nightttoon · 4 days
Do you still write 4 botw?
Yes, I do. :)
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nightttoon · 4 days
Hi! If you are comfortable (and still write for botw) could you do Daruk nsfw hcs? <3
Oh, you are in for a hell of a ride, you know? I mean. He soft as long as he has control over himself but then he looses it... Okay, let's get where step by step.
He is attentive lover. Always caring about you, you are always first priority in his mind. Even in sex he is ready to try all the things you are talking about.
He knows how big he is, so be ready for long preparation. He can finger you for hours. Stretching you out, telling sweet nothing in your ear, while drinking in your shaken moans.
He barely looses control, so sex with him is slow and long. Really long. He hates quickies because he can't have you properly, but long sex... With his stamina he can go for a whole day without break, by the end of process you will be overstimulated as hell, and Daruk will be kissing your tears away, mumbling how good you did.
He is keen for intimacy, kisses, soft touches, reassuring words are his cup of tea. Be ready to get a lot of that. Daruk loves if he can grasp onto something, your thighs and waist are first thing he gets his large hands on.
After you are properly stretched out he kisses you all over and takes his member out. He sinks in slowly. No matter how good you are prepared, it still stretches you just enough to balance perfectly between pleasure and pain, and he knows it too well. He uses it as his privilege, going slow and steady, making you reach your high fast evey time.
But Daruk also has some weak spots. This guy has large breeding kink. He always wanted kids and he is old enough for that. So if you trigger that theme, he looses control.
Man will get crazy if you tell him to "give you a child" or something close, and from this moment all soft touches can wait. He is rutting into you will incredible speed, making you cry out of overstimulation only 5 minutes later, but he kisses your cheek softly, saying that everything will be all right. He would kiss your lips, but he knows better than to cut off your oxygen at the moment.
Daruk has his red flags too. One of them is your pain. Tears of happiness and overstimulation are one thing, tears of pain are another. He would never hurt you on purpose, so if it happens during sex, he stops. Simple "No" will do the same job, he respects your decision.
Goron champion loves to do aftercare! He is not the best in it with your differences, but if you teach him, he might get a lot better. Usually, he takes you to a warm shower, then gets you water, maybe something to eat (probably at first it will be rock roast, but you can ask for anything, he will try his best to get it), and after that hugs, kisses, soft touches. He will be staying awake till you fall asleep, only then he might rest as well.
Daruk is really attentive partner. :)
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nightttoon · 10 days
hi are you comfortable writing nsfw? I really don’t wanna make you uncomfortable
Hi! I don't do it often, but I am completely chill with it!
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nightttoon · 15 days
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I planned to do it with watercolor, but turned out this papers aren't intended for them... So... This is a little messy now
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nightttoon · 1 month
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Drawing Mikey while listening to Hamlet. Strange mix...
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nightttoon · 1 month
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Fast black pen
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nightttoon · 1 month
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Why do I always make something nice on random piece of paper that looks too bad already?
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nightttoon · 2 months
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Nikolai 🫣
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nightttoon · 3 months
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Price after reading fics people write
Poor captain...
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nightttoon · 3 months
I am open for requests. I can draw or write. If you didn't find fandom you are interested in here it doesn't mean I don't know it!
I can go with:
CoD MW 1,2
TMNT I prefer the movie, but if you are interested in cartoons I know them!
LoZ BotW, TotK
Texas Chainsaw Massacre, doesn't matter which part, I watched all of them.
Friday the 13th
Nightmare on Elm street
Silent Hill
Behind the Mask: The Rise of Leslie Vernon
Silence of the lambs
House of Wax
Black Christmas
My bloody Valentine
The boy (Brahms)
Some general thing about Predator
Some other staff too! Just write me and I will see what I can do.
I can go with 'x reader', 'character x character', doesn't matter for me.
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nightttoon · 3 months
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141+König and Nikolai
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nightttoon · 4 months
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Happy Valentine's Day! 🌹
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nightttoon · 4 months
yunobo x reader content pretty please?
Yay! My sweet boy!
Yunobo is tired. This day turned out to be especially difficult for the young goron. He promised that he would be home in the evening, that by 20:00 he would already be with you. But he couldn't, he had to stay at work, and as a result, he goes home at 23:47. It's late, so it's already dark outside.
Goron sighed in disappointment, dragging his aching legs along the road, in the direction of his house. He couldn't think anymore. Trying to finish as soon as possible, he skipped lunch, and now his stomach was rumbling hungrily. Oh, how it infuriated him... He felt scared and insecure again as the child he once was...
But it stopped when he saw your shared house... The light burned softly in the window, and the air smelled of food...
