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Carry On by Rainbow Rowell is the book for anyone who was just a little bit disappointed in Harry Potter.
Meet Simon Snow, the Chosen One, the most powerful mage in existence, who also happens to be a teenage boy.
The monstrous Insidious Humdrum looms ever closer and tensions are rising between the old magickal families, leaving the world of mages on the cusp of war at every front.
Simon is supposed to win those wars.
Agatha, Simon’s ex girlfriend, will not let herself be a storybook princess. The Mage, his teacher and benefactor, is more distant than ever. Simon’s all powerful magic is as uncontrollable as ever.
Baz, the roommate and rival he knows he’ll meet on the opposite side of the battlefield someday, has gone missing and Simon is tearing himself apart with worry.
Simon is overwhelmed.
Carry On is fanfiction of fictional fanfiction fanfiction, the last book in a series but if it lived up to your expectations.
It’s funny, creative, romantic, and so wonderfully troupey, all wrapped up with a truly heart wrenching beauty.
It’s the first book in a trilogy, with the sequel Wayward Son already out and the final book expected to be out in just a couple months.
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Dreadnought by April Daniels is a superhero story for the chaotic queer in all of us!
It focuses on closeted trans lesbian Danny, who is the most powerful woman in the world. In a stunning case of being in the right place at the right time, she inherits the powers of famous hero Dreadnought, as well as the expectations preceding his reputation. However, the powers come with an unexpected side effect- the transformation of her body into her ideal appearance. Danny must face off against threats old and new, while grappling with her loud but unceremonious outing and all the changes it forces on her life.
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If I’m being completely honest, I wasn’t expecting a whole lot out of this book. The description made it seem like one of those middle grade books written to introduce cis people to the idea of trans kids, and while those are all well and good, they really don’t have a whole lot to offer for me specifically as a real trans person.
But oh my god I have never been so happy to be wrong.
Danny really feels like a real trans kid, she’s angry and excited and filled with wonderful flaws and abrasions. She shows all of the unpleasant parts of being trans and being human, and it’s so amazingly empowering. Danny is a trans lesbian, Calamity is a POC sapphic and at least implied neurodivergent I can’t really remember, the world feels real despite its obvious removal from our own.
I would absolutely recommend this book, and while I have not read the second book in the series I’m sure it’s amazing, and if not, Dreadnought certainly stands on its own.
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alright, to kick this off i’m gonna be starting with a comic that i’m lowkey obsessed with to the point that it’s probably considered a hyperfixation!
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Ghost Lights by fantakoi on Webtoon, featuring old gods, new cats, and the excruciatingly awkward situations that come from sleeping in the same bed as the guy you’ve been pretending you’re not into for at least five years.
The story revolves around Noah, who has been plagued with strange events, visions, and dreams his entire life. After he almost drowns in his own bedroom, he moves in with his childhood friend Robin, who is determined to keep him safe. Robin soon becomes aware that something isn’t right. Noah continues his search for the origins of the red flowers no one else can see. Memories come and go, and with them it becomes clear that their lives have been entwined far longer than they ever imagined.
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Ghost Lights is an urban fantasy comic with dreamy, surreal imagery and wonderful storytelling. Everything about it has an artistic touch, from the action words to the timeline, and it all perfectly encapsulates the themes of loss, sorrow, and love.
It’s about to come off hiatus, so now is the perfect time to catch up!
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what if i made a blog that’s just. neurodivergent queer recommends shit. cause queer and neurodivergent shit is hard to find and i wanna share this stuff
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