I just want you to know that ur cool!
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Thanks, I really appreciate that!! :D
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Hi! Is the chapter almost done? If not, just take your time w it
Hi, omg sorry for not answering!! Yeah, the next chapter is pretty much done, I just need to get around to finishing the illustration for it... I'm so sorry I haven't posted to this blog in a while, there's been a lot going on in my life, but I do want to continue the story. Hopefully I get it together, haha 🥲 thanks for sticking around
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Hello! I just want to say that it's wonderful that Princess Minnie will be shown as a young ruler and not just a princess in distress!
Good luck in developing the story! 🩷
Aah thanks! I really wanted to avoid that stereotype with Minnie on the fic, since it seems like she should have a lot more agency in the overall story than she did. I'm so glad you agree, and honestly I'm hoping I do her justice as a character 👍
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Hi everyone... I know it's been, like, a century since I posted the last chapter.
I'm really sorry for being so tardy on posting chapter three, I've been having a pretty bad case of writing AND art block recently (yippee), and haven't really felt motivated to make much of anything (which is why I haven't posted any art on my main acct in a while either)
I know lotsa people have been waiting and again, IM REALLY SORRY 😟 I'm trying not to push myself rn and am kind of easing back into the creative process. I don't think rushing something out will help the quality improve lol.
Anyways, I swear chapter three is pretty much done, I just need to finalize my drawings and edit a couple parts. I love making this and don't want to stop any time soon, I may just need some time to get my gears going again :/
Thanks to everyone for sticking around and I'll see you fine folks soon!
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Chapter three is on the way! Have a sketch of the bros for your troubles
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It's me again
I know it's been awhile but I just read your last chapter and I noticed that Ortensia wanted to fly, maybe a certain flying rabbit can help her out 🐈♥️🐇
👀 👀 maybe...
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Rough sketch of the the bro's quarters
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It ain't much, but it's home - Mickey probably
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Two things
1. This Fanfic NEEDS an Audio version on yt or something. It's deserving of even more fans
2; this au is perfect C.ai material.
Omg, thanks! And honestly? I would love to see someone read my fic out loud and do the voices, mainly because I pretty much suck at voice acting and also bc that sounds so fun! As long as I get credited, of course.
Tbf, i haven't really tried out c.ai yet, but i consider this a compliment nonetheless. And I won't lie, the idea of chatting with my favorite grumpy rabbit is a tempting one.
Also, thanks for the ask! I always appreciate feedback. :D
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Hey, I just started reading your story and I wanted to know when part three is coming out
OMG sorry I just saw this ask! Didn't mean to reply so late, that's my bad...
I'm currently working on chapter three, and I'm planning to have it out in the near future, but honestly I don't really have a good update schedule. If school isn't too bad and my brain keeps working, probably within the month.
Thanks for asking and sorry again for making you wait!! :)
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Chapter Two: The Maiden in the Window
Up high in one of the many towers of the sprawling royal palace, a small, dusty watch room looked down on the rooftops and courtyards far below. Nearby, a bird landed on a stone weathervane to chirp giddily and ruffle its feathers. Suddenly, a small hand reached out the window towards the bird, startling a squeak out of it as it fluttered into the air.
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“Oh! I’m so sorry,” the small maiden leaning out the window said, drawing her hand in again. “I just wanted to pet your lovely feathers.” She smiled apologetically, and the bird landed with a humph. It glared at her, but when she reached out to touch him again, he didn’t protest.
The bird looked at her carefully, deciding whether she was a kind person or one that would bat at him with a broom. She was a petite black cat, with bright brown eyes and carefully curled hair that was mussed up from sleeping. Her pale nightgown floated slightly in the breeze, and she sighed. “It’s so nice up here, isn’t it?”
The bird tweeted, leaning into her pets. Her hand was warm to the touch and gentle. “Chirrup!”
She giggled. “I wish I had your lovely wings. I would fly away and see the world.” She looked out over the rooftops of Paris into the horizon, her mind wandering.
