musclejock · 6 hours
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A good start to great weekend.
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musclejock · 8 hours
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Christian Elliott
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musclejock · 8 hours
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The gym management believe that the trainers should please the gym members. The trainers are encouraged to flirt with and even had sexual relations with their clients, especially if they are of the same sex. Larry was one of the gym most popular trainers. He was at first hesitant at accepting the advances of his male clients but the manager had a long talked with him. Now he primarily train the older male clientele. After the training sessions he would take his client to one of the gym’s secluded areas. The male clients loved running their hands through and pulling his thick hair as he sucked them. If they meet their goals at the gym, they were rewarded by fucking his incredible ass.
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musclejock · 9 hours
Truck Stop
"Dude, do you really think we're in the right place? Not exactly the right place for a hot date, is it?" Michael was annoyed. He didn't like these shitty dating apps anyway. But Christian was always keen to heat up their sex life with new horny guys. And here in this huge parking lot between truck stops and shopping malls, which was pretty empty at this time of day, such a sex date was about to take place. Christian and Michael had dressed up. Michael had bought two new tracksuits. Very expensive. But thanks to his employee discount at the sporting goods store, Michael could afford it. And damn, they both looked hot. Smoking hot! And speaking of smoking, the two of them lit up a cigarette and Christian opened the two bottles of beer he had brought with him with his lighter.
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It had just rained, the asphalt was shiny and apart from the rushing traffic on the nearby highway, nothing could be heard. Until footsteps approached audibly from behind. Christian looked around. And his beer almost fell out of his hand. The two guys were huge. Muscular, hairy, dressed in jeans and leather. The bulges in their jeans were almost frightening. Christian had to swallow.
"Damn, Moose, didn't you say you'd picked up two hot men? I see two youngsters who are green behind the ears." "Bear, believe me, I thought that too! Which one of you two boys is Mike?" Michael tried to put out his fag as coolly as possible and say "That's me. But it's actually Michael". It came out more like a beep. "Damn, I have to be back on the highway in half an hour." grunted the one the bear had called him. "Let's get this over with." He gestured for the two to follow them. Christian and Michael didn't dare contradict him. Besides, the two of them were really hot. Damn hot! Bear and Moose entered a shed behind a gas station. Moose pushed Christian against the wall, Bear went after Michael. He felt Bear's tongue deep in his throat. "Beer and tobacco. At least you taste like a man." Now make yourself useful. He pushed Michael to his knees and let his hard-on pop out of his jeans. Michael carefully began to play with the huge cock with his tongue. "Boy, we don't have time for this. Bear forcibly moved Michael's head back and forth. Michael almost gagged. But he got better and better with his cock. He was uncut. So much bigger than Christian's. And hairy. The cock of a real man… Not a boy's. Michael felt his own cock building a tent in his red training pants. "Yeah, that's it, boy. That's the way I like it." Bear groaned. He moved his cock faster and faster, penetrating deeper and deeper into Michael's throat. Michael heard Bear moan. He heard Moose grunting, he heard Christian gagging. He was in ecstasy. And then Bear shot his load. Ounce after ounce. And Michael swallowed greedily. Even so, Bear's sperm ran out of the corners of his mouth left and right. Bear pulled him up and grabbed Michael's cock with his calloused hand. It didn't take long. And Michael shot an impressive load onto Bear's hairy belly. "Go on, clean up the mess, boy! And hurry up, I've got to get going." Michael dropped back to his knees and began sucking his own cum from the grooves of Bear's washboard belly.
Michael was done. He leaned against the wall and breathed heavily. Moose and Bear were gone. Probably back on the highway. Michael heard Christian grunt. In a heavy bass. "Shit, where are my nippers?" That wasn't his friend Christian! "And I'd like a beer now too!"
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Mike and Chris were lying in wait for new victims. In the parking lot between the truck stop and the shopping mall, new boys came by every now and then who wanted to be fucked properly. And stallions like these two usually had nothing more to do than wait.
