nataref · 7 days
it's my birthday in 4 days and i'd like to not be homeless (5/22/24)
hi everybody. i've been unable to find work and unable to pay rent and i am falling through the cracks.
my roommate and i owe our landlord $1500 CAD, to be paid by june 1st, or we have 5 days to leave and my landlord can pursue further legal action. even if we manage to pay, we still have to vacate by june 15th.
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my family all live a province away and so far none of them are able to get me out of here in time. i have nowhere to go. i don't drive or have a vehicle. i will be out on the street if i get kicked out.
i keep making posts but they get no traction and i receive no help. i really do not know what else to do.
i'm in canada, so even just a $5 USD donation is $7 CAD for me.
i take commissions. i'll draw literally whatever. $20 per character
my p4y.pal
i know times are rough for everybody so thank you for putting up with my ebegging. if you can, please share
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nataref · 9 days
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playing alice madness returns is altering my brain chemistry i wish i was kidding
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nataref · 11 days
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The meow meow ever
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nataref · 17 days
One thing abt me is that i will be a hater. Not in the "im gonna cyber stalk you and watch things you make all the time cause im obsessed with hating you" way but in the "you're worried abt Andrew tates emotional state when people call him cringe and make personal jabs at him? What are you, weak? Get outta yer diapers and beat this boys ass, cmon now" way.
TLDR i think we shouldn't be nice, actually. I think its a good thing to personally shit on individual people who are abusers especially ones that try and teach other people to be abusive and paint it as desirable. I think every motherfucker like that deserves a personal equivalent of meet the grahams/not like us i think they deserve to get their ass whooped publicly, personally, and frequently. Cause they ain't going to jail for their BS or even a lot of the time facing social condemnation for it. Stop being wimpy abt it, be a hater! <3
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nataref · 20 days
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jesus no
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nataref · 20 days
Mobility assistance
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nataref · 20 days
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my brother sent me this photo of his cat and i’m gonna lose my mind. he looks like a kingdom hearts character 
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nataref · 22 days
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Pour one out for a real one.
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nataref · 23 days
Okay I can't believe I have to say this: I am 100% against fakeclaiming. Meaning if you even squint in the direction of someone who says they have OSDDID, I don't want you near me. My last post was explicitly anti-fakeclaiming, and if you read it as some mild in-between of "Well, I don't mind it when people fakeclaim in SOME instances uwu" NO. Not a single one.
Fakeclaiming completely destroyed my ability to trust my mental health professionals. I was convinced they'd believe I was faking it. I haven't told most people in my life despite desperately needing accommodation, because the first (and only) time I opened up about it to someone, they instantly fakeclaimed me. I already doubted myself and it took me MONTHS to disclose my DID symptoms to my psychiatrist because I was so scared I was secretly faking it. I still cannot properly believe myself, and I was diagnosed nearly a YEAR ago. I have been petrified of being open as a system out of fear of being harassed on the streets.
Fakeclaimers cannot see that they are damaging people with OSDDID, because they've convinced themselves their fakeclaiming exists in a bubble. They thrash wildly in every direction and just hope they're mostly taking down fakers. But if they take down actual systems? Collateral. Maybe don't act like such a faker next time. There was literally no part during my life where I felt as though fakeclaimers AT ALL helped me. There was no point in my life where I ever wished "Man, I just really hope this random 14-year-old system on TikTok gets harassed or I'm gonna have a rough day."
You know what I've wished for? I wished I knew for certain my friends and family would believe me. I wish I didn't have to be worried that the first words off my mental health professionals' lips would be "You're making that up." I wish I could be open about this illness when I'm more stable and it's less dangerous for me without the risk of people assuming my openness came from a lack of pain and understanding, rather than a domination of it. I wish I could casually bring up I'm a system in conversations without being worried that someone is going to interrogate me. I wish I didn't fear waking up one day to someone deeming me one of the cringe systems and launching a harassment campaign against me.
Fakeclaimers are actively stripping this reality away from me. So I'm going to make it clear again: I am not on your side. I am not some mild in-between of "Sometimes fakeclaiming is okay!" If you fakeclaim people, even the ""real fakers"", get away from me. If you actually gave a shit about systems, you would be using that energy to prop up systems and OSDDID resources, not harassing random internet users.
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nataref · 23 days
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If you're having trouble keeping up with what's going on in Palestine because of US news coverage of university protests, here are some articles you can read and a video you can watch:
While CNN & all the other mainstream media try to paint the university protests as "pro terrorism" (which they're not, they're literally anti-war protests.) Palestinians are being slaughtered by the minute.
Please don't stop speaking about Palestine.
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nataref · 27 days
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nataref · 1 month
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nataref · 1 month
umm haha i dont know what to do my posts keep dying immediately and our power is getting turned off tomorrow/april 25th.
please help if you can
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nataref · 2 months
dylan mulvaney deserves the world and also days of girlhood goes hard and i will fight AND die on that hill
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nataref · 2 months
interesting how transmascs & transfems alike think losing weight is the answer to pass as our chosen gender.... almost as if fat people are never Truly afforded a passing gender regardless of trans status. as fat people we are never Truly seen as Men or Women. anyway fuck that notion & if u think u need to lose weight to pass that's the devil talking
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nataref · 3 months
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nataref · 3 months
the sort of ideology that being a man and being a lesbian are always *COMPLETELY SEPARATE experiences with NO OVERLAP* definitely delayed my realization that I'm bigender. like, I am a man who is partially a woman, and that womanhood is connected to my attraction to other women. I identified as a binary trans man for years before I realized this. and i think if someone had, very early on in my transition, said to me "you know you could be both a man and a lesbian," i would have identified myself this way many years earlier.
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