The bird tweeted again, and her ear twitched. “The room? It’s not so bad. Sure, it’s cobwebby and a little musty, but it’s perfect for stargazing.” She frowned. “I suppose Papa might be worried if I’m not in my bed this morning. I shouldn’t have fallen asleep up here…”
After a moment, the little songbird spread its wings and jumped off of the windowsill, sailing away on a slight breeze. The cat smiled slightly and leaned on her elbows, watching it fly away, her thoughts in another place.
It must be wonderful to go anywhere you want, she thought. If only she wasn’t a lady of the court, she might escape and explore Europe, and the lands beyond. For a moment her eyes shone with daydreams, and then she blinked and stood up with a resigned sigh.
“It won’t do to have people think I’m missing,” she frowned. “I’d better head back.” Reluctantly she crossed the small room and took a shawl that rested on a hook by the door. After slipping it over her shoulders, she grabbed the door handle and opened it, wincing at the creak of its rusty hinges. “I hope they don’t find out about this old room,” she said to herself.
After several flights of stairs and a few empty hallways, she made it to the main gardens of the palace, which still glistened with morning dew. Although in a hurry, she couldn't help stopping for a second to admire the way the sun glinted off of the fountain’s spray. Then the cat turned and made her way to the great hall, where servants were busy scampering about doing tasks for the courtiers. No one noticed her as she slipped through the crowd and ducked into a side hallway. Good, she thought. Now I’ll just make my way to my quarters and get dressed, and no one will notice I-
“Lady Ortensia! Dieu merci, we found you!”
Ortensia groaned softly as a plump maid and a small flock of servants swarmed her and pulled her away. The first one busied herself brushing dust out of the cat’s hair and picking at her shawl with disdain. “Where have you been?” she scolded, then continued her tirade without an answer. “This is no way to dress in the hall, what if a man saw you, and in your nightdress, no less! Pardon me, my lady, but it’s shameful the way you disappear and reappear in such a mess with not a word to me or anyone else. What would your father say, I hate to imagine. Mes etoiles…”
Ortensia tried to pry her wrist out of the lady’s grip. “Please don’t fuss over me, I’m fine. I was just headed to my quarters,” she protested.
The maid humphed. “I’m afraid we’ll have to redirect you, milady, after we’ve gotten a proper outfit for you. Her Majesty the Princess has requested that you come to the throne room.”
Ortensia’s heart quickened with delight. “Minnie’s ready to see me?” No one had been allowed an audience with the royal princess for the past couple of days, and she missed her friend sorely.
“Only you, she insists,” one of the maids muttered, trying to pick a stray leaf out of Ortensia’s short black tail. “No one else is to accompany you. It’s about time she finished her mourning anyways. She has a country to run!” The maid would have gone on  but was shushed by one of her peers.
Ortensia bristled with anger. How unfair of them, she thought indignantly! Minnie has been through enough already. But she stayed silent until they got to her room and endured the next ten minutes of relentless fussing, gossiping, and pampering as she was shoved into an uncomfortably tight green dress that the maids insisted was “the height of fashion”. Finally after her servants were satisfied, she managed to squirm away from them and hurried away through the palace, anxious to get to the throne room and see the princess.
Finally she came to a set of large, gilded oak doors guarded by two soldiers in chainmail armor. “Halt!” one said as she stepped close, holding up his hand for effect. “State your business.”
Ortensia opened her mouth to speak, but the other soldier beat her to it and elbowed his companion. “Jacques, you idiot,” he hissed. “That’s the lady Ortensia.”
The first soldier jumped slightly and guiltily snapped his hand back to his side. “Oh! Please forgive me, madmoiselle,” he stammered, and hurriedly opened the door.
Ortensia smiled and walked through, the large doors shutting behind her with a clack. As she crossed the long throne room, she couldn't help admiring it. The arched ceiling, held aloft by marble pillars, was lined with shadows and tinted the air with mystery. Tall windows lined the walls and created a breathtaking view of the palace grounds, framed by silk red curtains. Ortensia padded quietly towards the throne at the end of the hall, cocooned by tassled curtains and silk pillow. She felt nervous in spite of herself, her feet sinking into a soft red rug, and approached the princess. "Your Majesty, I'm here to see you?"
As she drew close, the small mouse on the throne lifted her head from where it had rested in her hand. A small gasp of delight was followed by the girl jumping down and rushing towards her.
