oh-its-souichi · 4 months
Theres a lot of grammer error in dis, oh well, does anyone want me to continue this? Or just oneshot it?
Astarion x reader
Astarion cast his eyes towards you. You were sitting around the fire next to wyll, a cup in your hand. The firelight reflected up into your face and lit it up, warming it, so much so he noticed your cheeks faintly flushed with warmth. That or it was the product of the wine that sloshed around in your cup. A half smile danced on his lips, and he turned his head to rid of it. Here he was casting googly eyes at a girl he had only bedded... once... only once. He brought his eyes back to the fire and wondered what you saw when you looked at him. Did you ever sneak glances at him? And if you did what did you see.
He hadnt seen his reflection in ages.
With a sigh, he rose from his spot around the fire, making his way to his tent. Unbenounced to him, your eyes flicked to him, a troubled look forming on your face.
At his tent, he snatched his hand mirror and held it at eye level. At first, he felt nervous to look into the reflective surface because what if his face did appear. Would he recognize himself or recoil in horror at the monster he became. He studied gold metal that made up the handle for a second being inpressed with the craftsmanship of the filigree engraved into the handle and the metal incasing the mirror. He wondered if the craftsman thought, maybe even cackled at the joke of a situation Astarion found himself in. His eternal life robbed him of his early memories, each year thing grew fuzzier and fuzzier until they were gone. Becoming more and more detached. What good would looking in a mirror do anyway if he were to catch a glimpse of himself would he recognize it anyway?
He brought his eyes up to look and at first only saw the glow of the underdark, the mushrooms and algea, and plants he didn't know, producing a plethora of colors. Lighting up the haunting purple darkness that surrounded. Though it was muggy and squishy and overall gastly smelling. There was something very beautiful about the underdark. He felt his mind wandering back to you and wondered if if you lived in a place like this before the parasite and once this was all over if thays where you would return... for from everything.. far from him.
He cast his eyes down for a moment but brought them back up, and when he did, there you were. You stood in the reflection of the mirror. He felt his face soften, and he couldn't help but think you looked so beautiful here. The pink glow of a plant behind you shone behind you, illuminating your grey-purple skin tone. Creating a pink rim around the tip of your white hair. "What are you doing with that?" You asked a curious look on your face. He sighed and dropped the mirror, turning to face you. "Fixing my hair, of course," he teased, but his voice lacked the enthusiasm required to convice you he felt okay about things. "Do you miss it?" You asked and he furrowed his brow. "Miss what darling?"
You motioned to the mirror with your hand. "Looking at yourself," He frowned. "Of course I do! I was very beautiful, I am still very beautiful. It would be nice to induge in some petty vanity from time to time!" He exclaimed, waving the mirror around. You squinted at him, seeming to look very closely. Your multicolored eyes peered into him, discected him alive. "What is it?" he said, turning his head aside, bashful. He felt pitiful. "Im just looking," you said with a pleased look on your face. You seemed to have no intention of telling him your thoughts, and felt perfectly comfortable keeping the words and opinions, conceptions, and judgments swirling around in your head. He motioned his arms at you dramatically "and?"
"I think you're very beautiful." You stated, and his heart was set to ease. He relaxed his shoulders, and a sly smile formed on his face. "Is that right, what else do you see?"
"Your smile, I like its sharpness"
"...and what else?"
Your hair and how it curls and waves." You reached out and ran your fingers through his hair. A pleasurable chil ran down his spine, and he closed his eyes to the sensation. Your touch was so gentle for a second that he thought this must be what it's like to be cherished. When you pulled your hand away, he was brought down from his high. "Not very fair of you, darling," he purred, and you smiled. "Im going to head back to my tent, I hope you sleep well." He stared at you in disbelief, after all that you were just going to walk away? You stepped to leave but he grabbed your hand. "Now, wait a second, you aren't going anywhere." He said "why walk the mighty distance to your tent when I have a perfectly good one here" he motioned "plus you cant just make me feel like that and walk away" his tone failed him again and what was meant to be a seductive tone came out more a s a cry for help.
You looked thoughtfully at him and then nodded. "I guess you're right, thebothers are-" You turned your head, glancing back at Wyll and Karlach, who sat half dazed by the fire. The others quiet in their tent. "-mostly asleep." Astarion brought his hand up to your chin and held it. "I dont care about the others, now come," he said, sliding his hand down and interlocking it to yours. You hesitated and he wanted to sob "I need to get my thi-" He cut you off shaking his head "no need, I have everything, borrow my shirt, my damn toothbrush, whatever you'd like." He said, and you laughed, a sound so sweet. "My gods, would you like to carry me in as well, take off my shoes and undress -" you stumbled on your words, and he eyed you dangerously. Mischief lurking. "You needent even ask, of course I do," he purred, easily scooping you up into his arms. He carried you into his tent and closed the flap door behind him. Gently, he set you down on the cushion of his bed and fascinated the string at the bottom of the door down. "Astarion I was-" you started but he shushed you, turning around. He slipped off his own boots then knelt down in front of you and started on yours. You cheeks burned pink and you quickly turned your head, avoiding his gaze. "Stubborn girl" he chuckled, discarding the left and then the right. "I can do it myself, you know" you said. He crawled up your legs and brought his lips inches from yours. "I know you can" he said. A smile came onto your face and you wrapped your arms around him neck, gently pressing his lips to yours. He deeped the kiss, his hands easily undoing your pants, pulling them down without ever losing you. You kicked them off the rest of the way. He reached for your shirt, looking down as he lifted the fabric off of you but froze. His eyes widened, the right side of your abdomine was splotted with large, deep blue bruises. They ran down onto your legs. You had a gash across your ribs as well that looked like it had been hastily stitched up.. He hadnt realized you had been battered from the scuffle earlier. "The hells you madwomen why didnt you say anything." He scolded, and you shrugged. "I took a potion after the fight, it will all be healed after I sleep"
He shook his head, running his fingers along the bruises. "No, this won't heal entirely in that time, and you are quite aware of that." He sighed. He took the remainder of your clothes off and then started to strip himself of his own. He gently nudged you to lay down. He took his place next to you and wrapped his arms around you tightly. "We can still-"
"No, I won't ravage you when you're... well already quite ravaged, " he mummbled, burying his face in your hair. You laughed, and he felt himself smiling. A wave of exhaustion crashing over him. You closed your eyes and nestled against his chest, your finger making their way back to his hair raking gently across his scalp. Goosebumps rose all over hia body and he sighed, feeding off of the sensation, a blessing. He kissed your forehead, falling into affection, so naturally, it scared him. Why was it so wasy with you. He was scheduled to die via mindflayer parasite. Why was he perfectly happy right now? Why did he thank those tentically bastards for infecting him and bringing him to you? He slid his arm underneath your neck and rested his hand on the back of your head, pressing you closer to him. "What color were your eyes before" you asked him and he opened his eyes staring the the wall of the tent. "I dont remember," he sighed. "My old life bled out from me a long time ago." You tipped your head back and looked into your eyes. One way crimson red and the other amynethest purple. He had never noticed that before. In fact he never noticed what color your eyes were at all. It burned him to hold you so close but have you be so far away, so unknown at the same time. "You've kept yourself pretty well hidden away. What wounds do you keep?" He asked and you xhuckled. "Is that your wau of asking me to tell you about myself?"
"Well I couldnt just come out and say yhay darling, its not in my character" he groaned, his voice getting more gravely with his in reaing yearn for sleep. You sighed. "I grew up in Zirnakaynin, in the middle class partion of the city" Astarion hummed, listening to your words "its chaos down there, so Ive heard" you nodded against his chest. "Yes, its beautiful." He chuckled at your and rolled onto his sid, enttrapping you in both of his arms. "Drow were the boogeyman when we were young. The rumors of bloodbaths and cities of unregulated choas and a the pitiful deaths of outsiders. Real divas of the elven world. When my mother first informed me of them i practically shi-" his words caught in his throat and echoed in his skull, the word "mother" reverberating off the bone. A wink of a memory passed him by, to quick for him to grasp it. Since when did he remember a mother.
He sat in silence and seeming to pick up on his sudden distress you picked the conversation back up. "I moved to Menzoberranzan into my adolescence and stayed. It didn't compare to my home, but I found peace with it. My life has been good." You said simply, and it almost annoyed him, your lack of misery. "The city of spiders," he said, and you nodded, silent. "You swore in then, I presume, that does explain your eye." He looked down at you and saw your one red eye almost glowing up at him. In the tales he had head, Lolth marked her followers with red glowing eyes, intimidation in the dark of whatever. "Yes, that would be the time" you said. He felt a little shift in your tone. He seemed to have hit a sore spot, maybe you were miserable after all.
In the silence that grew, the two of you found sleep nestled in one another. The morning came, and when he awoke you were gone.
When he emerged from his tent, he almost felt disappointed not to see the sun. It was still the glowing, muggy darkness. Having been in the sun so much recently, he forgot how much he missed it. He missed waking up to warmth on his face. This region wasn't overly chilly. Where you camped now was actually oddly warm, grossely warm. Like walking into a bathroom filled with the steam of someone elses bathwater.
He shivered at the thought, then pictured walking into you in a warm bath and figured it not to be so bad. Astarion took a few steps forward but stopped when he noticed Wyll walking his way with a puzzled look on his face. Astarion walked towards him, meeting him halfway. "I'd say by the look on your face you request my attention," astarion smiled, boastful. "Yes, actually," Wyll said, coming to a halt. "I haven't seen y/n this morning, I have matters to discuss with her," he said. Astarions face dropped. Like a baloon being popped, he deflaited. Suspicious of what Wyll would want with you. He was handsome and noble, he saw you two talking but not in the way you talked with Astarion. Did he plan to snatch you up? "Why?" Astarion said, tone flat. Wyll cocked his eyebrow at him. "I assure you it's only business," he said, putting his hands up. A half smile came to his face. "I seem to have struck a cord. I didn't realize the two of you were involved, an interesting choice on her part." He chuckled
Astarion scoffed, "you've not only struck a cord you've broken the whole damn string!" He said storming off, once he got a ways away he stopped and turned pointing. "And we are not involved! Officially, at least." He hollered and continued his storming. Wyll held his hands up a smile on his face. "An interesting time this is," he chuckled and continued on his search.
You were at the far side of camp bathing in the dark waters of a small waterfall nearby. Hot springs were not common up top, so you were happy to be able to bath in warm water. You currently laid back with your head on a mushroom. You would cross the lake today to fight, so you wanted to enjoy this time alone to recuperate. You out some warm wet moss over your eyes and let yourself get lost in the warmth of the water. So lost you didn't hear the pair of feet co.ing towards you. Two pairs of feet, to be exact...
Astarion was the first to waltz up, and he felt like his prayers had been answered. You were submerged in the dark water but he could see enough to know you had no clothes on. Thoigh he could do without the pond scum you have covering your eyes. "My fancy running into you here" he said, sauntering over. You shot up. Ripping the green shit off of your face. You stood before him fully exposed, and he could only grin. "You sacred me, wreched man!" You exclaimed. You wet hair clung to your soulders, some of it still hanging down your back. You looked delectable. He dry throb hit his throat and he was overcome with the urge to taste you. "May I jo-" suddenly a twig snapped behind him and he turned his head.
Wyll walked up the trail, his eyes widening when he laid eyes on you. "Hey, wyll," you said, and he turned away. "Pardon my intrusion. I didn't think of the state you would be in." Astarion scoffed. "Dont 'hey Wyll' him, get in the water, women! Gods, you are not for everyone to see!"
You smirked and sunk slowly into the water, eyeing Wyll, who remained looking away. "I only came to see what the plan for today is." He said. You sighed and swum back to your original place. " I figured everyone could rest a bit more, pack, and then go. I dont know exactly what we are up against, but if they are foreigners in the underground, without allies, they've got to be the slightest bit tough."
Wyll nodded "I think that sounds fine. Im sorry to interrupt your lovers quarrel." You stuck your hand out. "Think nothing of it, we arent involved."
