negativemindfeild · 7 days
too good to be true | han solo x luke skywalker
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-> pairing type — m/tm
-> rating — nc-17 – adults only [no one 17 and under admitted. children are not admitted.]
-> warnings — SMUT. wet dream, luke's trans fuck you, luke is a heavy sleeper, han is out of character because it’s a dream, luke is madly in love with han, luke isn’t aware it’s a dream, dream han is obsessive, and real han is an oblivious accidental flirt, one-sided pining. 
-> summary — while han thinks luke is happily asleep, luke is enthralled in very dirty thoughts about the other pilot.
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The light shake of the ship woke up Luke, he sat up and rubbed the sleep from his eyes. He was met by the panicked beeping and whistling of R2-D2 and the clicking of his feet. The young Skywalker looked around the Millennium Falcon, confusion overtaking him. Luke has been on a very long trip with his droids and friends, Han Solo and Chewbacca. Luke stood up, walking towards the cock pit, being cut off by Han speed-walking into him, both men were knocked to their asses by the collision.
“Sorry, Han-” “It’s whatever.” Han stood up, his words cutting off the blonde, and not even pausing to help Luke up, he sped off past the blonde man.
“What’s his issue?” The blue-eyed man asked no one but himself as he watched Han leave him on the floor. The feeling of Luke’s transponder buzzing against his hip made him aware of his current state on the floor.
He scrambled to his feet and fished out his transponder, the connection steadied and his sister’s voice came through.
“Luke, Luke can you hear me?” Leia’s tone was calm, her tone was always easy for Luke to comprehend. 
“I’m here Leia, what do you need?” The man had learned that his sister was never one to call just to talk to him. 
“I just talked to Han, if he’s in a bad mood it’s because I cut it off with him. Have a good rest of your trip.” Before Luke could say anything, Leia cut the transmission. Luke stared at the transponder in his hands and his eyes trailed down the hall, following Han’s trail.
C-3PO clambered down the hall, lifting an arm to greet his master. “Master Luke, Han Solo knocked over R2, and I am having trouble getting him back up.” The droid’s voice pierced the silence left by Leia. “Of course he did.” Luke huffed, walking back to where he had been sleeping, followed by the fumbling droid. He quickly spotted R2-D2, and he crouched down behind his R2 unit and lifted him back to his wheels. 
“Which way did Han go?” Luke looked towards C-3PO as the man dusted off the smaller droid, giving him a once-over. “Down that direction.” the gold droid said, waving a stiff arm towards the other hall coming off the main quarters, Luke gave a curt nod and left the room, following the hall to the crew quarters, where he knew Han would go during his numerous mental breakdowns. 
Luke stilled in front of the door, his mind going a million miles a minute, he knew how Han got after these breakups and knew that storming off from the cockpit was not something that would usually happen, so this one had to have been worse. The blonde lifted his hand and knocked on the metal door. 
“Go away Chewie.” Han’s rough voice always sent shivers down Luke’s spine, and now was no different. “Not Chewie.” The blonde called through the door. The silence suffocated the smaller man, his hand nervously bouncing on his thigh, and his blue eyes scanned the door for any sign of movement. 
In actuality, the pause couldn’t have lasted much longer than a few seconds, but it still swallowed the shorter man whole. The door hissed open and Luke was yanked into the room by the collar of his top. The blonde was pressed into the plain wall by the taller man in the room. “Shit-” Luke let the word slip before he had processed what had happened, his head hitting the wall is what cut him off, the lack of pain was something that didn’t alarm Luke.
Han’s eyes were glassy, redness surrounding the beautiful hazel that Luke frequently lost himself in. “You have caused me so much shit.” Han spat out, making fear fill the smaller man. “I don’t- I don’t understand-” Luke completely spaced the fact that he had the force on his side. 
Han pressed his chapped lips against Luke’s much softer ones, making the blonde panic and instinctively use the force to push the brunette away. “WHOA- Don’t kiss me- DON’T KISS PEOPLE WITHOUT ASKING!!” Luke shouted, using the force to keep the brunette on the floor. “Why are you kissing me- I know me and her are twins but we don’t look alike-” Luke muttered, barely audible enough for the taller man to hear him. 
“ ‘m sorry-” Han mumbled, his pupils blown out, staring up at the blonde man from the floor. “Luke, I need you.” The brunette spoke, his voice slightly slurred, Luke couldn’t perceive his tone, so the blond furrowed his brows. “Need me to what- Finish your sentences, Han.” Luke tilted his head, his fluffy blonde hair swooping partially over his eyes.