Pics created @ki-kink
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musclejock · 9 hours
New Car
Peter was aware of how stupid it was to meet with the seller of the car. It was an almost new BMW M3. The car was still going to cost over USD 100,000.00. That was way out of his budget. But there was something that appealed to him even more than the car itself. In a photo, the owner had been reflected in the car's freshly polished paintwork. And Peter couldn't get this reflection out of his head. You couldn't see much. But what you could see was muscular, tattooed and wearing a shiny Adidas tracksuit. Peter couldn't get this image out of his head for the life of him. So he dialed the number given. And when he heard the voice on the other end of the line, he got a hard-on. It was churlish English with a heavy Arabic accent. Peter was actually on the phone to one of his favorite wankers. Bloody hell! He tried to act as cool as possible. He tried to ask a few questions that feigned competence in the direction of sports cars. He was trying to come across as cool and chavvy as possible. He probably sounded more than ridiculous. But the two of them arranged to go for a test drive. After the salesman hung up, Peter urgently needed to go to the bathroom. And have a wank.
The appointment for the test drive was on Friday evening. Peter took the bus to the address given, which was located in a suburb with a bad reputation. There was garbage on the streets. There was graffiti on the walls. But the cars parked on the street were in many cases like something from another world. Expensive, high-powered cars, perfectly maintained. And he was leaning against one of them. The prototype of an Arab chav who spent too much time pumping iron and in the tattoo parlor. Peter had to make sure his erection wasn't too obvious. The guy introduced himself as Ibrahim and greeted Peter with a fist bump. He said that Peter wasn't allowed to smoke in the car and offered him a fag. And instead of saying that he didn't smoke at all, Peter gratefully accepted the fag, took a light and walked around the Bavarian beauty, trying to look as professional as possible. "Shit, dude, what's that on your pants?" Damn, Peter must have sat on a piece of chewing gum on the bus. "You're not getting into my car like that," growled Ibrahim. He opened the trunk, took a pair of training pants out of a sports bag and threw them to Peter. "Seriously?" asked Peter. "Here, on the street?" "Either that or you can fuck right off again." So Peter took off his shoes and trousers, put on the tracksuit bottoms and then his…. Nike sneakers??!?!???! He wasn't wearing sneakers. Ibrahim threw him the key. "Come on then, brother. Fall in love with my baby!" Peter sat down and tried to start the engine as cool as possible. When the 510 horses howled, he winced. Ibrahim grinned. "Yes, you have to get used to it. But you will. Go on, drive towards the highway!" The car was hell. An untamed beast. Peter's forehead was covered in sweat. "Come on, old man! Step on the gas!" And Peter stepped on the gas. The speedometer showed 140 miles per hour. Damn, that would cost him his driver's license. And Ibrahim calmly started a conversation about soccer. "Of course Galatasaray will win the championship again this time!" Peter heard himself say and stepped on the gas once more. The BMW was power and strength pressed into leather and steel. He loved the car. As if remote-controlled, he chased the car first along the highway and then at far too high a speed along the arterial road towards the city center. The sleeve of his jacket stretched across his biceps as he wrenched the steering wheel. Ibrahim pressed himself into his sports seat. "Hehehe, you and the baby make the perfect unit!" "Dostum, ne düşünüyorsun? Gerçek Türk erkeklerinin kanında petrol vardır." replied Peter. No, not Peter, Sinan! Ibrahim turned up the music. Syrian gangster rap. Just the right thing to cruise along the city center boulevards now. it was a warm evening. Ibrahim opened the glass roof. He let his mighty biceps hang out of the open window. The boys and girls looked respectful, envious or disgusted when Sinan revved the engine. But in any case, they looked: Who gives a shit, they had the coolest car, they were the cool guys with the biggest muscles. "Dude, get some cigs and then change drivers," said Ibrahim Sinan. And Sinan headed for the nearest kiosk.
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Sinan would never be able to afford such a car in his life. Even though he was number two in the gang behind Ibrahim, his place was usually in the passenger seat. But fuck it, Ibrahim was his boss and he followed him through rough and tumble. Ibrahim's hand missed the stick of the gearshift. But he caught something that was at least as hard. Shit, if he cums on the leather, Sinan would spend the whole morning cleaning the car again. But it was worth it.
Pics by @ki-kink
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musclejock · 10 hours
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Brock heard his Coach say Flex. Without thinking, he dropped the dumbbells he was using and started to flex. A wave of pleasure shot through his body as his cock started to harden. Brock’s Coach smiled knowing how much of a dumb mindfucked jock toy Brock was becoming.
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musclejock · 10 hours
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Only playing football mattered to TJ but that was going to change. He is currently tied up and forced to watch mind melting spirals letting them reprogram his mind to become the perfect sex toy for his Coach. Soon nothing will matter more to him than making his Coach cum.