Wyll nodded and started to walk away hear Astarion shout "Officially, at least." Wyll chuckled, disappearing into camp. Astarion crossed his arms and dramatically turned his head in the opposite direction of you. You eyes him blankly. "Astarion, what is it?" You said having an inkling what his dilemma was. "You are so quick to shoot us down in front of Wyll. So maybe it's him, you fancy." He said keenly, aware he did the same things mere minutes before. You hesitated on your words. You hadnt mean to hurt his feeling. You just thought it best to keep your perso al business out of the parties. "I-" You started to say but spotted a small smile threatening to form on his lips. "You tyrant, Astarion, get in the water with me and stop with your brooding." you said, words targeted. At this point you knew how to ease him, compliments and affection, love and understanding. Astarion looked to you with a wicked smile. "Now that's what I like to hear, my darling" he started to strip off his clothes and submerge himself into the water. At first, he shivered at the warmth, and then his face relaxed. "This damn parasite has made my skin so sensitive, I can feel everything, I could barely feel a thing before." He muttered, cozying himself up to you.
The fight hadn't gone well for you. Well, the party won against Nere but YOU personally were tore up, Karlach as well. You had expected that from a fellow Drow and part of you felt prideful, your kind still held up their scary reputation.
You laid on the stone floor of the temple blood oozing out of your side just below the platform where the others were. You had been trapped in a corner away from the rest with Nere, and he shoved you off the side with a bash to your head. You figured he lured you, but you didn't know. You didn't think the others knew where you were, though, but you didn't pay that mind. sweat dripping from your forehead. Lava surrounded the platform, and with all the blood you lost and the suffocating heat you felt so painfully ill. You turned your head to the side and could hear Gale dumping something and his magic whirl. "She should be alright. We need to get to camp and leave before any more show up." He said. "Wait.." he muttered."Astarion wheres Y/N"
"She right..." Astarion said, and you thought you heard concern in his voice. "Where the hells is she?" he said. You couldn't hear Karlach and wondered if she was alright. Your thought faded away as the heat below you zapped away your strength. You were so hot, the metal of your armor stated to burn your skin, and you wished you could strip yourself of it. A small groan left your lips. Despite the pain, your eyes started to grow heavy, and your vision blurred. You wondered if you were just extremely tired or dying. You didn't expect to die in a battle so small, so unimportant to the grand scheme of things. To die in pursuit of finding a cure so you sidnt die by the parasite lodged in your brain. A small smile came to your lips, and you giggled. "How funny," you said. Your eyes closed and from above you - you thought you heard someone speaking. "You can't die damn you," they seemed to be saying, but the voice was too far away.
Astarion and Gale dragged the both of you back the camp. Karlach was just alright, unconcious and still bleeding, but her survival was pretty much guaranteed. You, on the other hand, the others weren't so sure.
Your legs and right arm were badly burned. You had severe trauma to the back of your head. The healing spells Gale and Shadowheart cast on you seemed to be lightening the load of the injuries, so they were still so bad. Astarion stood outside of your tent biting his fingernails. A disgusting habit, he seemed to have picked up from the stress. It sickened him but here he was gnawing and gnawing. He spit one of his fingernails out and peered out into camp. His mind whirled. There was still so much to do, so much more ground to cover. He mused, guardians and the parasite be damned, he might sneak you away in the night and take you back to your city. The two of you could live tofether in the darkness, away from all of this. When he first saw you laid below the platform smoking and burnt he was furious. How dare you go ahead and make him care just to die in front of him, just to cause him more pain. That feeling faded quickly away from him though, now he wanted to coddle you, rob you of your pain.
Gale was in with you now, and Astarion waited impatiently outside. He was casting more healing spells. He prayed to whoever that these ones would be enough.
Gale came out a few moments later and sighed. "I think she'll be alright," he said, putting his hand on astarions shoulder. A tsunami of relief crashed over him. He wanted to sob and scream. He didn't, though. Instead, he looked at his nails. "We arent involved, if thats what your touching up is about" he said and Gale scoffed "oh dont act nonchalant, youve stood outside her tent for three days now, sighing and gnawing" Astarion scoffed "Oh pardon me for looking after my party Mr. Calm and collected, Im not gnawing anyway Im-" there was a rustling behind the two. They whipped around started by the sudden intrusion. You emerged from the tent, and though you were so beautiful to him, Astarion thought you looked like shit. "Darling ypu mus'ent be standing." he rushed to your side, putting his arm behind your back. "Im alright, Im-" you weakly protested, but he shushed you. "No, tent now." He instructed, and you sighed.
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oh-its-souichi · 4 months
Astarion x reader
Astarion cast his eyes towards you. You were sitting around the fire next to wyll, a cup in your hand. The firelight reflected up into your face and lit it up, warming it, so much so he noticed your cheeks faintly flushed with warmth. That or it was the product of the wine that sloshed around in your cup. A half smile danced on his lips, and he turned his head to rid of it. Here he was casting googly eyes at a girl he had only bedded... once... only once. He brought his eyes back to the fire and wondered what you saw when you looked at him. Did you ever sneak glances at him? And if you did what did you see.
He hadnt seen his reflection in ages.
With a sigh, he rose from his spot around the fire, making his way to his tent. Unbenounced to him, your eyes flicked to him, a troubled look forming on your face.
At his tent, he snatched his hand mirror and held it at eye level. At first, he felt nervous to look into the reflective surface because what if his face did appear. Would he recognize himself or recoil in horror at the monster he became. He studied gold metal that made up the handle for a second being inpressed with the craftsmanship of the filigree engraved into the handle and the metal incasing the mirror. He wondered if the craftsman thought, maybe even cackled at the joke of a situation Astarion found himself in. His eternal life robbed him of his early memories, each year thing grew fuzzier and fuzzier until they were gone. Becoming more and more detached. What good would looking in a mirror do anyway if he were to catch a glimpse of himself would he recognize it anyway?
He brought his eyes up to look and at first only saw the glow of the underdark, the mushrooms and algea, and plants he didn't know, producing a plethora of colors. Lighting up the haunting purple darkness that surrounded. Though it was muggy and squishy and overall gastly smelling. There was something very beautiful about the underdark. He felt his mind wandering back to you and wondered if if you lived in a place like this before the parasite and once this was all over if thays where you would return... for from everything.. far from him.
He cast his eyes down for a moment but brought them back up, and when he did, there you were. You stood in the reflection of the mirror. He felt his face soften, and he couldn't help but think you looked so beautiful here. The pink glow of a plant behind you shone behind you, illuminating your grey-purple skin tone. Creating a pink rim around the tip of your white hair. "What are you doing with that?" You asked a curious look on your face. He sighed and dropped the mirror, turning to face you. "Fixing my hair, of course," he teased, but his voice lacked the enthusiasm required to convice you he felt okay about things. "Do you miss it?" You asked and he furrowed his brow. "Miss what darling?"
You motioned to the mirror with your hand. "Looking at yourself," He frowned. "Of course I do! I was very beautiful, I am still very beautiful. It would be nice to induge in some petty vanity from time to time!" He exclaimed, waving the mirror around. You squinted at him, seeming to look very closely. Your multicolored eyes peered into him, discected him alive. "What is it?" he said, turning his head aside, bashful. He felt pitiful. "Im just looking," you said with a pleased look on your face. You seemed to have no intention of telling him your thoughts, and felt perfectly comfortable keeping the words and opinions, conceptions, and judgments swirling around in your head. He motioned his arms at you dramatically "and?"
"I think you're very beautiful." You stated, and his heart was set to ease. He relaxed his shoulders, and a sly smile formed on his face. "Is that right, what else do you see?"
"Your smile, I like its sharpness"
"...and what else?"
Your hair and how it curls and waves." You reached out and ran your fingers through his hair. A pleasurable chil ran down his spine, and he closed his eyes to the sensation. Your touch was so gentle for a second that he thought this must be what it's like to be cherished. When you pulled your hand away, he was brought down from his high. "Not very fair of you, darling," he purred, and you smiled. "Im going to head back to my tent, I hope you sleep well." He stared at you in disbelief, after all that you were just going to walk away? You stepped to leave but he grabbed your hand. "Now, wait a second, you aren't going anywhere." He said "why walk the mighty distance to your tent when I have a perfectly good one here" he motioned "plus you cant just make me feel like that and walk away" his tone failed him again and what was meant to be a seductive tone came out more a s a cry for help.
You looked thoughtfully at him and then nodded. "I guess you're right, thebothers are-" You turned your head, glancing back at Wyll and Karlach, who sat half dazed by the fire. The others quiet in their tent. "-mostly asleep." Astarion brought his hand up to your chin and held it. "I dont care about the others, now come," he said, sliding his hand down and interlocking it to yours. You hesitated and he wanted to sob "I need to get my thi-" He cut you off shaking his head "no need, I have everything, borrow my shirt, my damn toothbrush, whatever you'd like." He said, and you laughed, a sound so sweet. "My gods, would you like to carry me in as well, take off my shoes and undress -" you stumbled on your words, and he eyed you dangerously. Mischief lurking. "You needent even ask, of course I do," he purred, easily scooping you up into his arms. He carried you into his tent and closed the flap door behind him. Gently, he set you down on the cushion of his bed and fascinated the string at the bottom of the door down. "Astarion I was-" you started but he shushed you, turning around. He slipped off his own boots then knelt down in front of you and started on yours. You cheeks burned pink and you quickly turned your head, avoiding his gaze. "Stubborn girl" he chuckled, discarding the left and then the right. "I can do it myself, you know" you said. He crawled up your legs and brought his lips inches from yours. "I know you can" he said. A smile came onto your face and you wrapped your arms around him neck, gently pressing his lips to yours. He deeped the kiss, his hands easily undoing your pants, pulling them down without ever losing you. You kicked them off the rest of the way. He reached for your shirt, looking down as he lifted the fabric off of you but froze. His eyes widened, the right side of your abdomine was splotted with large, deep blue bruises. They ran down onto your legs. You had a gash across your ribs as well that looked like it had been hastily stitched up.. He hadnt realized you had been battered from the scuffle earlier. "The hells you madwomen why didnt you say anything." He scolded, and you shrugged. "I took a potion after the fight, it will all be healed after I sleep"
He shook his head, running his fingers along the bruises. "No, this won't heal entirely in that time, and you are quite aware of that." He sighed. He took the remainder of your clothes off and then started to strip himself of his own. He gently nudged you to lay down. He took his place next to you and wrapped his arms around you tightly. "We can still-"
"No, I won't ravage you when you're... well already quite ravaged, " he mummbled, burying his face in your hair. You laughed, and he felt himself smiling. A wave of exhaustion crashing over him. You closed your eyes and nestled against his chest, your finger making their way back to his hair raking gently across his scalp. Goosebumps rose all over hia body and he sighed, feeding off of the sensation, a blessing. He kissed your forehead, falling into affection, so naturally, it scared him. Why was it so wasy with you. He was scheduled to die via mindflayer parasite. Why was he perfectly happy right now? Why did he thank those tentically bastards for infecting him and bringing him to you? He slid his arm underneath your neck and rested his hand on the back of your head, pressing you closer to him. "What color were your eyes before" you asked him and he opened his eyes staring the the wall of the tent. "I dont remember," he sighed. "My old life bled out from me a long time ago." You tipped your head back and looked into your eyes. One way crimson red and the other amynethest purple. He had never noticed that before. In fact he never noticed what color your eyes were at all. It burned him to hold you so close but have you be so far away, so unknown at the same time. "You've kept yourself pretty well hidden away. What wounds do you keep?" He asked and you xhuckled. "Is that your wau of asking me to tell you about myself?"
"Well I couldnt just come out and say yhay darling, its not in my character" he groaned, his voice getting more gravely with his in reaing yearn for sleep. You sighed. "I grew up in Zirnakaynin, in the middle class partion of the city" Astarion hummed, listening to your words "its chaos down there, so Ive heard" you nodded against his chest. "Yes, its beautiful." He chuckled at your and rolled onto his sid, enttrapping you in both of his arms. "Drow were the boogeyman when we were young. The rumors of bloodbaths and cities of unregulated choas and a the pitiful deaths of outsiders. Real divas of the elven world. When my mother first informed me of them i practically shi-" his words caught in his throat and echoed in his skull, the word "mother" reverberating off the bone. A wink of a memory passed him by, to quick for him to grasp it. Since when did he remember a mother.
