noisydeergalaxy · 1 year
The Amber eyed dreamwalker part 18
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Warnings: flashbacks.
I apologise for the long wait, I've had alot going on and have in no way shape or form been in any state to write anything so I apologise if its not the best but I'm slowly getting back into it.
Miles woke to the sound of small whimpers, those Small whimpers soon turned into Small cries and then piercing wails as he woke fully
Miles gently picked up his daughter and rested her on his chest, gently pating and rubbing her back.
"Shhh baby girl, your ok." ava's wails died down slightly as she rubbed her face into her fathers chest, her small hands grabbing at his skin. Miles smiled to himself as he kept gently rocking his daughter. Now, a week old, she would be introduced to the clan today and have her comunion at the tree of souls. Only certain members had met her so far, koruk had met her the morning after her birth, commenting how much she looked like miles and praising his daughter on how well she had done at bringing ava into the world. The healers were frequent visitors to the young family, checking jenna and Baby for signs of illness. Both fit and healthy so far, which relieved miles.
Jenna stirred next to him, her hand running through his hair then moving to the baby's hair, gently stroking her cheek.
Jenna sat up and made a gesture for miles to hand over the small baby. being passed from one parent to another ava made a dissatisfied squeal but soon settled as she latched onto jennas breast and fed hungrily, her small hands kneading jennas sore skin.
Kissing his mates head miles left their den letting mother and baby rest after feeding. Miles watched as the communal area was being prepared for the feast to welcome ava into the Thantor ’eveng. Meat was being prepared on the fires and beautiful strings of flowers adorned the surrounding trees and walls.
"Miles" koruk walked towards him a beaming smile "Ohe see ngenga"
"Koruk, "Ohe see ngenga"
"How is my first grandchild this morning, strong as ever? Miles smiled at the elder navi as loud cries came from inside "as you can hear, her lungs are strong" both chuckled as jenna came out, baby fussing in her arms, war paint was painted delicately on the baby's blue skin, her small tuft of hair sticking up as she fussed unhappily in her mother's arms. Miles stuck his hands out in a gimme fashion as jenna handed her squealing baby to her father and unsurprisingly she settled almost instantly "hm daddy's girl like her mamma" miles winked at jenna who glared at him unamused. Her glare softened slightly as she watched miles coo over his daughter in his arms. Her small tail swished happily as she babbled at miles, her small hands touching his face inquisitively as he nuzzled his face into her belly. He winced slightly when ava grabbed and pulled at his growing hair.
Once the infant let go of hia hair, he started to walk around the communal area showing ava all the floral decorations that odorned the cave walls, her little hands reaching out to grab at the bright coloured petals.
"No no we can't touch" miles kept walking round gently bouncing his daughter in his arms, lost in thought miles attention was drawn back to his mate, her body now adorned with beautifully intricate lace and bead pieces that hugged her curves. Miles growled softly to himself.
"Tutean mama" (look at mama) miles turned towards jenna Ava squealed happily kicking her small legs as she reached eagerly for jenna.
"Nìtut Little fko, papa needs to get lonu" (come little one papa needs to get ready) jenna tilted her head at miles ushering him away to get ready for the ceremony.
Miles playfully snarled at jenna slapping her but gently when he was sure no one was looking. Jenna gasped and went to swat his hand away but miles was already at their cave entrance grinning at her. Jenna rolled her eyes and shook her head while a smile remained on her face.
*Time skip to the ceremony*
All the clan gathered round the tree of souls, jenna, miles, koruk and ava at the centre of the tree as koruk made a speech welcoming the new infant to the clan and readying her for her first connection with eywa. As koruk spoke in navi, the clan responded. Miles still struggled with some of the language, but he caught the jist of what was being said. He watched as the clan all made rheir conecyions to the tree of souls, either theiugh the vines or roots of the tree. Miles watched as jenna lifted ava in her arms, allowing koruk to connect the infants braid to a vine of the tree of souls. She babbled happily. Koruk then connected jennas braid to the same vine and then moved to miles. Miles swallowed hard, his palms sweating as he remembered what he had seen the first time he had made the connection to eywa. Koruk gently connected miles braid to the same vine as his mate and daughter, miles held his breath in anticipation.
Miles tried to slow his breathing down but he was almost panting now, his heart felt as if it would beat out of his chest, he tried to focus on jenna and ava and the gentle singing of the clan around him but his mind kept spiraling off as visions of his past life flashed through his head. The blood, the pain, all the suffering he had caused in his old human life, and at the start of his avatar life.
Around him, he heard scattered gasps and cries from some of the clan members as his visions were shared through the tree of souls. Miles quickly janked his braid away, breaking the connection.
Miles breathed heavily as he looked around, his eyes wide with panic and fear. They had seen what he had done to other navi. How could they fully accept him into their clan knowing what he had done.
Some of the clan members started to hoot and make panicked sounds. He could hear koruk trying to calm them.
Miles staggered backwards almost slipping in the process. He had to get away, away from all the eyes watching him. Judging him.
He looked at jenna and ava who had begun to cry, he wasn't sure if it was due to rhe images that had just flashed through her young mind or due to the irate clan members around her.
He looked back at jenna. "I'm sorry," he whispered. He didn't know if she'd heard him. He didn't stop to check.
He just ran.
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noisydeergalaxy · 1 year
The Amber eyed dreamwalker part 17
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Warnings: pregnancy, language, SMUT, childbirth, papa miles.
Miles crept quietly back into the cave, his feet padding softly on the mass of leaves and moss. The gentle snores of his sleeping mate mingled with the nightlife of pandora.
Slowly crouching down, he crawled over and gently slid next to jenna, one arm snaked under her head, jostling her slightly as his other large hand splayed over her swollen belly.
Disturbed by the movement behind her head, jenna groaned unhappily and stirred in her sleep.
"Shh," Miles gently soothed her, his hand carefully moving over her belly, feeling the small kicks from inside.
Miles kissed jennas head as she turned in his arm, her head going to rest under his chin and her arm holding his, which still lay protectively on her belly.
"Mphm, I hope little one sleeps better than you do miles," jenna groaned in discomfort.
Miles chuckled softly "sorry sweetheart" he nuzzled her head, breathing in her scent.
Leaning up, jenna captured his lips in a feverish kiss, gently tracing her tongue over his bottom lip. Miles laced his fingers through her hair, resting on the back of her neck
"You're meant to be resting. you're too close now. The healers are on edge." Miles spoke against her hot lips gazing into her eyes.
Jenna grinned slyly up at him. "So tell me to stop." Miles bit his lip and groaned "never." his mouth connected with hers again as he hoisted her gently into his lap, peppering hot kisses down her neck as jenna gasped, raking her nails down his back. Miles growled and bit into her shoulder, jenna's thighs automatically pressed tighter around miles waist "please miles" She begged breathlessly. Miles ran his tongue over his bite mark as he gently lay down with jenna straddling him, her hands on his chest supporting her weight as his hands caressed her hips guiding her down onto his hard length, both hissing at the feeling. "Mm still so tight." miles stilled giving jenna time to adjust, breathing deeply, she moved her hips gently in a slow rhythm hitting deep inside her with each movement, miles eyes rolled back as he clenched his jaw desperately trying not to buck his hips into her. His hands left her hips and gently touched her breasts, tracing his thumbs over her nipples as tiny beads of milk appeared. Another sign that her body was prepared for the arrival of their youngling very soon.
They set into a gentle rhythm, jenna had her eyes closed as she focused on the feeling of closeness with her mate, miles had his hands back on her hips supporting her body to move how she needed, his eyes roamed her body and face admiring her beauty. Jennas hips stuttered slightly, and her face contorted in discomfort, stopping her movement, her eyes snapped open. "You ok, darling?" Miles gently stroked jennas cheek. She gasped as she pushed herself off of miles body as liquid gushed from between her legs, her eyes widened "oh shit" miles swore as he jumped up and grabbed her as her knees buckled, gently lowering her down to the bedding, her back supported againt the cave wall. "Healers," She gasped, trying to comprehend what had just happened. Miles could only nod as he ran out of their den and into the communal area, the healers and female navis only had to look at miles panicked expression to guess what was happening, all members of the clan being on high alert over the last few days as you looked closer to giving birth.
