necroman666 · 9 days
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busy playing Fortnite with my girlfriend
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necroman666 · 15 days
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The Red
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necroman666 · 29 days
I have some good news!
After all the horrors me and my sister went through to resolve the issue, we are now officially free of the massive credit card debt we had to inherit from our deceased mother!
The struggles are unfortunately not over and probably will never be, but I am happy to finally move on from this into another chapter in my life.
I will be working on improving my living situation, hopefully seeing another psychiatrist for my decade long depression and to do that I will be applying for some art markets and such to make some extra money. I am also still hoping to apply to tattoo school in autumn!
While there is still a lot of problems to face in my life, this is a huge one off my shoulders still and I am happy for it to be so.
Thank you so much everyone for your support!
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necroman666 · 1 month
It has now been a year of me quitting smoking cigarettes! :o] I have had a couple slip up at the start of it but other than that I’ve been doing great!
If someone out there reading this is considering quitting, coming from a person who loved smoking - I promise you it is so worth it putting it behind!
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necroman666 · 1 month
Я давно слежу за вашими работами и всегда был заворожен ими. Я видел в твиттере когда то давно личные посты описывающие ситуацию, но конечно, не знал подробностей всех. И мне ужасно жаль слышать, что за вашими потрясающими картинами стоит история бесконечной потери, боли и слёз. Вы очень сильный человек, даже если вам кажется что вы не справляетесь или делаете не достаточно. Надеюсь это всё закончится и вы сможете посмотреть назад, сказать, да это был пиздец но я справился, и мочь рисовать уже только для себя и своего удовлетворения, а не ради ужасающей необходимости
Стараюсь, рабаотаю и напрявляюсь в ту торону, где я могу оставить все эти вещи позади.
Спасибо за такие добрые и теплые слова!
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necroman666 · 1 month
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The Emperor
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necroman666 · 2 months
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Thistle sketches
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necroman666 · 2 months
I remember seeing your art a while ago on twitter and WOW it's so cool. I'm really sorry about the situation with your inheritance. Hope you're able to pay off your debts soon. Have a good day/night! :)
Thank you so very much, you are too sweet!
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necroman666 · 2 months
not entirely sure where you live but it's possible that you can't be held legally responsible for that debt, especially if you weren't a co-signer for it. i would google your location and debt inheritance laws. even if there are some in place it might be unlikely that they'll actually pursue charges or anything if you refuse to pay. if you're SOL though i'm sorry, and it's genuinely horrible to hear all of that regardless :( sending good energy and healing your way 💞
The only way for me to not inherit the debt is to sign refusal to accept the inheritance - either you accept all of it, including the debt, or nothing, which will lead to the property going to the government. Don’t want to go into the details but that is something we absolutely cannot have happen, so we have to pay the debt.
Inheritance case is handled by a notary that gives you legal consultation and I of course googled many times and asked people who have experience with inheritance cases already and if there is any way for us to avoid the debt. But where I live you just have to, period.
I do appreciate you looking out for me, though. Thank you
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necroman666 · 2 months
i want to say that you are a massive insp to me and my heart breaks for you. i'll do all that i can to share your commissions posts and commission you myself when i'm able. i'm hoping against everything that you can somehow get this dept forgiven. i'm in your corner, please take care
I really appreciate your kind message - this whole experience has felt, among other many things, incredibly lonely and a simple kind word does a lot, so thank you very much for this message.
Unfortunately there is no way of the debt being forgiven so I only hope I will be able to find some kind of help that will make it bearable.
Your support is greatly appreciated - again, thank you very much.
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necroman666 · 2 months
Half a year ago my mother passed from lung cancer and I have been oh so very lucky to inherit her mistakes and broken dreams.
This is just a vent post talking in detail about my struggle to deal with my dead parents making my life a living hell because I’m tired and don’t know how to cope anymore.
Around 5 years ago my father died in a car explosion as a hired soldier participating in a genocide because that was, by his judgment, easier than getting literally any job to support our family after already years of leeching off my mother. Motherfucker got what he deserved and I only wish he died off sooner and the torment and his constant abuse of this family would stop. The hefty compensation my mother received for him dying she spend on, well, who fucking knows what because it was not her massive credit card debt.
Turns out that the bastard kept my manipulative, weak willed and egotistical mother at some bay and with him gone she was about to unleash her rotten nature on me and my sister.
About 2 years later or so she got her first cancer (not too relevant and it was in the end cured) and started dating a new, different (but not too different) piece of shit, proceeded to bring him into our home where he then cheated on her, financially leeched on her, beat our family dog and drove my sister out of our home. As you can guess my mother just let that all happen. In her words, she “didn’t want to die alone so she had to endure”. I find that ironic, because later (precisely 6 months ago) she choked on blood to death, alone in a hospital bed after two years of literally rotting away on the couch in our living room from her second cancer, with no one caring for her.
She stopped paid treatment. She refused free treatment at some point. She turned to waste money on some kind of medium healer that was supposed to cure her. She slowly died in her house filling plastic bottles with cigarette butts and blood to then throw away because she did not have the strength to get up anymore.
After she passed, even if I liked her enough to grieve, I didn’t get to - because now I had to deal with her husband stealing her stuff from our house to sell it off while berating me and my sister. We also, of course, inherited the massive credit card debt that she nurtured and let grow big and healthy better than me or my sister.
Half a year later, today, now that the inheritance is gaining legal status, her husband lets us know that he doesn’t have the money to pay off the debt for the car that they bought together and he threatened us to court over, scared that we were going to take it away from him. So we inherit both the car and the debt on top of the already existing one.
This is only the past ~5 years of suffering my parents caused me in short. Before this I have endured a life of several types of abuse from both of them, made depressed since age of twelve. I still get nightmares about both of them. I’m so stressed by the looming over debt that is now my responsibility that I can’t sleep for the third night in a row.
Stress eating and escapism don’t help anymore so I’m listing their sins to publicly shame them as a new coping mechanism.
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necroman666 · 3 months
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Mithrun posting be upon ye pt 2
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necroman666 · 4 months
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Framed commissions I have done recently!
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necroman666 · 4 months
Your lineart. i am slurping it like ramen... thx 4the meal
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necroman666 · 4 months
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Transgender mage he loves casting spells
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necroman666 · 4 months
i love your art style so much it makes me wanna swallow it like a dagger and explode /pos!!!
Interesting diet you have! Thank you so much, you are so sweet! 🖤🖤🖤
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necroman666 · 4 months
HELL YEAH LET’S GO 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️KAQAAAAWWW 🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅THANK YOU FRIEND
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