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musclejock · 10 hours
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Chad figured out that his Coach had been covertly hypnotizing the team into becoming porn stars. As he confronted him, he started to remove his singlet, got down on all fours, and begged Coach to fuck him. He was unaware that Coach had already taken control of his mind.
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musclejock · 18 hours
hey there. I—-iiii—-I’m sorry, I’m a lil a little ner nervous here. I have this uh, like, um, shy. Uh. Shy persona. Im a nerdyaverage gay dude. And I wanna be able to talk in front of like um crowds. Actually I um, had something in mind. I wanna become a big, jacked jock straight comedian. Telling hilarious and sometimes cringe and crude jokes. Getting egged on by my maybe like um, frat bros or something to tell like obnoxious straight dude joke or something. Yeah. Like super douchebag funny guy muscle straight bro who is the life of the party. Young and dumb dude. Is there anything you have that could make this a reality?
It’s nice to meet you Mike! You don’t mind if I call you Mike do you? I know it’s not your name, but I don’t love using real names in my work… also, if I do this right your name could actually be Mike soon. I think that’s a good name for a straight douchebag comedian. It’s kind of a pun actually, a play on open Mike. You could call yourself Mike Dick. Get it, cause it sounds like ‘my dick’? Not funny huh? I’ll admit I’m not the best at this, but you’re the one who wants to be a comedian, not me. And I’m going to tell you how. You need to do what everyone who has stage fright needs to do. You need to get up on that stage… and just start talking.
I bet you're probably very confused right now. I know that the very idea of talking in front of people fills you with dread, and you came to me so you could get that confidence, not some cheesy advice. But I swear to you that I’m not just giving you empty platitudes. When you get up on the stage, in that spotlight, everything will be ok. Not because you believe in yourself, but because that spotlight is being powered by a very special battery. You might remember my supernova transformations, from my earliest stories. You might also remember that I was able to take some of the energy from it using a special solar panel and put it in a battery. While it turns out that if you use that battery to power a light source… It has an interesting effect. Any guy caught in its rays has they’re wish granted, while also being turned into a jock.when I discovered this I thought maybe I had finally found out how InstaJock works, but the transformation isn’t instant, and I’m not sure if you could get that energy to travel through an app or anything, so it’s probably something else.
Anyways, head on up! At first you’ll be your regular, shy and geeky self, but as you bask in the spotlight and start to open up, you’ll slowly change. Your muscles will slowly grow, your body and face becoming more chiseled, and your sense of humor will slowly become more… raunchy. Thoughtful comedy will slowly turn into cheap punchlines about ‘stupid queers’ and crude stories about ‘crazy bitches with huge tits’. Your audience might not like your new style, but a confident stud like you doesn’t care about what losers like that think, and you’ll be certain to get a following of beefy straight douchebags in no time. Especially if you turn that spotlight on the audience. Have fun, and try to use that spotlight responsibly. The battery won’t last forever, and I’m not going to give you a second one.
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musclejock · 18 hours
Hey- I'm one of the presidents of our university's honor fraternity. And its great, don't get me wrong or anything. But we're essentially just a group of skinny white nerds and calling us a "fraternity" is a bit of a stretch. I was hoping to try and use your app to give some of the members a real "frat" experience, especially since its summer now. I thought I'd just test it on me and the other members of our frat's leadership, just to make sure its safe. But I'm having a hard time setting reversal parameters and I'm unable to stop this stupid countdown. Any help please?
You know, for a self proclaimed nerd, you really didn’t do a lot of research. I know that InstaJock is mysterious and not very well known, but what I mentioned in my previous posts should have been enough for you to figure out a few of the issues with your idea. Just to clarify though, let’s go down the list of issues
InstaJock can only be used on one person at a time: the person currently using the phone to set up a profile. The only person you’re about to turn into a Jock is yourself, though I imagine the rest of your frat leaders will get the app too, after you send it to them.
InstaJock is not ‘my app.’ I report on it, and I know a lot more about it than most people, but I didn’t make it. I’m not sure anyone knows who did. If you’re looking for inside information about the app, you’re out of luck.
Reversal Parameters. The app doesn’t have those.