“I’m talking about sex Luke.” Han stated bluntly. 
“WHOA!?” Luke let go of his grip and the look on his face could only be read as ‘flabbergasted.’ “ MY SISTER JUST BROKE UP WITH YOU AND NOW YOU’RE TRYING TO SLEEP WITH ME!?” Luke shouted, the droids, just a hall away could definitely hear the blonde.
“I broke up with her, she called to see how the trip was- I couldn’t keep living this lie, Luke. I’ve wanted you since the moment you hired me on Tatooine. I didn’t realize it until I had Leia, I blamed my attraction to you on you two being twins, but it’s not that, you aren’t her, you’re Luke, and you are who I want.” Han stood and tried to approach the smaller man, who held a hand out, keeping the brunette back. 
“I won’t let you lie to me Han.” Luke spoke softly, the confession was too good to be true, Luke knew that, and he was too smart to let Han in his pants just like that. “I’m not lying Luke, please, I need you. I told Leia everything so that you and I could be together.” Han’s mind was cut off from Luke, like he was never able to peek in the brunette’s head. 
Luke felt arousal creep lower in his body, and a thought slipped into his mind, ‘Leia doesn’t have to know.’ The blonde released his grip on Han and he let Han push his body against the wall again. 
“Please, let me have you.” Han’s rough voice drew Luke in, the feeling of heat pooling inside his cunt made him arch his back into Han. “Have me.” Luke muttered, letting himself become pudding in Han’s hands. 
Han slipped a hand under Luke’s robes, caressing his chest, and the brunette leaned in again, kissing the blonde man again. This time, the smaller man let Han kiss him, he slipped the loose robes off his shoulders, his belt catching it from hitting the floor his torso was free for Han’s hands to make their dirty path over Luke’s smooth skin. As the brunette’s hands trailed over Luke’s body, the blonde’s skin warmed. 
The kiss broke off and Han moved his mouth down, sucking dark marks into the blonde’s skin. A moan ripped from Luke’s throat and he let his head lean back, allowing the brunette to have better access. Han made quick work of Luke’s belt, and before Luke processed anything he was on the bunk, completely bare, and with Han on top of him. 
That’s when it finally hit Luke, he was dreaming, he didn’t wake up earlier when he thought he had, so any of Luke’s guilt about ‘betraying Leia’ left his body and he let himself indulge in the feeling of Han’s rough fingers opening his cunt open for the brunette’s cock. 
Han was completely bare as well, his dick hanging between his thighs, the brunette was covered in hair, and dirt, but the hair was more prominent. “Baby, are you ready for me?” Han pressed gentle kisses onto Luke’s jaw, the blonde nodded, bracing himself for the stretch, but the pain never came like he expected.
The intense pleasure that overtook him was overwhelming. “FUCK!” Luke moaned, his head flinging back into the pillow and his back arching away from the bed, allowing Han to have a better grip on the shorter man’s waist. “Good boy…” The brunette cooed, continuing to kiss the blonde’s jaw. 
The praise made Luke whine, and the whine was quickly covered by a pleasured groan from Han, the hazel-eyed man pushed himself up on his palms and quickly snapped his hips against the blonde’s, burning his thick cock inside the other man’s dripping pussy. 
“Fuck… You’re so tight… Such a good boy.” Han groaned, snapping his hips against Luke’s. The blonde let the other man treat him like a warm cocksleeve, the sound of their skin hitting each other, the disgusting squelching sound from Luke’s arousal, and the moans, groans, and whines, were all that the two men heard. 
Luke’s eyes screwed shut and there was a rough shaking and the blonde shot out of sitting position, stumbling onto the floor. “FUCK-” Luke’s head throbbed as he sat on the floor. “STRAP IN BLONDIE, WE’RE UNDER FIRE.” Han’s voice echoed back to Luke as the sound of the dirty praises that Han had whispered in his ear in the dream that was just ripped from him.
The blonde sat in the booth, strapping himself in, ignoring the pooling moisture in his pants, C-3PO strapped in next to his master. “DO YOU NEED ME TO ARM A TURRET?” Luke called back, watching R2-D2 tuck himself under the table. “NO NEED PRETTY BOY, I GOT IT COVERED!!” Han’s words made Luke’s face heat up.
How the blonde was supposed to see the other man face to face ever again was beyond him.
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i have been rewatching the star wars movies- and shows- so, some star wars requests maybe? i wrote this very quickly and because inspo struck. i have an anikin and padme x reader fic in the works, so, look forward to that?
