oozmart · 2 days
oh my goodness, one of dian fossey’s first close up observations with gorillas happened when she was trying to climb a tree to see them better, but so badly that by the time she’d gotten up the entire group had come out of hiding to look at her: “Nearly all members of the group had totally exposed themselves, forgetting about hiding coyly behind foliage screens because it was obvious to them that the observer had been distracted by tree-climbing problems, an activity they could understand.”
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oozmart · 2 days
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Happy Pride Month!!!!!
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oozmart · 2 days
sometimes when a post about something psychological comes up I go to write my little quips in the tags until I realize im actually trauma dumping and I should stop before someone calls CPS on me even tho im 27
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oozmart · 2 days
there was backlash from homeschooling "parents rights" advocates in my area before because of a daycare teaching kids about consent...all they learned is that you don't have to accept unwanted physical intimacy. one scenario that happened is a parent told her toddler boy to kiss a toddler girl in class. toddler boy comes back and says that toddler girl didn't want a kiss. it turns out the kids were taught that you don't touch someone if they say "no". parents thought this was ridiculous. I felt crazy hearing them talk about it, why in the world would you be upset by kids respecting each others boundaries, and why are you asking your toddlers to kiss each other in the first place as if they're toys and not human beings?
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oozmart · 2 days
saw a house that sold for $80,000 in 2014 now going for $400,000. ten years later. We have to start killing
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oozmart · 2 days
It's funny how a silly fictional character can come into your life and then take over your entire brain chemistry
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oozmart · 2 days
texas gothic revival
Sometimes I just want to get on my hobbyhorse, which for about a year now has been the middle ages but surely will soon be something else. (Please hyperfixation gods, make it financial literacy.) Anyway, I meandered around the nation (online) in search of another opportunity to play another round of America Does Medieval. It took me a while for fortune to reward me but it finally did in the long-running McMansion Hell of Denton County, Texas.
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2007 McMansions are pretty rare and it's even rarer for them to have the original interiors. This one, clocking in at 5 beds, 6 baths, and almost 7200 square feet will set you back a reasonable $2.3 million. We complain a lot about the hegemony of gray these days, but this is hindsight bias. Longtime readers will recall that the color beige walked so gray could run, and this house is emblematic of that fact.
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It's...uncommon to see ordinary contractors try their hands at gothic arches and for all intents and purposes, I think this one did a pretty good job rendering the ineffable in common drywall. Credit where credit is due. Unfortunately the Catholic in me can't help but feel that this is the house equivalent of those ultra trad converts on Reddit who have Templar avatars and spend their days complaining about Vatican II.
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Sometimes I still get the ever-dwindling pleasure of seeing the type of room that has never before existed in human history and definitely won't ever exist again. Certain material conditions (oil, lots of it, a media ecosystem in which historical literacy is set primarily by cartoons, adjustable rate mortgages) brought this space into the world in a way that cannot be recreated organically. Let us marvel.
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Christ might need to be invoked should I choose to make a sweet potato casserole.
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You can tell that ornament is fabricated because they made precisely TWO of them that are IDENTICAL. You could have fooled us into thinking a craftsman did this by hand from local Texas marble (or whatever), but alas greed got in the way of guile.
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As someone who writes fiction on the weekends, I often feel the acute pain of having an imagination greater than my talent and an artistic vision detached from being able to effectively execute it. In this respect, this room speaks to me.
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RIP Trump btw. Don't know if y'all saw the news yet.
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I know a lot about medieval bathing for completely normal reasons (writing fiction, winning online arguments, stoned youtube binges)
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I feel like most of my forms of social adaptation as a person on the spectrum comprise of sneaking in my holy autistic interest du jour into conversations as subtly as I can manage. I'm doing it right now.
Okay, so, there were no rear exterior photos of this house because, having used every square inch of lot, the whole thing is smashed up against a fence and there is simply no way of getting that desired perspective without trespassing and that's a mortal risk in the state of Texas. So I'll leave you with this final room, the completely medieval in-home theater.
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That's all for now, folks. Stay tuned for next month, where we will be going down a cult compound rabbit hole in the Great Plains.
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Not into recurring payments? Try the tip jar! Student loans just started back up!
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oozmart · 2 days
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archers gloves vs digital artist gloves being opposite of one another
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oozmart · 2 days
Which Disney character has the best booty?
OMG !!!!! What a tough question!!!!!Maybe Tarzan …… Or naveen….
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oozmart · 2 days
Alright everybody
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oozmart · 2 days
Anon is autistic and wonders how many other people do or do not wear bras, considering the opinion of their parents.
We ask your questions so you don’t have to! Submit your questions to have them posted anonymously as polls.
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oozmart · 2 days
BREAKING: a bi-curious hot dog vendor at Yankee Stadium has posted a Spotify link.
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oozmart · 2 days
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oozmart · 2 days
I get my media recommendations the old fashioned way: by watching someone I follow on here go on an unhinged reblog spree of media related content until I eventually decide to go "alright, what's all this then"
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oozmart · 2 days
hey. don't cry. I went to Mad At You island and none of your friends were there :)
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oozmart · 2 days
i love being up early but i love being up late. and i love getting lots of sleep. what now.
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oozmart · 2 days
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🖤💜 Happy international asexuality day! 🖤💜🐀
Asexuality is the lack of sexual attraction to others, or low or absent interest in or desire for sexual activity 🖤💜
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