He sat in silence and seeming to pick up on his sudden distress you picked the conversation back up. "I moved to Menzoberranzan into my adolescence and stayed. It didn't compare to my home, but I found peace with it. My life has been good." You said simply, and it almost annoyed him, your lack of misery. "The city of spiders," he said, and you nodded, silent. "You swore in then, I presume, that does explain your eye." He looked down at you and saw your one red eye almost glowing up at him. In the tales he had head, Lolth marked her followers with red glowing eyes, intimidation in the dark of whatever. "Yes, that would be the time" you said. He felt a little shift in your tone. He seemed to have hit a sore spot, maybe you were miserable after all.
In the silence that grew, the two of you found sleep nestled in one another. The morning came, and when he awoke you were gone.
When he emerged from his tent, he almost felt disappointed not to see the sun. It was still the glowing, muggy darkness. Having been in the sun so much recently, he forgot how much he missed it. He missed waking up to warmth on his face. This region wasn't overly chilly. Where you camped now was actually oddly warm, grossely warm. Like walking into a bathroom filled with the steam of someone elses bathwater.
He shivered at the thought, then pictured walking into you in a warm bath and figured it not to be so bad. Astarion took a few steps forward but stopped when he noticed Wyll walking his way with a puzzled look on his face. Astarion walked towards him, meeting him halfway. "I'd say by the look on your face you request my attention," astarion smiled, boastful. "Yes, actually," Wyll said, coming to a halt. "I haven't seen y/n this morning, I have matters to discuss with her," he said. Astarions face dropped. Like a baloon being popped, he deflaited. Suspicious of what Wyll would want with you. He was handsome and noble, he saw you two talking but not in the way you talked with Astarion. Did he plan to snatch you up? "Why?" Astarion said, tone flat. Wyll cocked his eyebrow at him. "I assure you it's only business," he said, putting his hands up. A half smile came to his face. "I seem to have struck a cord. I didn't realize the two of you were involved, an interesting choice on her part." He chuckled
Astarion scoffed, "you've not only struck a cord you've broken the whole damn string!" He said storming off, once he got a ways away he stopped and turned pointing. "And we are not involved! Officially, at least." He hollered and continued his storming. Wyll held his hands up a smile on his face. "An interesting time this is," he chuckled and continued on his search.
You were at the far side of camp bathing in the dark waters of a small waterfall nearby. Hot springs were not common up top, so you were happy to be able to bath in warm water. You currently laid back with your head on a mushroom. You would cross the lake today to fight, so you wanted to enjoy this time alone to recuperate. You out some warm wet moss over your eyes and let yourself get lost in the warmth of the water. So lost you didn't hear the pair of feet co.ing towards you. Two pairs of feet, to be exact...
Astarion was the first to waltz up, and he felt like his prayers had been answered. You were submerged in the dark water but he could see enough to know you had no clothes on. Thoigh he could do without the pond scum you have covering your eyes. "My fancy running into you here" he said, sauntering over. You shot up. Ripping the green shit off of your face. You stood before him fully exposed, and he could only grin. "You sacred me, wreched man!" You exclaimed. You wet hair clung to your soulders, some of it still hanging down your back. You looked delectable. He dry throb hit his throat and he was overcome with the urge to taste you. "May I jo-" suddenly a twig snapped behind him and he turned his head.
Wyll walked up the trail, his eyes widening when he laid eyes on you. "Hey, wyll," you said, and he turned away. "Pardon my intrusion. I didn't think of the state you would be in." Astarion scoffed. "Dont 'hey Wyll' him, get in the water, women! Gods, you are not for everyone to see!"
You smirked and sunk slowly into the water, eyeing Wyll, who remained looking away. "I only came to see what the plan for today is." He said. You sighed and swum back to your original place. " I figured everyone could rest a bit more, pack, and then go. I dont know exactly what we are up against, but if they are foreigners in the underground, without allies, they've got to be the slightest bit tough."
Wyll nodded "I think that sounds fine. Im sorry to interrupt your lovers quarrel." You stuck your hand out. "Think nothing of it, we arent involved."
Wyll nodded and started to walk away hear Astarion shout "Officially, at least." Wyll chuckled, disappearing into camp. Astarion crossed his arms and dramatically turned his head in the opposite direction of you. You eyes him blankly. "Astarion, what is it?" You said having an inkling what his dilemma was. "You are so quick to shoot us down in front of Wyll. So maybe it's him, you fancy." He said keenly, aware he did the same things mere minutes before. You hesitated on your words. You hadnt mean to hurt his feeling. You just thought it best to keep your perso al business out of the parties. "I-" You started to say but spotted a small smile threatening to form on his lips. "You tyrant, Astarion, get in the water with me and stop with your brooding." you said, words targeted. At this point you knew how to ease him, compliments and affection, love and understanding. Astarion looked to you with a wicked smile. "Now that's what I like to hear, my darling" he started to strip off his clothes and submerge himself into the water. At first, he shivered at the warmth, and then his face relaxed. "This damn parasite has made my skin so sensitive, I can feel everything, I could barely feel a thing before." He muttered, cozying himself up to you.
The fight hadn't gone well for you. Well, the party won against Nere but YOU personally were tore up, Karlach as well. You had expected that from a fellow Drow and part of you felt prideful, your kind still held up their scary reputation.
You laid on the stone floor of the temple blood oozing out of your side just below the platform where the others were. You had been trapped in a corner away from the rest with Nere, and he shoved you off the side with a bash to your head. You figured he lured you, but you didn't know. You didn't think the others knew where you were, though, but you didn't pay that mind. sweat dripping from your forehead. Lava surrounded the platform, and with all the blood you lost and the suffocating heat you felt so painfully ill. You turned your head to the side and could hear Gale dumping something and his magic whirl. "She should be alright. We need to get to camp and leave before any more show up." He said. "Wait.." he muttered."Astarion wheres Y/N"
"She right..." Astarion said, and you thought you heard concern in his voice. "Where the hells is she?" he said. You couldn't hear Karlach and wondered if she was alright. Your thought faded away as the heat below you zapped away your strength. You were so hot, the metal of your armor stated to burn your skin, and you wished you could strip yourself of it. A small groan left your lips. Despite the pain, your eyes started to grow heavy, and your vision blurred. You wondered if you were just extremely tired or dying. You didn't expect to die in a battle so small, so unimportant to the grand scheme of things. To die in pursuit of finding a cure so you sidnt die by the parasite lodged in your brain. A small smile came to your lips, and you giggled. "How funny," you said. Your eyes closed and from above you - you thought you heard someone speaking. "You can't die damn you," they seemed to be saying, but the voice was too far away.
Astarion and Gale dragged the both of you back the camp. Karlach was just alright, unconcious and still bleeding, but her survival was pretty much guaranteed. You, on the other hand, the others weren't so sure.
Your legs and right arm were badly burned. You had severe trauma to the back of your head. The healing spells Gale and Shadowheart cast on you seemed to be lightening the load of the injuries, so they were still so bad. Astarion stood outside of your tent biting his fingernails. A disgusting habit, he seemed to have picked up from the stress. It sickened him but here he was gnawing and gnawing. He spit one of his fingernails out and peered out into camp. His mind whirled. There was still so much to do, so much more ground to cover. He mused, guardians and the parasite be damned, he might sneak you away in the night and take you back to your city. The two of you could live tofether in the darkness, away from all of this. When he first saw you laid below the platform smoking and burnt he was furious. How dare you go ahead and make him care just to die in front of him, just to cause him more pain. That feeling faded quickly away from him though, now he wanted to coddle you, rob you of your pain.
Gale was in with you now, and Astarion waited impatiently outside. He was casting more healing spells. He prayed to whoever that these ones would be enough.
Gale came out a few moments later and sighed. "I think she'll be alright," he said, putting his hand on astarions shoulder. A tsunami of relief crashed over him. He wanted to sob and scream. He didn't, though. Instead, he looked at his nails. "We arent involved, if thats what your touching up is about" he said and Gale scoffed "oh dont act nonchalant, youve stood outside her tent for three days now, sighing and gnawing" Astarion scoffed "Oh pardon me for looking after my party Mr. Calm and collected, Im not gnawing anyway Im-" there was a rustling behind the two. They whipped around started by the sudden intrusion. You emerged from the tent, and though you were so beautiful to him, Astarion thought you looked like shit. "Darling ypu mus'ent be standing." he rushed to your side, putting his arm behind your back. "Im alright, Im-" you weakly protested, but he shushed you. "No, tent now." He instructed, and you sighed.
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oh-its-souichi · 7 months
Marry part 4
Sakuna x reader
Im so stoked on the idea I started writing for part 5 I just rushed through this
Warning- same crazy stuff man
You woke up in his soft bed, comfortable warmth surrounding you. In the wives' hall, it was cold, and water leaked through the walls. In Sakunas' room, it was warm, and everything was lush. The only sound was the crackling of the fire. Not the hush of the other women and the scurrying of feet.
You had spent a majority of your time sleeping, the sickness your injuries gave you rocked your body, and it was only recently that your body was able to rejoice. The silence was nice, for awhile but once you spent more time awake you noticed no one came to visit, and sometimes, your maid would bring out food. It wasn't often, though, and you found yourself hungry most of the time.
Your maid told you she was working with someone else now, but things were changing in the temple. She said Sakuna was rarely there, and when he was, he didn't react to their presence. She said it made her feel scared. You nodded and wished you could give her more information, but you knew nothing. You were vaulted away more secluded than before.
You didnt know what day it was at this point or if it was day or night, there was no windows but you felt safer this way. Death didnt seem so close.
Rising from your bed, you stretched your arms and legs, pushing your feet into the plushy carpet. You made your way to the bathroom and ran the warm water. You only had a few pairs of clothes, so you chose to lounge around in a long satin robe. It was black and extremely comfortable. You stripped it off and slipped into the water, feeling goosebumps errupt all over your skin when the hot water soaked it. You sunk up to your ears and closed your eyes thinking about falling back asleep. The hot steam on your face and the lull of the fireplace beckoned you, you were tempted as there was nothing else to do. Your mind wandered from your maid, to your father and then to the injuries you had obtained from the wife in red. You found yourself replaying certain incidents and no matter how hard you tried to stray away, everything ended back at him. Sakuna.
Suddenly, a foreign sensation came over your body, like fingers dancing acrossed your skin. You eyes flew open, and the first thing you saw was teeth, they were formed into a wicked smile. You followed them down to his chin, then his neck to his body. You saw two of his arms plunged into the water. His hands grabbing at your body. "My wife" he purred. You stared up at him keeping half of your face submerged in the water. A shield of sorts. "Ive never seen you like this" he said, his voice was shockingly human sounding and deep like a drum. You sat under the pressure of his gaze not sure what to do. He mapped one of his hands up your stomach and to hand picking it up and bringing it out of the water. The cold air stung your skin but wuickly subsided when you felt his lips connect to your hand. He kissed it over and over again before bringjng it to the side of his face. He closed his eyes and hummed. "You'll never leave this place. You die and rot down here the rest of time." Your heart thumped at his sing song voice. Your mind wanted to whiz out of sontrol but you stayed numb. "Answer me" he said and you say his red eyes open. You popped your head out of the water "I understand." You said. You furrowed his eyebrows and a pained expression came over his face.
"Are you happy about it"
He was acting different, and it was giving you whiplash.
"Good, no, that you have a choice," he laughed, but you heard the danger in his voice, and it made the world around you feel less and less real. His eyes lapped over you hungrier and hungrier until you felt the first of his left arm slide around your back and rip you up out of the water. He pressed his lips to yours, and you felt like he was eating you alive. You tried to kiss him back, but the ferocity overwhelmed you. He pulled you closer and closer. So close, it hurt. His crushing strength made your bones ache. Your breath locked itself in your chest. You groaned in pain, but that seemed to encourage him as you felt his arms loop underneath your body and lift you out of the bath. The cold air made you gasp. He kept his lips to yours, and you felt him smile. "dont worry, you won't be cold for long," he whispered. He walked you out into the bedroom and gently laid you down on the bed. Your heart picked up as he stared down at you. He started to disrobe, and every part of you rejected it. You weren't ready for what you knew he wanted to do. Your voice ached to protest, but nothing came out. His robe dropped to the ground, and your eyes widened at his hulking form. He was all muscle and weapon of a man, curse, a whatever he was. He came forward his hand wrapping itself around your neck. He squeezed lightly but started to tighten his grip. Frightened, your hands flew up and grabbed onto his wrists. You dug your nails into his skin, and he hissed in reply.