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-> word count — 1,609
© NEGATIVEMINDFEILD — please do not copy, repost, or translate onto any other platforms without my permission.
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negativemindfeild · 14 days
Shut Up | Vampire!Anakin Skywalker x HumanMale!Reader |Smut
“oh my god,,,, vampire au with Roman or Anakin? whichever you feel like writing. maybe throw No. 9, 14, or 19 in there? whatever sparks your interest luv” anon
A/N: Here the promised second story. It is basically PWP and I hope you don’t mind, anon! (Also, it is very short, lol, rip, I’m sorry).
summary; You’ve been teasing Anakin about embarrassing childhood stories of his all evening long. He’s definitely had enough of it. Smut ensues.
notes; KINKS/SMUTTY STUFF: Dry Humping; Making Out; Coming in pants/untouched; Blood Kink. Modern Day + Vampire AU; HumanMale!Reader; Blood Drinking; Vampire feeding off human, as punishment in a way (even though Reader enjoys it too much for it to count as such); Sitting on one’s lap. Reblogs > Likes. Thank you!
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Keep reading
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negativemindfeild · 25 days
what im learning is that im willing to pick up any skill or learn or do anything if it means i can further indulge in my special interest
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negativemindfeild · 25 days
I want to make sure everyone actually understands the severity of this.
When we say that 1.4 million people in Rafah have nowhere to go we are also talking about how Israel had taken over Rafah crossing, which is the sole access point for Gazans, preventing the movement of people and goods as a result.
For the past 7 months you've heard of famine and witnessed infants dying of severe dehydration. This is only going to exacerbate now that the only source of the already scarce resources of food and water is completely shut down.
For the past 7 months you have seen how many people Israel's weapons have severely injured and maimed and how the only remaining cancer hospital was also taken over by Israel. The situation of these people who are injured and sick is only going to get worse because despite them obtaining permits to leave Gaza for treatment, there is no way out anymore.
For the past 7 months you have seen countless people crowdfunding to evacuate their families and flee genocide. None of these efforts are going to go anywhere and no one would be allowed out of Gaza for the foreseeable future, while Israel goes on with its barbaric mission of attempting to annihilate the people of Gaza.
Absolutely no access. Everyone is trapped. Nowhere to go.
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negativemindfeild · 25 days
Me fucking too man
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negativemindfeild · 1 month
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༉‧´ˎ˗ paring; spencer reid x gn!reader ༉‧´ˎ˗ summary; spencer just looks too irresistible in those damned short-shorts. ༉‧´ˎ˗ content warnings; horrific ‘banter’ (reader is just a tease), sub!spencer, handjob, not proofread. ༉‧´ˎ˗ wc; 0.8k
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“Dork,” you snort.
“What!” Spencer practically squeaks, spinning back around to look at himself in the full length mirror.
“Nothing’s wrong with it.. you just look like a dork.” You laugh again, using your elbows to sit yourself up against your pillow. “Where’d you go to get that outfit anyway?”
“Well, Morgan suggested a place that sells workout clothes, and so I kind of may have bought an outfit from the first mannequin I saw. But I think I picked well. I read that wearing a sweatshirt while working out can help with warming up, lead to an increase in blood flow, and can reduce my risk of injury.” He rambles off, working on fitting a sweatband around his forehead.
“You think you’re going to get injured?”
“Well, I have been trying to be more purposeful with working out, but by the end I always feel lightheaded, though that’s to be expected. And, you never know, I may trip and fall on my face. It happens even when I’m not working out. The sweatshirt could cushion me.” He shrugs, turning back around to face you. “Less dorky or more dorky with the sweatband?”
“Definitely more dorky.. but also adorable. It’s very much adorkable, and very much what you’d wear when working out.” You giggle, moving over to the edge of the bed.
Spencer finds himself moving closer towards you, standing right infront of where you sit criss-crossed on the comforter.
“One day that’s going to get old, (y/n).”
“No, one day you’re going to get old and you’ll still be an adorable little dork.” He just huffs, rolling his eyes, but you catch the little smirk before it’s too late. The playful glint in your eye shimmers, and if you were a cartoon character, there would be a giant bright lightbulb over your head. Your hands naturally found their way to his hips, resting against the blue material of his shorts. “..these really are short, aren’t they?”
He gulped, watching with intent as you slide your hands a few inches down from his hips, reaching his bare thighs in less than a second.
“What are you doing, (y/n)?” He breathes out, almost sounding like he’s panting.
