ms-cartoon · 9 days
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"Blitzo, I think so very highly of you . . ."
Stfu you lying top asshat. Cry me a river.
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ms-cartoon · 9 days
Now see? What I tell ya? What. Did. I. Tell. Y'all!
I knew they we're gonna do this! What I say, "instead of Stolas being in the wrong for how he treats Blitzo, they're gonna make the latter the bad guy for how he "treats" Stolas. Because blah blah blah, Blitzo doesn't love Stolas back, blah blah he's not considerate of Stolas's feelings for him, blah blah he's being mean, blah blah, he needs to give Stolas a chance."
This is what I said on my post about the trailer
There is so much that needs to be said about this episode, for now however, I need to discuss this little conversation turned argument between the fandom's main couple
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A little off-topic, but first of all, I really don't like how Blitzo's feelings for Stolas are retconned in between seasons. He went from hating Stolas and dreading a night of sex with him to actually sort of liking him and being so afraid that Stolas might be bored with him that he'll figure out ways to impress him with a bunch of sex toys. Him worrying about how complicated it is with Stolas, being nervous and giddy about how the meeting is gonna turn out? Being excited about having a night of sex with him and thinking dirty thoughts?? I can't tell if it's just Blitzo being perverted and horny or what, but it doesn't feel right. It's like these two switched roles or something.
Cuz where the hell did all this come from???
We don't even get a scene with them after the Ozzie's incident. Blitzo just told Stolas to screw off before driving away that episode, and there was NO conversation about it! It was a whole "Now you see it, now you don't" after 3 episodes with the aftermath being through text instead of in-person.
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It made it seem like Blitzo was just DONE with Stolas while reluctantly pursuing the agreement.
Now the show is just in and out with them acting like boyfriends to them feeling awkward and distant. Like Viv, Adam, whoever is in charge of writing these relationships-- pick a lane!!
Anyway, back to the topic
Like everyone has been saying that I 100% agree with, Stolas is just a self-insert of Vivziepop: As soon as Viv is called out by us critiques, she'll throw a fit, cry, and resent us because we don't like her or her show (or we do like the show to some degree, it's just lacking the potential that it needs), and we're saying things about her that she doesn't like (despite them being true), therefore, she won't hold accountability for these things. And this is how Stolas is acting. Blitzo is calling him out, Stolas doesn't like it despite it being true and he turns it around on Blitzo for thinking so negatively of him, and won't admit when he's wrong.
Is Viv doing this on purpose? I'm starting to feel like she knows what she's doing here?
What really grinds my gears is when after Blitzo tells him off, Stolas tears up, being the dramatic pity me crybaby BITCH that he is, and says this--
"I wanted you for so long. The fact that you couldn't believe that I might have these feelings about you, that your first instinct is- that it's always about sex. That's enough to know what this is."
I know he didn't- ARE YOU F**KING KIDDING ME!! That is literally THE MOST hypocritical thing he's ever said since he's existed in this show. I know I shouldn't be shocked at this point, but I am just so APPALLED that I want to laugh (I'm laughing right now). I had to hear that line more than two times to make sure I wasn't deaf when he said that.
So he mentions Blitzo not believing that he might have feelings for him the entire time, almost as if he's shocked by this. "Oh my gosh! I can't believe you don't believe that I'm in love with you!" Have you really given him any reason to believe you might be in love with him, Stolas??? Literally the first thing that came to mind when you two see each other for the first time as adults was, "You came here to ravish me, did you?" You sure as hell weren't loving him then! In what moment have you shown you might be in love him? And I don't want anybody bringing up any kind of excuse from season 2. Season 2 is a whole ass retcon anyway and Stolas's "love" for Blitzo just developed outta nowhere from ep 7 of season 1 to now. So none of it counts.
And then you have THIS part of the line--
"The fact that you think it's always about sex when I'm actually i'm love you."
No you stupid bitch!! That's you!
And then there's this---
"I didn't realize you thought so lowley if me."
Do I even need to explain anything to prove this how false these lines are??? Of course not! Cuz I feel like it should be obvious at this point. So instead, I'll put my "Reasons why I hate Stolas" post.