“Your majesty-” Ortensia started, before she was almost knocked over by the princess. Stunned for a moment, the cat and mouse shared a long embrace, while Minnie buried her head in Ortensia’s shoulder, shivering with relief.
“Y-your majesty?” Ortensia said uncertainly. Minnie pulled back and cleared her throat.
“Please forgive me, Ortensia,” she said quietly. “I’ve just missed you a lot.” Ortensia peered at the princess’s face and frowned. Her eyes were dull and faintly red from crying, and her hair, normally neatly styled and trimmed, was limp and frizzy from a night of tossing and turning. Minnie tried at a smile but it didn't stay. "“You can’t understand how miserable everything has been,” she explained, walking back to the throne. “I'm so terribly sorry that I've been such a hermit. It's just been... a lot to think about." She turned and walked back to her throne, her hands twisting together in a fidgety tangle.
Ortensia softened, sympathy filling her chest. “I hold no grudge towards you, your majesty,” she said softly, walking forward and standing in front of the dais. “Is there anything I can do?”
Minnie plopped down in the throne, whose towering back gilded with gold and satin only made her look smaller. “Yes,” she said, leaning back, and cleared her throat to take on a more official tone. “I know you’ve heard about my parents, may they rest in peace. It’s only been a few days since they passed, but it’s felt like a lifetime.”
Ortensia nodded. “Rumors have been circulating about what caused it. Do you know for certain?”
“The royal physician blamed it on old age and failing health,” Minnie said, her tone becoming bitter. “I say that’s nonsense. But it doesn't appear to matter." Her hands shook as she twisted her fingers together. "Obviously, I'm to become queen in a week. I... I will be in charge of all of France..”
Ortensia nodded solemnly. "But... something's on your mind, isn't it."
Minnie nodded earnestly. "I have been told countless times that I must choose an advisor. But everyone has an agenda of some kind. I feel like I can't trust anyone..." She sighed wearily, her tail flicking restlessly. "And on top of that, I'm expected to find a suitor to marry. Can't run a country without a king, after all. It's so tiresome, everyone trying to force me into these decisions. But, I don't want to push this all on you..."
Ortensia was silent, her heart aching for the princess. She wasn't prepared at all, and it was apparent. “I understand, my lady. But… what do you want me to do?”
Minnie inhaled slowly and turned back to the cat. “You’re the only one in this castle that I trust, Ortensia,” she said. “I’ve known you since we were little, and you’ve been with me through so much. You... You're like a sister to me. I... I have something to ask of you." She took the cat’s hands in her own, giving them a squeeze. “I don't know if I'll find a good suitor. I know I don't want to marry just for the sake of marrying. But despite that, I... I want you to be my lady in waiting."
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Ortensia blinked. “Your lady in waiting?” she repeated with surprise. “Are you sure? Th-that's not a position to be taken lightly.”
Minnie nodded firmly. “I know, and I wouldn't have it any other way. Everything is uncertain right now, and I don’t know what’s going to happen. But no matter what, I need you, desperately. If I'm obligated to marry a man I don't love and trust, I need someone I can trust to talk about things. And with my parents gone, you're the last real friend that I have." Minnie paused. "I don't want to spring this on you so suddenly, though. Please don't feel pressured to..."
Ortensia grasped the princess’s hand in both of hers and stood up straighter. “Of course I'll be your lady in waiting, your majesty. I’d be honored.”
Minnie’s face broke into a wide smile and her shoulders slackened with immense relief. "Thank you Ortensia. You don't know how much that means to me."
Ortensia smiled back and nodded. With a small sigh, Minnie glanced anxiously at the door. "You'd better go now, or people will wonder what's taking you so long," the princess said, waving her hand in dismissal. "I will announce your official position as soon as I can." Ortensia curtsied and hurried out, her mind racing. Things would be a lot more complicated now. But that was okay. I have to tell father about this immediately, she thought, her tail swishing as she disappeared down the corrider.
Outside, crouched on a balcony near the farthest window of the throne room, a shadowy figure lurked, its black cape flapping in the breeze. It watched the princess closely for a moment longer, a steely glint in its eyes as it turned this new morsel of information around in its mind. Then without a sound, it turned and dropped off the ledge, melting away into the trees in the garden, just another passing shadow under the bright noonday sun.