"You dare hurt your husband?" He said, his voice deadly. You looked down at him and locked your eyes to his. At first, you only saw rage, but that melted away into sorrow. "Perhaps I've been too rough." He sighed. Slowly, he leaned forward and wrapped all of his arms around you. His weight made your chest lock up, and once again, you were fighting to breathe. You didn't dare speak, though. The fear of the tides turning with any word you said kept your mouth shut. "Things are different now," he muttered. Your heart slammed in your chest, a fear like you felt the day he killed his other wives clawed up your throat. "Why are thing different now" he rushed popping his head up and gripping onto your shoulders. He stared you in the eyes with one of the angriest expressions you had ever seen. His eyebrows were knitted together and his eyes sharp. You rationalized quickly with yourself and opene your mouth to speak "it-it-its" you stammered. "Its not, my husband, my love" you said. With each word your confidence built and you reminded yourself of the position you were in. The comfort and seclusion had numbed you of the danger at hand, this game of survival.
His expression relaxed, and you felt like a snake wrapping around its kill. "Im so grateful for what you've given me Ive not had the words to say it." You snaked your arms around his shoulders and brought your fingertips softly up and down his back. His eyes relaxed, and he searched your face.
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oh-its-souichi · 8 months
Orochimaru x reader
I saw a promt and decided to write my own version
It was a dull shock to him, to say the least. You were on the stone floor of the shower, the two of you shared silent tears falling down your face. Your shoulders were trembling, and he didn't know why. He had known you were pregnant, and by the way things unfolded before him, he assumed you just found out. "What is it?" He said his voice a low tone. You shook your head, burying your face into the nook of your elbow. "It's nothing, my love, I slipped is all," you said, feigning the happiness in your voice. He flicked his eyebrow up, curious as to why you would lie. "Tell the truth." He seethed, feeling contempt welling up in his chest. He had never done you so wrong. Even now, as he felt he wanted to raise his hand against you, his limbs wouldn't budge. "Now," he repeated again, after your seconds of silence. A heavy sob left your mouth, and more tears streamed down your face. " Forgive me, dont kill us." You sobbed and his breath caught in his throat. "You're afraid?" He stated, and you didn't move. The answer was clear, though. He had never hurt you. You had seen him hurt others, seeing the horrible things he had done to other "inconveniences"
He walked forward and knelt down beside you, the water soaking his hair and clothes. "Tell me a time. I haven't been by your side, my pet. " he spoke his tone, coming across harsher than expected. "Why would a child change that now?" his voice was almost a whisper, almost like he was trying to keep his words, this side of him a secret from the world. Your head snapped up, and you searched his face. The sorrow in your eyes drained away, and the light he had always known to linguer in them reappeared. He had known you since his days in the hidden leaf village and snuck you away after he was caught and consequently hunted. You had cracked him, and though he loved his work, he didn't want to live a life without you.
"I've been silly, I apologize," you said, rubbing tears out of your eyes. He nodded and came to a stand. "Join me for dinner after you've washed," he said and walked out of the bathroom. As he walked down the hall, he felt a sense of excitement. You had a very powerful bloodline, and he wasn't half bad himself. He was excited to see what his child would bring to the world. Excited to be tied tighter with you, you would never leave him if your child was involved. A wicked smile came to his face, and he pushed open the heavy door to his lab a new sense of purpose, pushing him forward.
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oh-its-souichi · 8 months
Marry Part 3
Sakuna x Reader
This is not edited warnings- the usual, death, emotional manipulation
It had been days since he had last seen you, he had barracaded himself away, thinking.
He sat in his tea room now, staring blankly at the wall. He didn't know what was coming over him, what was scratching its way through his chest. Hie eyes bore into the wall, and he gritted his teeth. Why did he stand up for you, and why did he insist you come and see him after you were clean.
You were just another stupid sacrifice, and he cursed the elders who chose to send you. Maybe he would be better off to kill you, snap your neck like the other women, and leave you to bleed.
He didn't like the thought of that, though. He imagined the feeling of your neck bones breaking under his grasp, and it made him nauseous. He signed adjusting his posture and dropping his head into his hands. "Fucking bitch" he mumbled. There had to be something he could do.
He cast his eyes out the window towards the thick green forested mountains, a malicious smile spreading across his face.
"Lord Sakuna" he heard a women say.
"What is it?" He replied.
"Your wife has grown ill again" she spoke again.
He sighed and rested his head in his hands. "I really dont care. Just leave her outside. It's a full moon tonight. The wolves will take care of her. " He was too busy to deal with or kill another woman. He was preoccupied with thinking of how to get rid of you. The women behind the sliding door to his tea room hesitated, and that annoyed him. "Do not make me repeat myself," he sighed, then stopped, "you said again?" He hadnt realized what women she was talking about before.
He got up from the floor and walked across the room with a smile on his face. "You're talking about that idiot woman, the one in pink?" He smiled, and your maid nodded. He had thought you would get an infection from being thrown into the pond and that he guessed that was what happened. "Maintain her treatment," he said, simply looking down. You maid stammered, taken aback by his words, but bowed "yes my lord," she said and walked away. He slid the door shut and returned to his spot by his table. He cast a look out the window and sighed again. "So much for getting rid of her" he mumbled a slight feeling of worry in his chest.
He found himself walking down the hallway it was mostly quiet but as wrapped around the corners leading to the chambers his wives resided he heard a distant commotion, it atarted with random thumps then as he got closer he could hear panicked voices. When he walked across the corridor and into the wives' chamber, he was met with disaray. Women were huddled in their doorways, their eyes cast down the hallway, not having noticed he stepped in. There were maids and servents rushing in and out of your room. Bloody sheets and gauze was stacked up along the hallway across from your door. Calmly he walked down the hall and into the room. The doctor he assigned to you was sweating profusely and trying to mix something up, the vanity in your room having become a sort of medical lab. You maid stood beside you, gripping your hand and his eyes widened when they finally found you.
You were barely covered, a sheet wrapped around you breasts and your lower region. Your hair was sprawled out around your head and your skin was ghastly. Your eyes were glazed over, and you were staring up at the ceiling. "Hes up there I know he is" you whispered, and your maid shook her head. "Hes not Y/N, please stop," she shushed, her voice tremmbling. There was so much commotion that no one seemed to notice. Something he had to fix.
He cleared his throat and the doctor and your maid snapped their heads up. "Would anyone care to explain what is going on here?" He smiled. The dr looked back down and continued mixing up a white liquid. "Shes gone into septic shock. Her wounds are badly infected, but shes not responding to the medicine. It is not touching the swelling nor her fever." He rushed slamming down the spoon in his hand. He carefully held the cup and rushed to your side. "Please help me ipen her mouth" he said to your maid and she nodded. "Y/N time to take your medicine" she whispered and he pondered at the sound of your name. He had never heard it before, never thought to learn it.
You didn't reply, just smiled weakly up at them. "I miss my father," you croaked. They ignored what you said and dumped the liquid down your throat, the aggression of it making him cringe. "This is fixable, I assume?"Sakuna said, and the dr. looked up at him. "At this point, I dont know my lord," he said with the face of a man that had accepted his own death. It almost made him laugh. "You know what happens if she dies doctor" he seethed under his sharp smile and the dr nodded. "Im well aware my lord." He said rushing back to the medicine table. "Has she swallowed it?" The dr called back and your maid looked into your mouth. "She has but it looks like-"
For a second time, it slowed down, and it was the scent that hit his noce first. It was the smell of rot, death. It came from you. He snapped his eyes up, and before you could return his gaze, he noticed your eyes roll to the back of your head. Your limbs began to shake, and he swiftly came to your side, shoving your maid away. "Leave us," he commanded. He worked on impulse, placing his hand on your chest he attempted to use reversed curse energy to take down your infection. It was a new technique to him so its effectivity would vary. He hoped it would take the edge off of the infection because after this seizure passed, he knew you would die. You were weak and he hated that. "Pathetic" he mummbled placing his hand on your chest. He focused his energry and suddenly he felt your body inflate underneath his palm. You took a deep breathe in and your eyes shot open. They immediately snapped to him but they didnt look grateful, nor happy. You looked horrified.
He felt a twinge of anger at the expressiona nd had half the mind to keep healing you until your body simply quit. "Im healing your wounds," he mumbled, but your expression remained the same.
You looked at him now like he was a monster and he hated it. 'I hate it?' He thought to himself, a chuckle bubbled up in his throat, and he began to laugh. He hated when you looked at him like a man, he hated when you looked at him like a monster. "Its best you dont look at me" he smiled but your eyes stayed locked onto him. He stared back at you feeling the challenge in your gaze. His smile slowly fell and he felt himself lift his right hand and strike you across the face. "I said enough!" He yelled.
Your eyes fluttered closed, and a welt of his hand swelled up on your face. Blood trickled down your face where his nails had dug into your cheek.
He had hit you harder than he meant to. He stood breathing heavily and took his hands off your body, staring down at you. The thoughts that had been in his head had vacated, and now he was left with a deafening silence and a nauseating sickness that churned in his stomach. He sighed and turned around, leaving the room.
This time, he left his palace and didn't return. He walked out the palace doors and down to the nearest village, pumbeling it to the ground, from the top of the hill all his wives heard the screams of those below but the snuggled deeper into their blankets avoiding the sound. As he drained the men and women of the village of their blood, snapping their necks and making them shreik, he felt his stomach turn in disgust. He felt angry at himself for hurting you. He wanted to march up the hill and heal the welt on your face. He wanted to swoop you under his arms and keep your from the world. It seemed you were better off untainted by it anyhow.
He sent no word of where he was going or how to contact him. He just left. Spending the next couple of months, basically killing and pillaging. He hungered for more power, and it was through this he was able to obtain it.
The day he returned, it was snowing and dark. The warm yellow lights of his palace looked cozy and comforting. A smile spread across his face when he thought of seeing you again. You had occupied a good part of his mind in the calmer times of his "vacation," but he tried to avoid the subject. It always led back to the memory of his hand print on your face, and he hated that it bothered him so. He walked up the wooden steps and swung open the doors. A gust of heat hit his body first and he took a deep breath in enjoying the stark difference in temperature.
Things looked the same on the inside, the smell as well. It's as if time had frozen since his departure. There were no sounds either, no people in sight. He closed the door behind him and started walking the palace. On his way around it a few maids scurried by, dropping their heads when they noticed him. "Welcome back, my lord," they squeaked. He ignored them and kept walking. His feet took him to your hallway. It was completely quiet, and all the lights were off, darkening the walkway to the point of pitfh black. He found his way to the end of the hallway and slowly opened your door. He half expected you to be gone. An empty mattress was the only thing left, but that wasn't the case. You were tucked neatly in your bed, facing the window. He snuck in, sliding the door behind him, and found his way to your side.
He slipped two of his arms under your back and two under your legs and lifted you easily up. Your eyes popped open, a gasp leaving your mouth but he shushed you.
Without a word uttered between you, he carried you back from where he had come, making his way to the main entrance and out the front door. His personal room was hidden underneath the palace from a different exit. It would be too obvious to sleep in the superfluous building. He covered your eyes and made his way to a mossy stone carving. It was of a dragon, a horrid looking one. The surrounding area was thick with trees and shrubbery, so someone would have to be pretty hard pressed to notice the statue. He harshly twisted its head, and a vaulted door opened beneath him. He stepped down the stairs, and it closed quickly behind him.