When miles and the healers arrived at the cave, jenna had got herself up off the bedding area and had leaned against one of the cave walls, arms outstretched as her palms lay on the cool stone. Breathing deeply, jenna kept her eyes closed, but miles could see her tear stained cheeks in the soft glow of the fire pit. Some fresh tears escaped her closed eyes.
Groaning jenna pushed herself away from the wall and started to pace back and forth in the cave, miles instinctively wanted to help but one of the female elders held him back explaining that it was best to let her move as she needed and aproch her only when she asks. Miles wasn't happy with this, but reluctantly, he did as he was told and stayed back.
Hours passed, and jenna leaned heavily against miles, her head buried in his chest. He gently kissed the top of her head as one of the healers checked her progress. Standing up, the healer shook her head, miles ears flattened against his head. The hours of pain had not been fruitful in bringing their child into the world, and he could tell jenna was getting tired.
Miles gently helped jenna lay down on her side, he held her againt him, her head on his chest, one of her legs raised slightly on his hip in an attempt to ease the pressure on her lower half. He kissed her head and stroked her hair as she whimpered.
"Shh your ok, just breath" he could feel her breathing deeply before holding her breath and baring down as a contraction came over her, in an attempt to help miles held her thigh to give her leverage.
The healers continued to check as jenna pushed "thats it, keep going," the healer encouraged. Jenna whimpered more and pushed harder, crying out as she felt the baby's head drop lower.
Miles felt his heartbeat quicken as he saw the blood pool between her legs. He closed his eyes and swallowed hard in an attempt to not be sick or cry at the sight of his mate in incredible pain.
Jenna panted and pushed harder, her nails dug into Miles chest as the baby slipped from her body, squealing as its small lungs filled with the pandora air. The healers cleared its small mouth and quickly placed it on jennas chest, the skin to skin contact being essential.
"A trr" (a daughter)
Miles moved behind jenna, supporting her to sit up as the small baby latched onto her breast. Miles kissed jennas shoulder while she gently stroked the baby's small cheek as it fed hungrily. "Hi little fko" (hi little one) she spoke softly, eyes heavy and body exhausted.
After the baby fed, miles held her close to his chest as the healers cleansed jenna, she hissed as the afterbirth was delivered, soothing balms where then applied to her body as she was made comfortable in a clean bedding area. Miles looked at her. She looked exhausted but still beautiful. Outside, he could hear the joyfull whoops and yells of the clan members as koruk announced the birth of his first grandchild. Asking them all to give the young family peace until they are ready to introduce the newest member of the Thantor ’eveng.
The healers are now happy that both mother and baby were well and comfortable, leaving them all in peace for the night.
Jenna lay curled up warm in the bedding area while Miles remained awake. gently rocking his daughter as she slept, her little 5 fingers wrapped around his thumb. Miles teared up as everything raced through his mind.
Eywa had given him a chance a second chance in the form of this little blue baby. "Hi, ava," he nuzzled his face into her small body.
Miles gently laid the baby down in the nest they had made, small whimpers left her lips at being disturbed "Shh little one" miles soothed her, his hand gently rubbing her belly as she settled back to sleep.
Feeling his eyes grow heavy, miles carefully slipped in behind jenna, who instinctively moved closer to him, his arm circling her slightly flatter belly.
While the celebrations continued outside, the young family all drifted into a peaceful sleep.
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noisydeergalaxy · 1 year
The Amber eyed dreamwalker part 16
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Warnings: none, its another short chapter. Sorry 🙃
Over the next few week miles worked at getting stronger, his injuries now fully healed, his muscles starting to bulk up again.
He was sparing with some of the male navi, this had become a regular occursnce since miles had been welcomed into the clan, miles was happy to be getting back into some sort of normality but a small part of him still felt anxious that general ardmore and the sky people would rear their heads again. For now, miles tried to push those worries to the back of his mind. Continuing with his sparing session.
Jenna sat near the fire with other females, cooing over her friend, capi's new baby, which she held on her crossed legs, gently playing with their small feet as the baby gurgled happily.
"How are you feeling" she asked as she took her baby back into her arms, jenna sighed "heavy, sore" she replied with a tired smile, her friend nodded knowingly having recently gone through the same thing. "You look ready to drop jenna, your carrying very low." he friend smirked at her, and jenna rolled her eyes sarcastically at her friends words. "Don't worry, I've got you, the healers. In fact, I think the whole clan watching me like hawks every second of the day and night now"
Jenna looked over her shoulder towards the males as they continued sparing. She bit her lip as she watched miles, breathing heavy with sweat dripping over his muscled chest, he as he dodged a friendly attack.
Capi giggled by her side, and jenna glared at her before they both fell into a fit of laughter.
"What are you two laughing about?" Both females jumped as miles, and Byrne, capi's mate appeared behind them, both breathing heavily after their long sparing session.
Both males settled infront of the fire next to their mates, Byrne took his infant son into his arms as miles smiled sweetly and held his hand out as the small baby played with his large alien looking hand, giggling happily and kicking his small legs.
As the night drew later the young families made their way to their dens, the young infant lay happily asleep in capis arms as she spoke to jenna "you know where we are, if you need anything ok?" Jenna nodded and hugged capi carefully so as not to squash her son. She ruffled his hair gently before making her way to her den with miles.
After turning over for what felt like the hundreth time jenna huffed noisily, "comfy?" Miles asked with a slight chuckle "no" jenna grumbled next to him as she shuffled around in an attempt to make some sort of nest for herself. Eventually, she found a semi comfortable spot and settled down. Miles carefully settled next to her and placed his hand on her belly, feeling the small kicks on his palm.
Both finally drifted into a comfortable sleep.
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noisydeergalaxy · 1 year
The Amber eyed dreamwalker part 15
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Warnings: none I think?
It's a short one again, sorry 😞
Miles eyes flickerd beneath his heavy lids, and every inch of his body ached. His memory was hazy, and he was still trying to peace together the events off the past couple of days, all he remembered was searing pain at general ardmores command and jenna.....her voice, he had focused on her voice, it was the only thing bringing him back towards being awake again. He had no idea how long he had been. All he knew was that he needed to wake up and he needed to wake up now. Jenna needed him. Their baby needed him.
With all his willpower miles forced his heavy lids to open, giving his eyes time to focus, his ears twitched, and his nostrils flared as he took in his surroundings. He could hear a steady drip drip drip that echoed around him, he smelt a sweet and clean smell, he recognised it as healing balm the healers would use, finally his eyes focused on the ceiling of what appeared to be a cave, the walls seemed to glow in the darkness around him. Slowly getting the feeling back into his limbs, miles Gingerly attempted to sit up, hissing at the ache that spread through his body. Breathing heavily and trying not to be sick, miles was able to sit up, holding his ribs with one arm and supporting his weight with the other, he scooted back slightly so he would comfortably lean against the wall of the cave.
As he felt himself begin to drift off again, one of the healers entered the cave carrying fresh balms and dressings. "Ah, you're awake, my friend." She kneeled next to miles and busied herself with changing his dressings, examining his injuries thoroughly, miles winced slightly. "How long was I knocked out" The healer pursed her lips and continued her task "5 days. Your body needed much time to heal, and it has done so very well. " Miles tensed under her touch "5 days?!" His panicked expression and sudden attempt to stand shocked the healer who quixkly helped support hid weight as he stood on shaking legs. "You are weak miles, your body needs to recover fully, you need to rest" miles knew she meant well ans that ultimately she was right but all he wanted in that moment was to hold his mate in his arms. "But jenna......" the healer raised her hand stopping him "She is fine, if you sit back down I will fetch her but you need to sit down before you fall down" miles did as he was told, for once, and slowly sat back down, allowing the healer tk finish work on his dressings before she stood up and handed him a bowl of broth, he took it from her hands and drank it heartily, it tasted good and felt warm as it filled his stomach enough to stop him feeling sick. Handing the bowl back, the healer nodded and made her way out of the cave. Miles shut his eyes and breathed deeply.
