbeat before his mask of composure returned, but his black eyes remained narrowed.
“A wise man must know when he is defeated, Master William.” The laughing voice said and a huge hand clapped down on William’s shoulder, making the young man jolt and his expression sour further. The man was very tall, well over six feet, with luxurious black hair dusting his impressively broad shoulders. He was older, a man in his prime, and wore a green cape, trimmed with fur, and a medieval-style gold tunic. A likewise medieval broadsword was belted around his hips, which Eleanor took note, looked genuine and not a mere costume accessory. The man’s attention was on William, but it appeared he could not resist letting his eyes wander quickly over Eleanor’s figure; hooded eyes, the color of burnished amber, giving the man a lupine quality. The way he looked at her, brief though it was, thrilled her.
“Defeated?” William scoffed, roughly shrugging the man’s hand off his shoulder. “You admit defeat rather easily. It is not a trait I wish to emulate.”
“No?” The larger man laughed again. “Then by all means, carry on your campaign with this lovely lady. You were doing so well before my intrusion.”
Eleanor took a half-step closer to the men, cutting across William’s reply by addressing the larger man, “This boy is beyond hope, I’m afraid. But perhaps a man could teach him a thing or two about how to campaign a lady?”
The man grinned at her, his full lips framed by a black van dyke, enticed rather than deterred by her boldness. He took her hand and gave her a low bow, not unlike the bow William had enacted, but done with much more aplomb. He accepted her challenge by offering her his hand. “I am at your service, Miss Winchester.”
“You know me?” she asked as she placed her hand in his, marveling at the size of it, the way it swallowed hers completely.
“Would you believe it if I told you that your beauty is as renowned as that of Helen of Troy, and that I would know your face by that reputation alone?” He saw her primed to give him an eyeroll and added quickly in his deep, pleasant voice, “I have business with your father, Count Winchester. He told the Duke and I that his daughter had chosen not to wear a costume this evening, but to merely reveal her horns.” Reaching out with his free hand, he traced one long thick finger along the devil horn that protruded from her auburn hair, flashing a grin that was just a bit lopsided and very dashing. “I have heard the devil would be beautiful.”
“And who might you be?” She was genuinely intrigued now. In the span of a minute this rake had captured her attention more thoroughly than any man had ever managed. There was an intangible magnetism about him. His sharp features and imperial nose, while certainly handsome, gave him a villainous edge. She let her eyes drop to the protruding hilt of his sword, employing her most innocent lilt, “Your sword catches the eye.”
“A family heirloom,” he replied, resting his hand on the hilt, standing tall. There was something decidedly lewd in a man’s posture when he stood thus. “For the evening, I am Lancelot, a knight looking only to serve his queen.” He cast a sideways glance at William, wondering if the boy was learning anything at all. William still stood awkwardly to the side, watching the rapport that was so easily established between man and woman with a look of foul distaste. “On all other days, I am Sir Jacques.”
“A true knight?” Eleanor laughed pleasantly. “How romantic. And impressive that you have dealings with Dukes and Counts while not being in the House of Lords yourself.”
“Would you grace me with a dance, your infernal highness?” he asked while holding his hand out to her side, level with her waist, beckoning her to him.
“Surely, a man such as yourself has danced with the devil many times,” she teased.
“Quite true,” he agreed, stepping closer and placing his hand on her waist. “But never yet to the tune of Tchaikovsky.”
Sir Jacques had a manner that was commanding without being commandeering. The kind of masculine appeal that made a woman want to surrender without even having been asked. He spared one last amused look at William before leading her away, telling the boy, “A man must always approach a woman as he would the devil herself. He could just as easily lose his soul to either one.”
He stood a head taller than Eleanor, which only worked to his favor. He led her through the crowded ballroom, until they reached its center, as if displaying her for all to admire her beauty. When he pulled her into a dance, he seemed even larger, towering over her; she could feel the power in his body as he moved with her. Her pulse raced and she could not be sure if the room itself was spinning or if she was dizzy with pleasure as she was pulled across the ballroom in large sweeping twirls. He was an astonishing dancer, his movements deceptively agile. He was the perfect lead, giving and attentive, but easily powerful enough to carry her completely through every motion if he wished.
“I’m afraid William has not had the proper instruction when it comes to ladies,” Jacques said, instinctively glancing back toward the black-clad youth on the edge of the ballroom.
“Does a man need proper instruction to intuit that rudeness is an ill-advised approach?” she asked, not sparing so much as a flick of her eyes to the young man.
A few silver hairs caught the light as they danced, just enough to make the ebony of Jacques’s lustrous hair sparkle. Parenthetical dimples framed his easy smile and his eyes crinkled at the edges. He was older than she initially assumed, nearer to forty than thirty. He looked like he had weathered a few storms, but not so many that it undermined his attractiveness. If anything, his features looked as though they would have been gawky and awkward in youth, before his body filled out enough to catch up with his long limbs and large nose. Maturity became him.
“His mother died when he was quite young. The lack of feminine influence on a young man makes them all the more barbarous.” Jacques smiled warmly.
“You seem awfully concerned with William Le Gris and his amorous pursuits,” she said, her tone cooling, indicating her lack of interest in the subject. “Is he Arthur to your Lancelot? Why are you acting as his champion?”
“Concerned? No. But perhaps guilty.” Jacques smiled again, but it held a note of melancholy. “I should have given him a better example of how a man treats a lady well.”
Eleanor looked up at him in confusion, her brows knotting.
“My god, I thought you knew!” Jacques exclaimed, apologetically shaking his head. “I am Sir Jacques Le Gris. William, barbarian that he is, is my eldest son.”
Without giving Eleanor a chance to retort, he crowded her and stepped a long leg out beside her. Jacques dipped her backward until her back was level with the bend in his knee, his large hand supporting her back firmly as he bent over her. Her heart fluttered like a caged bird inside her ribs as he lowered his body over her. Her eyes glinted up at Jacques, bright glacial blue that made his heart jump as though he had plunged into ice water. Keeping his eyes locked on hers, he lowered his own body until the tip of his prominent nose skimmed her skin with the lightest touch, trailing from her sternum up her throat as he raised her back up from his dip, returning to his full height. Looking down at her once more, an appreciative sound like a purr rumbled in his chest as warmth flooded her body.
She realized with a start that many people had stopped dancing in favor of watching the handsome couple they made. The ladies envied Eleanor, the men envied Jacques. She felt an uncustomary rush of self-consciousness and tried to pull back, but Jacques held her firmly in place, close to his body, his focus entirely on her. William watched them a moment longer, feeling a mixture of jealousy, anger, and shock at the way this temptress had so quickly bewitched his father, before turning on his heel and all but stomping out of the ballroom.
“I’d hoped for my son to gain some experience with ladies of standing tonight,” Jacques said with a rueful set to his features. “But I fear I’ve done nothing but give him cause for jealousy.”
“What am I, then?” she asked with a note of offense. “A game rabbit to let the puppy hunt for experience?”
“Certainly not.” Jacques shook his head, his long hair becoming fascinatingly disheveled. “If anything, you are the hunter. Or at least, game far too dangerous for my sons to best.”
“Sons?” Eleanor raised an eyebrow.
“Two of them.” Jacques cast a quick glance around the room. “The other must be off causing trouble with Count Pierre’s boy. Nothing looks as though it’s on fire yet, so we may breathe easy for the moment.”
“It would be proper for me to allow another man to have a dance.” She made a small attempt to pull away, having enough of the talk of unruly man-children in whom she had no interest at all. Jacques felt the reluctance stiffen her body and held her tighter, not yet allowing her to escape.
“Let me just tell you this and then abandon the subject.” He lowered his voice until it was nearly a growl, “When I saw young William talking to you from up on the balcony, I thought what a lucky little scoundrel he was to have singled out the most beautiful lady in the room. Now, I feel like a far luckier man since he bungled it.”
Jacques danced with Eleanor through the next two dances, making quite a show for any eye thirsting for gossip. It was not until he could see a fine sheen of sweat glistening along her hairline that he slowed.
“Some air, Miss?” His hand squeezed her slender waist in time with his question and offered her his arm.
Jacques guided her out of the cacophonous ballroom and up the wide spiral staircase. He strode down a hallway to an open double doorway that exited onto a large balcony, enwrapped by stone railing that rose to the level of Eleanor’s ribs. Torches burned in sconces along the outer wall of the manor on the balcony, casting it in flickering firelight. Several other couples occupied the balcony already, but it was spacious enough to allow each their privacy. Although, it seemed that all their eyes turned to Jacques and Eleanor as they stepped out into the cool night air. Even murmured whispers met their ears.
Eleanor looked at them with amusement, then at Jacques curiously. It appeared that Sir Jacques was the subject of much interest among guests, for many eyes surveyed him surreptitiously.
“Surely, you must be accustomed to your beauty drawing attention, Miss Winchester,” Jacques drawled smoothly, deflecting her unasked question.
The directness of his flattery summoned a laugh from her in response.
“I am unaccustomed to women laughing at the compliments I pay them,” he replied, smirking as he led her to the rail. The balcony overlooked a garden filled with green hedges and pink flowers; couples walked through it serenely.
“How very boring they must be, poor things,” she retorted with a smile, finally removing her hand from his arm to place it on the cool stone and take in the beauty sprawled out beneath them.
Jacques rested his large hand on the small of her back as he leaned his hip against the rail next to her, his body turned to face her. The feeling of both his hand and his eyes upon her had Eleanor feeling even dizzier now than she had felt when he was spinning her on the ballroom floor.
“Tell me then, how I may admire your beauty without garnering your amusement?” he asked while lifting his free hand to gently sweep a stray hair away from her face, admiring the faint blush that bloomed on her cheeks as he tucked it back into place.
Before Eleanor could think of a suitable response, they were interrupted by an older woman who had walked unnoticed to her side. She had a tall pile of powder grey hair, and her face was plastered stark white with obnoxious red circles of blush on her cheeks in the style of an eighteenth-century French courtesan. Ignoring Eleanor completely, she addressed Jacques in a haughty, affected tone.
“I have seen you attend many balls, Sir Jacques, but I have never before seen you dance so long with a single partner.” She looked at Eleanor with disapproval before continuing, “Although now, after witnessing such a display of your considerable prowess in the act, I cannot imagine why not.”
“My desire to do so is very rarely piqued, Madam,” Jacques replied without removing his eyes from Eleanor’s so long as to spare her a meager glance. “However, when I so desire, I am very pleased to display it.”
“My daughter is an accomplished dancer,” the woman continued.
“Then she should have little difficulty securing a partner,” Jacques’s tone grew terse with his reply.
Eleanor paid her no mind, adding to the woman’s irritation.
“Had I known that you were openly soliciting young ladies, I would have presented her to you this evening,” the woman persisted. She sighed dramatically, making her displeasure evident as she took her leave of them both.
Her display elicited unabashed laughter from Eleanor that quickly infected Jacques.
“Upon further reflection, I could easily grow fond of hearing your laughter,” Jacques said as he laughed with her.
Other couples still watched on. Fragments of their whispered conversation met Eleanor’s ears. She clearly heard the words widower and accident. She thought she also heard murderer, but surely that was incorrect. Jacques must have heard something he didn’t like because he fixed the offending couple with a severe glare, his narrowed eyes burning into them relentlessly until they muttered a feeble apology and shambled away. He was a very large man, easily intimidating if he chose to be. He took a deep breath and a shadow of regret crossed behind his eyes. He pulled back from Eleanor, his jaw set as if he had come to some private resolution.
“I cannot in good conscience pursue you, given where this may lead, Miss Winchester.” Jacques shook his head, his tone contrite. He tried humor to lessen the blow, “If you inquire after my reputation, you will learn you are better off for having escaped me.”
“I am sure I do not take your meaning.” She began to bristle. She was not a woman used to being rebuffed.
“My son met you first and set his cap at you,” Jacques tried to make his deep voice soft, though it did little good.
“And he made a very poor go of it,” she huffed, planting her hands on her hips. “Am I the property of any man who lusts after me for a matter of minutes?”
“Certainly not,” Jacques tried to defuse her. “But I cannot cause a feud with my own son. Adding to that complication, I know your father and, as I said, I have business with him. It would not do for me to dally with you. A woman like you could make a man lose his good sense, and I cannot afford that.”
“Ah, and here I was thinking it was some neolithic male possessiveness,” she quipped icily. “When rather, it is just plain cowardice and uncertainty. No fear, Sir Jacques, I have no doubt there are men with stouter hearts than yours.”
“Your father did not exaggerate the sharpness of your tongue.” Jacques was taken aback, but also strangely enticed, like being drawn into a high stakes card game. “Rest assured, no man has a stouter heart than mine, but many have more foolish minds. They will look at a woman like you and see only her beauty, not the danger it conceals, like a serpent coiled beneath a rose. Unlike young William, I have the experience of knowing when I should approach with caution. A man is safe in the company of a woman he can take lightly. You, on the other hand, are a dangerous creature.”
“And how very knightly of you, Sir Jacques, to flee at the first hint of danger.” She had decided if she could not secure his affection, she could enjoy arousing his anger. Unbeknownst to her, she elicited the opposite effect, her tenacity served to set her apart from other women even more than her beauty. “St. George slayed dragons, but Sir Jacques quails from a mere woman?”
“The fire you breathe would have already burned St. George to embers.” Jacques grinned despite himself and his heart jumped involuntarily. It had been many years since he had felt this strange mixture of challenge, temptation, and passion. She stirred the most primal parts of him, those that existed deep beneath the civilized veneer of a gentleman.
A shrill female giggle carried up from the garden two stories below. Looking over the rail, Eleanor saw two couples walking together in a foursome in the garden. They appeared young, the ladies petite and simpering, the men lanky and enthusiastic. One man had short sandy hair, holding the hand of his lady in a death grip. The other man had longer black hair and was in the midst of some act of showmanship that had his lady giggling to the point of breathlessness. The men wore brown tunics and huge plumed hats of the same style that William had sported.
“It seems my younger son has a better instinct for charming women.” Jacques shook his head, but smiled down at the ridiculous spectacle. “That is Count Pierre’s son, Charles, and Theodore Le Gris.” The little blonde woman laughed again when Theodore took her hand and twirled her into his arms. Jacques looked sideways at Eleanor. “He always took after his father more than his older brother.”
Eleanor surmised that along with William, the three young men must be dressed as the Three Musketeers. Even from this distance, the resemblance between Jacques and the boy below was striking. The main aesthetic difference was the boy’s slender gangly build and the immature look of youth. She turned to look at Jacques, comparing the two, teasing, “You don’t look old enough to have two sons who are out terrorizing women.”
“I was married when I was nineteen, Theodore’s age, to a lady a few years my senior.” Jacques indicated his son below with a tilt of his chin. “My sons both came along soon thereafter.”
“What happened to your wife, if you don’t mind me asking so directly,” Eleanor asked.
“She died,” Jacques said curtly. A dark look crossed his features and he did not elaborate but to add, “Nearly ten years past.”
A dark figure strolled onto the balcony with an arrogant gait. Jacques straightened, making his posture less intimate when his eldest son approached. William pointedly didn’t acknowledge Eleanor as he strode to his father.
“Theodore is being an embarrassment, father,” William said flatly. He finally spared a cold glance at Eleanor. “I suspect you’ve been too preoccupied to notice.”
“The boy’s just having some fun.” Jacques waved him off. “You would be in higher spirits if you tried the same.”
“Making a spectacle of myself in front of strangers will not lift my spirits,” William sneered. “People are already talking about you also, father. Given the exclusive company you’ve kept this evening.”
“Let them talk, my boy!” Jacques grinned and leaned closer to Eleanor. “A man can never control what is whispered about him. It is a kind of flattery to be the subject of discussion for those less interesting unfortunates among us.”
“I find no amusement in it whatsoever,” William huffed as another girlish giggle rang out in the garden below.
“Every woman loves a man who is incapable of laughing at himself,” Eleanor quipped sarcastically.
“Come now,” Jacques continued speaking to his son. “Your soul is not so ancient that you cannot indulge in some fun yourself now and then.”
“Indulge in some fun? Like Theodore is up to tonight?” William smirked wickedly, his black eyes shining. “He is planning a prank, you know. He and Charles have been cahooting over it for days. I wonder if you’ll think it all in good fun when he embarrasses the Le Gris name in front of the Duke.”
“A prank?” Jacques asked, annoyed. “What delivery are those fools up to?”
“I haven’t the slightest.” William smiled again. Eleanor was quickly growing to hate his smile, as austere as a winter tundra, paired with his unnerving black eyes. His smile held none of the warmth of his father’s, nor was it a fraction so dashing. “We’d best take our leave before he makes his plans known to us.”
“I’ve a mind to stay a while,” Jacques said significantly. From back inside the door that opened onto the balcony came a clear harmonic melody. Everyone on the balcony turned to look through the open doors. The notes came from the same story, sounding clearer than the cacophony of the ball from the floor below. It was the sound of a harp, beautifully played. Jacques looked toward it curiously.
“Lord Pettigrew’s daughter plays the harp,” William said with disinterest. “She’s been trying to solicit an audience.”
“Good god, boy, encourage her!” Jacques looked aghast at this news. “Let her serenade you. She’s pretty enough, and from a good family. Have you learned nothing at all from your father?”
“I’ve learned that I will have the prettiest woman at the ball, or I will have none.” He looked at Eleanor with a hint of menace that went unnoticed by all but her. “Miss Pettigrew has little that interests me.”
Jacques shook his head and offered Eleanor his arm. “We should ensure the poor girl has some kind of audience, should we not?”
William stayed on the balcony when Jacques led Eleanor inside and across the hall into what had become a makeshift music room. Several other couples stood on the edges of the room and a few hopeful young men watched eagerly. Seated in the center of the room, playing a harp was a petite brunette girl. She was not conventionally pretty and had an unfortunate spattering of freckles, but her family’s money made her far more alluring than her simple features. She played beautifully, each note rang true and sonorous. William trailed behind and remained leaning against the back wall, his arms crossed over his chest.
More than the music, Jacques was aware of Eleanor’s proximity. He felt decidedly ridiculous, a seasoned man such as himself being thrown into a damn tailspin over a lady. He was no stranger to women. Rather, a self-admitted rake and hellraiser who had aroused many salacious scandals and enjoyed every moment of them. Since the death of his wife, he had lived his life as a bachelor to full effect. He was hardened by battle in his youth, having distinguished himself in a bloody campaign during the Second Anglo-Afghan War. His strategy and daring were instrumental in the British victory at Kandahar. Jacques had feared no man in his life and had never quailed from battle. Now, he felt a nervousness in his gut and a lightness in his head that were distinctly misplaced in a hard man such as himself. He took a breath to settle his nerves and clear his mind. It had the opposite effect when he inhaled the tantalizing bouquet of her hair. Her scent alone made his pulse jump like an eager racehorse behind the starting gate. Her skin was as soft as a rose petal when she brushed her fingers against his knuckles. He found himself powerless to disobey her feminine command to take her hand.
Everyone in the room was silent in respect for the girl playing, enjoying each beautifully plucked note. Every sound outside seemed even louder for its intrusion. Minutes passed as the song built to its crescendo. Bootsteps could be heard in the hallway paired with cheery male voices and female laughter. Theordore Le Gris all but stumbled into the room, not knowing that behind it was a young woman playing a harpsichord solo. He froze in the doorway, his green eyes wide with embarrassment as Charles D’Alencon crashed into his back from behind with a drunkenly boisterous laugh. Jacques flashed them a blazing glare.
Still playing the harp, Miss Pettigrew was startled by the ruckus caused by the young men. Her eyes darted to the handsome Le Gris boys, seeing William leaning against the wall and Theodore bumbling in the doorway. Distracted, she struck a foul note, the string twanging shrilly. The harp string snapped beneath her finger and whipped away from its fastening on the bridge faster than the eye could see. The string whipped back like a striking viper, slashing across Miss Pettigrew’s cheek. The end of the string with its twisted wire fastening caught her in the eye before she could even blink. Her eyeball popped like a bubble, spurting fluid the consistency of an egg white, and her check was flayed open where the wire had slashed across it. Even as her hands flew to her face, milky fluid from her ruptured eyeball sluiced down her cheek, mingling with her blood. Her terrible screams filled the room, pained and shrill, like a rabbit caught in a snare.
“Christ!” Jacques growled as he ran to the girl. Everyone else in the room stood stock still, transfixed by horror. He reached her and took her in his arms, supporting the back of her head with his left hand and pressing the handkerchief he had drawn from his pocket to her ruined eye to staunch the flow of fluid. He glared at the still-stationary audience and bellowed, “Fetch this poor girl a doctor! Hurry!”
The girl started to shake convulsively and whimper incoherently. Jacques had seen many men go into shock from injuries they sustained, and he had a basic knowledge of treating wounds on the battlefield. He knew there was nothing to be done about the girl’s eye. She could only be kept as comfortable as possible until it healed into an empty socket, the gash in her cheek stitched. He rubbed her arms and cradled her, trying to prevent her slipping into a state of shock.
Theodore and Charles had run to find a doctor, their female companions left standing alone, mouths gaping and tears spilling from their eyes. William appeared not to have moved at all from his place against the wall, watching the happenings with a kind of macabre fascination, his dark eyes glittering like obsidian. Eleanor snatched a drink from a young man who stood uselessly by and rushed to Jacques and the woman, holding it to her lips so that it might dull the pain a little.
Blood and injuries did not ruffle her. Before being informed it was not appropriate for a lady, she had wanted to learn all she could about veterinary medicine. She had persisted anyway, albeit more secretively, stealing medical knowledge on treating cats and dogs and horses and livestock wherever she could, being an unrelenting pest whenever a veterinarian treated her family’s animals. Animals were more difficult than humans in that they couldn’t communicate their pains, although for an injury like this, it made little difference.
Jacques did what he could to comfort the girl, but there was little. She curled into him like a child, crying and whimpering. The doctor must arrive soon. Eleanor faced him, her attention on the girl. He should not have been so captivated by her in this moment, but it was his first opportunity to study her openly. Her eyes were light spectral blue, intently focused on her patient, immune to distraction, her pillowy bosom rose and fell with her breaths. A swatch of blood streaked down the porcelain white of her jaw from where she had swiped away an errant strand of fiery hair. If it wasn’t decided in his mind before – if the truth lay hidden beneath the conscious part of him that would have denied it – Jacques was certain now. If his fate was that his path was to be crossed with that of the beautiful, dauntless creature that was Eleanor Winchester, he would not fight against it.
