nightowl1556 · 57 minutes
Reblog if you support asexuals and aren’t a COWARD
RB if your blog is a safe, accepting space for asexuals!
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nightowl1556 · 58 minutes
Ooooh so pretty 🤩
gay month approaches so I’m going to do some more pride flag dragons so comment or tag some suggestions for me
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nightowl1556 · 2 hours
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STAY SAFE!! [ID: the Gilbert Baker pride flag with the words “Happy pride to all those who are unable to celebrate openly and safely. You are loved and seen!” in all-caps black text over it. /end ID]
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nightowl1556 · 2 hours
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Heh…heheh…he, heheheheheheh
Woooow I’m sooo scared, Jinx having that blank look and holding Vi, trying to be the same protecter Vi used to be for her. And Vi looking freaked out and smothered, almost horrified of Jinx. And the two of them completely shrouded in darkness but Vi’s eye still being in the light
That’s….that’s not terrifying or forboding at all 😅
(Riot Games, I swear to god, you leave my daughters alone)
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nightowl1556 · 7 hours
So how long were you planning to keep it a secret? That you ARE Horikoshi?????
#read your comic before the scans and I am now Pam in the office about to ask HR to tell me the difference
honestly my comic wasn’t nearly sappy enough to be even close to canon
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nightowl1556 · 12 hours
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Like everyone else in this bandwagon, I’ve read Of Saints and Sinners by @morningstarwrites and it’s something I am totally normal about
Read it, and then read it again, you won’t regret it !!
Anywhoo This is my interpretation of the harp scene 💜
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nightowl1556 · 22 hours
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TVS Missi & Duke. Human & Vampair Season 1-2 Old & New
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nightowl1556 · 22 hours
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Angry Missi & Angry Duke: Just Stop It Please!
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nightowl1556 · 22 hours
im going to speak about the vampair series for a quick sec here, i know i never bring it up but unsurprisingly i am a huge fan of it, and specially of daria cohen, is no surprise she was a main animator in the hazbin hotel pilot, she did basically the same thing vivziepop did with hazbin hotel which is grab a style and aesthetic which is very much of its time, that hot topicky, tim burton-esque, deviant art era gothic story and manage to carry it all the way through to today and build a genuine IP that reached the mayor leagues (she got multiple shout outs by actual voltaire! what the fuck!!!)
but anyway, leaving all that aside, the thing i wanted to talk about is the last few videos and how they hilariously put into context the count within the vampire community.
at first one thinks of the count as this "Vampyr", right? this old ancient, powerful, evil force of darkness who has centuries on his back, tomes of forbidden lore, and a big mansion with thousands of spookums and secrets and curses hidden in every corner.
then it turns out he is like, what, 25 years old? at most? he seems to have ran away from home as a teenager, in relatively modern times judging by the clothes, and then he got immediatly turned into a vampire. so he is just a kid, first and foremost.
but on top of that he seems to be a kid that kind of chose to stay apart from the rest of the vampire community after seeing all the fighting and the killing that goes on. so he is not even really bloodthirsty or gunning for blood and violence.
and then you see how other vampires dress and are styled and how they carry themselves compared with him and there is this sense that while the others are dressed stylishly and practical, he is very much cosplaying being a vampire
he is just a nerdy loner weirdo (not even that particularly evil, just kind of a creep) even amongst vampires, who just wants to stay at his mannor and be a spooky vampire and ignore all the silly politics and drama of the vampire world. the guy just wants to hang out in hell and have sex with zombies and get into ridiculous toxic fights with his situashionship. and somehow he came across this super powerful magic artifact that lets him do just that.
i love him so much
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nightowl1556 · 22 hours
I wonder why these two babygirls are still not considered tumblr sexy men?!
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Still, jfc look at them! Aren't they attractive?
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nightowl1556 · 22 hours
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nightowl1556 · 23 hours
Seeing more of Duke's life in "Raised by Bats" actually puts his actions in the first episode into more perspective.
He was a goth guy who loved vampires so much that he gladly became one, and Melissa broke into a supposedly abandoned castle to read Twilight– he was probably excited to see another vampire enthusiast and wanted to give her the same thing he wanted years ago.
That might actually explain why they're getting along so well at this point.
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nightowl1556 · 1 day
I don't know why but I've been obsessing over this Vampair Series episode for the past few days...
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...so I decided to make gifs of my favorite moments ☺️
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nightowl1556 · 1 day
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happy pride month to the two losers that are literally the mlm flag
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nightowl1556 · 1 day
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give him his gun back
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nightowl1556 · 2 days
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Every now and then, I get a STRONG urge to draw Daria Cohen's lovely vampiress "Missi" from the "Vampair" YouTube series. So here's a doodle I felt like finishing.
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nightowl1556 · 2 days
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Missi & Duke Is Red Eyes
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