n-v-ous · 16 days
jash tumblr? how we feelin about minecraft skins?
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+ progress cape
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no hat! this is a no hat zone thinking of making a few others (i already made some of HMS but blah) like the outfits from the different power hours, maybe 20XX and other singles too, but i really like this one at least! \o/ (no guarantee for any of those. i am but a lowly gerbil with dubious motivation)
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n-v-ous · 1 year
I hope you and Blot are doing okay. Has Blot been able to get outside a little more now that the days are warming up?
we are doing okay! i apologize for my extended absence, school had started getting a bit stressful again and i noticed my mental health was declining, so i opted to take a break from social media for a while. summer break is here though, and i'm mostly back to a place i'm content with!
as for going outside,
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it's kind of a double-edged sword. it's much warmer and nicer, but there's also a lot of bugs. cursing my blood type making me a good snack-
(there's a ladybug in the photo, hehe)
i usually resign to staying mostly indoors during the summer, so i'll show Blot around some games and such i like to play to spend the time!
(by the by, i have also picked up a new hyperfixation, so there may or may not be a couple posts about that in the future as well)
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n-v-ous · 1 year
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"Late Night Talks"
they're just talking about life probaby, idk
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n-v-ous · 1 year
Looks like the Fighting Stick Figures' home is still here, even after Adobe Flash ended back in December 31, 2020.
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Any thoughts on how this might be? The ones I could only think of are that the website was created again under a currently supported computer software (which I don't really think that's the case because the website under that software would be here now), or that it was drawn under a separate file. Or maybe the home was still around after all this time, the animation just doesn't work anymore (okay, now I'm just chatting nonsense).
Also, gotta love Second's reaction to the sticks' current antic. He's like, "Ugh, I don't want to know. I'm too tired for this."
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At least he got some sleep, though.
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n-v-ous · 1 year
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n-v-ous · 1 year
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*pretending to be uploading regularly but actually just reposting random stuff
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n-v-ous · 1 year
Ello blot!
I bring you presents and flowers 💐
Also a mystery box :D
(Pls ignore any errors english is not my first language)
thank you for the gifts and flowers!!
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Blot loves em! (i may need to borrow those flowers for prom tonight tho-)
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and ooo, a mystery box. curious!
..i trust that you wouldn't send anything bad! so opening it will be fine..
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n-v-ous · 1 year
Hiii I'm new to your page :D
I just wanted to say I love your stick figure Blot :')
hellooo! glad to have you here :D
and thank you! i think it's pretty neat, too \o/
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new people get complimentary cakes and flowers!
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n-v-ous · 1 year
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thank you for the cakes!
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....Blot says "thank you," too
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n-v-ous · 1 year
It’s hard keeping track of them all.
“I thought you hated that guy, wasn’t he your least favourite character?” King asked, watching over his son’s shoulder.
“Yeah, like three movies ago, he made up with his brother. He’s a cool anti-hero now.”
“Okay,” He’d have to remember that next time he was getting gifts.
“This one is your favourite, right?” King asked, holding the plush up to Gold who shrugged.
“I guess, I kinda like this one better now, it’s from the newest generation,” The boy handed King a different plush and King stared into its beaded eyes, committing its face to memory.
“I didn’t think you liked this sort of music,” King remarked, scrunching up his face. Cursors knew he sure didn’t.
“Yeah, I normally don’t, but I don’t know, I really like how this artist does it, y’know?”
“I don’t, but that’s okay,” King shrugged, “We’re allowed to like different things.”
“Oh, Purple! It’s that guy you like, right? From that show?”
“Huh?” Purple looked at the screen, before shaking his head, “I don’t watch superhero stuff.”
“Oh, but I-” As soon as he realized his mistake he buried his head in his hands, “I’m sorry. I was thinking of him.”
“It’s okay, Baba, I already know you’re going senile,” Purple teased, nudging the taller stick with his shoulder, but it didn’t stop King’s tears in the slightest, “Seriously, don’t beat yourself up about it. It’s fine.”
“I’m not,” Which was only half-true, “I’m thinking about how excited he would be to know his show got another season and how I wish he were here to see it.”
Purple took a deep breath and just rubbed King’s back. Him being sad about it was better than him being angry about it, “Aw, Baba. You want to go home?”
“No, we came out here to pick out some new furniture and that’s what we’re going to do.”
“Alright then, to the armchair section!”
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n-v-ous · 1 year
Alan Becker Stickfigures in my version.
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n-v-ous · 1 year
Kitty time
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n-v-ous · 1 year
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it was a really nice day today and campus has a bunch of pretty flowers, so i thought i'd how Blot around \o/
(and yes, this is also an excuse for me to take a walk and practice my photography. don't tell Blot that)
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n-v-ous · 1 year
Caring comes in many forms.
King scrunched his face up as he felt the light hit it, rolling over to waking. But the the soft whine that followed had his eyes shooting open.
Gold was standing in his bedroom door, clutching his blanket. Now that King was awake, he could smell it before Gold even said it, “I threw up.”
King looked at the clock; he’d only been asleep for two hours. Oh well, time to get moving now.
First order of business, stripping Gold’s bed and pyjamas and putting them in the wash and cleaning Gold’s floor while convincing the feverish Gold to rest on the couch.
Once that was cleaned up, it was time to take his son’s temperature. Gold whined about it, curling away from the thermometer, “Come on now, under your tongue, there you go sunshine.”