“Helping you with your pre-workout stretch..” you mutter, slipping a hand past the waistband of his shorts.
“You’re supposed to stretch your legs before a workout not—“ he chokes on his words, getting them caught in his throat as soon as your hand cups his length, giving it a tug. “that.” He shakily squeaks his last word. You chuckle.
“Are you always this hard before your workouts, Dr. Reid?” You taunt him, hand moving up and down his erection, thumb swiping across his already leaking tip.
“N-no you, y-you, um,” he tries to speak but he can’t get the words right, stumbling over them. You stroke him leisurely, making a show out of sighing and rolling your eyes to the side, not even looking at him as you stay sitting on your knees on the bed before him, getting him off with just your hand. “(Y-y/n),” he stutters in an attempt to get your attention back on his face. He lets out an unabashed moan, sounding downright sinful.
“God,” he groans as your pace picks up the slightest bit. His droopy gaze follows yours, landing on the wall clock.
“What time did you say she was picking you up?”
“Te— oh fuck, ten thirty!” He exclaims, hips bucking forward into your hand as you touch him just right, paying good attention to the man’s balls.
“Hmm,” you hum, thinking carefully about the next step in your plan to absolutely destroy this man. You turn your head back towards him, using your free hand that was squishing and digging into his thigh to push his shorts and underwear down, letting them drop on their own and pool around his ankles. “How many times do you think you can cum in 20 minutes?”
“No, no (y/n).” He protests, shaking his head, but his dick betrays him, twitching in your hold. His hand moves down his body, resting over yours, being moved up and down along with yours with each hasty stroke you deal to his cock.
With warning, a warm, white liquid spurts from his tip, an angry shade of red. His cum drips down your hand as well as his own, making a complete mess of them. He grunts and whimpers through the whole process, the bucking movement of his hips accelerating before slowing down to a stop.
You grin up at him mischievously and in return he just lets out a huff, his mouth hanging open and eyes continuing to droop low. His face looks exhausted, but his cock still looks like it has some kick left in it.
“You want me to do it again—“ he cuts you off, nodding furiously. “Y-yeah, again, please, we have the time,” he whimpers, sounding like a mix of excitement and defeatment.
“Adorkable,” you laugh, speaking in a sing-songy manner.
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negativemindfeild · 1 month
i'd fall for it, while in that box i would peel off the tomatoes and slap them to the box and then chow down.
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im hunting americans
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negativemindfeild · 1 month
omfg im laughing so hard i fell asleep on my keyboard last night and i just found this
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negativemindfeild · 1 month
Suddenly struck with a need to explain to you how boat pronouns work (I work in the marine industry).
When you're talking about the design of the boat, you say "it".
When the boat is still being built, your say "it".
When the boat is nearing completion, you can say "it" or "she".
When the boat is floating in the water you probably say "she", unless there is still a lot of work to be done (e.g. no engine yet) then you say "it".
When the boat is officially launched and operating, you say "she". If you continue to say "it" at this point you are not incorrect but suspiciously untraditional. You are not playing the game.
If you are referring to a boat you don't really know anything about you may say "it" ("there's a big boat, it's coming this way"). But if you know its name, it's probably "she" ("there's the Waverley, she's on her way to Greenock").
If you are talking about boats in general, you say "it" ("when a boat is hit by a wave it heels over")
If you speak about a boat in complimentary terms, it's "she" ("she's a grand boat"). If you are being disparaging it may be it, but not necessarily ("it's as ugly as sin", "she's a grotty old tub").
If she has a boy's name, she's still she. "Boy James", "King Edward", "Sir David Attenborough"? The pronoun is she.
If it's a dumb barge (no engine), you say it. But if it's a rowing boat (no engine), you say she.
I hope this has cleared things up so that you may not be in danger of misgendering floating objects.
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negativemindfeild · 2 months
hey!! what does ATI stand for?? I tried looking it up, but I can't find it, and the curiosity is killing me 💀🙏 (context; ATI: fem presenting) thx. :)
oh, it means ask to interact lmao, sorry, probs should have spelled it out
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negativemindfeild · 2 months
I am bisexual 
I have sex twice a year
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negativemindfeild · 2 months
what would you like?
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too good to be true | han solo x luke skywalker -> pairing type — m/tm -> rating — nc-17 – adults only [no one 17 and under admitted. children are not admitted.] -> warnings — SMUT. wet dream, luke's trans fuck you, luke is a heavy sleeper, han is out of character because it’s a dream, luke is madly in love with han, luke isn’t aware it’s a dream, dream han is obsessive, and real han is an oblivious accidental flirt, one-sided pining.  -> summary — while han thinks luke is happily asleep, luke is
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send requests...