Quick A/N: I am not well educated on the history of anything, and am getting all of my historical basis off of random articles on the net. I apologize in advance for the thousands of errors I'm going to make about how royalty and all that worked in 18th century France. But just for the record, the original Disney movie wasn't accurate either. THEY WERE EATING FAST FOOD. In conclusion, all 3 braincells that are helping me write this story are doing their best. Thank you.
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We got a new blog banner and pfp! I think I finally figured out how to art, mostly.
Honestly drawing them together helps me remember how much fun it is to write the fic and motivate me to keep it up. Thanks for all the support and encouragement from you guys. Chapter two in coming up, along with multiple new illustrations, so stay tuned!
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Well idk if it’s in your story, but I had an Idea on how the brothers have their way on not becoming Musketeers.
For starters Julius may either have a bad temper or is an old timey (meaning he’s way too old fashion or something to become a Musketeer, cause… he’s Julius)
Oswald on the other hand has a very big ego, meaning that he thinks that he’s better then everyone and can be a great musketeer.
And we know what Mickey is (poor boy)
But that’s my take! You don’t have to use it but it’s my idea of how Pete will interpret the brothers. Btw I love your story so far! Keep it up 🤩
those are some interesting ideas, for sure!
To be honest, I wasn't sure at first how to fit Julius into the story, considering in the original cartoons, they really didn't do much with him as a character other than the regular old cartoon stuff (like making him a vessel for slapstick/overly violent stuff) but I think I've been able to figure him out as a brother to them and where I want him to be. I think he's very mischievous just like any cartoon character, but he's also very crafty and knows how to get out of a bad spot. In general, he doesn't like taking risks if there's no reward. That's all I'm gonna say.
As for oswald, you're actually pretty spot on. nuff said :P and we love baby bro mickey <3
It's been tough for me to try and balance all three of them/keep them in character, but I think I'm pretty pleased with what I've done so far.
anyways, thanks for the ask, I'm really glad you like my story!
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I know I already asked too many questions but I have to knock, does Oswald still have the ability to pop off his limbs?
I am excited for your next work and chapter 1 was an amazing read!
He can, but he doesn't like to do it a lot. Occasionally he'll use an arm to grab something up high if he needs to, but for the most part he doesn't utilize it.
Thanks for the positive feedback! It means a lot to me <3
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Chapter One: The Crack of Dawn
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The first rays of morning light touched the cold gray streets of Paris as the world woke up to meet a new day. Groggy store owners trudged out of bed to open their doors and await the early traffic, the clopping of horse hooves echoed as wagons were pulled along the streets, and windows flew open to let the chilly light into dark homes across the city.
As the sun slowly made its way across the sky, its rays peeked into the countless shimmering windows of the royal palace, whose turrets and towers glowed a rosy color in the dawn. Nestled in the middle of the palace grounds was the mess hall, where a small form stood mopping between long wooden tables and benches.
If you had happened to approach him, you would have seen a vigor in his movements, a sort of determined drive that most don't possess at 5 in the morning. He pushed his wet mop around the glistening marble floors, whistling quietly with a smile on his face. If you had come closer and leaned down, (quite far down as he was a very small creature) and looked under the floppy, beat up felt hat that he wore, you would have seen his excited button eyes and his round ears quivering at every sound. And if you got the chance to ask him his name, he would have introduced himself as Mickey Mouse.
But for the moment he was alone, working vigorously to scrub the floor clean, searching with practiced eyes for stains and smudges and swiping over them with a swish of his mop. It was easy to tell he had been doing this for years. A scruffy, sun bleached pair of overalls that were too big hung off of his shoulders, the straps sliding down his arms and making it difficult to work. A small bead of sweat trickled onto his cheek, but he hardly noticed in his concentration.
As he worked, the little mouse’s mind wandered a million miles away, drifting aimlessly between different thoughts, and so it was a few minutes before he realized that someone had walked quietly into the room and was watching him.
“Whatcha doing?”
