nebby-3124 · 24 hours
Writing tips for long fics that helped me that no one asked for.
1.) Don't actually delete content from your WIP unless it is minor editing - instead cut it and put it in a secondary document. If you're omitting paragraphs of content, dialog, a whole scene you might find a better place for it later and having it readily available can really save time. Sometimes your idea was fantastic, but it just wasn't in the right spot.
2.) Stuck with wording the action? Just write the dialog then revisit it later.
3.) Stuck on the whole scene? Skip it and write the next one.
4.) Write on literally any other color than a white background. It just works. (I use black)
5.) If you have a beta, while they are beta-ing have them read your fic out loud. Yes, I know a lot of betas/writers do not have the luxury of face-timing or have the opportunity to do this due to time constraints etc but reading your fic out loud can catch some very awkward phrasing that otherwise might be missed. If you don't have a beta, you read it out loud to yourself. Throw some passion into your dialog, you might find a better way to word it if it sounds stuffy or weird.
6.) The moment you have an idea, write it down. If you don't have paper or a pen, EMAIL it to yourself or put it in a draft etc etc. I have sent myself dozens of ideas while laying down before sleep that I 10/10 forgot the next morning but had emailed them to myself and got to implement them.
7.) Remember - hits/likes/kudos/comments are not reflective of the quality of your fic or your ability to write. Most people just don't comment - even if they say they do, they don't, even if they preach all day about commenting, they don't, even if they are a very popular blog that passionately reminds people to comment - they don't comment (I know this personally). Even if your fic brought tears to their eyes and it haunted them for weeks and they printed it out and sent it to their friends they just don't comment. You just have to accept it. That being said - comment on the fic you're reading now, just do it, if you're 'shy' and that's why you don't comment the more you comment the better you'll get at it. Just do it.
8.) Remove unrealistic daily word count goals from your routine. I've seen people stress 1500 - 2000 words a day and if they don't reach that they feel like a failure and they get discouraged. This is ridiculous. Write when you can, but remove absurd goals. My average is 500 words a day in combination with a 40 hour a week job and I have written over 200k words from 2022-2023.
9.) There are dozens of ways to do an outline from precise analytical deconstruction that goes scene by scene to the minimalist bullet point list - it doesn't matter which one you use just have some sort of direction. A partial outline is better than no outline.
10.) Write for yourself, not for others. Write the fic you know no one is going to read. Write the fic that sounds ridiculous. You will be so happy you put it out in the world and there will be people who will be glad it exists.
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nebby-3124 · 24 hours
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WAKE UP, a NEW Toji official artwork just dropped
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nebby-3124 · 12 days
I’m a Vampire!!
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About Me!!
mod: nebby  · 25  · 🇨🇳-🇺🇸  · she/her  · infj  · capricorn  toji’s blood bound  · gojo’s regnant  · mahito’s sewer inspector  · nanami’s anti aging skincare provider  · slow writer  · very anxious
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Hey, can I suck your blood?
this blog is 18+ & mdni  · multi fandom (mostly jjk)  · (i will block minor, ageless blogs, and pornbots.)
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nebby-3124 · 13 days
Face Sitting Headcanons w/ Satoru Gojo x AFAB Reader (not sfw)
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originally posted: September 27, 2023
a/n: in light of recent events, I get to share this early! I’m not kidding in saying that my coochie wrote this. I’m not in denial. Everyone else is in denial and I’m not even into Gojo- cw: not sfw, mdni, afab reader, reader has afab body parts (pussy, cunt, clit, etc.), established relationship, face sitting, cunnilingus, overstimulation
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Keep reading
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nebby-3124 · 14 days
Long time no see! Now, where have I been?
I've been mostly taking classes but with my summer break I hope to write more! Feel free to request or send thirsts to me :)
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nebby-3124 · 15 days
Face Sitting Headcanons w/ Satoru Gojo x AFAB Reader (not sfw)
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originally posted: September 27, 2023
a/n: in light of recent events, I get to share this early! I'm not kidding in saying that my coochie wrote this. I'm not in denial. Everyone else is in denial and I'm not even into Gojo- cw: not sfw, mdni, afab reader, reader has afab body parts (pussy, cunt, clit, etc.), established relationship, face sitting, cunnilingus, overstimulation
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When you ride his face:
When it came to your relationship with Gojo, two things could happen if you asked him to let you ride his face. He'd either indulge you momentarily before doing something silly and ruining the intimate mood for you. (Yes, this man, at one point, attempted to blow raspberries into your pussy.) Or he'd completely indulge your desires, much to your delight or dismay.
Whenever you've fucked Gojo, he's been noisy, albeit talkative, praise, teasing or degradation, you name it, but when you ride his face the noises, he makes differ from his usual chatter. The only real way to make him stop talking is either gagging him or sitting on his face. His voice is muffled, but with his mouth pressed against your folds, his tongue lavishing your cunt with so much attention, it's hard to not see how much he enjoys it.
