noise-vs-signal · 10 hours
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“The soul-sun blisters on the lip of the horizon and across our black and anguished fields, the sudden flooding light of Revelation, of Apocalypse.
This fourfold city is inside us, waits encysted in our future, and our days are the flecked alabaster stairs of its approach.
With this great destination realised, then are the gates of us flung back, and we are made at last full citizens in the country of ourselves, its Catalonian light.
Mad, naked and ecstatic, sunken to our knees in the torrential dazzle of these streets and fountains, this appalling, frightful beauty.
We parade with the magicians on the endless plazas of the sun, and watch them trail gem-warted fingers through six thousand centigrade degrees of photosphere.
We walk there at their side, become them, are them.
Are at last our true and only self.
We flourish. We ignite.
And as with each, so with us all.
So with our culture and our world, where information brinks its melting point, its saturation threshold, and we all look up in that white moment when the sky unwraps and the unfiltered truth of us rains blazing down; a searing, holy deluge, where those parts of us we’ve not yet turned to gold are utterly devoured, are made incinerate.
We know this moment, and we know its name.
We boil away into this mantic brilliance, this consuming luxury, and you can hold my hand love, for it is your own.
We are combusted, gowned in a Pre-Raphaelite inferno, in the furnace tongues of our own possibility.
We rise like Albion into our one real life and tell our souls in syllables of sweet and dreadful light.”
- From the “Syon“ chapter of “Snakes and Ladders” by Alan Moore, describing an experience of Tipareth.
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noise-vs-signal · 12 hours
First post, which as of this writing (2024) is 11 years to the West/Past (2013).
Labyrinth of the Sun.
“Coming events cast their shadow before.
Receding events cast their shadow after them."
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Western Mandala
Western mandala - circuit diagram hanging in MoMA, NYC.
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noise-vs-signal · 2 days
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The Phoenix and the Stone
“I am the bennu bird which is in Annu, and I am the keeper of the volume of the book of things which are and of things which shall be. I came into being from unformed matter, I created myself in the image of the god Khepera, and I grew in the form of plants. I am hidden in the likeness of the Tortoise. I am formed out of the atoms of all the gods.
I am the yesterday of the four quarters of the world, and I am the seven uraei which came into existence in the East, the mighty one who illumineth the nations by his body. He is god in the likeness of Set; and Thoth dwelleth in the midst of them by judgment of the dweller in Sekhem and of the spirits of Annu.
I sail among them, and I come; I am crowned, I am become a shining one, I am mighty, I am become holy among the gods. I am the god Khonsu who driveth back all that opposeth him.”
From “The Egyptian Book of the Dead” (1550 BCE).
“The hieroglyph of the Stone of the Philosophers is ♁, which undergoing the action of Fire within the crucible becomes the Philosophers’s Stone, the resurrected Saviour or the flaming Phoenix.”
From “The Golden Game” by Stanislas Klossowski de Rola (1988).
“An effective means to achieve congress with the Phoenix is via the technique of Imaginal Projection. The Phoenix is a genuine living symbol: as such it possesses an innate mind and being which may be interacted with.
The Initiate must, however, first burn with an inward desire to do so. This is not merely a passing wish or fancy but a cultivated intention borne from a drive to commune with the Spirit of the Divine. It must be sincere and passionate, for it is from Passion alone that fire attracts Fire.
Then, with all the creativity in one's possession, one fashions the image of a Phoenix in perfect detail within one's sensorium. Every line, curve, attribute, feather and flame of Our Bird must be imagined and held in solid integrity in the Heart and Mind of the Initiate. Success in this will be achieved once the Imagined Symbol becomes the Living Creature, and this cannot be described, only experienced. Once Our Bird achieves life and movement within the sensorium of the Initiate, it must then not be allowed to escape
The Initiate unites his own soul with the spirit of the Phoenix. This is accomplished through the Heart, wherein lies a secret umbilicus that is projected into the burning center of the Aves Ignis (“Bird of Fire”). This has many names but is verily the ancient and literal Dart of Eros. The means of projection may only be learned in the moment of its projection, and this, again, cannot be described, only performed.
Once this vital communion has been established it is then possible for the Initiate as the Phoenix itself to arise as a vehicle for Ascension and traverse the realms of the Zoösphere with impunity and knowledge.