It was a long staircase and much more dingey than he remembered. He didn't spend much time down here. Rest at this point for him was somewhat of a pleasure activity, so he usually found himself busing himself with his studies or training. At the bottom of the stairs was another door. He opened it, being met with a blast of warm air. It smelled good as well, a deep perfume smell, along with the hint of smell the fireplace gave off. The carpet was plush red, and though the room wasn't huge, it was big enough to keep a red pit coach as well as a mahogany canopy bed on the far right corner. It was surrounded by whispy red fabrics that matched the theme of the room. He chose to keep things red and black. The coach was a dark perfect black along
You stared seemingly at nothing, not having said a word the entire way. "You will live here from now on" you said lowly and you snapped your head towards him, your eyes locking onto his. He saw your mouth open slightly to protest but you quickly closed it and turned your head back to it original position. "Yes, my lord," you said, your voice cool and calm. He smirked. "Am I not your husband?"
You nodded "Yes, my husband" you said your voice robotic now, lacking the same livelihood it had the first night he met you. It burned him and he felt rage well up into his throat.
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oh-its-souichi · 8 months
The ghost of you part 3
Dabi x reader
Dabi gasped for air in the alley, and his stomach turned. He wanted to throw up. His mind raced with the image of you being close to that guy. The smile on your face and how you hadnt even glanced at him as a stranger. You didnt look at him at all. The unease built up in his stomach, and he found himself barreling over and throwing up. Maybe it was the alcohol but he really doubted it. He threw up until his eyes watered and it hurt.
Behind him, the door slammed open "oop Im so sorry," he heard someone say, and he wanted to sob and die on the concrete. He couldn't turn to face you so he didn't, he proper his hand on the brick wall of the alley way and kept hunched over. "Do you need water or something? I can grab it for you, " you said. He felt you inch closer, trying to peek around his shoulder. "No, Im okay," he grunted. Your feet stopped moving, and something rose in the air. He felt your hand fall on his shoulder, and you pulled him back to face you. "Tou-" you started but stopped. He stood there refusing to meet your gaze as your eyes frantically searched around his face and body. As the seconds passed, your face became more and more upset until he saw heavy tears spring from your eyes. "Baby -" he hushed and pulled you into his chest. You gripped onto his shirt, sobbing. "I didn't know what happened to you, I thought, I thought -" you rammbled, and he steoked your hair. You smelled different, but your hair felt the same. Soft like velvet. He took a deep breath in filling his lungs with your scent. He gripped onto you tightly and felt his heart beat quicken. "I didn't want to get you in too deep." He said, and you nodded. "Fuck you" you whispered. "I understand but fuck you" you snaked your arms around his neck and pulled yourself closer into him.
Hugging you now felt like he hadn't missed a beat. You still clicked right into him, fit so perfectly to him. He lulled your head back and pressed his lips to yours. You melted further into him, and he felt himself gripping both of your arms with his hands. He kissed you harder and harder, trying to lick up as much of you as he could. Things were so perfect at that moment. "I won't leave again," he gasped, pulling his mouth away from you. Immediately, you completely back, and the door to the bar opened. Some guy, the guy he assumed you came here to play pool with, stepped down the stairs "y/n are you okay?" Dabi looked up to see a blonde guy with deep red wings sprouting from his back. They looked real, so he assumed it was his quirk. He had seen him somewhere before, but as his head swum with you and the alcohol that poisoned it, he couldn't remember.
"Im fine, baby," you said, staring dead into Dabis face. "This guy was throwing up, so I was checking on him." There wasn't a waver in his voice, and the casual way you dismissed him made his heart cramp up. He sighed and found himself walking away from you, down the alley, and into the darkness.
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oh-its-souichi · 8 months
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oh-its-souichi · 9 months
The ghost of you pt 2
Dabi x Reader
Dabi hadn't let himself think of you since that day on the rooftop. In the fall, his mind was always bombarded with memories of you. You became his girl in the fall.
You were standing outside on the sidewalk outside of a punk club with long hair in a tight black skirt and fishnets. You had a shreddded white shirt on and as he stepped closer to you on the sidewalk he thought you were something else, out of this fucking world. You turned your head and smiled at him and that was that. He had seen you during school when you were both younger, remembered you as the nice girl who smiled at him, smiled often like sunshine radiated from your heart.
He was at a scumbag bar now. Villains couldnt hang out in normal places so they made due with the shitty dive bars they had. The league had him running around doing bullshit tasks and dammit he needed a drink. He was sat up on a stool peering out from behind his whiskey, listening to the loud drunken banter. He sighed and took a swig. It was really all bullshit. Sometimes, he would hear someone say something funny, and he would fight to bite back a smile, but other than that bullshit.
He set his glass back down swallowing the burnt fire liquid and watched the whiskey slosh around in the glass.
"Hey glass!" He heard a guy yell behind him which made his ears perk up. The word was a ghost to him, haunting him with images of your cracked scars. "Whatcha want!" A girls voice answered, and he turned at the sound.
As soon as he saw you, his heart squeezed in his chest. His eyes widened, and he thought for a second he would spit his lungs out his mouth.. You were walking towards a guy with a wide smile on your face. You hair was longer and you looked so fucking gorgeous it made him want to puke. You had a tight black dress on that flared out at your hips, fishnets, and black boots. Glass like scars lined your arms and face, but it was gorgeous. You wrapped your arms around the guys neck, embracing him in a quick hug and pulled away, giving him a smile like sunshine. "Im going to get a drink, and then we can play." You said, and he seemed to agree because you walked away headed Dabi's direction. Part of him wanted you to see him, hoped you would see him and come over and scream at him because then at least he would hear the sound of your voice again, feel your anger so he knew you were more then a memory, real and still living in the world. He also knew you most likely wouldn't recognize him if you did see him. His scars were worse now, and his hair drenched black.
He watched you close the gap between you and the bar, standing just a few paces from him. All he could feel was his heart drain onto the flood, hot blood pouring out around him. There was a panic in his heart, and he thought maybe he would be fine if he ever saw you, but that was painfully not the case.
You took a glance towards him and there was no recognition. He was just an ugly stranger at the bar, not the man that left you with a head injury at the ER alone. The guy you had hugged before came up behind you with a few bills in his hand. He shook his head at you and said something with a smile. Dabi reckoned he was scolding you for paying for your own drink. You smiled back at the guy, and for a second Dabi recognized the expression you were making because he remembered when you used to look at him that way.
The panic in his heart warmed, and Dabi felt himself bolting to his feet and walking towards the door. Maybe it was the alcohol but deep sobs lumped in his throat. As you walked out, he "accidently" brushed his arm across your back and wanted to weep at the sensation. He made for the door quicker now, and when he got outside, he took a deep breathe in feeling the first of many tears drain down his face.
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oh-its-souichi · 9 months
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oh-its-souichi · 9 months
Ghost of you
Dabi x reader
"Where are they?" Dabi growled, gripping the steering wheel of the shitty beater the two of you had stolen two towns over. You flipped around in your seat, your eyes cascading the beautiful countryside. There were vast fields of rice crops, and in the distance, you saw a shack that you guessed housed a farmer and his wife. You pictured how they looked, and you imagined they were worn with rough hands, but happy. You glanced at Dabi and thought for a moment what Dabi and you would have looked like if your life would have gone a different way, a more peaceful way.
You looked at him now, and he was gritting his teeth, his hands tight on the wheel. His blue eyes darted around the road in front of him. You couldn't help but think he looked so beautiful.
He did a double take at you "Y/N!" He yelled and you snapped back to reality. You looked to the left and saw three or so cop cars ripping through the field, they had just come into view over a small hill. "There!" You yelled, you threw your body half way out of the window next to you and sent a blast of glass shards into the dirt ten feet around and behind you. They stuck up about two feet and would reak hell on any tire they fell upon it.
Dabi punched on the gas and your back wedged harder into the side of the car. You punched the roof "Touya that hurt dickhead" you yelled sending out another blast.
Inside he rolled your eyes. "Oh sure, let me slow down matter of fact let me just fucking pull over, you want to get out and stretch, princess." He quipped the stress evident in his voice. It took a lot to make Dabi crack. You sighed and started to climb back in the car "Im sorry alright ju-"
Before the words left your mouth, there was a violent impact on your side. Still climbing in your head snapped back and crushed into the rearview mirror, your body crumpled down, and blood sprayed out of your head. "Fuck" he yelled and grabbed onto you leg yanking you the rest of the way into the car. "Y/n!" He yelled again to no avail. The black car crushed into the car again and Dabi ripped his eyes off of you. "Hold on baby, fuck these guys" he muttered. He took his gun out of his jeans and aimed it for the drivers head, pulling the trigger and blasting through the back window. It busted through their window, causing them to swerve off course but only for a moment until they were right back on his ass. He was fine with that, though, because that opened up opportunity, and that is what he thrived off of - what both of you thrived off of. He shot a wall of blue fame through the back of the car and into theirs. If it didn't burn up the driver, it would definitely burn up the engine and he didnt want to stick around and watch that explosion.
The black car slammed on its brakes, colliding with into the one police cruiser that made it through your forest of glass. He cheered punching the dash "yeah fuck you guys!!" He screamed in celebration punching a hole through the dashes cheap plastic. "Baby di-" he cut himself off. You had crumpled down onto the floor in front of the seat, blood coating you and everything that lay around you. He watched for the rise and fall of your chest, holding his breathe until he saw your shoulders raise slightly with each breathe in. It was shallow, but at least you were still breathing.
He punched the gas again and drove into the night, driving until the piece of shit car ran out of gas outside of another shitty small town. There were a few houses, a handful of stores and a janky hotel.
He unloaded you and a bag of both of your belongings out of the car and carried you into town.
The hotel owner didn't ask questions and just handed him a key and turned his head. The room was on the third floor, and by the second flight of stairs, his legs weaped for repreave. Now that the adrenaline rush had warn off, he felt completely exhausted.
As he reached the third floor, he looked off the balcony of the hotel, noticing how bright the stars showed in to ever piercing dark. In the city, he couldn't remember the last time he saw the stars, looked at the sky, but out here, it seemed like you could see the universe. He looked down at you and wished he could show you. You were always going off about scenery and shit.
Taking the last couple steps down the hallway he reached your room and haphazardly unlocked it balancing you and the bag in his arms, he kicked open the door and threw you onto the bed with a sigh and along with the bag he crumpled onto the floor "for fucks sake" he exhaled feeling his legs and back scream. The burns on his arms were oozing with blood and pain for the blast he set off.
He kicked off his shoes and stood back up, slipping off your shoes and undressing you from your wet, bloody clothes. He noticed pale cracks in your skin that splintered up from your hands like glass. Ever since he had known you- your quirk had always given you hell, much like his own. Only this time he noticed your finger tips were sliced and bleeding. He grabbed your hand, followed the wound, and noticed they were completely sliced up like the glass had been meant to stop you and not the cop cars. He sighed and sat on the bed next to you, holding his face in his hands. He didnt want this to be your life. The only reason you were on the run right now was because of him and as the days passed and he got in more and more trouble, he doubted how well he would be able to protect you. Especially since your body was starting to tear itself apart. With another sigh he undressed himself and found his way next to you in bed wrapping his arms around you tightly. He had first met you when the two of you were quite young, elementary school. At first you annoyed him but soon a friendship grew between you. Now he loved you and didnt want to see you hurt anymore.
Dabi took a drag off his cigarette and exhaled, thinking of those days. It was a few years later now, he wasnt a teenager anymore but an adult. The nigth after you cracked your head, he dropped you off at a hospital and said he needed to leave. You smiled at him and kissed his cheek. "Okay, be safe," you said, and his heart grieved. He hadn't seen you again since that day.
He was sitting on the roof on top of the League of Villians headquarters. It was a new organization he had just found out about. The leader was an asshole but at least with a group, he could make a splash in the world, rock things to their core, and then his father would look at him. He hoped that when the time came, his dad would weep at the things he had done. Dabi exhaled and imagined what you would think when it all went down. Would you smile and be happy he did it? He laughed aloud at the thought. "No, she would hate that," he mummbled. He remembered you telling him that you wanted him to find peace, not revenge. "Let's go live in a small town and sit on our asses the rest of our lives." You smiled at him, the words echoing from a long lost memory. He shrugged off what you said, but he sometimes found himself imagining that life. Growing old on a porch with his hand in yours.