"MILES!" A sudden weight hit his body as he felt jennas arms fly around his neck as she clung to him. "Ah ah ah easy, easy, I'm here, just gentle ok gentle" miles spoke into her neck as jenna pulled away slightly qnd stroked his hair and down his face, resting her hand on his cheek, eyes welling up with tears as he smiled at her, bringing their foreheads together. "I see you, Mama," Miles nuzzled into her face as his hand rubbed her belly.
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noisydeergalaxy · 1 year
The Amber eyed dreamwalker part 14
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Warnings: sick miles, injury, emotional bits. I think that's it.
Sorry, it's a short one
Pùla rushed through the trees into the homestead clearing, panting heavily as jenna slid off his back and with the help of other clan members gently moved miles off and stood him on shaking leg's, supporting his weight the best they could they brought miles to the healing pools in one of the caves, the healers and elders rushed to miles to assess his Injuries, laying him down on a makeshift cot of branches and leaves the elders spoke amongst themselves and the healers busied themselves preparing balms and dressings for miles injuries as well as the other navi who had been hurt during the fight, thankfully all appeared well with just cuts a bruises to tend to.
Once all the commotion had died down, jenna sat next to miles and gently stroked his head, his cuts and burns dressed, angry bruises covered his body. He breathed steadily but still had not woken fully yet.
"Ngenga were foolish trr" (You were foolish daughter). koruks sharp words broke jenna out of her daze. He looked angry, which was understandable. "Ngenga would have done the same txopu" (you would have done the same father)
Koruk shook his head and sighed. "You put yourself and other clan members at risk with your actions jenna, what would have happened if the sky walkers' numbers were more if they had stronger weapons. You acted rash without thinking, without planning" koruk kneeled down next to jenna, making her look at him "A nume does ke’u act as ngenga did today" (A leader does not act as you did today) his words stung and jenna couldn't hide that in her face as she turned away from her father. Refusing to look at him now, jenna kept her head turned away. "Once you're a mother, you'll understand," touching her head gently. koruk stood and walked back through the cave, leaving her alone with a still sleeping miles.
Jenna bite the inside of her cheek as tears rolls down her cheeks, gritting her teeth she growled as sobs overtook her body, covering her face with her hands as she tried to suppress her scream, a mixture of anger and anguish, the noise barely muffled by her hands.
Gently jenna connected her braid to her mates, one hand rubbed her belly as the other she placed on miles chest where his heart would be, snuggling Into his side while not disturbing the dressings on his body "I Need you here with me miles.....our baby needs you here" jenna nuzzled her face into Miles neck as the sobs overtook her again. "Come back to us"
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noisydeergalaxy · 1 year
The Amber eyed dreamwalker Part 13
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Warnings: violence, language, torture. I think that's it
Also I've just realised my spell checker has been spelling thanator as thantor and I don't have the patience to go back through all the parts I've written and change it so I'm just gonna stick with it, sorry I know its not 100% accurate.
Miles screamed in agony as multiple electro prods where jammed into his skin over and over again, the sweat poured of his body as the soldiers continued their abuse "you just have to tell us where they are and the pain will stop, it's not that hard" Ardmore's voice rang in his ears as mikes gritted his teeth "I won't tell you anything, leave them alone" Ardmore shook her head and kneeled down to miles eye level while he remained restrained on his knees "they are nothing to you, flea bitten savages where your words if I remember right, why protect them now huh?, what are you hiding" miles avoided her gaze and cried out as another round of torture began, his sore body and mind weakening by the second, his body shook as tears built up in his eyes.
Now Standing up ardmore nodded to the soldiers who continued their abuse of miles "you'll talk, you'll talk or you'll die miles, it's your choice, you can die waiting for them to save you, you can die protecting a race that you would of happily seen wiped out a few years ago" She snorted darkly "the pandora air has made you soft old man, time for someone else to finish what you should have when you had the chance" miles snarled at her, his eyes glaring. "You can kill me general, I'd rather die than betray my family" miles puffed his chest out as ardmore glared back at him, grabbing a knife she held the point at his throat "how about betraying your own species? You may look like them but deep down you'll always be the bitter human, you'll never escape that no matter how hard you try" miles eyes widened as her words echoed in his brain. The visions and words in his dreams coming back to haunt him. He snarled and tried to pull against the restraints which only tightened and nipped at his skin.
Ardmore dragged the blade across miles chest leaving a faint trail of blood on his skin as he hissed at the sharp sting
"Lock him back up" ardmore said with an angry sigh, with that miles was dragged away back to the segregation cells in a near by building.
It took every ounce of jennas self control not to rush out and rip that women's head off as she watched the scene unfold from the secluded spot she was hidden in. Pùla snorted next to her, his neck frills raised aggressively. Slipping back quietly to the rest of the pack that had accompanied her "we need a distraction to pull them away from that building, I don't care how you do it or how many sky walkers you kill, they've taken enough from us" the other navi nodded in agreement as they discussed a plan, a large group moved off to the tree line to prepare for a surprise attack while jenna and the rest moved closer to the segregation building waiting for the opportunity to move.
Miles ikran screeched from above as It dived on the soldiers in the camp, creating an uproar of havoc. The pack of waiting navi took the chance to ambush the unsuspecting soldiers, arrows and bullets flew between the two parties as the group and navi had thr upper hand jenna and pùla broke away from the group and made a run for the segregation building, pùla ripped the door off its hinges causing alarms to blare around them, soldiers rushed at the pair but where struck down with ease by jennas arrows, jumping off her thantor jenna began searching each cell for her mate, her fear and anxiety building as each cell she looked in lay empty, finally coming to rhe last cell jenna stopped in her tracks as she saw miles broken and bloodied body restrained on the floor of the cell, pushing the button the cell doors loudly hissed as they opened, jenna rushed through the doors and slid across the floor to miles and unhooked all of the restraints, Jenna lifted his head and examined his injuries. "Miles wake up" jenna shook his body as miles groaned but did not wake. Jenna whistled and pùla appeared moments later, prowling into the cell, jenna hauled miles up the best she could as pùla lowered his body allowing jenna to heave miles onto his back as she pulled herself behind him. Slinking back outside of the building, the commotion still, jenna's war cry rang out as the navi retreated back into the forest, miles ikran threw a soldiers body across the ground and swooped back into the air with a screech. Jenna urged pùla into a fast run before more soldiers could appear .
As the new wave tended to the wounded that had survived the navi attack, general ardmore stood and took in the scene of carnage before her, she breathed angrily and stormed to the segregated building, anger filling her as she saw the empty cell of her captive, she snarled and punched the wall.
Hearing running steps behind her, she turned to address the soldiers infornt of her "we've lost alot of men general, more than half of our platoon" Ardmore seethed as the men continued "we've radioed for more men, more supplies, weapons and such....we're awaiting your ordered general" Ardmore remained silent for a moment then pursed her lips.
"Kill them all"
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noisydeergalaxy · 1 year
The Amber eyed dreamwalker part 12
Warnings: slight violence, language
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Sorry for the long wait, I've had time off with mental health stuff and just have not had it in me to write anything so the next few installments may be slow.
