nokkiart · 16 days
Hi! I LOVE all of your art, and all of your ZR stuff so much! I'm new to the fandom, having done the 5k training and I just finished A Voice in the Dark! Do you have any art for those missions?
Also, your Sam drawings live in my mind RENT FREE!
I hope you're doing well :)
Thank you so much for such a kind message! I don't think I ever did any art specifically for "A Voice in the Dark". But this piece is pretty similar to what happens in it!
Welcome to the ZR fandom btw!! I hope you have a lovely time with our broken little apocalyptic family ~<3
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nokkiart · 27 days
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"Your runner is gone. So... it looks like it's your turn to run."
No spoilers here. I just had this idea pop into my head and desperately needed to draw it out.
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nokkiart · 28 days
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"Your runner is gone. So... it looks like it's your turn to run."
No spoilers here. I just had this idea pop into my head and desperately needed to draw it out.
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nokkiart · 1 month
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"I'm glad that you're enjoying yourself. But perhaps you's like to return to the safety of my back."
Just felt like doing a little Five and Vellichor drawing to wind down this evening ^^
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nokkiart · 2 months
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Happy International Asexuality Day to all my fellow Aces out there!
Treat yourself to some ace-cream today! XD ~<3
EDIT: Some folks were asking what flavors these would be, so my personal top choices would be: dark chocolate icecream with oreo bits on top, lavender earl grey icecream, chocolate chip icecream, and ube icecream on the bottom! ^^ ~<3
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nokkiart · 3 months
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"I think the saddest people always try their hardest to make people happy because they know what it's like to feel absolutely worthless, and they don't want anyone else to feel like that."
This quote from Robin Williams has always stuck with me.
There's a reason I mostly make cute, wholesome art, even when things are dark and I'm crumbling inside. Its because I love making you all smile. And I hope you never have to feel as sad as I do.
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nokkiart · 3 months
I love when Peter has these little serious moments ~<3
This particular dialogue hit very close to home for me, so I decided to take a few hours today and do some rough acting practice with it.
The audio clip is from ZombiesRun "The Home Front Ep 12"
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nokkiart · 4 months
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"Happy year of the dragon, Stormfly!"
I just felt like taking a step back from F&C and painting some characters that I haven't drawn in a while ~<3
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nokkiart · 4 months
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Recently, I had my first ever snow day AND my first ever winter! It's been absolutely amazing (besides the driving part). I just love how breathtakingly beautiful the snow makes everything!!
So I thought it'd be fun to do some quick doodles of snowy stuff!
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nokkiart · 5 months
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A new chapter of Fins & Crinolines is up on Webtoon!!
Check it out here!
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nokkiart · 5 months
Can I just second the sentiment that Flowercrown-bard sent you.
When I first started running more consistently using ZR! you were one of the few blogs that I followed that posted ZR! content. You are one of the blogs that made ZR! feel more like a community and less like a fitness app. Now I have more ZR! mutuals, but your art made the community feel like home.
Thank you for drawing and posting on here!
You guuuuuys!! ;;;A;;; ~<3 <3 <3
You're so sweet!! I do love our little ZR community and I'm so glad I get to be a part of it by sharing my silly drawings and headcanons with you all!
I wish I could give you guys the biggest hug! ~<3
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nokkiart · 5 months
Hi! I just wanted to say that i adore your zombies run art. Your art style is so beautiful and soft and yojr characters are so expressive. I always have trouble imagining characters and looking at your art made running much more fun bc i now have something to picture. I especially love your Simon. He's perfect and yohr Sam is so cute too^^
Awwww thank you so much!! I'm so glad that my drawings helped make ZR a more enjoyable experience for you!
Thank you for such a lovely message! This made my day! ~<3
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nokkiart · 6 months
Is there a link you can share to read your webcomic?
Here's a link: https://www.webtoons.com/en/canvas/fins-crinolines/list?title_no=676654
But you can also search "Fins & Crinolines" on Webtoon to find it. ^^
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nokkiart · 6 months
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Lyla learned about mistletoe ~<3
Merry Christmas and happy holidays everyone! I hope you're all having a lovely end of the year!
Thank you so much for all the love and support you guys have poured out on me this year. You've helped me thru so much more than you realize. Thank you truly from the bottom of my heart! ~<3
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nokkiart · 6 months
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I cant believe its finally happened! My kids are in Shanghai Disneyland!!
Earlier this year, I had the most amazing opportunity to build 10 puppets for the new Zootopia street show! It was an absolute dream come true to not only be building puppets for a Disney resort, but to also be making real-life versions of characters that my Disney animation friends worked on in the original film!
I made all the baby bunnies (who I absolutely adore with my whole heart), the older sisters, and the elephants who can spray the audience.
This was also my first experience doing *professional* puppet fabrication and it led me to pursue my major career change this past year because I enjoyed it so much!
Fun fact: we made a bunch of different clothing for the babies. And since there wasn't a specific design for each one, I got to pick out their outfits! And if you look closely, the one in the pink shirt is actually wearing a Gazelle concert shirt that I gave her! ^^
If anyone happens to be going to Shanghai Disneyland, please send me photos or videos of the street show! I'd love to see more of what these guys are up to in the big city!! ~<3
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nokkiart · 6 months
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I made myself a tissue box cover! 😅🙌
It’s been so long since I felt crafty and had the time and energy to do paper art, so I spent the day making this little cover for my tissue box!
The top is scrapbook paper and gouache, and the box cover itself is actually a Primark shopping bag 😆
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nokkiart · 6 months
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Its finally here! The next chapter of Fins & Crinolines is up on Webtoon!!
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