Yes you read that last one correctly. One of the first things most people learn about InstaJock is that it’s irreversible. Sure you can change something about yourself after the fact using the settings, but you can never go back to being the nerd you were. I don’t know where you got your information about this app, but I think someone has been trying to trick you into turning yourself into a jock. I can almost prove it too. See, another basic rule of the app is that InstaJock is, well, instant. There is no flash or growth spurt on anything. One moment you’re a nerd, the next you’re a dumb muscular jock. There shouldn’t be a countdown. Not unless… someone added it to your phone for a specific reason.
Someone wants to watch you squirm, watch you panic as you realize there’s no hope and that you’re definitely going to turn into a dumb jock, and probably drag your entire frat along with you. It might be another person in your frat who thought the app was just a joke and never expected you to find a real version of it, or a jock who wanted to take you and your frat down a peg and turn you guys into proper frat bros. But whoever it is, they’ve got you good. I’m sorry but there isn’t any way out of this. If you’re lucky you might be able to alter the settings a bit, but I imagine whoever did this to you already thought of that. As soon as that countdown ends, you’ll be a jock.
I am really confused as to who did this to you though. For it to be one person, that person would have to be a jock who had access to InstaJock and could invite you, but also would have to be smart enough to plan this all out and close enough to you to gain access to your phone. That could only be a few people. Maybe one of the mysterious app developers knows you personally?
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I guess it doesn’t really matter to you now. Hope you enjoy being a beer drinking, muscle flexing, popular and sexy frat bro. I hope the rest of your frat likes it too.
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musclejock · 18 hours
Hey bro, been using this InstaJock app for a while now and I love it, but I'm wondering about this new camera feature? App updated last night and it popped up, no idea how to use it though haha
Hey dude! I’m so glad you reached out! I had no idea that people who were already jocks read my blog. I always figured it was mostly nerds trying to avoid (or seek out) jockification. It’s awesome to get an ask from someone who's actually been transformed by InstaJock. I’d love to interview you sometime, get some insight into how being jockified by the app feels, but we can talk about that later. Right now we should talk about InstaJocks newest feature.
I was able to check it out without being turned (don't try this at home if you don’t want to be jocked, it took a lot of work and protective measures) and I have to say I’m very impressed. InstaJock has always had a camera function, since almost every jocks first post is of them flexing their new muscles excitedly, but recently they added a new feature using the camera that I think is going to revolutionize the app. It’s called preview mode, and it’s exactly what it sounds like.
Using the new feature, an InstaJock user can take a picture of any unturned nerd, and with the filter they can see how the geek would look if they had the app. In other words it shows you how they’d look as a jock. It’s meant to encourage jocks to send the app to more people, and it’s been working. Since the new feature was added the number of new InstaJock users joining every day has almost doubled.
I probably shouldn’t share this, since it’s basically begging people to send me an invite to the app, but I do have protections against that so… what the hell, why not. I managed to take a selfie of myself with the preview mode filter. When I saw what I’d look like as a jock… I nearly set up a profile for myself then and there.
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I know I can’t use the app if I wish to continue this blog. I have to have brains to report on this stuff. But it’s getting harder and harder to resist it, especially now that I know how fucking hot I’d look.
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musclejock · 19 hours
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Lawrence Chester O'Neil III always felt hella exposed when he wasn't rocking some bling around his neck. Even after pledging Phi* Kappa Kappa, that vibe didn't change one bit. And Larry is straight-up feeling himself as a frat bro.
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musclejock · 1 day
Rescuing Karl
First story with AI-generated images.
It had been just over a year since Karl's mysterious disappearance. He was such a positive, kind guy that his unexplained disappearance took everyone by surprise.
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His friend John never stopped searching, even after the police did. The pair had been best friends ever since Kindergarten and he knew something just wasn't right and Karl would never have left like this without telling him.
After 12 months of gathering clues, numerous dead-ends and setbacks, he'd finally found a promising lead about something suspicious at the local army base. The following weekend there was a military parade planned, which would be the perfect cover story for him to enter the base and see if he could find Karl or any clues that could lead him to his long lost friend.
After a long week of waiting and planning, he easily passed through the checkpoint as a parade visitor and, when no guards were looking managed to sneak away and headed towards the barracks. According to the intel he received in a chatroom, there was a secret facility where several people seemed to have ended up. Using the route he'd memorized during the week, he made his way to the building in question. The place was deserted - probably due to the parade - but as he peered into the block's gym, he noticed a man with a remarkably recognizable face.
