onetwistedmiracle · 2 days
you think THIS was getting into the weeds, just wait until they also invite a Rabbi!!!
vampire who’s married to an archaeologist voice: my love, stop trying to carbon date me
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onetwistedmiracle · 2 days
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onetwistedmiracle · 2 days
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The Canadians are coming in hard
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onetwistedmiracle · 6 days
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Why are we focusing on GenZ?
4 million turn 18 every year so 16 million GenZ adults became eligible to vote since Biden beat Trump in 2020
GenZ registration is lower than previous generations because Covid interrupted many registration drives
GenZ is the most progressive generation in history - especially young women whose lives have been transformed by Republican abortion bans
When they register, GenZ votes at the same rate as older voters
When GenZ activists sign up, we teach them how to find their unregistered friends with SwipeBlue.
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Then we help them send a friendly text to check their registration - and register if needed.
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When their friends click on democracy.us they can instantly check their registration by simply typing their phone number and year of birth.
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If their friend isn't registered, we link them to their state's registration website.
Please forward this email to every progressive GenZ activist you know.
Thanks for all you do!
Bob Fertik, President Democrats.com
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onetwistedmiracle · 12 days
A Twitter Thread from David Bowles:
[Text transcript at the end of the screenshots]
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I'll let you in on a secret. I have a doctorate in education, but the field’s basically just a 100 years old. We don’t really know what we’re doing. Our scholarly understanding of how learning happens is like astronomy 2000 years ago.
Most classroom practice is astrology.
Before the late 19th century, no human society had ever attempted to formally educate the entire populace. It was either aristocracy, meritocracy, or a blend. And always male.
We’re still smack-dab in the middle of the largest experiment on children ever done.
Most teachers perpetuate the “banking” model (Freire) used on them by their teachers, who likewise inherited it from theirs, etc.
Thus the elite “Lyceum” style of instruction continues even though it’s ineffectual with most kids.
What’s worse, the key strategies we’ve discovered, driven by cognitive science & child psychology, are quite regularly dismissed by pencil-pushing, test-driven administrators. Much like Trump ignores science, the majority of principals & superintendents I’ve known flout research.
Some definitions:
Banking model --> kids are like piggy banks: empty till you fill them with knowledge that you're the expert in.
Lyceum --> originally Aristotle's school, where the sons of land-owning citizens learned through lectures and research.
Things we (scholars) DO know:
-Homework doesn't really help, especially younger kids.
-Students don't learn a thing from testing. Most teachers don't either (it's supposed to help them tweak instruction, but that rarely happens).
-Spending too much time on weak subjects HURTS.
Do you want kids to learn? Here's something we've discovered: kids learn things that matter to them, either because the knowledge and skills are "cool," or because .... they give the kids tools to liberate themselves and their communities.
Maintaining the status quo? Nope.
Kids are acutely aware of injustice and by nature rebellious against the systems of authority that keep autonomy away from them.
If you're perpetuating those systems, teachers, you've already freaking lost.
They won't be learning much from you. Except what not to become. Sure, you can wear them down. That's what happened to most of you, isn't it? You saw the hideous flaw in the world and wanted to heal it. But year after numbing year, they made you learn their dogma by rote.
And now many of you are breaking the souls of children, too.
For what?
It's all smoke and mirrors. All the carefully crafted objectives, units and exams.
We barely understand the physical mechanisms behind MEMORY. But we DO know kids aren't empty piggy banks. They are BRIMMING with thought.
The last and most disgusting reality? The thing I hear in classroom after freaking classroom?
Education is all about capitalism.
"You need to learn these skills to get a good job." To be a good laborer. To help the wealthy generate more wealth, while you get scraps.
THAT is why modern education is a failure.
Its basic premise is monstrous.
"Why should I learn to read, Dr. Bowles?"
Because reading is magical. It makes life worth living. And being able to read, you can decode the strategies of your oppressors & stop them w/ their own words.