Yunobo carefully went inside, the first thing he noticed was a delicious-smelling and quite large rock roast on table, and then, after entering the house, he saw you. You curled up on your shared bed and snored softly. Judging by the fact that the blanket was under you, not on you, and the food was warm, you didn't plan to sleep.
Goron smiled softly, thinking about how you tried to wait for him... His heart melted at the sight...
During your time here, you have mastered Goron cuisine. Although Yunobo still wonders how you manage to carry something as heavy as this juicy rock...
When the food was finished and the armor was on the floor, he carefully pulled the blanket out from under you, lay down next to you and covered the two of you with a blanket. Yunobo hugged you to him, his chin on top of your head, chest to chest.
He sighs, lying down more comfortably. And then you let out a sleepy mumble...
"Oh... I'm sorry, baby, I didn't mean to wake you up... Thanks for the food... It was delicious..." Yunobo said, moving away from you a little to look at your sleepy face. He always considered your appearance in his life a miracle, but at such moments he felt as if the goddes herself had blessed him.
"Sleep..." He whispered, kissing you on the forehead, and bringing you close again.
Soon, you both fell into a deep sleep in each other's arms.
Requests are open.
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nightttoon · 4 months
You know, almost the entire Zelda botw fandom has split into two parts. Some people think that Revali is an arrogant bastard who pretends to be more than he really is, while others adore him, considering him the best character from the whole game. And although my heart certainly belongs to Daruk and Yunobo, I do not feel any irritation towards Revali.
Yes, he is self-confident, sometimes even arrogant. But doesn't he have the right to do that? As shown in the fragments of his memories and his diary, he is the only one of the 4 warriors who didn't have some kind of birth given power. We were shown a scene where he moved a little from the center of the Updraft during training and was thrown to the side. But he did not stop, and continued to try and improve, thereby developing his strength.
I don't want to humiliate the other 3 warriors with my words. It's just that they were born with such power, hopes were up on them from the very beginning. They had no choice in who they wanted to become. Fate decided for them that they would be a shield and a sword for common people, that they would be responsible from their very birth, they had high expectations from them and they proudly fulfilled them without sparing themselves. But Revali had a choice. He would not have come up with an Updraft, he wouldn't have trained so hard, if he didn't want to. He could be like any other Rito. But he decided to become a warrior, and not just any warrior, but what he could proudly call an ideal. Revali voluntarily took responsibility, having nothing but a bow, arrows and himself. And he achieve what he wanted. He became famous not only among his people, but throughout Hyrule, and Zelda did not just come to him without reason.
So I think he has something to be proud of, and to be honest, I even respect him for that. Although for people who don't know the whole story, he really may seem like just an annoying bird with a bow.
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nightttoon · 4 months
Hello friend! I have a request if you’ll take me up on it!
How would things go if reader tells Daruk they were in love with him?
Please & thank you 💕
Hell yeah! Wanted something sweet but didn't know what to write, I guess it's time!
The green valley shines under the rays of the midday sun, the leaves of the trees rustle because of the light breeze, and the flowers dance, shining with bright colors. And it was the day that you and your dear Goron decided to meet at. Daruk rarely left Eldin, but it's summer, which you've been so happily talked about. The sun is shining in the sky, making him squint.
He was used to the heat and the bright sun, but Death Mountain had never been so full of colors. Although he genuinely liked some of them. They reminded him of people he knows. Although he still thought that a good lunch would be nicer...
It wasn't too far to your meeting place anymore, he was already approaching the forest near the Great Plateau. Daruk had no idea why you choose this particular place to meet. Beautiful views are also can be seen from the mountains of the Eldin region! Why climb the plateau? But the warrior also knew that the Hylians were uncomfortable so close to the volcano, so he agreed. And to be honest, Goron understood that it was a long way from your village to here, too, so he could only guess how important it was for you. Maybe something happened and you need help? Or did you find something on the plateau and want to show it to him? Well... He won't know until he gets there.
Having already climbed the Great Plateau, Daruk looked up at the cliff in the middle of the plateau. You were sitting there, the sunlight enveloping your figure, forcing Daruk to cover his eyes with his hand. You always seemed soft to him. Well... Compared to him, all Hylians seem small and soft, but that didn't make him think of them as weak. Both you and Link, and even Princess Zelda herself, have shown him that the people of Hyrule are not as weak as they seem at first glance. But now, looking at you in your moment of piece, when you are so calm, just looking at the blue sky, enveloped in sunlight, he wants to cherish you. Just like the Hylians cherish their gods, how the Gorons sing of their heroes.... But unfortunately, it's time to interrupt your trance....
Oh... Your goron has come. Understood you when a shadow fell on you from behind, blocking you from the scorching sun.
"Hello, gemstone" Daruk said, sitting down next to you and looking at the landscape. He can see his home from here, Eldin...
"Hello, Daruk..." You whisper, looking at the landscape in front of you...