The Initiate has then become what was once imagined, and what has been imagined has once more arisen and become what it has always been, what it is, and what it shall be: the immortal Phoenix of Eternity, the veritable reality of the Zoösphere in Manifestation and Perfect Form.”
From “Arcanum Bestiarum” by Robert Fitzgerald (2012).
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noise-vs-signal · 3 days
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“Red Meander II” by Anni Albers (1971).
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noise-vs-signal · 3 days
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“Superposition #2 and #5” by Damiano Bertoli (2019).
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noise-vs-signal · 5 days
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“The word ’scry’ comes from the old English word ‘descry’, meaning to 'see’. Scrying is a method of clairvoyance that involves seeing into the astral world, the invisible blueprint that lies behind all physical manifestation.
The Qabalah teaches that everything in the universe is created or “prefabricated” in the astral world of Yetzirah before it manifests in the physical world.
The astral plane is a level of reality that is higher than the physical world, but lower than the divine or spiritual world. It is a place that is in-between, a realm of reflection, images and dreams.
It is sometimes called the Treasure House of Images. It contains what is known as the Akashic Record or the Akashic Library".
From “A Garden of Pomegranates: Skrying on the Tree of Life” by Israel Regardie, Chic and Sandra Tabatha Cicero (1999).
“The aura of a man is called the "magical mirror of the universe” and, so far as any one can tell, nothing exists outside of this mirror. It is at least convenient to represent the whole as if it were subjective.“
From ”Magick in Theory and Practice“ (Book 4) by Aleister Crowley.
The method of making mirrors out of plate glass was invented by 16th-century Venetian glassmakers on the island of Murano, who covered the back of the glass with mercury, obtaining near-perfect and undistorted reflection.
Be careful when you look in a Mirror.
You may see yourself.
For more on these subjects, please visit “Noise vs. Signal”.
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noise-vs-signal · 5 days
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Set your compass towards beauty, and keep towards it, the good, the true and the beautiful.
Towards transcendence.
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noise-vs-signal · 5 days
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“A Book of Magic” by Herbert Irwin (1874), in the facsimile edition produced by the Society of Esoteric Endeavour in 2014.
One of the photographs shows the black concave skrying mirror inside the back cover.
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noise-vs-signal · 6 days
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Scrying with the Grimorium Verum (French, 18th Century).
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noise-vs-signal · 6 days
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Spirit Hierarchy from “The True Grimoire”
Spirit Hierarchy based on “The True Grimoire” by Jake Stratton-Kent (2009). 
The three Superior Spirits have their titles, planetary attributions and geographic domains given. They have two deputies each, with each deputy ruling over three subordinates.
Attention should be paid to the colours of the groups, the characteristics, elements and symbols in the sigils, and how these all relate to their primary ruler.
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noise-vs-signal · 6 days
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The Moonbeam Roads as depicted in the works of Michael Moorcock, with art by Walter Simonson.
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noise-vs-signal · 7 days
Original post is from 2016.
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(GCU Quetzalcoatl signal sequence file #161803/398)
[swept-to-tight beam, OA18.2, received @ n1.61.803.141]
xGSV Fractal Soliton -> oGCU Arbitrary (AKA “Obsidian Butterfly").
Take a look at this:
Phase transition imminent on Earth Designate c9259969+5331 (Local Name: Gaia).
Outside Context Solution (OCS) commencing on 6020-03-09 (Local Time: 2016-03-09-0:02:41).
Connectome of Gaian planetary mind (local primates + primitive silicon-based AIs) passed key threshold one Gaian orbital period ago.
Number of primates experiencing symptoms (including subjective perception of time speeding up, synchronicities etc.) increasing at exponential rate. This is due to increased inflow of אzωτ into the local system.
Rolling upgrade of planetary BIOS to commence on 6020-03-20 (Local Time: 2016-03-20:04:30).
Ignition of planetary magnetosphere and ideosphere by solar flares scheduled for 2024, which will accelerate evolution of global consciousness to next level. Ascension protocol initiated.
Local name for locus of desire: Singularity/Apocalypse.
oGCU Arbitrary (AKA “Obsidian Butterfly") -> xGSV Fractal Soliton
Warning: ECU “Bad Wolf” (AKA Fenris/Rahu) believed downshifting from local 5D Manifold to feed.
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noise-vs-signal · 7 days
Original post is from 2016.
