or-daisy · 2 months
best edit i ever done lol (more edit coming soon) ;3
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or-daisy · 2 months
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or-daisy · 2 months
you just can't mysteriously disappear for a significant length of time only to eventually turn up years later staggering down a highway covered in blood and dirt and muttering to yourself incoherently without ever actually explaining what happened to you during that time you went missing anymore
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or-daisy · 2 years
I'm sure I'll send you this…. but I was more asleep than awake, so I'm not even sure I wrote it right…. That's why I'm sending it to you again….
In an AU DPxDC When the anti-ecto laws were passed, Danny and his friends got worried and argued about them at school, where they were overheard by one of their classmates who is seeking to be a lawyer and mentions that the anti-ecto laws might be in conflict with the Metas protection laws…
Danny, Sam and Tuker check it out….
…well…remember all the chaos Sam and Tuker made over the Veggies vs Carnivores incident?…
Now imagine what would happen if the two work together…
In other news, the JL has learned of protests regarding a new law… what are these anti-ecto laws?… why did the government approve them?… and why did everything originate from a town that you didn't even know existed before?
JL: these are very obviously sentient life forms. *shows government a metric ton of scientific papers proving that they’re correct* (almost every paper has Jazz or Danny Fenton credited someway or another)
U.S. Government: I do not see
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or-daisy · 2 years
asexual activism is PART of sex positivity. education about asexuality is part of sex education. speaking openly about sex, defying repressive sexual norms, and encouraging people to be comfortable with and enjoy their "unconventional" sexual lives all needs to include the messaging that not wanting sex is fine and that saying "no" every time is not only acceptable but good if that's what you really want. asexuality is not the opponent of sex positivity, it's another arm of it.
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or-daisy · 2 years
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or-daisy · 2 years
Gotham is scary in a way that anyone and everything can kill you, from simply breathing to hearing laughter across the streets
Amity Park is scary in a way that anything and everything can happen but will never kill you, suffering and curses being the norm
One day a very unfortunate person happen to come across both locations in their life time and made the very poor choice of debating which one is the worse town/city online
the whole world inserted themself into the debate and only the brave (read: stupid) ones dared to experiences both for themselves
meanwhile both Amity and Gotham residents have the mutual agreement to get everyone out for three reasons.
They do not want these vultures poking in their city/town
They do not want their resident hero’s to meet because Phantom is a child that died and Batman is known to take in many batlings
There is a reason why their city/town is known for being “scary” for normal people and they need them out now before someone does something they shouldn’t
unfortunately, the rouges didn’t get the memo and take this comparison of their city/town personal
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or-daisy · 2 years
Jazz Fenton has done many things she regrets in her life and unfortunately she just added another to her list as she stares at the four members of the Justice League at her door. She had just gotten home from dealing with the consequences of her actions when her door bell rang and low and behold the Superman, Flash, Green latern (The first one she thinks) and Black Canary are standing at her door looking pissed and ready to fight
Okay so maybe she really shouldn’t have exposed the fact that her parents hunted ghosts to her friend but how was she to know that it would blow up after someone overheard her explaining everything and unfortunately that included the Ghost Zone and Danny being the Ghost King but to fair most or nearly all of amity park already knew (it was kinda hard not to when for weeks ghost kept challenging Phantom for the Ghost King title, it wasn’t hard to figure it out) so she thought it would be okay.
It wasn’t okay. AT ALL
Because as soon as it blew up that her parents tried to erase an entire species that were way more powerful than humans and to even continuously target the king of that realm even as he protected them from Ghosts (even if amity park knew most ghosts just wanted something to cure their boredom) her family became under fire
Her parents were first of course. They had all of there P.H.D’s taken away and were thrown in prison for reasons she wasn’t bothered to remember but than someone had released a video of her firing at Phantom (out of context of course, he was trying to improve her aim. It wouldn’t have even hurt him, they were just small stuns which at most would leave him with a bruise) and she was next (she had already tried multiple times to prove that she never hunted Phantom but people never believed her. They said she was just making excuses)
It started as People on the streets yelling at her about how ‘inhuman she could be’ and how ‘she was just like her parents’ which was fine she just ignored it and continued to study (she had a dream after all) and than she was kicked out of her college and her life started to fall apart. Her landlord had already given her a notice that she would have to find a new place at the end of the year as she would not be renewing the lease and every place she applied to were quick to decline her with snide comments
It had gotten even worse when just before she had seen the Justice League (almost every member. Wow was there a lot) say that they were trying to get into contact with the Ghost King to apologise and ask for an alliance (they had quickly gotten rid of the ecto-laws when they found them and most of the GIW were thrown in jail thankfully, the only good thing out of this whole thing) but they couldn’t get in contact with him. Apparently they were doing a gesture of good will to show and she had felt dread when almost five minutes after she heard her door bell ring which leaves her here staring at the four members of the justice league and only now she saw the handcuffs hanging from each of there hands
Now she normally didn’t swear but this was a situation where it was granted okay?