Gojo isn't a man who you'd consider a slow paced lover, but when it comes to letting you sit on his face or eating you out, he's precise and detailed. He eats you out like you are his favorite confection, so when you sit on his face, how could he not give you the same amount of attention?
He lavishes your clit with his tongue and open-mouthed kisses and sucks on it until you are squirming on top of him. You have to hold on to the bed’s headboard to steady yourself. His ministrations are relentless until you are being edged. He doesn’t let you have the orgasm you want and instead leaves you rocking your hips against his mouth as you babble and whimper helplessly above him. You need to hold on to the headboard of the bed for dear life as you feel the tip of his nose bump against your clit as Gojo eats you out.
When you find yourself so close to cumming, from Gojo's ministrations, he wants to cum with you. Sure, Gojo can be mean when he wants to, but he also wants to enjoy the intimacy with you. With one hand firmly against one hip, ensuring that he's still able to make you cum with his mouth while you rut your hips against his face. Gojo's other hand goes to stroke his already erect cock, stroking himself until he cums with you.
The orgasm for the both of you is intense, with Gojo lapping up every bit of your release. He doesn't care that his cum is splattering against his abdomen as he knows he can pull every type of moan and whimper from your trembling lips. After cumming with you like that, he could probably go for another round if you're willing...
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nebby-3124 · 16 days
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I accidentally deleted the gojo face sitting's original post, so I will be reposting.
aka i feel so dumb 😭
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nebby-3124 · 7 months
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Toji Fushiguro | Hidden Inventory Part 2
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nebby-3124 · 7 months
After some technical finagling, we're back on the road again. I've been very busy but I hope to get some writing done soon.
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nebby-3124 · 8 months
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Jujutsu Kaisen x Chainsaw Man: Both wholesome, slice-of-life animes..
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nebby-3124 · 8 months
it's okay if you aren't writing right now. it's okay not to be online. it's okay to take breaks. this is a hobby, not a job, and you should spend your time however you want to, not how others may want you to. don't stress yourself over not being around enough; it doesn't matter if you take days, weeks, or even months — it's okay to do things the way it works best for you. and if that means taking longer to reply, then so be it. people are usually far more understanding than we give them credit for.
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nebby-3124 · 8 months
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Eh?! New Tumblr feature???? Can we pretend my main blog doesn't when I chat to you guys???
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nebby-3124 · 8 months
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honey!!! its time for another 200hr+ play through of stardew valley!!!
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nebby-3124 · 8 months
I read your tags on the smut tips post so I’m here to ask, how do you write a good angst to fluff piece? 😌
idk what possessed me to say my angst to fluff pieces were my true calling BUT since thats what literally ALL my Haikyu fics are and all my non full smut fics are I might as well. AND I LOVE SHARING MY WISDOM I FEEL LIKE A GURU hehehehe.
FIND THE WRITE ANGST TO FLUFF BALANCE: like tbf this one is just down to personal preference of what you want to write. since at the end of the day angst to fluff fics are just fics that start with angst and end with fluff BUT imo to make it sweet and juicy you really need to find the write balance, have you ever read and fic and thought damn this barely had any angst or vice versa. so when it comes to writing NON smut angst to fluff fics I think depending on how heavy the angst is you wanna do like a 60% angst 40% fluff or 70% angst and 30% fluff. but this point kinda leads into my next one...
BALANCING UR SHIT RIGHT: so with this, I think the hardest part of writing angst to fluff fics is that you have to find a problem that angsty enough to be worth writing about but not TOO angsty that it makes the reader look dumb for forgiving the character and having a fluffy ending. to combat this, I usually just make the 'fluff' part of my endings the apology and always kind of imply or just straight out state that not EVERYTHING is cool but you'll work towards fixing it and you can still have a sweet moment come from that.
HOW TO WRITE A FLUFFY REUNION: since I realised that some people actually struggle writing the actual fluff part. but deep it if ur writing x reader fics you just gotta ask your self "if someone did *insert whatever angsty thing they did* to me, what would I want them to do to fix it" tbf half of the time the angst I write in my fics id dump a dude for, but when ur writing for the masses and writing a fluffy ending that cannot happen lol. but usually like just ask urself what you'd want and its 8/10 the right answer. but if u have no ideas then, just start with AN APOLOGY (surprise surprise) a heartfelt apology and some promises to do better and be better and all that lame soppy crap, THAT ALWAYS GOES A LONG WAY and then boom.
HOW TO WRITE ANGST: now I could do a whole separate post on how to write angst, since I actually think my angst is stellar. but so I dont bore you, I'll just say for me personally ITS ALL IN THE DIALGOUE. like yeah descriptions go a long with in any form of writing but for a real juicy piece of angst you have to make them verbally fight (or physically fight if u REALLY WANNA GO THERE but we do not beat up eachotehr so no thank you) but yes the key is in the dialogue like and it doesn't have to be long dialogue but a good back and forth argument which REAL EMOTION THATS WHAT COUPLES AND PEOPLE DO.
