nucleo-bang-tan · 1 day
Finally watched the new Haikyuu movie a few days ago
Tried my best to avoid spoilers lmao
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nucleo-bang-tan · 3 days
He better not hesitate and sign those divorce papers ASAP. He can keep the house and the memories.
He’s not eating? Aww how sad, he should ask his side piece to cook him a hearty meal
I dislike both him & Gaeul BUT I dislike him the most because he could’ve said NO and told MC her “bff” was making moves on him, but noooo he wanted his cake and eat it too
Ahahahaahah EXACTLYYYYY!!!
He should've told OC about it. But man loved the attention I suppose.
As for the divorce papers, I don't think he'll hold OC down. He won't move on but he'll let her leave.
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nucleo-bang-tan · 3 days
Is that the last time Gaeul will ever see Jungkook?
Will Gaeul ever move on and get married? I hope her future partner cheats on her so she can know how it feels
Even if she did want to see him, I don't think Jungkook would.
Gaeul will easily move on, there's no doubt. She will get married someday to someone for superficial reasons. But for now, she'll keep sleeping with any handsome man she finds.
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nucleo-bang-tan · 4 days
Also, it isn't mentioned but it's scary as to how Jungkook put oc at a risk of an STD without a conscience. He might've only been sleeping with oc and Gauel but Gauel was far more experienced than him, having slept with a lot of men. It's not completely uncommon for men to infect their wives after having slept with their affair partner.
Man was selfish but he was smart. He did use condoms and regularly checked up on everything as I mentioned in another anon's reply.
But yeah, he still put OC at a risk for STDs just cause he wanted to have some fun on the side.
Also, the more I answer you guys' questions, the more I realise how much I hate him.
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nucleo-bang-tan · 4 days
Do you think Jungkook has learned his lesson?
Will he cheat on his next partner?
Do you think he will ever get over his ex wife?
Yes he definitely learned his lesson.
Next partner???? He'll never have a partner if its not OC. He'll be full of regret of what could've been. So I don't think he'll ever get over her.
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nucleo-bang-tan · 4 days
Gaeul is the PERFECT example of “biting the hand that feeds you”
She can keep Jungkook’s used 🍆, she will ALWAYS come second to the MC, and she’s just gonna have to live with that, MC doesn’t want know sloppy seconds 😌
MC don't need no stupid ass man and fake ass girlfriend. Ma gurl is really strong and mature.
But she gon have some big ass trust issues, I'll tell you that. Even with Eunwoo.
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nucleo-bang-tan · 4 days
The fact he was screwing Gaeul as Oc was sleeping right next to him is sooooo soooo SOOO disrespectful. Like did he think Oc wouldn’t hear them?! Is he freaking stupid? The hell was she even doing in their house?!
Was this the first time they’d done something like that? Because they were too confident with not getting caught 🤔
I had thought about this but I would leave this up to the reader. Did they do this before? Or was it their first time?
There was something Jungkook failed to realise about OC. She cannot fall asleep without him. I had written about this in the first part as well.
As for the being stupid part...he is nothing but stupid.
The reason why Gaeul could enter their house was because she had the key. He gave it to her to come inside whenever Oc wasn't home or you know, typical infidelity stuff.
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nucleo-bang-tan · 4 days
I can imagine the neighbors peeking through their window getting glimpses of tea, when jungkook kicked that dusty girl out 👏🏼
I’m guessing she cheating on her boyfriend’s with him too
Wait cause ahahahahahahahahahshshshshsha.
I love the way you thinkkkkkk.
Also Gaeul didn't have a boyfriend, she slept with a lot of men.
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nucleo-bang-tan · 4 days
Would Jungkook REALLY have changed if Oc would’ve given him another chance? (Once a cheater always a cheater that liar!!)
Yes but the relationship wouldn't be the same. Like I said, Jungkook's apologies were sincere but he wasn't.
He had restricted himself from getting involved with Gaeul in the first place but look at him now. What's saying he wouldn't cheat again?
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nucleo-bang-tan · 4 days
Did he really prefer sex with Gaeul over his wife?🫥
I wouldn't say yes to that. But I guess he used Gaeul for the times OC wasn't available or basically as an extra.
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nucleo-bang-tan · 4 days
I find it hard to believe that Gaeul felt sorry for what Jungkook did to oc. She was comfortable and cocky throughout their entire affair until he chased her out of his house. If she felt sorry, she wouldn't haven't have done what she had done. If Jungkook left Gaeul for oc, she wouldn't have felt sorry for oc. She would've gloated the entire time. She "feels sorry" because she got nothing out of doing all of that.