Mickey turned in surprise to see his oldest brother standing in the doorway. “Julius!” he said happily. “I didn’t see you.” He looked out the window, seeming to notice the sun rising for the first time. “Wow, it’s already dawn.”
Part of Julius was surprised to see Mickey up at such an hour. He had always been the earliest riser of the three, but even he didn’t usually get up before first light. “Couldn’t sleep, huh. Something on your mind?”
Mickey paused as he dipped his mop into a sudsy bucket of water. “Well… it’s not that important I guess but…” he trailed off and looked into his reflection in the pail.
“...But?” Julius prompted.
Mickey ran the mop over a soot stain. “I’m just worried about the royal family. Or what’s left of it, that is.”
Julius nodded knowingly, as if they’d had this conversation many times before. “You're thinking about the princess," he said knowingly.
Mickey smiled slightly, a sheepish look on his face. “It’s just… she seems so ill-prepared to take over. I don’t mean she won’t be a good ruler,” he said quickly, “I just think she should be allowed more time to mourn her parents. They’re shoving all that responsibility onto her so quickly, I mean, her crowning is only in a week.” He dipped his mop in the bucket again, his brow furrowed. "I feel sorry for her."
Julius smirked slightly, his tail swishing mischievously. “You seem to think about Princess Minnie an awful lot,” he teased.
Mickey stuck his tongue out at the cat, but his face was pink. “She’s our leader, of course I’m concerned about her.”
Julius shrugged, smiling wider. “Of course.”
Mickey yawned suddenly, and his grip loosened on the mop handle for a second. Then he shook it off and stood up straighter. “Well, I'd better get back to work.” He slapped the mop back down on the tiles and scrubbed harder. “A janitor’s work is never done.”
Juilus’s smile dropped slightly. “You shouldn’t be pushing yourself so hard, Mick. How about we take a break and eat breakfast?”
Mickey hesitated, but then shook his head. “Cap’n Pete wanted this hall to be clean, and I don’t want to let him down.”
“We have plenty of time to finish this later today,” Julius retorted. “Stop trying to do everything yourself.” He held out his hand. “C’mon, you won’t be any good to me and Oz if you’re half starved.”
Mickey paused and looked out at the slick wet floors, and his shoulders slumped tiredly. “Yeah… yeah, you’re right.” Reluctantly, he picked up his mop bucket, careful not to slosh any water. “I just… don’t want to do a bad job.”
Julius glanced at his brother. “Are you sure Princess Minnie is the only thing on your mind?”
Mickey looked away as they walked out of the hall and said nothing.
Julius took the mop and rested it on his shoulder like a fishing pole. “You know you don’t have anything to prove to Captain Pete. You’re the best janitor this palace has ever seen.”
Mickey looked at his older brother uncertainly. “Better than you?”
Julius squinted his eyes into a mock frown. “Weell, not quite. Almost.”
Mickey smiled slightly. “I’VE never managed to set a stack of tablecloths on fire before.”
Julius nudged the mouse with a laugh. “We don't talk about that."
The two walked off down the large columned hallway together, making small talk with each other as the sky turned from rosy pink to blue. The palace murmured to life, and servants began to appear, running errands to and fro. Reaching the back of the hallway, the brothers ducked down a dingy stairwell that most would overlook, and ended up in a small but cozy servants quarters.
Three beds lined the far wall, while the left was occupied by a small table filled with books, various rags and buckets, and a couple of sketches of the palace grounds. A pair of muddy boots lay at the end of the middle bed, which was occupied by a sleeping lump buried under a frayed quilt. A melted candle in the corner did a poor job of illuminating the room, so Julius opened the shutters on a small window over the table, filling the room with chill air.
Mickey walked up to the lump and tugged on one of the long black ears poking out of it. "Oswald, wake up," he said. "We have to eat and get to work."
The lump moaned and curled up tighter. "Goway."
Julius sighed, as though this was all routine. "You know Captain Pete will have our hides if we don't start on the capes and boots in the washroom," he said pointedly. "We're already on bad terms with him."
The lump, after a moment of silence, heaved a sigh and shifted, rolling over so a grumpy face with a round black nose poked out near the pillow. "I don't like it when you're right," he said, sitting up unhappily.
