nightfaerie · 6 years
a deceiving hollow soul reflected on the tear stained glass soon the barren space will be packed shadows roaming back and forth back and forth but me i never felt lonelier i will never be one of them yearning to let out wails of melancholy hoping craving for the love of god that someone will just listen so that i can set my heart free free from all the faded remnants free from all the endless judgements free from all of them the vile creatures of affliction of unruly dissatisfaction they will ever understand lives measured in numbers shapes numbers who could ever understand? who would even care?
sometimes i think about letting go to a dark abyss waiting for me where i would finally be free
but is it worth it? i would say yes because honestly that’s what i try to tell myself but the answer is no of course not we are all so fixated on ourselves that we forget about the world that we live in a world of meadows wild flowers a cacophony of colors on the tall dry grasses yellow sunflowers orange lillies white daffodils glittering under the scalding sun
a world of sunrises and sunsets the medallion in the sky slowly turning into astonishing hues of orange then almost tangerine pomegrante pink dying the scattered power puff clouds as blood poured the cosmic dance of silhouettes a grandeur of paradise descending further behind the seam of the world a perfect blend of colors giving you a feeling as though it is between the heat of fire and the coldness of ice as though it smells like burning wood floating on top of the ocean in music it would be a soft but strong melody a melody that takes you to another place without needing to be loud
a world of auroras of never setting tidal waves of birds chirping of stars flirting in the dead of night the careful but constant drip, drop of rain and there’s you an irreplaceable composition of cosmic fragments unknowingly made of stardust
our world is an impeccable balance of chaos and order of loss and salvation of joy and gloom things will get better maybe not now maybe not tomorrow maybe not the day after that but that is one thing i can promise you
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nightfaerie · 7 years
one, out of billions
“what’s point in living?“ you ask yourself as you look up to the sky staring at the vast void of space laid in front of you
think about it more than 8 billion people the uncountable number of stars the capricious size of our universe "does my presence actually matter?”
a shimmer of light appearing in the corner of your eye illuminating the edges of your face you get up cautiously attracted by the small phosphoresce
it was a star just a sphere of plasma held together by gravity but the sight of it never ceasing to let out a charm creating a feeling of iridescence
it was just one star out of billions and billions but it managed to enchant you letting you feel again letting you feel love content passion fidelity just one one out of billions it gave you hope that small star deserted in the vast empty space
“what if i was like that?” your presence just one out of billions “does my presence actually matter?”
you remembered her the way her eyes light up when you look at her the corners of her mouth forming a tedious smile
you remembered him the one you spent midnights talking to the desolation in your heart disappearing as you hear the sound of his voice
your attention averted to the little terrier among daisies you remembered him jumping to you mercilessly every time you go home from school his dainty mouth expressing tenderness eyes beaming in admiration
a star is just one out of billions you are just one out of billions
billions every single one different
your presence gives hope the little things you say every day the little things you do every day you let them feel good enough treasured loved important because you are you are all of those things
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nightfaerie · 8 years
it’s funny how
you can feel everything in one second
and everything can disappear into nothing
just like that
a dust of insignificance
and it will all be forgotten
one minute
we’re having two hour long 
midnight conversations
the next minute
you can’t even share a glance
not willing to say one word
that’s what i try to be
but i know you’re aware
of what lies in the depths of my consciousness
miles worth of pain
the torturous feeling i get
every time our memories 
creep into my head every night
“it will all be forgotten” 
i said
not a single word was true
i wish it was that freaking easy
can we really forget it all?
do we really want to?
everytime you looked at me
i felt like i was a flower
blooming during the spring
all the laughs we shared
can you tell me you really didn’t feel anything?
i didn’t realize 
it could be so ephemeral
you left me alone
because you didn’t like the way i bloomed
that’s what i try to be
that’s what i am
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nightfaerie · 8 years
dear [redacted],
[redacted]. everytime i hear your name,
my ears ring with the sound of your voice.
i thought i had already forgotten you,
that i had erased all memories of you.
but clearly, i was wrong.
yesterday, i locked myself in my room,
curling up inside the sheets and crying myself to sleep
because i remembered you.
[redacted], the first boy i have ever loved.
i remember that we used to sneak out of our houses
every friday night, riding our bicycles, after the world fell asleep,
trying to find out what it dreams of.
we watched the stars dance and flirt all night long
until the sun came up and broke the forbidden romance.
sometimes, i wondered if that was us.
and one day, the sun will come up 
and tear apart everything we had of each other.
i was right.
i watched your heartbeat quickened
and then stopped,
the monitor showing a flat line,
the silence was devastating.
since that day, i have felt a numbness in my heart that was ineffable
you were everything to me, 
you were made of the entire fucking universe.
every time i looked at you,
i saw the galaxy in your eyes,
a surge of electricity running through my veins.
without you, i feel empty
the park used to be my favorite place but now,
my room is where i always am
because that’s the only place 
where i can feel that i’m truly alone
and no one can see my wounds
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