nightmare7612 · 1 day
I have spent so long wandering around the s7 shopping district for Big Fic Research Purposes over the last week that I find myself once more brainrotting over the Turf War.
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nightmare7612 · 3 days
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If you want to join this DTIYS, go over to insta or twitter! :D
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nightmare7612 · 26 days
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nightmare7612 · 29 days
actually, out of the tags and further explanation: so I actually REALLY LOVE that mcc is like, canonizing making predictions about game and event winners like this, as well as making stats more accessible and explicitly part of the game like this.
the thing is—okay so I know stats are blamed for a lot of what’s wrong with mcc fandom but stats are FUN. sports predictions are FUN. being kind of competitive about sports predictions is FUN. have you ever done an ncaa bracket with your family. or played fantasy baseball. or fantasy football. or hell, have you watched a jon bois video that’s actually some of his sports writing. FUN, RIGHT? and stats are a really common way for a sports/competition fan to engage with their hobby, so like, there is no avoiding “people will try to make mcc predictions” and “people will stat out the teams” and “people will be competitive about those predictions”, it’s one of the most common modes of the sports fan, it’s an accessible form of engagement even when the team you are personally a fan of isn’t in the game (because you can be temporarily a fan of the one you’ve decided to gamble on winning), and it’s not gonna go away.
(the actual stakes of gambling aren’t required and I actually do not recommend outside of like, you get a stupid gold plastic trophy from a friend, do not get involved in sports gambling it’s a predatory industry and there is basically no “safe” threshold there, I am talking more about the inherent fun of “getting competitive about your team winning”.)
the problem has in the past been that players see it and get placed under pressure/upset/etc about it, because unlike Sports, the mcc players have very direct lines of interaction with their fandom. it’s VERY EASY to take a prediction as an attack, especially when combined with competitiveness, which is why I think a lot of people suggest forbidding talking about stats or tiers, getting rid of stats, etc.
but the thing is that won’t work. for one, it’s removing one of the biggest sports fan modes of engagement and therefore removing your own fandom. but also people aren’t going to NOT do stats! like, even the players will probably start keeping track of stats if stats were removed! so the solution instead needs to be to make stats more individual, to remove some of the pressure of the stats, and to lean into the stuff about it that makes it FUN.
therefore: the kudos system and predictions. it’s not trying to get rid of the inevitable fandom interaction, it’s embracing it, but it’s doing it in a way that removes pressure from players.
for example, note that the kudos have a focus on personal bests! this encourages players to compete but means even “lower-tier” players will probably get them! at the same time, by globally sharing overall records, it continues to celebrate and encourage great performances! plus, by making some of the stats really stupid, it both gives statheads NEW things to focus on that aren’t coins—the punching statistic for example is gonna be so fun—removing some of the pure pressure to perform in score alone and the centralization of discussion around it—and also gives players silly records to aim for if they aren’t the kind of player who’d aim for a more “traditional” high score.
as for the predictions, they’re gonna do two things. first, it embraces “yeah the community loves doing predictions” by adding a competitive aspect to it—can you beat the odds and predict who will win everything? the wordle-like ability to copy/paste how you did at the end of the event is truly genius because it makes it SUPER EASY to share and discuss for even casual fans. it will increase engagement and discussion. it’ll ALSO help demonstrate to players, by showing the percentage of correct predictions on screen, how… inaccurate… predictions often are. sure, you can guess who the better players and teams will be, but as anyone who did sexyman knows, single-round games can have upsets. and it celebrates those upsets! it turns it from “no one believed in us” (sad) to “we were the underdogs hell yeah look at us go!”