(takes place 4 months after the last chapter, sorry for the time skip)
Jenna lay with her head on miles chest, his hand protectively on her slightly swollen belly as she traced the tattoo on his bicep. "What's on your mind?" jenna pulled miles out of his trance as he hummed in response. "Hm? Nothing, I'm just tired, love. " Miles kissed the top of jennas head and nuzzled his face into hers. "Are the nightmares back?" Jenna pressed on, and miles knew he couldn't lie to her. "Tell me about them, maybe talking will help" He sighed and held her tighter "they are getting worse, I feel this deep fear in my heart like something is coming that will rip all that I love, the life I've build, our family apart, that my past demons will destroy my new life, all the things he did jenna, all the things I've done in his name, maybe it's what I deserve" jenna looked at miles with sad eyes as he spoke, she gently stroked his cheek and behind his ear as he moved his face into her touch "they are just dreams miles, eywa would warn us if danger was coming, she has given you this new life, you must live it and not hold onto the past, it makes your strong soul sad, makes your mate sad to see you this way" miles nodded at jennas words.
Jenna placed her hand over miles that still stayed firmly on her belly "feel how strong she is, the great mother would not let me carry a strong child if she did not think you were worthy of being a father miles" miles smiled slightly, Bringing their foreheads together, miles breathed deeply. "I need to keep you safe," miles breathing stuttered. "Shhh love, sleep, we're ok, everything is ok." jenna made miles lay down as she gently stroked his hair while she hummed, both becoming things miles loved.
drifting into sleep, with a feeling of anxiety still biting in his chest.
Miles startled awake as the images of his dreams flahsed in his mind then faded away as quick as they came, he breathed heavily and tried to compose himself, feeling for warmth next to him be sighed in relief when he felt jennas sleeping form next to him, still sleeping peacefully. Miles wiped the sweat from his forehead and leaned over to gently kiss jennas temple, he then leaned down and placed a gentle kiss on her belly, lingering for a moment, needing the feelings to ground him after another nightmare.
Getting up and making his way out of the den he whistled for his ikran that came through the trees with a gentle thud, patting its head miles connected his braid to the creature and mounted the beast.
Miles didn't know how long he had been above the trees. He just knew he needed to clear his head, and flying was the only way he was able to. They must have traveled a fair distance as miles took in the scenery around him, trees lay flat and burnt on the ground, giant tire marks tore up the earth below, miles pursed his lips, he knew he shouldn't go closer but something in the back of his mind nagged at him to investigate. Urging his ikran to fly lower miles sensitive ears picked up the sound of voices in the distance, raised voices but even with miles excellent hearing he was unable to make out what they where saying, still he urged the beast to go closer to the sound until he found where the voices where coming from, a sky walker camp set up in a clearing near the outskirts of the large forest. Miles snarled slightly and stealthily landed his ikran in a large tree out of sight, jumping to the ground miles crept quietly through the trees towards the camp, two soldiers stood arguing with a senior officer, she looked familiar miles thought to himself. "I said I wanted them all wiped out of this forest! What part isn't sinking into your thick skulls!?" The female officer yelled. Of course, it was general ardmore, miles spat slightly as he watched her finish shouting, then turn and begin to storm off. "With all due respect ma'am we've taken controll of nearly all of this forest, why not leave the last clan alone, they live too deep in the forest for us to be able to find them anyway, our equipment isn't strong enough to make it that far into their territory so.....why not leave them be, isnt what we already have enough?" The young soldier shuffled nervously on his feet. Ardmore stopped in her tracks and turned menacingly towards the young soldier, chuckling slightly she raised her gun and shot the man with no sign of emotion, his body falling to the ground with a dull thud as the rest of the camp looked on in fear. Placing her gun back in its holster general ardmore addressed the rest of the camp. "Do I need to repeat myself, gentleman?" The soldiers in the camp all looked away nervously. Ardmore chuckled darkly. "I thought not, now, GET BACK TO WORK!" She barked as the camp bustled with activity once again.
Milss seethed from his hiding place, he could kill her quite easily from here, he could kill her and be gone before her body his the ground.
Backing away miles was started as he stepped on a branch, which snapped loudly and echoed through the trees "shit shit shit" miles said to himself as soldiers started to make their way to the tree line to investigate the noise, Miles should of ran, he should of got on his ikran and got away but he didn't, some nagging feeling in the pit of his stomach made him stop in his tracks, he wanted revenge, he didn't fully know what for yet but he wanted to make the sky people pay, especially that bitch general ardmore who he saw so much of his former self in.
"Go! Go home, warn them however you can, they need to be safe. " miles gently pushed his ikran, which chattered quietly, bumping its head against miles before it took off with a screech, its wings flapping violently.
Miles swallowed hard and slowly made his way towards the edge of the treeline. He could easily kill some of the soldiers but not all of them. Unsheathing his blade miles slowly crept up on one of the soldiers easily slitting his throat, a small gasp escaping the man's mouth as he dropped to the ground, another taken out swiftly with his bow and arrow. Preparing to fire at another soldier miles was stopped as a shock rattled through his body, causing him to scream out in pain as he dropped to his knees. The soldiers surrounded him, and guns pointed straight at him. He groaned as another shock from a taser pulsed through his veins, slumping forward onto his hands he panted as the soldiers got closer.
A pair of boots came into his vison as he peered up at the owner, general ardmore looked at him from a height as she got closer to his face, placing her gun under his chin she forced his head up so she could see his face better, miles prayed that the years had changed him enough that she wouldn't recognise him. "Quaritch....." miles signed and tried to look away from her. "So where have you been hiding all this time huh?" Ardmore grabbed his hair and yanked his head back, she had surprising force considering the size difference between them "I should kill you for being a deserter but from the looks of you it might be to my advantage to keep you alive a bit longer" She held a knife in her hand and gently tapped the thantor tooth that hung around his neck "so tell me......where are the thantor clan" miles bared his teeth at her question, remaining silent "I know that you know and don't try to lie to me miles because I will find them and I will kill every... last...one of them."
"If you hurt them i'll rip your fucking throat out!" Miles snarled at ardmore who moved the knife to his throat causing him to swallow hard.
"Lock him up, we'll use him as bait, navi always come looking for Lost members of their packs"
Miles yelled as he was again shocked with the taser, falling to the ground as restraints where attached to his body, gasping from the constant current of electricity miles weakly struggled against the soldiers as they dragged him away.
Jenna had searched all through the camp but still could not find miles. starting to worry, she hurriedly walked towards her father and the elders. A crashing sound started them all as an ikran thuded to the ground, jenna recognised him immediately and ran towards him, the large creature chittering urgently as jenna approached "where is he?" Jenna asked desperately. She knew the ikran could not talk, but she knew it understood her, jenna shouted, and pùla ran towards her, mounting the thantor, jenna looked into the ikrans eyes. "Show me where he is!" The ikran screeched and took off into the air. More of the navi had mounted their thantors as jenna whooped and ushered pùla into a run as the pack of navi crashed through the forest.
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noisydeergalaxy · 1 year
Ai mirror is finally available on the UK app store!!! So obviously, the first thing I did was try out the avatar creator one, pleasantly surprised
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noisydeergalaxy · 1 year
The Amber eyed dreamwalker part 11
Sorry, another short ish one
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Warnings: smut, a surprise for miles.
Miles chewed his bottom lip nervously as he finished telling koruk about the dreams he has been having, a month since the last one but miles was still shook up, afraid to sleep incase he was plagued by more of them, with Both their braids attached to a vine of the tree of souls, koruk was able to get a small glimpse into Miles tortured mind And see the painful visons that haunted his dreams. Jenna knew about them but miles didn't know if that made things worse, she didn't know how to help her mate, he could see the pain in her eyes as she felt hopeless at being able to clear his mind and help him rest. His dreams made him afraid to touch her or be near her. He didn't want his dreams to become reality, and in an attempt to keep her safe, he felt like he was pushing her away.
"I hardly eat, can barely sleep, I can't even take care of my mate like I should, I'm so afraid that my dreams will become reality, that maybe I am still that man who's memories I carry." Miles looked down sadly as koruk placed a calming hand on his shoulder. "You are not that man miles, you may have his memories but that is all you share with him, eywa has granted you this new life, don't watch it pass you by through the eyes of someone you used to be. You more than proved yourself worthy to me, the clan, and to jenna." Miles still looked down sadly.
