multishipper-baby · 3 hours
so here's the thing.
monaca wanted to make a new junko right. junko's successor. junko 2.0, if you will. (and obviously did not know she had a couple of her monokuma's running around with junko's alter ego chip embedded in them; certainly did not know that kurokuma had one. which maybe says something about junko more than it does about monaca, but that's beside the point.)
junko 2.0. that was the goal.
and monaca was, like, obsessed with junko in the way that children get super obsessed with people or shows or movies or characters or animals or etc. that they like. (not just kids! this is not a judgment! just a note!)
and monaca's decision to make junko 2.0 was to find the most plucky, most average girl. who is also the little sister of the ultimate hope and ends up becoming the ultimate little sister of hope (fuyuhiko tearing his eyes out over that title). and then saying i will tear this girl apart and rip at her hope and break her until she absolutely breaks. and then she will become ultimate despair! this plucky average hopeful girl! i just have to absolutely break her.
says more about monaca's ideas of what made junko than it does anything else.
it says that monaca honestly believed that junko became ultimate despair because she got broke bad enough that she couldn't recover. and then decided to have fun with it.
and i think it's also important that monaca chose komaru, who definitely did not want to hurt the kids (for most of the game, jataro excepted) because they were kids. which. fits with monaca's views of junko. who stepped in and saved the group of them.
beyond that.
monaca says she wants to make junko 2.0 to carry on junko's ultimate despair etc. in the world, but if we're really honest?
monaca wants junko back because she loves her and because junko is the only one she believes has ever loved her back. monaca took her grief over junko's death (the same way the remnants of despair did, if we're honest) and said no. absolutely not. she is not dead, she did not die, i will bring her back. as though it wasn't junko's choice to die. and where the remnants took literal pieces of junko into themselves, monaca mimicked her. and when nagito took her out of the wreckage, she was fully in on okay, i will be junko, then. it's an embodiment of her as much as a child can do.
but there's something about how ultimate despair, after junko's death, either committed suicide or tried to bring her back in whatever fashion they can.
i just.
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multishipper-baby · 3 hours
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gladstone and louie. you know. for a laff
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multishipper-baby · 12 hours
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hey y'all!!
have a nyx!!
he's here to tell y'all that he's hope you're ok and are having a good day
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multishipper-baby · 13 hours
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i wanted to say something but i couldnt figure out how to phrase it so i just made this to convey it instead
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multishipper-baby · 13 hours
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Parents 💙💚
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multishipper-baby · 13 hours
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Kittens are so funny when that off button hits and they just zonk out
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multishipper-baby · 13 hours
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Algo q falto de decir sobre mi Freddy es q es el mayor Pansexual q existe en toda la tierra☝🤓
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multishipper-baby · 15 hours
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Marionnette ballerine.
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multishipper-baby · 15 hours
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Some more pngs. Plus also an attempt to color the Owynn mermaid art.
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multishipper-baby · 15 hours
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okaaaaay hola tumblr tqm tumblr tqm tqm tqm mis tumblrinas somos. somos como una vecindad. hola los qm. Antes de mostrarles el fondo, quiero que se tomen un momento y miren la imagen de arriba, realmente mírenla, y encuentren a Mai. Por favor, encontrar Mai, por favor. ok informe a mí cuando haya terminado.
Ok, aquí está el fondo. Uh. Yeagh carácter central. De izquierda a derecha: Joy, Meg, nuestro Ennard, Lilly, Mai, nuestra Lefty alias Leslie, luego Eak. Segunda mitad de los bancos: Bonnie, Golden, Chica, Fox, nuestra querida OC Red, Cami, luego Toddy.
OK DETALLE DUMB BELLOW ITS NOT MUCH BIT IDK. si alguno de u (pia) quiere advertir ur mirada y llamarlos nuestra urself o algo uh. ¿esta es tu advertencia?
Algunas cosas de la nota, es Freds forma de nuevo. ¡¡¡Yaaaay el tiene su forma fantasma a la que ya no esta anclado, escondiendose en las sombras!!! ¡¡¡¡Unyaaay mi niño se desmorona!!!! Es más fuerte que la primera vez que lo vimos, pero todavía se está curando, evidente por su deterioro Y sus manos negras teñidas, que son más transparentes que el resto de él (se puede ver a través de sus manos a su pecho y ver algunos detalles de su chaqueta y cuello de la camisa, al menos lo dibujé, idk si es visible.) uhhhh idk. chicos cuando su pasión está cantando, pero su boca se está derritiendo.
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multishipper-baby · 18 hours
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Happy gay month take gay people
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multishipper-baby · 18 hours
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It's pride month so you know what that means
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A rivalry?
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Some more barbie stuff!! Help
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I don't know how to draw babies nor toddlers nor children sorry
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