Carriage rides home after an event such as the ball were usually filled with laughter and the jovial recounting of events. Tonight, the only sound inside the carriage was the cadence of the hoof falls of the trotting horses that pulled it. The two young ladies seated in the Winchester carriage watched somberly out of the windows at the passing countryside, the darkened green hills dappled with glowing moonlight. Eleanor and Katrina found little to converse over after Miss Pettigrew had lost an eye and the events of the evening were cut as short as a severed harpsichord string. Count Winchester alone was in high spirits, smiling at a private thought as he sat across from his daughter and her friend. He was a large man, imposing to many with his full red beard and bald head, but he had a genial manner and bold sense of humor. Since the death of his wife, he had taken on the role of chief advisor to his daughter and even her friend in their amorous scheming. He had been surprised to find it a great source of amusement, seeing this facet of courtship from the lady’s perspective, which was far more devious than he had ever assumed.
“It seems to me you had a stroke of good luck this evening,” he remarked to Eleanor, pointedly eyeing a bloodstain on the skirt of her dress that looked nearly black against the crimson fabric.
“I often feel lucky after having an evening curtailed by the maiming of an acquaintance,” she quipped sarcastically. Both ladies knew there was no longer a need for any pretense of demure femininity.
“There’s no need to pretend women don’t secretly relish a woman being removed from the competition,” Count Winchester told the young women shrewdly. “When I overhear you ladies talk, I feel as if I’m keeping counsel with a pair of fledgling Lady Macbeths.”
“I feel no competition with a lady as plain as Miss Pettigrew,” Eleanor replied primly.
“I’ve never seen you on the hunt so intently before.” Count Winchester smiled wider, enjoying himself. “Care to tell me about your quarry?”
“I’m quite sure I haven’t the faintest idea what you mean.” She fidgeted with her skirt as a pink tint flushed her cheeks.
“Quite sure, are you?” He poked her further and tried to wait her out with a heavy silence. When she offered nothing more, he continued, “In that case, it would be of no interest to you that I have ongoing business with Sir Jacques.”
Eleanor’s eyes darted to her father and her heart jumped. She waited for him to continue, but he did not give her any satisfaction. She huffed in frustration, “Fine, you horrible old man! What business do you have with him? And how ongoing will it be?”
“I wouldn’t want to bore you.” He shrugged, the corners of his blue eyes wrinkled with laughter. “What interest could you possibly have in any dealings I have with Jacques Le Gris?” Seeming to change the subject, he added, “Did either of you ladies notice the D’Alencon boy? He appeared to me to be quite popular. Don’t young women covet blonde hair like his?”
Eleanor and Katrina exchanged a sour look at such a noxious notion. Eleanor sighed and capitulated to her father, "You know very well I want to know everything you know about Sir Jacques.”
“Did you know he has a son of marriageable age?” Count Winchester mused, prolonging his daughter’s frustration. “He’s only a little younger than you and the heir to the Le Gris fortune. William Le Gris would be a smart match for any aspiring young lady, as would Charles D’Alencon. Count Pierre made certain I knew this before he and Sir Jacques and I could set about our business discussion.”
Eleanor glared at him and Katrina returned her attention to the countryside that passed by outside the carriage window.
“You prefer the father to the son, do you?” Count Winchester knew the answer and added his approval. “I can’t say I blame you. In fact, I think it’s the wiser choice. I’ve heard of him by reputation for years, though I’d never met him until recently. Sir Jacques doesn’t disappoint, he’s an impressive man. His sons may have that potential, but with no great wars in sight, they will likely never be forged in similar fires. I don’t imagine Sir Jacques will allow them to run out to the Sudan to fight the Madhist in the near future.” He paused, nodding to himself. “Sir Jacques is old enough to have gained some wisdom, but not yet so old as to have enough wisdom to know he should run like hell from a beautiful woman,” he laughed at his own humor. He noticed both girls’ attention had returned to him now that he was divulging information on eligible men. “As you know, I’ve been negotiating a lucrative business opportunity with the Prime Minister for months now. Count Pierre smelled profit on the air like a hyena on the veld and finagled his way in, as Pierre does. I was prepared to curtail his intrusion, but tonight I learned that Count Pierre wishes to bring Sir Jacques into our fold, which would be to the benefit of all.”
“And?” Eleanor pressed, knowing her father’s game of drawing out her suffering.
“And?” Count Winchester asked with a confused expression and paused on the brink of laughter. “And… the ongoing business I have with the Prime Minister, Count Pierre, and Sir Jacques could easily be conducted through correspondence, which is precisely where we left things this evening.” He paused again. “However, it would also be a fine excuse for me to summon Sir Jacques to our estate to continue our business.”
“When?” Eleanor asked, sitting bolt upright, instantly excited. “Do it quickly before some other woman snares him.”
“He doesn’t strike me as a man who’s easily snared. You may have your work cut out for you. A man in his position may not want the bother that comes with a wife, or with any serious entanglement with a woman,” Count Winchester cautioned, then spoke his thoughts aloud. “I could also invite myself to his estate under that same guise and bring my headstrong daughter along. Yes, I think it better to conduct our affairs in Jacques’s home, not ours. To serve your huntress agenda, it will be better to let Sir Jacques be the cock of the walk, in the position of hosting us and entertaining you. Any man will be more at ease in his own home. If he were to come visit us, he may be less inclined to insult me by making an overture to my daughter.” He grinned mischievously. “We will hunt the bear in his own cave. We will pay him a visit at Wargrave Hall.”
“When will this be?” Eleanor pressed again.
“Don’t worry, we’ll give chase before your quarry’s spoor goes cold,” Count Winchester laughed. He looked at Katrina who had been listening intently. “You are invited too, of course, Miss Burton, should you wish it. There are three eligible Le Gris men, after all, and plenty of scheming to be had.”
Through the carriage windows Eleanor admired the pastoral countryside enroute to Sir Jacques’s estate. They had been on his property for some time but had yet to reach the great manor house past the forests and the hills that rolled away like emerald waves. A light fog hung low on the ground, adding an air of mystery to the verdant landscape, as if any manner of unknown creatures could materialize from its veil. It was the height of summer, but the heat was not terrible. The promise of an early autumn and a cold winter hung in the air. Only a fortnight had passed since the night of the ball but it had felt like an age to Eleanor in her eagerness to see the handsome knight again. She hoped he likewise suffered, though she suspected this was a burden to be shouldered more by women than men. Her father had assured her that in his correspondence with Sir Jacques, he had peppered a few innocuous allusions to her that would not allow her to slip entirely from his thoughts.
The carriage turned down a private lane, lined on each side by dense rows of trees. Eleanor and Katrina watched as the estate came into view ahead. Count Winchester was not bothered to open his eyes from a nap until the carriage stopped at the final destination. An enormous manor came into view, four stories tall, not including the several towers that rose even higher into the sky. The dark stone facade gave it a medieval elegance, while its looming arches and peaked architecture added a foreboding quality to its otherwise luxurious aesthetic. The manor was dark yet charming, much like its master, Eleanor mused. The windows had the appearance of sinister eyes gleaming beneath the arched eyebrows of their frames. Indeed, as the carriage drew closer, the unmistakable sensation of being watched pricked her skin. She shivered despite the summer warmth and immediately felt ridiculous. If Sir Jacques watched her now from some perch inside his manor, that was exactly what she had hoped for. She wanted him to watch her, to pine for her, to covet her. She sat straighter as the eyes of Wargrave Hall watched the carriage approach, at once ominous and alluring, beckoning its guests inside with both a threat and a promise that they could stay forever.
Wargrave Hall had been in the Le Gris family for centuries, since the time of knights and crusades, a gift to an ancestor, another Sir Jacques Le Gris. Only a squire, the Sir Jacques of old had distinguished himself so impressively in the Battle of Arsuf leading to the defeat of the great Saladin that he was rewarded with a knighthood, an estate and acreage that was one of the finest in all of England. Wargrave Hall had been the ancestral seat of the Le Gris family since the end of the twelfth century. The original castle had been so repaired and remodeled as to be unrecognizable today in the Hall’s current incarnation in the gothic style with a heavy influence of turreted French chateaus, similar to the noteworthy Waddesdon Manor.
Despite the renovations throughout the centuries, Wargrave Hall was rumored still to sit upon a warren of underground passages, remnants of the ancient castle dungeons. The feature that remained largely unaltered since the time of knights and crusades was the Le Gris family crypt, a smoke-colored marble tomb that stood forlornly on a hilltop perch. Naturally, this was rumored to be haunted. These legends reached even the schoolhouses of London, the subject of many tales and lore. The rumors differed as to whether the specters were once members of the Le Gris family, cursed to wander the earthly plane for their vicious deeds in life, or if the ghosts were from the men and women killed by the many Le Gris warriors over the centuries.
The carriage circled around a large fountain as it approached the entrance. An enormous marble sculpture of a man and woman in an aggressive lover’s embrace, as though the man had just snatched the woman off her feet and into his arms, rose from the center of the pool, rivulets of water cascading down their pale stone bodies. So soft was the appearance of the flesh of the marble couple and so sensual was their embrace that it could have been sculpted by Bernini. The man’s hands held the woman’s gentle body against his rigid one, bowed over her arched figure with his lips ghosting the curve of her throat above her exposed breasts, her long hair streaming behind her. Only a carved sheet draped around his waist and falling across her hips gave the couple a modicum of modesty.
Only moments after the carriage came to a stop before the pillared front entrance, the double doors were flung open and Theodore Le Gris came bursting out, trotting down the steps to greet the guests. He was tall and skinny, his long limbs gangly as he hurried, and his friendly smile too toothy for his features, but his green eyes were bright and intelligent. He opened the carriage door ahead of the footman and informed the company inside that Sir Jacques was ensconced with Count Pierre and the Prime Minister, and that he had tasked his son with greeting his guests and ensuring Count Winchester was led promptly to the conclave. Theodore’s eyes lingered longest on Katrina and the sway of her long slender legs beneath her skirts when she stepped gracefully out of the carriage. The way she turned her nose up at him and withdrew her eyes from his should have offended him, but he found this aloof gesture lured him in deeper.
As he led the guests inside, Theodore didn’t share that Sir Jacques had specifically tasked both his boys with this obligation, yet William was notably absent. Theodore had nicknamed his older brother Black Billy for his black eyes and black temperament. He was aware of his older brother brooding even more than he was naturally inclined, his mood darker and his temper shorter as of late. The brothers had overheard an exchange between Sir Jacques and Count Pierre that had deeply angered William. Count Pierre had arrived at Wargrave Hall days ahead of the other guests, as was his custom. Seemingly in passing and with indifference, Sir Jacques had mentioned that Miss Winchester would make some lucky man a fine wife. Count Pierre had responded with incredulity and bewilderment to this innocuous comment. In the days since, the Count’s mood had devolved into an inconsolable sulky shadow of his usual ebullient humor, and he muttered occasionally about losing his only true friend and how Sir Jacques was a fool for wading into an obvious honey trap.
Theodore saw no cause for any reaction other than happiness for his father, or for his older brother, should that be the course events followed. The lady at issue was close in age to William, perhaps slightly older, Theodore guessed. He thought he could view her much more readily as a sister-in-law than as a stepmother, but he suspected that he would have little difficulty forming a friendship with her. He had inherited his father’s charm and his mother’s kind temper, both of which endeared him easily to new acquaintances and lubricated his interactions with women. Both of which were also attributes that had skipped over Black Billy entirely. In fact, the more he studied Miss Burton’s lissome figure and the movement of her long coltish legs as the ladies walked abreast of him, the more he hoped Miss Winchester would become a permanent tenant of Wargrave Hall. If Miss Winchester made Wargrave Hall her home, regardless of which Le Gris man she favored, Miss Burton would no doubt be a frequent visitor and Theodore found himself elated by the thought.
Theodore made introductions to the head servants who had turned out to greet their guests and acquaint themselves with Count Winchester’s butler and the two lady’s maids. The head butler of Wargrave Hall was a stern looking man with grey hair and a sturdy build. When he spoke, his Scottish accent was gruff and his words curt. He walked with a slight limp, but still appeared strong and able enough to roust a strong man in a brawl. Theodore explained that Mr. Graham had served under his father in the war in Africa two decades ago.
Inside Wargrave Hall, the air was chilled, a welcome reprieve from the summer day. Eleanor craned her neck to take in the splendor in view from the front foyer. True to the Le Gris name, much of the marble inside was stormy shades of grey, accented with white, black, and a few tasteful dashes of maroon. Theodore led the women to a grand staircase of white marble that wound upward and Mr. Graham remained with Count Winchester. A pair of winged dragons sat on their haunches at the base of each banister, guarding the upper levels. Their teeth were bared in snarls and their eyes were especially lifelike, looking as glossy as the clear eyes of vipers.
“My mother was superstitious,” Theodore said in an apologetic tone. He patted the horned head of one of the waist-high dragons. “She thought these warded off evil spirits like gargoyles atop a cathedral.”
“Think you can pass by them, dear?” Count Winchester teased his daughter to be met with a frosty glare. When she began ascending the steps, he added with a laugh, “Your dragons are asleep at their posts, Master Theodore.”
At the top of the first flight of stairs, the staircase wound sharply at a near ninety-degree angle on its continued ascension. Just before Eleanor rounded it, she was able to look back down to the foyer below when a booming voice echoed through it. Sir Jacques had emerged from whatever room he had occupied with the other important men and greeted her father warmly. Eleanor didn’t hail him, but his gaze was summoned wordlessly to her. Even across the distance that separated them, Eleanor was struck by the way the afternoon light glinted golden in his eyes, nor was it lost on her the way his jaw clenched for the briefest of moments when he sighted her.
“Miss Winchester.” Sir Jacques recovered at once and gave her a gallant bow. “I have failed in my duty as your host. With your indulgence, I shall make amends when our meeting is concluded for the day.”
She was flustered by the sight of him and her voice betrayed her when she teased, “Do not think I will let you off so easily, Sir Jacques.”
Katrina gave a polite curtsy and proceeded up the stairs, rolling her eyes at Eleanor’s flushed complexion when only her friend could see.
“I am a man who rises to a challenge,” Sir Jacques called from below. He then led Count Winchester to the library, which served presently as the men’s war room.
Theodore gave the ladies a tour of the Hall, showing them offices, lounges, solars, and a lavish walnut paneled library complete with rolling ladders affixed to rails running around the room to reach the highest shelves. He pointed out the closed double doors to the master bedroom on the second floor and the luxurious gardens that sprawled away outside of the window opposite them. His room and his brother’s were on the third story, as were the two adjoining rooms allotted to the ladies. Their rooms overlooked a large stables and a fenced paddock populated with grazing horses.
“Do you suppose we have time to relax before the men will finish their meeting?” Eleanor asked Theodore nonchalantly. In truth, she wanted time to pamper herself and refresh after a day of travel so she looked her best.
“You cannot truly want to sleep the day away now that we’re finally here?” Katrina taunted. They had not yet had time alone together to plot their next move, so she was caught unaware.
Theodore seized his opportunity, “Perhaps you’d like to see the garden while she rests, Miss Burton? Or the horses?”
Katrina looked pointedly at Eleanor, sharing a silent exchange that both women understood implicitly but left any man oblivious. An understanding passed between them and with knowing grins and nods, the women parted for the time being. Katrina allowed herself to be led away by Theordore and Eleanor closed herself in her room under the guise of rest.
An hour later Katrina burst into Eleanor’s room without knocking and seated herself on the large canopy bed. She rolled her eyes theatrically as she watched her friend primping and preening from her seat at a vanity.
“Do you think a little rogue will tip the scales with Sir Jacques?” Katrina teased.
“You never know which straw will break the camel’s back,” Eleanor met her friend’s eyes through the mirror.
“Beauty is not a problem for either of us,” Katrina said with a laugh. “It’s rather other aspects of our persons.”
“Well, I can’t conceal those blemishes with powder, so I might as well do what I can in the hopes that my beauty distracts him from them.” She blew a playfully obnoxious kiss at the mirror.
“Perhaps you might have better luck if you tried to break his back in more alluring ways.” Katrina smirked sarcastically. “I’ve no doubt Sir Jacques’s library has a plethora of inspiration for you. Shall we find a questionable book and the most contorted pose inside it? All that you have to do then is walk up to him, bat your eyelashes, and ask for him to tutor you on it as innocently as possible.”
“You’re terrible!” Eleanor laughed. “But that may need to be my next approach if looking pretty and waiting for him to take the bait on his own fails. Sir Jacques is a special challenge, though. A pretty face will not be enough for him, not for more than a night or two anyway. He will want more.”
“You’d best be prepared for a long and involved siege, then.” Katrina was laughing now too. “Should we feel like black widows, trying to draw these poor men into our webs?”
“Certainly not! No one likes spiders.” Eleanor pursed her lips and traced lipstick over them. “We’re much more like a carnivorous flower, like a pitcher plant. Pretty enough to lure them in so we can seize them.”
“Well while you’ve been busy trying to hide your horns, I’ve made real progress.” Katrina announced and sprang up from the bed. “I have enticed Theordore to tell me where the most interesting parts of the Hall are to be found! He went so far as to give me a badly drawn map. He wanted desperately to give us a private tour, but I told him you were feeling ill and not up for company, but perhaps at a later time. So, try to look pallid and act pitiable if we encounter him.”
“I don’t think it would be to my advantage to go wandering through hidden passageways out of sight,” Eleanor hesitated, fighting the natural inclination both women had toward all things dark and macabre that might spook them.
“Is it cold in here?” Katrina rubbed her arms, fighting back a shiver. “It’s like stepping into an ice box coming through the door.”
“I hadn’t noticed it before, but I daresay it is rather frigid, is it not?” Eleanor’s skin prickled with gooseflesh. Surely, she would have noticed it if the room had been that cold before? It reminded her of a similar feeling of inexplicable cold that had almost faded into her childhood memories.
“Theodore says the ghosts of his ancestors wander the older parts of the Hall,” Katrina shrugged off the feeling of cold and said salaciously. “He says there’s an old knight Sir Jacques was named after and a Renaissance lady named Centaine Le Gris who was burned as a witch because she was rumored to bathe in the blood of peasants. And those are just the two whose names I remembered! Oh, and there’s even supposed to be a haunted mirror, or ghosts haunting mirrors, or something of that ilk.”
“Do you think we can make a quick reconnoiter and be back before suspicions arise?” Eleanor looked out of the windows at the afternoon sun. They had perhaps two hours of daylight remaining before sunset, which was a predictable hour that the men might end their conclave for the day.
“Unless we get waylaid by some ghosts.” Katrina gestured impatiently. “Besides, if you quit being boring and come explore, I’ll tell you the ripest bit of information I gleaned.”
“Fine,” Eleanor sighed dramatically and joined her friend. “But the ripe gossip first! Should we get attacked by ghosts, I’d hate to die without knowing.”
“Well, I know you’re on pins and needles wondering how the late wife met her untimely demise. Don’t worry, it’s my mission to wheedle it out of Theodore.” Katrina crossed to the door and leaned in conspiratorially before opening it. “But, he already disclosed that this room was her boudoir for when she wanted her privacy.”
“I’m staying in her boudoir!” Eleanor exclaimed, unsure if she should be offended or encouraged.
“Theodore says it’s the nicest vacant room in the Hall.” Katrina looked around the room pointedly and opened the door. “He also says that Sir Jacques has been modernizing the Hall by adding electricity to it a few rooms at a time. This room, for example, has electric light, but most in the Hall still have gas lamps or rely on candles.” She dropped her voice to a comically wicked tone, like she would use to mimic a witch to scare a child, “But I don’t think we should discount that perhaps Sir Jacques is already placing you in her stead.” She added a wicked cackle. “He might not even know it yet himself, but feels compelled by some spectral impulse.”
Summer sunlight streamed in through the windows, giving the hallways a cheery feel, even brightening the faces that looked sternly out of the numerous oil paintings that lined the walls. Though the women walked side by side, Katrina directed all their turns confidently, looking only occasionally at the scrawled map. At the far West corner of the Hall was a turret like that of a medieval castle. Katrina confidently led them down a tightly spiral staircase inside it. They passed several narrow rectangular windows, the only source of light inside the staircase.
“Theodore told me that he calls his brother, William, Black Billy,” Katrina said in passing. “He says that he didn’t inherit the Le Gris eyes, which are always green or yellow or hazel, and that moreover, it fits his black heart. For brothers, they don’t sound similar at all, or even close.”
Eleanor lost count of the turns they made as they descended the staircase, but the final window they passed admitted only dim, shadowy light, and then the windows ceased. They must be below ground now, in the ancient part of Wargrave Hall.
“I wonder if the old dungeons are still intact,” Eleanor mused. The staircase was now gloomy and dark, the air far cooler and filled with the musk of centuries.
“According to Theodore, they are.” Katrina had dropped her voice without knowing, more befitting of the somber atmosphere. “Oh, that reminds me of a scandalous tale he told me about Sir Jacques and a visiting French noblewoman who fancied being chained up and whipped, among other torments. Some acquaintance of Count Pierre. Theodore said that Jacques was quite the accommodating host – that he took her down to the dungeons and entertained her there.”
Eleanor glared at her friend who only grinned.
At the bottom of the staircase was a wooden door, shorter than others she had seen and laced with metal trim in a medieval style. Katrina tried to open it stealthily, but it groaned like an old man rising from bed. Only darkness met them, and cold, humid air filled with the musk of earth and decay. Katrina retrieved a chamberstick from a pocket of her skirt and struck a match on the wall to light it. The single candle flame lit their surroundings for fifteen or twenty feet ahead. They stood in an old corridor with aged stone walls, caked with moss, and the floor beneath their feet had the feel of cobblestones. The air around them was cool as one might expect inside a cave, but it was not the unnatural cool that the women had felt shortly before.
Ahead there was a gentle bend in the musty corridor. When the women rounded it, they found the remnants of the Hall’s dungeon. The forepart of the dungeon had been cleared of cells and was repurposed as a wine cellar stocked with enough aged vintages to supply an army of sommeliers. Care had been taken in the restoration of this area, and unlit torches lined the stone wall in ancient iron sconces set between medieval tapestries.
Something shimmered just around a bend in the tunnel ahead of them. A faint green light seemed to creep around the corner, like the Green Fairy was trying to lead them to a well of absinthe. It was so faint, it might be a trick of the candlelight. But both women saw the same trick of light and exchanged wide-eyed glances. They clasped hands and continued.