Koruk sighed quietly. "The healers will give you something to help you sleep at night, I know this will not ease the worry in your heart, but it's a start." Koruk patted miles shoulder firmy and smiled at him. Both made their way back to the homestead as it grew dark around them.
As she started to make the brdding area ready for the night Jenna felt 2 strong arms wrap around her middle and firm kiss placed on her head, she smiled at the familiar warm embrace of her mate, turning in his arms she smiled at him, leaning up and placing their foreheads together. "The healers have given me herbs to use, to help me sleep.....hopefully," jenna nodded and hummed at his words. "I can think of something else to help you unwind as well as the herbs," jenna whispered seductively as she batted her eyelashes at miles. He groaned, it had been a while since they had been together intimately, over a month because of his nightmares, he missed her, missed her touches and her kisses on his skin, he missed drawing dirty sounds from her innocent mouth and he finished spilling his seed inside her, feeling her pleasure around him. Miles bit his lip as his nostrils flailed at the memories.
"Lay down," Miles said as he gently squeezed jennas throat, watching her pupils dilate. Jenna followed miles words and lay down on the bedding area, miles rolled her and pulled her hips up at the same time so she was on all fours, taking hold of her neck again miles gently squeezed her throat again and her head rolled back as she looked up at him, bringing his face down to meet hers he captures their lips in a heated kiss, miles stroked his hands up and down her skin as he situated himself behind her, slowly dipping his hands between her legs he heard her gasp as he felt how wet she was "mmmm miles" he grinned at her words "I've missed you" he said as she tried to find her words as he slipped himself into her, groaning at the feeling of her around him, settling still for a moment he dragged his hands down her tattooed back feeling her shiver under his touch. Leaning over her miles, he trailed heated kisses down her back as his hands gripped her hips, moving them in time with his. He connected their braids, feeling every nerve in his body spark
Miles continued to move his hips at a fast but gentle pace, focusing on every feeling as jenna moaned and panted while she pushed her hips back to meet his. Miles groaned and playfully slapped her behind, making jenna gasp. Miles felt her clench around him, causing him to move his hips harder, hitting deeper inside her. Stopping suddenly miles rolled jenna over onto her back and slipped into her again, bringing her legs over his hips as he started to move inside her again, wrapping her arms around his neck jenna pulled miles back into a sloppy kiss, both moaning as their pleasure built. The only sound to be heard was the breathless moans and the sounds of skin on the skin. Miles hips stuttered as he pushed in deep and hard several more times before he let out a deep growl and spilt inside of her as jenna clenched and cried out, miles release tipping her over the edge.
Both lay together, braids still connected and miles still deep inside her, he didn't want to move in case he lost her. Both panted as miles kissed the top of her head while jenna drew patterns on his chest. With their braids still connected, miles could feel a slight worry in jennas mind. "What's wrong?" Miles stroked her hair, concern laced in his voice, Jenna sighed as she moved to sit next to him, "I need to tell you something but I wanted to wait until you felt better, i didn't want to add anymore worry into your head. Miles sat up and took her face into his hands "your worrying me now doll" jenna closed her eyes and breathed deeply through her nose, she grabbed his hand and placed it over her belly looking deep into his eyes hoping he'd understand without having to say the words. Miles face dropped, and his eyes widened. "Oh shit," he thought to himself. Jenna felt his anxiety and moved away slightly. Maybe she shouldn't have said anything yet. "I'm sorry, miles. I shouldn't have said anything....." jenna made to get up but miles grabbed her hands stopping her, he pulled her to him and captured her lips in an emotional kiss, his hand still on her belly "you've made this new life worth living, you don't understand how much you mean to me, how happy you've made me jen"
Laying back down together miles enveloped jenna in a tight hug, nuzzling his face into her head as he watched her drift off into sleep while miles hand still lay protectively on her belly "I love you" he whispered into her hair as he now felt his own eyes grow heavy.
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noisydeergalaxy · 1 year
The Amber eyed dreamwalker part 10
Warnings: nightmares, character death, peril, language.
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*3 months after miles was welcomed into the clan*
All miles could see was fire, all miles could hear where the screams of the clan as his new home went up in flames, the familiar outline of the AMP suits crashed through the fire, killing everthing in sight, thantors attacked to no avail, each one being struck down by the large guns or knives the robotic suits weilded.
Looking around in desperation miles spotted jenna ahead, ducking as she dodged incoming bullets desperately firing arrows that simply bounced off the heavy metal suits. "JENNA, RUN!" Miles sprinted towards her and tackled her to the ground as a missile hit near where they stood, both being thrown backwards at the shockeaves, struggling to their feet Miles placed a protective hand over the small bump of her stomach and pushed her back slightly "you have to go, now!" Miles gritted his teeth, but jenna simply snarled back."I'm not leaving you!" As she pushed his hand away and picked up her bow. Before miles could argue another AMP robot cornered them it's foot landing heavy on miles pinning him to the ground as one of its large metal hands grabbed at jennas hair and lifted her off the ground, miles roared angrily as she screamed in pain. Miles continued to claw at the metal holding him down as a deep voice boomed from inside the robot "oh now I am disappointed in you soldier" miles stopped suddenly, that voice, why did he recognise that voice. "I expected more of you" the voice continued "You where created for a reason, to wipe the rest of these navi scum off this planet, to finish.....what I started" miles ears fell back againt his head as the large glass of front of the robot moved closer to him and the face that haunted his past sneered at him "quaritch" miles snarled at the human staring daggers at him "your dead, I crushed your skull and left the rest to rot away" miles strained as the metal grew heavier, the human sneered and laughed at him "that vessel is dead but I'm still very much alive in you, you have all my memories, all my hate and anger. The body may be different...but deep down your still me and no amount of running will change that" quaritch turned his attention back to the struggling female in his grip, jenna desperately tried to break free of the robots iron grip but to no avail. "Miles, don't listen to him!" Jenna whined as the robots swung a blade in It's free hand ,and who are you, huh? Some native tail he knocked up, " quaritch slowly dragged the blade across jennas belly, cutting the skin slightly, making her writh in pain. Miles roared and thought harder "don't you fucking touch her!" Quearich ignored miles as he brought jenna closer to the robots window "you think he cares about you? Your nothing to him, your just a distraction. you see, he's lost his way and the only way to get his mind focused on what he was made for again is......to get rid of all distractions" quearich drew out the last word as his blade plunged into jennas stomach. Her body convulsed as blood poured from the wound. Blood spluttered out of her mouth as she gasped for breath, quearich threw her to the ground and ripped the knife from her body. "NOO!" Miles screamed and cried as he desperately thought to get free.
Gunfire and shouting in the distance distracted the man in the robotic suit long enough for miles to get his strength back and push the heavy metal off his body enough to slip from under the weight, Miles made a run towards his mate falling to his knees nect to her, he gently lifted her lifless body into his arms. seeing no light in her once sparling eyes miles broke and sobbed uncontrollably into her chest screaming in anguish, his hand laying on the small bump of her stomach. His mate, his baby, ripped away from him like they were nothing.
"How does it feel....to betray your own kind miles?" Quaritchs voice boomed behind him. Miles turned and snarled. "I'll kill you, you bastard!" Miles screamed at him as he jumped at the robot, which easily swipped him to the ground again. "You don't get it, do you boy!? You can't kill me, I'll always be that voice in the back of your head, taunting you...haunting you and no matter what you do, no matter where you go I'll always be their. Quearich grabbed the large knife again bringing it to miles throat as he chuckled darkly "or maybe.....I'll just finish this myself" quarich sliced the blade across the navi's throat as he cackled wickedly, miles felt his lungs filling with hot blood as he gasped for breath and clawed at his cut throat, his surroundings darkened as he felt his heartbeat slow, the last thing he heard was his predacesors evil laughter echo around him.