"So what did you want to talk about? I was worried." Goron said, turning to you. Your eyes are shining like the most beautiful gems he's ever seen....
You nervously bit your lower lip. Will he understand...? How to answer? And what if you ruin everything...?
"It's a beautiful view, isn't it? And you can see the Death Mountain..." You squeezed words out of yourself, calming your shaking hands.
Daruk chuckles, "It's really beautiful. But I don't think you dragged me out here to look at the landscape."
Doubts have always been your enemy, but under his gentle gaze they seemed to melt away.
"I am... I wanted to confess.... I know we've been friends for a long time, and you're practically like family to me, but... I.. I love you..." You could tell, you were blushing like a boiled crab.
Daruk froze. Now he looks like those little animals you saw in the forest, as if his heart stopped in his chest for a split second.
"I'll understand if you don't feel that way about me... I don't want to force you to do anything..." You added, seeing the nervousness on his face.
The great Daruk is not afraid of monsters or people, his only fear is dogs, and his weakness is you. Or can this be considered his another strong side? After all, he never considered you weak. At your first meeting, you quite successfully rebuffed a couple of bokoblins...
Daruk has never been too experienced in a serious relationship.... Same with declarations of love. He has experience with women's needs, but it didn't last longer than a couple of weeks... But you. It's different with you.
He knew that he loved you, he knew that he was ready to fight the most big dog for you.... But he didn't come to this right away. Without the help of his friends and fellow warriors, he would not have realized how he felt. But he loves you. Now he is absolutely sure.
Anyway, when you turned away, he couldn't help himself. Daruk grabbed you by the waist, and a bear hug crashed on you.
Pressing his face into crook of your neck, the Goron warrior began to speak with a wide grin.
"You know... I'm not very experienced in such matters, such serious feelings are rare among Gorons... But it feels right with you. As if that's the way it should be. So I think I love you too!" Goron proudly announced, hugging you like a plush toy, his voice and warm breath sending goosebumps down your spine.
You're laughing. "More than Rock Roast?"
"More than the juiciest rocks in the whole Hyrule!"
Write me if I didn't get it right and you meant that reader was into him some time ago, and now not... I am sorry if I misunderstood. I am open for requests.
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nightttoon · 5 months
Lucky you
Pairing: totk Yunobo x reader
Warnings: none, I guess...?
'Dark.' The first thought that came into your head. 'Warm...' Was the second one. And then... 'Where am I?!' So... Congratulations! You woke up somewhere far from your home, or rather... You don’t even know where. It looks like someone's little house...
The last thing you remember is the endless climb up the mountain, which is painful to even remember. The climb turned out to be more grueling and longer... You ran out of the fireproof potion... From just the thought, your legs, head and back, on which you were wearing a heavy backpack during the climb, began to ache again. But now there is no backpack... No mountain ledges... There is not even a volcano. And more! You can't see anything further than the stone ceiling! And then... A sound reaches your ears... Someone is breathing nearby, a slight snoring, as if someone is sleeping.
Clenching your will into a fist and gathering your last strength, you roll over onto your side with a painful groan... Something heavy on your head... A helmet? Yeah... A helmet that the Gorons invented for the safety of the Hylians on their territory.
Peering into the darkness of the room, you saw a Goron. Supposedly your savior...
The guy was sleeping curled up in the corner of the room... Looking down, you realized that you were lying on his bed. He gave it to you... How sweet...
Goron looks young by the way. A small beard and white hair on the top of his head. He would look very cute if we weren't almost twice your size, even when lying down...
It seems like you heard about him somewhere... Exactly! Your travel buddies used to talk about it. If you're not mistaken, his name is Yunobo. And he is the sage of fire, something like the chief of the city and the owner of main mines, if the stories of your comrades are true. Or something close ta least... He is also a descendant of the Goron warrior who controlled Divine Beast. What was his name again... Daruk? Yes exactly! Descendant of the Great Daruk who piloted Vah Rudania. Where did the beasts go by the way...?
Well, that's not the point.
The attempt to get up failed. Your hands shake like a leaf in the wind and you fall back onto the bed with a loud bang and a painful cry. And you woke up the Goron. Great...
Yunobo sat down, rubbing his neck, apparently stiff from the uncomfortable position, and turned to you.
"Did you wake up?" He mumbles, rubbing his eyes to quickly get rid of the remnants of sleep.
You nod. “Yes...” Your voice sounds worse than you would like. Hoarse and sleepy. Even rather exhausted.
The Goron smiles a little. "It was probably stupid to ask when you were looking at me... Sorry, I don't think very well on first hour after I wake up... My name is Yunobo, by the way. Nice to meet you."
Requests are open if you are interested.
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nightttoon · 5 months
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Testing my new markers 😌
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