Following the next turn, they were met with what remained of the dungeon from centuries ago. The iron cell doors remained, as did some other unique features such as heavy chains fitted with collars and iron handcuffs chained to the walls. Several of the cells were used to store what looked like medieval relics – weapons, shields, swords, even pieces of suits of armor. They were dented, bent, chipped, and otherwise scarred from battle and tarnished by age. This was not armor kept for show, as were many pieces in the upper levels of the Hall that were polished to a mirror-sheen and displayed on stands, but the battle worn equipment of the Le Gris line that had survived the centuries. Eleanor could almost feel the presence of the knights who had met their deaths while waging war in these suits of armor. She wondered if any of their ghosts still lingered.
As the thought flitted through her mind, a sword suddenly fell from its wall mount. The women jumped against each other with yelps of fright as it clanged on the stone floor, startlingly loud in the close stone dungeon. But, for good or ill, the ancient stone and mortar kept all sounds sealed within. Before they had recovered enough to assess the situation, the open visor of a knight’s helmet snapped shut, making them jump again. Their hearts raced, but no deep fear had taken root in their hearts. Their ears were perked for any sound, but all was as silent as the grave. Their eyes probed the dim chamber but saw nothing. Nothing felt amiss, other than the disturbed objects.
They would not be deterred so easily. They walked ahead.
Eleanor looked sharply to her friend as an epiphany hit her. “Have you kissed Theodore? You must have to get so much information so quickly.”
“Well, that depends on your definition of a kiss,” Katrina evaded with a sly grin.
“What definition are we using today?” Eleanor bumped Katrina with her elbow.
“Something that makes me want to kiss him again.” Katrina held the candle out toward a dented suit of armor.
“So, by your definition…” Eleanor persisted.
“Though I allowed him to make an attempt, I’d hardly qualify it as a proper kiss.” Something in the corner of a cell caught Katrina’s eye. “Oh, look! A torture device! It’s a real set of medieval pliers. Imagine how many fingers these have pulled off. And there’s a scavenger’s daughter! How fun!”
“I’d love to see a brazen bull,” Eleanor mused. “I wager there’s a pear of anguish down here someplace, too.”
From the corner of the cell, a tall dark figure shifted, the movement delineating its figure. Eleanor gasped and Katrina nearly dropped their only source of light. Both ladies froze with dread. The figure moved, looking like a tall man with a cape that swirled around his legs. The women stood firm, although the chamberstick in Katrina’s hand trembled. They both looked at the dark shadow and the shadow seemed to look back. It took an ominous step toward them, and for the first time since they had entered the dungeon, both women felt a sense of danger.
Before they could bolt for the exit, the figure lurched toward them, its long black fingers grasping for them. Katrina shrieked and Eleanor cursed, both of them jumping away to evade the creature. Then, the shadow stood straight and laughed in a cold, familiar tone.
“What do you ladies expect to find, wandering around down here in the dungeons?” William asked with cruel laughter on his voice. “You should strengthen your resolve if you’re so flustered by a sword falling off a wall.”
“A woman would be foolish not to be frightened by a black-souled bastard like you,” Eleanor hissed.
William bristled visibly at the reference to his nickname, Black Billy. He obviously did not approve of it. “Why exactly are you two hens sneaking around down here? If you want to seduce my father, you need only to lift your skirts. Do hurry it up, so he can be done with you as his next passing amusement, and the servants can scour your residue from the furnishings.”
“The cold air too?” Eleanor asked. “Did you affect that with your cold heart? You’d best take note from your father and brother as to how not to repulse women, lest you meet your end as forlorn as the souls trapped in this dungeon.”
Black Billy looked confused for a moment at the question of conjuring the cold. He ignored it and instead spat, “On second thought, by all means, seduce the old man.” He sneered and advanced on the women maliciously, his black eyes as dark as the shadows that surrounded him. “It may be the fastest way to be rid of you. He murdered my mother, you know. The price for becoming Mistress of Wargrave Hall will be more than you want to pay.”
Before going down to dinner, the ladies retouched and fussed over their appearance in Katrina’s room, fervently berating William amongst themselves. A timid knock sounded on her door, interrupting their conversation. Katrina answered to find Theodore standing on the other side with a gawky smile. He was clearly expecting to find her alone, and cleared his throat and shuffled his feet at the sight of Eleanor.
“Enter and recover your voice,” Katrina made light of his awkward silence and gestured for him to come inside.
“I heard what Black Billy did to the two of you,” Theodore said apologetically, his tall frame sloped slightly. “I wish I could make amends for him, but the truth is he’s just a vile bastard. It’s hard for me to tolerate him on a good day and I’m the closest friend he has. Father desperately wants him to marry so he will be of better cheer.”
“I’m so flattered to be thought of as the sacrificial lamb for that purpose,” Eleanor huffed.
“You’ve nothing to worry about. No one here has any designs of setting Black Billy on you.” Theodore smiled conspiratorially and took a seat very near Katrina on a settee. “I certainly shouldn’t tell you what I’ve observed...” He shrugged, wanting a carrot before divulging his intelligence.
“And here I thought you wanted to be helpful,” Katrina said with a cocked eyebrow, leaning away from him and giving him the exact opposite reaction he wanted. “Eleanor and I can continue speaking alone if we are to purely engage in conjecture.”
“No, no,” Theodore fumbled, and then stammered quickly. “It’s simple, though. I’ve never seen my father so disarmed before. He smiles close to as wide as I’ve been told is gawking at the mention of Miss Winchester.” He saw this interested both women and continued eagerly, “He’s downright discombobulated. I’ve seen him around plenty of women – begging your pardon, I mean to say that I’ve never seen him so out of sorts around one. If I didn’t think Eleanor was the cause, I’d be worried he was running a high fever.”
“What a well of useful information you are,” Katrina purred approvingly, leaning a centimeter closer. She was training him fast into being a loyal hound who would happily do her bidding.
“Anyway,” Theodore coughed uncomfortably. “That’s not why I came here. When I heard of Black Billy’s terrible trick on you, I came bearing a peace offering.” The women exchanged looks as Theordore withdrew a small silver flask from his jacket pocket. He held it proudly and swirled its contents. He unscrewed the cap and handed it to Katrina first. “See if you can guess it by smell.”
The strong scent of licorice wafted to their noses from the open mouth of the flask. The ladies grinned. Katrina played along and identified it as absinthe.
“I’ve seen father offer it to ladies before dinner,” Theodore said, now very much in the mood to divulge his family’s secrets so long as doing so pleased the beautiful women in his company. He stood, puffed his chest, and deepened his voice to mock Sir Jacques, “He would say, ‘Would you ladies care to dance with the green fairy?’”
Katrina clapped her hands in approval and Eleanor laughed. Theodore’s peace offering was well-received. They all agreed that they must drink only in moderation, for it would not do to be out of sorts at dinner, and absinthe was a powerful drink. Named for the smoky green color of the drink, the green fairy was known to grant visions and even hallucinations on occasion.
After the better part of an hour spent gossiping and passing the flask around, the three young people thought themselves quite responsible. They had left nearly half of the silver flask untouched – perhaps a third to a miserly eye – and therefore considered themselves still rather sober. It was no matter if they wavered slightly on their feet when they stood from their various attitudes of repose. Theodore didn’t mind at all if the ladies needed to hold fast to his arm for balance.
“Wait a moment!” Eleanor exclaimed as they sauntered past the door to her room. “I must reapply my lipstick.”
“You’re being silly,” Katrina sighed, leaning against Theodore.
Theodore smiled goofily and told Eleanor, “Take all the time you need.”
Only slightly unsteadily, Eleanor rushed through her bedroom door to the vanity. The tubes of her lipstick looked somewhat blurry as she searched for the correct shade she had applied earlier. She had to lean a little closer to the vanity mirror than usual to paint her lips well. Straightening, she stowed the tube of lipstick down her bodice and studied herself in the mirror, pursing her lips. Although it would have been highly inappropriate to raise the issue with Theordore, she ruminated on Black Billy’s accusation that Jacques had killed his first wife. Surely, such a terrible thing was untrue? But a nagging part of her mind told her that even if it was as true as the gospel and was a murder clear as day, that Sir Jacques was rich and powerful enough to have such a thing swept away under a rug and face no consequences.
Especially now, under the spell of the green fairy, her mind was plagued with gruesome images of horror. Visions dreadful enough to prickle the hairs on the back of her neck and make her again feel the icebox chill inside the former Lady Le Gris’s boudoir.
“What a ridiculous notion!” she scolded herself aloud, shaking her head to clear it even as she fought back a shiver.
She closed her eyes tight, fighting back some of the spinning inside her head from the absinthe. With her eyes still closed, she leaned forward on the vanity table, trying to steady the wave of dizziness. Her face was inches from the mirror when she opened her eyes. The reflection staring back at her was not her own. It was a slightly older woman, beautiful, with fine features, raven black hair, and striking green eyes. Eleanor looked at the face, into the green eyes, seeing but not comprehending. The woman in the mirror screamed, her mouth torn open by terrible pain. Eleanor jerked back as if she had received an electric shock. The woman in the mirror likewise jerked back, mimicking Eleanor’s movements.
Then the woman’s movement changed. Eleanor watched in the mirror as the woman turned around in frightened circles, looking around her with horror gleaming in her wide green eyes. The room in the mirror was no longer Eleanor’s room, but a hellish backdrop of flames. Wallpaper peeled off the walls in scorched reels and smoke billowed across the ceiling like thunderclouds. The woman’s dress was aflame and she screamed again as fire licked from her feet up her legs like a macabre candle. Somehow, Eleanor knew she couldn’t get out, though she didn’t know how or why. The woman locked eyes with Eleanor through the mirror and screamed again, shrill enough to curdle blood. Her scream dissolved into a harrowing plea, her voice as ragged as graveyard cobblestones, creaking from her charred throat. But Eleanor could not make sense of her words. She bolted from the room as the woman’s beautiful face began to sear and melt away.
Back in the hallway, Theodore was busy whispering sweet nothings in Katrina’s ear. They both paid little mind to Eleanor’s condition, aside from starting when she slammed the door too harshly behind her.
“Is anything amiss?” Katrina asked with only mild concern.
“Care for another sip?” Theodore offered her the flask.
“I’ve had quite enough absinthe for the night. Perhaps, for a lifetime,” Eleanor said shakily. The vision in the mirror was undeniably sobering. “The green fairy does not agree with me.”
Dinner that night was a lively affair with the guests all seated at a long dining table set for a banquet. Sir Jacques and Count D’Alencon were the most entertaining men Eleanor had ever had for company. Count Winchester and Robert Cecil, the Prime Minister, were more reserved, although most men were by Jacques and Pierre standards. Seated near one another, they continued whatever business had consumed them for the day. Black Billy sat near the Prime Minister, trying to worm his way into importance. Theodore had wheedled his way into the chair next to Katrina. The only disappointment of the evening was that Eleanor found herself directed to a chair several down from Sir Jacques where he sat tall and handsome at the head of the table, too far away to have any meaningful engagement with him. However, she did take note that he studied her openly and frequently, and smiled when he caught her eye. She thought that maybe he had seated her away from him so as to be less distracted by her.
Count Winchester had extensive dealings with the Prime Minister for years. They served on the same foreign relations committee when Cecil was in the House of Lords. As such, Eleanor had known him nearly as long by proxy. He had made it known many times that he thought Count Winchester had allowed his daughter to grow too headstrong for her own good. However, he respected a fine wit, regardless of the sex of its owner, and he enjoyed stimulating banter. Robert Cecil was bald, heavy set, with thick grey hair and a black beard. After the main course, he rested his hands on his rotund belly when his plate was cleared and leaned toward Count Winchester to have a private conversation.
“I wish you hadn’t brought that daughter of yours along for this tete a tete. Not for my usual reasons surrounding propriety, mind you.” He looked at Jacques whose eyes had flickered once again to his beautiful young guest and shook his head ruefully. “This is how empires crumble.”
“If my intelligence is current, that’s exactly what she’s going for,” Count Winchester laughed.
“Sir Jacques is a hard man,” Cecil added, thinking to himself that it did not do for such a hard man to look so – what, exactly? Giddy? “Do you want your only daughter beholden to such a man?”
“You know as well as I do my daughter would run rough-shod over any man who was not.” Count Winchester watched the same live theater with amusement. “I’ve known since she was a girl that she must find either a man’s man or a milquetoast, there can be no middle ground there.”
“The specter of murder that haunts him does not concern you?” Cecil prodded. “Ghastly business it was with his first wife.”
“Powerful men are prime fodder for all manner of hogwash and rumors, as you should know well. I’ve observed closely and for some time how Sir Jacques comports himself with women, and I’ve seen nothing to indicate he’d be indelicate with one. His fault lies in that he may like women too much for his own good. It concerns me more that if tries to gallivant around on Eleanor, he might find himself in a far grislier position than that of his first wife. I’ve aired that concern with her.” He turned in his chair to look at the Prime Minister squarely. “I’m a bit surprised by this line of inquiry. Sir Jacques has been your man for some years. You do not wish for his happiness as well as Eleanor’s?”
“Happiness, yes. And were it with a meeker woman who would know her place as a wife, I’d be elated for them both.” Cecil shook his head again. “I’ve invested much time and capital in Sir Jacques. It will not do for him to get drunk off a woman and forget his duty to Queen and country. Or far worse, come to see her command as outranking mine!”
“I see your concern.” Count Winchester grinned and added unconvincingly, “He may reject her.”
“What man would,” Cecil grumbled. Getting no reassurance from Count Winchester, the Prime Minister addressed Eleanor with a seeming non sequitur, “You’ve been unnaturally silent. Are you coming to accept that women are far prettier when they listen as opposed to speak?”
She bristled as he knew she would. “We’ll have the vote one day, and I will relish every moment of watching you politicians pander to us ladies as you grovel for it.”
Cecil laughed, holding his hands up. They commonly bantered like this, both good-naturedly. “Before you start down a war path, I have another question for you. A frivolous question, appropriate for a lady. What is your opinion on the supernatural? These days, I cannot attend a dinner party without having anecdotes of seances forced upon me. I’m shocked I haven’t been so assaulted yet tonight, given how we all know Wargrave Hall to be haunted.” He said the last with a teasing smile. “It’s long been a desire of Count Pierre to host a séance here.”
“Indeed, it has!” Pierre agreed exuberantly and pounded his fist on the table. “See, Jacques, now you have the blessing of the Prime Minister himself. Great fun, séances! You know how the ladies love them. It must happen!”
Jacques gave him a cautioning look. It was apparent this had been a topic between them before. “I’ll not have such nonsense conducted in my home. I’ve seen more death than anyone here – more than all the rest of you combined. I can tell you, there’s nothing intriguing or glamorous about it. No white lights, no loved ones waiting on the other side of veils, no lingering spirits.” Then he tried to make light, “I don’t like the company of most of the living, why would I want to invite the company of the dead?”
“Wait, now.” The Prime Minister held up his hand. “We’re committing that sin women accuse us men of – not letting the women voice their valuable opinions.”
The question of ghosts and the supernatural hit too close for comfort after the day’s events, but Eleanor remained composed. “On matters of the occult and the supernatural, I accept Pascal’s wager and must bet on the side of belief. It is surely better to be prepared for an encounter with a spectral presence than not. What has one to lose?”
“Prepared how?” Jacques scoffed without rancor. “Sounds to me like a good way to spook yourself and walk around jumping at shadows.”
Eleanor smiled at him, and posited, “There are supposedly no wolves in these woods. Knowing that, is it not still wiser to be prepared to handle an encounter with a wolf when you venture into the woods? Or is it better to rest on the knowledge that there are no wolves, and be wholly unprepared if you meet one? If there are indeed wolves in the forest, do you think that turning a blind eye to them or not believing in them will protect you, or merely make you easier prey?”
Jacques leaned forward, placing his elbows on the table, an attitude that accentuated the breadth of his shoulders. “If all I need to do to be prepared for an attack from beyond the grave is carry a pistol, I am sold on your logic, Miss Winchester.”
Cecil wanted to interrupt this more intimate exchange. He thought of a gruesome tale that would make most women retreat from a man. “Sir Jacques, you have no grounds to be a skeptic. After all, you are the only man here who is known as a ghost himself.”
Jacques shot him a look, imploring silence, his jaw clenching. “A tale exaggerated by those who were not there to witness it. And a dark tale, at that, hardly befitting dinner conversation in mixed company.”
“I find it highly apropos, as it bears directly on the business we have all convened here to discuss.” Cecil continued unchecked. “The Afghans called Sir Jacques the Ghost during the war. After Ayub Khan, the Emir of Afghanistan, betrayed us and violated the peace in ‘78, we tasked Sir Jacques with, ah, making amends. Even I’m not privy to all the details, but perhaps Jacques will regale us,” Cecil paused, waiting for Jacques to take the reins of the story. When Jacques contributed nothing but a stoic glare, Cecil continued, “By all accounts, Jacques sneaked into the Emir’s palace like a ghost. Like a ghost who butchered his entire guard, I might add. Heads were found impaled on spears, entrails strung across the floors, and bodies found torn apart limb from limb as if from some wild animal mauling.”
At this, Jacques did interrupt, “They killed many of my men. Having friends die in one’s arms inspires a man to violence.”
“To put it mildly!” Cecil continued. “Rumor, or shall I say legend, has it that Jacques somehow caught the Emir unaware and got a knife to his throat. Using his imitable powers of persuasion, Jacques was able to get the Emir to reconsider his position. He speaks the native tongue, as well as several other languages – rare in such a formidable soldier. To top it all, I have it on good authority that many of the Emir’s advisors believe Jacques to have mystical powers. It’s a palatable way for them to explain their fumbling of the palace guard to say their enemy can walk through walls. But you see, Miss Winchester, how this makes him indispensable in negotiating with the Emir.”
With a sigh, Jacques joined the conversation, “The good ol’ Emir is now in Bombay. Plotting. He’s narrowly skirting a course of action that could trigger another Crimean conflict. The consensus thinking is that it could result in a quarter million losses on our side alone.” Jacques spread his large hands. “But thank God for capitalism, gentlemen. The Emir is as greedy as he is shrewd, and with the idea Count Winchester posited this afternoon, I wager he will take the bait. The allure of an avenue of commerce through the Indian Ocean rather than for him to continue struggling across landlocked Afghanistan to Europe via the Suez Canal is a mighty incentive.”
William smirked at Eleanor as he quipped to Jacques, “If one didn’t know better, I’d think you sounded fearful, father.”
Jacques’s left eye twitched with anger, but he forced a grin in good humor.
Theodore jumped to his defense, “Father’s not afraid of anything!”
“Only a fool feels no fear,” Jacques said, glaring at William. “A brave man maintains control over himself and does what’s necessary in spite of fear.”
“And a smart man finds a way to avoid the danger all together,” Count Winchester added.
“Yes, that is our ultimate goal,” Cecil agreed. “But still, the Emir must be persuaded that it will serve both himself and his people if he serves as our agent in Bombay. This will require much tact and persuasion. And to disarm the Russian counterpoint, who will be testy at not getting the war they’re itching for. We cannot rule out the need to spill some blood in the course of our negotiations. Discreetly, of course. Given that complication, what better man for this political mission than Sir Jacques?” He paused before adding weightily, “Miss Winchester, you would agree then that he must get to India post haste?”
Now, she saw her potential role in all their mechanizing. It was not lost on her that Jacques had been watching her to gauge her reaction, as if he had more at stake now, more to consider that may be affected by his decision. As did her father, who had counseled her from a young age never to fall for a soldier, as it only invited heartbreak. Her answer to the Prime Minister was stern, “If you’re seeking outside opinions, Sir Jacques must have expressed some reluctance over venturing to India on your errand? If I put myself in the shoes of a man who has everything one could want in life, including money, title, and a reputation as a war hero, I can see little to be gained from such a venture and much to be lost if it goes badly.”
“Tales of such adventures are romantic and exciting,” Jacques said. “They tend to leave out the blood and sweat involved, the pain and toil. In reality, it’s a deadly game to play. I wouldn’t even consider it just for glory. I’ve had enough of that. It weighs heavily on my mind that I may be in a unique position to save the lives of a quarter million young men, if war can be averted by my action.”
Count Winchester saw an opening to aid his daughter and observed, “We’re not deciding things tonight at dinner. My approach may, and hopefully will, render all this maneuvering moot. Count Pierre and I are in agreement that money will be politic enough to motivate the Emir. As I said many times over today, we don’t need a stick when we have the carrot of opium. It would be more profitable to the Emir than diamonds. Profitable enough for him to eventually be free of the British yoke. Or so, we will make him think.”
With dinner concluded, the Prime Minister insisted the men take their leave to partake of cigars and drinks, and to continue their business at hand. Much to Eleanor’s chagrin. As the men adjourned, Jacques sought her out and took her hand to kiss it. His voice was low enough for only her ears, “I hope you will enjoy your stay here in Wargrave Hall as much as I have enjoyed your presence so far. I shall endeavor to be more attentive to my duty as your host in the coming days.”
By all appearances, Sir Jacques made little effort in being a more attentive host the following day and even a few thereafter. The ruminations of the so-called men of power consumed much of their time and attention, making even a sighting of either count, the prime minister, or Sir Jacques scant. The only time any of them were accessible for anything at all was during dinner, which was of course, far from the private affair Eleanor wanted. However, she and Katrina did not spend their days sitting idly.
On their second day at the Hall, they went for a ride out over the rolling grassy hills, using two of the four horses that had pulled their carriage enroute. Alone on a ride, they could also be assured of time alone without being overhead. They decided to make it their mission to explore as much of Wargrave Hall as possible and learn all of its secrets, with a secondary agenda of learning about the former Lady of the Hall. An inquisitive woman could spend months, possibly even years, exploring all that the Hall had to offer, especially when the personal secrets of its tenants both living and dead were added to the agenda.
Much of the Hall was as they expected, composed of sprawling hallways, winding stairs, and lavish rooms. Their biggest obstacle was getting distracted by all the interesting cornucopia of artifacts and art they came upon. Theodore was a helpful if over-eager guide and partner in exploration and Black Billy was to be avoided like a nest of spiders. They took particular interest in learning the identities of all the faces in the many portraits scattered throughout the Hall. They even kept a cheat sheet of the most interesting names and stories. Theodore was an enthusiastic storyteller of his ancestor’s exploits, and although neither woman would classify him as fully charming, they found him engaging.
One evening after dinner when the men had retired to the smoking room and the only light was from flickering gas lamps and the few scattered rooms outfitted with electricity, the ladies walked to meet Theodore who had promised to show them an area of the Hall they hadn’t yet explored.
Finally alone, Katrina nudged Eleanor and whispered, “I found out how the wife died.”