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onetwistedmiracle · 12 days
I love this so much. Now this is a parent who lets the kid choose their own clothes and doesn't feel threatened by it, make it about the parent, or feel the need to satisfy a single stranger's desires, assumptions or tropes.
I was just grocery shopping and for a while I was in line behind the peak possible combination of parent and child, here is my 1 minute recreation from memory
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onetwistedmiracle · 12 days
a rising tide lifts all boats
I genuinely believe that some people could encounter a button that says “if you push this button everyone in the world has the opportunity to live a better life and your life remains exactly the same” and they would not push it.
They’d be like “well that button’s not fair to me, though,” even though there’s literally no other buttons around and nothing newly bad would happen to them if the button was pushed.
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onetwistedmiracle · 12 days
I wonder if he is 6'5"
Do you think theres someone out there on this site who is completely non lgbt yet has all their identity written out in their bio in the format of someone with detailed microlabels
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onetwistedmiracle · 13 days
somehow, I had missed this one, and I am LOVING THIS
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"They looked pretty goddamn spectacular if Alex were being honest. Being fuckstruck was apparently endlessly becoming."
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‘Found a missing prince. Think I'll keep him.’
comm for '@trumanscollar' based on "I Knew You Were Trouble When You Walked In" aka 'the Equerry fic!' by '@DoeEyedGirlie'
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onetwistedmiracle · 13 days
this. yes. me too.
please be patient with me im from the 1900s
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onetwistedmiracle · 13 days
She's probably a feisty, hilarious 80-something who constantly cracks up the staff in the assisted living center where she lives, maybe in downtown Kansas City.
She has a Kirk poster on the wall and when the nurses ask her about it, she just cackles. And winks.
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Wonder how this queen is doing today
Edit: For those wondering, this is from a 70s nsfw sci-fi zine called "alien brothers" (more specifically, page 83). This little paragraph was right above a k/s smut fanfic written by this lady.
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onetwistedmiracle · 13 days
I... wow. I want to say I had no idea, because I didn't, but the truth is I still don't really have any idea.
I do know I'm donating again the next time I have ten spare bucks and all my utility bills are paid for the month.
The midjourney stuff just reminds of when we were trying to find a new platform to host the ao3 donation form, and companies kept trying to tell me about all their "ai" features that would track donor engagement, and figure out the optimal pattern to email individual donors asking for follow up donations, and all the ways they suggest we manipulate people into staying on our websites. It was a great way to filter out who either wasn't listening to us when we described our ethics and donor base, or just didn't believe us.
Now granted ao3 is a unique case based on a) the amount of page views we get in any given time period and b) the fact that most donors absolutely do Not want to be identified as such anywhere, (the default "list of recent donors" module got nuked Immediately) but it surprised me some that the concept of "donors who value their privacy and would be furious at even the whiff of AI" is unique. Some of us really are just existing in different worlds.
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onetwistedmiracle · 15 days
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Peak stupidity is how MAGA bond.
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onetwistedmiracle · 16 days
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my latest cartoon for New Scientist.
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onetwistedmiracle · 16 days
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via richardscarrylove
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onetwistedmiracle · 16 days
to answer two of those questions....
"Yeo, who began the project while Charles was still Prince of Wales, depicts the monarch wearing the uniform of the Welsh Guards..."
but i completely agree that he looks like he's bathed in blood.
the thing is the king charles portrait is genuinely incredible and exactly how I would execute a portrait of a member of the british royal family but also I literally cannot fathom why the british royal family would have it made
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onetwistedmiracle · 16 days
if voting didn't matter they wouldn't try so hard to stop you from doing it
This is the second time in my voting history that I’ve participated in flipping a red seat in Alabama for Democrats (the previous time being my beloved Doug Jones) so it’s always funny to see people turn around and say voting doesn’t matter when I’ve seen it twice in the past ten years flip seats in what is supposed to be safe Republican country. Republicans are digging their own grave with their radicalization and it is making them lose (and with your help we can make them lose harder). Vote.
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