noisyghost · 6 days
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im doing my yearly redraw of all my OC ref sheets because i will never be satisfied. anyway. here's josie! she bites :)
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noisyghost · 13 days
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something something dark and stormy night
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noisyghost · 25 days
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assorted mermay things that turned into a beach episode at some point
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noisyghost · 29 days
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End of the Line
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noisyghost · 1 month
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its been a couple years, Ches deserved a better reference :)
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noisyghost · 1 month
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i love my boy, he's my girl
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noisyghost · 2 months
I just need you to know that Mira is perfect to me. We not only support women’s rights, we also support women’s wrongs. Especially if they’re sad <3
thank you for understanding my vision <3
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noisyghost · 2 months
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PWYW commissions are open! They're not FCFS, and i'll be taking just about every request that comes in; as long as the form is still up, i'm still accepting requests!
Minimum request amount is 30$. More info in the actual form. Remember to DM or email me with any questions!
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noisyghost · 2 months
Can we can Cheslov’s story? Who is he? What is he? What happened to the pretty baby boy? 👀👀👀👀
the running joke with Ches is that both in universe and IRL only like 2 people know his actual backstory and every couple years i'll drop a piece of lore that sounds insane and then I won't elaborate on it at all. It's a funny little game that I play <3
What IS canonically known about Ches is as follows:
He is something known as a zduhać, who is a person that can project their soul from their body in their sleep in the form of a "dragon". His dragon is a manifestation of how he felt the day that he died, so it's him but also not? It's messy. His dragon named itself Vasili. Vasili is notoriously an asshole, but Ches' romantic interest Charlie gets him to lighten up.
Time is weird for zduhać bc they don't age while they sleep, and sometimes the line between sleeping and waking gets blurred. Ches was also put in a grave and asleep for 200+ years so he is. A man out of time, to say the least.
He is vaguely slavic; he speaks russian and serbian fluently (english as a verrryyyyy third language, he's only been learning for the last couple years, depending on the timeline. He's also recently started learning a little bit of french!). Though, he has claimed that he is neither russian nor serbian, so no one actually has any idea where the fuck he came from. He literally showed up on Mira's door one day with a letter addressed to her mother asking for help.
He works for Mira now in the bar she runs (as a bartender). Patrons seem to like him a lot - hes very amicable in a 'grandmother telling you stories' kind of way.
He has two living siblings, Alexander (older) and Nadia (younger). He does not seem to get along with either, but ESPECIALLY Alex - he tried to kill Alex on sight once lol.
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Lore wise, no one knows for certain exactly what happened to him - how he lost his arm, what happened to his face, etc etc. He doesn't talk about it, nor does he want to. The only thing that is confirmed (and this is fun new lore i dont think i've shared!!!) is that he blames Alex for all of it.
After not seeing each other for a couple centuries, Alex came to Ches to beg for his help. During this reunion (which Charlie had to break up bc it immediately turned into a physical altercation lol), Ches made clear that 1. Alex was somehow responsible for the deaths of hundreds of people and 2. Whatever it was that Alex did, it directly resulted in Ches being tortured, losing his arm and becoming a zduhać.
He has vaguely alluded that he lost him arm and got the scars on his face in separate incidents - apparently the facial scars were "deliberate", implying that someone cut him up on purpose, where the arm loss was "unintentional". Take that as you will.
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noisyghost · 2 months
commission queue is officially empty so nows the time to get your requests in if you're interested! here's some examples of commissions finished from the previous batch <3
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PWYW commissions are open! They're not FCFS, and i'll be taking just about every request that comes in; as long as the form is still up, i'm still accepting requests!
Minimum request amount is 30$. More info in the actual form. Remember to DM or email me with any questions!
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noisyghost · 2 months
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a little follow up to my previous post because i was thinking about how his werewolf form would also change over time. also he gets a dog and that's fun :)
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noisyghost · 2 months
Ooo you fed me so well, I wasn’t even sure if I would get answers! So now I’m gonna try my hand at asking who bit Ark, what happened?! This is so juicy (rubbing my gremlin hands together).
oh rest assured, I will answer any and all OC related questions with overwhelming fervor and I will not be cool about it at all <3
The person that bit Ark was Josie! She's what the girlies like to call "a hot mess" <3
im so sorry this reply is so long. I started typing and kept failing to summarize things until it was. way too many paragraphs lmao. TLDR; Ark and Mira were attempting to rescue a woman named Josie who'd basically been manipulated into servitude by a very shitty guy. Josie also happens to be a werewolf. At some point during the attempted rescue, Josie had to watch someone she cared about a lot be killed, and she immediately wolfed out and attacked everyone around her, including Ark <3
I did not proofread this after typing it and it's 1am so i'm sorry if some things dont line up correctly, im stupid :)
Josie got bit when she was 18 on a camping trip with friends and it subsequently ruined her life. She survived bc a monster hunter killed the werewolf before it killed her, but she still got bit and ended up running away from home bc the aforementioned monster hunter told her to (it was either "run away and never come back" or "im killing you right now for real") everyone in her family thinks she died except her sister, Rose, who saw it happen and - upon never finding the body - spent the next 10 or so years looking for her.