“Did you finally wheedle it out of Theodore?” Eleanor asked excitedly.
“Not quite. He divulged that she was an avid painter and that she died in an accident inside her painting room, but he wouldn’t give more details. So, I casually mentioned to the old butler, Mr. Graham, that it was such a shame to hear she was murdered, as the rumors say. He was all too eager to correct me and tell me all about it.” Katrina smiled proudly at her accomplishment. “She burned up in a terrible freak fire in her painting room! It was Jacques who found her too, apparently while she was still alive, and she burned to a crisp before he could get to her. Hence the murder rumors. They say he either started the fire or simply let her burn without saving her.”
“Fire would be a nasty way to go,” Eleanor said, shaking her head.
“Yes, but fire is also purifying.” Katrina smirked. “It cleared the way for you to move in on her husband, did it not?”
“You’re horrible!” Eleanor laughed. “But yes, all in all, it’s quite fortunate for me.”
They found Theodore at their rendezvous point at the base of the staircase on the second floor. He greeted them pleasantly, then led them up two more stories. Theodore took the women down a long hallway on the fourth story of the Hall. This story, they had learned, was home to the overflow of artwork and artifacts that had no place in the more cultivated floors below. The doors to some rooms were closed with white sheets covering the furnishings that had fallen into disuse. There was no electricity on this floor and some of the gas lamps were out. The relative darkness paired with white sheets draped over various oddly shaped objects gave the fourth floor an otherworldly feel. Adding to that effect were the battalion of old Le Gris family portraits that lined the walls.
The subjects of the portraits had many commonalities. Most of the born Le Gris’s had dark hair, strong noses, and hooded eyes, all of which were shades of green or brown, with a few painted outright yellow. It was equally apparent which subjects had married into the family, both men and women. It seemed the Le Gris’s of both sexes were drawn to beauty, or the portrait artists were very kind to their subjects. The attire of the men and women attested to the long history of the line, ranging from medieval up to the recent past. There was even a gruesome example of post-mortem photography of a young boy and girl who were posed together as if sleeping, betrayed only by the deathly shadows under their eyes and their drawn-back lips. Theodore identified them as Jacques’s siblings who died after accidentally ingesting lye in the course of a game of dare gone array. They had been younger than Jacques, though close in age and he was young also – supposedly, too young to recall the details when Theodore had inquired.
Theodore stopped them in front of a large oil painting, darkened by the patina of age and layers of dust. The gold plaque at the bottom of the gilded frame read, Sir Jacques Le Gris, the Devil of Arsuf (1154 – 1221). A large knight glared out of the portrait, his menacing angular features framed by long black hair. His prominent nose was slightly crooked as if it had been broken more than once, and several scars traced over his face. The most notable wound was an ugly raised scar that ran from his hairline, over his brow, and down his cheek to his jaw as it split the right side of his face. He wore a shining suit of armor and rested his hands on the hilt of his sword.
“Father is named after him,” Theodore said proudly of the fearsome knight in the painting. “He fought in the crusades and Saladin gave him the name The Devil of Arsuf. There’s a better portrait of him in father’s study. He’s riding his favorite war horse and holding a sword in that one.” He looked at the women and made his voice comically spooky. “But he’s not a devil anymore. He’s a ghost now. He’s one of the ghosts who haunts Wargrave Hall.” He finished with his best attempt at an evil laugh.
“Let me guess,” Katrina teased. “He rides through the hallways on his warhorse looking for heads to lob off?”
“You’re not so far off,” Theodore said seriously. “He’s a lost soul, tormented. He made many enemies on crusade. One of them found him as an old man and killed his wife – she was a redhead also. The villain beheaded her and threw her head out into the moat that used to surround the Hall back then when it was a castle. Sir Jacques killed the brigand but was too late to save his wife. Her head was never recovered. They say the heart went out of him after that. He was one of the mightiest warriors in our family, and he died of a broken heart.” Theodore paused to see if his recounting was having any effect on the women and was pleased to see they had moved closer together. “He still wanders the Hall searching for his wife’s head. It’s true. I saw him when I was a boy, down in the dungeon. He looked frightful and he was so big, but I don’t think he meant me any harm. He just gave me a once-over and walked straight through the wall.”
Looking at the painting and the severe venom yellow eyes that met hers from its canvas, eyes that looked eerily similar to the Jacques she knew, Eleanor sensed the truth in Theodore’s story, as if the Sir Jacques of old was with them now even as they spoke of him. The flames in the gas lamps danced to a stranger tune than they had moments before and the air around them had grown frigid, chilled but still. It was a feeling Eleanor decided she would have to grow accustomed to if she intended to make Wargrave Hall her home.
Eleanor and Katrina’s favorite room they had explored thus far in Wargrave Hall was the exquisite library. It was filled with enough volumes to spend a lifetime reading, ranging from topics of medical journals to philosophy to poetry to novels. It was apparent that Sir Jacques was an avid reader, which only heightened his appeal. The ladies were enchanted by the library and thought that nothing could intrigue them more.
Until Theodore informed them Sir Jacques had a private collection of books in his personal study.
That became their next nighttime mission, but they knew this mission must be far more covert than their simple wanderings around the Hall. It was certainly a breach of Sir Jacques’s privacy and utterly reprehensible. Which naturally made it all the more appealing.
They stayed up late together in Eleanor’s room under the guise of female chatter until well past midnight. When the old grandfather clock in the hallway outside the bedroom door tolled two am, they made their move. They carried only chambersticks, so as not to risk the hiss of gas lamps, and wore only stockings, so as not to scuff a shoe loudly on the floor. It seemed they were the only creatures awake in the Hall as they crept through its long, dark hallways.
“Does this bring back memories?” Eleanor asked in a whisper.
“Let us not summon the Crooked Lady again tonight,” Katrina teased.
“We could try to summon the Devil of Arsuf for a change of pace,” Eleanor said as they approached the closed double doors to Jacques’s study.
“Try to contend yourself with the Sir Jacques who is still among the living.” Katrina smirked. “If your efforts fail on that front, we will summon the old knight for you.”
The doors were unlocked when Eleanor tried them, but they creaked in protest when she pulled one open. The women froze, each cringing from the noise that sounded as loud as a wounded animal in the silence of the night. When they heard no activity in response after a minute of listening, they ducked inside and closed the doors behind them.
Sir Jacques’s study was tastefully decorated and decidedly masculine. The walls were ochre yellow with chocolate walnut paneling, and the vaulted ceiling was of embossed tin. One half of a side wall was a gun case with glass doors, each slot inside home to a rifle or shotgun. Some were beautiful, with the bluing gleaming like oil in the moonlight. Others had been well used, with scratches on their fine stocks and their bluing worn down to silver steel. European style mounts, which were only the skull and rack, were displayed on the walls. Several magnificent red stags and a few of what had to be African antelopes with four feet long black spiked horns. A pair of elephant tusks longer than Jacques was tall and thicker than Eleanor’s waist sat against the far wall on either side of a tall window with an arched frame.
Two oil portraits hung in the study. One was obviously the portrait Theodore had referenced of the crusading knight in full gleaming armor riding a great black horse into battle, his sword held high, red with the blood of his enemies. The other was a similarly styled portrait of the living Sir Jacques in an English Colonel’s uniform, mounted atop a black Arabian horse wearing green and silver Persian style armor.
Adjacent to Jacques’s imposing desk was the bookcase Theodore had teased them with. Compared to the big library, it was unimpressive and didn’t even span the height of the wall. It was a standalone antique bookcase with doors that could be closed and locked, though now they hung open. The ladies shared an excited look and trotted forward to inspect its contents. The shelves were filled with not only books, but curios that must hold special meanings for him, black leather journals that were presumably his own, and large rolled scripts that must be charts or maps. It seemed Theodore was correct, this was Jacques’s private collection of things that resonated to him as being deeply personal. Eleanor felt slightly guilty at studying his private collection. But not guilty enough to restrain herself.
More than half of the books looked like things that would have aided him in his military days – anthologies of adventures in Northern Africa, India, Arabia, and the Middle East. Several books were written in the languages of those countries, making Eleanor recall his fluency in them. There were books on history, philosophy, and military strategy, including Sun Tzu’s The Art of War, and books on horsemanship, martial combat, and weaponry. There was a framed photograph of a large man on a black Arabian horse against a backdrop of sand dunes. It had to be Jacques on the same horse he was depicted as riding in his portrait, although, in the real-life scene his head and face were covered by a keffiyeh but for his eyes to protect against the sun, and the black Arab was very clearly a mare as opposed to the stallion in the painting. On the shelf above, there was what seemed an out of place oddity: poetry. Jacques had a small collection of poetry, all with well-worn spines and aged pages. Sappho, Lord Byron, Keats, Blake, and two plays by Shakespeare, Macbeth and The Taming of the Shrew. Sitting upright inside the self, facing outward, was a framed page containing the poem Ozymandias. Eleanor was indeed getting a better picture of Sir Jacques and better feeling for him as a man. She had not thought him a romantic, but his tastes betrayed his heart.
The poetry was at eye-level for Eleanor, capturing her attention at once. From her taller vantage, Katrina was first enraptured by the higher shelf. She bumped Eleanor with her elbow and snickered at what she found. The subject of that shelf was clear, and the Kama Sutra was the tamest volume that sat upon it. The ladies took turns reading the salacious titles, grinning mischievously.
“Oh, I’ve only ever heard of this one!” Katrina whispered excitedly. “He has the entire serial of The Maiden Tribute of Babylon.”
“Nor have I seen so many copies of The Pearl!” Eleanor added, examining the complete set of all eighteen copies of the magazine, The Pearl, A Magazine of Facetiae and Voluptuous Reading.
“Now, these are rumored to be quite a romp. William Lazenby published them when his magazine was shut down.” Katrina pointed to copies of The Oyster and The Boudoir. The women had a curious interest in books describing the mysterious sex acts, but they had been able to actually procure copies of few.
“Do you think he acquired a taste for this while off at war?” Eleanor asked, tracing her finger down the spine of The Lustful Turk, Lascivious Scenes from a Harem.
“I’d expect so.” Katrina said, cocking her head in confusion as she read the next title, The Mysteries of Verbena House. “Though I’d suspect his tastes have been refined since by Count Pierre.
“The Nunnery Tales,” Eleanor read a title. “For all the fascination men have with virgins, I hope he’ll make the most of his first night with me and make a good showing of it.”
“So, it’s all decided then.” Katrina smirked as she eyed Venus in Furs by Leopold von Sacher-Masoch.
“Naturally!” Eleanor laughed quietly, then her eyes widened. They both saw at the same time the recently published anonymous novel, The Autobiography of a Flea from just last year. Eleanor and Katrina had heard wickedly good things and had been itching to get a copy.
“You have selected a well-versed man to train you,” Katrina quipped, still eyeing the naughty shelf.
“A lady should improve her mind through reading and developing new skills,” Eleanor replied sarcastically.
Seeing all the secrets the shelf contained was scandalous and illuminating, but it gave them no heretofore unguessed insights into Sir Jacques. Lest they read through his own private journals, which seemed a bit too intrusive. For now. Before selecting the lewdest book to flip through, Eleanor took another glance around the room and realized she had paid his desk no mind. Two books set on the desktop, obviously those Sir Jacques had handled most recently. One was placed squarely on the desktop with a handwritten note beside it. Eleanor walked to the desk and recognized it as one of the ladies’ favorite authors, Edgar Allan Poe. Katrina followed naturally and they both studied the compilation of Poe’s poems and stories.
The note beside it was more interesting. It was a stanza written in beautiful calligraphy, copied from Poe. Eleanor read it aloud.
“For the moon never beams, without bringing me dreams
   Of the beautiful Annabel Lee;
And the stars never rise, but I feel the bright eyes
   Of the beautiful Annabel Lee;”
“He is a romantic!” Eleanor exclaimed happily.
“You’re seeing what you want to see,” Katrina said reasonably. “That poem is about a dead woman, you know. He could full well be thinking of his first wife.” She lowered her voice to a teasingly ominous lilt, “Or worse, he could be thinking about entombing you in a sepulcher by the sea so he can lay beside you forever and ever.”
Eleanor rolled her eyes but laughed quietly. Both ladies then turned their attention to the other book. It was quite large, the size of an encyclopedia, bound in black leather. Oddly, it was completely devoid of markings, no author or title. Only a silver pentagram was embossed in the center of its front cover. The women looked at themselves and eagerly opened it.
Just inside the cover was a note written a different script from Jacques’s.
Seances are a great way to a lady’s heart. More importantly, to her nether regions! ~ Pierre
“Count Pierre is such a loathsome creature,” Katrina mused. “Yet, he’s not mistaken. I hate how entertaining I find him.”
“Indeed,” Eleanor agreed. “Although with some work, we may be able to recruit him to our side in matters Jacques sees as frivolous. Seances and the like.”
“I’ve never seen such a – I don’t know, serious – book on occultism,” Katrina said as they turned the pages. They were thick and yellowed with the patina of age.
The text was Latin, but both women were educated and fluent. The image of a thin black shadow of a woman caught their eye, sketched on a weathered page, making them pause to read. Much of the vernacular was difficult to trudge through and allowances for allegories had to be made. But they decided the message of what they read was that ghosts are remnants of humans, and like humans, they can be good or evil. Intuitively, the women realized they had known this since that fateful night in the Purple Room. They learned of a species of supernatural creature of which they had heretofore known little. Demons are entities of pure evil. They can appear in disguise as spirits, or even possess and command otherwise harmless or even good spirits to do their bidding.
They spent hours perusing the book that they named the Book of Pentacles. They learned much more than they had ever hoped for until they were forced to retreat by the grandfather clock tolling four am. Sir Jacques would arise soon, and they dared not be caught by him.
They vowed to return and learn more, for there was much more to learn in these dark matters than they had ever imagined.
Nights had been particularly restless for Eleanor since her arrival at Wargrave Hall, and it was not for lack of trying. She was not prone to long indulgent bouts of sleeping. Nighttime was often her favorite part of the day when she could be left alone with her thoughts, lose herself in a novel, or even take her horse out for a ride under the full moon when no one was awake to obnoxiously caution her against it. However, she had made a concerted effort to sleep long and well during her stay. Dark circles beneath one’s eyes were not a becoming feature, and she wanted to look her loveliest at all times while in the company of Sir Jacques. And yet it was he who was the cause of her sleeplessness! How could any hot-blooded woman sleep with thoughts of such a man running rampant through her dreams? During her short stay, she had awakened twice in a hot perspire, her skin damp and nightgown clinging to her body, pleasantly moist in other places as well. Her personal handmaiden, Agnes, who had accompanied her from home, complained of her own sleep being disrupted as well for entirely different reasons, conjuring tales of vivid nightmares and imaginings of shadowy figures lurking in corners. But she was a simple girl. Kind, helpful, and always well-intentioned, but simple. Eleanor gave her grim fairytales no weight at all. Strangest of all was that Katrina was oddly solicitous of company. Both women were highly independent, neither prone to needing the company of another. But since they had come to Wargrave Hall, Katrina had been loath to spend any time alone, not even in the wonderful library. It was another reason Eleanor had resorted to sneaking out before the world awakened.
Eleanor had never spent any significant time around a man of Sir Jacques’s vintage before. Given her upbringing, she was familiar with older men of her father’s peerage and, naturally, she had been a subject of interest among many young men near her own age who hoped to catch her eye. Most men she had encountered in their third and fourth decades were married, and therefore could hardly interact with her within the bounds of propriety; others were slovenly hogs who had let their bellies overrun their belts; and some, the worst of all, were nasty creatures who had at no point in their lives been endowed with either looks or charm, who treated women like a game of odds, taking as many bites at the apple of eligible women until they found desperate enough to give in. Jacques Le Gris fit none of these molds. He was kind and affable with a sharp wit, albeit commanding and intimidating; he had kept his body athletic and strong, and as finely sculpted as anything Bernini touched. There was another quality to him that was wholly new to her, something about him that called to her and alighted her senses. Beyond his looks and his size, he had a vigorous and masculine presence that drew her in like a hummingbird to nectar.
Just like seeing the finest horse at a sale, she wanted him for her own. And she had grown tired of waiting for him to arrange a private encounter with her. It was easy for her to decide that she would have him. In her mind, this was a simple thing. It was of no consequence that countless other women across England likewise had their hopes pinned on the handsome knight and his estate. They had all failed, or he would not still be running free as a stag in the wood. Eleanor Winchester was not a woman who failed.
Every morning of her stay at Wargrave Hall, Eleanor had watched from her window as Jacques Le Gris returned from the stables. Every morning, he finished his pre-dawn ride near the time she awakened and was handing his horse over to a groom while Agnes helped Eleanor dress. He was unaware of her appraisal, so it was an opportune time for her to study him properly when his keen eyes would not catch her looking at him, as they always managed to, even though she was being thoroughly stealthy. When he walked from the stables, she could let her eyes indulgently wander over him, lingering wherever happened to draw them, which more often than not were his broad shoulders and massive chest. She supposed that she ought to feel some sense of impropriety over the thoughts the sight of him induced, but she simply couldn’t bring herself to feel anything untoward about it at all. If a woman was not meant to admire a man, then fate should not place such an impressive example of one right in front of her.
Rather, she would be concerned her senses were failing her if she did not appreciate the look of him and respond the way she did to the masculinity of him. What manner of woman would not admire the sight of him striding across a grassy paddock, tall and proud, his white shirt open at the throat allowing his broad chest to peek through, his skin slicked with sweat from his ride. His hair was always wilder then too, with the morning breeze fingering through it. She liked him much better like this, when he had the look of a wild thing about him.
Best of all, he always took his rides alone.
Like a hunter learning when a stag came to water, she patterned her game. It was plainly obvious this was his favored morning ritual, a time he stole for himself before the demands of his day settled upon his shoulders. His habit was to take lone rides before sunrise and to sequester himself in the late evenings in his study with a cigar, a drink, and a book. The latter was of little use to her at present, but his riding habit was something she could use to her advantage.
Painful though it was for her, Eleanor roused herself before the first inkling of dawn. Stars still twinkled in the sky that was just lightening from black to navy. It was an unconscionable hour, but one had to make these kinds of sacrifices in their amorous pursuits. It was but one example of the woman having to carry the burden of seduction when men were too foolish to take the initiative for themselves. Besides that, this was one of the few, if not the only, hours of the day she could slip away unseen on a perfectly innocent errand and secure a private encounter with Sir Jacques.
Not wanting to alert anyone to her plans, Eleanor dressed in a simple riding habit that required no help from her handmaid. Her bodice was a shade of cornflower blue that she had been told often made her eyes more radiant and her skirt was simple charcoal. Without Agnes’ help, she didn’t bother putting her hair up in any intricate fashion, opting to braid her long tresses so that it hung down her back or unobtrusively over her shoulder. She appraised herself in the tall cheval mirror and thought that, given her haste taken to make herself up and the horrendous hour, she looked quite good. Though she had slept little, her body was thrumming with anticipation and her eyes were clear and bright.
Had she slept longer and her senses been more alert, she might have noticed the figure of the dark, stately women who watched her from the corner of her room. Her black hair blended with the shadows as did her long black gown, but her eyes glowed like embers. Or like the fires of hell.
Long before sunrise, Sir Jacques took his black coffee alone in his study. It was part of his morning ritual, known to all those in the household. Coffee was a taste he had acquired during his time fighting in the orient, although the grounds he could get here were a poor substitute for the black sludgy brew he favored. His habit was to begin his days alone in his study in the darkness before dawn and end them there as well in the darkness of nighttime, provided he was not entertaining female company elsewhere. He reclined in his tufted leather chair, his boots propped on his desk, as he sipped his coffee. He had half an hour before the customary time he went down to the stables for his morning ride. Customarily, this was his favorite time of day when he had the Hall to himself and before the demands of the day settled upon him, each one chipping away at his good humor until little remained.
The air inside his study was unusually cool, especially for summer. So cool that Jacques considered building a fire. Once or twice, he thought he could even see a tendril of steam on his exhaled breath. The feeling of being watched settled over him, looming like a physical presence over his shoulder. He felt it behind him, as though a cold body stood at his back. He knew the only thing behind his chair was the study window that overlooked the garden. Jacques was not a man prone to flights of fancy, let alone to fear, and he would not be bothered by such foolishness. He utterly refused to look behind him, nor toward the source of anything so nonsensical. He rolled his shoulders, physically shrugging off the strange feeling along with a few cracks in his back. Such sensations were not entirely uncommon in Wargrave Hall, but Jacques had noticed them more as of late, or for some reason, he had become more aware of them.
Before Jacques could reconcile the odd feeling with any rational cause, William strode into the study, closing the door behind him with pointed loudness. Jacques studied him over the rim of his mug. His son had grown into a tall man, although not as tall as Jacques himself, nor as tall as he had hoped for the boy, and neither did his shoulders have the impressive breadth of his father’s. There was much Jacques had hoped his son would inherit from him, such as his large hands and powerful build, but he had instead gotten the finer bone structure of his mother. His features were finer too. More handsome, perhaps, in an effeminate way, but they were crueler also. The boy’s harsh demeanor that had earned him the moniker of Black Billy was misplaced as from both his parents, neither of whom were cold nor cruel. And his black eyes that were a unique feature in the Le Gris family had unnerved Jacques since the day he had opened them. The more the boy matured, the less of himself Jacques saw in his eldest son. At least, Theodore took after him strongly. He could scarcely see a difference between his younger son and himself at the same age, except that Theodore had inherited his mother’s green eyes instead of Jacques’s feral amber color.
“It’s become apparent that you are playing cavalierly with the family estate, father,” William said testily without preamble.
Jacques felt his irritation bloom afresh for the day. He took a long drink before engaging. He decided against rising to the challenge and instead set his mug down on his desk and folded his hands in his lap, fixing his son with a fiery stare.
“It’s quite clear that Miss Winchester is playing you for a fool. I would think you have enough notches on your bedpost,” William continued. “If you want to feast on the little tart, eat your fill. But if you play fast and loose with the strumpet, you are also doing so with mine and Theodore’s inheritance.”
Jacques felt the rush of anger flood him so fast it left him lightheaded, his skin flushed hot and his hands curled into fists involuntarily. He would have shot to his feet and slammed his fist into the boy’s mouth had it been anyone but his own son. Instead, he sat up rigidly straight in his chair and tried to control the timbre of his voice when he growled dangerously, “You forget your place, boy. How aggressively do you want me to remind you of it?”