The door creaked as he pushed it open, alerting the attention of the man working out. At that point, John froze. "Karl?! Is that you?!"
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The hulk of a man glared back at him for what felt like forever, but was in reality only a few seconds. His gaze lifted and the man replied. "John??? Is that really you? What are you doing here? I mean, how did you find me?" The colossus moved towards John and gave him a hug. Karl was never this tall previously, and certainly 100lbs lighter just one year ago. Karl slightly crushed John as they embraced. Karl was sweaty from working out and some transferred to John, but he didn't mind since he'd finally found his friend!
"I knew you would be here!" replied a relieved John "Look, I'm here to get you out of here. What did they do to you? You look so... different." John examined Karl's body which was unmistakedly that of some gym-obsessed ultra-masculine type - sure Karl did some weights at college, but nothing on this level. He was bigger and taller in every sense.
"You wouldn't believe what they did to me, John. It's crazy here! They took me and performed some top secret program on me called The Augmentation and injected me with stuff and fed me crazy shit and now look at me!" Karl briefly paused. It seemed like he had so much to tell John, but he stopped himself and looked around. "But you're in danger John, if anyone sees you, you might never escape! Let me get changed quickly. okay?" Karl didn't wait for a response. He headed to his bag next to a bench and pulled out some khakis. He stripped in full view of John who got a glimpse of Karl's massive softie swinging between his legs.
"Bro, I can see anything you know" John quipped as he glanced away and held a hand in front of his eyes.
"Sorry bro," Karl laughed "I've not had any privacy for all the time I've been here. There's 11 other guys in my dorm so I guess I gotten used to it." John felt a deep sense of guilt and empathy for Karl and all the things he must have endured. But before he could think much more, Karl was ready again.
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His form was certainly incredibly impressive to behold and something only a tiny percentage of bodybuilders would achieve - let alone just in one year. But luckily John could still hear Karl inside that hulk of a body.
"Quick, follow me!" Said Karl and headed to the corridor. Karl scanned each corner before proceeding with military precision, It seems they must have trained him to do just these types of activities. He escorted John downstairs into the basement, continually checking that no one else would see us or question their presence. He opened a door with a key code and led John inside. "Quick, in here!" he hurried John inside.
It was completely dark inside with no natural light. Karl flicked a switch and some harsh, fluorescent strip lights clicked and flashed into life. John looked around and saw six bunk beds with space for 12. "What, is this where you've been living?" Asked John. The smell of body odour, cheap deoderant and well worn boots started to reach his nose. "But Karl, we need to get out of here!"
Karl walked over to what must have been his bunk and took a seat. "But John, who said I wanted to leave here? I didn't say anything about wanting to leave, or not liking it here."
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John froze, unable to process what he thought Karl meant.
Karl continued "Didn't you think it was odd that you just stumbled across me all alone in the gym and the place is otherwise conveniently empty? Who do you think told you all those things in the chatroom, eh?" Karl let a wicked grin form on his face.
"Wait, that was you? You tricked me?" John couldn't believe what he was hearing and was scanning the room for ways out.
As John panicked, Karl calmly took out a needle from a drawer and calmly injected himself in the arm with some form of serum. He let out a low groan of pleasure as some sense of tension appeared to be released. " Doctor's orders" he remarked. "Thing is John, I fucking love it here. I mean, look at me? I'm a fucking alpha! The Colonel told me you were causing trouble and gave me the order to capture and detain you. And I was all too happy after I found out you were trying to blow the lid off on us Augments."
John, still struggling to believe what was happening, stuttered "But...but...but...we've been friends since...forever and now you..." John didn't want to finish that thought.
Karl continued talking anyway as he unlaced his boots and made himself comfortable. "Bro, I know I knew you when I was Karl, but that nothing compared to the rebirth I went through with my 11 Augment brothers. It's an unbreakable bond. We have no secrets from each other and nowhere to hide from each other. But what would I want to hide from them anyway?. They taught us how to think and operate exactly the same as each other so we are truly one unbreakable unit. One unbreakable unit." He repeated, almost in a trance. "This is my home now, you know? Ever since My Augmentation started, I loved this place and the simplicity of my purpose and being able to fit everything I own into a dufflebag in case of deployment. Sleeping alone just seems fucking weird somehow haha. I belong with my brothers now." He patted the bedpost with affection, while John couldn't believe that someone could consider this a place worthy of living in. He must have been brainwashed to be some mindless drone that just follows orders, he thought.