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negativemindfeild · 2 months
is it really that hard?
just read...
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shameless ;
ian gallagher, fiona gallagher, lip gallagher, mickey milkovich, kevin ball, v fisher, carl gallagher, and frank gallagher
nsfw available for all [ s5 + for ian, lip, and mickey, s11 for carl]
stranger things ;
jim hopper, steve harrington, eddie munson, nancy wheeler, jonathan byers, billy hargrove, mike wheeler, will byers, dustin henderson, lucas sinclair, max mayfield, and el hopper
nsfw available for all except mike, will, dustin, lucas, max, and el
the umbrella academy ;
diego hargreeves, allison hargreeves, klaus hargreeves, five hargreeves, ben hargreeves, and viktor hargreeves
nsfw available for all except five
the last of us ;
joel miller [ROMANTIC] ellie williams [PLATONIC]
nsfw available for joel
black butler ;
sebastian micheals, finny, bard, mei-rin, grell sutcliff, william t. spears, undertaker, and claude faustus
nsfw available for all
inside job ;
reagan ridley, brett hand, ron staedtler, and andre lee
nsfw available for all
kobra kai ;
daniel larusso, johnny lawrence, hawk moskowitz, robby keene, miguel diaz, and demetri alexopoulos
nsfw available for daniel and johnny
supernatural ;
sam winchester, dean winchester, castiel novak, lucifer, crowley, and john winchester
nsfw available for all
lucifer [netflix] ;
lucifer morningstar
nsfw available 
demon slayer ;
kyojuro rengoku, tengen uzui, obanai igura, sanemi shinazugawa, mitsuri kanroji, shinobu koxho, giyu tomioka, gyomei himejima,  daki, gyutaro, muzan kibutsuji, kokoshibo, douma, akaza, enmu, tanjiro kamado, zenitsu agamatsu, inosuke hashibira, genya shinazugawa, and muichiro tokito
nsfw available for all except tanjiro, zenitsu, inosuke, genya, or muichiro
gotham ;
oswald cobblepot, fish moony, sal maroni, victor zsasz, edward nygma, harvey bullock, harvey dent, alfred pennytworth, and bruce wayne
nsfw available for all except bruce
daredevil ;
matt murdock
nsfw available
the mandolorian ;
din djarin 'mando'
nsfw available
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call of duty ;
simon riley 'ghost', johnny mactavish 'soap', john price, kyle garrick 'gaz', alejandro vargas, phillip graves and könig
nsfw available for all
red dead redemption 2 ;
arthur morgan, bill williamson, charles smith, colm o'driscoll, dutch van der linde, hosea matthews, javier escuella, john marston, kieran duffy, micah bell, karen jones, mary-beth gaskill, abigail roberts and sean magurie
nsfw available for all
team fortress 2 ;
spy, mun-dee mundy 'sniper', jeremy 'scout', mr ludwig 'medic', mikhail 'heavy', pyro, tavis finnegan degroot 'demoman', mister jane doe 'soldier', dell gonagher'engineer'
nsfw available for all
stardew valley ;
harvey, maru, sebastian, abigail, sam, penny, elliott, leah, alex, hailey, shane, emily, and sandy
nsfw available for all
sally face ;
sal fisher, travis phelps, larry johnson, and ash campbell
nsfw unavailable
mortal kobat 1 ;
johnny cage, kenshi takahashi, raiden, kung lao, lui kang, kui liang 'scorpion', bi-han 'sub-zero', tomas vrbada 'smoke', syzoth 'reptile', rain, kitana, mileena, and sindel
nsfw available for all
doki doki literature club ;
monica, yuri, natsuki, and sayori
nsfw unavailable
danganronpa ;
makoto naegi, byakuya togami, mondo owada, kiotaka ishimaru, yasuhiro hagakure, leon kuwata, hajime hinata, nagito kamado, izuru kamakura, chiaki nanami, gundham tanaka, sonia nevermind, kazuichi souda, fuyuhiko kuzuryu, peko pekoyama, ibuki mioda, shuichi saihara, kokichi ouma, gonta gokuhara, k1-b0, miu iruma, rantaro amami, kaito mamota, kaede akamatsu, and kirumi tojo
nsfw available for all
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spiderverse ;
peter b parker, miguel o’hara, hobie brown, spider-man noir, ben parker, jess drew, miles morales, miles morales [ earth-42 ], gwen stacy, and  pavitr prabhakar
nsfw available for peter b, miguel, hobie, noir, ben, and jess
star wars ;
obi-wan kenobi, anakin skywalker, padme amidala, qui-gon jinn, luke skywalker, han solo, leia skywalker, ben solo ‘kylo ren’, poe dameron, finn, rey skywalker, armitage hux, and cassian andor 
nsfw available for all
marvel cinematic universe ; 
tony stark, steve rogers, bucky barnes, sam wilson, pietro maximoff, wanda maximoff, vision, bruce banner, natasha romanoff, clint barton, peter parker, loki laufeyson, and thor odinson