“Am I wrong?” William asked with cold detachment. “I think not. If you take this cock tease to wife and fuck an heir into her, that will affect your existing sons.” Jacques pushed menacingly up out of his chair to his feet, but William continued unchecked. “It is the height of irresponsibility, and additionally, thoroughly disloyal to both Theordore and myself. Under the law of primogeniture, Wargrave Hall and all the property and assets under your name will pass to me alone as the oldest son. I am the age of majority. Under the circumstances, it would only be responsible of you to yield your position as head of the family to me and take a stipend if you intend to act with so little regard for your existing sons. Run off to Paris or New York where such lurid liaisons are commonplace and where your decisions will not affect Theodore and myself.”
“Primogeniture only applies to an acknowledged heir, boy,” Jacques snarled, leaning over his desk like a wolf over a kill. He kept his hands planted on the desktop to keep them from flying at his son’s throat. “I am the master of Wargrave Hall, and I alone decide who inherits it. Place yourself in my way, make yourself my enemy, and I will disinherit your ungrateful ass and leave you to rot in the gutter with nothing.”
“You trained Theodore and me to fight since we were three,” William sneered. “You’re old and slow. You’ll be forty on your next birthday! You’re past the time when you could beat me in a fight.”
Jacques stormed around his desk, knocking his coffee mug off to shatter on his Persian rug and splash its contents across the floor. Warring with rage, he rushed William and grabbed his lapels, yanking the young man bodily off his feet to bring him up to eye-level. The thick vein in Jacques’s neck pulsed with anger. William tried to whimper something, but Jacques cut across him, “You’re a man now, not a boy, as you pointed out. The next time you find the balls to speak to me in such a manner, be prepared to fight me like a man.”
Jacques dropped William and shoved him back with unbridled aggression. William’s back slammed into the bookcase behind him with enough force to knock the wind out of his lungs, knocking several volumes off the shelves. Jacques feared he would not be able to restrain himself from true violence if William persisted. He was not known for his restraint in so many ways. To avoid his temper inflaming, Jacques stormed out of his study. He would expend his temper on the back of his horse.
Darkness had just begun to relinquish its hold when Eleanor made her way to the stables. There was enough soft light for her to see her way through the grounds, but not enough to make out the face of the groundskeeper she passed. The man lingered in the shadows of the Hall, no doubt tending to some shrubbery or something of the like, a dark silhouette only, his features hidden in shadow. It was early even for a groundskeeper to be about his duties, but she commended his diligence. No matter, she had not hauled herself out of a warm bed to ponder the comings and goings of groundskeepers.
For her plan to work, she had to reach the stables before Sir Jacques and have her horse already saddled when he arrived for his morning ride, lest it seem suspicious. It must not appear as though she had followed him or was inviting herself along with him during his private hour. It must be Jacques who invites her to join him. Though it was seldom if ever reality, men must think themselves in charge. A woman’s task was far more intricate, engineering the happening of things while framing it so that the man in her custody thinks himself in control.
Horses stuck their heads out of their stalls to see their visitor when she entered the stables, their ears pricked forward curiously at the sight of a new person. It was dark inside the stables, but Eleanor recognized Jacques’s horse at the end of the stable, a huge dapple-grey fit for a medieval knight to ride into battle. He stomped a hoof impatiently and arched his neck over the stable door, fiddling with the latch with his mouth. Like his owner, he too looked as though he enjoyed these morning rides. Midway down the stable aisle, her horse greeted her with a friendly knicker. She too would enjoy a brisk ride in the morning chill, regardless of her motives for doing so. She caught him and saddled him quickly so that she was ready when Jacques appeared, but she strategically left the breast collar unbuckled so it would look as though she was only nearly finished.
While she waited, she groomed her horse, taking her time until his black coat shone like obsidian. She watched the light brighten outside the stable doors until she could clearly make out the grounds outside. It was a pink morning imbued with soft light – the kind of light that made a woman’s features particularly alluring. Mist drifted over the grassy hills giving the countryside a mystical feeling. It was the perfect morning for her plans to unfurl, innocently, like the gentle blooming of a rose.
But where was he? Jacques had taken his morning ride every day she had been at Wargrave Hall. Surely, her luck was not so foul that today would be the day he forgoes it. Waiting and uncertainty made her grow irritable, cursing under her breath and stomping. Her mood infected that of her horse, and he too stomped the ground and danced in place, eager to carry his owner away from whatever distressed her and run until both their hearts were light.
That rotten bastard, she cursed under her breath, deeply offended that Jacques had broken the plans that he didn’t know he had.
Patience had never been one of Eleanor’s virtues, and it was some time past when Jacques usually took his ride. She buckled the breast collar and led her horse through the stable, striding indignantly with her chin held high. Her horse’s hooves echoed on the cobblestone floor of the enclosed stable, louder still due to his excited prancing instead of walking, taking three paces for every one he needed. Eleanor turned back to calm him, running a hand down his nose as she continued walking to the end of the stable. Her horse arched his neck and jerked on his lead, normal for a high-spirited animal. Looking back at him, she didn’t watch where she was going.
Turning out of the stable doors, Eleanor strode right into the unforgiving balk of Sir Jacques as he entered. The sudden commotion startled her horse, who threw his head and yanked her arm back. In her surprise and built irritation, she snapped at the man before she could catch herself, “A man as barbarously large as you should watch where he’s going!”
Jacques looked just as startled as her horse when he looked down at her. On instinct, he reached a hand out to steady her, but stopped it midway and returned it stiffly to his side. Instantly, she felt a hot blush stain her cheeks. This wasn’t going well at all. Jacques straightened and smoothed his jacket. His voice was polite but held no warmth when he replied, “My apologies, Miss Winchester. I am unaccustomed to concerning myself with guests in my stables, especially at this hour.”
From the set of his shoulders and the tension in his brow, she surmised that Jacques was in an unpleasant mood himself. Her momentary lapse in temper and ill-timed barb certainly hadn’t helped matters. She considered abandoning her plan and redoubling her efforts another day when the conditions might be more favorable. But no, if she let this opportunity pass, there may not be another. Even then, it would make her carefully arranged ‘chance meeting’ too transparent a ploy to attempt it again. This was her opportunity and she’d best seize it. Fortune favors the bold, after all.
Since she was already knee-deep in mire, she figured she might as well double down. It was always better to be the accuser than the accused. Planting her hands on her hips, she raised her chin and asked him, “Are you following me?”
“Of course not.” Jacques raised his hands defensively. “I ride most mornings. It’s the best time to find solitude. Usually.” His eyes narrowed as realization dawned. “Which I suspect you know well. How cunning of you, madam.”
“I’m quite sure I don’t take your meaning at all.” Her horse saved her from further inquiry by rearing in place. He was affected by the tension of the people around him, growing more restless by being held still.
“Whoa, you feisty bastard,” Jacques said to the horse in soothing tones, placing his large hand on the animal’s forehead.
“Well!” She raised her eyebrows in a challenge. “Since you have succeeded in thoroughly agitating my horse, I hope you will be good enough to hold him still while I mount.” Asking a man for help was a sneak attack her father had taught her, a way to slip past their guard that few could resist. It was a strategy from which Jacques was not immune.
For the first time, Jacques considered her horse. He was a big powerful animal, not a delicate lady-like mount. He looked from the horse back to her. “Can you handle that horse? Have you ridden him often?”
“Quite often,” she quipped tartly. “I raised him from a foal.”
Jacques didn’t argue, but eyed her horse skeptically as he took the reins and led him out into the open area in front of the stables. He stroked the horse’s neck to calm him, which had the unintended effect of calming himself at the same time. It was difficult if not impossible to remain agitated when trying to imbue calm into an animal. His eyes strayed to her as she bounded easily up into the sidesaddle, hooked her right leg over the pommel, and adjusted her skirts. He handed the reins to her, his warm hand brushing hers, and unbidden dropped his hand to her boot to check its fit in the stirrup. His jaw flexed and he seemed to make some internal decision.
“I am your host, Miss Winchester.” He looked up at her. From her seat on her horse, his face was level with her waist. “I would be remiss if I did not ride with you and show you the grounds.”
“I thought you didn’t want company?” she asked, not letting him off so easily.
“In rare instances, I will make an exception.” He pointedly grabbed the rein near the bit, holding her horse as he awaited her reply.
“Am I supposed to hold my horse here while you take your sweet time saddling yours?” she asked as her horse stomped and snorted impatiently, emphasizing her question.
“Yes,” Jacques said simply. “You can ride, can you not? If so, control your mount.” His tone remained stern but a shadow of a smirk played over his lips.
Jacques made quick work of catching and saddling his horse. He hoisted himself up into the saddle and sat tall and statuesque with his dapple-grey dancing beneath him. Both horses were filled with nerves and high spirited, ready to bolt away until their energy was spent.
“Lead on, Miss Winchester. I assume you have a plan this morning,” he said, letting his words linger, further calling her bluff. “As to where you intended to ride, I mean.”
“I had planned nothing beyond seeing what chance might bring me. Since you have unexpectedly decided to join me, I will defer to your superior knowledge of your own estate.” She smiled tartly back. “Take me on a ride, Sir Jacques.”
“Be warned, I am in a vigorous mood this morning.” However, he had to fight to keep a scowl on his lips. His black mood had nearly lifted. He found himself enjoying this lively banter almost as much as a lively galloping ride. The golden morning light had a curious effect on Eleanor’s features. He already thought her pretty, but this morning she looked especially beautiful. Was it her or was it something softening inside him, he wondered.
“Then take us along your most challenging route,” she said confidently. “Better yet, let us race along it! With a prize to the victor, naturally.”
“The stakes you may ask concern me,” he laughed gruffly now, unable to contain it. “What would you ask in the unlikely event that you win?”
“I’ll go easy on you and ask only for the right to compel you to join me on another ride, at the time and place of my choosing, irrespective of decorum.” She lined her horse up beside his, readying the animals to run against each other.
“I suppose I can endure that well enough.” He nodded. “And what do I get when I win?”
“Most men would want a kiss as a prize,” she said haughtily.
“Why would I exert any effort winning something I could steal?” He winked at her, enjoying the way a pink blush tinted her cheeks.
She recovered and returned, “Is that a note of fear I detect?” With an exaggerated sigh she added, “If you are afraid of losing to a woman, I understand.”
He pointed to the highest hillside in view about a mile away. Its sides were steep and one was pale-soiled giving it the look of a small white cliff of Dover. Mist circled through the trees at its base and the rising sun made its grassy crest glow.
“Should I lose you in my wake, I will meet you at the top,” Jacques told her cockily.
Without waiting for him to give the word, Eleanor whipped her horse with her quirt, sending him lunging ahead into an immediate gallop. She called over her shoulder, “To the victor go the spoils!”
Crisp morning air cooled her hot cheeks as her horse ran across the meadow that surrounded Wargrave Hall like a grassy moat. Jacques was close behind, their horses very equally matched and equally game. He found that he enjoyed his present view so much that he didn’t want to try to pass her. Her braid flew out behind her like an auburn pennant and she sat her horse erect with infallible balance. He had always thought women who mastered the art of sidesaddle had superior seats to men. It defied logic how they could keep their balance with half the moorings a man had from two stirrups.
Ahead of them was the first of two fences that separated them from the targeted bluff. Her horse showed no signs of balking, but Eleanor swatted him again lightly, wringing an extra burst of speed out of him. Jacques involuntarily held his breath, watching from a pace behind, as her horse took the jump. The beast sailed easily over the five-foot fence and his rider maintained her seat effortlessly. She looked back over her shoulder to smirk triumphantly at Jacques when he landed immediately after. Jacques kicked his horse harder, demanding another knot of speed until the animals ran alongside each other neck and neck. Wind whipped through Jacques’s thick hair, blowing it wildly around his face. He looked over at the woman beside him and grinned.
“I fear I may always be fighting to keep from being a step behind you,” he shouted above the thunder of hoofbeats.
Not just one step!” She laughed back at him. “Sometimes, even two or three. Men are slower beasts, I’m afraid.”
“Perhaps when they are properly disarmed,” Jacques agreed. “The term temptress was surely coined with a woman like you in mind.”
They approached the second fence, both horses running hard, competing with each other. Both again took it with flying ease. Now across the meadow, the horses plunged into the untamed growth of forest that surrounded the base of the bluff. They jumped over logs and weaved between trees as agile as a pair of stags. Jacques found his spirits lifted and his mood lighter than he could remember it. He realized it had been years since he had allowed his horse to run fast and free beneath him, and he wondered why he had stopped indulging in this simple pleasure. As their horses reached the hillside and lunged up it, still vying closely for the lead, it hit Jacques like a bucket of ice water that it had been even longer since he had felt so alive, so virile. He realized, too, that his situation was hopeless. If he allowed this woman to ride out of his life, he would be forever chasing a similar high that would be a counterfeit at best. He knew with a sudden clarity, that if he didn’t seize his opportunity, he would regret it as long as he lived.
Eleanor took the lead by a yard as they crowned the bluff. Her horse carried less weight and had more pent up energy from being cooped up longer in a stall. She let her horse slow down to an easy lope across the top of the ridge and reined him to a stop just before the hill sheared away again on the opposite side. Jacques stopped beside her, grinning broadly, his chest flushed where it peaked from the open collar of his white shirt.
“It appears that I am in your debt,” he acknowledged her win with a half bow from his saddle.
The winded horses snorted and blew on the crest of the bluff, calm for the moment while they caught their breath. The bluff was the highest point within view in any direction. Below, green hillsides rolled away like verdant waves on an endless sea, spilt by valleys and accentuated by untamed patches of forest. In the meadows nearest Wargrave Hall, horses grazed idly and cattle dotted the gentler areas. Further out, a small herd of red stag browsed along the edge of the treeline near a ravine as they returned to the safety of the forest to bed down for the day. The view stretched away for miles in all directions without a man-made structure in sight, save for the monstrous Hall and its surrounding outbuildings.
“Picturesque, is it not?” Jacques asked with obvious pride of his property.
“Is all this yours?” Eleanor asked of the countryside.
“Everything within view and much more beyond,” Jacques answered, waving his arm in an encompassing gesture. He looked at her sideways and smirked, “Impressed?”
“By the man or the view?” she teased. “The view is very fine, but I’ve yet to make a final determination on the man.”
“It sounds like you are judge and jury. I worry that you may think yourself executioner too!” he laughed fondly, enjoying himself. “Am I to have no voice in this?”
“It is probably best if you do not.” She nodded with mock seriousness. “Men are ill-equipped to make weighty decisions of the heart. Especially when said man presumes to deny the wishes of his own.” She looked at him knowingly and returned to the topic of the beauty before them. “My family’s property is nearly as large, but I admit yours is more beautiful. It has a wildness about it that mine does not,” she replied genuinely, then teased him back. “But my main concern is alleviated. I was worried that a mere knight would not have enough property to get a decent ride in on.”
“You speak as if things are already decided between us.” Jacques looked at her, intending to display offense but his disobedient features reflected only intrigue. “I’ve not made you an offer, Miss Winchester.”
“Not yet, that’s true. Perhaps my confidence is entirely misplaced.” She let out a disingenuous sigh. “My father tells me that if you are ever in want of a wife again, you will know full well that you can never do better. He says that my only downfall will be if you have resolved to live out your days as a bachelor.” She looked at him directly, piercing into his heart with those luminous eyes. “What he did not say but that I know to be true, is that you are a man who would prefer the consistent company of a woman. That your druthers would be to have a woman in your bed every night – a woman who belongs to you – as opposed to an assortment of inconsistent mistresses.”
“By god girl, you don’t mince words!” Jacques huffed indignantly, both at her directness and her accuracy. “And outside of your father’s wise council, just how do you come by your more salacious intelligence?”
“Just as you’ve no doubt inquired about me, I have conducted my own investigation. Women speak rather freely about such matters when they’re amongst themselves.” She smiled at the way he shifted uncomfortably in his saddle. It was endearing that he was so concerned about keeping her good opinion of him.
Jacques chewed his lip for a moment, thinking. It was a new experience for him to feel both like the hunter and hopelessly caught in an inescapable snare at once. It was both exhilarating and uncomfortable, but undeniably unmatched. He decided to meet her bluntness with his own. For the moment at least. “I’m much older than you. I’m fast becoming a grouchy old bastard. I’m not in want of more heirs. I’m embroiled in a host of unsavory rumors that have followed me for years. They would enshroud any woman I took for a wife.”
“Those sound precisely like the sort of problems a vibrant young wife could solve,” she replied easily. She touched the reins to her horse’s neck, bringing his head back around to face the Hall in preparation to return. “But if you do not share my interest…”
Jacques leaned down from his saddle and snatched her horse’s reins near the bit, stopping the animal. “Of all the shrewd assumptions you’ve made about me, it’d be a shame for your logic to go array now.” His face was near hers in this position, bending over his horse’s neck to grip her reins. “I want to know for certain that this is the path you wish to follow before we start down it beyond the point of no return. I have two sons who are more eligible than I and less marred by scandal. Are you sure that instead of the pups, you want to contend with the wolf?”
“Don’t demean me by insinuating that I don’t know my own heart, Sir Jacques.” She yanked her rein out of his hands, making her horse jerk his head in annoyance. “Although, in truth, I grow tired of being the pursuer. I have given you a fine serve. Now, I await your riposte.” Her eyes held a challenge more than her words, looking fixedly into his. “You are rumored to be a great soldier. Such a man knows how to wage a fine offense on the battleground of hearts. I would like to see it. A lady deserves as much.”
Jacques grinned wickedly and straightened in his saddle. He pointed down to a stand of trees below the bluff they straddled, nestled in between two hills. He made certain Eleanor followed his arm, her eyes sighted upon his mark. His voice was dangerously low when he told her, “How rude of me, Miss Winchester. I have been remiss in my duty as a suitor even before I knew I had assumed the role. Do you think you can beat me in another race? I hope that you can, because if I catch you before we reach those trees, the consequences for you will be dire.”
Before she could retort, Jacques smacked the ends of his reins down harshly on her horse’s rump. Her horse jumped away from the whip and lunged into a full gallop down the bluff. A less-skilled rider would have been hurled off over his hindquarters from the unexpected start. Her horse shot down the hillside with Jacques on her heels. The downward slope of the bluff was steep, the ground damp and loose. Their horses sat back on their haunches to keep from tumbling over forward, sliding down as much as galloping. The two horses reached the bottom with grunts of displeasure. Eleanor tapped her horse with her crop, sending the animal flying across the gently rolling meadow that sprawled out before them. Jacques ran close behind, the snorted breaths of his horse sounding as loud as a locomotive behind her. She aimed for the grove of trees Jacques had pointed out; it was thicker than it had looked from above.
The meadow sloped easily downward to a ravine, shrouded by trees. They ran inside, immediately surrounded by luscious greens and sensual pinks inside the blooming trees. With every galloping stride of their horses, the scenery grew more and more beautiful. Eleanor looked around her at the beauty quickly flashing by. She was so distracted that she nearly ran her horse headlong into a small pond. Yanking on her reins and sitting back in the saddle, she reined her horse into a sliding stop at the water’s edge. Jacques was immediately behind, but his horse was slower to stop and it plowed into the pond up to its knees, splashing both horse and rider. His horse snorted indignantly but Jacques only laughed.
They stood in a secluded glade, as cloistered and beautiful as a fairy glen. It was small, the size of a moderate sitting room, shaded and lightly wooded, and the grass their horses pawed was as luscious as a manicured lawn. Sunlight streamed down through patches in the canopy of trees above them, mottling the emerald grass with pale spots of peridot. The water rippled from the disturbance caused by Jacques’s horse, its crystal-clear surface shimmering with diamonds of sunlight. The water was so clear that the light and reflection of nearby trees were the only barrier preventing a view of the bottom of its depths. The remnants of an ancient rock wall crumbled down the water’s edge. Moss clung to the rock wall, snaking through every crevasse and creeping over most of its surface. It looked medieval. Birdsong rang through the trees in a natural symphony, unbothered by the human presence.
Eleanor looked around the beatific clearing, enclosed on all sides by thick forest. Jacques gazed upon her instead of the view. He smiled broadly, knowing by her expression that he had done well.
“I’m glad you like it,” he told her softly. “This is my favorite place on these grounds. I ride here often to find peace, although not as often as I once did.”
“It’s beautiful, Jacques,” she affirmed, still appreciating their surroundings.
“I’ve never shared this place with anyone,” he said more quietly but with more conviction.
Eleanor’s head jerked around, her eyes shot to his almost aggressively. “What about your wife? I don’t want to be lied to in the course of you trying to romance me.”
“It’s no lie.” He placed his right hand over his heart as he nudged his horse closer alongside hers until their knees touched. “She did not enjoy riding, nor much out of doors. There are no roads here, so she never accompanied me. I am afraid that I can offer a woman few firsts with me, but this is something I have now shared with you alone.”
She beamed at him, but she could think of nothing either suitably romantic or coy to say, so she only smiled and then further admired the beauty surrounding them. Sunlight danced on the pristine water, and she saw it was fed by a narrow brook that flowed between the hillsides, keeping the water clear and pure. Jacques stepped down from his horse and looped his reins over the branch of a tree. He walked to the side of Eleanor’s horse and offered her his hand to dismount, which she happily took. Jacques took the liberty of grabbing her waist as she hopped lightly down from her mount. He tied her horse beside his and led her to the medieval wall.
The wall remnants were only waist high on Eleanor and ran into the pond, a dead end to whatever pasture it had enclosed centuries ago. Jacques directed her to lean against its mossy rocks. She expected him to sit beside her but instead, he dropped to take a knee before her. Her heart jumped at the thought of a proposal, but he made none and unexpectedly took her right boot in his hand.
“What on earth are you doing?” she asked with a small measure of alarm, pulling her boot away.
“Do you not want to see what I enjoy doing most here, in my favorite place?” Jacques looked up at her from his kneeling position. Although, he didn’t have to raise his eyes far – kneeling, his face was level with her bodice. He took her boot again.
“What do you intend to do from that position?” She tried to sound imperious.
“The mind reels with possibilities,” he replied hungrily.
“You know very well a lady cannot do such things before marriage,” she huffed with annoyance, yet she was secretly enticed to let this handsome man do absolutely anything he wanted to her.
“What things might those be?” Jacques smirked. His large hand crept up the back of her calf, moving slowly as he would with a startled horse. “I haven’t told you what I want to do with you today.”
“You’ve given me quite a clear idea.” She tried to pull her boot away again, but he held it firm this time, his grip like iron.
“Do you not trust me?” His hand slid higher up to the back of her thigh just above her knee, stroking her there through the silk of her stocking. “What an irresponsible young lady you are to put yourself in the hands of a scoundrel like me. Out here, with no one to rescue you.”