Because Josie never really had anyone to explain to her what was going on, or support her in any way, she spent a lot of time alone, and subsequently fell into some pretty dark places. She eventually finds herself stuck in a monster fighting ring bc shes been conditioned to think that this is literally all shes good for. At the very least, she makes "good friends" with another werewolf girl stuck in the same spot as her named Cleo and theyre basically the only thing keeping each other alive for the next couple years.
At some point in all this, her sister Rose manages to track her down, but worried about her and her sisters safety, gets in contact with Mira (who is functionally the lynchpin holding the entire cities supernatural community together whether anyone knows it or not lmao) to ask for help rescuing her from the guy basically keeping her prisoner.
Aforementioned guy keeping these monster girls prisoner was named Dekker, and he was basically the scum of the earth. He dealt in monsters and magic and took advantage of a lot of peoples inability to get help (EX: 'you're a werewolf. what are you gonna do? who's gonna help you? no one. theyll just think you're crazy, and then youll end up killing innocent people because you're a monster and that's what you do). Josie and Cleo were his favorite girls and he showboated them around as both arm candy and bodyguards.
The thing with Mira and her work is that she likes to help people as best she can, but she's not like. A superhero with all the latest tech. She's a woman with a smartphone and a handful of 30 year old weirdo friends that share a group chat where someone will text "do we have plans this weekend?" and then someone will reply 3 days later with "i forgot what day it was". They're not exactly the justice league.
All they were trying to do was find Josie and rescue her for her sister. Mira has a lot of power and can do a lot of things, but this Dekker guy was notoriously slippery, and no amount of brute force was going to get them into one of these monster fights without notifying Dekker and giving him a chance to escape with the girls.
So, after tracking down one of these fights, the plan was to sneak in, find Josie and then convince her to leave with them. Originally, it was just supposed to be Mira doing all the legwork. But Ark, who was going thru a fucking crisis of identity at the time and also saw a lot of his own sister in Rose, essentially demands Mira lets him help under the guise of "I'm human, I'm way less likely to draw unwanted attention". Esp since Mira is a 6'4" goddess who attracts attention everywhere she goes lmao (Of note, they had several friends who also urged Ark to Not Volunteer To Do This, but outside factors made it unrealistic for this plan to work without getting caught with anyone other than Ark oops).
So Ark went in to find Josie and Mira was anxiously playing support, ready to rush in and save him if need be. And, to be fair, he did in fact find Josie! He told her who he was and who sent him here (Rose) and told her all she had to do was go find Mira and she would get her out. But Josie was skeptical and, frankly, afraid. She didn't believe that Mira had the power to keep her safe from Dekker, but she also didn't want to believe that her sister had been looking for her for 10 years because she was so disgusted with herself she would have preferred her sister just think she was dead!
However - Cleo, who was with Josie, did not share her fears. Cleo had had Enough, and wanted to run away with her. Josie panicked, afraid that if they ran, they were going to be hunted down and everyone involved with her was going to be killed.
So she ran away to a back room to calm down. Cleo went after her, and Ark kind of followed, but at a distance. Cleo did manage to get her settled a little, but the both of them got caught by Dekker, who harassed Josie into admitting that there was someone there trying to get them to leave, hoping he would respect the honesty. He did not.
To try and mitigate some of the flack, Cleo claimed she was the one the guy was talking to, so he would chew her out instead. Josie and Cleo both felt bad that they'd fucked this guy over, but if he was with someone as powerful as he claimed to be, he'd be alright, surely?
Apparently this was not the first time Cleo has been distant from Dekker recently. It was clear she wasn't as afraid of him as he thought she should be. So he made the executive decision to make an example out of her.
The thing about werewolves and the full moon is this: the full moon is the only time when a werewolf is forced to turn. However, they can technically turn whenever if you supply enough trauma. For Josie, that line was watching Dekker kill the only person she'd loved in the last decade.
He'd expected her to fall in line because that's what she'd been doing for the last few years. He didn't really know what Cleo had meant to her, so he hadn't expected any retaliation. But something snapped in her brain and everything kinda went red.
Josie's a particularly large werewolf - at least 13'; there's a reason she was a fighting champion - so when a beast like that gets let loose in a relatively small arena, things tend to go bad fast! She just blindly started tearing people apart (including Dekker, of course).
Ark had heard the muffled gunshots over the music and the crowd and he just went in on instinct, knowing immediately he was fucked regardless of what he did. Things escalated very quickly after that. It couldn't have been more than 30 seconds that passed inbetween Josie wolfing out and her clamping her teeth into his shoulder. And maybe it was just a moment of grief-stricken clarity, but she wavered just slightly - what the fuck was she doing? She hated him because he'd tried to help and if he'd never shown up, they would be fine. But Cleo had trusted him without a doubt, like she just intrinsically knew something about him. And no matter how much she hated him in that moment, It's not what Cleo would have wanted. Dekker was dead.