Miles shot up from his sleep and desperately gasped for breath clawing at his throat, but he felt no cut to his skin, no blood anywhere, he could breathe, he was alive. Hot tears streamed down his face, and he tried to calm himself down. Feeling his stomach turn, he quickly stood and ran outside. after being sick for the third time, miles felt himself settle as the adrenaline subsided. Taking a few deep lugfulls of the fresh pandora air miles made his way back inside, jenna lay safe and snuggled in their bed, miles wanted to cry, not fully over his nightmare he lay beside her and enveloped her in a tight hug. "Mmph, are you OK?" Jenna looked up at miles who stared off into the distance, jenna rubbed his cheek firmly in an attempt to break him out of his daze "miles, hey! Talk to me." jenna raised her voice and tapped his cheek. His teary eyes met her bright ones, he shook his head and held her tighter, trying to get his words out but unable to manage, he lay a large hand on her flat belly and sighed in relief that even that was a dream for now, taking a shuddering breath he lay his forehead against hers "your ok, it was just a nightmare, everything is ok" jenna whispered soothing words to her mate as she pushed him to lie down again. She snuggled into his body and lay a hand on his chest in an attempt to calm his shaking body. Miles was too scared to let her go even for a second, terrified if he closed his eyes again, he'd find her lifeless body in front of him. "He killed us, i....killed us" miles sobbed as Jenna repositioned herself so miles head lay carefully on her lap, she started to hum a quiet song and gently stroked his hair as miles drifted into a fitful sleep.
Could the ghosts of his past life really find a way to come back, to haunt him and rip his new life apart?.
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noisydeergalaxy · 1 year
The Amber eyed dreamwalker part 9
Sorry for the long wait again
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Warnings: smut, blood bonding, language, i think that's it.
Navi spoken lines will be in blue now and in future instalments to make it easier to read.
Miles skin was painted with dark blue and orange stripes, the same colours as his ikran, his old coverings had been changed to a new set especially for the ceremony. His growing hair had been restyled and jewellery added. His mind raced as jenna put the finishing touches to his ceremonial paint. he looked her up and down, she too had special ceremonial dress on, a headdress adorned with the skull of the yarik he had killed a few days go sat comfortably on her head, her body covered in war paint that she would wear for a hunt. He smiled to himself as he thought how pretty she looked.
Jenna looked up and smiled, pleased with her work on his skin.
"Your lonu" (your ready)
Miles swallowed hard.
Walking through the clan of navi towards konuk miles felt his chest tighten and anxiety spike like it did the first time he stepped foot in their homestead.
"Miles, Ohe see ngenga" (miles, I see you)
Koruk gestured towards miles who respectfully did the same back to him.
"Ngenga have proved yourself zìsìt keye’ung the eyes of tsleng, the great ikran has forgiven your past sins ulte grants ngenga your rutxe within the ’eveng."
("You have proved yourself worthy in the eyes of eywa, the great mother has forgiven your past sins and grants you your place within the clan".)
"We see ngenga nekx, Ngenga are fko of the thantor ’eveng zoplo, may tsleng continue to ha on ngenga" ("we see you brother, You are one of the thantor clan now, may eywa continue to smile on you") koruk finished his speeach and places a small thantor tooth around his neck, placing their foreheads together. Koruk now presented miles to the rest of the clan who repeated the welcoming gleefully.
"We see ngenga nekx" (we see you brother)
Koruk whooped and ululated, the rest of the clan followed signaling the start of the celebrations.
Hours later miles found himself wandering giddily through the tree of souls, following jenna eagerly, stopping at a clearing jenna turned to miles and looked deep in his eyes, miles smiled warmly and gently touched her warm cheek.
Jenna placed her hand over his "many woman want you miles, you could have any of them" jenna looked down sadly, miles gently lifted her chin "I don't want any of them, I want you, I've only ever wanted you" jenna smiled brightly at him. "So what now?" She spoke softly.
Miles smiled at her "be mine" miles closed the space between them and took her lips into a heated kiss, kneeling down with jenna in his arms as the kiss deepened. Pulling away for air jenna brought her braid to the front of her, miles doing the same, connecting their tendrils both inhaled sharply. "I have something for you" miles looked at jenna confused as she reached to her thigh and unsheathed a knife, to be specific, his knife, the one she had taken on him the first time they met in the forest "I should of given this back to you sooner" She carefully handed it to miles who took it and looked at it thoughtfully then smirked wickedly, he took the knife and knicked the palm of his hand "give me your hand" jenna slowly gave miles her own hand as he did the same to hers, dropping the knife he brought their palms together "now we're bound together by blood, your mine and I'm yours" jenna grinned and brought her lips back to miles, he lay her down and wrapper her legs around his hips as he started kissing down her neck and dragging his hands down her sides, raising her hips to meet his as he slipped his length into her making them both gasp "mmm miles" jenna moaned into his neck and nipped at his delicate skin, raking her nails down his back, a faint line of blood from her hand staining his painted skin, miles moved his hips faster making them both pant and moan heavily. "Fuck tell me what you want" miles pulled away from jennas lips as she gasped "you miles, only you, mate with me, please make me yours" jenna pulled miles into another heated kiss as his hips moved deeper, stuttering slightly at the intense feeling "gonna cum in you, make you mine, no one else gets to touch you ever....your mine" miles growled the last line as he spilled inside her, jennas legs tightened as she gasped and followed him with her pleasure.
Both lay together in their post sex bliss, gently nuzzling each others skin and sharing small kisses. Jenna closed her eyes slowly snuggling closer to miles "I'm yours miles, we're mated for life" jenna spoke softly as miles held her tighter against his body "Ohe love ngenga" (I love you) he whispered into her hair as they both drifted in to a peaceful sleep.
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noisydeergalaxy · 1 year
The Amber eyed dreamwalker Part 8
Apologies for the delay. my mind wasn't in the right place to write anything, so if this is a bit shorter, I'm sorry, but hopefully, I'll get back into the swing of things soon.
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The rain pettered heavy on the leaves as Miles kept his body low to the ground, creeping closer and closer to the grazing Yerik, which was still oblivious to the hunting na'vi. Settling behind a tree, miles took a moment to gather himself and focus on his breathing, keeping his stomach strong like jenna had taught him. Remaining silent miles raised his bow, training his eyes on his target.
Loosing the arrow miles grinned as it hit its target, the animals body thudding to the ground heavily.
Looking on from a distance jenna smiled warmly as she watched miles perform the kill prayer, thanking the animal for its sacrifice, its body remains, but its spirit goes with Eywa. The whole "energy is only borrowed" thing as jenna had explained to him multiple times while teaching him to huht, still after months he didn't fully understand how it all worked but he wanted to understand for her.
By now miles had established himself as one of the Thantor ’eveng, after nearly a year he had been nearly fully accepted into the clan and now his welcoming ceremony was only days away, this hunting session being one of the last tests he needed to face, only when koruk was satisfied miles truly understood the way the great mother shaped rheir lives could miles fully be one of them.
Perks came with being fully accepted into the Thantor ’eveng, the only one miles cared about right now was that he could choose his mate, many of the navi woman had started to become interested in miles recently but he had already chosen the woman he wanted just not officially for the rest of the clan to know, They just had to bide their time and hope jennas father would accept miles as a suitable mate for his daughter, he didn't need to know what they had done together for weeks, what he doesn't know won't hurt him....hopefully.
Miles heard jennas foot steps approach him as he finished the hunting prayer and removed his arrow from the creatures body.
Jenna nuzzled her face into Miles neck "your ready to be one of the Thantor ’eveng miles"
Miles bit his lip. Was he fully ready to let go of his past and truly start a new life.......
Sorry it's so short, I am going to try and get the next part out tomorrow, and it should be longer.