No I get what you mean, ofcourse Gaeul wouldn't have realised what Jungkook was putting OC through if Jungkook ended up choosing her.
But how do I say this? According to me, Gaeul realised that Jungkook was also tricking OC? She felt a bitttt sad for her as well.
In the beginning of Grayscale Pt.2, I mentioned that Gaeul thought OC was always kind and patient with everyone.
Gaeul knew her before Jungkook and OC even started dating. Though she always felt jealous, Gaeul did care a bit for OC.
Her feelings for Jungkook and jealousy was bigger than her friendship with OC, ofcourse. But somewhere in there, she grew to care for her.
Again, it doesn't nullify anything she did, and she won't be forgiven.
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nucleo-bang-tan · 4 days
I just freaking hit a 100 followerssssjdkckkdnsjxivowojenrmgglvpivysgabrpgovudjsnemkfkckcjshauwiekdmmfmcncnf
The way I was waiting the entire day for thisssssss
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nucleo-bang-tan · 4 days
The biggest asshole that Gauel has ever met, only because she was brought to the realisation that he had been using her for his own satisfaction and needs. When it came down to the actual reality, he dropped her quicker than a hot potato. See what happens when a woman is easy and settles for a married man? It's Gauel.
Yeah, but in some sense, Gaeul realised what he did to OC as well.
In her eyes, he used her, for sure. But he also didn't leave her to be with OC. Also he literally threw her out of his house.
So yeah, while Gaeul does feel bad for herself, she also feels bad (in a human instinct kind of way) for OC.
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nucleo-bang-tan · 4 days
I'm glad that there aren't children involved. Both on Gauel and oc's side. If Gauel had a child, he would grow to resent that child because it would become the reason that his wife left him. "Discuss it with her" is insane because he'd want her to stay and cause her even more pain.
I did plan on Jk getting Gaeul pregnant but that would be too much for OC. The kid on the other hand would have had to grow up without ever knowing his real father.
I'm so glad you analysed my sentence!!! 'Discuss with her' meant OC would actually feel bad for Gaeul and her child and she would actually discuss it with Jungkook and Gaeul.
I really love it when people analyse my sentences/ stories like this. Because I think a lot while writing these. Everything has some sort of meaning.
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nucleo-bang-tan · 4 days
I have a feeling Eunwoo probably had a crush on the MC but Jungkook got her before he did 😶 Jungkook was so stupid. The scene from Suite Life of Zack & Cody where Mr. Mosby says “how do you lose a woman?!” And Cody responds with “you forget to cherish her”, JK took her for granted now he’s got to life with that for the rest of his life, what a loser ~
Eunwoo did have a crush on her but she was with Jungkook since high school (Eunwoo met them in college).
The way this quote hit me so hard!!!! You got me crying!!!!
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nucleo-bang-tan · 4 days
Can you walk us through how this man looked when he threw this chick out of his house? 😂 I couldn’t stop laughing when I read that part😂
😭😭😭 I thought it'll be boring for some so I skipped that parttttt
But sure, here's how that happened.
"Jungkook, listen to me. We can start over, leave her behind..." She approached him, walking closer, hoping for him to calm down.
He couldn't help but laugh at her, "Are you serious?"
He didn't think twice before getting up and grabbing her arm. The force could almost break it in two. But unfortunately it didn't.
"Jungkook!" She yelled, "I-It hurts, baby..."
Jungkook had reached his limits, digust was evident on his face.
He practically dragged her to the door, making sure she knew she wasn't ever invited again.
She tried her best to get out of his ever-tightening grip, her words did nothing to deter him, she even doubted if he heard her.
Jungkook's free hand opened the door and pushed her out of it. She stumbled back a few steps, extremely lucky that she didn't fall due to her high heels.
"Never, and I mean it when I say never, show your face to me." He gritted out.
"You are the biggest asshole I know!" Gaeul spat as he slammed the door shut.
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nucleo-bang-tan · 4 days
What would Jungkook have done if his side check would’ve gotten pregnant? I’m surprised she didn’t try to🤦‍♀️ Did he want kids with his wife?
Condoms!! Even then there's like a 2% chance she got pregnant (I'm a bio student lmao) but he continuously checked up with her if she was.
Even if by chance she did get pregnant, he would have had to tell OC about it and then discuss with her.
Yessss, he did want kids with his wife ofcourse. I guess they had only been married for 3-4 years. I would say Jungkook was ready but OC wasn't.
But then again how messed up would it have been if they did have kids.
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