ofdinosanddais1 · 10 hours
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ofdinosanddais1 · 10 hours
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That part
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ofdinosanddais1 · 23 hours
Maybe I lose some followers along the way but that is okayyy I am not sorry to see them go ✌️
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ofdinosanddais1 · 2 days
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“Omg, I love these! They go up to size 6X AND they have pockets?! Wow!! But do you have anything longer?”
Sure do, no problem!!
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“YES these are great!!! But what about.. longer?”
I gotcha!! Comin’ right up!
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“Perfect! But I have just one more question… what if I’m feeling spicy? How about skirts that are even shorter than the first ones?!” Oh, you’re in luck! We’ve got minis now.
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*wild cheering* /scene
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ofdinosanddais1 · 4 days
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ofdinosanddais1 · 4 days
Democracy Isn't Real
Student loans I can't afford to pay
Because the government wants to make some graves
Across the sea in another plane
While they scream pro-life right in your face
Left and right people are losing homes
They're in the street so leave them alone
Unless you can pay for a hotel room
Where they can live out the winter doom
My vote's a joke
It won't do anything
I'm voting for death
I'm not voting for change
Because the ones
who have a real fat chance
Are the ones with
Guns and money in their hands
Isn't real for me
When the rich get to play
In their seven hundred estates
Is a white facade
Because they bribe congress
So they don't get caught
I try to make a choice with my money
By avoiding everything to do with nestle
But god damn they own everything
And my choices all go down the drain
I've got medical bills I can't afford to pay
And I live with my parents, a few cents to my name
I love them a lot but I want to be free
But apartment prices are jumping into the teens
So I sit at home and work retail everyday
While a thousand customers yell in my face
But my vote's a joke
It won't do anything
Because I pay overdraft fees
To my bank
That pesters me about credit cards
When did life get so damn hard
Isn't real for me
When the rich get to play
In their seven hundred estates
Is a white facade
Because they bribe congress
And they don't get caught
Palestine's caught in a massacre
Israel blocks aid and deems they have no worth
They don't give a shit about their hostages
Because they want an excuse to create carnage
They've shot them down when they were almost free
While they burnt down hundreds of olive trees
They could say a zone is supposedly safe
But now Gazans run arond with burns on their face
Look me in the eye and tell me this is self-defense
You can't lie to me, you can't pretend
Isn't real for me
When the rich get to play
In their seven hundred estates
Is a white facade
Because they bribe congress
So they don't get caught
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ofdinosanddais1 · 5 days
One business idea I have is a cafe/restaurant that is dedicated gluten free (as well as a separate kitchen for top 8 allergies) that is also dedicated to accommodating mental health (especially eating disorders)
The stuff it'd include:
A tablet ordering system that can omit nutritional information BUT if you have diabetes then it can also calculate the sugar for you so you don't have to spend so much time looking at it and getting anxious over calories and stuff or, if the sugar numbers overwhelm you too, then a medical professional be requested to help you with you insulin and everything so that you can eat without exposing yourself to triggers.
The ability to eat in an open space OR a separate booth that can be closed off with a curtain OR a room that can be reserved ahead of time if space is limited that you can close and staff will not interact with you at all if you want to eat whether this be because you're autistic or you feel uncomfortable eating in front of other people.
A dining room that is accessible as I can physical manage not only for mental illness but for mobility aid users, people with chronic pain, heat intolerant people, plastic straws in a cup at the table so that, if you need a straw, you don't need to ask for it but you aren't obligated to take a straw if you want to reduce plastic waste but also stuff like utensils for people with limited mobility, seats designed to make it easier to transfer in a wheelchair, a place to keep your crutches and canes without worrying if it'll trip someone.
I'd also want some kind of function where you can request heating pads if you have chronic pain so that you don't have to bring your own.
CNAs to assist disabled people so that waitstaff can focus on serving people and the CNAs, who have proper training in assisting disabled people, can help with what task someone needs it because, even with how I want to use as many accessibility tools as possible, some people with higher support needs might need a helper and might not be able to afford a full-time helper or be able to afford one at all.