That was a dream, though, and the fantasy of it made him sick. The way you loved him was warm syrup. Comforting and sweet, when you looked at him, he could tell you loved him. It oozed out of you. There was no sharpness or pain when it came to you, and it made him want to tear his skin off just to be free of the goo.
He exhaled and remembered the feeling, and it made him mourn. He put out his cigarette and stood up, stretching his legs.
He wondered what you were up to now and if you thought of him like he thought of you, if he was the ghost of your heart like you were his. He sighed again and walked to the rooftop door.
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oh-its-souichi · 1 year
Dabi x reader
Warning : this is filthy, death, angst, the usual
He was your ex boyfriend.
A former flame that burned out after the two of you stoked for fire for months carefully holding it in eachother trying to fan the flame, one at a time placing small sticks to try and keep it lit. The other person whimpering as it burned their skin.
It could never stay lit and one day you dropped it to the ground, stomped it out and left Dabi behind with the match in his hand.
He was one hell of an ex.
The way he pounded into you from behind wouldnt reveal that though. You were having quintessential hate sex, the closure every failed relationship needs.
It was perfect in that sense but there was the way he clung to you, holding you arms and legs a little too tightly or the way he kissed you like he was trying to catch you, reel you back in.
Something about it was too vulnerable for it to be hate sex. You tried not to feel it, tried not to let him scrape away at the wall you built so carefully around yourself. You built the wall for him, built it to shield yourself from what he is and what would inevitable catch up to him. It was selfish but you didnt want to be there as he decended further into hell. Couldnt bear to see shy tears fall from his eyes when he thought you were sleeping, the way his chest heaved in pain and the way he gulped down liquor like it was the only salvation, the only light that could reach him so far below.
You didnt want to watch him burn away in his pain, knowing there was not a damn thing you could do about it. So you cut your losses and left him behind. He wasnt a crazy ex, he never reached out to you or walked by your place. You knew how he was, he stalked his family. He knew their every move so when he didnt do the same to you- you felt pathetic and hurt. You felt like he didnt actually give a damn, he didnt really love you like he said through gritted teeth scooping you up with swaying drunk hands.
Not that he would remember saying those rush of words. If he had maybe you would have been worth stalking,
But you werent.
You ran into him, you were at a seedy club bobbing your head and drunk off your ass. You didnt have a lot of nights available to spend like this so you took advantage of it. Drinking and drinking until you were a sea of bliss.
Some guy came up and started to dance on you, you let him ignoring his hands until you felt them venture lower and lower. Your bliss was snatched away and you were scared. "I wanna see more" he whispered into your ear. You leaned away form him but found yourself slammed into his chest. Your fear crawled up into your throat and you stared desperately out at anyone hoping they would see.
No one did, you thought.
The man reached his hands up your dress, lacing his fingers around your underwear. "Stop" you gasped. That must have been the magic word because the man was gone behind you and replaced by someone familar, someone you loved. You immediately recognized the rough skin and the cologne of cigarettes and sweat. "Lets go, youve had enough" he low gravely voice said and you closed your eyes relieved.
You fell into his body and clung to him as he drug you gently out of the establishment with am arm protectively slung around your shoulder. He led you though dark winding hallways until you were outside, the winter night air nipped at your face. You tried to stand on your own, find your own way but you didnt. You took four steps away from him but found yourself turning around tears forming in your eyes.
He looked at you earnestly, with pain miserably bleeding from his eyes. He had his hands shoved in his pocket just looking at you. Not mad, not happy just looking. With a huff you ran back to him burying your face in his chest and sobbing.
He welcomed you in and wrapped his arms around you, holding you quietly as you cried. He buried his face in your hair and breathed in deeply, the scent hurt him reminding him of his loss. "Let me walk you home" he said and you shook your head.
"No I dont want to go home" you cried almost clawing at his shirt trying to find a way to sink yourself deeper into him.
Dabi sighed and looked down at you. He had missed you so much. He still kept the match buring in his hand in case you were to ever come back. Pathetically stoking the small flame. He hated that he was willing to wait. Hated how obstinate you were. Hated that you wouldnt come back, even as he held you now in his arms you werent his. He didnt blame you though, why would you come back to someone like him.
Someone so ugly.
He always told the others "my girls an angel" he would give them a wicked smile implying what he meant was sexual but thats not how he meant it at all. He thought you were a real time angel, a gift from whatever god above sent down. You werent a gift to him though. If anything you were his punishment from god. He could only watch you at a distance, heart bleeding over his feet. Blood pouring out and down him.
He would ache and bleed for you, you would be someone elses gift.
He fucked you now like he had something to prove. Railed you from behind to remind you how good he could make you feel. He knew you remembered. He could tell by the way you moaned, your eyes lazily, droopy and fucked out.
He loved you like that.
He loved you.
"Touya" you panted and he hissed the name once again foreign to his ears. "Im goanna cum, Im goanna cum" you moaned. Your body tensed up against him. You pushed your ass into his hips sinking him deeper inside of you. He grunted feeling a surge of pleasure rack his body as his dick bottomed out. "Fuck" he cussed. He was starting to come to an end but he didnt want to, no, he had to finish you off first.
He slowed his pace and slowly rolled his hips against you, grinding himself deeper and deeper. You cried out, tightening and tightening. He knew you were about to crash, the way you chanted his name and grabbed at his arm. "Faster, faster" you begged.
He shook his head. " no baby" he leaned down cooing into your ear. "It will take a few extra seconds but you'll fucking cum, I'd never let my girl go without." You groaned and he smiled painstakingly working himself into you.
Your legs started to kick and shake, you breathe rapid, moans sweet and desperate. "Touya baby, I love you oh my god I love you" you cried into the bed and he almost froze, choking on your words.
He was stunned, you never said that when you were together. Neither of you had but now you say it piss drunk and fucked out. His pace quicked and below him you celebrated screaming and gushing all over him. He slammed away at you. 'If you love me why did you leave me, if you love me why did you leave me' he thought. He laid his eyes on you and snatched your hair into his hands yanking your head back, a throaty moan leaving your lips, your body puddy from cumming.
He was fucking you really hard now. Stern and steady. You couldnt even moan just whine completely helpless beneath him. His sudden aggression taking you off guard but also turning you. You felt another orgasm build up inside you "touya" you whispered not able to build up your actual voice. "Fuck, fuck, fuck. Fucking take it" he spit. The hand that wasnt yanking on your hand grabbed a handful of your ass. He lasted for a couple more thrusts before he slammed his hips into you one last time and releasing everything into you with a choked moans. "F-fuck" he sighed gently rocking himself back and fourth savouring the pleasure that washed over him. He closed his eyes and when he opened them back up- you were drunkly smiling at him. "What?" He groaned sliding himself out of you and sitting on the bed lowkey watching his cum drip out of you. "Nothing" you smiled stretching out like a cat and crawling towards him curling up comfortably in his lap, your head resting on his chest. His face hardened watching you. Things were so easy with you, so natural. He hated you for leaving, for ruining everything for... you never told him the reason. One day you came moping into his apartment and said you couldnt do it anymore then walked out. Perfectly erasing him from your life like the penciled in mistake he was, he always had been.
His emotion swirled inside of him, swelling and swelling until it was a tsunami of rage ready to sweep through you and destroy you.
Until he looked down at your face.
Until his pissed blue eyes looked down at you bittersweet face, tears welling up quietly in the corners of you e/c eyes. His rage got swept under the rug and instead of bashing your head in he leaned down and kissed your lips again. Sweetly, desperately. He wanted you to feel him. You gasped under his lips tears streaming down your face. Dabi winced feeling a few of his own drain down his face. "I love you" he grunted and you only sobbed more.
You shook your head and put your hands on his chest gently pushing him away. "I cant do this" you said frantically. His heart dropping at your words. He never let his face show it instead he stared up at you for a second before sighing and getting up. He slipped his boxers on and headed out to the kitchen lighting a cigarette on his little gas stove. You trailed after and past him, fully clothed and headed for the door.
He crossed his arms and leaned against the counter smoking his cigarette and trying to keep his cool. He was going to let you leave, let you walk away again. Let you stake his heart and take it from his body again. Gladly he would let you though because you were his light, his love you were his-
"Angel" he said roughtly aloud. You froze at the door "do not fucking mock me right now" you spit and he put his hands up. "I wasnt baby, I wasnt" he wanted to be rough on you but suddenly he was to tired. He wanted to lay back down on the bed the two of you destroyed and smell you scent until it left again.
"You were!" You yelled.
"No I fucking wasnt!" He shouted back much louder a d stronger. Making you flinch
Dabi sighed and placed the cigarette in his mouth holding it between his teeth, walking over to the coach were a pair of his black jean laid strewn over the cushions.
Normally you wouldnt get this upset at him, normally you would just have told him to fuck off and leave but you stayed, yelling at him over nothing.
"Look" his voice altered by the cigarette "if yore goanna fuck off again then fuck off again but if youre goanna stay" he sighed and took the cigarette out of his mouth, flicking the ash onto the beat up wooden floor. "Then stop yelling at me and get the fuck over here" he said his voice wavering at the end, his vulnerability oozing from his tone.
You froze staring at him.
You tough guy act came crashing down and you ran back into his arms crying some more and more. He squeezed you tight resting his chin on your head. "Stop runnin from me" he said lowly hating the way if felt to be so open, like ripping skin off. Shedding layer of protective layer. His only armor.
"Youre just going to burn up and blow away" you cried stepping away from him again. He cocked his eyebrows in confusion. " the fuck that mean?" He spit and you threw your arms up. "Youre going to chase your fucking family to the grave. You'll do it to you'll ruin him, just like youve talked about and at the expense of what touya?" You said.
He tsked and turned his head, crossing his arms. He knew the answer, accepted it a long time ago. "At the expense of yourself" you finally said "At the expense of us"
Dabi grunted "my goals are a little more important then some stupid fuck, some dumbass "relationship" he spit immediately regretting the words. When he saw your shoulders sag he knew that was it.
You sighed and shook your head reaching for the door knob.
"Y/N fucking wait" he sighed but you shook your head and walked out, back out into the cold from whence you came. He didnt want you to walk home alone. Not this late at night, not in the dark but he had no energy to move. Instead he slumped into his room and colapssed onto his bed breathing deeply in, serenading his broken heart with your scent.
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oh-its-souichi · 1 year
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high tide and low tide in great britain. photographs by michael marten
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oh-its-souichi · 1 year
Orochimaru x Reader
- I had this idea and typed it in a rush, its pretty vague but 😅 hope ya'll like it-
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Losing you was agony.
Watching you die was torment
The way you bled out before him, you gentle eyes never once leaving his face. You were smiling at him, you werent happy, though. It wasn't a smile of joy but one of pity. Pity because you knew what was going to happen once you left him.
Orochimaru stared down at you with baited breaths and a searing pain in his chest. "What can I do!" He yelled for the first time since he was a child feeling true panic, true fear. "Y/N what do I do!" He screamed. You tenderly reached your hand to him, collecting what little strength you had left for the gesture. He turned his head and slammed his fist on the wall. "You were always weak, it disgusting how fucking weak you are!" He screamed involuntary tears flooding out of his eyes, he felt intoxicated, things around him becoming less and less real with each slow breath you took. He flipped around to look at you, to continue beraitment, but your hand was dropped and your eyes empty, inanimate.
He sighed, the breath shakey and unsure like the reality he now inhabited now that the frame of his life had gone. He collapsed down onto his kness and brought his hands to his head, twisting his fingers into his long black hair, gripping the strands tightly to somehow elevate the overwhelming pain washing over him.
He stared at your dead face and sobbed. He didn't want to love you. Never intended to lean on you so heavily, but he did. The two of you had met as children. At a spring festival, you were prancing around admiring all of the flowers. He came across you and was revolted by your happiness, disgusted by the pure smile you flashed him. He fell for it though, and you snaked your way closer to him, sinking your fangs into his neck. He loved you. He wanted to protect you. You were the fiber that made up the last string of his humanity.
Now you lie dead before him, your beautiful hair spilled out around you, and that gracious smile gone, replaced by the ugly stench of death. He started dragging himself towards you. "I'll fix you," he sniffled. "I'll fix you." Collecting your limp body into his arms he walked off deeper into the dark forest.