I swear, it's like the writers suddenly decided they wanna switch roles on these two. Where Stolas feels like Blitzo is messing with his feelings and Blitzo is the horny bastard who doesn't actually care about love when really it's the other way around on both ends. I swear this whole confrontation was thought out so poorly. Viv (or whoever is in charge of writing this EP) clearly doesn't keep track of what goes on in her shows. Or maybe she does, but she just doesn't care, and just changes things so that the story turns out the way she wants it without being logical about it. Stolas saying something like, "Your first instinct is sex." or "How can you not believe I'm not in love with you?" To Blitzo? It makes no sense!! Because sex was always on HIS mind!! HE hasn't shown ANY genuine love that didn't involve sex. So he shouldn't have ANY room to be judging Blitzo. They're whole relationship and the way that it is now; that's all STOLAS'S fault. Sure, Blitzo kind of started it so it's on him too, but Stolas was the one that pursued it despite Blitzo making it very clear he didn't like him. Not to mention he's been manipulative towards him.
I swear, I'm so done with Stolas. He better not pull this shit on his daughter istg. Ur feeling all sad cuz Blitzo doesn't live u back. Cry me a river you poor excuse for a father!
And I can't believe there are some fans out there that are siding with him too. Normally I wouldn't care what fans would think cuz sometimes, there's no changing their mind. But it's like . . . Did we watch the same show??
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ms-cartoon · 11 days
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These were comments to me under my Chaggie fanart
In short, people criticize me for allegedly making queer people (especially women) feel uncomfortable
And the fact that Vaggie’s ONLY lesbian was called Vagina doesn’t bother them (It doesn’t matter what the “plot” is like, it’s still ridiculous, and even that doesn’t even have an impact)
And the fact that at GalaxyCon 2024, Hazbin's voice actors even gave some characters taste preferences for the films, but not Vaggie… Information Hazbin Hotel at GalaxyCon 2024
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Translate: "Favorite movie characters: Angel Dust: Labyrinth Valentino: the adult films he makes Niffty: American Psycho Alastor: doesn't like videos Charlie: The Wizard of Oz What songs/singers do you associate with your characters? Valentino: Sl*t Pop (Kim Petras) Cherry Bomb: 80's Rock Niffty: Thrash Metal Alastor: Jazz Angel Dust: Nick Drake Charlie: Robyn, Muna"
And the fact that there is NO Vaggie in the official autograph posters, but Alastor and Charlie are together on one poster
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Even damn Alastor and Charlie have a joint poster, but Charlie and Vaggie don’t (although this is the MAIN couple in the series) And then these fans continue to claim that they are like, "These characters exist to show people that we LGBT exist and deserve love," and for some reason making queer people feel embarrassed is just us I'm extremely sorry for Vaggie, she doesn't deserve such indifference I love Chaggie, but I really don’t like how the show implements them in a strange way
I don't want to hate Hazbin, but I'm really sick of fans complaining
Leave it to fans to bitch about one thing while completely over looking another.
The thing is ur not even erasing anything cuz what ur drawing doesn't change what's already canon. Vaggie is a lesbian, she will STAY a lesbian and we know that. We will accept it. But there ain't nothing wrong with putting a little imagination into a drawing.
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ms-cartoon · 12 days
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Translate: "Does anyone have any doubts that Blitz is a complete a**hole? Poor Stolas damn" I’ll say right away that I hate both Blitz and Stolas, but it’s so annoying that Stolas fans want him so much, and condemn Blitz for "not appreciating" Stolas, and that "Stolas loves you, but you don’t notice this"
This is annoying, sorry ;-;
I'm not even shocked, like y'all-- I told you they were gonna do this! This show just has to make it way to make Blitzo the selfish one here.
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ms-cartoon · 13 days
U gotta be f**king kidding me. I'm so done man, lol
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Y'know what, now that I think about it, I don't think Blitzo should even have feelings for Stolas.
I mean-- no shit right? There are plenty of reasons to not be romantically involved with Stolas. But you really gotta think about these reasons.