“You’ve never given me a reason to distrust you,” her voice was firm, but her pulse thundered in her ears. There was nothing she could do to fend off such a big, powerful man. And she wasn’t sure if she wanted to. A disturbingly large part of her wanted him to continue despite her protests, to rip her clothes off entirely, and ravage her right then and there.
“What makes you think I’ll give you a reason to distrust me now?” Jacques’s grin took on a wicked edge. He saw clearly the effect he had on her and it spurred him on. She was as excited as she was afraid, and Jacques let that simmer inside her until her chest was beautifully flushed and her leg quivered in his hands. Finally, with his free hand, he unlaced her boot and pulled it off. Using the hand at the back of her thigh, he trailed it slightly higher until he found the top of her stocking. With tantalizing slowness, he rolled it down her leg and pulled it off entirely. He was pleased to see the way she held her breath but didn’t pull away. He could go much further now if he wanted, but he released her bare foot. Eleanor looked almost disappointed when he took her other foot and repeated the process of removing her boot and stocking.
Looking at her dainty feet and the muddy hem of her dress, Jacques pursed his lips in appreciation. Laughter wrinkled the corners of his amber eyes when he looked up at her. “What a wanton little hussy you are, baring your ankles to any man who bothers to pull your boots off.”
She kicked at him playfully and he caught her around one of her wanton ankles, holding her easily. He pushed up the hem of her dress and kissed her knee. It was the first kiss he had given her, other than greeting her chastely by kissing her hand. It felt like a brand, her flesh burning where his lips touched so gently. Jacques set her boots aside and pushed up from the ground. He took a seat beside her on the low wall and unceremoniously pulled off his own boots and socks.
“I’m very confused,” she said as he rolled his pants up over his muscled calves. “What are you playing at?”
“I’m doing what I often do when I come here.” He took her hand and stood, pulling her up with him.
Stroking her hand with his thumb, Jacques led her to a flat rock that protruded over the pond close below. He sat down and let his legs hang over to dip his feet in the water below, groaning with pleasure. He looked up at her with a smirk, waiting for her to join him. When she sat and dangled her feet in the water, it was so pleasantly cool that she gasped with delight. She looked at him sideways and narrowed her eyes. “Why didn’t you tell me this is what you wanted to do with me?”
“That hardly seemed fun,” he laughed and leaned back on his elbows, his large body sprawling beside her. “I tried to warn you about me. I’m no gentleman at all, Miss Winchester.”
Relaxing, she reclined beside him. She watched birds flitter through the trees overhead and clouds drifting by through the gaps in the branches. Propping himself up on one elbow, Jacques looked down at her. Her impressive bosom was still flushed from their ride and her eyes looked exceptionally crystalline in the dappled sunlight. He felt himself drifting toward her, looming over her body, along with that inexorable pull of arousal welling deep inside him. Before he lost himself in a passion he could not restrain, he took a deep breath to clear his head and rose to his feet. 
“We’d best get back before you are missed, Miss Winchester.” He offered her his hand. “Your father may shoot me if he learns of this.” As an afterthought, he added, “However, I would welcome your company any morning you wish to join me for a ride.”
“Eleanor!” Katrina ambushed her friend the moment she stepped inside her room. “Where have you been? I’ve been looking for you all morning.”
“I felt like going for a ride this morning,” Eleanor said dreamily.
“No, you didn’t!” Katrina accused. “We’ve known each other most of our lives. There’s nothing you feel like doing first thing in the morning unless it involves violence.” She eyed Eleanor critically, seeing the dirt on her dress and her hair that had blown undone. “I hope you haven’t let Sir Jacques get away with more than you should. A lady must hint at the forbidden fruit, or give a man a taste at most. You mustn’t let him take a full bite of the apple.”
“Sadly, no one bit me or so much as tasted me today,” Eleanor quipped and set about unbraiding her hair to brush it back out neatly. “What has you so distressed?”
“I agreed to play Theodore in a game of croquet,” Katrina said fussily. “But now, I realize that will entail him wanting to teach me, and me having to be pleasant. I’m really not in the mood to be pleasant today. It’s too soon for me to be wretched around him. I might frighten him utterly away. You’re so much better at faking these things. Come with me and smile on command when I cannot muster one.”
“I have a better idea,” Eleanor opened the door to her room and gestured for Katrina to follow her. “But I fear it will devastate poor Theodore not to have you all to himself.”
It was still early enough to find the men at breakfast. The Prime Minister was set to depart that day after his morning meal. He was an especially hearty breakfaster and the others accommodated him. It was of little inconvenience to Jacques, who could eat most men and some beasts under the table. They hurried downstairs and with a stroke of luck, encountered Count Pierre as he exited the breakfast room. His eyes were still bloodshot from drinking the night before, but his mood was high. The women both knew that merely inviting the man to play a silly game with them would have no effect, not when there was business to be done.
“Count Pierre, would you be good enough to help Katrina and I settle a debate?” Eleanor asked him with a smile few men could refuse.
“Please tell me it involves the shedding of clothing,” Pierre returned lewdly. Unlike most men who tried to hide such aspects of their personalities, Pierre embraced his nature.
“Theodore insists he’s a better croquet instructor than you or Sir Jacques,” Eleanor let the challenge hang in the air.
“Let me tell both of you ladies something.” Pierre wagged a finger in their faces. “There is no substitute for hard-gained experience. In all matters. Some young buck is not going to give you the same quality of tutelage that an old master can.”
Jacques had emerged from the breakfast room and stood behind his friend, grinning as he listened. His eyes flickered to Eleanor when he added, “But in matters of manipulation and espionage, I find there is no finer teacher than a cunning woman.”
“They can spare the two of us for the length of a game of croquet,” Pierre said to Jacques, nodding toward the room where Count Winchester and the Prime Minister could be heard talking.
Jacques stepped toward Eleanor and offered her his arm and a warm smile. “Is this more of your maneuvering?”
“I would never take credit for such a thing,” she teased. “Unless it’s well received.”
Outside, the sun shone brightly and the weather was warm and welcoming for an outdoor activity. Theodore’s face fell when he saw Katrina approaching him with an entourage that included his father. He stood, leaning on the handle of a mallet near the white wickets he had set up in a pretty elliptical pattern on the lawn. The balls were lined up, too, in a variety of colors.
Jacques leaned close to Eleanor and said quietly, “Let me guess, it’s the mallets that appeal to you?”
“You’re getting smarter by the minute,” she replied.
Jacques grinned. These ladies were grandmasters on the chessboard of romance. But he too could play games and call bluffs. “Since you’ve dragged me out here, I assume you’ll allow me to give you a lesson.”
“I’m not a novice,” Eleanor said as she took a mallet Theodore handed her.
“You’ve already bested me riding,” Jacques continued with amusement. “Is it wise for an aspiring young woman to best a man at every sport? Should she not allow him to impress her?”
“Besides,” Pierre joined in the obvious teasing. “Men are simply far better when it comes to hitting things. Even you cannot argue that point, Miss Winchester.” He flexed a skinny arm to make his point. “We have superior strength and bad tempers. We’re naturals!”
Eleanor laughed, then hefted her mallet, testing its balance. She pointed it at Jacques. “I think I could abuse you quite well with this mallet.”
“Now thatwould be something for you to write about, Pierre,” Jacques laughed. 
“I’ve written so much abuse and flagellation, I’ve done it to death, I’m afraid.” Pierre sighed theatrically. “I’d like to think you’d know that about my publications if you weren’t so discombobulated at present.”
Eleanor and Katrina looked at each other and then at Pierre, each wearing expressions of confusion and embarrassment.
“Of course, this is far too lecherous a topic for upstanding ladies,” Jacques said with heavy sarcasm. “But Pierre is inflicted with the terrible burden of boredom brought on by his obscene wealth. To amused himself, he writes publications of an, ah, amorous nature under the nome de plume William Lazenby.”
Both ladies’ eyes widened. They didn’t want to admit they knew the name well.
“And why does he do it, you ask?” Jacques continued.
“To spread chaos, naturally!” Pierre exclaimed proudly. “It’s my sacred duty to ensure there’s not a limp cock or dry cunt in the land!”
Jacques glared at him, shaking his head. Even on such a topic, he would have modified his words in the company of the fairer sex. Pierre imposed no such restrictions on his behavior. Theodore blushed on behalf of the women, sure they were startled by the crude language and the topic in general. He had heard often about the delicate sensibilities of women. He was surprised to find them looking both intrigued and amused now. He was getting an unintended lesson in courtship from his father and Count Pierre.
“Do these stories all come from your imagination?” Katrina asked.
As they talked, Jacques moved behind Eleanor. He placed his hand over hers on the mallet, adjusting her grip and showing her proper form. Then, he moved her arm in a practice swing, pressing his body against hers from behind and moving his hips in time with hers. He looked pointedly at Theodore, indicating he might consider following suit with Katrina.
“Oh, inspiration comes in many forms,” Pierre said as he watched Jacques. He couldn’t help but foil his friend’s efforts. “I can’t tell you how many stories I have of horny old men tutoring young women in the dance of the bedsheets.”
Eleanor and Katrina laughed. The men’s game was up.
Pierre joined them laughing and added, “Imagine a romantic retelling of a sequestered getaway such as this. Two young, inexperienced ladies, seeking the tutelage from a pair of seasoned old rogues. Maybe the young bucks watching on, also to learn a thing or two.”
At this the women sobered, their demeanors changed to mild distaste. Pierre kicked himself inwardly for pushing too far. Jacques saw the change in the ladies, and jumped in to rescue the mood.
Jacques looked at Eleanor with an appropriately pained expression and said, “I only say this because I think it will appeal to you, Miss Winchester, but know that it pains me. Pierre had a rather prurient experience once during a séance. I’m sure he would love to regale you. I have no doubt it’s the seminal experience that converted him into such a staunch advocate for the occult.”
“Now, you must tell us!” Eleanor said excitedly.
“Even I, veteran that I am,” Pierre began with laughter in his eyes. “I have never before or since seen a woman possessed by such a randy spirit. The braggart forced the poor girl to strip out of her clothing entirely and then proceeded to cause her to writhe in the most obscene ways in front of me. I was utterly baffled as to how to cure her.”
“If I recall,” Jacques said, shaking his head. “You gave her the rod many times over while shouting Hail Mary’s into her ear.”
Everyone laughed at the lewd anecdote. Pierre made a point of reassuring the women, “Don’t let Jacques frighten you away from the occult. That one isolated event aside, I’m good at conducting seances. I’m something of an expert at them by now.” He caught Eleanor’s eye and told her directly, “Convince Jacques to let me host a séance in Wargrave Hall. I can promise you a night you’ll never forget. Don’t worry, Jacques will be there to protect you.”
After the men retired from dinner to plot over cigars and drinks and the ladies walked toward their rooms, Eleanor mused suggestively, “Wouldn’t it be a nice evening to investigate the dead wife’s painting room?”
“It’s not morbid enough that we know she burned up inside it, must we snoop through her things?” Katrina teased sarcastically.
“Can a lady ever really be morbid enough?” Eleanor laughed. “Surely not while there are dark secrets left to unravel.”
“Theodore says Sir Jacques hasn’t set foot inside since she died,” Katrina added as they hurried down the hallway with new purpose, their voices growing less discreet. “He said Jacques forbade him and Black Billy to go in there too, but that he used to sneak in anyway. He said he never saw anything out of sorts though.”
“Sounds like he needs some lessons on the proper use of a spirit board,” Eleanor deadpanned. “Shall we offer to teach him one night? It’d be a nice excuse for you to swoon and let him catch you.”
“I will never stoop so low as to swoon,” Katrina said with mild offense. “Although, maybe with you as the bait, we could draw out the ghost of the dead wife. If she’s after anyone, it would be you.”
“If she’s anywhere, she’d be in her lair, all right,” Eleanor agreed. She didn’t mention the image the green fairy had shown her in the mirror.
The women mounted the staircase and trotted up the stairs to the fourth floor. Once they had passed, William stepped out from the shadows to the banister. He watched their skirts swishing as they hurried the stairs, his teeth bared in a silent snarl of contempt for the nosey, conniving bitches.
They had only vague directions from Theodore as to where the painting room was located on the fourth floor, and a few wrong turns were made while searching for it. When they finally found the purple door at the end of a long hallway, oddly, it was standing open. Inviting.
The room was small and dim, the walls covered in framed paintings and canvases in various stages of completion. This was the first room that had been outfitted with electricity and there was a single electrical switch on the wall. Eleanor flipped the switch and several lights mounted on the walls flickered to life with only mild hesitancy.
A discarded easel sat in one corner, perhaps the one the artist had been working at when she was burned alive. The women looked around the room in stunned silence. The first thing they both noticed was the style of the paintings. Her art was no pastel emulation of Monet, but of macabre subjects, boldly painted. The most preeminent painting on the wall looked to be untouched by the fire. It was in the style of Saturn Devouring His Son by Goya. Instead of Cronus, it was a darkly beautiful woman with a crazed look in her green eyes, holding a male child down on a chopping block as he screamed in agony. She held a meat cleaver high, poised to sever his last remaining limb.
Despite being possessed of dark humor, both women were stunned by the graphic horror depicted so beautifully.
Another painting done in the same style showed the image of a heavily pregnant black-haired woman lying on her back in a birthing position. The angle was from over her shoulder where her lover might stand at such a time. Her head was thrown back in anguish as a black razor-clawed hand tore its way out from inside her swollen belly. Blood and tissue were captured mid-splatter by thick swatches of oil paint and confident brush strokes.
The most darkly painted was a depiction of a bedroom that was nearly black and done in silhouette. Four posts of a canopy bed glinted with scant light and a silhouetted male figure stood beside the bed. The scene itself could have been innocuous, but the execution was deeply ominous. Eleanor thought the man was Sir Jacques. Although no features were defined, save for his nefarious eyes painted as yellow as a candle flame, the silhouette was tall and broad, and the artist captured his commanding bearing. The way the man stood beside the bed in reserved menace led the viewer to think any woman who was the subject of his attention would have no option but to go to him and do his bidding. Impliedly, it would be far from loving.
Perhaps the most disturbing to Eleanor personally was the same slender dark haired woman with fine features standing at what could only be the gates of Hell. Her black dress blew around her long legs from the wildfires of Hell that raged at her back. The flames had already reached the hem of her dress and the tips of her long hair. She held out a hand toward a trio of people standing outside the other gates in a grey landscape. Two young boys and a tall handsome man who was clearly Jacques. One boy was halfway between the man and woman, captured mid-stride as he ran from father to mother. It was unclear if her raised hand was meant to caution her family to stay away, or if she beckoned them to join her in the flames. It obviously must have been painted before her death, and Eleanor shuddered with foreboding.
“Do you think this was her?” Katrina asked of a portrait that had been ravaged by the fire, its paint melted into strange rivulets and clumps, giving it a deeply sinister look.
Eleanor knew at once it was a self-portrait of the woman she had seen in the mirror, even though her features were mostly melted, save for her black hair and one green eye staring out of the canvas. Looking closer, Eleanor saw something that made her skin crawl. She had thought it only scorched paint at first, but a closer inspection revealed that in her self portrait, the late Lady Le Gris had painted a large hand resting on her shoulder. Someone or something was standing behind her in the portrait. But it was not a man’s hand. It was a black sinewy-fingered thing with talons gleaming like knifepoints.
“I’ve heard that some women go mad after having children,” Katrina said in a low, uncomfortable voice. She shrugged off the ominous feeling and strode to study another painting. “Maybe that happened to her.”
Eleanor didn’t have an answer but felt that she was seeing something far more sinister than the unraveling of a mind. She was looking at evil. Pure menacing evil. And a woman trapped by it. Eleanor still looked at the painting, meeting the single remaining green eye staring out of the canvas. The black clawed hand resting on her shoulder exerted control over the women even in its painted form. Eleanor stared at it. The black fingers twitched.
Before Eleanor could scream or even react, an explosion of light burst near her head and pieces of glass stung her cheek. The light nearest her had exploded. The remaining lights flickered, then went bright white and all exploded in unison, spraying glass throughout the room like shrapnel from grenades. Fire erupted from the first light that had blown with the strength of dragon’s breath, shooting so high it licked across the ceiling. One after another, the blown lights vomited flames up the walls and across the ceiling. The single green eye in the melted painting seemed to look out at Eleanor, shining and vivid. The black hand was gone.
Fire reached the first painting, consuming it almost instantly into a hellish immolation that spat sparks of searing paint like oil from a cooking pan. Katrina was much closer to the door, and she ran for it, shouting for Eleanor. Despite the ravening flames around her, Eleanor felt a gust of cold air surround her. She jumped into a run, only a few paces behind Katrina.
Katrina reached the door and escaped back into the hallway. But just as she slipped past the door, it crashed closed behind her.
Had Eleanor been a step faster, she still wouldn’t have made her escape, but she may have had her nose broken or been knocked unconscious when the door slammed shut in her face. Eleanor tried the knob, but it wouldn’t turn. The metal was as hot as a branding iron, leaving welts on her palm when she yanked her hand away. The door was locked fast and immobile. She was trapped inside with the flames closing in upon her. But the cold intensified, surrounding her inside the inferno.
Death by fire was much colder than she thought it would be.
On the other side, Katrina tried the door in a panic, but she couldn’t budge it. She pounded her fists in frustration a few times before accepting the futility of it. She fought the hysteria from her voice when she yelled through the wood, “Hold on! I’ll get help!” She sprinted away as fast as her long legs would carry her, searching for someone, anyone to help free her friend.
Katrina raced through hallways that were the most vacant she had ever seen them. It seemed help was always hardest to find when it was needed most. She flew down two flights of stairs, then finally down the main staircase and as she whipped around the dragon at the bottom of the banister, she collided with Theodore, so hard that she knocked him fully down onto his back. He looked up at her, immediately infected with the fear in her wide eyes.
“The painting room is on fire! Eleanor’s trapped inside!” she shouted at him as she vaulted over his prostrate form without slowing. “Get up and help her!”
Katrina ran on, she knew that the man who was most able and motivated to help her friend was Sir Jacques. Her lungs burned and her slippered feet slipped on the marble floors as she flew around corners. She burst through the closed doors to the smoking room and found the men inside amidst the strong odor of cigar smoke and cognac. Jacques shot to his feet, a cigar clamped between his teeth and smoke coiling from his nostrils. The men all sprang into action when she relayed her message.
Jacques looked particularly stricken as he charged from the room without even bothering to spit out his cigar. Jacques was a fast runner, but he had never sprinted faster than he did now, pushing his long stride to its limit. He lunged up the stairs three at a time and skidded around the corner into the hallway leading to the painting room. He sprinted down it like a madman. At the end of the hallway ahead of him, the door to the studio was closed. The doorway glowed ominous orange from the flames inside, looking like the gateway to hell. William and Theodore fought the door, alternating between trying to pull it open and shouldering into it to try to break it down. Jacques slid to a stop on the marble floor and grabbed both of his sons by the backs of their collars, he yanked them both back roughly with such force as to wrench them each bodily off the floor and send them flying backwards.
“The door opens out, you fools!” he roared. “You’ll never break it in against its hinges!” He pounded twice very hard on the door and shouted through it, “Eleanor! Drop to the floor. The air will stay freshest there.”
Backing a pace from the door, Jacques squared his shoulders and kicked the door dead center. The door shuddered on its hinges, but held firm. However, Jacques had no intention of kicking it down. He intended to kick through it. He kicked it again, savagely, and a crack appeared in the center of the door. Growling with effort, he kicked again and again until his foot broke through. Instantly, he felt the heat on the other side through his shoe, and it spurred him on. He frantically tore at the broken opening to widen it, then kicked out more of the splintered wood. It took precious seconds, but he finally kicked and tore an opening large enough to squeeze his huge body through.
“Eleanor!” he shouted into the flaming room. His voice was instantly hoarse from smoke and his eyes burned. He could feel the stinging heat on his face as wet tears leaked from his eyes. The room swirled with black smoke and licking flames, hiding every other detail within its infernal curtain.
He heard a tiny groan and staggered toward the sound. Through teary eyes, he saw her figure lying on the floor. She feebly tried to crawl toward him, coughing out smoke, and he ran to her as flames reared around him. Jacques pulled the lapel of his jacket in front of his face to shield him from the flames. He dropped to a knee beside Eleanor, pulled her into his arms, and lifted her as easily as a child when he shoved back to his feet. He tucked her face inside his coat and ran with her back to the door. The hole he had broken open was too small to admit both of them, so he handed her through first to Theodore as his head throbbed from the lack of oxygen.
Jacques glanced back at the inferno raging inside the painting room. He inhaled sharply in shock, throwing himself into a fit of coughing. Standing in the flames, clear as day, was the unmistakable figure of his late wife, her features as beautifully serene as he remembered, despite the blaze. In the portion of a second he spared to watch her, her once-lovely features began to sizzle and burn like bacon in a frying pan, sloughing away from her bones in red peels the way a candle melts. It brought back the horror of finding her fire-ravaged remains in this very room as fresh as a new bleeding wound.
In a panic born from more than just the flames, Jacques fought his way back through the splintered door. Back in the hallway, he wanted to sag against the wall and fill his lungs with fresh air. His sons were both there, as were Kristina and Count Winchester. Each wore a look of fright and concern. Jacques took Eleanor from Theodore and cradled her head in his arm – he would trust her safety to no one else. Soot was smeared across her pale skin, and there were ugly burns on the backs of her hands and her forearms from where she had hid her face behind them, but her eyes were clear and lucid when they met his.
Emotion spurred him to crash his lips to hers. It was not his finest kiss by far, given with bruising force and tasting of smoke and desperation. But it was the most grateful kiss he had ever bestowed, and he realized he never wanted to let her out of his arms again. He wasn’t bothered to explain himself when everyone looked at him with surprise, save for William, who watched sourly. Jacques should have felt embarrassed for kissing Count Winchester’s daughter right in front of him, but he felt nothing but relief and gratitude. Without a word, Jacques carried her down the hallway, holding her close, keeping her safe inside his arms.
Jacques, his sons, several servants, and every guest in Wargrave Hall lingered late in Jacques’s study. Jacques had washed his face and hands, and Eleanor had bathed and changed out of her charred clothing, but she had returned to join them. No one wanted to be alone that night, it seemed. Their discussions were a flurry of conjecture as to how the fire must have started. It was clear to the men that it had to be an electrical fire. Jacques was not impressed by the new installation of electrical wiring in the Hall and heatedly aired his grievances.