That was ten years ago. He was a grown adult now. A different person. Orochimaru walked calmly down the stone hallway to the room at the end of it, closing the door gently behind him.
This room, in comparison to the rest, was dauntingly beautiful. There were flowers and plants everywhere, the smell of life in the air. It was more vegetation than structure, and at the center of it all was you, floating gracefully in a preservation capsule.
He approached the tank and painfully smiled. "My love," he seethed. "It will work this time, i know it." There was hesitation in his voice, and he lowered his eyebrows in pain. "Will you still look at me as you did once you realize what I am?" he said, wondering for a second if he was making the right decision.
A knock sounded at the door, and he no longer held that thought. Kabuto opened the door carrying a girl into the room. "Where would you like her, my lord?" He asked, and Orochimaru gestured to the table at the far side of the room, and he complied, laying her gently down.
"I am going to merge them in the tank, a gusion of such." Orochimaru and Kabuto turned his head curious at his masters sudden willingness to share. "Oh?" Kabuto replied "This girl is still living, wont the fusion bring about a hybrid of the two?"
Orochimaru flashed his eyes at him, shaking his head. "No, to simplify, I'll remove the parts of that girls brain that involves emotions of personality, so it does not interact with hers." He said, looking again back to you. Kabuto nodded. "I suppose we should get started then, if I may, my lord." Kabuto slid open the drawers attached to the operating table, admiring the blade of the scalpel he removed. Orochimaru did not stop him, noticing an anxiousness blossoming in his chest.
After the operation, Orochimaru turned off the lights to your room and closed the door. Locking it behind him. He would not know how the fusion worked for a year. Your body needed time to regulate and get used to its own amenities. The months that proceeded left like a slow march through the desert. He busied himself with a side quest, finding news things and people to occupy his mind, but when the day came, he found himself running down the hallway and throwing open the door.
He flicked the lights on and rushed to your tank. He placed his hands on the glass and looked anxiously to you. Your eyes were open, and you were looking around, your eyes finally meeting his after moments of searching.
A gentle smile came to your face, and you reached out to him. He found himself returning the expression. "Welcome back, my love," he hissed, typing the coordinates in to unlock you from your cage.
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oh-its-souichi · 1 year
Marry, Part 2
Sakuna x Reader
The walk to him felt like a death march. The closer you got to the room he occupied the heavier the air got, it krept down your throat like fingers scratching and suffocating the softest parts of you. You weren't ready to face him yet. Werent ready to pathetically respond to whatever he had to say to you. You imagined the way his smiled, his sharp shark toothed grin, his nails were sharp to. You wondered if there was still the blood of the other girls underneath his fingernails and if your blood was bound to rest there too.
To your dismay, you came to a sliding door, the color a peaceful brown. "Remember," you maid hushed. "He likes a quiet woman, strong yet docile. Dont talk much, but respond when you see fit, least you want to join the other mangled girls." You nodded her eyes, locking onto yours. There was a hint of desperation just as there had been in your fathers. "I will do well" you said gently resting your hand on her shoulder. She nodded and knocked lightly at the door. "Our lord, I have brought y/n, may we enter?" She said her voice beautiful and calm the panic you saw vacating her body. There was a long silence before there was a loud knock.
Your maid slid open the door, and you braced yourself for the horrorshow you were about to walk into. You expected to see Sakuna surrounded by gutted and sorrowful bodies sitting on a thrown of viscera and bones, a disgusting smile on his face. You followed your maid into the room and were shocked by what your eyes saw.
It was a beautiful room, dark brown wood, and an open window looking out to the garden. The room was the very meaning of peace, simple and beautiful. Sakuna sat at a low table in a leaf green robe looking like a regular man, not a monster. You hated he dared dressed like a person, and found yourself pissed at the fact he wasn't clothed like the bloody, dirty animal he was.
You stood before him bowing with your maid. "Leave us," he said, and your maid, your lifeline, quickly vacated your side, leaving you ungrounded and alone. Her lack of presence left a silence with made Sakuna snicker. "My wife," he said with his low poison voice. "Thank you for inviting me, my lord, I am happy to be in your presence," you said bowing down, feeling like a dog. "Sit before me, women," he said, and you complied. Organizing yourself neatly at the table, careful to look perfect, careful not to meet his eyes. "This room is lovely. All the rooms in the temple are though," you spoke. You felt blood boil in your cheeks, the heat quickly cooling to fearful ice when you heard his bemused chuckle. "What a waste of time. This small talk does not suit you." He said smooth and calm, but underneath his tone, you felt the lash.
Your head snapped up, and in a lapse of judgment, you felt yourself speaking. "Im sorry, my lord, but I haven't the slightest clue how to speak to you. You're untouchable, a god, with mere humans as wives. I know not what gods chat about at breakfast, " you said, motioning to the table in front of you. After your words left you so did your passion and raw fear settled back into your stomach. You knew he would kill you, with the way he stared at you wide-eyed and a smile plastered onto his strangely handsome face you knew he had sentenced you
You did not waver, though. If these were to be your last moments, you would not spend them quivering and stammering. Instead, you locked eyes with him and smiled gently. "So please excuse me for wasting your time, my husband." You finished, the smile wiping off of his face.
His expression was blank as he hooked one sharp black nail under your chin, gently raising it to better meet his gaze. With one of his other arms, he slammed it into the wood table, slitting it in half and effectively sending shards of wood bulleting around the room. Some sunk into your legs and knees, but you did not remove your eyes from his, keeping your pain for another time. He snaked forward, his face inches from yours. You noticed how carefully he eyed you, the murderous gaze you saw before gone and replaced with something unreadable. You felt his third hand move up your shoulder and fiddle with something in your hair, a golden pin. He removed it, and all your hair cascaded down, just as he had done the day he murdered the others.
He stared at you seconds more before seeming to disappear from in front of you. He left you bleeding on the floor it wasnt until your maid came rushing in did you realize how bad your injuries were.
"Dont move. There are others coming," she rushed, sinking to your side. You stared at her dumbfounded, batting your eyes at her words. "What do you mean?" You croaked a sudden wooziness hitting you.
"Our lord accidentally severed the artery in your wrist when he broke the table. How are you still alive? What did you say to him to make him angry?" You looked down, noticing the jagged gash up your arm and piece of wood sticking out of your wrists and legs. In the moment, you had felt nothing but seeing all the blood you were taken over by an intense pain. A calm older man entered the room and your maid looked back. "Her wrist is broken as well, theres extreme swelling" she rushed and the doctor held up his hand.
You dont remember much after that. Your vision turned to a fishbowl of swirls, and you succumbed to sudden blackness soon after.
He hadn't meant to hurt you. Sure, he wanted to tear your head from your stick of a neck, but in that moment, he didn't want to hurt you, or borderline kill you. Something came over him when you spoke to him again, "My husband," he heard your voice echo in his head. He stared down at you, now hands twitching to wrap themselves around your neck and squeeze until your eyes popped, but he just didn't. Just as he "just didn't" let you die when he noticed how badly you were bleeding. He almost didnt to caught up in the way you looked at him. You didn't look at him like a monster but like a person. He hated that the most because a monster is what he was and loved being.
Now he stared down at you, lying peacefully in your bed. You had become more blanched in your face, the lively color it had radiated before all but drained. He cringed at the thought.
He had thought a lot of you since the first night he met you
He paused staring at them a moment. When you were first dropped off at his temple you were tremmbling. He asked who you were and what you wanted. "I am Y/N from the Gojo Clan" you bowed your head to him speaking in a voice pure as the sky. "The elders said we are married"
He smirked and jumped down off of the porch of the temple to get on your level. He snaked around you, bore his eyes into you. He wanted you to squirm, writhe, die. Your eyes stayed on the ground in front of you. "Are you scared?" he hissed. "No," you said, and he stopped looking down at you, taken off guard. "No? Why is that?" He took a deep breath in and raised your head.
You reached your timid hands up and cupped his face. You looked up at him with wide, innocent eyes and spoke in a shaken voice, a voice he found himself not minding. "You're my husband," you spoke. In that moment, he was furious. He wanted to chop you into tiny pieces and spread you around the mountain for the animals to eat.
You had leveled the playing field for a second, made him feel less of a god and more of a man. He slapped your hand away and turned away from you. Pissed at the pounding in his chest. His hands didn't lift against you, though he just left you out in the cold until he sent a maid out to fetch you if you had survived the night. To his shagrin, you did.
It never occurred to him why he took up so many wives. He didn't care for the company, and the idea of having an heir was foolish. Why have something that would only come for your throne in the end. Each person that came in, though, there was a small glimmer of hope in his chest that there would be something, what that something is was a mystery to him.
You started to stir in your sleep, and he eyes you for a few careful seconds before turning and leaving the room.
You didn't know how long you slept or how long you stayed in your half asleep daze of consciousness. There were a lot of people in and out of your room, tending to your stitches or spooning food into your mouth. You saw your maid every once in a while, and some nights you swore when you opened your eyes, you saw him standing beside you. Those moments brought you no confort, though. To be next to him was a nightmare. One day, you had faded back into reality, and all the people you had seen before went away. Your maid sat by your bedside now and eyed you suspiciously. "He has been taking very good care of you, pink," she called you, having earned the nickname from the color you wore. She said she didn't like learning the names of the wives because they always died in the end, so "what is the damn point?" You looked over at ber and nodded. "I dont remember much of anything that has gone on," you said, your voice weaker than you expected. "He has sent doctors to tend to you. I've never seen one of his wives eat so well, Im terrified, " she chuckled, scratching at the back of her neck. "He watched you like a hawk as well," she whispered, and your heart dropped in your stomach. He was like a snake coiling around you, but why was he tightening his grip?
You shrugged and tried to keep composed. "I am grateful he has done all he has, you said, and your maid nodded. Both of you knew the words that came out of your mouth were bullshit.
A few days later, you felt strong enough to walk again. Allegedly, you had lost a lot of your blood, most of it, in fact. So when you couldn't immediately walk, you were surprised.
Today, though, you maid walked with you out to the garden. For being such an evil shit, Ryomen Sakuna had a beautiful garden. Roses and hydrangeas, lilies and bleeding hearts. You didn't recognize half of what he had. There was a pond as well, filled with fat red koi fish, lotus and lily pads. It was a haven.
The two of you found a place under the shade of a tree near the pond and sat in silence with 6 enjoying the warmth of the day. A few of the other wives floated around beautifully, and you couldn't help but admire the wife who was always dressed in black and red. "They call her wife number one," your maid said. "Is she the favorite?" You asked, resting your head on your knee, careful not to stare at the girl. "That's what the word is amongst the other wives, but who knows, I've never seen her in his bedchamber," she said, wiggling an eyebrow at you, you blushed. "Oh god," you smiled and looked away. "What a nightmare that would be" you sighed and she laughed loudly "well with the path your on you may find yourself there one day" she said and the smile dropped from your face. You hid the shift in your mood by turning your head away. "God bless me, I suppose" you sighed again.
You directed your eyes up to the clear blue sky noticing in the distance, in the direction of your village a few fluffy clouds bouncing calmly alone. Your mind went quirt at that time and you felt, for the first time in awhile, okay. The boiling fear and anxiety that melted away at you subsided, for the moment at least.
"They are coming this way," you heard your maid say, and you snapped back to the present. "They dont look happy," she hissed. You looked around, finally spotting two wives and their maid walking to you, a face of calm wrath on each of their faces. You quickly stood and bowed. "Im happy to meet your-" you started but was quickly cut off. "Shut it." The red wife said, her face not matching the tone of her voice, like a mask. "Hes spent all his time on you, are you trying to get the rest of us fucking killed?" She said. You shook your head. "That's not my intent at all, I apologize. Please forgive me for my carelessness." You spoke, wanting to lunge forward and rip her eyes out. You maid stood beside you and bowed. "we have no control over Lord Sakunas' actions, as you know, please keep this in mind." she said. "We all want to live"
The red wife stared down at your maid, her mask slipping, exposing a vile, terrified face. "I will do just that." She said. Before you could react, you felt a sharp pain in your gut before you were drowing in heavy laps of water, the sound of yelling muffled above you. The water wasn't that deep, but for some reason, you couldn't seem to find your footing. Small red streams ribboning up around you caught your attention, and with the sounds and sights muffled you, though, you might like to stay here.