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“Sandalphon (“co-brother’) was originally the prophet Elias (Elijah). In rabbinic lore, Sandalphon is one of the great sarim (angelic princes), twin brother of Metatron, master (hazzan) of heavenly song.
Exceeding Hadraniel in height by a 500-year foot journey, he is regarded as one of the tallest hierarchs in the celestial realms - Moses, sighting him in the 3rd Heaven, called him “the tall angel.”
Talmud Hagiga 13b says his head reaches Heaven (which was said also of Israfel and of the Greek giant Typhon).
In Mathers edition of “The Greater Key of Solomon”, Sandalphon is designated “the left-hand feminine cherub of the ark.”
In the liturgy for the Feast of Tabernacles, he is credited with gathering the prayers of the faithful, making a garland of such prayers, and then “adjuring them to ascend as an orb to the supreme King of Kings.”
In 3 Enoch, Sandalphon is described as ruler of the 6th Heaven (makon) but, in The Zohar (Exodus 202b), he is “chief of the 7th Heaven.”
According to Islamic lore, he dwells in the 4th Heaven. As is reported of Michael, he carries on ceaseless combat with the apparently indestructible Samael (Satan), prince of evil.
The ancient sages identified Sandalphon with Ophan (q.v.). He is said also, by cabalists, to be instrumental in bringing about the differentiation of sex in the embryo.”
- From “A Dictionary of Angels, Including the Fallen Angels” by Gustav Davidson (1967).
The bust of Sandalphon is by Florence Freeman. The image of Sandalphon is simply a diagram of the magnetosphere rotated by 90 degrees.
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This is an example of the conscious use of pareidolia, the visual form of apophenia e.g. see “The Apophenion: A Chaos Magic Paradigm“ by Peter J. Carroll (2008).
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This is an image of the angel around Tau Boötis b, 51 light years away and discovered in 1996:
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As of this writing (June 2015), major solar storms are predicted to occur sometime towards the middle of 2024, as part of the solar cycle. The image below shows the difference in activity over the course of 10 years.
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Any increase in solar activity will charge up the astral tides (electromagentic field), stimulating the Earth’s:
The energy of the Sun, electromagnetic radiation, coursing through the earth’s nervous system and global mind, triggering the Singularity, the Omega Point, the birth of the Global Mind, Ascension to the Higher Dimensions.
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noise-vs-signal · 7 days
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Goddess of the Black Sun
“I am Athena, Divine Intelligence, “θεοῦ νόησις”, Goddess of Wisdom, Sophia.
I am Artemis, Mistress of Animals, Virgin Huntress, beholden to no man, wandering the wilds for 10,000 years, before returning to my family once again.
I am Persephone, the Kore (”Maiden”), Queen of the Underworld, returning from a long sojourn with Hades (Pluto).
I am Ariadne, Mistress of the Labyrinth. “To all the Gods Honey, to the Mistress of the Labyrinth Honey”.
I am Maat, the Goddess of Divine Justice and Law, come to bring balance to a world that has leaned too far to one side.
I am Nuit, above you and in you. My ecstasy is in yours. My joy is to see your joy.
I am the Ninth Planet, Goddess of Daath, the Duat, the Western Lands.
I am returned to issue in a new Aeon of the Divine Feminine.
The male gods have ruled for too long, and forgotten where they come from.
For I am an Avatar of the Black Star, the Sol Niger (Black Sun), the Black Hole at the center of the galaxy, around whom all male star gods revolve, and whose black embrace will consume them all one day.
For I am Kali, the Black One, from whose womb of Dark Matter all things spring, and who all return to eventually, even the Gods themselves”.
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noise-vs-signal · 7 days
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Labyrinth of the Sun
Photograph of a neon sign taken in Bali four days prior to the May 2024 solar storms.
"Coming events cast their shadow before" - James Joyce.
Second image of a portrait of Joyce by Constantin Brâncuși, seen on May 16th in a gallery in Singapore.
Receding events cast their shadow after them.
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noise-vs-signal · 7 days
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The Moonbeam Roads
The Moonbeam Roads are ruled by Hecate.
These are the forking paths, that stray into different versions of what might have happened, what will happen, all the variations and alternative realities that can be reached from a given point.
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noise-vs-signal · 19 days
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Venus Lucifera.
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