anyway as someone who likes engaging with sports and competitions by being a little competitive and watching the stories the numbers tell: I adore these changes FANTASTIC changes they’re gonna be so fun day-of let’s go mcc,
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nightmare7612 · 29 days
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They had a great time! 👍
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nightmare7612 · 30 days
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nightmare7612 · 1 month
hermitcraft x gravity falls crack au where ford lands in hermitcraft season 9 during the king ren arc and realizes there are much more freaks out there than hes ever expected
grian would be like yeah man we're holding a resistance against the king (who is probably possessed tbh imo ngl) because he kept stealing all our money and he told me i couldnt scam people into doing quests anymore. anyway i see that magnet gun you have there. wanna break down this iron door for me? and that just solidifies ford's resolve to not let bill enter his universe because crazy stuff like this could happen to his home
the hermits introduce ford to their own trio of scientists while the royal court is swapping out emeralds in the background and ford instantly interrogates doc about what kind of creature he is and when doc revels that he's a creeper ("get away from me man i could explode you right now") ford just starts asking even nerdier questions about a creeper's anatomy
dont even get me STARTED on minecraft gravity physics. a hermit would break a wood block to make a torch and ford would be like FASCINATING........ the tree stays upright no matter how much you break of it.... and only when the leaves are no longer attached to wood do they break! the gravity in this dimension must be special! i must figure out what is causing this anomaly! and everyones like yup thats a nerd alright
ford ends up thinking the hc dimension is full of strange people just like him but it turns out hermitcraft is just a high concentration of insane guys that do not reflect the rest of their world at all. regardless they invite him to take down the royal court and he has a blast doing so
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nightmare7612 · 1 month
Yeah, im w anon. There’s nothing wrong with wanting a little bit of validation. Aroace here, if people can have fun with ships why can’t we have fun with friendships?
It’s not about invalidating one interpretation over the other, it’s about how both can exist and be equally valid
and also about how shippers are annoying sometimes and we should get to be annoying back sometimes, for funsies. /lh
I really wish there was an equivalent to tagging platonic art as ship in the other direction. Not for any good reason I am just aro and petty and want to declare "Hm sure you think this is romantic but I know it's platonic for realsies"
i think that's called being a cunt actually
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nightmare7612 · 1 month
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"Across the sea A pale moon rises The ships have come to carry you home"
The deep sense of longing for a past long gone, and the ruins of a place that long ago would've been home.
(And also, goodbye to season 9! It was amazing and so beloved to me forever)
song: Into The West - Annie Lennox, Howard Shore
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nightmare7612 · 1 month
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hey guys i made the "cooper or jimmy" quiz
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nightmare7612 · 1 month
(idk how original this is)
i like to head canon that hermitcraft is the afterlife (like there is a bunch of different afterlife dimensions that people go to when they die)
and hermitcraft is a afterlife for people who are extremely creative but they couldnt let that creativity out in the living world
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nightmare7612 · 2 months
“And I remember, this could sound crazy, I remember being like ‘you know what, I-I could be friends with him now. I don’t know what I’m- What am I holding back for?’ Like, there was still this dynamic that I held onto for a long time to where- and you know what, I never let go of it dude, let’s just call it what it is. I still have this really protective vibe over you that I can’t get rid of. […] I don’t see myself as above you at all, but this whole like protective vibe I just can’t- I can’t get rid of it.” okay Skizz. OKAY SKIZZ. YOU’RE JUST GONNA SAY THAT HUH. TO IMPULSE. Fucking middle aged best friend dads making my heart melt WTF watch the Imp and Skizz Podcast. Just do it. It’s fun. Here i’ll even give you the link. Watch it 
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nightmare7612 · 2 months
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Haven't been able to watch his new episode yet, but OVERANALYZE? SmallishBeans Joel. You did this to yourself, you obsessed Ethogirl
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nightmare7612 · 2 months
i am going to start a collection
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if you have any other posts of this kind please send them to me
update: this one thanks to @iputmcytsintohydraulicpress (great url, by the way)
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this one courtesy of @catamaurrr-star
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So I didn’t want to separate it into two images, this was the best I could do- thanks to @blocky-tides! also art is by @/cheeryfairies
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thanks @o0recipme0o
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hey @igotthisaccountunderduress. less mcyt related but thanks anyways :D
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nightmare7612 · 4 months
Latest reblog reminds me of how much it pisses me the fuck off how every queer person alive has to adapt to the usamerican style of queerness lest we get shunned by the community for being too different. I bring this up a lot but bro that time I got death threats for having ele/dele in my bio bc "by using neopronouns I was making a mockery of REAL trans people" when those are literally just my pronouns in my native language, and when I said that I got hit w the "well you're on the internet so speak english" I HATE GRINGOS I HATE GRINGOS I HATE GRINGOS
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nightmare7612 · 4 months
reblog if you consider the people youve befriended on this website (and other websites) to be real friends, even if youve never met them irl before
trying to prove something to my dad
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nightmare7612 · 4 months
North of Lake Van in Turkey
go to this random coordinates generator and say in the tags how you would fare if you were dropped where it generates without warning. i’ll go first i’d be dropped in the middle of the fucking south atlantic ocean and perish
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