A strong hand reached below the syrface and yanked you out of your water womb and back into the stinging sunlight, though. On the surface, you became keenly aware of the throbbing from the side of your head and the stitching of your wounds. Shocked, you stared agape at Sakuna, who stared just the same back. He looked you over and for a second looked genuinely shocked.
You looked like a soaked terrified dog staring up at him, your beautiful dress soaked with blood and water, heavy like tarp on skin. The side of your head was matted with blood and hair, and he noticed the stitching on your arms busted and bleeding. He imagined what infection might be gathering there as he stared at you and his mind festered.
He had been standing in his tea room watching you out the window, he had been avoiding you, watching closely from a distance. He watched you speak with your maid, curious what made you smile the way you were.
He watched the other wives march up to you, and after what seemed to be a brief exchange of words, you were struck and then kicked into the pond.
At first, he just laughed and manically laughed, but before he knew it, he was seething and storming down the hallway until he found himself staring down at you. "My my ladies, what seems to be the problem?" He said his tone, lacking its usual flow. It was clanky, his anger seeping through.
The women who kicked you started to ramble on "she attacked me, I had to fight back" blah blah blah. He hated a fickle women, as she was but what he also hated most was liars.
He snatched the woman up into his hand and sunk his fingers into her neck. You tremmbled and turned your head when her jugular popped. "Go get cleaned up," he said, and you nodded, not daring to look at his face, just slunk away clinging to your maid.
That made him feel... shitty so shitty in fact he slammed the nearly dead women to the ground and sulked off to his room not bothering to watch her die.
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oh-its-souichi · 1 year
Im reblogging this because! Part 2 is almost done 🙏🏼
Sakuna Ryomen X Reader
Warning- violence, forced marriage, the works, bad grammar/spelling probably??
This is the series Im rewriting
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It was something of a sick joke that brought you together. A forced marriage for some sacrifical reason that will save the village... blah blah blah. You didnt listen to any of the reasons the elders of the village spewed out at you. You sat on the wooden floor staring at them, your father silently weeped in the background, the only family you had.
"We will bring you to his temple and after that you are forbidden to come back. If you try to escape him, hell will rage down on our people, YOUR people" the old man said "remember that"
You were scared, tremmbling internally but you kept your head held high, if it wasnt for your sake then your fathers. He had begged and pleeded with the elder but they shooed him away until finally you dropped your hand on his shoulder and smiled. "It will be okay" you whispered and his eyes hardened.
As you took a carriage to the mountain top you still saw the look in his eyes. The gazes diamond quality cutting into you easily. Alone in the carriage you allowed yourself to be scared, sobbing neatly to yourself fighting the urge to jump out of the moving carriage and be with your father again. Even if it was just for a moment, a quick hug before they executed you, a traitor to the village.
As the carrage tremmbled to a hault you quickly composed yourself. You had heard of Ryomen Sakuna, heard of what he had done to his other girls, his other wives in the temple ontop of the mountain. The doors swung open and you were ushered out by a boy from your village. It seemed as soon as your feet touched the ground they were flying back down the mountain. Repelled by the stench of the place. You were left in the dark the lowly lit temple stalked behind you.
The air around you was heavy and dark. Though there was no one around you- you felt a presence seething and evil enfolding you, haunting you, like a ghost in your bedroom. You heart lurched up in your throat and you bowed your head trying to contain your tremmbling.
"Who are you?" A dark voice boomed behind you. It made you jolt and screech, it was inhuman for a moment until you saw its owner. Flaming pink hair and a stance so unnaturally powerful your voice stuttered... for a second at least. " My name is y/n from the Gojo clan down below the mountain." You said confidently. Sakuna eyed you, lapping his fox eyes up and down your body. He stepped down the wooden stairs, a smug look on his face. "That dosent explain why you are here" You tremmbled as he closed the distance between the two of you, his aura was uncomfortable like panting hot breathe. It suffocated you.
He was standing in front of you now, hoovering over you. He hooked a sharp fingernail underneath your chin and brought your eyes to his. "I-I'm your wife." You faultered and he scoffed. "Not so brave now" he whispered. His eyes calmly studied your face, quiet, the forest and it creautres seemingly silencing their activities to make your experience as awful as possible. The silence drilled into your skull, a sticky panic ebbed and flowed in your chest. You wanted to dry heave, throw up and gasp for air. Claw at his face and roll down the mountain. Maybe a fluffy bear would take mercy on you, finding himself a nice snack in the woods.
"Youre scared" Sakuna seethed in your ear, like a snake his tone pestering you like a fly. "You should be" he spoke lowly.
You didnt react just froze there as he slithered around you, toying with you.
You gathered what pathetic, small bits of strength you had left. "Im not" you whispered turning your head away from him. Sakuna was taken back but the sharp toothed grin quickly returned to his mouth. He inched his face closer to yours "you not?" He said almost mockingly.
You took a deep breathe in, gathering your nerves like broken glass from the floor. You gently cupped your hands around his face and smiled. "Because you are my husband" you said softly. His eyes widened and you felt your hands slapped away.
Your life as one of Sakuna's wives started that night. He didnt say a word to you, just led you into the tenple and then disapeared. A young female servant rushed to meet you and led you to your room. She gave you blankets and a change of clothes, giving you a brief tour of your immediate area. "Dont leave this hallway" she warned before scurring away.
You didnt sleep that night, just rolled around in your blankets and silently cried.
The next morning you would be met by the same servent that had helped you. She ushered you out of bed and helped you get dressed. She drapped a pink and white kimono over your body and tied it tightly in the back. Fussing to herself. "To the vanity" she mummbled pointing to the large vanity that sat on the far left wall of your room.
She did your hair there, pinning it up and decorating it with flower broaches and dangling white string.
She powdered your face and applied a modest of blush and mascara.
When she stepped out of your way you didnt recognize yourself. You stared in shock at your reflection. "Our Lord Sakuna likes his wife to be as flowers." She stepped in front of you and knelt down dropping her eyes to yours. They were dark and melting like honey. "Dont wilt" she said tapping you on the nose.
You blinked in suprise, silent to her words. She smiled at you popping back up and turning her back to you. "Please follow me for breakfast" she said simply.
Living in the temple gave you migranes.
Pouding headaches that came on when you were about to fall asleep at night. They plagued you for the first three wekks of your new life. In that time you never saw Sakuna, just you servant and sometimes a peek of the other wives in the garden in the center of court yard. They were beautiful and graceful like swans, light and airy. Their long sleeves and their proper smiles. You would be entranced by then when you walked by the window looking out, you felt like a different class, a rat amongst butterflies. Sakuna was never out with them. One morning while getting ready you cautiously asked your attendent why he never came around. "Lord Sakuna doesnt like his wives. He prefers not to be around them" you nodded and played with the fabric of your sleeve. 'Then why was I taken from my village' you thought feeling pissed.
Those feelings of anger and frustration boiled within you, staining every part of you. Every hour you spent in your room, every second you walked up and down the same hallway ate at you. The same thought repeating in your mind 'why am I here then? Why am I here?'
More days passed, more weeks. Finally one day you and the rest of the girls were brought to an area of the temple you had never been before. It was a wide open room, with dark wood floors and dark wood walls. It was truly beautiful. The dark brown mingling with the bright red of the woods edges.
You were absolutely captivated at the craftsmanship. Until Sakuna walked in.
Your eyes snapped to his hulking presence, his horrific body exuding an aura you thought could only be had in tales. It was so extraordinaryly evil you thought it unreal.
He was wearing a robe that was loosley fitting blue pants, his upper body fully exposed. He was muscular, each one of his four arms, his torso a weapon in its own right. You felt a jolt through you body and you felt so terribly terrified.
His many eyes looked over all the other girl, their intent undetectible. "Line up ladies" he said and a snarl of a smile played on his lips. Some of the other wives threw the others to the ground trying to get a spot at the front of the row. You however stayed at the end hoping to stay undetected, just like you were holed up in your room.
Sakuna watched everyone fall in line stepping pleased to see the sheer volume of women he had. "21 of you now?" He mused, you felt frightened to the fact you were the one at the end of thag 20. That he acknowledged your presence here at the temple. "Seems Ive gotten ahead of myself, you see I dont possibly have the need for 21 wives." He smiled and the air went stale. The rummbling of everyones anxiety shocked the air, the unrest made your teeth chatter.
"Shut the doors please" he said and a looming feeling came over you. You dont know why but you locked your eyes directly in front of you, not daring to move or look away. There were screams beside you, horrible squelchs and the scuffle of feet. You heard women pleading and a laugh so revolting it sounded like annihilation.
You blocked it out, letting the sounds suround you but not enter your ears, you didnt want them to touch you. In fear that the closer the screams got to you meant the closer you were to echoing them.
Eventually though he would step into your view covered in blood, tremmbling with joy. He hooked a sharp black fingernail under your chin and tilted your head up. Your eyes swallowed by his. "My wife" he grinned and you remained silent allowing his eyes to look you over, pick you apart.
"Hmm" he hummed curiously pulling out the pin that held your hair up, watching as your hair cascaded down your shoulder. The softness of the gesture shocked you, especially with the remaining scream of the dying women bleeding out on the floor.
In all he would kill 16 of his wives, shooing you and the others back to your part of the temple, shaking and clinging to eachother. "Am I really alive" "why has he done it" a few of them whispered once out of Sakunas range. You paced behind them wishing you could cling to someones arm as well. Wishing to feel the body heat of another human being. But the four girl had already found their half, you were the odd one out, the one at the end of the 20.
"Sakuna has requested you" your maid said popping suddenly into your room. You were groggy from sleep, thinking it was a dream. "He wants to see me?" You asked and your maid nodded. "Yes. Now get up. He dosent like to be left waiting."
She rushed you along your morning routine. Fussing at you while she combed your hair. "You need to brush your hair more and sleep in a braid. Look at all these knots" you said ripping the brush through your hair. You smiled sheepishly tears pricking at the corner of you eyes.
She did this most mornings, you didnt mind. Today though the pressure seemed to be on. She spent extra time on your hair and makeup. Your dress seeming a bit more fancy then usual as well. She straightened out your kimono and stood up brushing her hair back. "You will have breakfast with our lord" she sighed. Her eyes wandered behind her, checking for something and when that something wasnt found she stepped closer to you, lowering her voice. "If you want to survive you need to do exactly as I say and dont mutter a word to the others." She whispered, her eyes raised to yours and you hesitated at their intensity. You nodded and she continued. "This is the final countdown. Our lord is finally looking to settle. Thats why he massacred the others." You knitted your eyebrows in confusion. "Hes looking to settle?" You questioned lowly and she sighed again. "Lord Sakuna will finally settle with one wife. This is his process of elimination, the final stretch. I never thought it would happen, theres been so many women, so many bodies.." she said trailing off her eyes turning blank and for a second seemed to be remembering something. "Until you came here and things changed. Maybe its just a coincidence... its probably a coincidence." She eyed you dangerously now. "If you want to live you need to do everything I say. You have to get him to choose you." She said and you nodded feeling your heart rate pick up. "I will mold you into his perfect wife."
On your walk together to Sakuna she explainrd that Sakuna preferred quiet girls. "He likes girls that will bow to him but do not mistake that he prefers docile girls. He like a stubborn streak just not to stubborn. Be neat and composed. Hes looking for a queen, be worthy of that crown." You nodded feeling like a nervous wreck. Your hands were sweating and your stomach churned, for a second you thought maybe it would be best to fall short of his expectations, let him execute you and release you from this bird cage but you thought of your father and thought better of it.
She led you down the hallway and back into the beautiful dark wood room, the room he ravaged the other girls, the ones he didnt want. There was no stains on the floor, the sound and the smell were gone, like it was a dream. The girls missing presence reminded you that is was not.
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oh-its-souichi · 1 year
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vibes inspired by the fic with the intent to be lost
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oh-its-souichi · 2 years
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JJK x CSM Trio
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