Josie gently let go of him, mostly sure it wouldn't matter because he'd die either way. She took Cleo's body and she fled. Mira saw Ark, and she saw Josie run - she could choose one or the other. She, of course, chose to help Ark, immediately struck with the guilt of knowing that he was here because she couldn't talk him out of it, and because she thought she'd be strong enough to keep him safe anyway.
The next couple weeks are a blur for everyone. Mira hates Josie and she hates Rose for coming to her in the first place. Ark hates himself, mostly, because he was tired of being the weak little human everyone had to dote on so he decided to get in over his head playing hero. Well, at least he didnt have to worry about the human part any more.
Josie buried Cleo in the woods. She marked the grave and visits often.
Would you believe me if I told you this very sad series of events somehow ends in Ark marrying a professional wrestler? Or Josie going on to become a lawyer with a house-husband who is also part demon? Because it somehow gets much, much weirder.
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noisyghost · 2 months
I have Questions!!
How was Mira immortal??
How did she trade her immortality for Ark??
Totally normal about that whole reblog chain 🤡
*twirling my hair invitingly to distract you from the 20k word document with inconsequential headworld bullshit i'm opening up behind me*
To answer your questions, i have to explain two related points. Do not scroll down and look at how long this reply is. don't look. im very normal about them.
First point: how MagicTM works in my headworld. Magic works under the laws of alchemy, aka the law of equivalent exchange. For something gained, something of equal or greater value must be lost. This, of course, facilitates the philosophical question of "what is equal to a human life." Necromancy/resurrection is not a 'forbidden art' persay, it's just that it's generally agreed upon to be impossible. People have tried, and it usually just results in a waste of time. Because when a person is dead, they're dead. You could throw a thousand sacrifices at someone and it wouldn't make a difference (this is generally considered to be because if, theoretically, you did bring someone back to life, they would just immediately die again. Because they died for a reason, bringing them back wouldn't magically fix what killed them in the first place lol).
There appears to be, however, one small caveat to this - one perfect scenario under which a hypothetical 'resurrection' would be possible. If the person has very recently died (we're talking less than a minute, the longer that brain isn't getting oxygen, the deader they get), and a very skilled magic practitioner was nearby and had something they could trade, AND bringing the person back wouldn't immediately kill them again (IE: you cant fix someone getting their head blown off!), you could hypothetically resurrect them. This would literally ONLY work in a "they just need a few more minutes for help to arrive" scenario. If any of these conditions are not met, it isn't gonna work.
The circumstances under which Ark died just happened to be so perfectly aligned that this was even possible! Werewolves are very uncommon bc werewolves are so dang big that whenever they bite someone, it usually just kills them lol. The werewolf that bit Ark physically restrained herself from biting all the way thru. If she hadn't, he would have died instantly. Then, the second his heart stopped beating, Mira immediately made the exchange without hesitation. She traded functional immortality for about 10 minutes of time, which happened to be just barely long enough to get his ass to a hospital.
Which, ofc, begs the question: "what is worth 10 minutes of life". Leading me into.....
Second point: Mira is not human. Mira is a djinn. This was a driving wedge in her and Ark's relationship at one point - not because she wasn't human, but because she lied about it and it ended up getting his sister hurt (which is. a whole other can of worms). Djinn are long lived, 'human adjacent' beings considered to be the originators of the alchemical arts of magic in the first place. Which is to say, she's very good at magic!
Because of their status of Not Being Human, their lifespans don't align with ours, and they appear to be pretty much immortal (theres a whole disclaimer list and caveats to this but it would take too long to explain and we dont have time for that lol)
So, when pressed, Mira traded her extended lifespan to buy Ark a few extra minutes. And it wasn't even really a difficult decision for her - everyone but her seems really upset about it. But pretty much all of her friends are human or human adjacent, and will live normal human lifespans, so she thinks she "doesnt need those extra years anyway".
if you will, "whats a couple hundred years on this earth without you in it?"
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noisyghost · 2 months
hiiiiii i'm nearing the bottom of the queue so if u wanna commission me, now's the time to get in ;)
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PWYW commissions are open! They're not FCFS, and i'll be taking just about every request that comes in; as long as the form is still up, i'm still accepting requests!
Minimum request amount is 30$. More info in the actual form. Remember to DM or email me with any questions!
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noisyghost · 2 months
hi. can I please ask you to tag your gore posts properly?
even though I have filtered "gore" "tw gore" and "cw gore" both as tags and content, you tagging it "gore //" avoids all of these filters
i've always tagged gore/blood this way so i assumed it was fine as long as the space was in there, but i forgot that tumblr tags are barely functional so thats my bad - i will tag them as cw gore going forward!
though, to be 100% honest: I tend to post a lot of gore/blood/body horror in general (especially going forward, i plan to post more of it) so if that's something you dont want to see, i might not be the blog for you!
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noisyghost · 2 months
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rambling out loud about the one year timeline of how getting bit by a werewolf affected ark/his body <3
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noisyghost · 2 months
he's fine btw
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i mean. he's irrevocably fucked in ways he will never recover from, but he did briefly die so that's to be expected.
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just put a bandaid on it
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