Not only does Stolas have a daughter, but Blitzo also has a daughter. A daughter whom he adores more than anything. Not to say Loona really cares about Blitzo's love life (doesn't seem like she does). That's not what this is about. Just saying that I feel like Blitzo should imagine himself in Stolas's shoes. He has a daughter who, unlike Loona, actually wants his attention, wants to spend time with him, and doesn't want to feel like her dad cares more about anything than her. Knowing Blitzo, he would LOVE that! He would love it if Loona actually felt how Octavia felt. If Loona wanted to spend time with Blitzo, I'm pretty sure Blitzo wouldn't hesitate to drop anything to be with his daughter. So when you think of someone like Stolas, someone who would continuously have relations with some random stranger, neglecting Octavia, ruining his (father/daughter) relationship and dynamic with her??
Why would Blitzo want any sorta of relationship with someone like that, as a father who would never neglect his daughter and couldn't want anything more than spend time with her even when she doesn't want to. Shouldn't Blitzo be disgusted with Stolas? You'd think that at some point in time, Blitzo would be the one to tell him, "Look, I know I'm doing this for my job, but you got a daughter who wants your attention and doesn't want you doing this. I know I would give anything to be with my Loony. So why don't we cut whatever this is and make some sort of other exchange so your daughter doesn't hate you?"
If anything, I think that should be the main reason why Stolas wants to drop the deal himself! The line--
"This transaction between us . . . i-it's not right anymore. I just want someone to care for."
That shouldn't be about Stolas wanting something more than a friends-with-benefits relationship with Blitzo. It should be about him focusing on Octavia and being a FATHER!! You say you want someone to care for, my guy *pushes Octavia in front of him* HERE YA GO!!
Just thought I put that revelation out there.
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ms-cartoon · 14 days
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If Lackadaisy characters can have a human version of themselves, so can Louise!
I'm not too sure about drawing her, because, with my style of drawing, she'd look more animated than realistic. Plus, if I tried to draw her in a more realistic style, I'd be trying too hard and rushing it. I might give it a shot at some point anyway.
In the meantime, I would like to humbly show some of my ideas of Louise's appearance as a human.
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I found this pic on Pinterest earlier today. I intended for Louise to look a little young for her age when drawing her (She's currently 25 years old). She's also a black-coded character and when I imagine her to be a human, she'd have a more light skin tone to her. Her hair is also the same dark brown tone as her feline self as well. So when I seen this pic of this lovely young lady here, I immediately thought of Louise. I can't tell if this picture is Ai-generated or what, but definitely fits. (Here's the link to it btw)
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I found this one a while ago on pinterest as well (Link)
I pictured Louise looking like this too, but it's a little hard to match with it, cuz I imagined her skin much lighter. Still, with the face structure, how it's shaped, and everything, it's not a bad fit.
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This lovely woman was actually a famous actor from the 50s, named Diahann Carroll.
I like the idea of Louise looking like this one here cuz it fits her maturity. That's mainly it really, lol!
And that's about it! I don't know about y'all, but I'm leaning towards the first one on top. It feels more on point for me. However I am curious to see what you guys think would fit.
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ms-cartoon · 14 days
I can't believe I even got this done in one day. . .
I always imagined Louise to have a soft, mature voice to match her somewhat shy character trait. I couldn't decide between Kimberly Elise or Rochelle Aytes. After a while, I decided on Kimberly.
In case y'all were wondering, I got the audio from the movie Diary of a Mad Black Woman. You'll also find this on my twitter: https://x.com/Ms_Cartoon19
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ms-cartoon · 17 days
Do you know what’s most infuriating is that when some are condemned and others are pitied
For example, the same example Stella and Blitz
People only hate Stella because she supposedly always tortured and humiliated Stolas.
And the fact that Blitz threatened Moxxie that he would rape him and his wife (Millie), that Blitz deceived Verosika and stole her credit or something, that Blitz, being petty, stole his treasure, that Blitz thought about the book more than about Stolas , then nooo…. Blitz turns out to be “unhappy” and he “suffers” so much
It's crazy how people will look at one character and hate them and everything that they do, but look at another character doing something worse than the first, and they'll end up doting on them.