Though Eleanor and Kristina exchanged many looks, they didn’t muster the nerve to share what they had seen and felt inside the room before the flames erupted. It would profit nothing for everyone to think them mad. They had an unspoken understanding to try to unravel the mystery themselves, no matter how dark and twisted that lefthand path became. Likewise, neither Jacques nor anyone else familiar with the tragedy of his late wife mentioned it, but it weighed on all their minds just how close Eleanor had come to meeting the same fate. Jacques replayed the apparition he had seen in the flames over and over in his mind. He had seen mirages before out in the desert, they had that same wavering, otherworldly look to them. He decided that’s all it was, a mirage. A trick of his oxygen deprived brain and the searing heat waves.
Jacques was unable to sit, unable to remain still, and found it difficult even to confine his pacing to just one room. But he hovered near Eleanor where she sat at the end of a couch. He paced behind the couch and beside it, as near to her as a loyal hound. He wanted, needed, to take his aggression out on something before it boiled over onto an innocent bystander. Had he not instinctively wanted to keep his vigil over Eleanor, he would have raged through his halls until he found something suitable to punch or crush in his hands.
Most of the attention was given to Eleanor, fussing over her condition. Although she was perfectly fine and didn’t particularly enjoy that sort of attention. She did, however, like it very much when Jacques laid his hand possessively on her shoulder, squeezed her reassuringly, and lingered near her.
“It had to be an electrical fire,” Jacques grumbled for the fourth or fifth time. His throat felt as though he had tried his hand at sword swallowing, and his voice was coarse as sandpaper. “Damned, infernal electricity! I’ve been against it since day one! It’s no different from stealing fire from the gods and thinking there will be no consequences.”
“I don’t think lights explode like that just from electricity gone array,” Eleanor said cautiously. She knew it was the wrong time to challenge Jacques outright, nor to tell him all of what she had experienced inside the room. But she could nudge him. “And it felt cold inside. There was no reason for it to feel cold. I think the cold is what kept me from burning alive.”
“You’ve earned my good opinion faster than any woman I have ever known,” Jacques told her harshly. “Do not undermine it all now with absurd talk of the supernatural.”
“I didn’t mention anything supernatural at all,” she returned. “Perhaps that’s where your own mind wants to go.”
“Fucking absurd!” Jacques growled, more to himself than to anyone else. He thoroughly wanted to hit someone now. He both respected and resented her for being right.
“I’ve heard that before one succumbs to hypothermia, they feel overheated. Men have stripped down to nothing in the dead of winter before they die of cold,” Count Winchester pondered. Like Sir Jacques, he was a deep skeptic of anything that could not be scientifically analyzed and rationally explained. “Do you suppose it’s the same with burning? I’ve heard from a man who was tortured with a red-hot iron poker that it felt like an ice cube was being traced over his body, a trick of the mind from such intense heat and pain and burning nerve endings.”
“It stands up to reason far better than talk of ghosts,” Jacques spat the final word, shaking his head as he looked at Eleanor, making her feel foolish for offering anything. It wasn’t worth ruining the progress she had made with him.
“I cannot abide intelligent men being so willfully stupid!” Count Pierre exclaimed. He was one of the few men who had the clout and the gall to accuse the others of willful stupidity. “Miss Winchester did not even sustain any severe burns. A miracle in itself! She should have burned to a crisp! But it negates your argument that she was suffering so intensely that her mind was tricked into phantom sensations. You have an actual phantom on your hands, Jacques old boy. No so-called rational explanation satisfies all our questions. I’d bet on a lady ghost at that. Doesn’t this have all the flavor of a jealous woman about it?”
Jacques glared at his best friend, his temper smoldering.
“You’re wrong, father,” Theodore joined the conversation loudly. “Listen to Count Pierre! And to Eleanor, for Christ sakes! You’re pigheaded and refuse to see anything that doesn’t fit with your theory.”
“An electrical fire fits the facts better than anything else,” Jacques tried to keep his voice calm. He didn’t succeed. “If there are ghosts here, let them come out and set us all on fire right now.” He stood tall and held his arms out wide, inviting a challenge from any being, living or dead. “Come out, you dead bastards! Strike me down, cowards!”
Jacques’s aggression provoked Theodore, who had been bothered more deeply by the events than anyone aside from Eleanor. He jumped to his feet and shouted at Jacques, “What about mother? Was it an electrical fire that killed her too? Before there was even electricity in that room? You don’t want to think that it could be something you can’t punch unconscious, so it has to be bad wiring.” He stepped close to Jacques, too close. “If anyone is being a coward, it’s you! You’re afraid of something you can’t see and challenge to a duel. You’re afraid you won’t be able to save Eleanor like you couldn’t save mother!”
Instinct overtook Jacques and without a conscious thought, his fist was flying through the air of its own accord. Jacques slammed his right fist into Theodore’s nose, knocking his son bodily off his feet onto his back. The punch was thrown with only moderate force, not a devastating punch he could have dealt, but it was enough to knock Theordore to the brink of consciousness and cause blood to pour from his nose.
With a yelp, Katrina jumped from the couch and rushed to Theodore’s side, glaring up viciously at Jacques. In spite and retribution she looked at Jacques and told Eleanor, “This could well be you. You can do better than a man who can’t restrain his temper even with his family.”
Eleanor and Count Winchester looked on with surprise, and Pierre sighed at his friend’s faux pas. Black Billy crossed his arms over his chest haughtily and grinned. Jacques straightened and took a deep breath in an attempt to compose himself. He ran a shaking hand through his unruly hair and surveyed the room. There was nothing he could do to repair the situation at present and no point in trying to continue the evening reasonably. Instead, he chose not to say a word. He strode to where Eleanor sat on the couch, looking up at him with wide, surprised eyes. He was grateful he didn’t see fear in them, or worse, contempt. He bent enough to seize her hand, yanked it to his lips and kissed it rather roughly. There was no comfort or tenderness, but still, he forced himself to make an overture of some kind before storming away, silently telling her that he was still enamored of her. Even if he wanted to kill something with his bare hands.
Late that night when the hour was at its blackest, Jacques lay wide awake in his bed. A bed he had recently decided was too big and too cold for him to occupy alone, as he all too often did. Images from the harrowing events of the evening raced through his mind, worse now with nothing else to stimulate his thoughts. Katrina’s terrified face as she screamed for his help. His sons strained ineffectively at the door. Eleanor curled on the floor with flames roaring around her like hungry lions. The pain and dread in her sparkling eyes at her imminent death twisted his guts, but the look of hope and trust that overtook her when she saw him was also emblazoned on his memory. Emotions warred inside him, ranging from fear to relief to lust to hope, but most of all was anger. Anger boiled inside him, making his muscles taught and his pulse thunder. Anger at harm coming to the lovely young woman in his care. Anger at having no accounting as to why. And black, roiling anger at himself for being unable to prevent it.
Unable to maintain even a pretense of rest, he threw the blankets aside and shoved out of bed. Jacques slept in the nude and the feeling of the cool night air on his heated skin was invigorating after the tangle of sheets. He thought about walking outside to the pond on his grounds and plunging into the cold water for a swim. Although it had been some time since he had indulged in a late night swim, it was something he enjoyed immensely.
But that would resolve nothing.
He lit a gas lamp, pulled on a dressing gown, stepped into slippers, and left his room to expend some energy pacing his halls. He had no plan, nowhere in particular he was headed, but his feet led him along the familiar route to his study. He sank down into his chair, clamped a cigar between his teeth, and poured himself a whiskey, wishing instead it was one of the Old Fashioneds that Mr. Graham made to perfection. Yesterday’s unread copy of the Manchester Guardian sat in the center of his desk. Jacques had it delivered daily by courier. It might serve to distract him if nothing else. He looked around, thinking it would be easier to read with more light.
The gas lamp flickered on his desktop where he had set it, but his study was one of the rooms that had been converted to electricity. Theodore had bought him a fine electric reading lamp to christen the newly electrified room. It had a stained glass lampshade made to look like sunlight shining through trees, and Jacques hated to admit how much he liked it. He had used the little reading lamp daily in the past few months. He glared at it now, as if the electric lamp was in league with the nefarious electric currents that had almost killed Eleanor.
Inhaling deeply from his cigar, Jacques shifted it to the other side of his mouth and stared at the lamp. He leaned forward to study it more closely. He had never examined the workings of these new-fangled electric devices. It all still seemed like a kind of witchcraft to him. He blew a puff of smoke out around his cigar, making it bob on his lip. He traced his thick fingers along the cord where it attached to the lamp, turning the lamp upside down to get a better view. Something about the cord didn’t look correct, but he had never looked at it closely enough to pinpoint what bothered him. The length of the cord was coated in black, except where it attached to the lamp, which was only a bundle of copper wires. It looked as though the cord had been eaten at by rats, or molested by some other animal.
Motivated by curiosity more than anything else, Jacques tipped the lamp over on his table and fiddled with the injured looking cord. It still seemed to be attached, so he decided it was probably nothing. Jacques righted the lamp and took the cigar from his mouth to blow a few contemplative smoke rings. Returning the cigar to his lips, he rested his hand on the lamp’s base and pulled the little cord inside the shade to turn on the lamp.
The lightbulb exploded from an electrical surge with a pop and shocked Jacques’s hand where it touched the metal base. Sparks jumped out of the frayed cord at the base of the lamp, just enough to catch the corner of the dry newspaper aflame. Jacques jerked his hand back with a pained grunt and jumped back in his chair. Ash from his cigar fell onto his bare chest where it was exposed from his dressing gown. The newspaper burned quickly, the flames growing tall on his desktop. Jacques shot to his feet and beat them out before they got out of hand, cursing vehemently with every swat of his palms.
It was not a serious fire, but certainly enough to startle him. And he was a man used to gunfire and canon bursting around him in battle. It made him think how easily the ladies could have overreacted to the electrical fire in the painting room. Especially Eleanor being trapped inside it. She was rightfully terrified. It made more sense to him now, despite having no explanation for the door being locked from the inside. As Jacques stood leaning over his smoking desktop, the door to his study flung open. He was startled afresh to see Eleanor standing there, her chest flushed beneath her own dressing gown, and her long hair free of its pins and braids, cascading down over her breasts.
“Are you hurt?” she asked awkwardly, walking timidly into the room. “I couldn’t sleep, not after the day I had. I tend to wander when I can’t sleep. I heard you grunting and cursing in here.”
“We’re similarly afflicted.” Jacques looked down at his body, ensuring his robe hadn’t come undone during his recent calisthenics. There was no need to frighten the poor girl even more in one day. He tightened the sash of his robe and brushed some ash off his chest. He was still fuming from the lamp that now lay toppled over on his desk. As she approached his desk, he answered her unasked question gruffly, “The damned lightbulb exploded in my lamp and caught the newspaper on fire.”
As he said it, he looked up at her, worried another event with fire so soon might send her into an emotional tailspin. Women’s emotions were even more volatile than electricity. She indeed did look concerned, but then he noticed her attention was on his hands. They were blacked from the ash of the newspaper and singed mildly, but not injured. She gently took his huge hands in her dainty ones and inspected them herself to her satisfaction. Her touch was cool and silken soft on his callused hands.
“Do you think this was an accident too?” she asked, looking up at him. She didn’t mention again that she knew in her heart that the previous fire was not. “Two electrical fires in one night?”
Jacques quickly replayed the events over in his mind, allowing himself to delve to the very furthest reaches of his imagination out of courtesy for her. He recalled the image of his first wife in the flames and the feeling that accompanied it. No similar emotions had accompanied the mishap just now in his study. Now, all he wanted was to comfort her and not risk offending her again, so he restricted his reply to the present incident. “Nothing otherworldly had a hand in this. It was nothing more than an accident.”
Jacques glared at the lamp on his desk and his anger burned hotter. He grabbed the stained glass reading lamp he loved and viciously ripped the cord out of the wall. Then, for good measure, he ripped the cord out of the lamp base. He sat the lamp back down in its rightful place, intact save for its missing cord. “To hell with this blasted electricity. I can enjoy it just as well without.”
“Are you going to rip the electrical wiring out of the entire house?” she teased lightly.
“I just might.” He grinned and took her hand. “I think we’re both in need of some fresh air. Will you join me in the moonlight?”
She smiled prettily and squeezed his hand in agreement. Jacques led her through the darkened halls, aware of a somber feeling inside his home, the way a forest grows silent when a hunter fells a stag. He hadn’t noticed before that her feet were bare, so he modified his plan to accommodate her. Instead of taking her outside to the garden, he led her to a veranda that overlooked a fountain in which marble nymphs splashed an unruly satyr. Moonlight danced on the water like diamonds and the night air was just cool enough to be a pleasant reprieve from summer’s heat.
Eleanor felt the tension leaving her body as soon as she stepped outside. It must be the combination of the beautiful setting, the calming moonlight, and the best possible company. She leaned back against the outer wall of the Hall, still holding Jacques’s hand. He did the same and leaned his back against the wall beside her. He let out an indulgent groan, as if all the strife from the day was finally leaving his body.
The simple act of Jacques holding her hand in his rough paw imbued so much safety and calm into her, that she felt as though she could fall asleep right there at his side. She longed to have his arms around her fully, to feel the full measure of his strong embrace. She wondered what it would be like to have his arms at her beck and call, to command them to embrace her at her whim. They reveled in the comfort of each other under the soothing moonlight for a long while. Eleanor wondered if he had dozed off but when she looked at him, his jaw was clenched tightly, at odds with his relaxed posture.
“Penny for your thoughts?” she asked dreamily.
“I’m thinking that I should talk to your father.” He chewed his lip as he spoke, his voice hoarse from smoke.
“Whatever for?” she teased.
“You know full well.” He shook his head ruefully. “To admit defeat.”
“Regardless of my father’s position on the matter, you will still have to ask me properly,” she told him seriously.
“I thought since you’d decided things for me, that we’d dispensed with such formalities,” he laughed, lacing his fingers through hers. The shy strands of silver in his ebony hair caught the moonlight, sparkling when he moved.
“Don’t be a fool,” she scoffed, turning to look at him squarely. “You will never be dispensed with formalities such as romance so long as you are with me.”
“I am not prone to speeches or flowery words, darling.” He used the endearment for the first time strategically. It had the effect he intended when she blushed and smiled. “Shall I tell you that I have never felt so tormented? That I have never known such suffering until you walked into my life, aptly wearing devil horns?”
“That’s slightly better.” She leaned in toward him, wondering if she should kiss him, but she wanted him to take that lead.
“I know I will suffer greatly if I marry you.” He grinned at her, his warm amber eyes glinting in the dappled moonlight. “But perhaps that suffering will be less than if I do not.”
“One should always choose the path of lesser suffering,” she laughed, elated.
He swallowed thickly and chewed his lip. She was making him nervous, Eleanor realized as he looked down with uncharacteristic shyness. Without giving himself time to second guess, he pushed away from the wall and dropped to a knee in front of her. The proposal to his first wife had been more of an acknowledgement and had been done in writing. He wanted this one to be far better, for it to be real. The beaming smile that bloomed on her lips gave him all the nerve he needed.
“If I didn’t know it before tonight, I know now that I would rather face death than a life without you. I can count the times in my life I have known fear, and they are few. None has been so poignant as seeing you trapped in that flaming room.” His voice was still thick and hoarse from the smoke, catching in his throat. “I’ve never felt anything as strong as what I feel for you. Nothing I’ve ever felt before has had the power to devastate me, to undo me utterly. I am unsure if I have been the hunter or the prey in all this, but you have captured my heart regardless. I love you as I have loved no other. My heart now beats for you alone. Will you have it and me?”
“I may have loved you from our first dance, but after tonight I can have no doubts on the matter.” She smiled and ran her hand through his hair. “I can’t wait to be your wife.”
With startling suddenness, Jacques surged to his feet. He captured her in his arms and lifted her high off the ground, twirling with her excitedly and grinning like a madman. Her neck was level with his nose and he kissed it aggressively, teasing her skin with his teeth until he must surely leave a mark there for all to see. Returning her to the ground, he pushed her back against the stone wall and planted his huge palms on either side of her head, caging her inside his arms. He pressed his body against her, pinning her to the wall. He gazed down at her, triumphantly – the look of a man who had just won a battle or toppled a regime. Lust bled into his features, softening his lips until they parted and intensifying his eyes until they seemed to look into her soul. It was the first time she had felt the insistent hardness of a man, and it was much larger than she had ever assumed it would be. In contrast to that hardness, he stroked her cheek with his fingertips and his touch was full of nothing but tenderness. Slowly he brought his lips to hers and gave her her first real kiss. His lips were plush, his mouth hot, and his tongue caressing when it slipped against hers. Her arms flew around his neck, her hands tangled in his hair, and she moaned at the rush of sensations. He kissed her indulgently, savoring the taste and feel of her and every sweet noise she made. But nothing compared to the feeling of her soft welcoming body against his. He was desperate to meet her soft willingness with all of his hard insistence. His eyes were half-lidded when he finally drew back and he wore a drunken sort of grin.
“I have a demand of you as my future wife,” he said in a voice as smoky as the room that had almost claimed her life. “I will not wait until spring to have you. I want you now. You may choose an autumn or winter wedding, but I will wait no longer.”
“You are lucky, Sir Jacques, that autumn is my favorite season and that October is when I feel most alive.” She pulled him down into another kiss that was more aggressive than skilled.
“The season of the witch? Fitting.” He smiled fondly. “It’s no wonder you have bewitched me so effortlessly.”
The morning Sir Jacques’s guests were set to depart, they were all gathered for breakfast. The mood was lively and high, befitting the engagement between Jacques and Eleanor. It was as though the fire and strange events surrounding it had already faded into the distant past, the horror and fear replaced by happiness and hope. Besides not wanting to dwell on dark matters, there was much to plan in a very short time. August was nearing its end and the couple had decreed they would be married by mid-October. Sir Jacques had been in particularly high spirits, laughing easily and grinning broadly – like an idiot, according to Count Pierre.
When breakfast concluded, Sir Jacques stood from the head of the table and stopped them from adjourning. Standing tall and affecting a commanding air, he asked Count Winchester openly in front of the full company, “May I steal your daughter for an hour or so before I’m forced to part with her until our wedding?”
“I’d hate to see you break off your engagement with her because you get to know her too well before the manacles are fastened,” Count Winchester joked, but gave Jacques a look of warning. “But I suppose an hour won’t be the death of anyone.”
Jacques offered Eleanor his hand, the entire exchange making her blush furiously. He tucked her hand in the crook of her arm and led her through the Hall, walking with purpose, and out through a back entrance into the gardens. It was a beautiful midsummer morning with the rose bushes in full bloom in a cacophony of reds and pinks and the air filled with birdsong. Walking through such beauty, one could never account for the darkness Eleanor had seen and felt inside the stone walls behind her. She wondered if Jacques intended to kiss her, or more; to get something of substance from her to tide him over until they were wed. She was surprised when he didn’t linger to enjoy the garden and instead took her on a narrow path that sidestepped the hedges and flower bushes.
“Where are you taking me?” she asked curiously. The dirt path led them into trees that were unmanicured and part of the natural growth of the countryside. She was not opposed to traipsing around in the forest, but the shoes she wore were not correct for such a venture, nor for keeping pace with a fit man who stood a head taller than she.
“Something I should have shown you before all the fears of late were allowed to run rampant.” He gave her a reassuring smile.
They came to the rise of a gentle hillside and the trees thinned. Now, she could see their destination on the hilltop above them, backlit by sunlight. It was not a place in which she wanted to spend her last hour with Sir Jacques.
The Le Gris family crypt was built on top of a hill near the Hall. It was stormy grey marble, its front edifice tall and imposing. Twin dragons were seated on each side of the front face at the base of tall pillars, baring their razor teeth in a snarl to ward off enemies. Jacques let her breathe for a moment and study them before leading her inside. He struck a match to light a large torch mounted on a wall sconce just inside. Firelight danced over his features, accentuating their angles and casting a harsh and even satanic edge to his prominent nose, arched eyebrows, and eyes that gleamed like embers.
The marble interior was ivory white, accented with gold. It gleamed in the torchlight like a holy relic. It was cold inside, as one would expect inside a cave, but devoid of an icy edge. Three marble sarcophaguses lined each side of the crypt, evenly spaced. The furthest two were at the far reach of the torch, and barely visible in shadow at the far end of the crypt was a larger sarcophagus seated in the very center against the far wall. Symbols Eleanor recognized as occult could be seen scattered throughout the crypt amid the ordinary religious iconography. An all-seeing-eye engraved into a sarcophagus, an ouroboros encircling the name on a plaque, and numerous pentacles.
“Not everyone in the family shared my skepticism,” Jacques said, watching the path of her eyes. “Many Le Gris’s were members of secret societies. There have been many Templars in the line.”
Jacques placed his hand on the small of Eleanor’s back and led her slowly through the crypt. He strategically kept the torchlight away from the sarcophagus nearest the entrance, which belonged to his first wife. Eleanor read the names as they passed, Gerard, Rosaline, Nicholas, Benjamin, Georgette. The tomb at the end of the crypt sat in the very center and was of a medieval style. The lid was a life size sculpture of a huge prostate knight holding his sword. By his long hair and features, Eleanor could already identify him from the portraits she had seen as the crusader knight after whom her Jacques was named.
As she looked down upon the handsome carving, she felt an icy whisper against her ear. She jumped against Jacques, clutching his arm, making him grin down at her. She had been so focused on the knight that she hadn’t seen the open doorway in the wall behind his sarcophagus. It was utterly black inside and chilled air issued from it.
“The crypt descends many levels, some say all the way to Hell,” Jacques told her, aiming the torch at the doorway that led to the lower levels. “The most recent additions are here above ground. They are moved below successively when new tenants arrive. All except for the old Devil here. He’s laid there since the thirteenth century and will still be there when we’re all dust.”
“Why did you bring me here this morning?” Eleanor asked, hugging her arms against the chill and the naturally foreboding feeling of being inside a crypt. “It’s rather morbid, don’t you think? We’re getting married. We’re supposed to be starting our lives together. I don’t want to be surrounded by death.”
“Then we are of the same mind. That’s precisely why I brought you here.” Jacques smiled and took her hand. “I don’t believe in any of that supernatural nonsense that’s been such a topic of late. A grown man has no business believing in ghosts and ghoulies and long-legged beasties, and I don’t subscribe to it. But for you alone, darling, I’m willing to suspend that disbelief long enough to consider your position.”