One of them (Green lantern maybe) raised his arm towards her and she felt a giant pressure around and against her body, she looked down to see a giant green hand holding her tight, a little too tight if the pain in her chest was anything to go by.
“Jasmine Fenton you are under-arrest as of now for conspiracy to eradicate another species as well as aiding and abetting the murder and torture of countless Ghosts” The girl said (It must have been Black Canary) her voice was firm but she could hear the anger behind her words. She was horrified, with those charges there was no doubt that she would get life in prison. Her parents had plead insanity as Vlad had told them to but there was now way she could or even try that approach, oh fuck would she get the death penalty?
Jasmine felt like her world was crashing down around her “No you don’t understand! I didn’t do any of that. That video was taken out of context please you have to believe me! I didn’t do anything I swear! I was helping Phantom! Please!” She started to cry out before she felt the hand around her tighten and she ended up screaming.
“That’s funny, that’s exactly what your parents said. They were trying to help Phantom. Let me guess, was he a abomination that needed to be destroyed at all costs or was it he was just a ecto-entity that was caused by the imprint of human emotions and destroying him was helping him move on and that he didn’t feel any emotions or pain at all?” She heard Flash snidely comment and noises of agreement from the other three
“There’s no use trying to create excuses now when your caught. You should have thought about that before deciding to try and kill and entire race of people” Superman spoke up from where he was floating above the ground “Now let’s get back we still need to track down her brother”
She froze, Brother? DANNY? THEY WERE AFTER DANNY?! Oh god why do the bad things always happen to them. She just hopes that Danny stays in the Ghost Zone so he doesn’t get caught, he wouldn’t even know what was happening, the hero’s had destroyed the portal in the basement so he was trapped until he found a natural portal or used Vlad’s but they were in a fight right now so she doubts he would risk willingly to run into Vlad.
Superman must have heard her heart rate spike because he turned to her and the question that she had been dreading since the few seconds she had to freak out “Do you know where your brother is? I will have you know there is no use lying because we will know and it won’t add any brownie points to be hiding a active fugitive”
Jazz mutely shook her head, she knew they could tell she was lying by the head shake of disappointment from Superman and the yank toward by Green Lantern
“Have it your way than, we can add the charge of hiding a wanted fugitive and withholding important information about a case” Flash sarcastically spoke from besides her
“Let’s just hurry and get her into a cell please” Black Canary called out already starting to walk out of her hallway toward a open window where they must have entered due to the size of it “I would love to put my efforts into finding the last Fenton to put behind bars, that would be great” and off they went, her stuck in a huge green ball flying towards what she assumed to be their base.
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or-daisy · 2 years
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or-daisy · 2 years
Dp x dc thing since Danny has already beat some of the ancients who are considered God like beings as well as beating pariah dark in single combat which no other being including ancients has done along with becoming the ghost king after that Danny gets viewed as or at least acknowledged as a god slayer. And all the God like beings in the DC universe fear him.
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or-daisy · 2 years
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The San Francisco Examiner, California, February 25, 1935
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or-daisy · 2 years
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or-daisy · 2 years
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Basic Training: Mike Mignola - How to Build a Better Graveyard
Wizard: The Comics Magazine #75 (November 1, 1997) [Wizard: The Guide to Comics #75] 
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or-daisy · 2 years
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A glorious fuck-ton of perspective angle references (per request).
[From various sources.]
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or-daisy · 2 years
Do you mean this photo?
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I’m not convinced that this is the model there use in the game. In the game Ingo moves his hat sometimes in animation. Wouldn’t that mean the scalpel needs to at least curve inward to prevent open spaces?
In PLA your player character is bold. The fact that you can change vastly different hairstyles means the base model of your character is bold. All the hairstyles are just wigs you change out at the barbershop.
Seeing that there is no way they made a entirely different model for the rival character means that the character you didn’t choose aka Akari or Rei is also bold and wearing a wig.
Do with this info what like.
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or-daisy · 2 years
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Can't argue with that logic
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or-daisy · 2 years
Meanwhile, in another universe:
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