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noisydeergalaxy · 1 year
I just want a lazy morning, miles just laying on top of his mate slowly thrusting his hips into her. One of her arms wrapped around his back and the other in his curly hair just trying to pull him on closer because she just can’t get enough of him. UGH PLEASE!!!!
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noisydeergalaxy · 1 year
The Amber eyed dreamwalker part 7
Warnings: smut! So if you're not of age, then this isn't for you, language. I think that's it.
If anyone would like to be added to a tag list for future parts, please let me know. As always, feedback is much appreciated, and thank you again for all the likes and follows.
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Landing safely back into the clearing, miles slid off the animals back and eased jenna off safely. Holding her hips as she had her arms over his shoulders, he pulled her in for another deep kiss. Pulling away, he looked into her eyes. "Come on," he whispered as he pulled her along with him.
As the sky darkened miles and jenna returned to the communal area hand in hand. Mostly empty now as the clan bedded down for the night.
Jenna led miles to her secluded cave area away from prying eyes. Moss and leaves lined the ground, making it soft and inviting, vines covered the entrance of the cave, giving them full privacy.
Now alone miles felt his heartbeat quicken as he pulled jenna into a heated hiss, slowly lowering themselves to the soft ground, miles lay on his back as jenna peppered hot kisses down his neck and chest, stopping below his naval. Dragging her nails down his thighs miles groaned and closed his eyes, feeling jennas hot breath on his cock as she gently took him into her mouth, eyes fixed on him "fuuuck" miles gasped quietly, mouth open as he now watched, her eyes stared deep into his soul as she dragged her tongue up his length, flicking the tip making miles his in pleasure his hand coming down to grip her hair gently "where'd an innocent girl like you learn to do that huh?" Jenna shrugged."Instinct, what feels right?" She said as she deep throated miles catching him off guard, dragging her teeth gently back up his length she released him with a last lick. She smiled smugly at miles who panted beneath her. Sitting up, miles grabbed her hips and pulled into his lap, kissing her deeply, bitting her bottom lip. Bringing his braid around as jenna did the same, he looked at her as if asking for permission. "Are you sure? You know theirs no going back once we...." Miles trailed off, not sure how to say it. Jenna brought her forehead against his "miles...." Connecting their tendrils together both rheir pupils dilated, and they shuddered at the connection. "What do you feel?" She whispered "fuck.... everything" miles swallowed hard maneuvering jenna in his lap as he slowly slid into her making her gasp and cling to him tighter. Miles grinned at her, their foreheads still pressed together "Your mine," he whispered, gently running his hands in her hair, pulling her in for an even deeper kiss, tongues fighting for dominance. "Yours," jenna broke away briefly for air before capturing his mouth again. Both moaning into the kiss miles gently rocked his hips. Feeling sparks of pleasure cource through his body.
Yes he'd had sex as a human and yes it still felt amazing as a navi but this, this was different, to have that deep connection with someone like this was magical, he could feel everything, all of his senses on fire.
"Mmm please miles," jenna moaned as miles moved quicker, hitting deeper inside of his young mate, nipping and sucking on her neck as she dragged her nails down his back and tightened her thighs around his hips. Feeling her tighten and spasm around him, she bit into his shoulder and moaned loudly, her own release neerly pushing him over the edge. "Shit... Baby, unless you want me to finish in you, you need to let go of me before i lose control. Miles gasped into her mouth.
Jenna whimpers and reluctantly loosens her legs, laying back as miles pulled out and stroked himself a few more times. He moaned and swore loundly, his hot seed spilling onto her belly.
Both panted heavily, they lay together, jenna's head on his chest, listening to his heartbeat as miles gently stroked her hair.
Their tendrils still entwined as they slowly drifted into a comfortable sleep.
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noisydeergalaxy · 1 year
The Amber eyed dreamwalker part 6
Warning: None, actually. Does a kiss count? 💋
(Takes place a few days after part 5, sorry for the time skip again guys)
Miles eyed pùla warely as jenna tightened his leg wrappings and thigh shielding. Standing, she pushed miles gently towards the large thantor. "Go on, he won't bite," jenna grinned as miles grumbled slowly walking towards the creature. "Hm sure he won't"
Pùla sensed miles unease and growled playfully growled at miles who just glared at him. Muttering under his breath.
Jenna hopped onto a near by rock to sit while she patiently waited.
"You've been here over two months, and you're still scared to ride a thantor on your own?" Jenna quizzed miles as he stood a few feet away from pùla. "Never said I was scared. I would just prefer to ride my ikran instead of this smelly creature," pùla snorted in offence at miles remark.
"You've got in ikran?" Jennas ears pricked up, miles turned and grinned."Yeah, claimed him all by myself as well, didn't use any sky people tricks, I did it properly." jenna looked around the treeline excitedly. "Where is he?" miles fully turned to face her as jenna jumped off her place on the rock and ran towards miles, "can you call for him, I've never seen an ikran before" She smiled at him, miles nodded and put two fingers in his mouth whistling loudly, the sound vibrated through the trees around them. Waiting a few moments before whistling again. Both their ears twitched as the sound of wings could be heard, a loud screech broke the silence as the dark blue ikran dove through the trees landing infront of miles still flapping its wings wildly before settling, pùla instinctively ran infront of jenna, protectively roaring loudly at the ikran. Both creatures growled at each other for a few moments. "Hi boy, where you been, huh?" Miles gently stroked the ikrans head and connected his braid tendrils to his ikrans, feeling the connection they shared. Jenna gently patted pùla and moved him out of the way "wow he's beautiful," she said in awe of the large creature. Miles reached his hand out "come way hello, he won't bite" miles grinned as jenna warely took his hand, pulling her forward he placed her hand on the ikrans head, she smiled wide and giggled as the creature nuzzled her slightly. Miles bit his lip. "Do you want to ride him?" Jenna paused her movement and looked away "i er..no it's ok" She tried to backed off but miles grabbed her hand again gently "hey hey, your ok, I won't let anything happen to you...I promise" miles squeezed her hand reassuringly. Jenna chewed her bottom lip and looked between miles and his ikran.
She slowly walked back towards them, miles gently helped her up to sit on the creatures back while he sat snuggly behind her, wrapping one arm around the reigns on the ikrans harness while the other gently snaked around jennas waist pulling her flush against his chest, he could feel her fast heartbeat through her back. "OK boy, slowly for our first-time flyer," the ikran chirped in response as it pushed itself off the ground, wings flapping strongly. Jenna instinctively gripped onto Miles arm that was securely wrapped around her middle.
After several minutes the ikran settled into a steady rhythm, gently riding the airwaves as if flew through the crisp air, feeling braver, jenna shuffled forward slightly and peered over each side of the ikran taking in the breathtaking scenery. She giggled excitedly at the new feeling of being in the air. "Woooo!" She turned back to miles, who was still holding onto her security as he promised to. He smiled at her. She turned fully so she was facing miles, shuffling back towards him, his arm circled her waist again, slightly tighter than before as they stared at each other, Jennas hand came up to his cheek, gently stroking the scar he had earned from their training sessions together. Jenna gently guided miles face forward as her lips captured his in a sweet but heated kiss, miles smilled into the kiss, pressing their bodies tighter together, finally breaking away, they pressed their foreheads together. "Ohe see ngenga" (I see you) jenna whispered. "Ulte ohe see ngenga" (and I see you) miles whispered back, nuzzling his face into hers before capturing her lips again.
It's only a short chapter this time, but more is to come!
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noisydeergalaxy · 1 year
The Amber eyed dreamwalker part 5
Warnings: Emotional bits again because I feel like Miles needs to cry in someone's arms 😢
The next couple of chapters will be shorter, so I apologise for that.
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Miles remained in his hiding spot, he didn't know how long he'd been sitting their, his tears had stopped but he still felt rhe pain, emotional and physical, he sat and stared at the ground infront of him.