“Suspend your disbelief?” Eleanor asked, unsure if she should be flattered or offended at the insinuation that her beliefs were silly and childish. “Temporarily enough to convince me to come around to your line of thinking, no doubt.”
“What more could you ask of me? I intend to further your education in a great many ways once you become my wife.” He grinned wickedly, then continued sincerely, “I wanted to bring you here, to what can only be the seat of all the spectral mischief at Wargrave Hall, to make introductions.”
“You mock me?” She pulled back her hand, crossed her arms, and glared at him.
“Perhaps, but not at the moment.” He found her temper amusing, and pointedly plucked her hand back from where she folded it in her elbow over her breast. He laced his fingers through hers, holding her hand tight so she could not retrieve it again. His deep voice echoed eerily in the stone chamber. “Most of the Le Gris’s are laid to rest here – those whose bodies were intact and available anyway, for many died violently or off fighting in faraway lands – and others are merely memorialized. As are their beloved wives and husbands who married into the family.”
“That’s lovely, but I have no intention of taking up residency here for some time,” Eleanor huffed.
“Nor do I, darling.” Jacques kissed her tense hand. “I earned a rather rakish reputation after my first wife died, I was a bachelor and I lived that lifestyle to my fullest. But I was always faithful to my wife when she was alive, and I will be eternally faithful to you. The Le Gris men are unfailingly loyal. It is a family trait that runs strong in us. And all appearances and reputations to the contrary, the Le Gris men have good hearts. Only our enemies need fear us. I tell you this, my beautiful darling, because no Le Gris would harm a member of his family. When you become my wife, you will become part of my family. Even if every ghost from this crypt haunts Wargrave Hall, none will do you any harm.” He looked at her seriously, pulled her close, and kissed her with all the tender passion he promised to give her as a husband. “There is nothing for you to fear from any Le Gris, living or dead. Not now, not ever.”
The season of the witch swept over the countryside like a wildfire, catching every leaf ablaze in hues of reds, oranges, and yellows. Autumn was the season when those wise in the ways of the old world knew that the veil was thinnest between the spirit and the corporeal worlds, and October was the pinnacle of devilry and witchcraft.
What better season for love to cast its spell over a happy couple on their wedding day?
A little chapel maintained by a friendly parson sat on the edge of the Le Gris grounds. Eleanor found it a fitting enough venue in which to have her wedding. It was an ebullient affair, filled with Jacques and Eleanor’s closest friends and family. In the spring, they would make a showing in London to satisfy those who could not attend their October nuptials on such short notice. Pierre had to be ordered not to dress in mourning garb at what he called Sir Jacques’s second funeral.
All eyes were on Eleanor when she walked down the aisle to give herself fully to the handsome knight. She had never seen him more dashing and resplendent; his hair thick and glossy, his eyes hungry, and his smile easy. She thought it a great pity that no one watched Jacques instead of her. No one would ever believe her if she told them that Jacques’s honeyed eyes glistened wet as she walked toward him; that she caught him hastily wipe some errant moisture from his cheek before taking her hands in his.
The golden hour of an autumn sunset bore witness to the first kiss between man and wife. The guests in attendance clapped and cheered, even if Sir Jacques kissed his bride a bit too passionately for decency. Katrina caught the bouquet, making Theordore’s heart race with anticipation as he pondered the implication. Laughter rang when Count Winchester interrupted the couple’s dance to ask if he could cut in. When Jacques gallantly agreed, the father of the bride pulled Jacques into a dance instead, much to the amusement of all.
Many looks were exchanged in acknowledgement of the ardor the couple shared, which was apparent not only in the way they kissed and kissed during the reception at Wargrave Hall but more so in the way they looked at one another throughout the day and long into the evening.
Even more so than Sir Jacques wanted his bride’s wedding day to be beautiful, he did everything within his considerable power to ensure her wedding night was magical. He didn’t rush her during the reception, despite wanting to take her right then and there. Although he had not voiced it aloud nor shared it with her, Jacques had made a vow to be a better husband his second time around. He considered himself a good husband, devoted and loyal. He vowed to be those things again for Eleanor, but to also be more romantic and loving. He had learned those were traits that required conscious effort and a bit of labor, and he vowed to make that effort valiantly.
When Eleanor finally inquired of him when they should retire, he swept her out of the reception so quickly that they failed to make all the appropriate salutations. Not that it mattered greatly, the guests had all come to Jacques’s mansion for a long weekend of celebration. At the base of the staircase, he lifted her into his arms as she laughed happily and bounded up the stairs with nary a step impaired. He was such a powerful man that although she was voluptuous, he made her feel light as a feather and tiny in his arms.
At the door to their bedroom, Jacques turned the knob then playfully kicked the door open in homage to the night he saved her life. She had never been inside the bedroom she would share with him, and she was pleasantly struck by its majesty. A welcoming spiced perfume with notes of cinnamon and orange scented the air, and she appreciated the attention to that detail. Eleanor noted the bedroom was not outfitted with electricity, and for this occasion, it was lit only by candles instead of gas lamps. Flickering golden light emanating from dozens of candles illuminated the room. The dancing hue of firelight blended with moonlight streaming in through expansive windows, their heavy brocade drapes tied open. An opulent bouquet of crimson red roses sat on the enormous admiral’s style desk that was positioned near the windows, perfect for Jacques to keep watch over the grounds of his imposing estate while seated behind it. The circumference of the bouquet was so large that Jacques probably could not wrap his arms around it.
The room itself was lavish and decadent with a color scheme of blue and gold. Even the vaulted ceilings were patterned in three-dimensional crown molding. The streaked marble floor was a few shades darker than the marble that formed a grand fireplace and mantle. A blooming fire filled the room with its glow and the soothing sounds of its crackles and sparks. Of course, the centerpiece was the bed. It could have been a trick of the romantic lighting, but the bed looked so large that she suspected Jacques had it built to larger specifications. It was a canopy style with carved walnut pillars. Matching the drapes in form, the canopy, too, was tied open, draping elegantly around the pillars.
While Eleanor’s eyes feasted on every detail and nuance of the room, Jacques strode to his desk. He made quick work of undoing the buttons on his waistcoat as he walked and loosened the cravat at his throat. Shrugging his jacket away from his broad shoulders and following with his waistcoat, he draped both over the back of the leather chesterfield chair that sat behind his desk. He studied the large bouquet as he untied his cravat. With care, he selected the finest scarlet rose he could find and walked to his bride.
Holding the rose out for Eleanor’s approval, he smiled as she leaned forward to inhale its perfume. He stepped closer to her until only inches separated their bodies. Instead of lowering the rose, he brought it to her lips and traced the silky petal over the bow of her pout.
“Did you know roses are my favorite flower,” she asked him, surprised to hear the husky notes in her voice.
“So my spies informed me.” He grinned handsomely. “Do you know my favorite flower? It is one with velvet petals and silky dew that blooms from a skillful touch in the darkest hours of the night.”
“My flower is yours to pluck tonight,” she told him, unable to disguise her nervousness. She was elated, but frightened too, for she knew he must hurt her.
“Are you ready to bloom for me?” He traced the rose down from her lips to her chest and down between her breasts. “I will wait, if you ask it of me. But tell me now, before I get drunk on you and lose all reason.”
She breathed deep the masculine scent of his body so near hers and felt the heat of him. His entire presence steadied her nerves and she swayed toward him, resting her hands on his enormous chest. Her voice was a whisper when she told him, “Make me yours.”
Jacques let the rose fall away and kissed her deep and slow, taking his time and relishing in the feeling of his lips on hers, patiently igniting the fuse of her desire. He moved with the same unhurried deliberate way when he unbuttoned his shirt. Jacques knew he had an impressive physique, and that his chest was one of his best features. In his experience his chest was what women liked best about him. Until they explored lower.
Still kissing her, he took her hands and placed them on its wide expanse. It was she who broke their kiss to push his shirt fully away and admire his broad and powerful torso. She ran her hands over the dense planes and ridges of muscle, feeling it firm as marble under her touch. His pale skin was decorated with a spattering of scars that her fingers found and traced. Jacques didn’t direct her and let her hands wander where she wanted. He was pleased to see how she delighted in his body, and he would use all of it to give her pleasure. A deep groan escaped his throat when her hand skimmed downward, following the line above one of his hips to palm the hard length of him through his trousers.
She clumsily worked his pants open, eager to see what all the fuss was about and if a man’s cock was worth all the curiosity she and her friends devoted to it. She dipped her hand inside his trousers, felt the hard hot length of him, and gasped. She had not expected him to be so large, and a new stab of trepidation hit her when she tried to close her hand around his girth.
“You’re going to tear me apart with this monstrosity.” She meant it to be teasing, but her voice betrayed her nerves.
“I promise my cock will drive you mad once you’re accustomed to me,” Jacques growled, descending into deeper passion. “You are woefully overdressed, darling.”
He turned her somewhat roughly to face away from him and began undoing the laces of her dress. With an effort, he calmed himself, reining himself back from the wild passion of wanting to ravage her senseless. He would take his time, he reminded himself. He was a good lover, and he knew it. His wife deserved his skill and his patience, and romance on her wedding night.
With care, he removed the pins from her hair so it hung down her back in a long auburn wave. He took a fistful of luxurious hair, tugging it in a way he knew gave a woman pleasure and leaned down to inhale its fragrance before attaching his lips to the delicate skin of her neck. While he unlaced her dress and undergarments, he licked and kissed and nipped her until his goatee had rubbed her porcelain skin red and she was mewing like a kitten.
Warm strong hands and long thick fingers caressed her as Jacques pushed her dress down her body and away from her to pool at her feet. Her back arched when his fingers trailed back up her thighs. Pressing her shoulders back against his broad chest, she felt it expand impossibly further as he breathed in her scent, pressing his large nose against her neck behind her jaw while he continued to kiss and lick at her skin. His left hand smoothed up the front of her body to her breast, teasing her nipple until it peaked with arousal. His right hand caressed her thigh, moving almost sneakily between her legs. He was pleased when his fingers slipped through the wet heat that had already collected there.
“You’re dripping for me, darling.” His deep voice thrummed through her entire body down to whirl in her abdomen. She inhaled sharply when he slowly pushed a thick finger into her.
She thought she felt very full, but pleasantly so. He seemed to distract her with those disarming kisses on her neck as he inserted a second finger alongside the first, making her gasp. She had never been so full and felt on the brink of pain. Certainly, the experimenting she had done with her own fingers couldn’t compare to what he was doing to her now. He pumped his fingers slowly and curled them, spreading her open and relaxing her. The initial brief pain had given way to pleasure as his thick fingers stroked against delicious places inside her she didn’t know existed. She moaned again, unable to stop herself, and bucked her hips against his hand involuntarily.
Feeling she was ready to take him, Jacques withdrew his hand, much to her displeasure. He lifted her into a bridal carry only to lower her gently down onto the bed. He shoved his trousers down his muscular thighs and paused beside the bed before joining her on it. Jacques took a lingering moment to admire the sight of his bride laid bare beneath him. He had never seen anything so beautiful; it was as though Aphrodite lay in his bed with long fiery hair splayed out beneath her and bright icy eyes gazing up at him. Her breasts were high and full, her waist tiny and nipped, her ass round and shapely; he thought even her pussy was beautiful, glistening in the candlelight and flushed as pink as a rose with her arousal, a flower blooming for him alone. And she was his. Her flower was his to pluck and keep forever.
“Nothing has ever compared to you,” Jacques purred honestly as he lowered himself over her, planting his hands on either side of her waist.
Dropping his head, he brought his lips to her breast. Lingering on her nipple, his tongue swirled around its peak while he sucked it lightly. He then trailed his mouth slowly down her body, traveling lower with every wet kiss. He paused to grin up at her and meet her eyes as he placed a hot wet kiss to the top of her pussy. Her legs trembled as he lifted them over his shoulders and settled between them. Wanting to taste the nectar of her, he parted her with a swipe of his tongue and kissed at her swollen lips.
“You’re a delicacy, darling,” Jacques groaned into her.
Eleanor had never felt anything like when Jacques licked into her. It was pure bliss, enough to render her incoherent, and he elicited it so easily with the strokes of his ardent tongue. Her hands quickly found themselves tangled in his thick mane as her hips bucked subtly against his face of their own accord. His amber eyes held hers in a burning gaze, only briefly falling shut when he savored the taste of her, as he worked her toward the edge of a chasm of pleasure.
She thought his appearance dangerous and intimidating, which she found deeply desirous. Merely the sight alone, of this dangerous and powerful man with his devilishly handsome face between her thighs, was enough to push her over the precipice. A rush of heat flooded her as she came on Jacques’s hungry lips and ardent tongue. He kissed and licked her ravenously, extending her pleasure as long as he could until her quivering subsided. Jacques gave her a reprieve by kissing her soft inner thigh, looking up at her and smiling proudly as her thighs trembled on either side of his head.
Eleanor felt boneless as he crawled back up her body, moving over her and caging her inside his muscled arms. His weight threatened to crush her when he lowered his body over hers, but she found she liked the feel of his weight on her. She was so lost in a delirious afterglow that she didn’t notice him positioning himself until she felt his thick cock nudge against her entrance. He felt impossibly large, too large. She clawed his back harshly and cried out with pain when he thrust inside her, forceful enough to tear through the resistance of her body with his first firm thrust.
Groaning with pleasure, Jacques seated himself fully inside her then rocked his hips gently and kissed her tenderly, trying to alleviate the pain he knew he caused her. There was nothing for it, she would have to get used to the size of him. Even after he rendered her as limp as a ragdoll and dripping with arousal, he could feel how intensely he stretched her. He had been too large for women in the past, and he was greatly relieved that she could take him even on her first experience. Every muscle in his body was taught with restraint as he forced himself to keep his thrusts shallow and easy, a difficult task when he wanted to lose himself in her. He knew that would be too much for her on her first night as his wife, that she couldn’t yet take him if he went at her with all his unrestrained passion.
He kissed her softly and nuzzled her cheek with his prominent nose until he felt some of the pained rigidity leave her body. He didn’t think he could make her cum again this night, but still he angled his cock in the way he knew would give a woman the most pleasure as he chased his own release as gently as he possibly could. Soon, he felt her moving in time with him and his heart filled with pride. There was still pain, but slowly Jacques built her pleasure up again until the agony from wanting release was more than the deep ache she felt from Jacques splitting her open. With the pain were sparks of pure bliss that shot through her with every thrust.
“Cum for me, darling,” Jacques growled deep and rich, burying his face in her hair. “I want to feel my wife cum all over my cock.”
As if at his command, she came a second time in heady waves of pleasure. An incoherent whine escaped her lips, an unexpected mix of searing pain and exquisite pleasure. Her pleasure bled into Jacques, pulling him over the precipice with her into an abyss of ecstasy. His eyes were crazed with lust, his lips curled in a feral grin, his hair a wild tangle. Jacques threw his head back, looking up at the ceiling like a wolf howling at the moon, similarly groaning long and low as he emptied himself inside her.
As Eleanor’s high subsided, the pain returned with a sharper edge. She felt him soften inside her and the weight of his relaxed body on hers was comforting, as were the soothing kisses he lavished on her neck. Caressing her with his lips, he silently praised and adored her until he finally rolled off her to lay beside her on his back. He pulled her onto his chest and wrapped his arms around her. She had dreamed of being held like this, of resting her head on his pillowy chest. She found the real experience to be far superior to her fantasies.
Raising her head from his chest, she propped herself up beside him and traced a pattern on his skin with her fingernails. His large hand stroked her back gently as he watched her with a soft smile.
“Are you pleased with me?” she asked, although she knew the answer with certainty.
“I realize now that I have never before known either happiness or pleasure until you, my beautiful darling,” Jacques promised with only very slight exaggeration. Smiling up at her, his eyes glimmered in the firelight, shining with reverence and unadulterated love.
As Jacques held her and drifted toward sleep, he began to wonder privately. Pascal’s wager, he remembered her saying. He loved Eleanor fiercely. Fiercely enough to suspend his pride and consider there were things in this world beyond his comprehension. He owed it to her to do his best to be prepared against any threat, corporeal or supernatural. Above all else, a husband’s duty is to protect his wife.
© safarigirlsp 2023
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just a quick rundown of what these are, for those who may not have seen my barrage of posts:
TRICK 👻 fics are darker, thriller/horror-based pieces that must include a spooky AU from the list (on the requesting guide).
TREAT 🍬 fics are more of what I do here on the reg, meaning that it's something more smutty/fluffy, and it must include some sort of halloween/spooky theme (use of a spooky AU not required).
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mrs-gucci · 8 months
Door Fics 🚪🗝️
the centerpiece of the “fic-or-treat” celebration has finally arrived: the door fics!
there will be two fics released over the next couple weeks, with one being a “trick” and one will be a “treat”. it’ll kinda be like going door-to-door on Halloween night for trick or treating, except instead of candy, you get some adam driver fanfiction written by someone on the internet lol.
TRICK 👻 fics are darker, thriller/horror-based pieces that must include a spooky AU from the list (on the requesting guide).
TREAT 🍬 fics are more of what I do here on the reg, meaning that it's something more smutty/fluffy, and it must include some sort of halloween/spooky theme (use of a spooky AU not required).
** here’s a link to the FIC-OR-TREAT REQUESTING GUIDE for all the details, expectations, and parameters for this part of the event. **
requests will be opening fri. 10/13 and will close up on mon. 10/16, so there will be plenty of time to submit your requests!
I can't wait to see what you come up with, y'all never disappoint!!
>> to join the fic-or-treat taglist, you have to send a message to my inbox!! your username must be included in some form. I will not accept tag requests that don't come through my inbox. <<
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mrs-gucci · 8 months
Werewolf Wednesday Retrospective
here are the works I wrote for werewolf wednesday 🐺🌙
huge thanks to everyone who submitted a request!
all works on this list involve a werewolf AU & a female reader.
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For the Hunt (995 words)
{flip zimmerman x reader}
What Happens at the Cabin… (790 words)
{flip zimmerman x reader}
'Til Dawn (upcoming)
{flip zimmerman x reader}
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mrs-gucci · 8 months
What Happens at the Cabin...
{ werewolf!flip zimmerman x female reader }
Werewolf Flip keeping you locked away in his cabin for when the full Moon hits please 💛
Werewolf Flip in the middle of a serious rut and just needing to use you like rag doll Please and thank you 🐺
just a quick disclaimer, sorry if this sucks lol, I'm writing this half asleep at 11:45 pm and I'm only doing quick proofreading as I go along.
warnings. SMUT (18+), werewolf rut, objectification (treated like a sex doll), dirty talk, unprotected sex, a tiny bit of breath play, creampie, minimal/no aftercare.
word count: 790
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Flip's ruts are always pretty intense, matching his human personality quite well. He's impulsive, passionate, a bit temperamental, but most of all, horny. Oh so horny.
Rays of moonlight shine through the thin curtains hanging in the cabin's master bedroom as Flip's wolf form stands over you, casting a shadow on your bare, bound form. You look into deeply his amber eyes, watching them darken with lust the more they roam your nude form.
It's quite a sight, you're sure, seeing your wrists and ankles each tied to one post of the old metal bed frame, spread out just for his pleasure.
You watch as his length fills out and hardens, the sight making your thighs want to rub together, but alas, they're bound apart. Flip looks down and sees that you're beginning to glisten and your pussy is clenching ever so slightly. The sight alone turns him on even more.
He growls lowly and quickly pounces, getting on top of you and beginning to lick at your neck, hips rolling forward instinctively in order to rub his hard, leaking cock against your abdomen.
"Do you feel what you acting like a little slut does to me?"
You smirk. "What do you mean?"
Flip huffs, nipping gently at your throat.
"You know exactly what you did, wearing your low cut sweater dress at the station on the day of a full moon."
Your smirk widens slightly.
"Maybe I...wanted this to happen."
"Mm, I'm sure you did."
He chuckles breathily, then forces your legs apart a little more, cock nudging against your entrance. You open your mouth to say something but he thrusts in suddenly, abruptly finishing your sentence before it even begins.
"Ohh fuck."
Flip looks down at you. A shiver runs down your spine at his sudden tone of seriousness.
"You will lay perfectly still while I do what I want to you at my discretion. And you'll be nice and quiet as I do so." He thrusts abruptly, harshly. "Y-You'll be my perfect little doll, isn't that right, sweetheart?"
Your mouth falls open and a soft, pathetic-sounding whimper slips from your lips. You somehow manage to nod and he begins fucking you at a quick pace.
His eyes remain on you, watching closely for any slip-ups. You try your best to stay still, you really do, but the more he fucks you, the more your body begins to jerk and squirm with arousal.
Suddenly, one of his paws wraps around your neck and presses down gently, impairing your breathing only slightly, but enough to choke you up for a few moments.
"Quiet," he snarls. "Dolls are m-meant to take cock, not to be heard."
Your eyes roll back in your head, pussy clenching around him. Everything is happening all at once and it's all bringing you to levels of arousal you've never known were possible. Your body tenses and you focus on staying still, wanting to give your beloved a pleasurable experience.
He presses a bit harder on your neck, long enough to make you squirm again, before pulling away completely. You inhale deeply and he grunts softly in satisfaction, then drags his sharp claw gently, slowly down your neck, across your collarbones, tracing the swells of your large breasts to tease your senses.
Then, he suddenly yanks your shirt down and tears your bra, exposing your bare breasts to the cool Colorado night air. His textured tongue begins to lap at your hardened nipples, enjoying how it makes you whimper and whine beneath him
Soon enough, your attempts at staying still and quiet are thrown out the window, and you let out a long moan.
"Christ, Flip..."
He growls, fucking you harder, enjoying the sight of you breaking character and the feeling of your insides tightening around his thick cock.
"Good girl, tighten for me," he grunts. "Make me fill you up."
His words propel you into a sudden, powerful orgasm, and you cry out in pleasure as it washes over in intense waves. Seeing and feeling your orgasm is enough to send Flip hurdling over the edge as well, his bellowing growls and grunts echoing through the small room.
You sigh, biting your lip while Flip continues to jerk his hips, fulfilling his most primal desire to breed you. He gives your breasts a few more licks before moving back up to your neck.
Once he's settled and his orgasm has faded, Flip looks down at you, his eyes returning to their usual beautiful amber color. You smile, knowing that your Flip has returned to you, at least for now.
Your hand smooths across where his cheeks would be. He leans into your touch.
He nods, nuzzling you with his wet nose.
"Much. Thank you."
the fic-or-treat taglist is currently empty!
>> to join the fic-or-treat taglist, you have to send a message to my inbox!! your username must be included in some form. I will not accept tag requests that don't come through my inbox. <<
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