nsfw available for all except peter
x-men ;
logan howlett ‘wolverine’, peter maximoff ‘quick silver’, erik lehnsherr ‘magneto’, charles xavier, hank mccoy ‘beast’, kurt wagner ‘nightcrawler’, warren worthington iii ‘archangel’, storm, and scott summers ‘cyclops’
nsfw available for all
deadpool ; 
wade wilson ‘deadpool’, colossus, and weasel 
nsfw available for all
karate kid ;
daniel larusso and johnny lawrence
nsfw unavailable 
the breakfast club ;
john bender, andrew clark, brian johnson, claire standish, and allison reynolds
nsfw available for all
the outsiders ;
dallas winston, darry curtis, sodapop curtis, steve randell, two-bit matthews, johnny cade, and ponyboy curtis
nsfw available for darry and two-bit
the hobbit ;
bilbo baggins, thorin oakensheild, fili durin, kili durin, thranduil, legolas greenleaf, and bofur
nsfw available for all
lord of the rings ;
frodo baggins, sam gamgee, merry brandybuck, pippin took, gimli, legolas greenleaf, aragorn, and boromir
nsfw available for all
scream ;
billy loomis, stu macher, randy meeks, sidney prescott, tatum riley, and dewey riley
nsfw available for all
the ballad of songbirds and snakes ;
coriolanus snow, sejanus plinth, lucy gray baird, reaper ash, and jessup diggs
nsfw available for all except lucy gray
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negativemindfeild · 2 months
follow the rules...
but still, fuck the government.
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¹ .if a post is tagged as nsfw, MINORS DNI.
² .DO NOT request nsfw of characters who are minors.
³ .i will not write FEMALE READERS, i will write feminine men but i will never use she/her to describe the reader.
⁴ .if i am uncomfortable writing for a character, or work, then i will not write for them.
⁶ .if a show/movie/book/series isn’t on my list, ask me anyways, if i’ve seen it, i might write your request, if i haven’t and it sounds interesting, i’ll look into it.
⁷ .DO NOT report my content, just block.
⁸ .i don’t just write smut, or romance, branch out!!
⁹ .i DO write fem character x male reader
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negativemindfeild · 2 months
do you want to learn?
about me...
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hey, my name is mercury [ but not really]. i'm an 18 year old bisexual transman.
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i play video games, constant favs being ;
call of duty, red dead redemption 2, portal 2, team fortress 2, minecraft, stardew valley, any five nights at freddy's game, bendy and the ink machine, and cuphead.
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i love music, some of my favorite artists are ;
måneskin, set it off, sleep token, maelstrom blvck, conan grey, naomi jon, childish gambino, waterparks, twenty one pilots, and corpse
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i watch a lot of shows, including anime ;
shameless, stranger things, the umbrella academy, the last of us, south park, rick and morty, haikyuu, ouran high school host club, black butler, outer banks, saiki k, inside job, cobra kai, supernatural, lucifer, demon slayer, gotham, and anything with sonic in it
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some of my favorite movies are ;
spider-man [ all of them], star wars; the phantom menace, deadpool, all three karate kid movies, the breakfast club, the outsiders, captain america; the first avenger, avengers age of ultron, kick-ass, the aristrocats, and the high school musical series
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0 notes
negativemindfeild · 2 months
end of the line…
i won’t take you further.
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-> | MECURY | 18 | TRANS & BI |
-> ❝ i'm a fuck boy, dirtbag, piece of shit! ❞
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DNI if : transphobic, homophobic, ablest, racist, fetishize gay relationships, or sexist.
ATI [ask to interact] if : fem presenting [this is a male reader blog]
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© NEGATIVEMINDFEILD — please do not copy, repost, or translate onto any other platforms without my permission.
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5 notes · View notes
negativemindfeild · 2 months
Reblog if you've made at least one friend because of a fandom.
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