Jumping slightly, he felt a hand touch his head gently. His breathing calmed as he felt jennas gentle hand run through his growing hair, playing with the small beads she had woven into his locks. Closing his eyes, he leaned more into her touch.
"Come with me" She gently grabbed his hand and pulled him off the ground. Following her in silence they walked off into the forest.
After some time they arrived at clearing, surrounded by trees that bloomed sweet smelling flowers, the scent filled his nose. As they walked on miles continued to look around, not paying attention he nearly walked straight into jennas back as she came to a sudden hault infront of him.
He looked down and saw their hands still entwined, he released her hand gently, "Sorry" he said sheepishly.
Jenna smiled sadly at him.
Looking back ahead miles saw their clans tree of souls, its bright pink vines swaying gently in the wind.
"Wow...its beautiful"
Miles slowly walked towards the tree, he watched as jenna took some of the vines in her hand and attached her braid tendrils to them, miles followed her lead and did the same, not sure what to expect, he definitely didn't expect to hear the ghosts of his past come screaming Into his mind all at once, all the pain and suffering he'd caused in his past and present lives, all the lives he'd destroyed, it was all because of him, how could he expect anyone to see him as anything but a monster, he didn't deserve a second chance, he deserved to be dead. gasping miles pulled away from the vines breaking the connection, he gasped for air as the panic over. "I...can't...." his words got stuck in his throat, and he fell to his knees and sobbed into his hands.
Jenna came to kneel infront of miles and envelope him in a comforting hug, he gave in and wrapped his arms around her and pushed his face into her neck as she troked his head, she felt like home, she filled the empty space in his soul but she could never be his after all he's done to the navi people, she'd never forgive him.
"All the things I've done.....all the pain I've caused to the navi, I should be dead....I don't deserve to have this second chance at a life after all the ones I've taken" he sobbed harder and held her tighter, afraid that of he let go for a second she'd leave. What was he thinking, She wasn't even his. He shouldn't be thinking like that.
"Miles, stop this now. You're not that man anymore. That man is long gone, you're not a monster, if the great mother deemed you a monster you would of been dead long ago but she's let you live, she's giving you the second chance to prove your not him anymore, don't squander this chance to make a happy life away from your cruel past.....and......when I look at you I don't see a monster......I see you"
Jenna smilled warmly at miles, her own tears stained her cheeks, miles breathing shuddered as he brought their foreheads together.
To be continued......
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noisydeergalaxy · 1 year
The Amber eyed dreamwalker part 4
Warnings: language, hunting, small bit of violence, some emotional bits.
I will admit I got carried away so I am sorry if this chapter is quite long but I hope you enjoy it.
Once again, thank you for the likes and rebloggs, and if anyone wants tagged in future parts, please let me know, and of course, all feedback is welcome and appreciated.
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Miles followed the other navi into the communal area, gathering their weapons and preparing the thantors for the hunt, all involved covoured in warpaint, he listened as koruk addressed the hunting party in fluent navi, he was slowly grasping the language and from what he understood in the speech they where hunting a herd of Sturmbeest that had settled in a near by valley.
Miles had little to no experience with most of the creatures of Pandora with the exception of his ikran and jennas thantor that he now knew was called pùla, so he didn't know what to expect from today's hunting trip.
The first thing miles learned is that Sturmbeest are HUGE, and the second is that when they stampede, they become a death trap for anyone or anything in their way.
The hunting party split off into groups surrounding the moving herd, some of the thantor snapping at the heels of the giant animals while their riders shot arrows, aiming for the sweet spot above the shoulder where their breathing hole sat.
Another group scaled the rocky cliffs surrounding the valley in an attempt to get ahead of the giant beasts and separate one from the herd.
Miles watched from a safe distance with some of the young male navi of the clan who were also their to observe. Too young to participate.
Pùla and jenna ran close to one specific Sturmbeest, the largest of the group, most likely the matriarch, pùla roared and snapped wildley at the creatures hind legs, jenna shot various arrow all missing the mark, she growled in frustration and urged her thantor to run faster, over taking the large beast. Once she was slightly ahead of the Sturmbeest, jenna turned pùla starply, his claws dragging into the ground as they skidded to a hault and faced the on coming heard.
Hissing, jenna raised her bow, pulling her last arrow back. She breathed deeply, waiting for the right moment.
Miles watched as the herd got closer and closer to jenna and pùla. She still didn't shoot. He could feel his heartbeat grow quicker and quicker, his anxiety building.
Still She waited.....breathing steadily....focusing.
"Move jenna!" He covered his mouth but it was too late. "Shit, miles you idiot" he scolded himself. As he looked ahead, The females ears twitched as she glanced over to where miles was standing. Snapping out of her momentary distraction she yelled and loosed the arrow, it flew towards the fast moving creature infront of her.
The large Sturmbeest bellowed as the arrow his it's mark causing its legs to buckle. It's body hitting the ground and tubled towards the navi female, her eyes widened as she gasped, pùla quickly jumped out of the way of the incoming body as it slid to a halt, its heavy body causing a dust cloud around it. The navi ullulated at the success of her hunt, the remaining pack of thantors and riders coming to a top as the Sturmbeest herd continued to move ahead.
All breathing heavy as male hunters tied the dead Sturmbeest to the largest thantors as it was dragged back to the clans homestead.
Walking back into the comunal are rheir was a definite uneasy feeling, miles could feel the anger radiating from some of the clan members as they returned, removing their hunting attire from the thantors bodies.
Miles anxiety spiked as torvì stormed towards him. He was the leader of the hunting party. He didn't like miles from the first day he came to the Thantor ’eveng, likely because he was an outsider but most off all because he'd capture jennas attention. Miles had learned that torvì and jenna where meant to be a mated pair but after jenna refused torvì's advances at a recent ceremony he had become a seething ball of aggression. His ego definitely bruised.
"YOU COULD HAVE COST US THAT HUNT DEMON!" Miles slinked back slightly as torvì bellowed at him while pushing his hands hard against his chest.
"I didn't cost you anything! you still got the kill, well jenna did, I don't kmow where you where, she's the one who put herself in harms way to take the beast down" miles snapped back.
"And you're the one who distracted her. She could have been killed because of you Sa’nok! (Moron)" torvì snarled at miles, getting closer to his face. Both males growled at each other as the next second a fist collided with torvì's jaw, causing him to fall to the ground.
"GET AWAY FROM HIM" jenna hissed as she moved infront of miles protectively. Both males looked at her stunned, a group was now gathering at the sudden commotion.
Torvì wiped his mouth and shook his head at the female navi. "You protect him, why?!" Jenna hissed at his question, which made torvì even more angry. He stood up and glared at her. "You really think he'd want you?" He whispered to her, her ears fell back. Miles heard him and anger boiled over as he felt his words sting the young female.
"BACK OF YOU PRICK!" Miles pulled jenna behind him by her arm startling her and himself with his boldness.
Both males finally snapped and launched themselves at each other, throwing punches and kicking. Miles had the upper hand as the crowd around them wooped and ululated. Some of the thantors roared at the unsettling atmosphere around them. Torvì reached up and yanked miles hair as miles tried to get his hands around the other males' throat.
"NÌTAM!" (Enough!) koruk bellowed as the two males were dragged off each other, both struggling and breathing heavily as they were separated. "Be Tsun zoplo, Tsun" (be calm now, calm) koruk held both his hands outstretched touching each of the males chests, both refusing to make eye contact with the clan leader as he gently pushed them both in separate directions. Torvì stormed off muttering in navi. Some of the on lookers followed behind him. While miles just stood and breathed heavily. His adrenaline raced through his veins. He could have easily burst into tears at that exact moment. Biting his lip, he too turned and made his way towards the sanctuary of the camp training grounds.
Now alone he leaned against one of the large rocks, shielding him from any onlookers, sliding down to a crouched position he couldn't hold himself together anymore and angrily wiped away the hot tears on his cheeks as he buried his head in his arms.
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