Mickey had already grabbed a bucket of polish and a brush, and was waiting by the door. "Coming, slowpokes?" he asked.
Julius snatched a bucket of rags from the corner and nudged the small black rabbit emerging from the bed. "Yeah, yeah," Oswald griped, throwing on a pair of patched blue pants and some boots. "I'm coming. But we ARE going by the kitchen first."
"Of course," Julius said. "I hate seeing you hangry." Oswald made a face at him.
Mickey bounced up and down impatiently, anxious to get started. Julius watched him with a slight frown. Mickey was always a people pleaser, but even more so recently. He seemed awfully set on making Captain Pete as happy as possible. Maybe it could be... he sighed quietly. He hoped Mickey wasn't thinking of it again.
But looking into the mouse's shining eyes, watching the way he fingered the frayed brim of his hat without thinking, Julius knew it was exactly that. The dream of his, the dream all three of them used to share, was resurfacing. And every time it took hold, every time Mickey talked of them becoming musketeers together and fighting villains just like they always dreamed of doing... it hurt every time.
Because Julius knew, even if Mickey denied it and Oswald shrugged it off. They couldn't be musketeers. No one but well trained soldiers, sons of the nobility, members of higher class, became musketeers. And what were they?
Nobodys. Janitors of the lowest class. Try as he might, Juilus just didn't have the hope that his brothers held onto. That somehow, some way, they could become musketeers. He felt a knot in his chest as he thought of Mickey's dreams getting crushed, once again. But it was useless to try and talk him out of it. Once Mickey's heart was set on something, it was hard to shake him.
As the three walked past the courtyard gates together, Julius tried to ignore the sounds of chanting, steel clashing, and tromping boots that came from the drill yard. Don't get your hopes up, he thought. You can't be one of them. Don't be let down again.
But Mickey and Oswald nudged each other, their eyes shining, as they strained their ears to drink in every sound. Even Julius, though he wouldn't admit it, couldn't help feeling an excited flutter in his chest every time the thrilling cry was raised:
"All for one, and one for all!"
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Soooo Disney: BIA…Yeahhhh I enjoyed making these doodles lol—
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Let you all know that this AU belongs to @bniebee so make sure to check it out! (I’m gonna make a comic soon…just gonna take time tho waaaaa—)
Also I had never drawn Julius and Minnie before so they were was fun to do, anyways enjoy and wait until what comes next!💚✨ (I know I’m gonna make a lot of people cry cause half of the doodles are either heartwarming or angsty lol) should I make more Doodles of the Disney AUs? Let me know!
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Would the brothers be biological related like Mickey and Oswald were in epic mickey or would they be found family like the other musketeers
If they are biological related then what happened to their parents
Also is mickey still gonna be smol
More excellent inquiries, of which I have answers
Yes, they are biological. As to what happened to their mom and dad, they probably died of disney parents syndrome. The bros never knew them, and since they aren't important to the story I'm leaving it at that.
Of course, Mickey is smol boi. All three are smol, actually. Oswald is shortest, Mickey is middle, and Julius is tallest, but the height difference between the three isn't by very much.
Thanks again for the questions! I enjoy answering them.
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Hello! I have some questions😊
Will Goofy and Donald appear in Disney's Musketeers?
So, Ortensia is a court lady instead of Daisy?
How did Julius and Oswald react to Mickey's crush on the princess?
And what are the "flaws" of the brothers? In the cartoon, Donald was not very brave, Goofy was stupid, and Mickey was small.
Sorry if there are too many questions😅
Oooh!! Those are EXCELLENT questions. I can answer two right away...
Goofy and Donald will be making some sort of appearance, that's my plan at least. They won't be major characters, but keep an eye out!
Yes, Ortensia is a lady of the court. She does replace Daisy in the story, with a bit more of an active role.
The rest are simply things you'll have to find out... MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA
I will be getting access to my computer again VERY soon, like within the week, and I apologize SO much to everyone who has been waiting so long. I guarantee that I will get out more chapters by the end of the month if it KILLS ME
Thanks so much for all the questions! I love and appreciate all the support and honestly the fact that you guys are excited for the story makes me more excited to write it. ❤️❤️
For now, farewell!
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