I'd want it to be a place that connects with certain mental health/occupational therapy practices where people who don't feel comfortable eating in restaurants and have that as a goal in their recovery or accessibility, can have that place as a stepping stone in their journey or if someone just wants to go out to eat with their friends and family like every other person, then they have that option. Clarification: I also want to figure out a way to show that the restaurant does not support ABA practices and that the restaurant is about centering disability so I wanna dissuade people who bring others to that restaurant to be like "oh we'll use it to train our autistic child to go to a non-accessible restaurant". Fuck no, unacceptable. I not only want the child to have a nice dining experience but also, I don't want people coming into a restaurant full of autistic people and trying to teach an autistic person that their autistic body and brain is wrong.
That like program thing where people can pay a little extra to donate a meal to unhoused people or people with unstable housing or if someone just can't afford a meal then they don't have to worry about going hungry.
Service dog relief area but also like a service dog unwinding area with maybe like a little bit of green space where they can run around for a bit and take a break from taking care of their human and also a menu item where dogs can get a treat or something. And also a bed for them so they can lay on something nice instead of the floor. Essentially a service dog appreciation service. (I would consider charging for the little service dog treat but specifically to donate to organizations that train service dogs or an animal rescue). Idk my mom has a service dog and I've always had that idea and I would have training for ALL of my staff about proper service dog interactions as in no petting, no talking, no asking for "registration" or "papers" and that, if a service dog is having a bad day and causing a disturbance, then they can only ask the managers to ask them to leave. Nobody can make an assumption that a dog is not a service dog and they can only ask the two questions the ADA allows.
In addition to the training on service dogs, they'd also get training on how not to be an asshole as in don't make assumptions, don't ask inappropriate questions, don't be an asshole about someone's diet, all that shit.
Overall, this is an expensive business venture especially since I want all employees to be making a comfortable wage (ie: afford living expenses, be able to take out a loan for a car or something, go on vacation, be unburdened with medical bills, be able to have savings so like $25/hr minimum probably for my specific location). So I'd probably also have like a giftshop or something where people can buy t-shirts or like mugs or something so that the food wouldn't have to be outrageously expensive.
Anyway, would any rich people like to fund this idea?
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ofdinosanddais1 · 5 days
Gonna have to send my nephew a copy of Holes.
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ofdinosanddais1 · 5 days
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ofdinosanddais1 · 6 days
It's gonna be weird visiting my dad's family at the reunion because they live all over the country while my mom's family lives near us so the only extended family experiences I have are backstabbers who manipulated my schizophrenic dying grandmother into signing her inheritance to them while she was actively hallucinating from her kidneys shutting down.
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ofdinosanddais1 · 6 days
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ofdinosanddais1 · 6 days
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[Image Text: You are allowed to say, at any point, I can't support this. Even if you did. Even if you were unsure. You can at any point say "this has gone too far." And while the best time to say that was earlier, second best time is now.] (x)
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ofdinosanddais1 · 6 days
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From the river to the sea,
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ofdinosanddais1 · 7 days
The International Court of Justice told Israel to immediately halt its attack on Rafah. So Israel decided to bomb a UN tent camp.
We are witnessing beheaded children being pulled out of a a sea of burning tents. We are witnessing the bombing of displaced people in a humanitarian area.
I didn’t think we could see anything more brutal than the things we’ve seen in the last eight months. But tonight’s massacre in Rafah is unspeakable. There are truly no words left.
If you cannot stop the injustice, please, at least speak up about it.
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ofdinosanddais1 · 7 days
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Rafah is currently being burnt down, the IDF targeted a group of displaced gazans tents in Rafah
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ofdinosanddais1 · 7 days
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Israel is killing so many people that medical care workers keep finding out that a patient at the hospital is a relative
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ofdinosanddais1 · 7 days
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