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ms-cartoon · 17 days
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Does anyone have any idea what Viv is gonna write about these next five seasons cuz I sure as hell don't . . .
It kinda feels like she's already done telling us whatever is left of her characters within that one season. Like-- she literally made more than 20 of these people and just smushed in whatever kind of development or story she rushed. And if their story isn't told, then it never will be.
Even if she supposedly has more story to tell in the next season, it'll probably last like two episodes and we won't ever touch upon it again. Hazbin Hotel will just be another terrible sitcom created by Viv as an excuse to come up with more OCs, make her OCs curse up a storm like Brandon Rogers (who voices an imp version of himself), show off more Yaoi scenes, come up with more songs that tell more story than the show itself, etc.
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ms-cartoon · 25 days
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I saw Lady and the Tramp and thought of Mitzi and Louise when looking at Peg and Lady. I pictured Mitzi and Ivy too sorta, but Freckle is no tramp.
This is a little non canon to my au. Mitzi doesn't actually know about Louise's association with the Savoy's. However, I would imagine that she would warn Louise to be wary of them if she did know since they're in a gang that rivals her own
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ms-cartoon · 29 days
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Genuinely, I'm glad I'm making this upgrade. I feel like I was lazy with my first character sheet (the one at the very top).
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ms-cartoon · 29 days
Something else that randomly irritated my almonds with Hazbin Hotel:
WHERE did Angel get the courage to just suddenly stand up to Valentino the way he did?
Like, seriously, where? Everything before this showed us that he was flat out HORRIFIED of this guy, losing every ounce of that false confidence he usually parades around the second they're both alone; even being shown that he was AVOIDING him before inevitably being coaxed back to work.
And now suddenly, out of the blue, Angel suddenly has the balls to tell Valentino to 'fuck off' when he starts making eyes as Niffty; despite there being NO scenes or exchanges between the two of them that would even hint that they were close nor that Angel would even care about her enough to stand up to his abuser? Ffs, he didn't even bother catching Niffty during that trust fall crap; joke or not that's evidence enough that there's hardly any chemistry because the creator was too damn lazy to put in scenes of the main characters interacting on a friendly level without forcing sex jokes into the mix. (Plus the fact that they were treating Niffty, a grown ass woman, like a damn 5 year old this ENTIRE episode. Like plz someone take Niffty away from this shit show lol)
The fact that he just GAINS this confidence with NO signs of it being hinted at before the episode said confrontation happens only confirms that not even Viv gives a fuck to make or show scenes of ANYONE helping Angel through his trauma.
Like it'd make sense if Valentino was trying to push up on CHERRI and this gave Angel the mental boot he needed to tell the guy to fuck off. But they go with the one character who is pretty much the equivalent of Patrick that NO ONE (other than Alastor) seems to even care about on a mental, physical, nor emotional level.
Yeah, honestly, I feel like the only reason Hazbin Hotel exists is just for Viv to show off what OCs she created. She usually doesn't bother fleshing out her characters either because she's lazy or what.
I don't see why Angel would have some sort of care or protective side for Niffty since we didn't see ANY sort of relationship between those two. The most interaction we got was him being sort of weirded out by her creepy crazed behavior along with everyone else. And your right about it being weird how she's treated as some sort of child even though she's frikin 20, lol! It was probably for comedic effect, but still, it is something that seems to occur often.
You're also right about Angel's sudden toughness against Val. If he can manage to toughen up against him out of the blue, it seems like it could've been done before.
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ms-cartoon · 1 month
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Inspired by Bleedman's Powerpuff Girls Doujinshi , I wanted to make a slight au of my own. Specifically with the show Dexter’s Laboratory. As a plus, I ship Dexter and Olga.
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ms-cartoon · 1 month
Thank you!! Ur too kind!
Mm okay . . . . think I'm getting somewhere. . .
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ms-cartoon · 1 month
Mm okay . . . . think I'm getting somewhere. . .
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ms-cartoon · 1 month
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Say hi to Corbin! He won’t bite
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ms-cartoon · 1 month
I'm drawing Octavia's new boyfriend. She needs to get live from someone.
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