Well, that was definitely high, but not dangerously so. Not rush him to the hospital high. King shuffled his way to the medicine cabinet and pulled out the fever suppressant and something to settle Gold’s stomach.
He read and double checked both bottles before measuring out the doses, two tablets and a glass of water.
“Here you go, yes both of them, no not at the same time if you don’t want to, down the hatch,” King steadied Gold’s shaking hand and helped him tilt the glass to his lips.
“There we go, good job,” King soothed, settling Gold back onto the couch, “Try and get some more rest, alright?”
And he could hear the washer come to a stop, so off he went to move the laundry along while his son slipped in and out of fevered dreams.
At least it was first thing in the morning and not midday, making calls and getting the day off wouldn’t be too much of a hassle. Of course he’d do what he could at home, so the day wouldn’t be a total waste.
Not that taking care of his sick son was a wasted day.
He still hadn’t had a cup of coffee yet. At least that explained the growing headache.
By the time the sun was up, Gold’s bedding was dry and King remade the bed and scooped up the now deeply asleep child - who was soon to be too big to pick up - and tucked him in.
King placed a bucket next to the bed and a glass of water on the nightstand, just in case.
Gold slept most of the morning, crawling out of bed to sit at the kitchen table, “‘M hungry and out of water.”
“Okay, well, I want to check your temperature again, but you’re looking a lot better than earlier,” King got the thermometer again, and Gold was a lot better about taking it this time.
Definitely going down, but still a little warm, “How’s your stomach doing? You said you were hungry, how about some toast and a banana?”
Gold nodded and King went to work toasting up two slices of bread and cutting up a banana, “Don’t force yourself to eat it all.”
He managed to finish one slice of toast and few bites of banana, to which King nodded in approval before giving Gold another dose of medicine and sending him back to bed.
King ate the remaining toast and banana and considered that his lunch.
When King went to check up on Gold later, he found his son sitting up in bed, playing one of his video games, eyes bright and alert, “You look like you’re feeling better.”
“A lot,” Gold nodded as King laid a hand on his forehead. No longer felt feverish, that was good.
“How does supper sound, nothing big, maybe some fried rice?”
“Sounds good!”
“Good,” King let out a breath and felt himself finally start to relax from where he’d been tense all day.
King arched an eyebrow as Purple marched from his room, bedding in arms, to the laundry room, “Purple?”
“Just a minute,” Came the all too quiet response; once the washer was going Purple joined him in the kitchen, “Sorry, I was just a little bit sick this morning, don’t worry I’ve got it cleaned up-”
“Have you checked your temperature yet?” King chided, already getting up to fetch the thermometer from the cupboard.
“C’mon Baba, do I have to? It’s just a normal stomach bug…”
“Humour me, please?” With a whine, Purple stuck the thermometer under his tongue.
“Okay, so it’s a little high, but it’s not dangerous ‘rush me to the hospital’ high. Don’t worry about it Baba, I’ve got this. I’ve been sick like this before, I know how to take care of myself,” Purple reassured, swaying as he stood up on trembling legs.
“Okay. I’ll try, but worried is one of my default states these days. I do have some medicine if you would like to take some.”
“I… yeah, think I would. Up in the medicine cupboard, yeah?” Purple asked swinging the cupboard door open.
“Let me get that for you, I think you’re too short to reach,” King reached up and grabbed the two bottles of medicine.
“You’ve got to stop being so tall.”
“Unfortunately, it’s a curse I must bear for the rest of my life.”
Purple measured out the pills, swallowing them dry and making King cringe, “You should probably have some water.”
“Once the medicine starts kicking in and I’m sure it’ll stay down,” Purple nodded, moving to go back to the laundry room since the washer stopped.
“I’ve got it, you go lay down in my bed for now and get some more rest.”
“Purple, go rest. Please.”
“Fine, but only because you said please.”
King hadn’t really been in Purple’s room before, he wasn’t expecting it to be so sparse as he made the teen’s bed. A few purple things and a cherry blossom bonsai, no books or anything.
He’d have to get Purple some more things to help make his room more homey.
And now that the bed was made he scooped up up Purple - who was definitely too big for him to carry like that - and tucked him in with a bucket and a glass of water for the bedside.
Purple woke up not too long afterwards and headed to the kitchen, “Making some toast and applesauce, if you want some.”
“No thanks, do you want any help?”
“I got it, thanks,” Purple’s tone was a little snippy, but he caught himself pretty quick, “Sorry.”
“It’s alright, you’re not feeling well.”
“I am not,” Purple agreed, munching on his single piece of toast, “Gonna take some more medicine and head back to bed to ride this out.”
“Sounds like a plan.”
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n-v-ous · 1 year
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-points finger and counts- five mimirs
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n-v-ous · 1 year
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i found a small feather while walking outside
artist rendition (i am not good at drawing yet) Blot likes it tho! \o/
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but goddamn comparing that feather to Blot made me realize how fuckin small it is.
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n-v-ous · 1 year
Hey! Since I've made so many monster designs for the AvA characters, I decided why not make a monster version of Blot? :D
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This is just a sketch but I hope you guys like it!
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AWWW thank you so much!! i love it so much!
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Blot does too!! and it insisted i draw the features on it
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oh, right.
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i don't know if you can see through that, but suit yourseld, buddy-
(once again, thank you! i love it!)
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