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my-current-obsession · 16 hours
Expecting Final Fantasy X-2 to be just like Final Fantasy X is setting it up to fail and that’s the biggest reason so many people dislike it. FFX-2 is very different from FFX because at the end of FFX, the world as everyone knew it completely changed. Many of Yevon’s dark secrets were revealed, leading to more religious freedom and the vindication of the Al Bhed, which in turn led to the formation of the machine faction and the youth league. On top of that, after Sin’s permanent defeat, summoners who were once deeply respected became defunct over night. And Spira’s people who, for a thousand years, were terrified of letting themselves be TOO happy because at any moment Sin could arrive and tear their life apart, suddenly had nothing to be afraid of anymore. In a world where they couldn’t build large cities or have any form of entertainment other than blitzball, they could finally find new ways to have fun and be genuinely happy without the thought of Sin taking it all away from them in the back of their mind. The mood of the entire world shifted. The rules changed. It’s not the same Spira anymore so it’s foolish to expect the two games to feel the same. And besides all of this, The stories of FFX-2 and X aren’t even THAT different. We’re just seeing X-2′s from the outside as a third party. It’s still about two star crossed lovers being ripped apart by their circumstances. In X-2 when we find out summoners were sent to the frontline during the war, their lives were being risked and used as nothing more than cannon fodder, just as they are during the events of X. Both Tidus and Shuyin sought to stop their summoners’ sacrifice through extreme measures. The only difference is that Tidus and Yuna weren’t murdered for their conspiracy(not for lack of trying) like Shuyin and Lenne were. That and X-2 pretty much combined Tidus and Seymour into one character. Shuyin and Seymour both wanted to destroy the world that had wronged them, the only difference was in their intentions. Seymour wanted to end Spira to save it from pain, Shuyin wanted to as an act of vengeance for what happened to him and Lenne.
#PREACH#final fantasy#final fantasy x-2#like i get the argument that a sequel to X was unnecessary BUT... they did the absolute fucking best they could from where X left off#if you just stop and think about things basically everything the 'fans' complain about makes sense!#of course the tone and vibe is way happier! Sin is gone and literally all of Spira is adjusting to being able to BE happy and carefree!#yuna has changed because she HAS GROWN. she is CONTINUING a character arc that STARTED in X but FINISHES at the end of x-2#it's so important to me that at the END of her story she straight up renounces the end of X as unacceptable. sacrifice is never okay.#and coming from HER? she who once planned to sacrifice herself but instead was forced to see those she loved sacrificed instead?#that's so powerful.#but yuna is still fundamentally the same deep down. she's grown some but she's STILL incredibly kind and helpful...#to the point of being a bit of a doormat. it's just that NOW she actually has limits she refuses to cross (or let others cross)#AND she's gotten more confident and sassy. how can you not love that?#and in terms of the conflict(s) of x-2... i'd say there are 3 actual points of conflict. leblanc's crew isn't one of them fyi#they're nuisances rather than actual threats. and i love that Team Rocket Energy personally#but anyway two of the three conflicts make PERFECT sense coming from X#one is Vegnagun. and in X at the Moonflow they literally brought up the idea of machina so powerful they threatened the world#two is the conflict between New Yevon and the Youth League. and that also tracks with the end of X#OF COURSE some people would try to cling to and revive their dying religion. and OF COURSE a lot of people would be REALLY against it#people trying to salvage Yevon and hold onto the familiar AND people absolutely loathing and mistrusting it now make PERFECT SENSE#finally there's Shuyin. who has no foreshadowing or common sense tie to X but damn do they do work with him anyway#his similarity to tidus is obviously compelling and with lenne having been a summoner...#the way their story parallels and/or contrasts tidus/yuna's is a thing of beauty.#this game is wonderful and like OP (sorry for reblogging this literally a year late btw if that bothers you) i'll defend it with my life
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my-current-obsession · 16 hours
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my-current-obsession · 16 hours
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my-current-obsession · 17 hours
My 20 years late response to people being hard on Final Fantasy X-2 is:
1. Not everything has to be a masterpiece.
2. Not everything has to be soul-crushing.
3. Girls.
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my-current-obsession · 17 hours
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small and ready to die
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Why do people need subtitles to watch a show in English? I don't get it. What is wrong with the ears of young people?
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leorenz for @aurora-boring-alis!
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Futaba !!! :33 this was actually a bd gift for my friend !! ^_^
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laaate but happy birthday crys! ⭐
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Because I've recently had one of those "your experiences are not universal" moments, please humor me
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blue bird
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phrasing of this is taking me out
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