John got increasingly scared and tried to run away, but the door was locked. Karl stepped up behind him and put a heavy hand on the door "Nice try, but you won't be leaving here. You're part of the second stage of the experiment. But it's easy - all you have to do is breathe..." Within a split second Karl had pinned John to the wall and held one of his boots over John's mouth and nose. John resisted but was no match of the augmented Karl. "Remember that hug? The pheromones in my sweat should already be working on you. The concentrated aerosol in my boots should speed things up too. Just breathe nice and deep."
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musclejock · 2 days
The Grindset
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When Mike entered the gym he saw this absolute hunk of a man, a giant piece of muscle, standing next to the bench, looking straigth at the weights.
The hunk looked a bit weird, but Mike ignored it and started his workout.
After he finished the session he looked towards the bench, and the muscle bro was now crouching, still looking at the weights on the bar.
He watched for a minute and got actually concerned. This didn't seem right.
When he got closer he realized the man was murmuring something to himself.
get into the grindset
you're here to lift
only lifting matters
gotta lift weights
gotta lift more
gotta smash PBs
Mike became really confused. And concerned for the man.
"Hey dude, you're okay?" he put his hand on the hunk's shoulder.
And his brain stopped.
He slowly turned his head towards the weights and got into the same position as the other man.
Then he started talking. To get himself into The Grindset.
get into the grindset
His feet and shoes grew larger.
you're here to lift
His legs got thicker and longer, now the size of tree trunks.
only lifting matters
His stomach muscles got bigger and hardened, his core now able to sustain immense force.
gotta lift weights
His chest expanded massively, his pecs now giant slabs of muscle.
gotta lift more
His biceps and shoulders grew, now the size of footballs, his arms able to smash absolutely everything.
gotta smash PBs
you're a gym bro
you're a lifter
you're a muscle machine
go and lift, bruh
And with that Meathead and his best bro Brute stood up and started their daily lifting sesh, their minds filled only with thoughts of lifting weights and their meaty, muscular bodies expanding even more.
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musclejock · 2 days
mrrharper Masterpost
what's up bros
to make this blog a bit more accessible, this is gonna be an index of all of my stories and other stuff connected with me, neatly divided into themes
everything's under this pic of a hot stud
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Jock TF
Todd goes to a gym / Academic requirements / A Son, Reformed / Muscles In Chains / The Rookie's Figuring It Out / Headphones In, Guns Out / Waiting For The Roommate / Mandatory PE Class / A Real Jock's Supposed to Be Dumb /
Under Armour Jock™ / Coach's Process of Developing a Jock / More Loyal, More American, More The Same / Muscle Memory / Inside A Jock's Mind / Script For A Jock / No-Trade Clause /
Cop/Soldier reprogramming
Programming Adjustment / Law, Order and Musk / Personal Muscle, Uniform Included / A Guard Programmed To Control And Obey /
Gym Bro TF (and adjacent)
Gym Bro / Bro Advice / A Workout Break / This Is How You Recruit Gym Bros / Waking Up Huge And Jocked / Empty Eyes, Pumped Bis / The Grindset /
Other stuff
Commissions - I am open for commissions. Want me to write you a story? Check the linked post for all the necessary details
#AMA - you can see all the questions I have answered from previous AMAs under this hashtag
Ko-fi page - you can support me and my work on ko-fi
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musclejock · 2 days
I would love to be forced to carry some heavy weight. You know. Like some really heavy shit. Be forced to have some real pressure on me. I’m willing to be cursed for anything. Do what you will. I’m yours. 😈
Ya wanna be strong? carry some heavy weight? some extremely heavy weight? be forced under some extreme pressure? well I think I have the perfect situation for you my friend just be warned there is no going back from this one.
I think I should introduce you to my friend Max, he's your average jock, likes to run, lift, play sports, but he has a little bit of a dark streak. Ya see Max asked me a few days ago to permanently be the boss of a guy, to control his every move, to make him his, for it to be impossible for him to be disobeyed and I think I might give you to him. But not in the way You think.
You wake up only your view is different, its like an out of body experience, like you are astral projecting only you can't move around and you seem to be stuck at the bottom of a bed staring up at the ceiling. Suddenly you are lifted up and moved. The feeling of warm scratchy carpet touches the bottom of you and you feel warm and tingly. You hear a man's voice groan and yawn and suddenly three fingers are down scratching the side of you.