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nebby-3124 · 8 months
hi! i hope you’re doing well. i’m hoping this doesn’t sound too weird but i wanted to ask if you have any tips on writing smut? you’re works are amazing and i just wanted to ask :)
awwwww you think my shit is amazing and want writing tips from moi WOW I shall do my best since I still find my smut skills a bit iffy so some of the stuff I may say I might not even do but we shall see anyways.
READ SMUT: I think the thing that got me to write smut is just the fact that I wank a lot and read a shit ton of smut. therefore I internalise what I read more, and see the common phrases, tropes, plots, that other writes use that I can infuse into my writing. and no im not saying plagiarise and copy ect but im just saying the more you read, the easier it is to write.
USE A PLETHORA OF VERBS: so basically when it comes to me writing any type of fingering or like dick in the v a g i n a scene like try out using a variety of verbs to make your works more descriptive. my trusty little bag of verbs is mainly: charges, drives, forces, pushes, inserts, thrusts ect.
DIALOGUE: to make ur smut a bit more wordy and not as boring, use dialogue, since people talk when they fuck (surprise surprise) it doesn't even have to be a proper convo if you aren't into writing dirty talk and shit but just moans and groans and like gasps like some form of written audio to go along with the visuals.
MAKE SURE IT FLOWS: like try and find some form of the flow so the smut doesn't read as awkward, like if you're doing a short snapshot smut (like what I do in my "when you have sex..." series )then thats fine but in like actual smut fics, you dont need to have a serious plot BUT it does make it better to read when theres some form of flow. such as including some type of foreplay, then get them to fuck ect. and if ur doing a pure smut fic and struggling to find a plot, think of cheesy porn plots LIKE OLD ASS PORN PLOTS like the pizza delivery man that you want to tip but you end up taking his tip (hehehe im funny right) or like the plumber thats supposed to unplug ur sink but plugs up with pussy instead (am I eating with these or nah omg)
BONUS TIPS these r so unserious kinda sorta
dont call a dick a cock thats lame (this is purely a joke I personally wont be calling a dick a cock but if you want to you can you have my full support)
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nebby-3124 · 8 months
This is an appreciation post for the fanfic authors who aren’t included on rec lists
For the fanfic authors who don’t get art of their fics
For the fanfic authors who can’t get to 1000/500/100 hits
For the fanfic authors who don’t get comments/reviews
For the fanfic authors who write for small fandoms
For the fanfic authors who write rarepairs or gen fics
For the fanfic authors who get hate for the ships/characters/fandoms they write
For the fanfic authors who write in English despite it not being their first language
For the fanfic authors who don’t write in English
For the fanfic authors who don’t think anyone reads or likes their work
For the fanfic authors who aren’t big name fans
For the fanfic authors who don’t get requests in their inboxes
For the fanfic authors who can’t write stories that are more than a thousand words
For the fanfic authors who only write one ship
For the fanfic authors who are just starting
For the fanfic authors who have been writing fic for years
For the fanfic authors who use fanfic to practice writing
For the fanfic authors who write self-insert fics
For the fanfic authors who write about their OCs
For the fanfic authors who write to vent or cope
For the fanfic authors who are just waiting for their big break
Keep creating, I love you ❤️
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nebby-3124 · 8 months
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A/n: this for my beginner writers who actually want to write a piece or work for the first time!
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✰your finally want to start writing for fandoms popular or not it’s okay! write whatever YOU want to. (we don’t judge what world you decide to post).
✰no inspiration or fic ideas I got you babes! here here here. here. here here here you can also combine these Au’s together if you’d like to!
✰you have not motivation to write or writers block for short.
Take this time to relax and think about what you want to write deeply and take your time when you do!
Light a candle, get cozy and write little reminders you’d like to add into your fic’s later on.
take a self care take for yourself, away from any devices and clear you mind.
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everyone has different writing styles ! Your writing can be different from others (ex: adding details, dialogue etc, be creative!)
plagiarism isn’t cute never was, with that being said taking people’s fic and passing it off as your own then playing the victim again isn’t cute it’s wrong. Here’s my suggestion save yourself the of the anon hate and write your own ok?. Don’t do this shit.
We do this for free as a writer myself, author can spend hours writing with or without sleep (sometimes) so don’t rush them! Be patient, authors have life outside this app.
your probably thinking maya was is this important? because your author needs all the lover and support they can get. it’s also because they’re a lack of “reblog’s” and “comments” these days even the small things can make your author happy!
✰MORE RECOURSES (these are some of the authors if you’re looking to write smut for you can ask them!)
@kazushawty @omgeto @hoshigray @luxesiren plus more those are the ones I can remember on the top of my head right now!💕
You can add the smallest details in your story! that your readers with comments on, like adding descriptive, it could be body language or how the readers feels it matters! (It helps make your fic’s longer)
Adding plot twists in your story can make your reader more interested in your story and makes them want to follow and read more.
✰ thesaurus!
you can use this if your constantly using the same words over and over and want to switch up your word game!
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if you have anymore questions let me knowww!
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