I love Zubin so much. I want to hug him on the beach and watch the sun set with him. I want to snuggle with him and twirl his hair. I love Zubin.
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if the band broke up, my life would be ruined. tally hall as changed my life.
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I wish the world would hurry up and realize what an incredibly talented band Tally Hall is. They deserve so much more recognition than what they get.
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I’m giving away a copy of Good & Evil! It’s brand new and still sealed.
To enter just like, reblog, or like and reblog (yes you can enter twice) this post between NOW and 9PM EST Saturday, September 17 2011.
The winner will be selected via Random Number Generator and announced the following day (Sunday September 18) at around 3 pm EST.
The winner will have to leave their address in Eff Yeah Tally Hall’s ask box  within 48 hours in order to claim the CD (If they don’t then the RNG will select another and the process will repeat).
This is open to everyone, regardless of whether you live in the US or not. However, I will not include Askblogs and other Fanblogs in the drawing, please use personal blogs to enter. Askblogs and other fanblogs are welcome to reblog and spread the word, but if the RNG selects them then I will generate another number.
Good & Evil CD Giveaway!
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My TH confession is that while I don't want to moderate how anyone expresses their fandom, I don't like the blogs featuring pictures stolen from TH's personal Facebook pages, especially photos from non-band related events or photos featuring other people. It's also not OK to use other fans' photos/art AND PUT YOUR WATERMARK ON THEM (ie the "Happy Birthday Rob" post). Ask permission to use images or wait for submissions and please from now on respect personal boundaries on Facebook. Thanks.
Well hey there anon. To be perfectly clear I didn't get these photos from facebook. I deactivated my personal facebook account a few weeks ago, and even then I wouldn't be going onto other people, who I don't know and am not facebook friends with to get photos for confessions. If the owners have a problem with me posting photos that they put on sites like tumblr for fans to enjoy then they should let me know, without being anonymous, and I will take them off, just ask me kindly.
Personal boundaries were not pushed when you find the photos by searching through google or through tumblr. I put a watermark on things I add from picnik but I never claimed the photos. It says so on my tumblr page description. 
So while none of these photos were found on Facebook, mostly the HITS gallery, tumblr, and google I appreciate your input anon and I will take it into consideration. Thanks anon. 
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Happy Rob Cantor Day! I don't know about you but I'm going to celebrate by listening to Tally Hall and wear yellow in honor of him! Maybe eat a cupcake too! What are you doing for this day?
Also, this picture is not mine so if you want credit or it taken down just let me know.
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"No matter how much I tell myself I'll be okay if they break up, I honestly don't think I will."
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Sorry everyone!
I'm sorry for the lack of action going on this site. I've been moving into a new apartment the past few days so I haven't really had time to do too much here. But I think I might be posting a submission tonight along with working on Rob's birthday congratulatory! So stay tuned for something tonight! Hopefully it'll be able to be finished soon. I've started unpacking things so hopefully I'll be a little more regular until school starts next week. Fingers crossed! 
Also! I want to say thanks for being loyal followers with submissions and reblogging photos! It's been 10 days and we have 14 followers! That's crazy in my mind, you are some of the most dedicated fans I've ever met, so thank you! One day we'll show the band this and it'll be all thanks to you! 
But! Onward to more unpacking and dinner, so until I post another submission I suppose! Thanks everyone, you're all very awesome in my eyes. =] 
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What if we did like a video or an e-card or something for Rob for his birthday? Would anyone want to help? As far as I know, it’s majority girl TH fans here on Tumblr. I don’t even know, I was just thinking it’d be something cool...
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Wait wait wait, what's this about them breaking up?
It's not for sure but a recent interview has put up speculation for such. If the album doesn't get enough recognition they might go on with their lives and work or go back to school again. As a fan it's hard to say what will happen.
You can read the interview that I found the news of their possible breaking up here: http://blog.thrillcall.com/2011/08/04/tally-hall-live-at-bottom-of-the-hill-sf-8111/
And the band breaking up is my main reason for this blog, to show them that what they do certainly does matter to their fans.
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I ship this with all the force I have. - Smo
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Here’s the list: Andrew Joe Rob Ross Zubin Enjoy! - Robin B. P.S. Look for a Bora fan blog coming soon!
All five blogs dedicated to each member of Tally Hall are now UP AND RUNNING! Submissions are always welcome. :)
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