You still can't figure out what's going on and it seems neither can your new owner. You feel weight suddenly press down on you as half of you is lifted up and then pressed back into the ground against the scratchy carpet. Each step is strange, you feel your skin glisten with sweat and you feel whatever you are carrying get ever so slightly heavier. You hear the muttering of a young man checking off his morning to do list and out of curiosity you look up to see not much more than an ankle and the realisation hits. You've been turned into a pair of feet for a young athlete. You can't move on your own and you are forced to follow his command and he walks and moves completely in control, but you feel something strange with each step something he doesn't notice.
After a few hours of him getting ready the scratchy sensation of the carpet changes to cold pressed tile as you were now in his bathroom.
"Fuck why are my feet so sweaty" you hear the man say as he goes to pull on a pair of socks over the top of you.
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The course fabric pulled over you cuts off your vision, all you have is feeling now, it feels course and rough but, slowly it becomes wet and slimy as the sweat coming off of you seeps into the fabric and clings to you. You feel yourself tightly squeezed into runners and hear a comment about the shoes being too small. It wasn't long before the sweat you were produced completely tainted the shoes too.
You heard a door close and a sudden bouncing as Max started out his morning job. You felt the weight of his entire body press down on you over and over, but that strange feeling continued, he felt heavier and heavier the more you moved. About half an hour later you could hear Max desperately gasping for air and some worried muttering about what was happening to him. The Jogging turned into casual walking but it wasn't long before you heard a loud rip and the sense of pressure release as you had busted out of the front of his shoes.
"ah fuck" Max said picking up the pace of his walking. A loud welt slapping sound rang out from his every move as the slimy wet shoes slapped against the pavement, a few minutes later and another loud rip, you could see out of a small hole now as his big toe had burst through the front of Max's sock.
You could hear him desperately try and pick up the pace, taking as wide as steps as possible, almost like he was doing the splits with each step on his way home. The weight pressing down on you was almost unbearable, if you weren't specifically built for this purpose you would have been crushed by now but you still ached as you moved the weight with each step.
You heard the jingling of keys and a door open, lifted up on a step and placed straight on the itchy carpet once more, by now the shoes and socks were nothing but ripped pieces of fabric left behind on the street. You felt as the carpet sucked some of the sweat off of you and you could see the cream colour turn a sour yellow as it drank up the sweat. Slowly Max moved his body and you made a loud echoing thud each time you connected with the floor, the weight increasing and getting worse. By now Max was almost swaying side to side with each step and you could hear him out of breath simply walking from the front door to his bedroom.
Max slowly wobbled in front of the mirror and you could finally see the weight you had been carrying around all day.
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A giant beast, thick with muscle and covered in hair. He dripped with sweat and the fog of B.O was almost visible and stench radiated off his body. Max sat how on his bed lifting the weight off you and giving you a small break but sweat till poured off you like a waterfall, the sweatiest place on his body.
Max sniffed under his pits and his face turned sour as he turned his head away from the awful smell. You felt yourself lifted up off the ground as Max lifted one of his feet up to rest on his knee. You watched as he learnt forward towards you and he took a sniff, he gagged at the ungodly stench produced by you and stood up. Once again you felt the crushing pressure of this giant pressing down on you. You heard the floorboards under the carpet rumble with every step as he made his way to the bathroom, you heard the loud wet slap as he took steps on the tiling. You ran you under nice warm water which was soothing but you could still feel the sweat pumping out of you. Max tried you off with a nice fluffy towel but you were already wet before you could even reach the ground again, a loud wet slap rang out as you collided with the tile and a few moments later you were half submerged in a pool of salty sweat as a puddle had formed under you.
Max sighed walking out of the bathroom not sure what to do, and with each step you felt the weight on top of you increase slightly more and more.
It seems you both got what you wanted, Max wanted to be the boss of a guy forever and now he has you, unable to deny what he commands you to do, nothing more than an extension of his body.
You wanted to carry a weight and feel the pressure, well every step Max takes will make your wish come more true as each step will cause him to gain 1/4 pound of muscle, constantly getting bigger and bigger to pin you underneath more and more weight. You'll get bigger too, currently size 17 but the bigger he gets the more support he'll need so expect to grow longer and wider as your days as his disgustingly rank feet continue.
I hope you are both very happy together.
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musclejock · 2 days
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